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Volltext:I N D E X Page numbers in italics refer to full-page illustrations Page numbers in boldface refer to artists' Statements Abstraction, 146 Aeschylus, 278 Afronet, 41 Agency, 198-199 AIDS, 122-123 Alberti, Leon Battista, 137 Amüsement arcades, 254-256 Anderson, Benedict, 37, 40 Amheim, Rudolf, 78 Art and Virtual Environments Project background, ix—xii Artaud, Antonin, 92 Art galleries, 233 Artificial intelligence, 59 Art, modern, 146 Authorship, 144 Avant-garde, 236-237 Avatars, 199, 228 Bachelard, Gaston, 76 BanfF National Park, 297, 301 Bar code, 288—289 Barlow, John Perry, 1 Bataille, Georges, 120 Bateson, Gregory, 5 Baudrillard, J e a n , 9, 11 Bauer, Will, and Steve Gibson Objects of Ritual, xxi, 176n 34, 177, 178, 271- 274 BBS (Bulletin Board System), 32, 38, 40 Beck, Steve, 239 Begault, Randolph, 82 Beiton, John, 83 Benedikt, Michael, 29, 30 Benjamin, Walter, 19, 54, 192 Berger, John, 192 Bhaba, Homi, 210 Binary Opposition, xxii, 3-4, 6, 30, 35 Bingham, Stephen, 151 Bioapparatus Residency (Banß), x, xix, 22, 52 Bly, Robert, 136, 145 I N D E X Body and Cyberspace, 1 as Information, 5-6 Virtual, 1—26 British Columbia, 317 Bukatman, Scott, 30, 34 Burnham, Jack, 237 Calder, Alexander, 236 Canadian history, 315 Challenger disaster, 131-132 Chodorow, Nancy, 136 Christo. See Javacheff, Christo Colonialism, 184 Comdex, 105 Communication, 29—45 Community, Virtual. See Virtual Community Computer games, 103-117 Constructivism, 237 Couchot, Edmond, 62 Cree (Nation), 179 Cronenberg, David The Fly, 11, 89-90 Cummins, Rebecca To Fall Standing, 264n 19 Cybernetics, xix-xxii, 5, 58-59 Cyberpunk, 5, 57, 62 Cyberspace and body, 1, 4, 14 definition of, 51, 129, 180, 200, 228n 3 ideology of, 180 Cyborg, 26, 142, 282 Dadaism, 237 Dance, 283-285 David-Menard, Monique, 64 Dawkins, Richard, 11 Deleuze, Gilles, 121 DeMarinis, Paul AI and Mary Do the Waltz, 259 The Edison Effect, 234 Fragments jrom Jericho, 255 Derrida, Jacques, 27n 11 Descartes, Rene, 10, 33, 36, 76 Dickson, Stewart. See Scroggins, Michael, and Stewart Dickson Digital Performer (Software), 272 Digitization, 79-82 Discursive formations, 239 Disembodiment, 1-26, 34-35, 73, 87, 281, 307, 384 Donath, Judith, 151 Dove, Toni, 203 The Blessed Ahyss: A Tale of Unmanageable Ecstasies, 219 Mesmer: Secrets of the Human Frame, 219 Dove, Toni, and Michael Mackenzie Archeology of a Mother Tongue, 204, 205, 208, 217-226, 218, 222, 224, 275-279 Druckrey, Timothy, xviii Duchamp, Marcel, 236, 241, 310 Electronic Arts (Company), 107 Environmentalism, 317-318 Etra, Bill, 239 Euripides, 278 334 I N D E X Exploratorium (San Francisco), 233, 260n 1 Feingold, Ken Childhood/Hot and Cold Wars, 234, 235 OU, 254 The Surprising Spiral, 240, 241 Felman, Shoshana, 10 Feminist theory, 30-31, 51-53, 56, 63 Fleischmann, Monika, 78-79 Fluxus movement, 237, 243 Freud, Sigmund, 53-54, 64, 65-67, 165n 20 The Interpretation of Dreams, 55 Sketch of a Scientific Psychology, 66 Games. See Computer games; Video games Gates, Henry Louis, 45n 1 Gender, 12-14, 30-31, 129-148 politics, 3-4 Genetics, 11 Gesture and Media System (GAMS), 272-273 Gibson, Steve. See Bauer, Will, and Steve Gibson Gibson, William, 1, 26, 57, 143, 200 Count Zern, 44 Mona Lisa Overdrive, 44 Neuromancer, 5, 14, 44, 147, 206, 225 Green, Mark, 22 Green, Noah, 38 Greimas, A. J., 6 Grisham, John The Firm, 139 Gromala, Diane J., and Yacov Sharir Dancing with the Virtual Dervish: Virtual Bodies, 85, 87-90, 88, 91, 281-285 Guattari, Felix, 121 Gulf War, xxiii, 121-126, 207 Hall, Stuart, 33 Handa, Shigeyuki, 268n 31 Haraway, Donna, 26, 30 Harding, Sandra, 60 Hayles, N. Katherine, 201, 229n 7 Hayward, Philip, 40 Hearing, 79-82 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 119 Heim, Michael, 38-39, 44-45, 141, 180 Hershman, Lynn, 264n 20 America's Finest, 264n 19 Deep Contact, 241, 242 Room of One's Oum, 249, 250, 251, 256 Hoberman, Perry, 257 Bar Code Hotel, 167, 172, 173n 30, 287-290 Faraday's Gardens, 241 Hoffman, David, 311 Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 251 Homer, 277 Homer, William, 251 Hyperreal, the, 9—10 Hysteria, 66—67 Identity, 31, 53, 153 Indigenous people, 179-193, 315-318 Information theory, 5, 7-8 335 I N D E X Interactivity, 156, 258, 273, 275 Interface, 239—241, 243, 262n 13 Internet, the, xxii, 143 Irigaray, Luce, 56, 57, 64 Iwai, Toshio, 251, 268n 31 Man-Machine TV, 260n 2 Time Stratum 111, 252 James, Henry, 220 James, John, 40 Jameson, Fredric, 10 Jargon, 38 JavachefF, Christo Running Fence, 19 Julien, Isaac, 31 Jung, Carl, 136, 310 Kaminski, Darryl, xi Kehoe, Brendan, 38 Kittler, Friedrich, 86 Klein, Melanie, 124, 163n 12 Klein bottle, 310, 312 Koons, Jeff, 243, 257 Kristeva, Julia, 53-54, 56 Krueger, Myron, 238, 239 Kuivila, Ron VR on $5 a Day, 160, 170, 173n 31, 174, 291-295 Kumao, Heidi, 243 Kurgan, Laura, 204 Kyr, Robert, 204 Lacan, Jacques, 57, 58, 64, 65, 124, 227 Landscape, 195-228, 226-228, 297-298 Lanier, Jaron, 119-121, 126n 1, 127n 2 Laposky, Ben, 238 Lascaux cave paintings, 216 Laurel, Brenda, 14, 26, 152, 266n 27 Laurel, Brenda, and Rachel Strickland Placeholder, 13, 15-21, 16, 18, 20, 210-212, 297-298, 300 La Villette (Paris), 233 Legrady, George An Anecdoted Archive from the Cold War, 261n4 Littlebear, Leroy, 183 Lopez, Barry, 297 Lyotard, Jean-Frangois, 67 MacCannell, Dean, 209 Machines in art, 233-260 Mackenzie, Michael, 203. See also Dove, Toni, and Michael Mackenzie The Baroness and the Pig, 221 Geometry in Venice, 220 Last Comedy, The, 221 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 282 Male identity, 129-148 Man Ray, 236 Mantegna, Andrea Dead Christ, 225 McGee, Art, 41 McGinnis, Cathy, 300 McHale, Brian, 204 McKenna, Terrence, 184 McLuhan, Marshall, 115 Meeks, William, 311 Melanet, 41 336 I N D E X Mercer, Kobena, 31 Metz, Christian, 74 Military use of Virtual reality, 119-126 Mimesis, 9 Mind-body dualism, 33-36, 59, 67, 137, 181, 281 Minsky, Marvin, 121 Möbius strip, 310 Moholy-Nagy, Läszlo, 236, 238 Moravec, Hans, 2, 26 MUD (Multi-User Dungeon), 31-32, 111-112, 202 Museum of the Moving Image (London), 233 Mutation, 10 Naimark, Michael, 203, 264n 20 Field Recording Studies, 197, 204, 210-217, 2/5, 244-246, 245, 251, 299-302 Panoramic and Moviemap Studies in Computer 3-Space, 212-213 Nancy, Jean-Luc, 123, 126 NativeNet, 41 Novak, Marcos Dancing with the Virtual Dervish: Worlds in Progress, 77, 92-95, 94, 303-307 Object relations theory, 152-153, 156— 157 Obsolescence, 287 Ong, Walter, 76 Opera, 274, 277 Oral tradition, 190-192 Paik, Namjune, 257 Pain, 87-92, 282 PARC. See Xerox Palo Alto Research Center Pauline, Mark, 301 Petrillo, James Cinema Volta, 236 Pinney, Christopher, 210 Plato, 180, 207 Point of view (pov), 14, 17, 89, 202 Pollock, Jackson, 146 Popper, Frank, 237 Pornography, 41-42 Postmodemism, 56, 204, 243-244 Poststructuralism, 7, 56 Precipice Theatre, 15, 19 Presence and absence, 7 Proprioception, 21—23 Pryor, Sally, 30, 34-35 Psychoanalytic theory, 52, 54-56, 64, 136, 152-159 Race, 29-45 Radio, 75-78 Randomness, 10, 12 Representation, 31, 51, 58, 62, 151, 155 Rheingold, Howard, 119 Richards, Catherine, xix Spectral Bodies, 21-26, 24, 228 The Virtual Body, 25, 234, 263n 17 Robots, 2 Romanyshyn, Robert, 142 Rotundo, Anthony, 145-146 Rutt, Steve, 239 337 I N D E X Sacks, Oliver, 21-22 Saup, Michael, 239 Scarry, Elaine, 95, 282, 305 Schleifer, Ronald, 6 Schneider, Karen, 37 Schöffer, Nicholas, 238 Schrödinger, Erwin, 5 Schulz, Jeff, 200 Scott, Jill, 30, 34-35, 243 Scroggins, Michael, and Stewart Dickson Topolagical Slide, xi, xx, 309-313 Seawright, James, 238 Seidler, Victor, 137 Semiotic Square, 6-12 Shannon, Claude, 8 Sharir, Yacov. See Gromala, Diane, and Yacov Sharir Shaw, Jeffrey Heaven's Gate, 253, 264n 17 Inuenter la lern, 246-248, 247, 251 Siegel, Eric, 238-239 Siggraph, 256, 267n 30 Sims, Karl, 239 Simulacrum, 9, 19—20 Smart House, the, 5 Snow, C. P., 237 Sobchack, Vivian, 30 Soc.culture.african.american, 40 Sound digitized, 79-82 in Virtual reality, 73-95 Soundtrack, cinema, 83 Space exploration, 129-132 Spain, Daphne, 138 Stepan, Nancy Leys, 3 Stereoscope, 251 Stone, Allucquere Rosanne, 14, 30, 32, 39 Storytelling, 190-192 Strauss, Wolfgang, 78-79 Strickland, Rachel, 26. See also Laurel, Brenda, and Rachel Strickland Structural Film Movement, 267n 28 Subjectivity, 3, 42, 51-58, 63-64, 120, 198, 227 feminine, 52, 56 Sutherland, Ivan, 207 Tamblyn, Christine, 243 She Loves It, She Loves It Not, 236 Tanner, Deborah, 138-139 Tasse, Gilles, 301 Tatlin, Vladimir, 236 Telephony, 73—95 Television, 196-198 commercials, 292 Tenhaaf, Neil, xix Shopping for Value, 61 Terminator, The, 181 Todorov, Tzvetan, 45n 1 Topology, 309-313 Tourism, 209, 214 Tsai, Wen-Ying, 238 Turkle, Sherry, 111-112 Universal Product Code, 289 USENET, 31-32, 40-42 Varese, Edgar L'Astronomie, 92 338 I N D E X Vasulka, Steina, 239, 262n 11 Vasulka, Woody, 239 Brotherhood, 262n 11 Verisimilitude, 84, 207 Vertov, Dziga The Man with the Movie Camera, ix Video games, 103—117, 143, 230n 17 Virilio, Paul, xviii Virtual Community, 32, 37-39, 40, 119-120 Virtuality, defined, 4 VNS Matrix group All New Gen, 258-260 Weaver, Warren, 8 Weibel, Peter, 239 Whittaker, Steven, 35 Wiener, Norbert, xix, 5, 58—59 Williams, Raymond, 196-198, 239, 258 Wilson, Alexander, 209 Winnicott, D. W., 157-158, 163n 12, 164n 15, 165n 17, 175n 32 Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, 6 X-rays, 282 Yuxweluptun, Lawrence Paul, 208 Inherent Rights, Vision Rights, 186—192, 187-190, 315-318 Zeidler, Rüssel, 17 Zoetrope, 251 339
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