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Volltext:Name Index Aduev, Nikolai, 276n Afanasev, Leonid, 116 Agapov, Boris, 34 Aikhenval'd, Iulii, 100 Akhmatova, Anna. See Gorenko, Anna Aksenov, Ivan, 33 Albert-Birot, Pierre, 5 Almada Negreiros, José de, 6 Alomar, Gabriel, 6 Altman, Nikolai, 41nlll Andrade, Mario de, 7 Andrade, Oswald de, 7 Andreev, Leonid, 51, 77, 305n2 Apollinaire, Guillaume, 4 Apollonius of Rhodes, 83 Apukhtin, Aleksei, 88 Arvatov, Boris, 43, 44, 192, 195, 245 Aseev, Nikolai, 30, 31n79, 32, 39, 43, 47, 103n, 104, 161n, 163, 188, 193, 203, 258, 261, 269-71, 276, 332nl Atkinson, L., 5 Averbakh, Lev, 329nl Averchenko, Arkadii, 51, 305-6n3 Babel, Isaak, 44 Balashov, 105 Balla, Giacomo, 2n2 Ballier, A., 311n26 Bal'mont, Konstantin, 34, 51, 64, 77, 92- 93, 124, 191, 305nl Bandeira, Manuel, 7 Barzum, Henri-Martin, 5 Baudelaire, Charles, 26n58,115 Baudouin de Courtenay, Ivan, 180, 321 n4 Beaudouin, Nicolas, 5 Bednyi, Demian. See Pridvorov, Efim Belyi, Andrei. See Bugaev, Boris Benua, Aleksandr, 75, 310n23 Berekelaer, F., 5 Bergson, Henri, 8 Bik, E. P. See Bobrov, Sergei Blasco-Ibânez, Vicente, 173 Blok, Aleksandr, 51, 64, 124, 305n3, 308nl4, 313nn3,5, 330nl Boborykin, Petr Dmitrievich, 225 Bobrov, Sergei [pseud. E. P. Bik], 30-32, 161n, 163, 172n Boccioni, Umberto, 2n2 Bogdanov, Aleksandr. See Malinovskii, A. Bol'shakov, Konstantin, 17, 26n61, 28- 30, 32,168 Bomberg, D., 5 Bozhidar. See Gordeev, Bogdan Brecheret, Victor, 7 Brecht, Bertholt, 26n58 Brik, Lilia, 43nll6, 48nl33 Brik, Osip, 39nl08, 41, 43, 47, lOOn, 192, 195, 203, 276, 282, 283, 285, 300, 302, 325n3, 332nl Briusov, Valerii, 61, 75, 77, 81, 85, 101, 115, 116, 119, 124, 151, 237, 251, 305nl, 310nl4, 311n3 341 342 Name Index Brzekowski, Jan, 6 Bugaev, Boris [pseud. Andrei Belyi], 27n66, 31,146,191, 194, 330nl Bukharin, Nikolai, 194, 261, 268 Bunin, Ivan, 51, 257, 305n3, 326n2 Burliuk, David, 7, 12, 14, 17, 20, 22, 24, 40, 43, 54, 57, 59, 60, 85, 95n, 124, 191, 192, 204, 206, 282, 300, 319n4, 322n3, 324nl6 Burliuk, Nikolai, 12, 14, 19, 54, 57, 282, 291, 322n3 Burliuk, Vladimir, 12, 54, 57, 95n, 307nl Buzzi, Paolo, 2n2 Calarne, Alexandre, 97 Callimachus, 83 Campos, Alvaro de, 6 Cangiullo, Francesco, 2n2 Cansinos Assens, Rafael, 7 Carra, Carlo, 2n2 Cavacchioli, Enrico, 2n2 Cendrars, Blaise, 5 Chagall, Marc, 37n98, 41nlll Chaikovskii, Petrll'ich, 114, 312n6 Chekhov, Anton, 305n2 Cherniavskii, Nikolai, 36n93, 177 Chernyi, Sasha. See Glikberg, Aleksandr Chicherin, Aleksei, 257 Chirikov, Evgenii, 77 Chukovskii, Kornei, 85,122, 218, 312n2 Chulkov, Georgii, 124, 191 Chuzhak, Nikolai. See Nasimovich, Nikolai Claudel, Paul, 2 Cocteau, Jean, 5 Czyzewski, Tytus, 5 Dal', Vladimir, 180 D'Alba, Auro, 2n2 D'Annunzio, Gabriele, 173 Dantas, Julio, 6nl3 Dante Alighieri, 170 Degen, Iurii, 35n90 Deglaus, Augustus, 173 Depero, Fortunato, 2n2 Derzhavin, Gavriil, 113 Diagilev, Sergei, 310n23 Di Cavalcanti, 7 Dostoevskij, Fedor, 19, 51, 73, 305-6n3, 308nl5 Duhamel, Georges, 26n58 Dürer, Albrecht, 83, 311n4 Egert, Iurii [pseud. Egyx], 319n4 Egyx. See Egert, Iurii Eikhenbaum, Boris, 282, 285, 287, 299, 325n3 Eisenstein, Sergei, 11, 44, 47, 323n9 Ekster, Aleksandra, 322n3 Ellis. See Kobylinskii, E. E. Esenin, Sergei, 269, 325n2 Etchelles, F., 5 Evreinov, Nikolai, 10, 34 Fadeev, Aleksandr, 329nl Falk, R„ 322n3 Fedin, Konstantin, 324n21 Fedorov, N. F., 83 Fet, Afanasii. See Shenshin, Afanasii Filonov, Pavel, 10nl7 Fofanov, Konstantin K. [pseud. Konstan­tin Olimpov], 21n43, 23, 109, 115, 122, 315nl6 Fofanov, Konstantin M., 21, 109, llOn, 115, 331n2 Folgore, Luciano, 2n2 Fonvizen, D., 322n4 Fonvizin, Denis, 321n3 Freud, Sigmund, 230 Friche, Vladimir, 205 Gaer, Georgii. See Shershenevich, Vadim Gastev, Aleksei, 44, 214 Gauguin, Paul, 83 Gauss, Karl, 105 Gendzhian, Akob [pseud. Kara-Darvish], 34 George, Stefan, 172 Gippius, Zinaida [pseud. Anton Krainii], 124, 126,191, 322n2 Gladkov, Fedor, 329nl Glikberg, Aleksandr [pseud. Sasha Cher­nyi], 51, 305-6n3 Gnedov, Vasilisk (Vasilii), 23, 77,123, 124, 127 Gogol', Nikolai, 19, 61, 305-6n3, 317n22, 330nl Gómez de la Sema, Ramon, 6 Goncharova, Natalia, 14, 62, 308n3, 320n6, 322nn.3,4 Gordeev, Bogdan [pseud. Bozhidar], 104 Gorenko, Anna [pseud. Anna Akhmatova], 194, 299 Gor'kii, Maksim. See Peshkov, Aleksei Gorodetskii, Sergei, 34, 39, 86, 192, 321n3 Name Index 343 Govoni, Corrado, 2n2 Graal-Arelskii. See Petrov, Stepan Grossman-Roshchin, Iuda, 274, 275, 277, 278 Grot, Iakov Karlovich, 180, 321n5 Gruzinov, Ivan, 325n2 Gudiashvili, Lado, 34 Gumilev, Nikolai, 86, 192, 324n20 Guro, Elena. See Notenberg, Elena von Halas, Frantishek, 6 Hamilton, C., 5 Hamsun, Knut, 173, 219, 321n2 Hidalgo, Alberto, 7 Huidobro, Vicente, 7 Hu-shi, 8 Iablonovskii, Aleksandr, 87 Iakhontov, 263 Iakubinskii, Lev, 217-19, 282, 285, 295, 321n4, 325n3 Iashvili, Paul, 34 Ibânez, Vicente Blasco. See Blasco- Ibânez, Vicente Ignat'ev, Ivan. See Kazanskii, Ivan Iushkevich, Semen, 257 Ivanov, George (Georgii), 21n43, 109 Ivanov, Viacheslav, 315nl3 Ivanov, Vsevolod, 324n21 Ivnev, Riurik. See Kovalev, Mikhail Jakobson, Roman, 217, 221, 224, 282-85, 290, 325n3 Janco, Marcel, 6 Jankowski, Jerzy, 5 Jarry, Alfred, 2 Jasienski, Bruno, 5 Joly, August, 5 Kachalov, V. I., 263 Kakabadze, David, 34 Kamenskii, Vasilii, 12,14,15, 17, 34, 36n94, 40, 44, 191-93, 203, 205, 226, 245, 258, 261 Kandinskii, Vasilii, 192, 322n3 Kant, Immanuel, 75 Kara-Darvish. See Gendzhian, Akob Karamzin, Nikolai, 241 Kassak, Lajos, 6 Kataev, Valentin, 44, 257 Katsumi, Ikada, 7 Kaverin, Veniamin, 324n21 Kazanskii, Ivan [pseud. Ivan Ignat'ev], 22-24, 29, 30, 77, 113, 115, 116, 123, 124, 126, 127, 162, 306n2 Keleinik. See Kriuchkov, Dmitrii Khlebnikov, Velimir (Viktor), 12-15, 17- 20, 25, 29, 30, 32, 39, 44, 52, 54, 55, 57, 62, 69n, 74, 82, 84-86, 124, 162n, 168, 191, 203-5, 207, 217, 218, 223, 227, 229, 230, 251, 282, 283, 287, 289, 291-93, 295, 298, 300, 306n3, 306nn.2,4, 309n5, 310n8 Khodasevich, Vladislav, 185 Khovin, Viktor, 24n55 Khrisanf. See Zak, Lev Khudakov, S., 310nl9 Kirsanov, Semen, 46, 258 Kliun, Ivan, 90n, 313nl Kobylinskii, E. E. [pseud. Ellis], 113 Kogan, Petr, 100, 313nl Konchalovskii, P., 322n3 Konovalov, D. G., 308n2 Kornfel'd, 112 Kosovel, Srecko, 6 Kovalev, Mikhail [pseud. Riurik Ivnev], 26n61, 30, 129, 325n2 Krainii, Anton. See Gippius, Zinaida Kranikhfeld, Vladimir, 316nl Kravkov, Sergei, 230, 328n29 Kriuchkov, Dmitrii [pseud. Keleinik], 23n51, 123, 124 Kruchenykh, Aleksei, 9, 10,12-16, 18, 20, 34, 35, 36nn93,94, 37-39, 44, 52, 54, 57, 58, 60, 62, 85, 86,177,178-81, 191, 192, 203-5, 207, 217, 219, 221-29, 242, 287, 289-91, 293, 295-98, 300, 306n3, 307nnl,ll, 308n3, 326n6 Krylov, Ivan, 317n2, 322n2 Kryzhitskii, K. Ia., 96 Kuidzhii, A. I., 96 Kul'bin, Nikolai, 19, 64, 65n, 68, 282, 306n2 Kuo-Mo-jo, 8 Kuprin, Aleksandr, 51, 77, 114, 305n3 Kushner, Boris, 43, 47, 195 Kusikov, Anton, 325n2 Kuzmin, Mikhail, 21n44, 51, 305-6n3, 313n3 Laforgue, Jules, 26n58 Lagerkvist, Per, 6 Larionov, Mikhail, 14, 62, 64, 308n3, 310nl9, 320n6, 322nn3,4 Lavinskii, Anton Mikhailovich, 192 344 Name Index Lecomte, E., 5 Lenin, Vladimir II'ich, 41, 267 Lentulov, A., 95n, 322n3 Lermontov, Mikhail, 71, 92, 105, 208, 307nl0, 308nl5 Lewis, Wyndam, 5 Lezhnev, A., 261 Libedinskii, Iurii, 329nl Linder, Max, 251 Livshits, Benedikt, 12, 16n29, 17, 20, 29, 54, 57, 85, 86, 146, 293-94, 298 Lobachevskii, Nikolai, 105 Lokhvitskaia, Mirra, 21, 109 Lomonosov, Mikhail, 309n3 Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 218 Lotarev, Igor [pseud. Igor Severianin], 20-25, 28, 29, 77, 85, 86, 101, 109, 113, 115, 119-22, 124, 162, 192, 204, 238, 312n3, 314nl Lotman, Iurii, 286n21 Lukash, Ivan S. [pseud. Ivan Oredezh], 115, 316n9 Lunacharskii, Anatolii, 41, 232, 239, 253, 255, 261 Maiakovskii, Vladimir, 10, 12, 14, 15, 17, 19, 20, 24-26, 29, 30, 32, 39, 40, 41, 43, 47, 48, 52, 54, 57, 58, 85-87, 124, 162n, 168, 188, 191, 192, 195, 203-5, 207, 209, 227, 235, 239, 241-43, 253, 257, 258, 261, 269-71, 275, 276, 283, 291, 292, 295, 298, 300, 302, 312n4, 323n9, 324nnl3,16, 332nl Makovskii, Sergei, 86 Malevich, Kazimir, 10nl7, 41nlll, 57, 65n, 69n, 90n, 322n4 Malfatti, Anita, 7 Malinovskii, A. [pseud. Aleksandr Bog-danov], 323nl0 Mallarmé, Stéphane, 165, 172 Mandelstam, Osip, 34 Mann, Heinrich, 173 Mann, Thomas, 173 Mariengof, Anatolii, 325n2 Marinetti, Filippo Tommaso, 1-6, lln20, 13, 16-17, 19, 20, 25, 26-28, 45, 106, 113, 151,162, 192, 238-39, 251, 311nl, 318n2 Markov, Vladimir, 308nl5, 309n3 Mashkov, I., 322n3 Masuo, Uebayashi, 7 Matisse, Henri, 37n98 Matiushin, Mikhail, 10nl7, 69n, 307nl Matos, Antun Gustav, 6 Matveevich, Ivan. See Miatlev, Ivan Ma-tveevich MeierkhoTd, Vsevolod, 10, 44,193, 205, 303 Mel'nikova, Sofiia, 35 Merezhkovskii, Dmitrii, 322n2 Miasoedov, S., 55, 306n3, 310nl7, 321n3 Miatlev, Ivan Matveevich, 218-19, 326n6 Milev, Geo, 6 Milliet, Sergio, 7 Minskii, N„ 116, 331n2 Miyoshi, Nakajima, 7 Montgolfier, Joseph, 105 Morgunov, A., 322n4 Nadson, Semen, 174, 205, 325n3 Nasimovich, Nikolai [pseud. Nikolai Chuzhak], 43, 46, 47, 193, 195, 239, 274, 331nl Nedolya, L., 259 Nekrasov, Nikolai, 241, 244, 332 Neumann, Stanislav, 6 Nezval, Vitezlav, 6 Nietzsche, Friedrich, 8 Nikolskaia, Tat'iana, 36n94 Nizen, Katherine, 54 Notenberg, Elena von [pseud. Elena Guro], 14, 54, 57, 58, 69n, 73, 74, 307nl Obolenskii, Valerian [pseud. N. Os-inskii], 194 Olesha, Iurii, 257 Olimpov, Konstantin. See Fofanov, Kon­stantin K. Oredezh, Ivan. See Lukash, Ivan S. Orliac, A., 5 Osinskii, N. See Obolenskii, Valerian Palazzeschi, Aldo, 11 Pal'mov, 193 Papini, Giovanni, 11 Pasternak, Boris, 30-32, 39, 44, 161n, 163, 203-5, 300 Peeter, J., 5 Peiper, Tadeusz, 5 Peshkov, Aleksei [pseud. Maksim Gorikii], 51, 77, 219, 270, 271, 305nn2,3 Pestovskii, Vladimir [pseud. Vladimir Piast], 312n6 Petnikov, Grigorii, 32, 103n, 104 Name Index 345 Petrov, Stepan [pseud. Graal-Arelskii], 21, 109, llOn Piasi, Vladimir. See Pestovskii, Vladimir Picasso, Pablo, 33, 37n98 Pil'niak, Boris. See Vogau, Boris Pinho Henriques, José M., 7 Pinkerton, Nat, 194 Pintor, Santa Rita, 6 Pisarev, Dimitrii, 332n7 Plato, 75 Platov, Fedor, 33 Podbevsek, Anton, 6 Pokrovsky, E. A., 327nl4 Polic-Kamov, Janko, 6 Polivanov, E. D., 321n4, 325n3 Polonskii, Viacheslav, 261, 263, 267, 275- 78 Potebnia, Aleksandr, 27n66, 285nl4 Pound, Ezra, 5 Premru, Vladimir, 6 Pridvorov, Efim [pseud. Demian Bed-nyij, 185 Propper, S. M., 79 Przybyszewski, Stanislaw, 173 Przybos, Julian, 5 Puni, Ivan, 41nlll, 254 Punin, Nikolai, 41nlll Pushkin, Aleksandr, 15, 21, 38, 45, 47, 51, 55, 70, 77, 85, 87, 90-92, 105, 113, 140n, 141, 150, 206, 208, 209, 218, 224, 237, 244, 263, 266, 299, 301, 313n7 Raskol'nikov, Fedor, 277 Red'ko, Aleksandr, 75, 316nl Rembrandt, 273 Remizov, Aleksei, 51, 305-6n3, 313n3 Repin, Il'ia, 101, 314n4 Rilke, Rainer Maria, 172 Rimbaud, Jean-Arthur, 20, 26n58, 83, 172, 307nl3 Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolai, 114 Robakidze, Grigol, 34 Roberts, W., 5 Rodchenko, Aleksandr, 44, 47,192, 332nl Rodov, S., 248 Rok, Riurik, 325n2 Roshchin, Judas. See Grossman- Roshchin, Iuda Rossiianskii, M. M. See Zak, Lev Rozanov, Vasilii, 191, 219, 322n2 Rozanova, Olga, 14, 34, 57, 64, 307nl Russolo, Luigi, 2n2, 9 St-Point, Valentine de, 5 Saint-Saëns, Camille, 114 Samokish, N., 101 Sant'Elia, Antonio, 2n2, 9 Schiller, Friedrich, 316n3 Seifert, Jaroslav, 6 Sel'vinskii, Il'ia, 323n9 Severianin, Igor. See Lotarev, Igor Severini, Gino, 2n2, 4n7 Shakespeare, William, 26n58 Shengeli, George, 257 Shenshin, Afanasii [pseud. Afanasii Fet], 71 Shershenevich, Vadim [pseud. Georgii Gaer], 3n6, 17, 26-32, 124-25, 168-71, 192, 204, 331 Shirokov, Pavel, 23,116, 123 Shiskov, V., 65, 72 Shklovskii, Victor, 44, 47, 217-19, 282- 85, 291, 294, 296-99, 304, 325n3, 326n5, 327nnl4,15 Shterenberg, David, 41nlll Siniakova-Urechina, Mariia, 104 Siniakova-Urechina, Oksana, 314n2 Skaldon, A., 116 Sobolev, Yurii, 271 Soffici, Ardengo, 11 Sologub, Fedor. See Teternikov, Fedor Solov'ev, Vladimir, 92, 305n3 Souza Cardoso, Amadeo de, 6 Stalin, Iosif, 48 Steinach, Eugen, 230, 328n29 Stella, Joseph, 7 Suvorov, Aleksandr, 114, 315nl4 Sviderskii, A. I., 277, 332nl2 Tabidze, Titsian, 34 Tairov, Aleksandr, 10, 330n8 Talnikov, Dimitrii, 270, 271, 332n6 Tatlin, Vladimir, 193, 322nn3,4 Taylor, Frederick, 230 Terent'ev, Igor, 15, 34—36, 38, 39, 44, 177 Teternikov, Fedor [pseud. Fedor Sol­ogub], 51, 77, 85, 92, 116, 119, 124, 305-6n3, 319nl, 321n3, 329nl Tiutchev, Fedor, 71, 174 Tolstoi, Lev, 47, 51, 61, 218, 273, 283nll, 313n6 Tomashevskii, Boris, 299n53 Torataro, Hachimori, 7 Torre, Guillermo de, 7 Tred'iakovskii, Vasilii, 70, 309n3 Trener, Konstantin, 331n2 346 Name Index Tret'iakov, Sergei, 26n61, 39, 43-45, 47, 193, 195, 203, 258, 261, 300-3, 324nl6, 332nl Trotsky, Leon, 46 Turgenev, Ivan, 61, 88 Tynianov, Iurii, 44, 282, 283, 286, 288, 291, 294, 298, 299 Uspenskii, Petr, 70 Vechorka, Tat'iana, 35, 39, 39nl07 Verhaeren, Emile, 2,122, 251 Verlaine, Paul, 172 Vertov, Dziga, 11, 44, 47, 323n9, 332nl4 Veselovskii, Aleksandr, 27n66, 285nl4 Vildrac, Charles, 26n58 Villa-Lobos, Hector, 7 Villon, François, 26n58 Vinea, Ion, 6 Vinokur, Grigorii, 219, 228, 229, 244 Vittfogel, 203 Vogau, Boris [pseud. Boris PiTniak], 194 Volkov, Mikhail, 219 Voltaire (François Marie Arouet), 151 Voronskii, Aleksandr, 261 Wadsworth, E., 5 Waiden, Herwarth, 5 Weber, Max, 7 Wells, H. G. 20,106 Whitman, Walt, 122, 312n2, 315nl9 Wierzynski, Kasimir, 5 Wilde, Oscar, 115,173 Veats, W. B„ 2 Zak, Lev [pseuds. Khrisanf, M. M. Rossiianskii], 26, 27, 137, 142, 144-47, 318n4 Zamiatin, Evgenii, 324n21 Zavada, Vilem, 6 Zayas, Marius de, 7 Zdanevich, U'ia, 10, 15, 30n78, 34-38, 163, 320n6 Zdanevich, Kirill, 34, 35, 39 Zelinskii, Kornelii, 323n9 Zharov, 269 Zola, Emile, 174 Zoshchenko, Mikhail, 324n21 Title Index "Abbasso il tango e il Parsifal" (Down with tango and Parsifal), 311-12nl "About Mystical Anarchism" (O mis-ticheskom anarkhizme), 322n2 "About the Poetic Combination of Glos-semes" (O poeticheskom glos-semosochetanii), 219 "About Poetry and Transrational Lan­guage" (O Poezii i zaumnom iazyke), 218 "About Trash" (O driani), 332n3 "Academy of Ego-Poetry" (Akademiia Ego-Poezii), 113 "Accumulation of Identical Liquids in Practical and in Poetic Language" (Skoplenie odinakovykh plavnykh v prakticheskom i poeticheskom iazykakh), 285, 295n42 Action (Tett), 6 "Ahead at Full Speed" (Galopom vpered), 321n4 All Melodies (Vse napevy), 318n4 All Moscow (Vsia Moskva), 192 Alwayser, The (Vsegdai), 125, 127, 128 "Among Aspirations to the Unknown and the Inscrutable" (Sredi ustremlenii k neponiatnomu i nepostizhnomu), 310n23 "Angel, The" (Angel), 307nl0, 313n4 Anna Akhmatova, 282 "Antitradition futuriste, L' " (Futurist antitradition), 4 Apocalypse in Russian Literature (Ap-okalipsis v russkoi literature), 184n Apollon, 84,116, 312n6 Archaists and Innovators (Arkhaisty i nova-tory), 283nl0, 299 "Archaists and Pushkin, The " (Arkhaisty i Pushkin), 299n53 Archer, The (Strelets), 96 "Arctic Balsam" 142 "Art as Device" (Iskusstvo kak priem), 294n41 Art of the Commune, The (Iskusstvo kom-muny), 41, 193, 253, 269 "At the Foot of the African Idol" (U pod-nozhiia afrikanskogo idola), 310n23, 316nl Automobile Gait (Avtomobil'ia postup'), 29, 148 Avens, V, 6 Backbone Flute, The (Fleita-bozvonochnik), 283 Bathhouse, The (Bania), 10nl7 Battle of Tripoli, The (Bitva u Tripoli), 28n70 Battleship Potemkin (Bronenosets Potem-kin), 323n9 Bear Hunt: Scenes from a Lyrical Comedy (Medvezh'ia okhota: Stseny iz liricheskoi komedii), 332n2 Bedbug, The (KIop), 10nl7 347 348 Title Index Bells of the Cathedral of Feelings, The (Kolokola sobora chuvstv), 23n48 "Black Lover, The" (Chernyi liubir'), 309n5 "Bobeobi Sang the Mouth" (Bobeobi pelis' guby), 311nl, 326nl Bogeyman of Russian Literature, The (Buka russkoi literatury), 221 Brachiopod (Rukonog), 30, 31, 161, 162n, 166n Brightness (Iar'), 321n3 Brooks Full of Lilies (Ruch'i v liliiakh), 22 Brothers Karamazov, The (Brat'ia Ka-ramazovy), 316n26 Business (Biznes), 276n Calendar (Kalendar'), 187n, 328n27 Candifed] Rait], A (Zasakhare kry), 121, 127, 316nl4 Carmina, 149 Cherubim Whistle, The (Kheruvimy svistiat), 36n96 Childhood (Detstvo), 327n8 Children's Games, Principally Russian, 327nl4 Citizen, The (Zemshchina), 114 "Civilian Shrapnel, A" (Shtatskaia shrapnel'), 323n6 "Cloud in Trousers, A" (Oblako v shtanakh), 192, 207, 239, 283, 292-93 "Cockerel of Wisdom, The" (Petukh mudrosti), 74 Collected Works (Sobranie sochinenii) (Khlebnikov), 328n25 Collections on the Theory of Poetic Language (Sborniki po teorii poeticheskogo iazyka), 282n4, 283 "Connection of Devices of Plot Forma­tion with General Devices of Style, The" (Sviaz' priemov suzhetoslozheniia s obshchimi pri-emami stilia), 297 Contemporary (Contemporanul), 6 Contemporary World (Sovremennyi mir), 316nl Cornfield (Niva), 76, 84 Crane, The (ZhuravT), 19 Created Legend, The (Tvorimaia legenda), 321n3, 329nl Creation (Tvorchestvo), 43, 193 Creations (Tvoreniia), 19n35 Crematorium of Common Sense (Krematorii zdravomysliia), 144n, 318n4 Crime and Punishment (Prestuplenie i nakazanie), 321n3 Croaked Moon, The (Dokhlaia luna), 12n22, 29n72, 35n89, 58, 226, 295n44, 308nl8 Dead Souls (Mertvye dushi), 321n3, 330nl Death to Art (Smert' iskusstvu), 23n52, 127, 128 "Dedication" (Posviashchenie), 320n9 "Destruction of Syntax-Wireless Imagi­nation- Liberated Words" (Distruzione della sintassi-immaginazione senza fili-parole in libertà), 3n4 De vulgari eloquentia, 170 Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Lan­guage (Tolkovyi slovar' zhivogo velikorusskogo iazyka), 321n4 Dictionary of the Russian Language, The (Slovar' russkogo iazyka), 321n5 "Doctrines of Universal Ego-Futurism, The" (Doktriny vselenskogo Ego-futur-isma), 116 Donkey for Rent (Asel naprakat), 35n91 Donkey's Tail and the Target, The (Oslinyi khvost i mishen'), 74, 310nl9 Dostoevsky and Gogol: Toward a Theory of Parody (Dostoevskii i Gogol': K teorii parodii), 299 Duck's Nest of Bad Words (Utinoe gnezdyshko durnykh slov), 64 "dyr bui shchyl" 13, 60, 68, 74, 88, 93, 137, 179, 221, 289, 296 Eagles over the Abyss (Orly nad pro-past'iu), 20, 112n, 126 Easter Island (Ostraf Paskhi), 35n91 "Ego-Futurists and Cubo-Futurists" (Ego-futuristy i Kubo-futuristy), 312n2 "Elephants Fought with Tusks so That, The" (Slony bilis' bivniami tak), 292n36 Enchanted Wanderer, The (Ocharovannyi strannik), 24n55 Essay on the History of Contemporary Rus­sian Literature (Ocherki po istorii noveishei russkoi literatury), 313nl Eugene Onegin, (Evgenii Onegin), 91, 138, 262 "Eugene Onegin: Pushkin and Sterne" (Evgenii Onegin: Pushkin i Sterne), 299n53 Title Index 349 Evening Moscow (Vecherniaia Moskva), 271 "Everyday Apollon and the Exotic Apol­lon, The" (Apollon budnichnyi i Apol­lon cherniavyi), 311n26 Explodity (Vzorval'), 58, 64, 74, 178 "Extra Poeza" (Poeza vne abonementa), 316n26 Extravagant Scent Bottles (Ekstravagantnye flakony), 318n5 Feast during the Plague, A (Pir vo vremia chumy), 140n "Fêtes de la faim" (Feasts of hunger), 307nl3 Fiesco Conspiracy in Genoa, The, 316n3 15 Years of Russian Futurism (15 let rus-skogo futurizma), 36n94 Figaro, Le, 1 "Finland" (Finliandiia), 58 First Journal of Russian Futurists (Pervyi zhurnal russkikh futuristov), 29, 30, 162, 163, 291, 320n7 500 New Witticisms and Puns of Pushkin (500 novykh ostrot i kalamburov Push-kina), 38nl04, 312nl "Following the . . (Sledom za . . .), 124 "For an October in the Theater" (Za tea-tral'nyi Oktiabr'), 258 41°, 177n "Founding and Manifesto of Futurism, The" (Fondazione e manifesto del Fu­turismo), 1-4, 318n2 "Free Art as Life's Foundation" (Svobod-noe iskusstvo kak osnova zhizni), 309n4 Free Directions (Volne Smery), 284nl2 "From Fatigue" (Ot ustalosti), 295n44 "From Street to Street" (Iz ulitsy v ul-itsu), 325nl "Futurians" (Budetliane), 323n6 "Futurisme et la philosophie, Le" (Futur­ism and philosophy), 5 "Futurismo, El" (Futurism), 6 Futurism without a Mask (Futurizm bez maski), 17n32, 27, 319n4 Futurist Gazette (Gazeta Futuristov), 40 Futurists (Futuristy), 312n2 Futurists. "Hylaea." Crooked Moon (Fu­turisty. "Gileia." Dokhlaia luna), 12n22 "Futurists Are the Language Builders, The" (Futuristy-stroiteli iazyka), 219 Futurist School of Japan (Nihon mirai-ha), 7 "Geometrical and Mechanical Splendor and the Numerical Sensibility" (Lo splendore geometrico e meccanico e la sensibilità numerica), 3n5 Gifts to Adonis (Dary Adonisu), 127, 129 "Girl Sang in the Church Choir, The" (Devushka pela v tserkovnom khore), 290n31 Glass Chains (Stekliannye tsepi), 116, 126 Green Street (Zelenaia ulitsa), 28, 29, 150, 155n Griffin, The (Grif), 121 Heart in a Glove (Serdtse v perchatke), 320n9 Heights, The (Vershiny), 96 Hunger, 321n2 I (la), 116 "Ice Cream of Lilacs" (Morozhenoe iz sireni), 20 "Immortal, The" (Immortel), 320n9 "Incantation by Laughter" (Zakliatie smekhom), 12, 282, 291, 306nn2,4, 328n22 "In Defense of the Sociological Method" (V zashchitu sotsiologicheskogo metoda), 283nll Inspector General, The, (Revizor), 317n22 "It's Too Early to Rejoice" (Radovat'sia rano), 253 "Ivan the Terrible Kills His Son" 314n4 Izvestiia, 261, 275 Kalevala, 218 Kino, 331n3 Kiss of Mary Pickford, The (Potselui Meri Pikford), 331n3 Komsomol'skaia Pravda, 274 Lacerba, 11 Ladomir, 207 Lay of Igor's Campaign, The (Slovo o polku Igoreve), 70, 309n2 Learn Art (Uchites' khudogi), 322n5 Ledentu as a Beacon (lidantYU fAram), 35n91 350 Title Index Lef, 39, 42-44, 47, 203, 244, 245, 283, 299-302, 304 "Left March, The" (Levyi marsh), 253 "Legend of the Grand Inquisitor" 322n2 "Leo Tolstoy's War and Peace" (Voina i mir L'va Tolstogo), 283nll Let's Grumble (Vozropshchem), 74, 93, 296 "Letter from a Country House" (Pis'mo iz usad'by), 312n3 Library for Reading (Biblioteka dlia chteniia), 327n20 "Life and Works of Arthur Rimbaud" (Zhizn' i tvorchestvo Artiura Rembo), 31n81 Life of Art (Zhizn' iskusstva), 263 "Like Midges at Dawn" (Kak moshki zareiu), 310nll "Literary Comments" (Literaturnye otkliki), 316nl Literature and Marxism (Literatura i mark-sizm), 325n2 Literature and Revolution (Literatura i re-voliutsiia), 46 Literature of Fact, The (Literatura fakta), 47nl30, 324nl6 Literature: Theory, Criticism, Polemics (Lite­ratura: Teoriia, kritika, polemika), 287n2, 299n53 "Little Gang of Cursers, A" (Gurebka proklenushkov), 129 Liubov' lanovaia, 331n2 Made-up Beauty, The (Razgrimirovannaia krasavitsa), 270 Mafarka, the Futurist (Futurist Mafarka), 28n70 "Magic of Words, The" (Magiia slov), 27n66 Magnificent Witness, The (Velikolepnyi ochevidets), 29n75 "Malusha's Granddaughter" (Vnuchka Malushi), 35n89, 307n2, 310n9 Man (Chelovek), 207, 257 "Manifeste de la femme futuriste" (Man­ifesto of the futurist woman), 5 "Manifeste futuriste de la luxure" (Futur­ist manifesto of lust), 5 "Manifesto Anti-Dantas" 6 Manifestoes of Italian Futurism (Manifesty i programmy ital'ianskogo futurizma), 28n70, 318n3 Manifesty i programmy russkikh futuristov (Manifestoes and programs of the Rus­sian futurists), 308nl5, 309n3 "Marquise Dezes'" 310n8 "Matter of Corpse, A" (Delo o trupe), 261 "Mayakovsky's Syntax" (O sintaksise Maiakovskogo), 245 Melancholy in a Robe (Malakholiia v ka-pote), 181 Melodies of Russian Lyrical Verse (Melodika russkogo liricheskogo stikha), 282, 285 "Melo-letera: Graph" 128 Messenger of Éurope (Vestnik Evropy), 327n20 Milk of Mares, The (Moloko kobylits), 24n54 "Misplaced Rhymes" (Neumestnye rifmy), 126 Missal of the Three, The (Trebnik troikh), 88, 308nl8 "Mocking Ignat'ev's Work" (Nasmeshka nad delom Ignat'eva), 319nl Mystery-Bouffe (Misteriia-buff), 10nl7, 193, 204 Nalitpost. See On Literary Guard Nervie, La, 5 "New Currents in Russian Poetry: The Futurists" (Novye techeniia v russkoi poezii: Futuristy), 311n2 New Lef (Novyi Lef), 45, 47, 249, 265, 270, 275-76, 279, 283, 299, 302, 304 New Times, 124 (Novoe vremia) New Way (Novyi put'), 322n2 "New Ways of the Word" (Novye puti slova), 298 New Youth (Hsin ch'ing), 8 Nizhny Novgorodian, The (Nizhegorodets), 113 Northern Morning (Severnee utro), 114 Notes on Pushkin's Poetics (Ocherki po po-etike Pushkina), 299n53 "Now the Giaours Celebrate Istanbul" (Stambul giaury nynche slaviat), 326n4 "Now, to the Americas" (Teper' k Amer-ikam), 323n6 Observer, 5 October (Oktiabr'), 331nl Old-Time Love (Starinnaia liubov'), 64 "Onan" 129 Title Index 351 On Czech Verse, Primarily in Comparison with Russian (O chekhskom stikhe pre-imushchestvenno v sopostavlenii s russkim), 282, 285 One and a Half-Eyed Archer, The (Pol-utoroglazii strelets), 16n29, 17n31 "On Literary Evolution" (O literaturnoi evoliutsii), 298 On Literary Guard (Na literaturnom postu), 275, 332nll "On Poetry and Transrational Lan­guage" (O poezii i zaumnon iazyke), 285 "On the Literary Fact" (O literaturnom fakte), 283 "On the Lyric Theme" (O liricheskoi teme), 164 "On the Road" (Na doroge), 306n3, 310nl7, 321n3 Orange Urn, The (Oranzhevaia urna), llOn, 115, 122, 126 "Order to the Army of the Arts" (Prikaz po armii iskusstv), 253 "Ordinary People" (Riadovye liudi), 120 Organ-Grinder, The (Sharmanka), 73 Orpheu, 6 Overzicht, Het, 5 "People in a Landscape" (Liudi v peizazhe), 318n3 Patches of Earth Free of Snow (Vesennye protalinki), 318n5 Peta, 33 Petersburg Herald (Peterburgskii glashatai), 22, 24n54, 25, 112n, 113-16, 122,126 Petty Demon (Melkii bes), 305-6n3, 319nl Picasso and Environs (Pikasso i okresnosti), 33n86 Piglets (Porosiata), 307n8 Pineapples in Champagne (Ananasy v shampanskom), 20 "Poem of Annihilation" (Poema ist-rebleniia), 319n2 "Poem of the End" (Poema kontsa), 23 Poesia (Poetry), 2, 113 "Poet and the Crowd, The" (Poet i tolpa), 313n7 Poet and Tsar (Poet i tsar'), 263, 331n3 Poetics (Poetika), 282 Poetics: Collections of the Theory of Poetic Language (Poetika: Sborniki po teorii poeticheskogo iazyka), 282 Poetics of Cinema, The (Poetika kino), 295n43 Poeti Futuristi, 1 (The futurist poets), 307n5 "Poet-Worker" (Poet-rabochii), 253 "Poltava" 150 Pomade (Pomada), 13, 93, 307nll Portugal futurista, 6 Pravda, 234, 324n20 Prelude by a Suicide (Introduktsiia samoubiitsy), 318n4 "Premises of Futurism" (Predposylki fu-turizma), 282 Present, The (Nastoiashchee), 270 Press and Revolution (Pechat' i revoliut-siia), 245, 325n2 "Princess Cuttlefish" (Kniazhna Ka-rakatitseva), 318n4 Princesse Lointaine, La (Dream Princess), 115 Problem of Verse Language, The (Problema stikhotvornogo iazyka), 282, 286, 294 "Problems of Cinema Styiistics" (Prob-lemy kinostilistiki), 295n43 Problems of Life (Voprosy zhizni), 322n2 "Proclama futurista a los Espanoles" (Fu­turist proclamation to the Spaniards), 6 Prologue Ego-Futurism (Prolog eco-futur-izm), 21, 109n, 113 Prometeo, 6 "Purple Trance, A" (Fioletovyi trans), 22 "Pushkin's Path toward Prose" (Put' Pushkina k proze), 299n53 Quosego, 6 Recent Russian Poetry (Noveishaia rus-skaia poeziia), 224, 282-84 Record of Tenderness (Rekord nezhnosti), 36n97 Red Gazette, The (Krasnaia gazeta), 266 Red Virgin Soil (Krasnaia nov'), 277, 330n2, 332n6 "Religious Ecstasy in the Russian Mysti­cal Sects" (Religioznyi ekstaz v rus-skom misticheskom sektantstve), 308n2 "Ressurection of the Word, The" (Voskresenie slova), 282, 284, 296 "Revelations" (Otkroveniia), 129 "Review of the Press, The" (Obzor pechati), 124 352 Title Index "Revolt of Things, The" (Bunt veshchei), 19n35 "Rhythm and Syntax: Material on the Study of Poetic Speech (Ritm i sin-taksis: Materialy po izucheniiu stikhot-vornoi rechi), 283nll, 285 Roar, China (Rychi, Kitai), 324nl6 Roaring Parnassus, The (Rykaiushchii Parnas), 24n54, 85n Romantic Face Powder (Romanticheskaia pudra), 316nl6, 318n5 Roses in Wine (Rozy v vine), 116 "Russia" (Rus'), 307n8 "Russia. Art. We" (Rossiia. Iskusstvo. My), 323n6 Russian Orthography, The (Russkoe pra-vopisanie), 321n5 Russian Thought (Russkoe mysl'), 73, 85, 116, 305nl Russian Wealth (Russkoe bogatstvo), 75, 310n23, 312nl "Russian Writers in Georgia" 36n94 Rybinsk Kopeck (Rybinskaia kopeika), 114 Satirikon, 314n4 Scaffold, The (Eshafot), 126 Scales (Vesy), 6, 305nl Scenes from My Country (Rodnye kar-tinki), 312nl Seashore, The (Lukomor'e), 96 Second Centrifuge Miscellany (Vtoroi sbor-nik tsentrifugi), 172n Secret Vices of the Academicians (Tainye poroki akademikov), 90 Seized: The Futurists' Drum (Vzial: Bar-aban futuristov), lOOn, 283, 313n5 Self-immolation (Samosozhzhenie), 129 Semen Proskakov, 269 Shattered Skulls (Razvorochennye cher-epa), 319nnl,5 Shiftology of Russian Verse (Sdvigologiia russkogo stikha), 38nl02 Shock Worker Poetry (Poeziia rabochego udara), 326nl3 SIC, 4 "Silentium" 310nll Sixth Part of the World, The (Shestaia chast' mira), 323n9 Slap in the Face of Public Taste, A (Poshchechina obshchestvennomu vkusu), 12, 84, 85, 88,137,191, 227, 268 Small Light, The (Ogon'ek), 73, 76, 261 "So-called Formal Method, The" (T. n. formal'nyi metod), 283n9 "Some Currents in Contemporary Rus­sian Poetry" (Nekotorye techeniia v sovremennoi russkoi poezii), 312n6 Song of Hiawatha, The 218 "Song of the Peacer, The" (Pesn' miriazia), 84 ""Sound Repetitions" (Zvukovye pov-tory), 285 Spark, The (Iskra), 251 Star (Zvezda), 261 "Star Mair, The" (Zvezda Mair), 321n3 Starving One, The (Golodniak), 226 Stenka Razin, the Heart of the People (Sten'ka Razin serdtse naroda), 14, 34, 193 Stock Exchange Gazette (Birzhevye vedomosti), 311 Strike! But Hear Me! (Bei! No vyslushai!), 127-29 Studio of the Impressionists (Studiia im-pressionistov), 12, 55, 282, 306n2 Sturm, Der, 5 "Sun, The" (Solntse), 263 Sweetbrier (Shipovnik), 312n2 Symbolism (Simvolizm), 27n66 "Symbolism's Heritage and Acmeism" (Nasledie simvolizma i akmeizm), 312n6 "Tale about the Priest and His Workman Balda, The" (Skazka o Pope i o rabot-nike ego Balde), 307n6 "Technical Manifesto of Futurist Litera­ture" (Manifesto tecnico della let­teratura futurista), 3n4, 318n3 Tertium Organum, 70 Theological Bulletin (Bogoslovskii vestnik), 308n2 "Theory of the 'Formal Method,' The" (Teoriia "formal'nogo methoda"), 287 "They Celebrate Iarila" (Slaviat Iarilu), 321n3 "They Look for Baryba" (Ishchut Bar-ybu), 321 n3 "Third Entry, The" (Tret'i vkhod), 129, 317n21 "III International" 204 Three, The (Troe), 61, 307n4, 308nl8 Thunder-Seething Goblet (Gro-mokipiashchii kubok), 24n54, 85, 120, 315n6 Title Index 353 Today, 6 To Sofia Georgevna Melnikova (Sofii Georgevne Mel'nikovoi), 35 "To the Poet" (Poetu), 318n4 "Toward a Theory of the 'Word as Such' and the 'Letter as Such' " (K teorii "slova kak takovogo" i "bukvy kak takovoi"), 321n4 To You (Vam), 325n2 "Transcaucasian Lef, The (Company 41°)" (Lef zakavkaz'ia [kompaniia 41°]), 36n94 Transrationalists, The (Zaumniki), 177n, 219 "Transrational Language and Poetry" (Zaumnyi iazyk i poeziia), 282 Trap for Judges, A, 1 (Sadok sud'ei), 12, 53, 55, 74, 85, 88, 191, 296, 306nnl,3 Trap for Judges, A, 2 (Sadok sud'ei), 13, 74, 93, 308nl8 Treat for the Sentiments, A (Gostinets sen-timentam), 127 2 91, 7 2 X 2 = 5 , 3 1 8 n 3 "Ultimatum futurista às geraçoes Por-tuguezos do século XX" (Futurist ul­timatum to 20th-century Portuguese generations), 6 Ultra, 6 Under the Banner of Marxism (Pod znamenem marksizma), 234 Union of Youth (Soiuz molodezhi), 307n8, 308nl8 Verbal Texture (Faktura slova), 37nl01, 184 Vernal Forwarding Agency of the Muses, The (Vesennee kontragenstvo muz), 95n Vernissage (Vernissazh), 26,133n, 137n Victory over the Sun (Pobeda nad sol-ntsem), 10nl7, 309n3 Virgin Soil (Nov'), 87 Vladimir Mayakovsky. A Tragedy (Vladimir Maiakovskii. Tragediia), 10nl7 Volga Messenger (Povolzhskii vestnik), 114 Voice of Life (Golos Zhisni), 282n6 "Voyelles" (Vowels), 83 "War and Language" (Voina i iazyk), 323n6 War and Peace (Voina i mir), 218, 262 War and the World (Voina i mir), 192, 207, 239, 323n6 "War-Death" (Voina-smert'), 308nl8, 310n20 War of the Worlds, The, 314n8 War of an Enthusiast, The (Put' en-tuziasta), 36n96 "What Is Lef?" (Chto takoe Lef), 258 "What Is Poetry?" (Co je poezie), 284nl2 "What's New" (Chto novogo), 303 "Winter" (Zima), 328n27 "Word and 'Word' " (Slovo i "slovo"), 321n4 Works and Days (Trudy i dni), 164n World and the Rest, The (Mir i ostal'noe), 39nl07 Worldbackwards (Mirskontsa), 75, 321n3 Yanko the King of Albania (Yanko krul' al-banskai), 35n91 "Young Hopeful, The" (NedorosT), 321n23 Zangezi, 328n23 zgA YAkaby, 35n91
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