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Volltext:Index Abraham, Karl, 112,113h Acropolis, 3, 8, 20-23, 33, 55 Aesthetics of Freud, The, 136 Africa, 65,188, 215 Agrigento, 185,190, 251 Ahrem, Maximiliam, 163,165,175,178,181, 274 Aichhorn, August, 60 Akropolis von Athen, Die, 22-23 Akhenaten, 218, 219, 232, 233h 234 Albergo Empedocle, 185 Altoerti, Leon Battista, 85 Alexander the Great, 209, 2iif, 215 Alinari, Fratelli, 35h 59, 74h 83, 84,131,133h 134, 166,198, 2oof, 247 Altenberg, Peter, 39 Altobelli, Giacchino, 10, uf Amenhotep, 218, 232, 233f, 234 Amun-Ra, 209, 2nf Ancient Hermaphrodites, i j z f Anderson, James, 10, 59,154h 155h 166,iÖ7f Animal Locomotion, 78 animism, 264-71 Anschluss, 42, 219 Ansicht von den Ruinen des alten Ephesus, 246F antiquities, 36, 37, 39,119,122,124,135,148,157, 161,190, 209, 243, 250, 252 Aphrodite, 145,146,148, t5of, i5if, 260 Aphrodite of Knidos, 163 Aphrodite o f Melos, 138,159b 162f Aphrodite of Syracuse, 146,151F, 158 Apollo, 124-27,178 See also Temple of Apollo Apollo Belvedere, 169,178,179h 183, 212 Apollo Sauroktonos, 124-26 Apoxyomenos, 138,142f Appian Way, 197 Arcadia, 231, 253h 260 Arcadian Landscape: Boys with a Bocca della Verità, Arch of Titus, The, 112,113h 247, 248f 325 326 Index archaeology, 17-18, 25-26, 28, 36-37,115,129, 184, 200-201, 225-26, 229-36, 274, 275 architecture, 18, 26, 32, 63, 206 "Art and Judaism", 34 art history dream analysis, 29-30, 33 Freud's influence, 3, 29-30, 32, 40, 53 influence of photography, 2,17-20, 25-26, 30, 58-60,135,136,166,169, 202, 237, 276 lithophilia, 145 Morellian method, 136 relation to medical field, 89 sculpture as imitation of nature, 181 study of Moses, 50-53, 58-59 visualization, 32 Asklepios, 124,126,127,129 Aten, 218, 232 Athena Lemnia, 138,141h 144 Athens, 20, 21, 22, 33, 57, 94, 237 Aus Meinem Atelier, 42f Austrian Archaeological Institute, 27 Austrian National Institute of Classical Archaeology, 29, 251 Austrian National Library, 5, mf, 2iif Austro-Hungarian empire, 4, 21, 28, 94, 238 Barberini Faun, 166 Barthes, Roland, 16,18, 24,114,197 Bartlett Aphrodite, 163,164h 183 Baudelaire, Charles, 153 Baxandall, Michael, 32,122 beards, 51, 53, 58, 62, 65, 67, 83, 96-97,101-9, 112, 212 Beck, James, 99 Beethoven, 217 Bellevue Hospital, 47 Bellmer, Hans, 205 Benjamin, Walter, 17-18 Benndorf, Otto, 28 Berenson, Bernard, 52, 71, 247 Bérény, Robert, 83 Bergasse 19, 37-45, 59, 67, i2ifi 265 Bergson, Henri, 136 Berlin, 115,138,170,181,183, 211, 221 Bernays, Martha, 32, 37, 65, 97,119,123,161, 188,191, 261, 265, 267-71 Bernays, Rabbi Isaak, 97 Bernfield, Suzanne Cassirer, 36 Bernhardt, Sarah, 105, 221 Bertillon, Alphonse, 212-14 Bertrang, Zoe, 117,123-24,127, 256 Beyond the Pleasure Principle, 170 Blütezeit, 229, 232 Bologna, 40,138 Bonaparte, Marie, 202 Borghese Mars, 158, iÖ2f Bottari, Giovanni, 55 Botticelli, 59 Bourneville, Désiré-Magloire, 89, 92h 93f Bowie, Malcolm, 77 Brancacci Chapel, 48-50 Brassai, 205, 232 Braun, Henri, 158,159F Breasted, James H., 225, 236 Bremen Cathedral, 226 Breton, André, 203 Breuer, Josef, 127-28 Brill, A. A., 265 Brogi, Giacomo, 10-11,13h 187,198 Brouillet, André, 265, 267F Bruckmann, Friedrich, 166,167F 176F i82f Brugsch, Emile, 229, 232 Budapest, 94, 209, 247 Buonarroti Simoni, Lodovico, 99 Bunuel, Luis, 204-5 Burckhardt, Jacob, 51, 98 Buse, Peter, 77 Cairo, 223, 224F 226, 229, 232 Camera Lucida, 18 Campo Santo, 40 Cancellieri, Abbot, 55 Caneva, Giacomo, 240 Cantoria, 40 Capitoline Fauns, 169,183, 249 Capitoline Palace, 169,183 Index 327 Capitoline Venus, 152,155F 16g, 178, i8of, 181, 182,183 Capri, 123,189, igo captions, 16, 25, 78, 90,135,152, 202, 205, 236, 250, 251, 260 Carpet Merchants in Cairo, 224F Carrington, Hereward, 272 Case of Infantilism in a Nineteen-Year Old Boy, 174F Cast of a Woman at Pompeii, lgif Castel Sant'Angelo, 10 Castiglione, Baldassare, 263 castration, 175 casts, 29, 39, 45, 60, 88,136,152,175,189,198, 199, 202, 225, 232 Catholicism, 114, 237, 259 Champaigne, Philippe de, 71, 72f Charcot, Jean-Martin, 37, 78, 8of, 86, 90, 96, 102,115,134,169-70, 212, 265, 266f Charioteer of Delphi, 138,140F 144 chiaroscuro effect, 85, 88, 90, 94,131,134,138, 148,183, 200 China, 37, 229 Christianity, 49, 52, 67, 97, 99, 234, 237 Chrobak, Rudolf, 269 Civilizations and Its Discontents, 170 "Civilized" Sexual Morality and Modem Nervous Illness, 239, 240 Clark University, 47 Classicism, 26-27, 40, 46, 87,144,197, 203, 212, 213, 251, 275 Claus, Carl, 129 Cologne, 36, 237 Concert Champêtre, 158, i6if Condivi, Ascanio, 52 Congo, 19 connoisseurship, 20, 33, 58 Coolidge, Baldwin, 163,164F Costumed Youths in a Garden, 254F Crary, Jonathan, 16 criminal investigation, 17, 20, 213-14 Crouching Aphrodite, 131,133F 134 Cugnone, Ignazio, 10, 240 Cultes, Mythes, et Religions, 170 Dada, 203 Dali, Salvador, 203, 205 Danius, Sara, 13 Dead Souls, 247 déjà vu, 21, 33,146,185 Delusions and Dreams in Jensen's Gradiva animate nature of sculpture, 166,178,179, 181,183-84,195-97, 250 archaeology/psychoanalysis metaphor, 115, 129,184,198, 200, 274 case study, 116,122 disguised symbolism, 123-24 d r e a m i n t e r p r e t a t i o n , 1 2 6 - 2 7 , U 0 - 1 8 9 effect on French society, 202-3 eroticism, 117,128,146,152-53,157,165,169, 183,196, 200, 205 Freud's encounter with Gradiva sculpture, 119 influence of cultural system, 122 lithophilia, 116,152 model of psychoanalysis, 122-23,129,182-84, 198, 238, 250 novel plot, 116-17, 239 pathologies, 117 Denkmäler, 177,178,181 Detail of Michelangelo's Moses, 64F Discobolus, 78 "Discours du Centenaire de la photographie", 15-16 Disturbance of Memory on the Acropolis, 3, 8, 20-23 Doane, Mary Ann, 78 Donatello, 40, 75, 7Öf Doppelgänger, 271 "Dreaming of the Dead, On", 198 dreams, 19, 28, 29 buried alive, 198 connection with superstition, 261-62 expression of reality, 203 interpretation, 126-27,130,185,189,261-62,274 process of regression, 28 resemblance to photographs, 9,15,18, 130-35,146,183, 273-74 stimuli, 134 unconscious meanings, 116,123-24,126 visual images, 9,13-14, 28, 249 328 Index Duchenne de Boulogne, Guillaume-Benjamin, 86-89, u5 *34' ^9' 212 Dürer, Albrecht, 27 Durieu, Eugène, 152-53,156F Duve, Thierry de, 24 Dying Gaul, 166 Dying Slave, 40, 45, 46, 47, Ö2f Early Netherlandish Painting, 30 Eder, Josef-Maria, 25, 219 ego, 97 Egypt, 37,114,132, 208-9, 217-18, 223, 225, 229, 235-36,275 Elektra, 178 Ellis, Havelock, 102,145,198, 200 Empfindung (sensation), 130-31 Engelman, Edmund, 38F, 60, i2if engravings, 9,10, 26, 39, 63,71, 94,152,158, 243 Ephesus, 28, 243 Erdheim, Jakob, 32-33 erection, 175-77 Erinye, 166 Eros, 169-70 eroticism, 27, 57, 90,117,128,144-46,152-53, 157,165,169,183,196-97, 200, 205, 252, 274 Errinerungsbilden, 135,138 etchings, 26, 40, 257 ethnography, 2,17,19, 58, 205, 212, 223, 236-38, 243, 250, 252, 255, 260 ethnology, 218, 276 Exodus 32, 51 Eyck, Jan van, 30, 3if fauns, 169,183, 249, 275 Fellini, Federico, 134 Ferenczi, Sandor, 36, 66, 83, no, 112, 209, 255 fetishism, 16,116,117,144-45,152, 263, 264 Finzi, Jacopo, 65,188 Five Lectures on Psychoanalysis, 47,119 Flacheron, Frédéric, 240 Flandarin, Hippolyte-Jean, 252 Fliess, Wilhelm, 27,45, 57,115,184,191, 223, 242 Florence, 40, 48, 55, 71, 75 Fluctuations of the Well-Being of the Soul, 188 Forster, E. M., 185 Foster, Ernst, 55 Fothergill, John, 28 fototeca, 136, 251 France, 101,145,153,194, 202-3, 2°5' 24° 252 Frazer, James George, 264 Freud, Alexander, 40, 43h 44t, 208 Freud, Anna, 6 Freud, Jakob, 21-22, 55, 56F 58, 99 Freud, Marie, 221 Freud, Moritz, 221-23 Frizot, Michel, 199 Fuller, Peter, 77,110,157 Furtwängler, Adolf, 157,175-78,181, 274 Galatea, 145,146,149h 269 Galdi, Vincenzo, 252 Galicia, 3, 21, 36,106,114, 237 Galton, Francis, 178, 212-16, 249 Gargiolli, Giovanni, 166, löyf, i68f, 249 Gautier, Théophile, 152,198, 225 Gazette des beaux-arts, 158, i6of Geertz, Clifford, 122 Geistigkeit (intellect; spirituality), 71,169, 259 Gemäldegalerie, 32, 59, 73 Germany, 40, 51, 52, 71, 94, 98,189, 213, 242, 247, 256, 258 Gérôme, Jean-Léon, 146, L49f, 223, 224F Geschlecht und Charakter, 40 Gilman, Sander, 1,177-78, 256 Ginzburg, Carlo, 20, 58 Giorgione, 158, i6if gipsoteca, 136 Girl from Anzio, 138,139,143F169,181 Girl with Fiat and Flowers, 147F Gloeden, Wilhelm von, 252, 254F 255F Goebel, Carl, 225 Goethe, Johannn Wolfgang von, 9-10,14, 57, 73, 94,177, 212 Gogol, Nicolai, 247, 249 Index 329 Golden Age of the Pharaonic Kingdoms, The, 225 Gombrich, Ernst, 29, 71, 73 Goncourt, Edmond de and Jules de, 153, 256 Gradiva See Delusions and Dreams in Jensen's Gradiva Gradiva: A Pompeian Fantasy See Delusions and Dreams in Jensen's Gradiva Graetz, Heinrich, 106, 259 Grand Canal (Venice), 40 Grand Tour, 189,190, 206, 239, 249, 250 Grasset, Joseph, 226, 229 Gratiolet, Pierre, 87 Greco-Roman culture, 4, 53, 87, 89, 96,106, 114,124,169,182, 212, 237 Griechische Plastik, Die, 27,126,144, i68f Grimm, Hermann, 98 Gronberg, Tag, 39 Grubrich-Simitis, Ilse, 84-85 Griittner, Richard, 181 Guillaume, Eugène, 58, 217 Haas, Hippolyt, 189 Hake, Sabine, 198 Halberstadt, Max, 67, 68f, 6gf Hall, Granville Stanley, 47,100 hallucinations, 117,124,131,158,169 Hammerschlag, Samuel, 71 Hammond, William A., 47 Hanold, Norbert, 116-17, u9 122 123 I27 H4 152,165,181,182,185,189,197,199, 212 Hauser, Friedrich, 119 Haussmann, Georges-Eugène, 240 Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 194, 249 H.D., 36, 37, 50,127 Head of Aphrodite, 163 Head of Athena, 138 Headless Aphrodite, i5of Hehn, Victor, 242-43, 250, 251, 255-58, 260 heimlich, 186,188 Helios, 124 Hellenistic sculpture, 28, 46,105,138,163,166, 169,179,181, 237, 259 Hereditary Genius, 215 Hermes, 131,132h 178,183 Herzl, Theodor, 223 Hibbard, Howard, 46, 52 Hippocrates, 126 History of Egypt, A, 225, 235 History Workshop, 58 Holmes, Sherlock, 20 homosexuality, 204-5, 213 252 Horae, 117,123, 257 Hotel Cocumella, 14 House ofMeleager, 189,190h 204 House of the Faun, 189 Humanism, 36, 59,71,165, 200 Hutton, Edward, 11,13h 57 hysteria, 47, 78, 86, 89, 90, 96,105,117,123, 169, 211 iconology, 30, 33, 52, 67, 78 id, 97 Imago, 40, 50, 68, 70h 80, 82h 84,136,138 Institut für Klassische Archäologie, 29 Interpretation of Dreams, The, 19, 23, 28, 29,122, 126-27,130, 261 Israel, 100 Italian Association of Advertising Photography, 19 Italian Psychoanalytic Society, 119 Italy, Rome, and Naples, 240 Italy. Views and Side-Lights, with Information from the Author's Experiences, 242-43, 250 James, Henry, 163-65 Jehovah, 100 Jensen, Wilhelm, 115-16,119,122,177, 250, 251, 256 See also Delusions and Dreams in Jensen's Gradiva Jentsch, Ernst, 185 Jerusalem, 21, 97,112 Jewish Influence in Modem Thought, 55 Jones, Ernest, 11, 48-49, 57, 60, 75, 85-86, 99, 110, 209 Jubilees 3:31, 45 330 Index Judaism anti-Semitism, 39-40, 55,105,112, 211, 219 artistic prohibition, 45, 67,114,152, 260 beards in social context of Jewish life, 101-9 Freud's roots, 57-58, 237 Jewish identity, 36, 55, 58, 97, 209, 216-19, 223, 237, 275 Jewish law, 36 monotheism, 36, 46, 218, 219, 259 physical characteristics, 105-6, 209, 211, 219 prone to illness, 102,105-6, 211-12, 219, 237, 275 reconciliation with Western culture, 55, 237 superstition, 105,112, 212 Jung, Carl, 110,112, 226, 234 Kaemmel, Otto, 190, 243, 250, 257 Kaufmann, James C. A., 24 Kendrick, Keith M., 263, 267 Kiel, 115, 256 kitschik, 186 Knapp, Fritz, 51 Kneeling Boy, 40 Kofman, Sarah, 176 Kracauer, Siegfried, 16 Kunst der Antike, Die, 146 L'Âge d'or, 204-5 Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste, 36,102 Land und Leute, 189-90 Langewiesche, Karl Robert, 68 Lanuvium, 194,195F Lanzer, Ernst, 37, 271-72 Laocoön, 32-33, 53, 54f, 58, 87, 94-97,131,169 Laocoön and His Sons, 96 Lavater, Johann Kaspar, 212-13 Leipzig, 36, 71, 237, 250 Lemonnier, Camille, 153 Lenbach, Franz von, 247, 248F Leonardo da Vinci, 43, 60,165 Leopoldstadt, 237 Leroy-Beaulieu, Anatole, 105,106, 259 Lessing, G. E., 91, 94, 96, 97 Levi-Bianchini, Marco Levites, 218 Life of Michelangelo, 53-58 literature, 4, 34, 43, 46, 51,119,188,199, 203, 205, 275, 292 lithographs, 26,105,106, 265 lithophilia, 116,144-46,152,163,196, 204-5, 249 Lithuania, 36, 237 Lives of the Artists, 3, 53, 55, 57 Lombroso, Cesare, 212-14 Londe, Albert, 78, 88-91,107F 134,171F 172F 173F 212, 240 London, 42, 75, 209, 215 "Lonely Aphrodite, The", 163-65 "Lonely Aphrodites: On the Documentary Photography of Sculpture", 2 Louvre, 48, 60,124,157,158,183, 252 Löwy, Emanuel, 26-29, 59- 77 94' u9 124 126,135-44,152,166,167F 168F 169,179, 181, 243, 251, 260, 274 Löwy, Josef, Ö2f Luckenbach, Hermann, 22-23 Lueger, Karl, 39 Luxor Temple, 209 Lysippos, 28, 77,179 Macpherson, Robert, 54F 94,131, 240, 242F Macpherson's Vatican Sculptures, 54F Madonna and Child, 30, 3d" Madonna and Child with Saint Anne, 60 Magherini, Graziella, 57, 66 magic, 37, 39,49, 218, 256, 263-65, 269, 271, 272 Malerba, Luigi, 131-32 Man Throwing a Discus, 7gf Manet, Edouard, 146,148F Marble Faun, 194, 249 Marcella, Arria, 198 Marey, Etienne-Jules, 18, 24, 77,78 Marxism, 58 Masaccio, 48-50 Masolino, 48-50 Maspero, Gaston, 229, 231F 232 Masson, André, 203, 204F Index "Matter and Memory", 136 Mau, August, 274 Mechanism of Human Physiognomy, 87 Medici, Lorenzo de, 52 medicine, 2,17, 63, 78, 86-91,166,169, 212-13, 226, 236, 240, 276 Mediterranean region, 36, 57,123,188, 216, 218, 223, 237, 251, 256, 260 Medusa, 157,175,176,178 Medusa's Head, 175 Meige, Henry, 105-6, io8f, 170,174h 212, 219 Melos, 157,158 memory, 232 connection with photography, 15-20, 24, 32, 80,131,135-36,185,199, 265, 273 fantasy vs. reality, 131,177-78,185-86 Freud's analysis, 8-9, 21-22, 78 involuntary, 3,17-20 preserved in casts, 199, 202 retrieved from remote past, 198 traces, 36, 78,136, 209, 218 visual imagination, 14, 21, 63,175-81,185 Mengs, Anton Raphael, 91, 96 Metamorphosis of Gradiva, 203, 204f Michelangelo, 46,48, 53-58, 98-99,100,101, 218 See also Moses (sculpture) Michelangelo: A Critical Examination of His Oeuvre, 46 Michelangelo and the End of the Renaissance, 75 Michelangelo's Moses in the Church of San Pietro in Vincoli, Rome, fôf "Mignon", 14 Minne, George, 40 Minotaure, 205 modernity, 9,14, 26, 27, 29,46,122,177, 215, 250, 251, 261-63, 272 Molar, Michael, 215 Moll, Carl, 39, 40,42f Monet, 217 monotheism, 36, 46, 218, 219, 234, 259 See also Moses and Monotheism Monuments of Greek and Roman Sculpture, 175 Moravia, 36, 237 Morelli, Giovanni, 20, 58, 59, 60, 86,115,136 Moscioni, Romuoldo, 194, i95f Moses (Biblical figure), 51, 68,100, 217-18, 236, 237, 259 Moses (sculpture), 50-53, 58, 59, 62f, 65-67 animate object, 85-86 basis for Freudian thought, 48,110 beard, 51, 53, 58, 62, 65, 67, 83, 96-97,101, 102,106 comparison to Donatello, 75 disguised portrait of Pope Julius II, 98-99, 101 expression of emotions, 91 medical examination, 86-91 photographic portraits, 67, 71-77, 97, lnf physical description, 96-97,100 racial identity, 216-17 role of Laocoön in Freud's interpretation, 94, 96-97 symbol of fatherhood, 99-100 Moses and Monotheism, 36,100,114, 217-19, 259 Moses of Michelangelo, The, 3 descriptions from photographic detail, 60-65, 97 historical character study, 68 Moses as father figure, 99-100 Oedipal themes, 98 publication date, 40 reference to Giorgio Vasari, 55,100,101 reference to Henry Thode, 91 relation to psychoanalysis, 50-53 temporality, 77 Moses Presenting the Tablets, 71 Mount Sinai, 100 Muggia, 238 mummification, 208, 217, 225-26, 227h 229-36, 260 "Mummy of Mahinpra", 229, 23of Musatti, Cesare, 119,144-45 Muybridge, Eadweard, 18, 24, 77,78, 79f Myron, 78 Nadar, 240 Naples, 45,184,186,189,190, 208, 240, 247 332 Index Nathan the Wise, 97,102,104F National Museum of Antiquities, 208 National Portrait Gallery, 75, 215 Naturalistic Representation in Ancient Greek Art, 28,138 Naturwiedergabe in den älteren griechischen Kunst, Die, 179,181 Nazis, 213, 219 Nead, Lynda, 145 Near East, 37 necrophilia, 117,157 Neoplatonism, 52 Neue Freie Presse, 28 New Guinea, 37 Nikandre, 137h 138,139,169 Nike, 181,182h 183 Nile River, 37 Nordau, Max, 105 "Notes on Faces and Men", 75, 77 Nouvelle Iconographie, 169,170, 226 Nude by Urn, i56f nudity, 36, 45, 47, 48,144,146,148,152,153,157, 158, 179, 204-5, 24° 252 26o, 274 occult phenomena, 17, 203, 272 Oedipus, 53, 57, 98,101,114, 218, 234 Oedipus Kylix, 138,139F Old Fisherman, 166 Olympia, 146,148F "On the Psychology of the Uncanny", 185 Orestes, 178 Orientalism, 2, 4, 223, 225, 234-35, 273, 275 Ostjuden, 36, 55, 58 Overbeck, Johannes, 200 Ovid, 145 Paestum, 189,190,191 Pagano, Nicola, 197, 200 pagan, 46, 58, 67,152, 237, 243 Palace of Theodoric (Ravenna), 40 Palestine, 36, 212, 237 palimpsests, 110-14 PankejefF, Sergei, 37 Panofsky, Erwin, 30, 52,193-94 Paragone, 43 Paris, 37, 48, 78,124,161,169, 213, 240, 243, 260, 275 Parthenon, 21-23, 25, 32, 57, 66 Parthenon Reconstructed and in Ruins, The, 22f Pastor, Ludwig, 98 Pathosformel, 96 Pentateuch, 51,100 Perspective as Symbolic Form, 193-94 phantasm, 3 Phidias, 215 Philippson Bible, 68, 72F 102,103F 243, 246F Phoebus, 127 Photographische Correspondenz, 219, 221 photography animism, 264-71 archaeology, influence on, 17,18, 25-26, 28, 200-201, 234-36, 274 art history, influence on, 2,17,18, 25-26, 30, 58-60,135,166 captions, 16, 25, 78, 90,135,152, 202, 205, 236, 250, 251, 260 chiaroscuro effect, 85, 88, 90, 94,131,134, 138,148,183, 200 criminal investigation, 17, 20, 213-14 cultural system, 15-17, 24, 59, 86, 236, 250-51 disguised symbolism, 29-33 dream images, resemblance to, 130-35,146, 183, 273-74 Egypt, 208-9, 275 eroticism, 90,144-46,169,183, 252, 274 factual truth, documentation of, 9,15,17, 85, 135. 273 history, documentation of, 16, 59, 85,131,183, 194, 234, 240 human nature, depiction of, 169,178, 214-15 involuntary memory, 17-20, 232 lithophilia, 152,163 medical field, 78, 8ofi 8if, 86-91,166,169, 212-13, 226, 236, 240, 275 memory impressions, 15,17, 24,135-36,185 Moses, portrait of, 67, 71-77, 234 mummification, 208, 217, 229, 232, 236 Index 333 nudity, 144,153,158, 240, 252, 274 other disciplines, relationship to, 2,17, 25-26, 28, 33,166, 202 physiognomic interpretation, 73, 77, 86-87, 212-15 postcards, 10,11,19,110-14, 2°9 psychoanalysis, comparison with, 2, 25, 29, 86 revelations, 24-25 Roman style, 240-43, 247-52 sfumato, 132,134,135,146,165 superstition, connection with, 263-64 surrogacy, 263-64, 272, 274 talismanic value, 16, 263-64 time and space, relationship to, 18, 23-24, 71, 77-78, 80, 83,130,178, 234 tourism, connection with, 206, 208, 239-40, 242, 275 visual character study, 67, 214-15, 263 visual imagination, 21,175-81 of works of art, 58-59, 65, 85,130-35, 215, 273 physiognomy, 58, 73, 77, 86-87, 2,2 213 215 Piazza Colonna, 19 Piazza San Marco, 40 Picasso's Sculpture Studio by Night, 205 Pinelli, Bartolomeo, 257 Pinudjem II, 229, 23if Pisa, 188 Plato,134 Pliny, 77 Pollak, Max, 40, 41h 83, 84 Pollok, Ludwig, 260 Pompeii, 27, 45, 57,115-17,122,123,152,184-91, 229, 232, 240, 274 Pompeii Before the Destruction, 186,188 Ponte Sant'Angelo, 10,130 Pope Julius II, 48, 50, 53, 67, 98,101 Pope Pius IX, 152, i53f Portrait of Jakob and Sigmund Freud, 50f Portrait of Sigmund Freud, 4if, 44f, 6gf postcards, 10,11, i2f, 19,110-14, 2°9 Poussin, Nicolas, 71 Praxiteles, 124,132h 163,178 Praying Boy, 138,142p Print Collector's Newsletter, 252 Propylean Gate, 23 Protestantism, 46 Proust, Marcel, 102 psychoanalysis archaeological metaphor, 36-37,115,129,184, 198 comparison with photography, 2, 25, 29, 86 psychic vs. physical, 48, 86 relation to Moses of Michelangelo, The, 50-53 relationship to time and space, 23 role in Delusions and Dreams in Jensen's Gradiva, 122-23,129,182-84,198, 238, 250 societal acceptance, 202-3 visual imagination, 276 Psychological Review, The, 198 Psychopathology of Everyday Life, The, 262 Ptah,37 Pygmalion, 145,146,149h 158, 269 racialism, 212-15, 217, 219 Ramses II, 229, 232, 235 Raphael, 136, 263 Rathenau, Walther, 36 Ravaisson, Jean-Gaspard-Félix, 157,158,161 Reading Freud's Reading, 1 Reclining Male Nude, 25 6f Regnard, Paul, 88-90, 92h 93h 134 Reik, Theodor, 67 Reinach, Salomon, 157,170 Réis de Dahabiéh, 22of Rembrandt, 87 reverie, 20, 90,164 Rhode Island School of Design, 84 Ribera, José, 88 Richier, Paul, 89 Riva dei Greci, 40 Roback, A. A., 55 Rodenwaldt, Gerhart, 146,158 Roland, Romain, 20 Rom in der Renaissance, 71 Rom und die Campagna, 190, 243, 247, 250, 257 334 Index Roma, San Pietro e Castel Sant'Angelo, nf ROMA = AMOR, 57, 275 Roman Campagna, 243, 244F 247, 275 "Roman Fever", 7, 65, 237 Roman Peasant, 243 Romanticism, 22, 26-27, 4°' 4^ 9° H5 t88, 193, 251 Roma-Veduta del Tevere, 11,13F Rome, Via Appia Antica, 242 Rome, View of the Tiber, 11, i2f "Rome Dreams", 3, 9, 57 Römische Elegien, 57 Römischer Landmann, 245F Rondanini Medusa, 175,176F, 177,183 Rose, Louis, 25 Roth, Josef, 101,105 Rudnytsky, Peter L., 102,185 Rudolph, Crown Prince, 39 Rug Merchant at Cairo, 223 Sachs, Hans, 110,136 Said, Edward, 217 Saint John the Evangelist, 75, 70f Saint Peter, 10, 49-50 Saint Peter Healing the Cripple and the Raising of Tabitha, 49-50 Saint Peter Healing with His Shadow, 49 Saint-Victor, Paul de, 157 Salpêtrière Hospital, 78, 86, 88, 90,106, 212, 226,265 Saltarello, 257 San Pietro in Vincoli, 66, 84, 237 Sanctis, Santé de, 47 Sauroktonos, 127,129 Schade, Sigrid, 96 Schiff, Gert, 252 Schorske, Carl, 259 scirocco, 63,188 Sculptura Greca, La, 27 sculpture, 130-35 animate beings, 34, 43-44, 85-86,166,178, 179,181,183-84,195-97, 250 eroticism, 146,152-53,157 evolution from abstract to naturalistic, 138-39 expression of loss, 148 Hellenistic, 28, 46,105,138,163,166,169, 179,181, 237, 259 imitation of nature, 181 Jewish artistic prohibition, 36 life-to-statue phenomenon, 184,196-97 lithophilia, 116,144-46,152,196, 249 Michelangelo, 45-48 in photographs, 26, 27,130-35 reproductive technology, 136,144 study of the psyche, 119 See also Delusions and Dreams in Jensen's Gradiva See also Moses (sculpture) Sculptures involontaires, 205 Seated Nude Young Man by the Seashore, 252 Segesta, 190,193, 251 Selbstüberwindung, 96 Self-Portrait in the Studio, 40 Senses of Modernism, The, 13 sjumato, 132,134,135,146,165 shepherds, 243, 247, 249, 260, 275 Sherman, Cindy, 205 Sicily, 135,189,190, 240, 251, 252, 255 Signorelli, Luca, 59 Silberstein, Eduard, 63, 206, 238, 239 Sinnlichkeit (realm of the senses), 259 Sistine Chapel, 52, 98 Sleeping Hermaphrodites, v j o , l j i f Sleeping Maiden, 166 Società Italiana di Fotoreclami, 19 Solomon, Solomon J., 34, 259 Sommer, Giorgio, 189,191-94,198, 2oif Sonnenthal, Adolf von, 102 Sorbonne, 15, 87 Sorrento, 14 Spector, Jack J., 119,136 Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, The, 6 Steindorff Georg, 225-26, 229, 232-35 Steinmann, Ernst, 71, 98 Index 335 "Stendhal syndrome", 66 stereoscopic view cards, 10,19, 235, 236 Storia dell'arte italiana, 59 Strachey, Alix, 6 Strachey, James, 6 Studies in the Psychology of Sex, 145 superego, 96, 97 superstition, 105,112,126, 212, 261-64, 271, 272 surrealism, 194, 202-5, 232 Surrealist Manifesto, 203 Symonds, John Addington, 46 syphilis, 226, 260 Tabitha, 50 Taine, Hippolyte, 240 telescope, 23 Temple of Apollo, 127, i28f, 188,189,196 Temple of Castor and Pollux at Agrigento, 59-61, 251 Temple of Isis, 187 Temple of Jerusalem, 112 Temple of Neptune, 191 "That Mighty Sculptor, Time", 165-66 Thode, Henry, 46, 47, 51, 58, 75, 91,112 Thoth, 235 Thutmosis II, 226, 227h 229, 232 Tiber River, 10 Tolnay, Charles de, 52 Totem and Taboo, 170 Tourette, Gilles de la, 89 Tournachon, Adrien, 87 Tournachon, Gaspard-Félix, 87 Trattato délia pittura, 43 Tribute Money, 71, 74f Trieste, 238-40 Trincia, Francesco Saverio, 46 Trosman, Harry, 27 Tyson, Alan, 6 Ulrichs, H. L., 175,177 uncanny, 20-21, 33,185-88,194, 203, 271-72, 274 Uncanny, The, 185, 203, 205 Underwood & Underwood, 235, 236 Valéry, Paul, 15-16 Vasari, Giorgio, 3, 51, 53-58,100,101,114,179F Vatican, 53, 87, 94,119,131,138,183 Vatican Venus, 183 Veduta del Tevere, 57 Venturi, Adolfo, 59,136 Venus, 59,144,153 "Venus and Internal Objects, The", 157 Venus de Milo, 157-58,161,183 Venus Medici, 166,178, i8of, 183, 274 Verneuil, Aristide, 89 Vesuvius, 122,127,182,184,199, 206, 259, 275 Via Appia Nuova, 247 Vienna Academy of Fine Arts, 60, 84 View of Freud's Study at Bergasse 19, 38f View of the Ruins of Ancient Ephesus, 243 Vorstellung (representation), 130-31 voyeurism, 27,117 Wahrnehmung (perception), 130,131,134 "Wandering Jews, The", 101 Warburg, Aby, 96 Waterlilies, 217 Weger, August, 71, 72f Weichardt, C. F. W., 186-88, 274 Weininger, Otto, 40 Weisz, Julius, 104F Wharton, Edith, 7 Winckelmann, Johann Joachim, 27,102,135, 212 Wölfflin, Heinrich, 51 Woman in the Art of Antiquity, 165 Yourcenar, Marguerite, 165-66 zerschmelzenden (melting), 163 Zeus, 185,191, 215 Zionism, 105, 211, 212, 219, 223 zoology, 63,117,124,129, 238 Zweig, Stefan, 102, 223
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