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Volltext:I N D E X Absinthe, V (Au Café), by Degas, 134 Acland, Sir Henry Wentworth (1815-1900), Regius Professor of Medicine at Oxford, friend of Ruskin, 76 Albert, Prince Consort, 18 Allen, George (1832-1907), engraver, Rus-kin's publisher, 76 Allingham, Mrs., 96 Alma-Tadema, Sir Lawrence, O.M., H.A. (1836-1912), painter, 62, 80, 135 Apparition, L', by Moreau, 118 Après-midi d'un Faune, L', 209 A Rebours, 71, 114, 116, 118-19, J55 Aristotle, 13 Armstrong, Thomas (1832-1911), artist, 21, 23, 88, 146 Arnold, Matthew (1822-1888), 44, 51, 59-60 Arrangement in Black, No. III, 80, 89 Arrangement in Grey and Black, by Whistler, 82 Asquith, Herbert Henry [Earl of Oxford and Asquith] (1852-1928), 159 Astruc, 66 Austin, Alfred (1835-1913), poet, later Laureate, 178 Bab Ballads, 106 Ballades in Blue China, by Lang, 62 Ballad of Reading Gaol, The, 170 Balzac, Honoré de, 15, 118 Banks, Thomas, R.A., 21 Bar of the Folies-Bergère, by Manet, 213 Baronet and the Butterfly, The, 148 Barry, Sir Charles, H.A. (1795-1860), architect, 67 Bate, Francis, 200 Bath, The, by Alma-Tadema, 80 Baudelaire, Charles (1821-1867), poet, 10-16, 19, 28, 34-5, 37, 42-3, 55, 72, in, 116-17, 124-6, 133, 144, 149, 155, 160, 178, 212 Baumgarten, Alexander Gottlieb (1714- 1762), philosopher, 14 Beardsley, Aubrey Vincent (1872-1898), artist, 136-40, 165-8, 170, 186 Bea'ta Beatrix, by Rossetti, 105 Beerbohm, Max (1872- ), caricaturist and author, 99', 175, 215 Benson, Arthur Christopher (1862-1925), essayist and critic, 175 Bernhardt, Sarah (1844-1923), 117 ' Besnard, Paul Albert (1849-1934), painter, 73 Blanche, Jacques Emile, 187 Blunt, Wilfrid Scawen (1840-1922), travel­ler and writer, 213 Boisbaudran, Paul Emile Lecoq de (1838- 1912), 28 , Booth, Mrs., landlady of J. M. W. Turner, 81 Borrow, George, 175 Boudin, Eugène Louis (1825-1898), painter, 64, 69 Bouguereau, Wihiam Adolphe (1825-1905), painter, 71, 208 Bowen, counsel in Whistler v. Ruskin suit, 93 Bracquemond, Félix, 33-4 Bridge, Sir John, magistrate, 161 Brown, Ford Madox (1821-1893), painter, 38, 200 Brown, Fred, 193 Browning, Oscar (1837-1923), teacher and historian, 49 Buchanan, Robert Williams (1841-1901),, . novelist and poet, 44,, 47-8 • Burne-Jones, Sir Edward Coley (1833-1898), painter, 36, 38, 45, 79-80, 87, 93-5, 105-6, . 121, 127, 137-8 Butler, Samuel (1835-1902), novelist, 198 Butterfield, William (1814-1900), architect, 57 Cabanel, Alexandre (1823-1889), painter, 71 Carlyle, Thomas (1795-1881), 18 Carson, [Sir] Edward Henry (1854-1935) (later Baron Carson), counsel in Wilde trial, 149-56, 158-9,161 Carte, Richard D'Oyly (1844-1901), oper­atic producer, 106 Cassel, Sir Ernest Joseph (1852-1921), finan­cier, friend of King Edward VII, 185 Castellane, Marquis de, 183 Cézanne,Paul (1839-1906), post-Impression­ist painter, 66-7, 69, 205-6, 208-14, 216 Chameleon, The, 150 Chopin, Frédéric, 82 Clarke, Sir Edward (1841-1931), counsel in Wilde trial, 149, 155, 159, 161 Clésinger,Jean Baptiste Auguste (1814-1883), sculptor, II Cobden, Ellén, 187 Coborn, Charles, 129 Cole, Sir Henry (1808-1882), Secretary of Science and Art Department, 86 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 14, 174 Collier, Hon. John, painter, 202 219 I N D E X Collins, Richard Henn (1842-1911) -(later Lord Collins), judge in Wilde trial, 149 Colvin, [Sir] Sidney (1845-1927), art critic, 108, 200 Conder, Charles (1868-1909), painter and lithographer, 131, 186, 202 Confessions of a Young Man, 71, 112,114.116, 123 Constable, John, 68, 195 Courbet, Gustave (1819-1877), painter, 28, 30,33.38,65 Crane, Walter (1845-1915), artist, 134 Creighton, Mandell (1843-1901), historian and ecclesiastic, later Bishop of London, 58 Crown of Wild Olive, The, 75 d'Aligny, Théodore (1798-1871), painter, 23 Daudet, Alphonse (1840-1897), novelist and playwright, 117 Daumier, Honoré (1808-1879), painter and caricaturist, 9 Days of Creation, The, by Burne-Jones, 80 Debussy, Claude (1862-1918), composer, 209 De Profundis, 170 Degas, Edgar (1834-1917), Impressionist painter, 65, 67, 69, 72-3, 84-5, 100, 112, 134-5, 186, 188-90, 194-6, 206-10, 214 Dejeuner sur L'Herbe, by Manet, 37, 65, 66 Delacroix, Eugène (1799-1863), painter, n-12,'37, 66 Delannoy, Ernest, 26, 29-30 Delaroche, Paul (1797-1856), painter, 22, 111-12 Dent, Joseph Malaby (1849-1926), publisher, 138 DeQuincey,Thomas (1785-1859), 14-15,130 Derby Day, by Frith, 94 Desboutin, M., engraver, 134 Desoyes, Mme., art dealer, 34 Desportes, Alexandre François, 10 Diary of a Nobody, 182 Dickinson, Goldsworthy Lowes (1862-1932), 200 Disraeli, 98, 182 Dobson, Henry Austin (1840-1921), Civjl Servant and poet, 62 Dombrain, Henry, schoolfellow of Pater, 50, 53 Dostoevsky, 19 Douglas, Lord Alfred, 143, 145, 155, 159 Downes, Ruskin's gardener, 78 Dowson,Ernest (1867-1900), poet, 131-3,186 du Maurier, George Louis Palmella Busson (1834-1896), novelist and artist, author of Trilby, 20-1, 23,27, 32, 58, 62, 64, 88,103, 105, 106, 146 Dunn, H. Treffry, 38 Durand-Ruel, art dealer, 68 Duranty, novelist and critic, 66 Duret, Théodore, tritic, 68 Eden, Sir William, 146-8 Edward VII, King (1841-1910), 182-5, 198 Edwards, Mr. and Mrs., patrons of Fantin- Latour, 30 Emaux et Camées, 15 Essays and Reviews, byjowett and others, 51 Ethics of thé Dust, The, 75 Eugénie (de Montijo), Empress, consort of Napoléon III, 17 Evans, Frederick, bookseller, 138 Fall of the House of Usher, 12, 114 Falling Rocket, The, by Whistler, 89 Fantin-Latour, Ignace Henri Jean Théodore (1836-1904), painter, 28-30, 34, 37 Field, John, 82 Fitch, Clyde, playwright, 141-2, Flaubert, Gustave (1821-1880), novelist, 52, 116, 118, 170 Fleshly _ School of Poetry, The, by Buchanan, 44 F leurs du Mal, Les, 16, 35, 56,71,117 • Flowers of Passion, by Moore, 71 Fors Clavigera, 76, 79, 80, 83, 85, 86 Frith, William Powell, R.A. (1819-1909), painter, witness in Whistler suit, 93-5 Fry, Sir Edward (1827-1918), father of Roger Fry, 198-9 Fry, Mariabella Hodgkin, mother of Roger Fry, 198 Fry, Roger (1866-1934), painter and art critic, 197-205,211-14,216 Gachet, Dr., 208 Gauguin, Paul (1848-1903), post-Impression­ist painter, 206-10, 212-13 Gautier, Théophile (1811-1S72), novelist, 8, 10-15, 19. 34. 47. 64, 102, 117, 125, 212 Gentle Art of Making Enemies, The, 89,92, 93, 96,99,100-1, 108,136 Gide, André (1869- •), 169 Gilbert, (Sir)WilliamSchwenck (1836-1911), 106 Gissing, George Robert (1857-1903), novel­ist, 131,137 Gladstone, William Ewart (1809-1898), 177 Gleyre, Gabriel Charles (180S-1S74), painter, 21-2, 27, 64-5 Godwin, Edward William (1833-1886), architect, 98 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (1749-1S32), 51 220 I N D E X Gold Scab, The, by Whistler, 99 Goncourt, Edmond (1822-1870) and Jules (1830-1870) de, novelists and critics, 34, 117, 201 Goodall, Frederick (1848-1871), painter, 135, 202 Gosse, [Sir] Edmund William (1849-1928), critic, 142, 175 Gray,John, 167 Greaves, Walter (1846-1930), painter, pupil of Whistler, 81, 189 Green Carnation, The, 142 Greenaway, Kate (1846-1901), designer of children's books, 79, 96 Gregory, Lady (Augusta) (1852-1932), play­wright, 191 Grossmith, George (1847-1912), 182 Gwilt, Joseph (1784-1863), 14 Haden, Deborah Whistler, .Whistler's sister, 24, 29, 38 Haden, [Sir Francis] Seymour (1818-1910), . surgeon and etcher, 24, 29-31, 99 Hamerton, Philip, Gilbert (1834-1894), art critic, too Hardy, Thomas, 180 Harris, Frank, r42, 163 Haussmann, Baron Georges Eugène (1809- 1891), 17, 67 Haydn, Franz Josef (1732-1809), 82 Hazlitt, William, 174 Heffeman, Joanna, 38 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich- von (1770-1831), philosopher, 14 Henley, William Ernest (1849-1903), poet and critic, 178 Hichens, Robert Smythe (1864- ), novelist, 142 Hind, C. Lewis, art critic, 138 Hirsch, Baron Maurice de, 184 Hokusai (1760-1849), painter, 34 Holiday Excursion, 180 Holkcr, Sir John (1826-1882), 88-90, 92 Hotten, John Camden (1832-1873),1 pub­lisher, 42, 44 Houghton, Lord [Richard Monckton Milnes] (1809-1885), 104 Housman, Laurence, poet, playwright and critic, 171 Howell, Charles Augustus, 38-42, 44, 81-2, 98, 173-4 Huddleston, [Sir] John Walter (1815-1890), judge in Whistler v. Ruskin, 88, 91-3, 95-7 Hughes, Fanny, 38 Hugo, Victor, 35, 67 Hunt, William Holman, O.M. (1827-1910), pre-Raphaelite painter, 82, 86, 93, 135 Huxley, Thomas Henry (1825-1895), scien­tist, 60 Huysmans, Joris Karl (1848-1907), novelist, 114, 117-18, 133, 143-4, 155, 167 Hyde, Douglas, Irish man of letters, later President of Eire, 191 Ibsen,. Henrik (1828-1906), playwright, 182 Ideal Husband, The, 163 Imaginary Portraits, by Pater, 56, 149 Importance of Being Earnest, The, 145, 163 Impression, by Monet, 69 Inchbold, John Wilham (1830-188S), painter, 179 Ingres, Jean Auguste Dominique (1780-1867), painter, 22 Ionides, Alexander (1833-1900), art collector, 30 Irving, [Sir] Henry (1838-1905), actor, 80, 85,89,99,113 Jackson, Richard C., friend of Pater, 115 James, Henry, O.M. (1843-1916), novelist, 180 John, Augustus (1878- ), painter, 197,203 Jowett, Benjamin (1817-1893), Master of Balliol, 47, 51, 56, 58, 60 Kant, Immanuel (i724-l8o4),philosopher, 14 Kearney, Rev. J. B., 53 Keene, Charles Samuel (1823-1891), artist, 75, 87 Kernahan,Coulson (1858-1943),novelist, 179 Kipling, Rudyard (1865-1936), 178, 180 Labouchere, Henry (1831-1912), 162 Lamont, Thomas, 21 Lane, John (1854-1925), publisher, 139 Lang, Andrew (1844-1912), 62 Langtry, Lily [Lady de Bathe] (1852-1929), actress, 105, 117 la Touche, Rose, friend of Ruskin, 78-9,85 Legros, Alphonse (1837-1911), painter and etcher, 28-31 Leighton, Frederick [Baron], P.R.A. (1830- 1896), 21, 62, 87,136 Leyland, Francis R., pre-Raphaelite patron, 41, 82, 97-9 Liberty, Lazenby, 39' Lindsay, Sir Coutts, 80 l'Isle Adam, Villiers de (1840-1889), 72 Littlechild, Tnsp., inquiry agent in Wilde case, 156 'Lloyd, Marie', see Wood, Matilda Longinus, 13 Louis Philippe, King of the French (1773- 1850), 1S6 221 I N D E X Louys, Pierre, 155 Love and Death, by G. F. Watts, 80 MacCarthy, Desmond, 213 MacColl, Dugald Sutherland, art critic, 134, 194, 197, 214 'MacDermott, the Great', entertainer, 177 McM asters, John, benefactor of Francis Thompson, 130 McQueen, Rainier, friend of Pater, 50, 53 McQueen, Robert, friend of Pater, 51 Madame Bovary, 74, 137 Mademoiselle de Mattpin, 8, 10,137 Mahaffy,' [Sir] John Pentland (1839-1919), classicist, tutor of Wilde, 101-2, 143, 200 Mallarmé, Stéphane (1842-1898), poet, 116- 17,209 Mallock, William Hurrell (1849-1923), 60 Manet, Édouard (1832-1883), Impressionist painter, 34, 37. 65-9. 71. 74. 81, 133. 190, 192, 207, 213-14 Marius the Epicurean, Joy Pater, 114, 116 Marks, Murray, art dealer, 39 Marston, PhilipBourke (1850-1887), poet, 129 Martyn, Edward, dramatist, friend of Moore, 191 Marx, Karl (1818-1883), political philoso­pher, 16,182 ' Maryx, artist's model, II Mathews, Elkin, publisher, 139 Matisse, Henri (1869- ), post-Impression­ist painter, 213 Maturin, Charles Robert (1782-1824), novel­ist, 169 Meissonier, Jean Louis Ernest (1813-1891), painter, 73 Menken, Adah Isaacs (1835-1868), actress, 43 Merry England, 130 Meynell, Wilfrid, poet, publisher, benefactor of Francis Thompson, 130-1 Middleton, John Henry (1846-1896), 200 Millais, Sir John Everett, P.R.A. (1829- 1896), pre-Raphaelite painter, 80, 86, 94, 98,105,200 Millet, Jean François (1814-1875), painter, 23 Monet, Claude Oscar (1840-1926),'Impres­sionist painter, 64, 67-9, 186,194 Montesquiou, Comte Robert de (1855- 1931), critic and poet, 114, Moore, Albert Joseph (1841-1913), painter, 62, 87, 94 1 Moore, George Augustus (1852-1933), novel­ist, 69-75, 101, 103, 112-14, 116-17, 120, 122-3, 134-5. 144, 147-8, 153, 190-5, 213- 14, 216 Moreau, Gustave (1826-1898), painter, 73, 118 Morgan, John Pierpont (1837-1913), finan­cier and collector, 204-5 Morgan, William de (1839-1917), novelist and potter, 85 Morisot, Berthe (1841-1895), Impressionist painter, 69, 73 Morris, Jane (1839-1914), 62 Morris, William (1834-1896), 35, 38-9, 44, 48, 56, 62-3, 84-5, 97, 105, 107-8, 123, 137-8, 215 Morte d'Arthur illustrated by Beardsley, 138 Mother (Whistler's), 82, 188 Moxon, Edward (1801-1858), publisher, 42 Murder considered as one of the Fine Arts, 14 Murdoch, headmaster of school at which Verlaine taught, 125 Murger, Henri (1822-1861), novelist, author of Scènes de la Vie de Bohème, 9, 25 Nadar, 69 Napoléon I (1769-1821), emperor of the French,7 Napoléon III (1808-1873), emperor of the French, 16, 35, 65-6 Nettleship John.Trivett (1841-1902), painter, 54 Newbolt, (Sir) Henry John (1862-1938), poet, 178 New English Art Club, 135 Neu Republic, The, by Mallock, 60, 61 Nicola, Sargent's valet, 185 Nightingale, builder of Whistler's Chelsea house, 98 Nocturne, in Black and Gold, by Whistler, 80, 92, 95 Nocturne, in Blue and Silver (BatterSea Bridge), by Whistler, 80, 91, 92, 95 Nugée, George, clergyman, friend of Pater, 115-16 OEuvre, L', by Zola, 65 Olfenbach, Jacques (1819-1880), operatic composer, 106 O'Leary, John, 25 O'Shaughnessy, Arthur (1844-1881), poet, 54 Oudry.Jean Baptiste (1686-1755), painter, 10 Paddon, 40 Parker, Alf,-144-5 Parnell, Charles Stewart (1846-1891), Irish statesman, 177 Parry, Serjeant John Humffreys (1816-1880), Whistler's counsel, 88, 91, 93 Pater, Dr. (father of Walter Pater), 49 222 I N D E X Pater, Walter Horatio (1839-1894), critic, 48- 58, 60-1, 75, 82, 102-3, 105-6, 114-16, 122-3, 152-3, 159, 166, 191, 203, 205, 212 Pater, William, brother of W. H., 52 Patience, by Gilbert and Sullivan, 106-7 Pattison, Mark .(1813-1884), 51 Pattison, Mrs. Mark (Emilia Frances), 55 Payne, Bertram, publisher, 44 Payne, John, 54 Peacock Room, The, decorated by Whistler, 97 Pennell, Elizabeth Robins (1855-1936), wife of Joseph Pennell, 125, 138 Pennell, Joseph (1860-1926), etcher, 138, 189 Perry, Commodore, 33 Piccadilly, 103 Picture of Dorian Gray, The, 118, 150 et seq. Pissarro, Camille (1830-1903), Impressionist painter, 66-9, 81, 186, 206 Plato, 13, 15, 153 Poe, Edgar Allan (1809-1849), 11-12, HI, 114, 133, 144 Poems and Ballads, by Swinburne, 42-4 Poets of the Neo-Romantic School in France, by John Payne, 54 Potter, Mr. and Mrs., patrons of Fantin- Latour, 30 Powell, George, friend of Swinburne, 48 Poynter, [Sir] Edward John, P.R.A. (1836- 1919), painter, 21-2,27, 32, 62, 86, 88, 146, 202 Proust, Marcel (1871-1922), novelist, 186 Prout, Samuel (1783-1852), painter, 200 Proverbs in Porcelain, by Dobson, 62 Puvis de Chavannes, Pierre (1824-1898), painter, 209 Queensberry, John Sholto Douglas, 8th Marquess of (1844-1900), 143, 145-6, 149-50, 158-9 Quilter, Harry (1851-1907), art critic, 98-9, 101, 108, 134 Rape of the Lock, illustrated by Beardsley, 166-7 Renaissance, The, by Pater, 55 Renoir, Pierre Auguste (1841-1919), Im­pressionist painter, 64, '68-9, 186, 207 Reynolds, Sir Joshua (1723-1792), painter, 212 Richards, Det.-Insp., 160 Richmond, Sir William Blake (1842-1921), painter, 134-5 Ricketts, Charles (1866-1931), 201, 213 Rimbaud, Arthur (1854-91), poet, 116, r24-6 Rivière, Briton, R.A. (1840-1920),, animal painter, 200 Roberts, David, R.A. (1796-1864), painter, 200 Robins, Elizabeth, see Pennell, Elizabeth Robins Rosa, Salvator, 86 Rose, Anderson, Whistler's solicitor, 86, 98 Ross, Robert, friend of Wilde, 171 Rossetti, Dante Gabriel (1828-82), pre- Raphaelite painter and poet, 36-9, 41, 44, 46, 48, 62, 82, 87, 101, 103, 105-6, 121, 137, 173. 179. 200 Rossetti, William Michael (1829-1919), 44, 87 Rothenstéin, [Sir] William (1872- ), painter and art teacher, 170, 194, 197, 202 Rothschild, Baron Ferdinand de, friend of Edward VII, 185 Ruskin, John (1819-1900), art critic and social reformer, 43, 51, 59-60, 67, 75-80, 82-97, 99. 102, 105-7, !48. 200, 203, 205, 215 Salome, by Wilde, 165 Sambourne, Edward Linley (1845-1910), illustrator, 97 Sargent, John Singer, R.A. (1856-1925), portraitist, 184-5, 202-3 Sassoon, Arthur, friend of Edward VII, 185 Savoy, The, 166 Scènes de la Vie de Bohème, 9, 25, 31 Scheffer, Ary (1795-1858), painter, 11 Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von (1775-1854), philosopher, 14 Schopenhauer, Arthur (1788-1860), philoso­pher, 14 Scott, Sir Gilbert (1811-1878), architect, 67 Sesame and Lilies, 75 Seurat, Georges (1859-1891), painter, 213 Shannon, Charles, painter, 201-2 Sharp, William (1855-1905) ('Fiona Mac-leod'), poet, 129 Shaw, George Bernard (1856- ), 142-3, 182, 201 Sheppard, Supt., 145 Sickert, Johann Jürgen (Sickert's grand­father), 187 Sickert, Oswald Adalbert (Sickert's father), 187 Sickert, Walter Richard, R.A. (1860-1942), painter, 187-90, 195-6, 202, 211, 214 Siddal, Elizabeth Eleanor (1833-1862), wife of D. G. Rossetti, 62 Sisley, Alfred (1839-1899), Impressionist painter, 64, 68-9 Slade, Felix (1790-1868), art collector and patron, 75 223 I N D E X Smith, Goldwin (1823-1910), historian, 85 'Smith, Mme.', landlady to Verlaine and Rimbaud, 126 Smithers, Leonard, Beardsley's publisher, 165-7,17° Sneyd, Mr., schoolmaster of Roger Fry, 199 Solomon, Abraham (1823-1862), painter, 45 Solomon-, Rebecca, 45 Solomon, Simeon (1841-1905), painter, 45-8, 49, 54, 102, 126-8,130, 145 Sotiri, a Greek musician, 21 Steer, Philip Wilson (1860-1942), painter, 192-4, 197, 202 Stevenson, Robert Louis Balfour (1850- 1894), writer, 180 Stone, Marcus, R.A. (1840-1921), painter, 135 Sullivan, [Sir] Arthur Seymour (1842-1900), composer, 106 Swinburne, Algernon Charles (1837-1909), poet, 34-6, 41-8, 54, 56, 58, 75. 79. 104. 106, 109, 126-7, t4S. 172-80, 216 Swinburne, Lady Jane, mother of A. C. Swinburne, 172 Symons, Arthur (1865- ), poet, 166 Taine, Henri (1828-1893), essayist and critic, 19 Tamise à Londres, La, by Monet, 67 Tanguy, Father, colour merchant, 69 Taylor,'co-defendant in Wilde trial, 144, 158, 161 Taylor, Tom (1817-1880), civil servant, playwright and critic, 93, 95, 100 Ten o'clock, lecture by Whistler, 100, in Tennyson, Alfred, First Baron (1809-1892), Poet Laureate, 125, 177-8 Thompson, Francis (1859-1907), poet, 130-1 Thompson, Sir Henry (1820-1994), surgeon, 4L 63 Thomson, James ['B.V.'] (1834-1882), poet, 129-13i Tilley, Vesta, comedienne, 129 Tonks, Edmund (father of Henry), 194 Tonks, Henry (1862-1937), art teacher, 193-4. 197, 199. 202, 214 Toulouse Lautrec, Henri de (1864-1901), painter, 133-5, 190, 207 Trilby, 20, 21, 27, 146 Turner, Joseph MallordWilliam (1775-1851), painter, 68, 81 Under the Hill, 166 Vallance, Aymer, associate of Morris, 137-8 Van Gogh, Theo, brother of Vincent, 206 Van Gogh, Vincent (1853-1890), . post- Impressionist painter, 206-13 Verlaine, Paul (1844-1896), poet, 45, 116, 119, 124-6, 149, 166, 168 Victoria, Queen (1819-1901), 178 Ward, Mrs. Humphry (1851-1920), novelist, 165 Watson, [Sir] William (1858-1935),poet, 165 Watts, George Frederic (1817-1904), painter, 80,135 Watts [Dunton], Theodore (1832-1914), critic, friend of Swinburne, 103-4, *°9. 172-80 Way of All Flesh, The, 198 Wells, Herbert George (1866- ), novel­ist, 182 West, Benjamin (1738-1820), painter, 111-12 Whistler, Anna McNeill (Whistler's mother), 23-4, 42 ' Whistler, Dr. Daniel (ancestor of Whistler), 23 Whistler, Major-General George Washing­ton (Whistler's father), 23-4 Whistler, James Abbott McNeill (1834- 1903), 20, 23-42, 58, 62-65, 69, 73-5, 79- 101, 103-12, 117, 119-21, 136-8, 146-50, 155, 167, 176, 178, 187-8, 195, 200, 210, 212, 216 White Girl, by Whistler, 37, 165 White, Gleeson, 138 Wilde, Lady, ['Speranza'] (Wilde's mother) (1826-1896), 101, 103, 143 Wilde, Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills (1854-1900), 101-12, 117-24, 131, 134, 136, 138, 140-6, 148-65, 167-72, 180, 186, 188, 200-1, 212, 216 Wilde, Sir William (1799-1869), surgeon, Wilde's father, 101, 103 Wilhelm II (1859-1941), Emperor of Germany, 183 Wills, Sir Edward, judge in Wilde trial, 162 Wills, William Gorman (1828-1891), play­wright and painter, 87 Wilson, Canon, headmaster of Clifton, 199 Winckelmann, Johann Joachim (*1717-1768), - writer on art, 55 Wise, Thomas J., 179 Wolff, Albert, art-critic, 69 Wood, Matilda Alice Victoria,_ ['Marie Lloyd'] (187P-1922), comedienne, 129 Yates, Edmund (1831-1894), novelist and editor, 71 Yeats, William Butler (1865-1939), poet and essayist, 1S0, 191-2 Yellow Book, The, 139, 140, 165 Zola, Emile (1840-1902), novelist, 65-6, 113 224
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