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Volltext:Index The abbreviation AB in subheadings refers to Anita Brenner. Italic page numbers refer to illustrations. Abbott, Lillian, 557, 559, 597-598 A.B.C., 37,39,41, 50 Acâmbaro trip, 119,121 Adams, Mildred, 528, 698, 702, 714, 781 Adler, Caroline, 675, 707,711 agraristas, 473, 476-477,487, 502, 506, 623 Aguirre, Ignacio: AB working with, 198, 200, 253,445, 485,493; and photographs for AB'swork, 204, 208, 212, 215, 218,224, 231,237,243,272 Aire Libre Art School works, 202-203,229, 230,307,477,4 87,510,512,544,632, 633 Ajea, Pancho, 610, 642, 655, 659, 660,698 Alcantara: and AB's A.P. credentials, 43°; AB's relationship with, 182, 247, 257,426,428, 465,481; AB working with, 139,157, *59, 162,168,172,185,186 Alva de la Canal, Ramôn, 244,623 Alvarez Bravo, Lola, girl with mask, 282 Amaro, Joaquin, 467, 495 American Ethnologist (and Anthropologist) As­sociation, 535,560 American Mercury, 136,137, 328 Amero, Emilio, 520-521, 544 Ames, John W., 544, 559, 589 Amieva, Carlos, 182,185,186 Amieva, Luis, 158 Amor family, 463 Anderson Gallery, 555, 603 Angel, Abraham, portrait of Manuel Rodriguez Lozano, 356,357 Angélique, Sister, 742 Anthropology Museum, Mexico City: AB's com­mission from, 295; AB's work in, 51,69,88, 119,147,148,150,161,163,165,171, 172,173,178,186,193,196,198,200, 204, 208, 210,212, 218,231,237, 243, 246,253,257,263,271,338,429; and Silva, 63 anticlerical poster, 447 Anti-Imperialist League, 359 Antorcha, 13 Arens, Ergmont: and AB's articles, 633; and AB's book project, 603,610; AB's relation-shipwith, 594,604,616,625; and Chariot, 666; and Orozco, 552,567 Arens, Ruth, 544,552,567.603,616,625 Arquitecto, 252,465 Art and Archaeology, 318 Art Center: AB's work in, 565; and art exhibit in New York, 531.532,533,573~574,576, 577, 582,586,591; and Chariot's work, 524,530, 633; and Goitia's work, 534; and Paine, 522; andTamayo's work, 520 Art Center Bulletin, 558 Art Digest, 567,585 Art News, 790 Arts, The, AB's articles for, 7,25,35,53.88, 303,325,442,464,467,524,563,565, 591. 592 594. 604, 607, 6io-6i2, 617, 620, 621, 622, 623, 626, 653, 663, 665, 673,675,701,712,733;changes in pub­lishing of, 710; Shapiro's work for, 625 Mentor, 559 Mercury, 15,16 Mérida, Carlos: and AB's art exhibit in New York, 561; and AB's articles, 121,129, 775; AB's correspondence with, 526, 539, 548; AB's relationship with, 25,27,38,41,217, 231, 773; changes in work of, 208; and Chariot, 30; and Goitia, 31; in Guatemala, 165,182, 263; and Harvard Contemporary Art Show, 781; and Secretaria de Educaciôn Publica, 129 Mérida, Carlos, works of: Figuras, 232; Four Seated Quiché Women, 548; Mujeres deMe-tepec [Women ofMetepec], 183; Reinalda, 549; Three Tehuana Women, 208; Tipo qui­ché, 549; Woman from Teotihuacan 1,586; Woman from Teotihuacan II, 586 ; Women and Magueyes, 541 Mexican Constitution of 1917,14, 35,309 Mexican Folkways: AB's opinion of, 331; AB's work on, 6, 8,11,16, 21, 25, 26, 35, 38, 49, 51, 64, 338; and Orozco, 684 Mexican Import Co., 519 Mexicans living in New York, 552, 563, 573- 574.660 Mexico: AB's affinity for, 313-314, 326; and campaign for president, 424; church/state battles in, 35, 53, 85,172, 208-209, 309, 479; postrevolutionary nation building in, 3, 77, 82, 84, 85,130,143; small revolu­tion in, 526, 528; strikes in, 371, 417, 418, 420, 421,422, 424,464, 473,476,479, 480, 510, 512; unrest in, 307-308, 309, 371. 415. 468,487-488,489,493, 500, 502, 510, 5i3ni4; U.S. relations with, 51, 55, 293-294, 307, 309, 310,420, 528, 654 Mexico/This Month, 790, 791 Michel, Concha: AB's relationship with, 198, 200, 204, 206, 208; concerts of, 419,424; and Gruening, 367, 370; Modotti's photo­graph of, 199; and Rivera, 62 Michoacân: AB's travels in, 36,91, 94-97, 99,101,105,108-110,112-117,119; Weston's travels in, 128 Milne, A.A., 712, 727 Mistral, Gabriela, 700 Mizrachi, Alberto, 415,418, 419,421,430, 493 Modotti, Mercedes, 7 Modotti, Tina: AB's relationship with, 5, 8, 290, 309, 323, 327, 334. 341, 347, 349, 4i8, 420, 422, 429, 488, 533; on Communists, 428; and exhibitions, 271; and Goitia, 267, 334; and Gruening, 325, 330; and Guer­rero, 430, 670, 671; in Hollywood, 135; letter written to Anita from Berlin, 785; andMella, 670-671; and Montes, 502; photographs for AB's work, 35,129,152, 162-163,191, 257, 314, 347, 355, 431, 457, 484, 496, 533; and Sacco-Vanzetti trial, 493 Modotti, Tina, photographs of: "Campesinos" 466; Canciones revolucionarias, 343-, "Car-leton Beats" 460; Castellanos' El tocado [Hairdressing], 296; Chariot's Workman, Chichen-Itza, 377; Concha Michel, 199; de la Cueva mural, 121; de la Cueva mural at the University of Jalisco, detail, 681 ; de la Cueva mural in Guadalajara, detail, 682 ; de la Cueva painting a mural, 128; "Diego Rivera in His Studio" 567; drawing of Siqueiros, 348; Edward Weston, 228; Fed­erico Marin, 324; fiesta with masked danc­ers, 238; "Flor de manita" 347; "Head of Christ" 116; Judases, 111; "Judases" 496; "Luz and Conchita" 356,366, 493; "Luz and Conchita Nursing" 494; masks, 56, 57; Mermaid with Horn, 496; Orozco paint­ing at the National Preparatory School, 21; Orozco's Gravedigger, 433; Pacheco's image of a boy yelling, 270; Pacheco's mural, 318; Pacheco's mural of a young boy bathing, detail, 505; Pacheco's mural of children eating fruit, detail, 504; Pacheco's mural of children on the beach, 503; Pacheco's Picnic detail, 317; Pacheco's Water Car­rier, 47; papier-mâche masks, 134-135; pinatas, 688-689; portrait of Anita Brenner with hat, 320; portrait of Dorothy Brenner, 413 ! portrait of Jean Chariot, 6; portrait of Paula Brenner, 412,435; portraits of Anita Brenner, 448, 464,464; Rivera's Banquete de Wall Street [Wall Street Banquet], 138; Rivera's Self-Portrait, detail, 532; Rivera's "Soldiers in Rain Capes" detail from La lluvia [The Rairi[, 613; Rivera working at the Secretariat of Education, 321; woman carry­ing olla, 8o(or Weston) right and left profiles of Anita Brenner, 240, 241. See also Weston, Edward-Tina Modotti, photographs of Mondragôn, Carmen: AB's relationship with, 163, 210, 290; AB's "Sihuatl" story based on, 31; and Atl, 31; comedy of, 26; and Hol­lywood, 135; house of, 257; intelligence of, 25; and love spells, 46; and Siqueiros, 69; Weston's portrait of, 9 Monroy, Carlos Julio, 133 Montenegro, Roberto, 133,144,156,163, 271, 341,349 Montes, Alberto, 409, 502 Moran, Alice, 665, 715, 718 Mordkin, Mikhail, 305 Moreliotrip, 119 Moreno, George, 368, 439, 525, 539- 546, 550, 555,558 Morgen Journal. See Jewish Morning Journal Morley, Sylvanus: AB's relationship with, 37; and Chariot, 186, 303,308, 309,392,403, 430, 457, 493; and Chichen Itza, 303,383, 387,389, 390, 391,395,403,404,405, 457, 527; lectures of, 38,39,3°8; and Sha­piro, 526 Morones, Luis: and Calles, 82; and Hernandez Galvan, 25; and masked ball, 327; and Mendoza Lopez Schwertfeger, 510; and Obregôn, 643; and parties, 295, 297; and Siqueiros, 552; and strikes, 371; and United States, 310, 343 Morris, Ann: and Chichen Itza, 389, 391' 393, 398,400-401, 403,405,408,457; and Goddard, 527; and Shapiro, 525-526 Morris, Earl, 389, 391, 394,4°4-4°5,457, 525-526,527 Morrow, Dwight, 644 Munoz, Manuel, 58 Murguia, Francisco, 348 Murillo, Gerardo. See Atl, Dr. (Gerardo Muriilo) Museum für Völkerkunde, Hamburg, Germany, pre-Hispanic smiling face, 747 Museum ofNatural History, 521, 558, 589, 591,596,604 Mussey, Henry Raymond, 704,753 Naft, Stephen, 670, 691,707,710 Nation: AB's articles for, 6,7, 35, 227, 2 55, 278, 288, 521, 537, 547 563, 571. 574. 576, 577, 579, 653,655, 789. 790; AB's Boas review in, 604: AB's correspondence with, 532; AB's Latin American review for, 639,655,656,661,663,665,667,670. 680,691,695, 704, 707, 710, 712, 714. 715-716,718, 723,726, 729. 731, 732. 738, 744, 745, 753-754, 759,'and AB's New York contacts, 528; AB's translations for, 530,592; Beals'work for, 564 National University of Mexico: and AB's art exhibit in New York, 500; and AB's railroad pass, 465; contract for Brenner-Weston book, 129,130,132,141,150,157, 59. 160,162,165,177,179, 86 Natural History, 563,612 Navarro, Juan: AB's relationship with, 136. 137,144,145,147.150, 327. 357,421. 451-452; and Gruening, 4 21 Nelson, Nels Christian, 560 Neumann, J. B., 538,753 Newman, Paula, 731 New Masses, 303,323,44 , 442, 544,580 New Republic, 336 Newton, Adolphe, 204 New York American, 532 New York Times Magazine, 789. 79° New York University, 593 New York World: AB's articles for, 88.5 58.565. 567, 568, 575-576; Orozcos interview with, 644 Nicaragua: and Beals, 564,567, 583,591- 592. and U.S. policy, 424, 566.654,664.67 . 707 Nino Fidencio, 564. 596.604.606.649.655 A V A N ' I ' - O A K J ) K A H T A N I ) A I t T I S T S I N M K X 1 C O Noriega, Manuel, 275 Noriega Hope, Carlos, 135 Nouvelles Littéraires, 133,168 Novick, Anne, 194, 655, 659, 660 Novo, Salvador, 131,136,186, 209 Obregôn, Âlvaro: dance in honor of, 327; and demonstrations, 468; discontented follow­ers of, 674; and Mendoza Lopez Schwert-feger, 510; murder of, 564, 643, 644 656, 664; and Orozco Romero, 469; photograph of, 467; and raids, 283 Obregôn, Carlos, 163 O'Flaherty, Dan, 645 O'Higgins, Paul: AB collecting drawings of, 215 ; AB's correspondence with, 6 2 3 ; AB's relationship with, 27, 29, 41,194, 218, 219, 229, 233, 313; and Evans, 351; and exhibitions, 271; and Rivera, 227,357, 434; and Siqueiros, 93 O'Higgins, Paul, works of: Cantina, 216-, Old Man with a Cane, 215 O'Keefe, Georgia, 603, 673 Olaguibel, Juan, 418 Olin, Nahui. See Mondragôn, Carmen O'Neill, Eugene, 684 Onis, Federico de, 520, 698 Ontiveros, José, 99 Orozco, José demente: and AB's art exhibit in New York, 576; AB's articles on, 7, 53,435, 439, 441, 442,464,467, 524, 534, 635; and AB's articles on Mexican art, 575-576; AB's biographical notes on, 348, 352; and AB's book on Mexican Renaissance, 485, 487, 684; AB's correspondence with, 526, 532, 533, 539", AB's power of representa­tion of, 497; AB's proposed exhibition for, 257, 325; AB's relationship with, 6,10, 11,16, 20, 21-22, 36-37, 39, 41-42, 50-51,147-148,163,165,178, 204, 210, 217, 224-225, 237, 247, 290, 295, 338, 352,354, 368,418, 424, 428,441, 455, 458, 484, 487, 558, 571, 574, 580, 582, 596, 623, 625, 634-635, 644,649, 653-654, 664, 684; AB working on photo­graphs of works, 254,434; and Ames, 559; and Anderson Galleries, 555; and Arens, 567; and Bellas Artes, 307; and Bragdon, 647; caricatures of, 45; and critics, 684; drawings of, 10, 327, 332, 421, 493; and Escuela Industrial in Orizaba, 128; and Gruening, 341; and home for painters, 515; interruption of mural, 244, 246, 247; liv­ing arrangements of, 252; on Mexico, 309; model of, 219; on models, 633-634; Tina Modotti's photograph of, 21 ; New York ar­rival of, 558, 564; and Pacheco, 297; and postrevolutionary nation building, 3; and Preparatoria work, 22, 46,147, 204, 210, 244, 247, 272, 332, 357, 359; and red tape, 46, 48; and revolution, 354; and Rivera, 10, 25, 204, 290, 297, 359, 459; Siqueiros on, 84, 702; stories of unrest, 510; andTabla-da, 574; and Valentine Dudensing Gallery, 530; Weston's contact sheets of, 145,146; and Whitney Club exhibition, 325,336; woodblocks of, 129,133,137 Orozco, José demente, works of; La alcancia [The Alms Box], 254; Alvarado the Con­queror, 428; Bandera [FZflg], 328; Bautismo y muerte de Malek-Adhel [Baptism and Death of Malek-Adhel], 490; Caballos [Horses], 654; cartoon of Anita and her grandfathers, 634; charcoal study of hands, 571; Cortés and Malinche, 204, 205; Las delicias de la vida [The Delights of Life], 489,491, 492, 495, 497; detail from The Aristocracy fres­co, 45; detail of Maternity, 333 ; The Family, 253 ; Franciscan, 334; The Franciscan and the Indian, 247; Gravedigger, 433; Horrores, 255, 273, 319, 336, 338, 357, 370, 489, 492, 625, 704; The Last Judgment, 243; Ma­linche and Cortés, y el indio debajo sus pies, 684; Omnisciencia [Omniscience], 261; "The Rearguard" detail from the Revolutionaries, 244; Requiem, 699, 704, 706; Revolution­ary Trinity (first version), 210; sketch for the Indian from the Cortés and Malinche fresco, 438; "Soldier's Wife" detail from Woman in Revolution, 242; St. Francis Kissing a Leper, 650; Velorio [Wake], 22,22,337,441,442; Women in Revolution, 334 Orozco Romero, Carlos: AB's article on, 231; AB's relationship with, 69, 217, 218, 360, 469; photograph of, 84 Orozco Romero, Carlos, works of: caricature of Anita Brenner, 85; pencil drawing of Anita Brenner's face, 87 Ortega, Don Gregorio, 132-133,135 Ortega y Gasset, José, 520 Osornio, Saturnino, 476-477 Owen, Gilberto, 641, 649, 655,660, 698, 702-703 Pach, Walter: AB's anthropological discussions with, 568, 576; and AB's art exhibit in New York, 576; and AB's book project, 528, 533, 556, 593, 594, 596, 597; AB's socializing with, 549, 550, 558, 612, 679; and Brum­mer, 598-599; and Ruth Jonas, 688; lec­tures of, 566, 572 Pacheco, Maximo: AB buying drawings from, 265, 500; AB promoting, 568; AB's cor­respondence with, 547, 548; AB's losing drawing of, 538; AB's photographs of, 267; and exhibitions, 255, 271, 297,316; plans for wall in Balbuena, 316,327, 503, 506 Pacheco, Maximo, works of: Adolescent Head, 537", detail from a mural, 265,329,570; de­tail from mural of a young boy bathing, 505; detail from mural of children eating fruit, 504; drawing for mural of a boy with flute, 344-, image of a boy swinging, 595; image of a boy walking with wheat, 297; image of a boy yelling, 270; image of a paisaje con ninos [landscape with boys], 499; image of two boys, 264; mural, 318; mural at school in Balbuena, 503, 506; mural of a boy with flute, 345; mural of children on the beach, 503; Picnic detail, 317; print, 425; sketch for a mural, 328; sketch for Water Carrier, 46,46; Water Carrier, 47 Paine, Frances Flynn: and AB's arrival in New York, 521, 522, 524, 525; and AB's illness, 666, 667; AB's meetings with, 527.530- 532, 533, 537, 538, 540, 547, 552; AB's meeting with Mexicans living in New York, 552; and AB's meeting with Scribner's, 539; and AB's Orozco article, 534; and AB's treatment at consulate, 544; articles of. 565; and Bernent, 547, 548; on Ann Mor­row Lindbergh, 749; and Orozco. 623; and Siqueiros, 701,703, 767, 796 Palavicini, Felix F.: AB's relationship with, 64; AB's work for, 2 5, 26, 5.46. 48, 49, 50, 51, 53. 57, 59. 61, 62, 64. 134. 137,142,162; and politics, 331-332 Palavicini, Felix F., work of, Castiqo, 64 Palestine, 664,688,728 Pallares y Portillo, Eduardo: AB borrowing money from, 412; AB's correspondence with, 526,655; AB's work with, 157,159, 161,163,165,186,198, 200, 204.208, 215, 237, 246, 253, 265, 273. 289.319, 327, 328, 334,357,362, 366,415.416. 418,419,427,428,429,434.435-436. 441, 442,445,446,447, 485,487. 497: on Catholics, 444; andGoitia, 158, 455: and Lindbergh, 420; and Posada rights, 465; and Rivera's autobiography, 193.252; woodblocks from, 259, 295, 322 Palmerin, Ricardo, 378,408,409 Panama Canal, 664,671 Pan-American Conference, 528 Pani, Alberto, 307 Pantéon Dolores, 284-285, 287 Parrot, D. C., drawing of Anita Brenner. 733, 733,735 Parsons, Elsie Clews, 550, 598,611,612, 770 Pascin, Jules, 591 Pater, Walter Horatio, 627-628,62907.633 Pâtzcuaro trip, 101,105,108-110,112-117, 119 Payson Childs (Payson Clark), 610,636,661 Peabody Museum, 387, 560 Pease, Marilu: cockfight in Aguascalientcs. 778; "Jaripeo" [Rodeo], 4 7 Pénjamo trip, 92-94 PérezMoreno, José, 161,165,171. 501 Peruvian Hall, 604 Piatt, Nina, 390-391 Pina, Maria, 272 Pisté trip, 393-395 Plenn, Abel: AB's relationship with, 26. 27.41. 149,177,194, 219.231,233, 252: and Gamio translation work, 481 ; and Jalapa, A V A N T - G A R D E A R T A N D A R T I S T S I N M E X I C O 254; on Orozco, 244; and Rojas translation work, 222, 224, 237 Plenn, Dora, 452, 457,458, 461-462, 463, 467,617 Plenn, Hymen, 299, 300, 301, 305, 306, 417, 516 Pollett, Walter, 576 Ponti, Carlos, 99 Porrûa, 51 Porter, Katherine Anne, 670, 738-739 Portes Gil, Emilio, 288, 674 Posada, José Guadalupe: and AB's art exhibit in New York, 534; AB's articles on, 524, 565, 576, 632, 639; AB's proposed book on, 303, 323,415, 418,419. 421, 515; AB'S rights to, 465 Posada, José Guadalupe, works of: Adiôs a México, cover of a songbook, 515; cor-rido "Reapariciôn y apertura del antiguo Volador" 332; corrido "Verdaderos versos de Macario Romerio, " 363 ; cover of La Ma-derista songbook, 221 ; Derrocamiento de Madero songbook cover, 293; Gran Mole de Calaveras corrido, 140; image of a calaca [skeleton] smoking a cigar, 416; Marcha Porfirio Diaz, cover of a songbook, 522; woodblocks of, 141, 200, 215, 222, 229, 237, 243, 253, 274, 278, 281, 287, 290, 293, 322, 502; Zapatista Soldier, 302 Preparatoria: and Orozco, 22, 46,147, 204, 210, 244, 247, 272, 332, 357, 359; and Rivera, 204 Prieto Pradillo, Guillermo, 520 Primo de Gaitân, Juan, 783-784 Pruneda, Alfonso: AB working with, 130,132, 150,156,226,416,442,444; and art exhibit in New York, 487, 520; and Goitia, 314, 315; and Orozco, 247; and Paine, 548 Pruneda, Alvaro, 147,156-157,158 Puig Casauranc, José, 217, 290, 316, 548 Purnell, Frances, 88 Pumell, Idella, 69, 86, 93, 229 Quintanilla, Luis, 273,332 Quintanilla, Pepe, 156, 660 Quintanilla, Tony, 332 Radin, Paul, 556-557, 577 Radoff, Leon, 559, 655 Ramos, Samuel, 13-14,16 Ramos Martinez, Alfredo, 133, 526, 717 Ramos Pedruiza, Rafael, 318 Reed, Alma: AB's relationship with, 609-610, 617,627, 643, 646-647, 654, 729, 779; andCarrillo, 739n2; and Orozco, 625, 651, 657, 659, 684, 702, 706, 746; and Siqueiros, 719 Reed, John, 444 Reichard, Gladys Armanda: AB socializing with, 582, 598; as AB's professor, 525, 533, 544, 548, 568, 571, 572, 577, 579, 58o, 583, 642; and Boston trip, 560 Reinalda, 549 Reiss, Leopold, 540, 54i, 542, 546, 547, 558, 597,635,636 Renaissance, La, AB's articles for, 6,7, 26, 37, 38,39,41,64,219,586, 625 Rennels, Mary, 743-744 retablos. See ex-votos Revista de Revista, 417 Revueltas, Fermin, 226, 229, 254, 297 Reyes Pérez, Roberto: AB's relationship with, 88, 91, 366, 368, 370, 371; anti-church paper of, 447; and ex-votos, 69; as labor leader, 367; and Siqueiros, 13, 67, 366, 371 Reyes Pérez, Roberto, works of: drawings of, 46, 48, 246; portrait of Anita Brenner, 366, 367 Reygadas Vértiz, José, 198, 200, 206, 259,418, 420 Reyher, Ferd, 665-666, 673-674, 689, 691, 713,716, 723, 732, 759 Rhodes, Dorothy, 390, 760, 761, 763, 771 Rhodes, Frances, 390 Rice, Elmer, 703-704 Riva Palacio, Vicente, 182, i89n7 Rivas, Antonieta, 237 Rivera, Diego: and AB's art exhibit in New York, 533; AB's articles on, 524, 717-718; AB's biography of, 347, 352, 357, 359; AB's opinion of, 552; AB's relationship with, 36, 38, 41, 51, 57, 59, 61, 62, 65,130,133, 144,150,163,165,193-194,196, 209, 217, 225, 281, 290, 338, 356-357, 359, 420,459. 532, 592 790; AB's story on, 13, 15; AB typing articles for, 35-36,41,49, 185; Apizaco stuff, 17; and architecture, 63; and Asûnsolo, 434-435, 512; autobi­ography of, 252; birth of child, 441; and Breughel, 316; collection photos, 200; crit­ics of, 654; and Cubism, 642; and Damas Catôlicas, 147; on Amado de la Cueva, 67; and Evans, 351; and exhibitions, 271 ; fall from scaffold, 314; and frescos from Secre-taria de Educaciôn Pûblica, 12,129,138, 147; and Goitia, 18, 30; and Gruening, 325; and Jalapa, 254, 263; and Juan Labat, 16; and Modotti, 334, 670; Modotti's "Diego Rivera in His Studio" 567; andMorley, 39; in Moscow, 564, 636; and National Palace, 244; New York arrival of, 532; and Orozco, 10,11, 25, 204, 290, 307, 576, 706; Ortega on, 132-133; and Pacheco, 297, 500; Pach on, 572; Pan-American Prize, 13; paneau of, 32; popular art in Russia, 583; and post-revolutionary nation building, 3; and Pre-paratoria, 204; presidential honor of, 46; and publicity, 635; and reception, 136; and Rockefeller painting, 679; romanticism of, 22; andSiqueiro, 42, 84; and Weyhe, 530, 533, 566; woodblocks of, 224, 237; and Zapata legend, 320 Rivera, Diego, works of: "Art of the Revolution" 185; Banquete de Wall Street [Wall Street Banquet], 138; detail from Making a Fresco, 358; detail from Self-Portrait, 532; Firing Squad, 184; Luz Jiménez, study for the fresco mural at the Secretariat of Education, 12; Revolutionary School mural, detail, 353 La sangre de los mârtires revolucionarios fertilizando la Tierra [The Blood of the Revo­lutionary Martyrs Fertilizing the Earth], 572; self-portrait at the fresco mural at the Sec­retariat of Education, 207; Silhouette of a Town, 488; "Soldiers in Rain Capes" detail from La lluvia [TheRain], 613; Tehuanas, 523; Tehuana with a batea on her head, 196; Woman Thinking, 280 Rivera, Maria del Pilar, 58-59,65,15° 1^2 Roberts, Frank H. H., 560 Rockefeller, Mrs. John D„ Jr., 679 Rockefeller foundations, 531,623 Rodriguez Lozano, Manuel: and AB's book, 497, 500; AB's relationship with, 289, 295, 319, 330,334, 338,341, 344,455,458; and Goitia, 349,356; and Gruening, 341; andMondragön, 356; and Pacheco, 297 Rodriguez Lozano, Manuel, work of, Man Silting on a Bench, 295 Rojas, Luis Manuel: AB's work for, 171,181, 189,191, 222, 224,226-227, 231, 235. 237, 243,246, 253, 259, 271, 273, 287, 289, 290, 293; and Wilson, 159,161 Roland, Rose: AB's relationship with, 162.163, 171,178,181,193, 210, 217, 222; and Chariot, 249; modeling a China Poblana costume, 223; modeling a huipil, i6/t; modeling a Tehuana dress, 194; and Rivera, 263; and Tehuantepec trip, 182,193 Rom, Maxim, 655 Roman Catholic Church: anticlerical poster, 447; and Bolshevism, 92; Catholic Syndi­cates, 141,181,182; and church/state bat­tles, 35,53,85,172,208-209, 309,479: and education, 3,35, 53, 209; and ex-votos, 82; Gruening on, 90,419; and Mexican Constitution of 1917,35, 309.479; as post-revolutionary force in Mexico, 82,85; and prisoners, 465,467; and Rivera, 147: and saint's days, 2i4n3; schismatics, 53; and unrest in Mexico, 209 Romano Munoz, José, 318 Ross, Sidney, 760,781 Roy, Cal, print of a skeleton, 284 Rubin, Arthur, 689,715 Rudge, William Edwin, 559, 565 Ruiz, Antonio, 455 Ruppert, Karl U., 389,464,482 Russell, Bertrand, 632,637 Russia, 143,424,428,708,741 Sacco-Vanzetti trial, 484,493 Sâenz, Moisés: and AB's book project, 253: and drawings for Lettie Carroll, 418; and Goitia, 218,250, 259,330,332,338,344,347; and Paine, 548 A v A T - Ci A H I ) K A H "I" A N U A It T ! S T S I N M E X ! C O Sahagun, Fray Bernardino de, 567, 712 Sainfel, Ruth, 735 Sainz, Vicente, 559 Sala, Rafael, 428 Salazar, Rosendo, 152-153,157-158 Samuels, Maurice, 766-767 San Agustin Acolman monastery, 174-175, 176 San Angel Flower Fair, 185 San Antonio, Texas, 299-301, 303, 305-306, 515-516,683 Sand, George, 413 Sandino, Augusto, 564, 567, 583, 592, 671 Sandoval de Zarco, Maria, 414 Santillân, Maria Teresa, 492 Santoyo, Matias, AB's relationship with, 178-179 Santoyo, Matias, works of: bird vendor on a bicycle, 180; man on bicycle delivers bread and milk, 288; vendor on a bicycle, 179 Saville, Marshall, 776 Schapiro, Mary, 674 Schell, Blanche, 717, 728 Schell, Sherrill, 576, 594, 609, 698, 701, 713, 728 Schmidt, Erich, 598 Schöndube, Enrique, 332, 347, 349,352, 372-374 Schwartz, Dan, 558 Scottsboro case, 789 Scribner's, 539, 546, 547, 548, 550 Scripps Howard Syndicate, 557,558, 559 Seldes, George, 355 Serrano, Francisco Rufino, 468, 501, 526 Shades, Edmund J., 165 Shapiro, Harry: AB's correspondence with, 651, 674; AB's relationship with, 525, 528, 534, 557, 594,612,639, 641, 645, 652, 655, 658, 666, 667, 674; and Boston trip, 560; field work of, 667; on Goddard's death, 641; Gruening compared to, 745 Sheffield, James R., 51 Sikelianos, Eve, 610 Silva y Aceves, Mariano: AB's article on, 273; AB's relationship with, 63-64,129,131, 137,141,142,147,148,149,152, 159, 162,163,165,172,181,182,212, 293, 371, 420; AB's work on photographs with, 116,133, 237; anti-church paper of, 447; and Morelia trip, 119; andOrozco, 246; and Pâtzcuaro trip, 108,116; and pulque research, 136 Simonson, Lee, 610, 611, 614, 632, 633 Sims, Melvin, 716 Sinclair, Upton, 26 Siqueiros, David Alfaro: and AB's art exhibit in New York, 5 61 ; AB's biography on, 3 5 2 ; AB's correspondence with, 793-796; AB's relationship with, 36, 65, 67, 69, 77, 79, 88, 91, 92, 93, 338, 341, 351, 354,360, 462, 664, 695, 700-703, 719, 761, 767; in California, 564; drawings of, 246; and ex-votos, 79, 82; on frescos in Guadalajara, 83-84; on Juan Hernândez, 88; and Mo-rones, 552; Orozco on, 42; photograph of, 84 ; and postrevolutionary nation building, 3,77, 84,130; and red flag on church, 512; as revolutionist, 627; on Rivera, 129; on Roman Catholic workers, 77; and strikes, 510; work in Guadalajara, 13, 65, 67 Siqueiros, David Alfaro, works of: Burial of a Worker, 42,43; El casamiento [The Wed­ding], 702; Death of an Agrarista from El Machete, 75; detail of a door by Juan Hernândez, design attributed to, 770; draw­ing of, 348; El Cristo doorway designed by, carved by Juan Hernandez, 770; Hombre atado [Tied-up Man], 701 ; Madreproleteria [Proletarian Mother], 761; man covering his face, 446; Mis duenos-Mis amos from El Machete, 231; Perforistas [Mine Drillers], 509 Solchaga, Salvador: and AB's Michoacân trip, 115-116,119; AB's relationship with, 171, 200; watercolor copies of Tupâtaro, 259 Solchaga, Salvador, works of: image of Saint Michael, 170; plaza in Tupâtaro, 117 Solow, Herbert, 625 Spanish Civil War, 789, 790 Spier, Leslie, 560 Spinden, Herbert Joseph, 560,609, 646 Spratling, William, 193,194 a n r? Stackpole, Ralph, 218 Steiglitz, Alfred, 673 Stein, Gertrude, 768 Sterne, Carl, 576 Stirner, Max, 8 Strindberg, Johann August, 588 Strunsky, Cissie, 660 Strunsky, Sheba, 660 Studio, 533 Survey Graphic, 336 Suttor, Lucio: AB's relationship with, 433,438; and Goitia, 469,489, 493,497; and Haci­enda La Llave, 487,512 Suttor, Rica: AB's relationship with, 310,336, 344. 347, 355, 360, 362, 369-370, 412, 414,415,423,427,428,429,433,438, 441,450, 455, 458, 461,463-464, 468, 469,480; and French language, 436; and Goitia, 465, 469,489; and Hacienda La Llave, 469,471,473,476-480,483,486 Tablada, José Juan, 328, 552, 559,574, 728 Taggard, Genevieve, 567 Tamayo, Rufino: and AB's art exhibit in New York, 574, 576; AB's relationship with, 131, 133,137,158,172,173,180,528, 540, 544, 557; Art Center exhibit of, 540; and Boynton, 182; and Gorelik, 162; in New York, 304, 520; and New York departure, 219; and Paine, 521, 527; and Rivera, 532 Tamayo, Rufino, works of: print of children singing, 158; Two Children with Maguey, 132 Tampa Cigar workers, 789 Tannenbaum, Frank: AB's relationship with, 7,136,141,142,143,150,152, 670,766; book of, 745; and Rivera, 130; on U.S.-Mex-ico relations, 51, 55 TASS, 670, 691 Tatanacho, 144,163,165, 338, 341,347,349, 352 Teixidor, Felipe, 144, 224 Tejeda, Adalberto, 656 Telegram, 743 Temple, Martin, 486 Tepoztlän trip, 237, 239 Theatre Guild, AB's articles for, 663,666 Thompson, Edward, 386-387,420 Thompson, Eric, 308, 318,729 Time, 717-718 Tlaquepaque trip, 77 Tolkowsky, Anne, 17,18 Tonalâ, 73, 77,94 Toor, Frances: AB's relationship with, 26, 27, 51,129,130,141,150,182,198, 229, 231, 274, 287, 295, 323.405.498; All's work for, 8,11,16, 21: and Communism, 424; asfolklorist, 174; and Gruening, 3 3 0 . 332; as journalist, 13; and Modotti, 3 3 4 : and Dora Plenn, 461-462: and Posada woodblocks, 293: translations of. 331 Toral, Leôn, 749 Torreblanca, Fernando, 418,467 Torres, Elena, 204, 206,209 Torres Bode, Jaime: AB's relationship with, 136,172,178, 210,217. 246.247: and Goitia, 315, 320 Tozzer, Alfred Marston, 534,560,606-607 Tresguerras, Francisco Eduardo, 114 Trevill, Ivonnede, 659 Trilling, Lionel, 766, 775,786 Trotsky, Leon, 484,495, 515. 575. 79 Trounstine, John, 687, 707,728 Tupâtaro trip, 116-117,119 Turcios, Froylan, 671 Turner, John Kenneth, 442,445-446 Twain, Mark, 150, 225,316,408,410 Tzintzuntzan trip, 108-110,112-114 Ugarte, Salvador, 156,163,173 Unamuno, Miguel de, 520,758, 759.780 unidentified artists: drawing of a tired or pen­sive woman, 578; Escapade, pulqucna -like image, 249; ex-voto of firing squad, 71: ex-votos dedicated to Virgin of Solitude. 70-71,83,173' 212,220; poster of the China Poblana, 360; Smiling women danc ing, 660 Union of Painters and Graphic Arts workers. loons United States: and China, 344.43°: Mexican relations, 51, 55. 293-294. 3°/ 3°9* 310- \ V A X T - G A H D E A H T A N D A H T 1 8 T S l N M E X I C O 420, 528,654; and Nicaragua, 424, 566, 654,664, 671,707; prosperity in, 299, 306, 515-516 Universal, El: AB's ad in, 424, 426,427; AB's A.P. credentials, 430; AB's work for, 139, 247, 464,465; and Colonia de La Boisa campaign, 157,159,172,182; and Gold­berg, 424; and Ortega, 132,135; and pho­tos of pulquerias, 61; and student champion orators, 257 UniversalIlustrado, 489 University of Texas, 557, 559 Uruapan trip, 94-97,99 Vaillant, George: and AB in New York, 518, 521, 525, 534, 535, 540; AB's anthropo­logical discussion with, 568, 571; AB's correspondence with, 612; and AB's Jewish identity, 572; AB's relationship with, 191, 193 194.196,198, 200; and Ames, 544; and anthropology, 555; and Boston trip, 560; field work in Mexico, 649; and David Glusker, 738; and Lothrop, 540, 543; and Orozco, 559; proposal of Mexico trip, 552; review of Idols Behind Altars, 735, 736; and Shapiro, 557 Valentine Dudensing Gallery, 25, 530, 567, 576,636,729 Van Dören, Dorothy, 667, 731, 739 Van Dören, Mark, 582, 597, 739 Vanegas Arroyo, Antonio: AB's recovery of col­lection, 5, 51, 200, 204; and Posada wood­blocks, 220,222, 283-284, 502 Vanguard Press, 622, 670 Vanity Fair, 467, 559 Van Vechten, Carl, 748 Vasconcelos, José, 3, 64, 552 Vela, Arqueles, 163 Velasco, José Maria, 229 Velasquez Bringas, Esperanza, 17, 208, 210, 446 Venado, Leôn, 219, 352,452 Vidal, I. Ma., photograph of a detail from a Maximo Pacheco mural, 570 Vidas, Bojidar: AB's relationship with, 424, 428-430,438, 439, 442, 444, 445, 447, 449, 451, 452, 455-456, 458, 461, 462, 465, 467, 468, 484, 485-487, 489, 506, 515, 582; as revolutionist, 627; and Rivera, 459 Villa, Francisco (Pancho), 26,157 Villistas, 354 Warner, Arthur, 673, 729 Watson, Forbes, 7, 524, 534, 639 Weaver, Raymond, 782 Weber, Max, 675 Weinberger, Bunny, 711 Weinberger, Ed, 290 Weinberger, Hilda, 711 Weltfisch, Gene, 592 Werner, George, 311, 341 Werner, Joe, 336, 337, 341, 461, 462, 486 Westerman, Joan, Woman in a Doorway, 643 Weston, Brett, 151,152, 237, 239 Weston, Edward: AB posing for, 51,52, 53, 265, 267; AB's correspondence with, 182, 604; and AB's journals, 3; on disturbing elements in Mexico, 252; and exhibitions, 271; letter to Anita, 744; and Michoacân, 128; Modotti's photograph of, 228; and photographs for AB's work, 35, 59,129, 130,132,150,152,156,158,159.161, 162-163,165,172,177,180,186,191, 193, 200, 229, 231, 235, 246, 253, 254, 255, 257, 263, 271, 273, 278; Tepoztlân trip, 237, 239 Weston, Edward, photographs of: abstract serpent, 256, 257; "AnitaBrenner" 780; "Arches, La Merced" 174; arrangement of lice combs on white and black backgrounds, 254-255; BestMaugard's circus acrobat on horseback, 162; bowls in an Oaxaca market, Azompa ware, 474; Brett Weston sitting on a wall, 151 ; "Bull from the Town of Santa Cruz near Tonalâ" 23; Calle de Rayon pulquerîa mural, 773; carved stone grasshopper, 256, 257; ceiling of an un­identified church, 545; Chariot, 279; Char-lot's Dancers, 211; Chariot's Maya figure, 200; clay bird whistles on a sarape, 764; cloth belts or girdles, 452; cookies, 192; copper bowl, 113; corn-husk woman riding ahorse, 192; Cowboy Riding Bull, pulqueria interior mural, 477; crane and fish gourds, 95; detail of Mitla pyramid, 186; ex-voto, 14; ex-voto of a miraculous escape, 91 ; ex-voto of an accident in a power plant, 90; ex-voto of man being held up by thieves on a bridge, 218; ex-voto of soldiers returning from war thanking the Virgin of Solitude, 219 ; ex-voto showing clergy praying at the bedside of fellow clergyman, thanking the Virgin of Solitude, 219; ex-voto with very blurred text about parachuter, 521; "Façade of Pulqueria in Mexico City" 463; filigree jewelry, 262, 263; Foncerrada's image of a group of men around a corral, 104; four rebozo whiskbrooms, 237; Frog on batea on petate, 368; Goitia's Fiesta, 338; Goitia's image of a patio with laundry and music, 277; Goitia's Indio triste, 30; Goitia's La banda [The Band], 278; Goitia's landscape in Zacatecas, 272; Goitia's Mourners/Battle ofOcotlân, 292; Goitia's Old Man on a Dung Heap, 30; Goitia's "Patio de vecindad" 248; Goitia's Study, 252,255; Goitia's Study for a Resurrection, 274; Goitia's Study in Con­trasts, 224-, Goitia's study of a man, 181 ; Goitia's study of a woman, 181 ; Goitia's Tata Jesucristo [Father Jesus], 29; Goitia's The Scream, 18; Goitia's Witch's Head, 23; Goitia's Woman on a Merry-go-round, 225; Goitia's woman with rebozo, 271; Goitia's woman with shawl, 335; hand of the potter Amado Galvân, 55; head carved by Juan Hernandez, 14; Hernandez' Children of the Revolution, 93; Hernândez' sketch for wood carving, 94; holster and belt, 476; "Horse and Petate" 743; Huichol woven bags, 191 ; "Interior of Native House in Xochimilco" 19; Janitzio, 437; "Janitzio, Pâtzcuaro" 101; "José demente Orozco" 581; José Clemente Orozco, 145, 146, 147; "Juguetes Mexicanos: Rag Doll and Sombrerito, 235; Luz on a petate, 195t "Manual Hernandez Galvân - Shooting" 20; Mérida's Figuras, 23 2 ; Mérida's Mujeres de Metepec [ Women ofMetepec], 183-, Mitla pyramid design, 187; "Nude" (Anita Brenner), 3,4,27,28, 54, 734, 735.750, 756; open-air theater, Valley of Teotihuacan, 161; "Our Lady of Soledad, Oaxaca" 110; Pacheco's sketch for Water Carrier, 46; portrait of Anita Brenner, 167,266,443; portrait of Manuel Hernândez Galvân, 213; portrait of Nahui Olin, 9; pots, 76; pottery whistles, 300; pre-Columbian figure with vase, 519; pre- Hispanic clay molendera [woman grind­ing corn], 239; pre-Hispanic dog-shaped vase, 527; pre-Hispanic Jaguar, 767; pre- Hispanic jug, 536; Pulqueria La Palanca, 60; "Pulqueria Las Proezas de Silveti" 10; "Pulqueria Los Changos Vaciladores" 463; "Pulqueria Mi Prieta" 774; Pulqueria mural, 359,621; pulqueria mural Turbaned Man on Horseback, 250; Pulqueria Pureza de Su Pulque, 61; Pyramid of the Sun at San Juan Teotihuacan, 64; rear view of San Juan de Dios church, Pâtzcuaro, 436; Rivera's Firing Squad, 184; Rivera's Tehuana mth a batea on her head, 196; "The Roosters' Banquet" (sing for Un Rato lunchroom), 641; Rosa Roland Covarrubias modeling a Tehuana dress, 194; Rose Roland Covarru­bias modeling a China Poblana Costume, 223; Rose Roland Covarrubias modeling a huipil, 164; Santuario de Guadalupe. Pâtzc­uaro, 103; seated black pottery figure, 136; "Sombrero y huaraches" [Hat and Shoes], 234; stone plaque in El Cristo de Humilla-dero chapel, 115; stone pumpkin, §5; three bells, 192; "Three Fish-Gourds" 269; three monkeys, 190; Tonalâ pitcher, 763: toy horse and rider, 551 ; "Très ollas de Oax­aca" 81 ; two pre-Hispanic figures converse. jyi ; "Two Swan Gourds" 501,5°I; ^ irgen de Guadalupe, cut-out tissue paper, ; 05: wooden duck, 37t : Xavier Guerrero design in the Zuno house, 544 Weston, Edward-Tina Modotti. photographs of: altar with angels carved into tissue paper, 713; Angel's portrait of Manuel Rodriguez Lozano, 357', "Architectural A V A N T - 0 A I I I ) E A R T A N D A R T I S T S I N M B X I C O Detail-Majolica, Casa del Alfenique, Puebla, Late Colonial" 593; canes, 316; Castellanos' portrait of Nahui Olin, 454; ceiling of Tupâtaro chapel, 117; Chariot's image of houses, 531; Chariot's image of Luz, 484; Chariot's image of Luz reading, 737; Chariot's image of Luz's nude back, 574; Chariot's Luz nude, 291; Chariot's portrait of Luz and Conchita, 453; Chariot's profile of Luz, 74 8; Chariot's stylized Luz and Conchita, 275; colonial image of a friar without arms, 771; crystal figures, 262, 263; decorated Western saddle, 476; de la Cueva's mural in Guadalajara, 64; de la Cueva's mural study for Aguador fresco, 68, 69, 245; detail of a door by Juan Hernandez, design attributed to Amado de la Cueva or David Alfaro Siqueiros, 770; detail of the Franciscan convent ceiling mural, 114 ; Diego Rivera, 3 2 ; door panel by Juan Hernandez, following a design by Xavier Guerrero, 769; El Cristo doorway designed by David Alfaro Siqueiros, carved by Juan Hernandez, 770; Escapade, pulqueria-Yike image, unidentified artist, 249; ex-voto of a woman kneeling with a candle, thanking the Virgen de la Soledad, 173 ; ex-voto that says "Poorly written account of wealthy landowner..449; façade of colonial church with Saint Michael, 752; face carved into rock, 719; five straw toy figures, 269; Foncerrada's Peasant Boy, 96; Galvân's lidded urn, 79; Galvân's lidded urn, detail, 79; Galvân's painted tiles, 78-, Goitia's Baile revolutionary [Revolutionary Dance], 498; gold filigree necklace and earrings, 267; Guerrero's design of a Zuno house doorway, 547; Guerrero's mural ceiling of the Zuno house, 66; hand-painted plate that reads "Viva mi dueno Catarino" 551; jaguar-hu­man head, 600; "The Loves of Cupid" de­tail of mural on pulquerîa, 462; "Luz" 783 ; "Madonna" 480; Martinez Pintao's Christ in the Garden of Olives, 456; Mayan huipil, 383; Mérida's Four Seated Quiché Women, 548; Mérida's Reinalde, 549; Mérida's Three Tehuana Women, 208; Mérida's Tipo quiché, 349; modern tile panel, 485; Museo Gua­dalajara doorways, 593; necklace with clay sculpted beads, 259; Orozco's La alcantia [The Alms Box], 254; Orozco's Alvarado the Conqueror, 428; Orozco's ceiling fresco mural panel at the National Preparatory School, 206; Orozco's Cortés and Malinche, 205; Orozco's detail from The Aristocracy fresco, 45; Orozco's detail of Maternity, 333; Orozco's The Family, 253; Orozco's Francis­can, 334; Orozco's The Franciscan and the Indian, 247; Orozco's The Last Judgment, 243; Orozco's "The Rearguard" detail from the Revolutionaries, 244; Orozco's Revolu­tionary Trinity (first version), 210; Orozco's St. Francis Kissing a Leper, 650; Orozco's Women in Revolution, 334; "Our Lord of the Tree, Michoacân" 119; Pacheco's Ado­lescent Head, 537; Pacheco's detail from a mural, 265,329; Pacheco's drawing for mural of a boy with flute, 344; Pacheco's image of two boys, 264; Pacheco's mural of a boy with flute, 345; Pacheco's sketch for a mural, 328; painted tiles from Puebla in the Zuno house, 67; painting of Saint Michael in El Calvario Chapel, Pâtzcuaro, 611; patio of Zuno house, 547; Pâtzcuaro landscape, 640; Posada's Adiôs a México, cover of a songbook, x; Posada's corrido "Reapariciôn y apertura del antiguo Volador" 332; Posada's corrido "Verdaderos versos de Macario Romero" 363 ; Posada's cover of La Maderista songbook, 221; Posada's Der-rocamiento de Madero songbook cover, 293; Posada's Gran Mole de Calaveras corrido, 140; Posada's Marcha Porfirio Diaz, cover of a songbook, 522; post-Spanish sculpture, 535", pottery duck, 72; "Retablo-Agustino" 709; Rivera's Revolutionary School, detail, 353; Rivera's La sangre de los mârtires revo-lucionariosfertilizando la Tierra [The Blood of the Revolutionary Martyrs Fertilizing the Earth], 572; Rodriguez Lozano's Man Sit­ting on a Bench, 295; saddle and spurs, 483; Santa Rosa Church in Querétaro, 724\ a ar\ seventeenth-century ladrillos [painted tiles], 764; shepherds, decorations for Christ­mas celebration, 706; Siqueiros' Burial of a Worker, 43; Siqueiros' Madreproleteria [Proletarian Mother], 761; sixteenth-century Franciscan convent, 114; smiling pottery head, 459; stone angel in Pâtzcuaro, 616; stone angel with cross in Oaxaca, 686; stone holy water font, 619; stone mermaid fountain, 257; stone sculpture in Pâtzcuaro, 602; straw plate and pottery, 298; sun clock, 755; three fans, 630; three painted tiles, 766; tile in Puebla, 704; two baskets and four toys, 722; village scene paint on a petate, 657; wrapped petate bundle leaning against a tree, 268 Weyhe: and Chariot's work, 530, 568, 575, 603, 729; and Orozco's work, 568, 575, 684; and Pacheco's work, 575; and Rivera's work, 530, 533, 566; and Siqueiros'work, 729,761 Wharton, Edith, 92 White, Leslie, 560 Whorf, Benjamin Lee, 683, 729 Wilder, Thornton, 698, 708, 711, 718, 779 Williams, George, 391,395 Wilson, Henry Lane, 159,161, 289-290, 293 Winig, Herbert, 257 Winsdon, Martha, 781 Wolfe, Ella, 334, 336, 343, 351, 352,698, 748 Wright, Harold Bell, 389 Xochimilco, young women from, 251 Xochitiatzin, J., Ofrenda [offering] to Pepito v Pepita, 285 Yaqui rebellion, 259,26306 young girl by two decorated graves on l)ia de Muertos, 286-287 young man with enormous charm hat, 361 Young Men's Hebrew Association (Y.M.H.A.), 299,336,456,463 Yucatan: AB's travels in, 49,157, r62, 303, 332,336, 347.371. 372-379. 381-38.3. 3 8 6 - 3 8 7 , 3 8 9 - 3 9 5 . 3 9 7 - 3 9 8 . 3 0 0 3 1 1 : and Goitia, 465 Zaar, Isaac, 412, 559 Zapata, Emiliano, 157,157. 506,506,507. 508-510 Zapatistas, 62,354 Zavala, Lorenzo de, 378 Zavala, Ricardo, 119 Zorach, William: AB's article on, 673; AB's meeting, 591; AB's socializing with. 594. 675; exhibitions of, 592 Zorach, William, work of, Young Boy, 590 Zuno, José Guadalupe: AB's correspondence with, 548; AB's relationship with. 3 56: AB's work at house, 67,88,91: and de la Cueva, 144; moral standardsof, 327; and politics. 69,82,84-85,92,132,265
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