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Volltext:I N D E X Abbaye de Créteil, 40, 106, 132, 177-178 Abrams, M. H., 188 n.36, 190 n.ll Les Actes des poètes, 139 Action d'Art, 14, 136-137, 139, 140-142, 144, 154-155, 165; also see anarcho-individualism Action française (journal), 20 Action française (movement), 4, 6, 7, 10, 16-22, 25-27, 29-30, 35, 99, 106-107, 110, 115-116, 119-120, 122-123, 126, 135-136, 149-150, 169-170, 176 Adam, Paul, 96 Agathon, 5, 148-151; on sport, 96-97 Allard, Roger, 17-18, 27-30, 33-37, 40, 57, 63, 111, 137 L'Anarchie, 140-144 Anarcho-communism, 6, 147; also see Jean Grave Anarcho-individualism, 6, 14, 135-137, 140, 143-145, 151-153, 166; also see illegalism Anarcho-syndicalism, 6, 136, 147, 151, 154, 156, 158-159; also see Georges Sorel anti-semitism, 8, 18 Apollinaire, Guillaume, 18, 23, 63-64, 72, 85, 94, 97, 111, 135 Archipenko, Alexander, 97 Arcos, René, 40, 42, 59-60 Art libre, 17-19, 27, 29, 31, 36-37 Atl, 136-137; on Cubism, 137; on Futur­ism, 137 Aurier, Albert, 70 Bacconnier, Firmin, 7, 9, 20-21 Bakst, Léon, 71, 90 Ballets Russes, The, 71, 90, 95 Les Bandeaux d'or, 18 Barrés, Maurice, 17 Barthes, Roland, 216 n.24 Barzun, Henri-Martin, 42, 107-108, 111, 115-118, 126-127, 129-130, 132, 179; at­tack on the Action française, 116-118, 126; Celtic nationalism of, 117-118 beholder, 48-49, 52, 58, 65, 103 Benda, Julien, 4; on Bergson, 99 Bergson, Henri: and Creative Evolution, 3, 44, 65, 72, 84, 86, 90, 103-104, 151, 154; and "Introduction to Metaphysics, " 3, 50, 53, 125, 158, 165-166; and "Laugh­ter, " 58-59, 84; and Matter and Mem­ory, 4, 13, 59, 100, 145, 151, 153; and "The Perception of Change, " 58; and Time and Free Will, 4, 26, 44, 47, 84, 151-152; differentiation between the arts, 65-66, 198 n. 124 ; on artistic per­ception, 45-46, 58-60, 63-64, 104; on the Body Politic, 104-105; on Corot, 58; on creativity, 12, 45-46, 84, 103; on Cub­ism, 3, 185 n.2 ; on durée, 45, 49, 65, 102; on élan vital, 12-13, 84, 103; on ex-tensity, 12, 47, 100-101; on images, 49- 51, 59, 65; on the Mona Lisa, 39, 51; on organic form, 102-105; on poetry, 49, 64; on qualitative difference, 47, 102; on quantitative difference, 102; on rhythm, 100-102; on sport, 96, 211 n.83; on sym­bolism, 135; on J. M. W. Turner, 58; on visual arts, 51; politics of, 11, 187-188 n.33; religious views of, 151 Bernard, Emile, 112, 114 Bernard, Jean-Marc, 10, 17, 19, 23-25, 27- 29, 31; on Symbolism, 23-25, 31; on Tancrède de Visan, 23-25 Bernstein, Henri, 8 Berth, Edouard, 9 Billiet, Joseph, 27-32, 34-37, 57, 63, 115- 118, 121, 127, 129, 132; celtic national­ism of, 29, 32, 36-37, 63, 115, 121; on the Action française, 28-29; on classi­cism, 28, 116, 129, 132 Blanche, Jacques-Émile, 39, 71 Blondel, Maurice, 149 The Blue Review, 72 232 I N D E X Boccioni, Umberto, 11, 137, 161-166, 169— 170; Riot in the Gallery, 163 Body Politic, the, 121-122, 132, 134, 143, 148, 160, 173-174 Bonnot, Jules, 141; and the Bonnot Gang, 141-142, 144; also see illegalism Bouchot, Henri, 120 Bourdelle, Émile-Antoine, 71 Bowditch, John, 97 Braque, Georges, 68 Briand, Aristide, 7-8 Brodsky, Horace, 72 Burns, Robert, 89 C.G.T., see Confédération Générale du Travail Cabanel, Alexandre, 128 Cahier des poètes, 69, 133 Les Cahiers d'aujourd'hui, 178 Cahiers de la Quinzaine, 4 Cahiers du cercle Proudhon, 9, 187 n.29 Calais, Charles, 133-134 Callemin, Raymond, 141-144; and scien­tific anarchism, 143-144 Callet, Auguste, 110 Callet, Charles, 107, 110, 126, 133 Camelots du Roi, 8-9 capitalism, 14—15 Carco, Francis, 69, 71, 73, 133-134 Carouy, Edouard, 141-142 Carra, Carlo, 11, 163-166, 170; Funeral of the Anarchist Galli, 163-164, 173 Carrière, Eugène, 51 Carter, Huntly, 69, 80-86, 90-91, 94, 96, 101, 103, 114 Cartesianism, 4, 10-12, 14, 17-19, 26, 35, 37, 148-150, 156, 169-171, 179, 188n.36 Cary, Joyce, 72 Case, Bertha, 73 Castagnary, Jules Antoine, 119 Cellini, Benvenuto, 120 Celtic League (La Ligue Celtique Fran- - çaise|, 106-107, 110, 117-118, 120-123, 125, 169; on Bergson, 123 celtic nationalism, 14, 29, 117-122, 169, 174, 177, 179, 183 Cézanne, Paul, 31, 43, 52-53, 68-69, 126, 128 Chabaud, Auguste, 79 Chardin, Jean-Baptiste-Siméon, 119, 128 Chesneau, Ernest, 119 Classicism: and Cubism, 30-33, 35-38, 63, 128-129, 132; Bergsonist, 17-18, 27-29, 32-33, 35-68, 63, 106, 115-117, 128- 129, 132; Maurrasian, 10, 16-18, 21, 23- 24, 29, 32-33, 35-37, 114, 116-117, 169 Claudel, Paul, 125 Clemenceau, Georges, 7-8 Clouard, Henri, 7, 9, 10, 19, 23, 37, 123, 133, 150 Clouet, Jean, 108, 119-120, 122, 128 Clough, Rosa, 161 Colletti, Lucio, 171-172 Colomer, André, 136-137, 139-148, 150- 155, 164-166; on Agathon, 148, 150- 151; on Bergson, 151 Combet-Descombes, Pierre, 31 Comte, Auguste, 9 Confédération Générale du Travail (C.G.T.), 6-8, 122 Corneille, Pierre, 26, 28 Corneille de Lyon, 120 Corot, Jean-Baptiste Camille, 58, 126 corporatism, 7, 9, 19-21, 25, 108, 121, 151, 158-159, 169, 177, 179-184 Corradini, Enrico, 159, 161-162, 170 Cottington, David, 6, 36-37, 94, 97, 132, 193-194 n. 110, 195-196 n.59, 207-208 n.133 Courbet, Gustave, 119, 126 Crary, Jonathan, 170 Creative Evolution (Bergson), 3, 44, 65, 72, 86, 90, 103-104, 151, 154 Crossthwaite, Arthur, 96 Culler, Jonathan, 188 n.36 Cumming, Elizabeth, 83 Dalcroze, Jacques, 90-91 Daudet, Léon, 8, 19 David, Jacques-Louis, 126, 128 Delacroix, Eugène, 85, 126, 128; Women of Algiers, 85 Delaunay, Robert, 61, 97, 177, 197 n.113; The Cardiff Team, 97; Eiffel Tower, 61, 177 La Demolizioni, 156, 159-160, 163 Derain, André, 67, 72, 85; La Danse, 85 Derème, Tristan, 69, 71, 73, 133-134 Dermée, Paul, 138 Derrida, Jacques, 12, 188 n.36, 188-189 n.40 Descartes, René, 26-27 Dessambre, René, 137 Diaghilev, Sergei Pavolich, 90 I N D E X Dillon, Kathleen, 89-90 Dimier, Louis, 119-120 Dinale, Octavio, 156, 160-161 Dismorr, Jessica, 69 Divoire, Fernand, 107 Douglass, Paul, 188-189 n.40, 191 n.59 Drey, Raymond, 86, 88, 101 Dryden, Elizabeth, 73 Duc d'Orléans, 9 Duchamp-Villon, Raymond, 108, 203- 204 n. 14 Dufy, Raoul, 68 Duncan, Isadora, 94 Dürkheim, Emile, 149 École des Beaux-arts, 30-31 Ecole Romane, 120 élan vital, 11-12, 14, 27, 70, 81-82, 84-85, 89-90, 94, 96-97, 99-101, 104, 129-130, 153, 165, 174 Elderfield, John, 68 L'Esprit Nouveau, 138, 180-182 L'Etendard celtique, 107, 120-121, 123 eurythmies, 90-91 extensity, 12-13, 15, 34, 43-44, 47-48, 52- 53, 100; and Cubism, 34, 43-44, 48, 52- 53, 102; and passage, 12-13, 52-53, 100; and rhythm, 53, 100-101 Fantaisistes (poetic movement), 71-73, 133-134, 169; evaluation of Celtic nation­alism, 133-134, 169 Fantasio, 99 Fascism, 11, 14-15, 178-180, 184, 189 n.41; and capitalism, 179-180; and corpo­ratism, 179-180, 182, 184; and Taylor-ism, 179-180; also see time Faure, Christian, 217 n.44 Faure, Sébastien, 147 federalism, 108, 122, 136, 157, 169, 183— 184 Fédération Communiste-Anarchiste, 142, 146 Fénéon, Félix, 142 Fergusson, John Duncan, 10, 69, 71-73, 76-86, 89-90, 92, 99-103, 133, 148, 169, 173; The Blue Beads, Paris, 76; La Dame aux Oranges, 80; Les Eus, 90-92, - La Force, 83-85; Le Manteau Chinois, 73; The Pink Parasol, 73; The Red Shawl, 73, 79-80; Rhythm, 83-86, 91, 94, 96-97, 99, 103, 173; Rose Rhythm: 233 Kathleen Dillon, 88—90; The Spotted Scarf, 80; Torse de Femme, 83-85, 92 Figuière, Eugène, 107 Fiorentino, Rosso, 119-120, 127-128 Flam, Jack, 69, 198-199 n. 6 Florence, Jean, 107 Florian, Pierre, 123 Florian-Parmentier, 111, 137, 139 La Foire aux chimères, 139 Fontainebleau, School of, 119, 120, 127 Ford, Henry, 177 La Forge, 139 Fort, Paul, 53, 71, 107-108, 136-137 Foucault, Michel, 170-171 fourth dimension, 43-44 François I, 119, 128 Franco-Russian alliance, 120 Freeman, Judi, 68 Fried, Michael, 205 n. 60 Friesz, Emile-Othon, 68, 71-72 Fry, Edward F., 67-68 Fustel de Coulanges, Numa Denis, 119 Gamier, Octave, 141-142 Gauguin, Paul, 67, 70, 85 Le Gaulois, 135 Géricault, Théodore, 128 Ghil, René, 23, 137 Gillouin, René, 123-125, 129; attack on the Action française, 124-125; on Berg­son, 124; on Bergsonian symbolism, 124-125; on Celtic nationalism, 125 Giolitti, Giovanni, 159 Gleizes, Albert, 10, 12, 15, 18, 27-31, 33- 34, 36-37, 39-40, 42-44, 47-48, 51-54, 56, 58-61, 63-66, 69, 94, 96-97, 100- 103, 106-108, 110, 113-114, 118, 125- 130, 132, 136-137, 147-148, 160, 169, 174, 178; Bridges of Paris, 53; celtic na­tionalism of, 118, 126-130, 132, 174; Chartres Cathedral, 130, 169; The City and the River, 130, 132, 174; classicism of, 129; Fishing Boats, 174; Football Players, 97, 99, 103; Harvest Threshing, 129-130, 132, 174; Paysage, 31; Portrait of facques Nayral, 54, 56, 61, 63; Woman with Phlox, 31 Golding, John, 67-69 Goodyear, Frederick, 72-73 La Grande revue, 6 Grave, Jean, 141-142, 147, 155 Gray, Christopher, 40, 47 234 I N D E X Green, Christopher, 16, 40, 92-93 Grogin, Robert C., 4, 6, 11, 19, 148 Les Guêpes, 10, 23, 25 La Guerre sociale, 6, 7, 142 Harvey, David, 176-178 Haskell, Francis, 205 n.60 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 134 Henderson, Linda Dalrymple, 43 Herbin, Auguste, 72 Herf, Jeffrey, 14-15 Hervé, Gustave, 6-9, 142, 159 L'Homme réel, 182-183 Les Hommes du /our, 135 d'Hostel, Bainville, 137, 139 Hugo, Victor, 119 Hutton, John, 206 n.73 Ile Sonnante, 69, 72-73, 107 illegalism, 140-143, 154; also see anarcho-individualism Impressionism, 17, 30-31, 33, 35, 57, 59, 101, 113, 168, 188 n.36 L'Indépendance, 9, 158 Individualiste scientiste, 144 Ingres, Jean Auguste Dominique, 126, 128 L'Intransigeant, 142 "Introduction to Metaphysics" (Bergson), 3, 50, 53, 125, 158, 165-166 Jackson, Holbrook, 77 Jacob, Marius, 141 Janvion, Emile, 8 Jaurès, Jean, 7 Jay, Martin, 170-171 Jeunes Gardes révolutionnaires, 8 Junoy, Josep Maria, 17 Kahn, Gustave, 137 Kant, Immanuel, 40-41 Kaplan, Alice, 164 Kermode, Frank, 173, 179 Kropotkin, Peter, 136, 141-144, 147, 154— 155 Laberthonnière, Lucien, 149 Labriola, Arturo, 156, 158-159 Lacaze-Duthier, Gérard de, 136, 138-140, 143, 146 Lacerba, 165 Lacour, Lucien, 8 La Fontaine, Jean de, 124 Lagardelle, Hubert, 156, 182-184 Lagrange, Henri, 8-9 Lampué affair, 135 Landon, Philip, 72 Lanson, Gustave, 22-23, 25-26, 111, 114- 115, 132; and Le Fauconnier, 114-115; at­tack on the Action française, 114-115 Lasserre, Pierre, 7, 10 17, 19, 20-24, 29, 135; and Bergsonism, 19-22, 135; and Sorel, 20 La Tour du Pin, Marquis René de, 7, 9 "Laughter" (Bergson), 58 Le Corbusier ICharles Edouard Jeanneret), 176-177, 180-184; Algiers Project (1931-1942), 183-184; Still Life, 181 Le Dantec, Félix, 143-144 Lee, Jane, 85 Le Fauconnier, Henri, 10, 12, 29-30, 34, 36-37, 39, 71, 92, 94, 108, 110-118, 132, 148; L'Abondance, 92, 94, 97, 99; artis­tic theory of, 110-118; attack on Emile Bernard, 112, 114; Mountain Village, 111-112; Ploumanach, 34 Léger, Fernand, 35, 39-40; Nudes in a For­est, 35; Study foi Three Figures, 40 Leighten, Patricia, 6, 63, 135 LeNain, Louis, 119 Lenin, Vladimir Ilich, 181 Leonardo da Vinci, 39, 51-52; Mona Lisa, 39, 51-52 Le Roy, Edouard, 149 Libertad (Albert Joseph), 140 La Ligue Celtique Française, see Celtic League Lista, Giovanni, 156, 160 Lorulot (André Roulot), 140, 142-144 Louis VI, 122 Louis VII, 122 Louis-Philippe, 119 Lowe, Donald, 170-171 Lubar, Robert, 16 Lukâcs, Georg, 170-173, 176 La Lupa, 156, 159-161 Maeterlinck, Maurice, 50-51, 56, 72 Maillol, Aristide, 79 Maire, Gilbert, 7, 9-10, 19, 37, 123-125, 133, 135, 150, 158 Mallarmé, Stéphane, 18, 23, 31, 66, 72; and Bergsonism, 31 Manet, Edouard, 67, 119, 126; Luncheon on the Grass, 67 I N D E X Marcel, Gabriel, 80 Les Marches du Sud Ouest, 36 Margueritte, Victor, 96 Marinetti, Filippo Tommaso, 138, 139, 156, 160-163, 166, 169, 184 Maritain, Jacques, 4 Martin, Alvin, 68 Martin, Marianne, 163 Marx, Karl, 157 Massis, Henri, 5, 7, 71, 148-149; also see Agathon Mathews, Patricia, 70 Ma thon, Eugène, 180 Matisse, Henri, 57, 67-69, 73, 77, 198-199 n. 6; The Joy of Life (Bonheur de vivre), 67 Matter and Memory (Bergson), 4, 100, 145, 151, 153 Mauclair, Camille, 181 Maurras, Charles, 4, 6-10, 14, 16-19, 21, 37, 118-120, 123, 125, 135, 150, 158; on Bergson, 10, 21, 99; and Catholicism, 9- 10, 187 n.30 Mazgaj, Paul, 7 McGregor, Sheila, 72 McLeod, Mary, 180-181, 183 Mercereau, Alexandre, 63, 107-108, 110 Mercier, Ernest, 180-181 Merrheim, Alphonse, 177 Méry, Gaston, 120 Metzinger, Jean, 10, 12-13, 17-18, 29-30, 33-^36, 39-40, 42-44, 47-48, 51-52, 54, 58-61, 63-66, 69, 71, 97, 100-103, 106- 108, 110, 113-114, 118, 126, 137, 147; Le Cycliste, 97-, Le Goûter, 13, 40, 44, 54; Nude, 33-34, 64 Michels, Roberto, 156 Mithouard, Adrien, 37 Moïse, Arnaud, 30 Montjoie!, 19, 106, 108, 110, 118, 123, 125-126, 128 Moréas, Jean, 120, 125 Morisot, Berthe, 31 Morris, Margaret, 89 Morris, William, 177 Le Mouvement socialiste, 156 Muller, Jean; attack on Gilbert Maire, 123- 124 Murray, Anne, 111 Murry, John Middleton, 69, 72-73, 78, 80- 84, 90, 101, 132-133, 169 Mussolini, Benito, 178, 184 235 myth: and Fascism, 178; and Futurism, 159-164, 166, 170; and ideology, 11, 173; Sorelian, 156-157, 159-164, 170; also see Enrico Corradini, and Georges Sorel Nash, John, 63-64 Nayral, Jacques, 54, 56, 110 neo-Impressionism, 114, 154, 166 The New Age, 69, 80, 83 Nietzsche, Frederich Wilhelm, 63-64, 136— 138, 146, 150, 160, 183, 197n.ll6 La Nouvelle Revue Française, 37 L'Occident, 37 Olivier-Hourcade, 107 Omessa, Charles, 142 L'Opinion, 148 Oppler, Ellen, 67 Orano, Paulo, 156, 159-160 L'Ordre nouveau, 182-183 organicism, 11-15, 19, 28, 35, 46, 52, 116, 121, 159, 164, 169-170, 177, 179, 190 n.ll; and ideology, 11-15, 104, 123, 127-128, 130, 151, 154, 159, 164, 169, 170, 177, 179, 181, 183, 188-189 n.40, 217 n. 56, 217 n. 58; and organic form, 12-13, 81, 118, 127, 130, 169, 181, 188- 189 n.40, 217 n.56, 217 n.58 d'Ors, Eugeni, 17 Ortiz Gang, 142; also see Trial of the Thirty Ortner, Sherry, 70, 97 Pan, 18 Paraf-Javal, 140 Parnassian poetry, 56, 57, 117 Parti Socialiste, Section Française de l'Inter­nationale ouvrière, 7 Pataud, Emile, 8 Péguy, Charles, 4, 125 Pelletier, Robert, 107-108, 120-122, 130, 132, 169, 179; attack on the Action française, 120-123, 125, 127—128; celtic nationalism of, 120-123, 127-128, 130, 132 Peploe, Samuel J., 69 "The Perception of Change" (Bergson), 58 La Phalange, 10 Picard, Gaston, 6, 124 Picasso, Pablo, 63-64, 85; Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, 85 236 I N D E X Pini, Vittorio, 141 Plans, 177, 182-184 Poème et drame, 107-108, 110, 114-115, 126 Poincaré, Henri, 43, 63 Poincaré, Raymond, 7, 106, 151 Point, Armand, 112 Pouget, Emile, 141, 177 Poussin, Nicholas, 37, 126, 129 Préludes, 177, 182-183 Prezzolini, Giuseppi, 156 Primaticcio, Francesco, 119-120 Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph, 119, 136, 141, 157, 180 Psichari, Ernest, 71 Pujo, Maurice, 8 qualitative difference, 47, 51, 102 qualitative space, 100; also see extensity quantitative difference, 102 Rabelais, François, 177; Abbey of Thélème, 177 Racine, Jean, 26-28, 124 Raphael, 128 Realism, 118-119, 128-129 Reboul, Jacques, 108, 129 Reclus, Elisée, 154 Redressement Français, 180-181 Réflexions sur la Violence (Sorel), 5, 9, 156, 159, 164, 170 regional syndicalism, 182-184; also see Hubert Lagardelle Renault, Louis, 178 Renoir, Pierre Auguste, 126 Revue critique des idées et des livres, 7- 10, 18-19, 21, 114, 123, 133, 150, 158 Revue de l'Action française (newspaper), 7-8, 10 La Revue de France et des pays français, 107 Revue des nations, 107-108, 123 La Revue indépendante, 36, 125-126 Rey, Etienne, 99 Rhythm, 69, 71-73, 79-80, 83, 85, 90, 94- 95, 99, 113-114, 132-134 Le Rhythme, 139 Rice, Anne Estelle, 10, 69, 71, 73, 100-101, 133, 169 Rivain, Jean, 7 Robbins, Daniel, 6, 56, 132 Rocafort, Jacques, 21 Rodin, Auguste, 79 Romains, Jules, 40, 42, 57, 61, 63, 101 Romanticism, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 29, 123, 128, 188 n.36 Ronsard, Pierre de, 124 Rosen, Charles, 120 Roslak, Robin, 154 Rosmer, Alfred, 142 Rothenstein, Albert, 72 Royère, Jean, 10, 23, 107 Russolo, Luigi, 163, 166; Revoit, 163 Rutter, Frank, 79, 80-83 Ryner, Han, 140 Sadler, Michael, 72-73, 90, 114 Saint-Simon, Claude Henri de Rouvroy, comte de, 119, 180-181 Saint-Simonianism, 119 Salmon, André, 18, 39, 42, 71, 94, 135 scientific anarchism, 143-145, 147; also see Raymond Callemin U Secolo, 161 Segonzac, André Dunoyer de, 10, 69, 71, 94—95, 97, 133, 169; Boxers, 94-95, 99 Serge, Victor, 140, 142-143 Severini, Gino, 11, 53-54, 56, 137, 139— 140, 146, 153, 155, 158, 164-166; Ar­moured Train, 166; Sea = Dancer, 165; Travel Memories, 53-54, 165 Shanks, Michael, 170-171 Shiff, Richard, 13 Shusterman, Richard, 188-189 n.40 Sieyès, Abbé Emmanuel, 118 Signac, Paul, 57, 154—155, 166; In the Time of Harmony, 154-155 Silver, Kenneth E., 16, 166 Simmel, Georg, 171-172 simultaneity, 40-41, 50, 53-54, 108, 132 Sonn, Richard, 154 Sorel, Georges, 4-7, 9-10, 14, 18-19, 24- 25, 136, 146, 156-158, 160, 163-164, 166, 169-170, 178-179, 182-184; and Bergson, 10 Soudy, André, 141 space; qualitative, 43-44, 47-48, 52, 54; quantitative, 43, 47; also see extensity Sternhell, Zeev, 11, 14, 156, 182 Stirner, Max, 136, 140-141, 143, 146-147, 150-151, 153 The Studio, 79 Suger, Abbé, 122 Sullivan, Louis, 176 I N D E X 237 Symbolism, 10, 14, 17-18, 26-30, 38, 42, 51, 56-57, 61, 66, 70-72, 85, 110, 114— 118, 123-124, 133, 137, 158, 169, and classicism, 27, 116, 124-125 syndicalism, 18, 121 Tarde, Alfred de, 5, 148, also see Agathon Tautain, Gustave-Louis, 6, 124 Taylorism, 172-174, 176-182, 184, also see time (quantitative) Les Temps nouveaux, 141 Terdiman, Richard, 11, 188-189 n.40 Thalamas, François, 8 Thérive, André, 123 Thierry, Augustin, 119-120 Thompson, E. P., 170-171, 174 Thompson, Marguerite, 69 Thoré, Théophile, 119 Tilly, Christopher, 170-171 Time: and capitalism, 170-173, 176-180, 182; and creativity, 4; and fascism, 178— 180, 182; and ideology, 13-15, 168, 170, 174, 176, 178-180, 184; organicist, 170— 174, 176, 178-180, 184; qualitative, 11, 14-15, 27-28, 43-45, 168, 173-174, 177; quantitative, 14—15, 43-44, 168, 171- 173, 176-177 Time and Free Will (Bergson), 4, 26, 47, 102, 151-152 Trial of the Thirty, 142 11 Tricolore, 159, 161 Troy, Nancy, 6, 203-204 n.14 Turner, Joseph Mallard William, 58 Unanimism, 23, 40, 42, 61, 63, 101 Vachia, René, 30-31 Valet, René, 141 Valois, Georges, 7, 9, 11, 158, 178-180, 184 Van Gogh, Vincent, 67 Variot, Jean, 158 Vernon, Richard, 157 Vers et prose, 10, 18, 25, 39, 42, 53, 71, 108, 136-137 Vichy regime, 182-183 La Vie heureuse, 99 La Vie ouvrière, 142 Vildrac, Charles, 178 Villon, Jacques, 108, 128; Portrait of François I, after Clouet, 108, 128 Visan, Tancrède de, 10, 18, 23-31, 35, 39, 42, 50-51, 53, 56-57, 61, 63, 71, 94, 107- 108, 110, 116, 118, 136, 149, 158; on ac­cumulated images, 50-51, 56-57; on the Action française, 26-27; on Cartesian-ism, 26; on Jean-Marc Bernard, 25-26 Vlaminck, Maurice, 67 Watteau, Jean-Antoine, 119 Weber, Eugen, 7, 10, 97, 106, 120, 178 Whistler, James Abbot McNeil, 73, 78-79 Williams, Raymond, 190n. 11 Wohl, Robert, 148-149 Yvetot, Georges, 147 Zerner, Henri, 120
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