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Volltext:Index Abbot, Professor Herbert, 65, l x 9 Abbot, Mrs. Herbert (B.B.'s sis­ter), 65, 119, 278 Abudi (dragoman), 43, 45 Acton, Harold, 242—3, 24g, 271 Adams, Henry, 160 M. (Irish poet), 204 Aga Oglu, 187, 189 Aksakow, S. T., 95 Alazard, Jean, 278 n. Alberti, Count Guglielmo degli, 117 205 2I7 225. 242 271 278 Albertini, Luigi, 118 Aldrich, Amey, 213, 250 Aldrich, Chester, 213, 250 Allen, Clifford (later Lord Allen of Hurtwood) ,216 Allendale, Lord, 203 Amendola, Giovanni, 112, 113 (and n.), 114 Ancona, Duke and Duchess of, 262 n. Andersen, Hans, 96, 97, 150 Anfossi (chauffeur), 73, 74—75 Angulo, Diego, 194 Anrep, Aida von {née Mariano), 32, 4°. 48 49. 8°. 87. 105 110 11g, 121, 129, 162, 202, 204, 20g, 211, 215, 228, 246, 248, 253, 254, 256, 263, 265, 268 Anrep, Egbert von (Bertie), 32, 40, 49, 80, 87, 105, 110, 117 n., 121, 162 Anrep, Cecil von, 10, 12, 32, 40, 49, 80, 87, 105, 110, 121, 162, 255J269 Arkin, Frances, 279 Arlotta, Flavia (later Colacicchi), 247 Asch, Sholem, 95 Austen, Jane, 181 Bach, J. S., 29 Badoglio, Marshal, 254 Balbo, Marshal, 243 Baldwin, Mrs. Florence, 91-92 Banti, Luisa, 232 Barbantini, Nino, 270 Barney, Natalie, 8g, 178 Barr, Margaret, 207 Bassano, Jacopo and Leandro, 200 Bastianeiii, Raffaele, 245 Bayne, Edward Ashley, 284 Bédier, Joseph, 40 Béhague, Mme. de, 166 Behrman, Sam, i8n. Bell, Charles, 132 Bell, Vanessa, 28 Bellini, Giovanni, 19, 33, 54, 123 Benson, Robert, 83, 125 Benzoni, Giuliana, 140 Berenson, Bernard Passim, but some of the out­standing aspects and traits are 288 Index Berenson, Bernard—(contd.) here listed in alphabetical order; also his writings, pamphlets, and essays : — Appearance and character, 56— 71 — daily routine, 90-97 faults, x-xi — genius, xii, 24 — great learning, 22, 95-96 — Jewishness, 67 — knowledge of German, 22, 96 — methods and habits, xii, 48- 49 *59 — sensitivity, 9 — sisters and relatives, 65-67 — skill in attributions, 123-4, 205 — temper, good and had, 68-69, 71, 82 — upbringing, 68 — views on politics, 20, 21, 111— 112 — virtues, x—xi, 24 — writingandmannerofwriting, 69-70, 90 Works: Aesthetics and History, 189, 276, 278 (and 72.) Arch of Constantine, The, 189 Artist out of his Time, An, 277 Caravaggio, 278 n. Decline and Recovery in the Visual Arts, 222, 275-6 Florentine Drawings, 129, 155, 203, 211, 212, 268 (and 72.), 277 72. Italian Painters of the Re­naissance, 4, 203, 224 72., 276 Lorenzo Lotto, 212, 268 (and 72.), 276, 277 72. Renaissance Pictures, 203 Rumour and Reflection, 277 Sassetta, 277 n., 278 n. Seeing and Knowing, 276 Sicilian Diary, 278 72. Sketch for a Self-Portrait, xii, 45, 62, 160, 184, 276, 277, 278 72., 285 Sunset and Twilight, 283 Year's Reading for Fun, A, 276 72. Berenson, Bessie (sister), 66, 79, 80, 115, 278-9 Berenson, Bob (cousin), 265, 279 Berenson, Lawrence (second cousin), 66-67, 279, 284 (and 72.) Berenson, Rachel (sister), 65-66 Berenson, Richard (third cousin), 279 Berenson, Senda (sister), 65, 119, 278 Berenson, Mrs. (née Mary Pear-sal Smith) : Again passim, but some of the more important traits and con­nections are here indicated in alphabetical order: — Anti-American bias, 108 — appetite, 195 — attitude to paintings, 128 — blind optimism, xiii — daughters, 69, 125, 126 — grandchildren and their treat­ment, 20, 59, 63 — ill-health, 148, 197 — impatience of housekeeping, . 89 — influence on B.B., ix — matchmaking proclivities, 9, 15, 16, 23 — mischief-making, 157 — strangely mixed character, x, 56-71 — ultimate goodness, x Index 289 — ultimate illness and death, 266 Works : Across the Mediterranean, 195,213 Modern Pilgrimage, A, 191 Vicarious Trip to the Bar-bary Coast, 215, 222 Berkeley, Lady, 279, 282, 283 Beroqui, Pedro (art-historian), x94 Berry, Walter, 85-86 (and n.), 161—2 Bianchi, Biandinelli Ranuccio, _ 244 247 Biddle, Catherine (Mrs. Francis Biddle), 185—6 Bing, Gertrud, 153 Birrell, Francis, 84 Bismarck, Prince Otto von, 53 (and n.) Biegen, Charles W., 75 Blood, Florence, 3 Boccaccio, 96 Bode, Wilhelm von, 51 Boethius, Axel, 273 Bonnard, Abel, 21 Borsa, Mario, 144 Botticelli, 104, 120 Boyle, Mai, 3 Bracci, Countess Margherita (née Papafava), 118, 140,217 Bralovich, M., 225, 226, 227 Breasted, G. H., 203 Breuil, Abbé, 3 Brooke, Rupert, 84 Brown, Sidney, 132 (and n.) Brunhes, Jean, 40 Bülow, Hans von, 182 n., 214 Buonaiuti, Ernesto, 208 Bürkel, Ludwig von, 4 Burne-Jones, Sir Edward, 228 Cagnola, Don Guido, 27, 38, 143, 217, 218,281 Capecchi, Dr. Alberto, 273 Carandini, Countess Elena, 118 Carnarvon, Lord, 45 Carter, Howard, 45 Casa al Dono (Berenson's resi­dence at Vallombrosa), xiv, 182, 205-6, 209-10, 241, 246, 278, 286 Cassadè, Gaspar, 275 Castellane, Boni de, 259 Cecchi, Emilio, 224 (and n.), 236 Cervantes, 96 Cesarô, Duchess Colonna di, 170 Chamberlain, Sir Austen, 157 Chamberlain, Houston Stewart, 182 Chambrun, Count Adlémar, 196 Chanler, Daisy (Mrs. Winthrop Chanler), 106-7, l5° z85 Chanler, Bibo, 106 Chanler, Hester (Mrs. Edward Pickman), 107 Chanler, Teddy, 106-7 Chekov, Anton, 177 Cherry, Lance, 17, 93 Ciano, Count, 251 Cicogna, Countess Anna Maria, 282 Cima da Conegliano, 19 Cinelli, Delfino, 216, 285 Cini, Count Giorgio, 269, 270 Cini, Count Vittorio, 269, 270 Clapp, Timothy, 104 Clark, Sir George (British Am­bassador in Turkey), 188 Clark, Sir Kenneth, 132-3, 143, i55 !58 27G 277 Clark, Lady (Jane), 133-4, 271 Clary Aldringen, Prince Alphonse, 272 (and 7z.) Clifford, Henry, 280 Clifford, Esther, 280 Cocteau, Jean, 164-5 Index o 290 Colacicchi, Giovanni, 131, 247, 271 Colasanti, Arduino, 110 Cole-Porter, Linda, 85 Colefax, Arthur, 188 Golefax, Lady (Sibyl), 40-41, 8; 156,188,271,285 Colombe, Mlle., 174 Connolly, Cyril, 164 Connolly, Mrs. Cyril, 164 Constable, W. G., 136 (and n.), 271 Constant, Benjamin, 179 Contini Bonacossi, Count Aless-andro, 280 Converse, Olga, 3 Coolidge, John, 284 n. Cora, Giuliano, 118 Correggio, 120 Credi, Lorenzo di, 202 Corsini family, 204, 205 Cossio, Manuel, 194 Cossé, Charlotte de, 86 Costelloe, Karin, 4 Coster, Charles Henry, 107—8, 13L *99 222 247 27x Coster, Mrs. (see also under Byba Giuliani), 222, 247, 271 Creswell, Archie, 42-43, 131 Crispolti, Filippo, 259 Croce, Benedetto, 96, 101, n6, 117, 140-1, 201, 244 Crocker, Mrs., 30 Cunard, Lady, 157 Cunard, Victor, 112 Curtis, Ralph, 127 Curtis, Mrs. Ralph, 79, 86 Curzon, Lady Irene (later Baroness Ravensdale), 48 Custine, M., 249 Cutting, Bayard, 272 Cutting, Iris (later Marchesa Origo, 13, 272 Cutting, Lady Sybil (later Scott), 11, 43: 13-H. 97 103 15-16, 22-23, 25. D'Abernon, Lord, 201 Damon, Theron, 189-90 D'Annunzio, Gabriele, 100, 141 Davies, Norman de Garis, 46 Deacon, Gladys (later Duchess of Marlborough), 25, 91, 92, 178, 220 (and n.) De Bosis, Lauro, 248 n. De Bosis, Vittorio, 248, 249, 373 De Filippi, Filippo, 100—1 Degas, Edgar, 123 Degenhart, Bernard, 268 n. Deila Corte, Matteo, 140 Delia Seta, Alessandro, 75 Del Turco, Pellegrina (later Paulucci, Marchesa q.v.), 180 De Marinis, Clelia, 101 De Marinis, Tammaro, 101, 216 De Nicola, Giacomo, 103 D'Entrèves, Count Alexander Passerin, 117 De Rinaldis, Aldo, 140 De Robeck, Nesta, 279 (and n.) Desart, Lord, 97 De Vecchi (Governor of Rhodes), 231 Dick-Lauder, Alice, 247—8, 271 Dickens, Charles, 45 Dickinson, Lowes, 57 Diehl, Charles, 258 Dienemann, Max, 185 Dienemann, Mally, 185 Disraeli, Benjamin, 94 Dodge, Mabel, 8 Doellinger, J. J., 1 Doerpfeld, Wilhelm, 75 Dollfuss, Chancellor, 220 Doria, Prince Filippo, 246 Draper, Ruth, 248-9 Drigo, Paola, 181 Index 291 Drummond, Sir Eric (Lord Perth), 224 77. Du Bos, Charles, 200, 278 n. Du Bos, Gezette, 278 n. Dubsky, Count Adolph, 105-6 Dumas, Alexandre, 94-95 Duveen, Sir Joseph, 40, 49, 50— 51, 68, 81, 125, 124-5, 142 155, 201, 205, 218-19, 220 239 Eckermann, J. P., 96, 136 Edgell, Harold, 104 Edward VIII, King, 228 Elgood, Bonté, 47, 204 n. Elgood, Captain, 2047z. Elise (Edith Wharton's maid), 161, 166,167, 168 Eliza (maid servant), 34, 43,48,72 Elizabeth [see under Percival] Faulkner, William, 97 Fechheimer, Miss, 51 Fiesole, Bishop of, 208 Firth, Cecil M., 42 Flexner, Jimmy, 107 Flexner, Simon, 107 Forbes, Edward, 36 Franchetti, Baroness Marion (née Hornstein, 215 Francis, Frances, 185 Francis, Henry, 185 Frankfurter, Alfred, 240 Friedlaender, M. J., 51 Freedberg, Sidney, 268 n., 284 n. Friedberg, Judith, 279 Froehner, Wilhelm, 86 Fry, Helen, 156 Fry, Roger, 156-7 Gamba, Carlo, 103 Garabelli Orlando, Carlotta, 208, 209,269 Gardner, Isabella (Mrs. Jack Gardner), 36 (and n.), 127, 189,284 Garrett, Mrs. John, 170 (and n.) Gasparin, Edith de, 182 Gates, Elizabeth, 279 Gentile de Fabriano, 282 George of Greece, King, 77 Ghyka, Princess, 3 Gibson, Dolly, 6, 8 Gibson, Thornley, 6, 8 Gide, André, 200 Giglioli, Dr. Yule, 197, 248 Giles, Frank, 272 (and n.) Gillet, Louis, 158 (and n.) Gioffredi, Geremia, 117 n., 252- 253, 256, 265 Giorgione, 19, 120, 127, 203 Giovanni di Paolo, 155 Giuliani, Beatrice, 5 n., 12, 14 Giuliani, Byba, 5-6, 8, 11, 12, 40, 107,180 Guidi, Giacomo, 222 (and n.) Giuseppe (Placci's valet), 147 Gnoli, Count Umberto, 21 Goering, Marshal, 256 77. Goloubev, Victor, 40 Gomez-Moreno, Manuel, 194 Grant, Duncan, 28 Grassi, Luigi, 124 Gravina, Countess Blandine, 182 (and 7i.), 214 Greene, Belle, 28-29, 34, 108, 115-16, 141-2, 178, 212 Greg, Sir Robert, 40-41, 233, 234~5 _ Gregorovius, Ferdinand, 2, 149 Grew, Joseph (American Am­bassador in Turkey), 188 Grimm, Brothers, 96, 97 Gronau, Georg, 103 Gualino, Riccardo, 143 (and 77.) Guidotti, Gastone, 118, 204, 224 Hadeln, Detler von, 200 Index Halpern, Barbara Strachey, 271 Halpern, Roger, 224-5, 238 Hamilton, Carl, 17-18, 19, 20, 33- 34. H3 261 Hamilton, Hamish, 272 Hamilton, Mrs. Hamish (née Yvonne Pallavicino), 272 Hammersley, Mrs. 216 Hammond, Florence, 214 Hammond, Mason, 214, 284 n. Hand, Frances, 199, 200, 271 Hand, Judge Learned, 199 (and n.), 200, 271 Hapgood, Hutchins, 99-100 Hapgood, Neith, 99-100 Hardwick, Elizabeth, 97 Harris, Henry, 156 Harvard University, 125, 263, 268,274,284 Haseloff, Arthur, 155 Hartt, Fred, 265 Hayek (dragoman), 234 (and n.) Hegel, Georg Wilhelm, 2 Henckell Collection, 53 Henraux, Lucien, 215 Herodotus, 43, 96 Heydenreich, Ludwig, 153 (and n.), 256 n. Hill, Bert Hodge, 75 Hill, Derek, 281 Hirsch, Robert von, 53 (and n.) Hitler, Adolf, 214, 217, 220-1, 228,236,239,241 Hodgkin, Thomas, 258 Hoepli, firm of, 143, 224 n. Hofer, Philip, 212, 284 n. Hood, Tom, xiii Horner, Lady, 156, 216, 228 Horowitz, Bela, 277, 285 Houghton, Edmund, 30-31 Houghton, Mary, 30-31 Humann, Karl, 51 Hutchinson, R. W., 232 Huxley, Aldous, 165, 171 Huxley, Mrs. Aldous, 165, 171 Ibert, Jacques, 244 (and n.) Isham, Colonel Ralph, 158 I Tatti [see under Villa] Ivins, Billy, 108 Jaffe, Dr., 11 James, William, 66 Johnson, Evangeline (now Prin­cess Salten-Zalesky), 39 Kahn, Otto H., 122 Kahn Mrs. Otto H., 180, 206, 228,241-2, 271, 279, 28g Kassner, Rudolf, 38, 96, 239 Katkov, George, 220, 221 Kentner, Louis, 275 Keynes, Maynard, 28 Keyserling, Count Hermann, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 14, 38, 52, 53, 177 Keyserling, Countess Goedela, 53 (and n.) Keyserling, Countess Leonie, 4, 8, 9, 14 Khuen-Belasi, Count Carol, 106, 220,228 Khuen-Belasi, Countess Biber (née Lutzow), 265 Kiel, Hanna, 278 Kinkaid, Captain (later Admiral), 243 (and n.) Kirkpatrick, Ralph, 221 Kitson, General and Lady, 85 Kitson Monica (later Mrs. Knox), 83 Klemperer, Otto, 214, 221 Klimt, Gustav, 15g Kress, Rush H., 203 Kress, Samuel H., 203 (and n.), 277, 280 Kriegbaum, Friedrich, 256 n. Kuehnel, Ernst, 51 Index Kusmich, Livia Papini, 269 Lacaze, Baroness Gabrielle, 40, 8g, 178 La Fontaine, 168 Lagerlöf, Selma, 151 Lago, Governor, 231 Lamar, Alice de, 39 Lamont, Thomas, 112, 163 Lanier, Mrs. 79, 178 Lapsley, Gaillard, 162-3, 16g, 169 Laurenzi, M., 232 Laval, M., 237 Le Coq, Albert von, 52 Lee of Fareham, Lord, 201 Lee, Rensselaer, 135 (and n.) Lee, Vernon (Violet Paget), 3, 26, 102, 171 Leggett, Mrs. 48 Lehman, Robert, 202 Lehmann, Rosamond, 185, 278 Leonardo da Vinci, 81, 153, *94 Levi, Anna, 204, 206, 240 Levi, Doro, 75 (and n.), 204, 206, 240 Lévi, Sylvain, 40 Levin, Shmaria, 9g Lévis-Mirepoix, Philomène de, 46-47, 8g Lewis, Katie, 180 (and n.), 181—2, 233 27i Lindemann-Frommel, Karl, 2 Lindsay, Anne, 179 Lippmann, Faye, 106 Lippmann, Walter, 3g, 106, 131, 243 Lochner, Stephan, 33 Loeser, Carlo, 87, 103, 216 Loeser, Olga, 21g, 244 Loewengard, Armand, 219 Löfroth, Naima, 8, 29-30, 72, 151 243-6, 271 293 Longhi, Roberto, 130, 280 Longworth, Alice (Countess Chambrun), 196 Loria, Arturo, 131, 271, 278 Lotto, Lorenzo, 141, 192, 212 Lubbock, Percy, 13, 163, 166-8, 271,282 Lubbock, Lady Sybil [see also under Scott and Cutting], 163, 271,282 Luetzow, Count Henry, 103-6, 119;219,220 Luhan, Mabel Dodge, 172 Luty (maidservant), 43 Lyeskow, Nicolai, 93 MacCarthy, Desmond, 199 McComb, Arthur, 104, 242 n. Maclagan, Eric, 146, 188 Maclagan, Helen, 146 Magaloff, Nikita, 24g, 27g Maitz, Freda, 279 Mantegna, 202 Manzoni, Alessandro, 94 Marchig, Giannino, 21g, 236 Mar drus, J. C., 96 Marghieri, Clotilde, 180, 199, 224,274, 282 Mariano, Nicky — her candour and vividness, ix — her appearance and character, xii —-her tact and industry, xiii-xiv — her parentage, 1-2, g, 12, 110, 140 — invited to become Berenson's librarian, 10, 12, 14 — first meeting with B.B., 8, 16, 20 — her apartment at I Tatti, gg — her regard for B.B., 80 — her family, 32-33, 48, 119, 129,211 294 Index Markevitch, Igor, 214-15, 245, 252 Markevitch, Kyra (Kyra Nijin-sky), 215, 245-7, 252 Markevitch, 'Funtyki', 246, 252, 260, 267 Marlborough, Duke of, 220 Marlborough, Duchess of [see under Deacon, Gladys] Marriott, General, 241 Maugham, W. S., 170 Mayor, Hyatt, 131 (and n.) Menuhin, Diana, 272 Menuhin, Yehudi, 272 Meier-Riefsthal, Rudolph, 187, 188 Melani, Emma, 280—1 Mendl, Lady (Elsie de Wolfe), 37- 38 Michelangelo, xi Milani Comparetti, Luisina, 248 Milliken, William, 271 MitTovich, M., 225, 226, 227 Molaioli, Bruno, 282-3 Mongan, Agnes, 199, 268 n., 271, 284 n. Mongan, Betty, 199 Moore, Laurence, 189 Moravia, Alberto, 201-2, 215 Morone, Domenico, 199 Morra di Lavriano, Count Um­berto, 114-15, 117, 131, 136, 139~4° 143 W2 l8o l8l 193 194 *99 202 215 217 233 238 247271 Morrill, Gordon, 249-50 Morrill, Elizabeth, 249-50 Mortimer, Raymond, 84 Mostyn Owen, Willy, 278 Mozart, W. A., xiii, 218, 219 Mugnier, Abbé, 85 Murray, Fairfax (Collection), 143-4 _ Mussolini, Benito, 113, 116, 118, 139, 142, 157, 196, 217, 218, 231 233, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243,244,251,254 Namier, Sir Lewis, 272 Neri, Dario, 276, 285 Neumann (laryngologist), 184 Neumeyer, Fred, 153 Newmark, Joe, 279 Nicholson, Alfred, 135 Nicholson, Simon, 169-70, 173 Nicholson, Molly, 170, 173 Nicolson, Benjamin, 135 Noailles, Vicomte Charles de, 164 Noailles, Vicomtesse Marie-Laure de, 123, 164, 165, 215 Norton, Robert, 46, 160-1, 165, 166, 169, 173, 174 Offner, Richard, 102, 104, 130, 279-80 Oglu, Aga, 187, 189 Ojetti, Ugo, 101-2, 114,117, 144, 168,175,231, 246 Omont, M., 87 Orebaugh, Walter, 270 Origo, Iris, 272 [see Cutting, Iris] Orlando, Carlotta, 254 Orlando, Vittorio Emanuele, 208— 20g, 254 (and n.) Ortolani, Dario, 140 Paget, Violet [see under Lee, Vernon] Palazzeschi, Aldo, 216 Palffy, Dorothy, 220 (and n.) Pancrazi, Pietro, 117, 181, 285 Papafava, Count Francesco, 118, 140 Papi, Roberto, 280 Papi, Vittorina, 280 Papini, Roberto, 268-9 Parry, Argie, 246 Index 295 Parry, Hugh (chauffeur), 18-19, 39. 50, 58, 60, 73, 92, 128, 137 *47 197 24° 245. 246 247 Pasolini family, 170—1 Patricolo, Achille, 42-43 Patroni, Don Michelangelo, 208, 20g, 267 Paul of Yugoslavia, Prince, 225, 228,241,242 Paulucci de' Calboli, Marchese, 180,266 Paulucci de' Calboli, Marchesa (Pellegrina), 215, 266 Pausanias, 96 Pearsall Smith [see under Smith] Pelliot, Paul, 40 Percival, Elizabeth (maid at I Tatti), 72-73, 83, 169, 195, 197, 223, 225, 234, 238, 245, 246, 247 Perkins, Frederick Mason, 279 Pernier, Luigi, 232 Perry, Professor Ralph Barton, 65,66,104, 127, 199, 200, 205, 206, 278 Perry, Mrs. Ralph (B.B.'s sister Rachel), 36, 65-66, 104, 127, 199,200,278 Perry, Thomas Sargeant, 188 Perry, Lilia Cabot, 188 Peruzzi, Marchesa, 205 Phillips, Caroline, 213-14, 250 Phillips, William (American Am­bassador in Rome), 213—14, 250, 251, 270 Picard, Charles, 75 Picasso, Pablo, 165-6 Piccolellis, Elisabetta de, 215 Piccolellis, Marchese Ottavio de, 215 Piccoli, Raffaele, 116 Pickman, Hester, 280 Piero della Francesca, 33, 283 Pinsent, Cecil, 7, 8, 31, 39, 103, 127, 132, 265, 266,275, 282 Piombo, Sebastiano del, 194 Pisanello, 202 Placci, Carlo, 20-21, 26, 27, 105, 111, 114, 147, 215, 216, 246 Platen, August von, 22 Plato, 96 Poggi, Giovanni, 256 n. Poggio alio Spino (Berenson resi­dence at Consuma), 198, 205-6 Pope-Hennessy, John, 272 Porter, Kingsley, 32 (and n.), 34, 35 36 72. 73-79. 102. 153 154.155 205 218 Porter, Lucy, 32, 34, 35, 36, 48- 49. 72. 73-79. !53. 154 155* 205 Pouncey, Philip, 268 n., 272 Praz, Mario, 278 Procacci, Ugo, 283 Proust, Marcel, 4, 63, 281 Pusey, President Nathan, 279 Quibell, E., 42 Quibell, Mrs., 42, 43 Ramorino, Dr. Camillo, 273 Raphael, 121, 122, 165, 244 Reinach, Salomon, 85 Reinhardt, Max, 51 Ricci, Seymour de, 158 (and n.) Rickert, Margaret, 129 Ridolfi, 200 Rilke, Rainer Maria, 38 Ristori (custodian at the Uffizi Gallery), 211-12 Ritter de Zahony, Baroness, 256 (and 7i.), 278 Rivière, 164-5 Roberti, Ercole, 54, 58 Rockefeller, J. D., 35 Rodd, Sir Rennell, 110 296 Index Ross, Janet (Mrs. Henry), 18, 35, 60, 100, 102, 132, 147 Rosselli Brothers, 233 Rosselli, Carlo, 144, 196 Rouvier, Jean, 228 Rufïïni, Nina, 118 Ruffino, Carlo, 140 Ruffino, Titina Martini, 140 Rupprecht of Bavaria, Prince, 215 Russell, Alys, 34 (and n.), 63-64, 82, 83, 84, 125, 126, 223, 271 Russell, Bertrand, 14, 64,228,229 Ruskin, John, 200 Sachs, Paul, 36, 134, 199 Salvemini, Fernande, 27-28 Salvemini, jGaetano, 2^, 83, 112, 113, 114, 115, 118, 140, 271 Salm, Count Christian, 272 (and n.) Sanchez Canton, Francisco Havier, *94 Santayana, George, 103, 242 Sargent, J. S., 79 Sarre, Friedrich, 51 Sarre, Mrs. 51 Sassoon, Lady, 127, 178 Saumagne, M., 196 Schlumberger, Gustave, 86 Schumann, Elisabeth, 219 Schuster, Max, 277 Schuster, Ray, 277 Schwarzenberg, Philip, 5 n. Schwarzenberg, Prince Johannes, 272 (and n.) Scott, Geoffrey, x, 6, 7—9, 11, 12, 13, 14-16, 19, 21, 22-23, 25, 33. 43. 57. 59. 63 127. 131. 132, 158, 163, 177, 204, 275 Scott, Lady Sybil [see under Cutting] Sebastiano del Piombo, 194 Serlupi Crescenzi, Marchese Filippo, 254, 256, 262, 263, 278 Serlupi Crescenzi, Marchesa Gil-berta, 256 n., 263, 278 Serristori, Dedo, 50 Serristori, Countess Hortense, 4, 26, 50, 178, 199, 207, 244 Sessions, Roger, 130, 214 Sessions, Barbara, 130, 214 Sforza, Count Carlo, 271, 272 Shapley, Professor John, 203, 212 Shapley, Fern, 212—13 Sinan, Pasha, 187 Sistine Chapel, The, xi, 244 Smith, Al, 106 Smith, John Hugh, 163, 164 Smith, Logan Pearsall, 63, 64, 69, 72. 73 75-79. 83. 94. i°8 123 126, 128 n., 133, 248 Spelman, Leolyn, 104—5, 199 Spelman, Timothy, 104-5, *99 Sprigge, Sylvia, 183 Sprinzenstein, Vika, 220 Stalin, Joseph, 241 Stark, Freya, 185—6, 282 Stein, Leo, 100 Steinhauslin, Carlo, 249 Steinmann, Ernst, 111, 223, 273 Steinmeyer (firm of), 54, 124 Stepanov, Mme., 121 Stephen, Adrian, 64 Stephen, Karin, 63, 64-65 Stevenson, R. L., 173 Stoclet, Adolphe, 155-6 Stokes, Adrian, 148 Stokovsky, Leopold, 39 Storrs, Sir Ronald, 48, 170 Story, Julian, 208 Story, William Wetmore, 205, 208 Strachey, Barbara, 19-20, 224, 271 Strachey, Lytton, 37 Strachey, Mrs. Oliver (Ray), 33, 63, 64-65, 82, 85, 246 Strachey, Ursula, 19-20 Index 297 Strainic, M., 22g, 226, 227 Strauss, Richard, 221 Strong, Charles Augustus, 10g Strong, Mrs. Eugenie, 38-39,111, Vavalà, Evelyn Sandberg, 130, Ungern Sternberg, Baron Rolf, 51 Yalentiner, W. R., 51 224 Stucchi, Giuntini Marilù, 282 Sulley, A. J., 124 Swarzenski, George, 52, 53 *3* Velasquez, 121 Veneziano, Domenico, 18 n. Venizelos, M., 232 Sweden, King (formerly Crown Venturi, Adolfo, 111 Prince) of, 87, 150-2, 272-3 Venturi, Lionello, 117, 143, 200- Sweden, Queen (formerly Crown 201, 229 Princess, née Princess Louise of Veronese, Paolo, 53, 148 Battenberg) of, 87, 272-3 Vertova, Luisa, 212, 267-8, 278 Vignier, Charles, 85 Villa I Tatti (Berenson's resi­dence) passim, but particularly described at 7, 14, 55, 9°~97 201 Visconti Venosta, Enrico (Mar-chese di Brelio), 112, 117, 199, 200,26g Voigt, Georg, 96 Talma, Julie, 179 Taylor, Francis, 272, 284 n., 28g (and n.) Theocritus, 96 Thiis, Jens, 152 Thomas, Carey, 36, 79-80, 85, 126 Thomas, Helen (Mrs. Flexner), Volgine Family, 121 107 Volpi, Countess Marina (now Countess Luling), 242 (and n.), 243,282 Thomas, Dr. and Mrs., 79-80 Thompson, Daniel, igg Thompson, Dorothy, 243 Thurn und Taxis, Princess Mary Wace, A. J. B., 7g {née Hohenlohe), 38, 150 Tintoretto, 233, 270 Titian, 120, 121, 127, 181, 192, 203 237)27° Toesca, Pietro, 103 Toscanini, Arturo, 48 Wagner, Cosima, 182 n., 214 Waley, Arthur, 95 Walker, John, 134, 213, 214, 223, 224 (and n.), 277 Walker, Lady Margaret, 224 (and n.) Trevelyan, Robert, x, 24-26, 28, Walter, Bruno, 239 37, 69-70, 83, 84, 94, 96, 199, Walter, Mrs. Bruno, 239 (and n.) 202, 217,228 Trevelyan, Mrs., 83 Trevor-Roper, Hugh, 271-2 Warburg, Abe, 153 Washbourne (American vice-con­sul), 251 Trollope, Anthony, 95, 131 (and Waterfield, Aubrey, 147, 148 n.), 173, 200 Truelle, Jacques, 113 Turgeniev, Ivan, 140, 220 Tyler, Royall, 119 Waterfield, Lina, 18, 101, 112, 133. 147 Weigelt, Monsignor, 111, 131 Wells, H. G., 14 298 Index Wengeroff, Pauline, 96 Werfel, Franz, 259 Wharton, Edith, x, 4, 37 (and n.), 46, 58,85, 106, 160-76, 217 White (Edith Wharton's agent), 173 Whittall, Albert, 233—5 Whittemore, Thomas, 189 Wilde, Johannes, 106 Wildenstein (firm of), 124 Winlock, H. E., 45 Wolfe, Elsie de [see under Lady] Wolff, Gerhard, 255 Yashiro, Yukio, 104
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