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Volltext:INDEX (The entries in italics refer to the Plates) Abipones, 16 abstraction, 12, 30-2, 34, 41, 56 academic art, 115-7 aesthetic faculty, 33-4, 47, 97, 106-8, 112, 127-8 Africa, 23-41 Altamira, 12, 13, 21, 23 cave painting from, Plate 4 Amidism, 53 Anchorite Islands, lime-spatulae from, Plate 10 animatism, 25 animism, 21, 25-30, 40-1 appreciation, 105-7 archetypes, 94, 125 architecture, 126-8 art, abstract, 12, 103, 124-6 bushman, 23-39 children's, 12-4 commercialization of, 76-7, 141-2 commodity basis of, 74 decorative, 56, 116-7 functional, 126-8 general conception of, 6-7, 42-3 geometric, 16-20, 22 industrial, 126 naturalistic, 14 negro, 24-41 northern, 62-4 organic, 12, 19, 22 oriental, 52 origins of, 12-4 paleolithic, 8-22 parlour, 116 prehistoric, periods of, 17 n. primitive, 8-41 psychology of, 82-95 schools, 106 sexual, g3 utilitarian, 42 artist, character of the, 7I_3 artistic temperament, 105-7 Asia Minor, 58 Assyrian relief, Plate 15 autotelism, 36 I Belgium, 1 ig Benedict, Dr. Ruth, 3 4-5, 113-4 Bosch, Jerome, 110 Temptation of St. Anthony, Plate 59 Bradley, A. C., 124 Brazil, 35 Bréhier, Louis, 6r n. Breton, André, 120, 122-3 Bschanz, neolithic vase found at, Plate g Buddhism, 51-5 Buddhist poetry, 54 Bukharin, Nikolai, 131-3 Burckhardt, Jakob, 65-6 Burkitt, M. C., g, 12 n., 14-5 Bushman art, 23-39 Bushman rock-painting, Plate 14 Cala, rock-painting at, Plates is and 13 Capsian art, 23 caricature, 119 catacombs, art of the, 58 cave-paintings, 8-14 Celtic art, 17, 23, 62 Cézanne, 72-3, 95 self-portrait, Plate 48 chance origin of art, 13-4 children's art, 12-4 China, 49, 53-5 Chinese painting, 53 script, 47 silver plaque (Han), Plate si thought, 54 Christianity, 57-64 churinga from Central Australia, Plate 16 churingas, 31, 33-5 Cibber, Colley, 143 classical man, 56-7 Claudius of Turin, 62 Clement of Alexandria, 58 climate, influence of, 18, 54 Coleridge, 124 collective representations, 29-30, 45- 6, 95 Collier, Jeremy, 143 Collingwood, R. G., 101, 102 INDEX conscience, 90-2 Constantinople, psalter painted at, Plate 30 conventionalization, 20, 36-9 Coulton, G. G., 51 n. Covalanas, cave-painting from, Plate 6 Cranach, ' Venus and Cupid', Plate 40 Cushing, F. H., 32 Daumier, 76, 78-9 'the Third Class Waiting-room', Plate 58. decorative art, 55-6, 116-7 Deineka, Alexander: ' The Defence of Petrograd', Plate 66 Delacroix, 76, 79-80 'Le s8juillet—Liberté guidant le peuple, ' Plate J7 Desborough, mirror-backfrom, Plate55 dialectics, 2, 120-1, 130, 132 Dickinson, Lowes, 56-7 dilettante, 72 distortion, 20, 30 Dobrizhoffer, 16 Eadwine psalter, Plate 31 Easby Abbey, stone-relief from, Plate 34 economic factors, 54, 128 education, 96-111 ego, the, 89-92, 94, 109-10 Egypt, 49, 104 Egyptian wood-carving, Plate 63 elites, circulation of, 69-70 Elkin, A. P., ion. Engels, F., 71 Evesham psalter, Crucifixion from, Plate 4 *. expressionism, 117-19 Fanaticism, 47 fantasy, 86-7, 123-4 fertility rites, 10 Fielding, 77 folklore, 88 form, 12, 88-9 France, rock-paintings in, g, 23 Frazer, Sir James, 26, 28, 29 Freud, Sigmund, 5 , 82, 85-94, I O I J 109 Gargas (Pyrenees), 13 geometric art, 16-20, 22, 30, 37 Gillen, 34-5 Giotto, 69 Gobineau, 40 Goethe, 99 Gothic architecture, 63-4, 113-4 Goya, 110 Gozzoli, Benozzo, 'The Rape of Helen', Plate 39 Greco, EI, 110, 118 Greek art, 56-7, 112-3 Church, 55 religion, 56-7, 73 Gromaire, Marcel, 119 Groos, Karl, 6 Gropius, Walter, 127 group-portraits, 74-6 group-psychology, 83-5 Grousset, René, 54 Grünewald, i ig Hals, Frans, 'Corps de St. Adraien', Plate 33 Hardy, Georges, 40 n. 'Harlot's Progress', 77 Hazlitt, 144-5 Hebrides, 62 Hegel, 50-1, 120-1, 133-4 Hilliard, Nicholas, 139 Hofer, Carl, 119 Hogarth, William, 76-8, 136-47 'Calais Gate', Plate33 ' The Shrimp Girl', Plate36 Holbein, 76 ' Virgin and Child with the Burgomaster Meyer', Plate 4s horror vacui, 21, 38 Hume, David, 47 Iconoclastic controversy, 4, 58-62, 66 id, the, 8g-g2, 94, 109 idealism, 92, 118 ideas, 95, 133-4 imagination, 123 imitation, 101 impressionism, 117-8 India, 53-5 individual basis of art, 3, 14-6, 42, 83 psychology of the, 83-5 variability, 37, 71-2 individualism, 66-7 industrial art, 126 inspiration, 111, 123 instincts, 108-g, 111 integration of culture, 113-4, 121 intellect, 110, 133-4 intuition, 95 'Ion', Plato's, 102 Islamic art, 55-6 Ivory Coast, wooden mask from, Plate 18 INDEX Japanese mask of a Bodhisattva, Plate 34 Jensen, 87 John of Damascus, 60 Kant, 91 Klipfontein, rock-engraving from, Plates 17 and 20 Kneller, 139 Kuban district, gold plaque from, Plate 3 Kühn, Herbert, 17 n., 38 La Clotilde de Santa Isabel, 13 Lamb, Charles, 144 Lasareff, Victor, 59 n. La Tène period, 24 'Laws', Plato's, 103 Lely, 139 Lenin, 71 Leo, Emperor, 59 Lévy-Bruhl, Lucien, 10, 28-30, 45-6 libido, 84 Lillo, George, 77, 143-4 Limeuil, rock-engraving from, Plate IQ logic, 46 Lowie, Robert H., 4 n., 25, 27 n., 37 Luquet, G. H., 27 n Mack, Gerstle, 72 n. magic, 9-12, 16, 25-41 Magritte, René: ' Quand l'heure sonnera', Plate 62 Marett, J. D. de la H., 54 n. Marett, R. R., 25, 26-7 Martin, E. J., 58 n., 59-61 Marx, Karl, 43 n., 71, 112, 120 Mas d'en Josep, cave-painting from, see End Papers Massim art, 20 Mathews, R. H., 26 Mathura district, head of a Buddha from, Plate 23 Mead, Margaret, 15 meditative types of religion, 48 Melanesia, 10 Memling, Hans, 'Portrait of Martin Nieuwenhove', Plate 43 Mesopotamia, 49 Mexican gold plaque, Plate 11 Michiel, Master, 'Virgin and Child', Plate 33 mimesis, 101-2 Mohammedanism, 55-6 monism, 52 monophysitism, 58 Montane z, bust of the Virgin by, Plate 36 moralism, 74 Munch, Edvard, 119 Mundugumor, 15 myths, 50, 111 Native artist, 34-6 naturalism, 18, 30, 38, 129 Negro art, 25-41 neolithic period, 16-22 Nestorians, 58 neurosis, 85-9 (see also psychosis) New Guinea, 15 Niaux (South France), cave paintings at, Plate i Niaux (South France), cave paintings at, Plate 2 Nictea, Council of, 60-1 Nicholson, Ben, relief by, Plate 63 Nolde, Emil, 119 normality, 86-7, 99-100 Northumbria, 62 Norway, rock-engravings in, 17 n. Obermayer, Hugo, 24 n., 38 n. (Edipus complex, 84, 91 organic art, 19, 22 oriental man, 52 Paganism, 61, 73-4 palaeolithic period, 9-20 Papuan Gulf, painted shield from, Plate 7. Papuasians, 35-6 Pareto, V., 69 Parkinson, R., 35 patronage, 74-6 pattern of culture, 3 Persia, 55-6 Persian earthenware jug, Plate 27 phantasy (ste.fantasy) 'Philebus' (Plato's), 103 philistinism, 6 photography, influence of, 115-6 Picasso, 95 ' L'Artésienne', Plate 50 'La Tristesse', Plate 4g plastic faculty, 107 Plato, 72, 100-5, 123 pleasure-premium, 88 pleasure-principle, 97, 110 poetry, 131-3 popular art, 70-3, 78, 128-33 pornography, 93 n. portrait painting, 67-8 INDEX Poussin, 75-6, 95 'L'inspiration du poète', Plate 52 prehistoric periods, 17 n. prelogical mentality, 45-6 primitive art, 8-43 Protestantism, 55, 64 psycho-analysis, 82, 98-g psychosis (see also neurosis), 99 puberty, 97 pureform, 124-6, 131 puritanism, 6, 62, 64 n. Radek, Karl, 129-30, 132 Rank, Otto, 33 n. Raphael, 68, 69, 145-6 rationalization, 48-52, 114 realism, 78, 118, 128-33 reality, 86-7, 119-24 reality-principle, 97, 110 Reformation, 57, 62 religion, types of, 47-51 religious motive, 34-6, 44-64 Rembrandt, 74-6 'Night Watch', Plate54 'Scourging of Christ', Plate 29 Renaissance, 64, 65-76 Renoir, Self-portrait, Plate 49 Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 64 n., 118 ritual, 48-50 Röheim, Géza, 26 n., 33 Roman art, 57-8, 67-8, 112-3 Church, 55 portrait bust, Plate 44 romanticism, 74, 76, 79-81, 123, 133 Rouault, Georges, 119 Rubens, self-portrait, Plate 46 Satrunjaya Hill, figure offlute-player from, Plate 23 savage art, 30-4 Scandinavia, 17 Schmitt-Rottluff, K., 119 Schuwer, Camille, 8-9, 11 scientific attitude, 6 Scythian art, 39-40 gold plaque, Plate 3 self-expression, 68-9 Seligmann, C. G., 15, 20, 35-6, 93 n. Semitic religion, 52, 55-6 Semper, Gottfried, 18 sensibility, 94, 96, 99, 107, 112, 134 sex, 93 n. Shakespeare, 123 socialist realism, 128-33 Socrates, 102 Spain, 5, 9, 23 Spanish silk tissue, Plate 26 Spencer, Baldwin, 15 n., 34-5 Spencer, Herbert, 6 Steele, Richard, 143 Stone Age, New, see under Neolithic Stone Age, Old, see under Paleolithic suggestion, 13-4 super-ego, 89-92, 97-8, 101 superrealism, 80, 119-24 superstition, 45, 47 surrealism (see superrealism) Susa, earthenware beakerfrom, Plate 8 symbolism, 10, 21-2, 37, 39, 47, m Syrian art, 62 Tasmania, 10 taste, 70 technique, 18-g, 22 thesis of the book, 2-3 Thornhill, Sir James, 139, 141 Tikhvin Monastery, icon from, Plate 32 tradition, 83 transcendentalism, 63 Tylor, 28, 29 Ulm cathedral, Plate 38 U.S.S.R., 47, 128-33 Values, 108 Van Dyck, 76, 13g Van Gogh, 119 Vertue, George, 137-8, 140-1 Viking art, 24 vitalistic representation, 37-9, 42 Von den Steinen, 35 Wells cathedral, figure from, Plate 31 Wells, H. G., 5 West, Benjamin, 64 n. Westmacott Athlete, Plate 28 Whitehead, A. N., 48-52, 57, 63 Worringer, Wilhelm, 52, 62 Würzburg (Neumünster), crucifix from, Plate 37 Yee, Chiang, 53 n. Zuni Indians, 4, 32 *5*
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