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Volltext:INDEX NOTE: numbers in italics refer to illustrations Abstract expressionism, 140, 152, 153, 158, 167 Academié Julian, 27-28, 30 Adler, Stella, 202, 204, 206 Advertising art, 19 Albers, Josef, 148, 149 Albright, Adam Emory, 49, 50 Albright, Ivan, 49-63 Portrait of Dorian Gray, 55 Self-Portrait at 55 East Division Street, 48 Alogon (Smithson), 229-31 American University, 142 Andre, Carl, 173-93, 230 Carved Wood Sculpture, 181 The Endless Column, 184 exhibition at Guggenheim Museum, 189 Marriage of Reason and Squalor, 179 Prime Terrane, 172 Ardent Bowlers, The (Bacon), 71 Armory Show, 129 Arms, John Taylor, 17 Art Institute of Chicago, 25-27, 50, 51, 60-61, 126, 132 Art News (magazine), 130-31, 156-57 Art Students League, 11, 12, 36, 66, 67, 125, 128, 221 Ashcan school, 17 Associated Press Building, Noguchi's sculpture for, 108-9 Avedisian, Edward, 224 Avery, Milton, 139 Bacon, Peggy, 68, 69 The Ardent Bowlers, 71 Baker, Dick, 224 Barnes, Albert, 37 Barr, Alfred, 81 Barton, Ralph, 30-31 Bauhaus artists, 139 Beach, Sylvia, 85 Bedroom (Samaras), 203, 210 Beer-Monti, Federica, 221, 222 Bellamy, Dick, 222-23 Bellini, Giovanni, 78 Bellows, George, 10, 12, 51, 67-68, 138 Bensley, Gordon, 174 Benton, Rita Piacenza, 35 Benton, Thomas Hart, 25-46, 125, 127, 128, 134 Poker Night-From a Streetcar Named Desire, 33 S elf-Portrait, 24 Turn of the Century Joplin, 40 Berenol, 29 Berenson, Bernard, 127, 134 Birmelin, Robert, 168 Black Mountain College, 137-39, 149 Block, Lou, 89 Bocour, Leonard, 137, 145 Bolotowsky, Ilya, 137, 139, 148, 149 Bond, Robin, 142, 143 Bonnard, Pierre, 132 237 Borges, Jorge, 232 Borglum, Gutzon, 103 Bouché, Louis, 79 Boudin, Leonard, 22-23 Brancusi, Constantin, 103, 105, 109, 117, 178, 180, 182, 183, 185 Bridgman, George, 68, 77 Brook, Alexander, 68, 11, 73 Brooklyn Museum School, 223 Brummer, Joseph, 73 Cajori, Charles, 162 Calder, Alexander, 106 Calfee, Bill, 142 Cambiaso, Luca, 29 Carles, Arthur, 52 Carlock, John, 27, 30 Carroll Galleries, 31-32 Carved Wood Sculptures (Andre), 181 Cedar Bar, 221 Cézanne, Paul, 69, 78, 80, 165-67, 200 Chair Transformations (Samaras), 212 Chapman, Michael, 175, 178 Chase, William M., 9-11 Chase Manhattan garden (Noguchi), 120 Chevreul, Michel Eugène, 29 Chinese painting, 165-67, 189-90 Christo, 117 Cloud Shadows (Kent), 20 Clough, Rosa, 157 Colarossi Academy, 103 Coleman, Glen, 10, 12 Controlled composition, 27 Cornell, Joseph, 209 Crane, Hart, 91 Craven, Tom, 35-36 Crowinshield, Frank, 18 Cubism, 29, 127, 138-40, 149, 157, 161 Cubist analysis, 37 Curry, John, 38 Dali, Salvadore, 183 Daniels, Charlie, 35 Daniels Gallery, 226-27 Davies, Arthur B., 31 de Kooning, Elaine, 130, 135 de Kooning, Willem, 126, 127, 155, 158, 161, 167, 222, 225 Depression of 1930s, 80, 83-84, 91 Dickinson, Preston, 42 Dicky Bird Club, 79-80 Dine, Jim, 208 di Paolo, Giovanni, 126 Documentary style in photography, 94-97 Dodd, Lois, 163, 164 Draper, Muriel, 88-89 Dubuffet, Jean, 222, 225 Duchamp, Marcel, 108, 117, 183 Duffy, Edmund, 77 Dwan Gallery, 229, 230, 232 Dwan, Virginia, 229, 232 Enantiomorphic Chambers (Smithson), 227, 229 Endless Column, The (Andre), 184 Epstein, Jacob, 180 Ernest, Max, 183 Evans, Walker, 83-100 exhibition at Sidney Janis Gallery, 94 Greek Revival Doorway, N.Y.C., 90 photograph of, 82 Farm Security Administration, 91 Feininger, Lionel, 139 Field, Hamilton Easter, 72 Fiene, Ernest, 11 Finkelstein, Louis, 163, 164 Flavin, Dan, 226, 230 Force, Juliana, 79 Forum Show, 32 Frampton, Hollis, 173-75, 178, 180, 184 Frankenthaler, Fielen, 137, 145 Frankfurter, Alfred, 130 238 Frankfurter, Felix, 22-23 Friedlander, Walter, 156 Frieseke, Frederic, 28 Fromboluti, Sideo, 164 Frumkin Gallery, 164 Fuller, Buckminster, 111 Ganso, Emil, 71, 79 Ganso, Mrs. Emil, 71 Garber, Daniel, 52 Gaudier-Brzeska, Flenri, 180, 185 Gaylor, Wood, 71 Gaylor, Mrs. Wood, 71 Geist, Sidney, 182 Gift Wrapping (Schmidt), 75 Ginsberg, Allen, 223-24 Goodrich, Lloyd, 69 Gorky, Arshile, 119, 130 Grafly, Charles, 52 Graham, Allan, 223 Graham, Martha, 112, 116 Grande Chaumière Academy, 103 Greco, El, 40 Greek Revival Doorway, N.Y.C. (Evans), 90 Greenbaum, Dorothy, 71 Greenberg, Clement, 132, 142, 143, 150, 156 Gris, Juan, 29, 157 Groth, John, 221 Halpert, Sam, 30 Hansa Gallery, 222-23 Happenings, 205-7 Hart, George (Pop), 31 Hartley, Marsden, 36, 74 Harvard University, 126-27 Hawthorne, Charles, 51 Hemingway, Ernest, 97, 99 Henri, Robert, 10-13, 15, 17, 18, 80-81 Henri School, 11, 12, 17 Hess, Tom, 130, 131, 156 Hightower, John, 229 Hiroshima peace bridges, 119-120 Hirsch, Stefan, 87 Hofmann, Hans, 140, 174, 200 Hopper, Edward, 13, 79 Impressionism, 37 Independents Show, 16-17 Ingram, Rex, 31 Japanese art, 188 Japanese gardens, 120 Japanese painting, 165-67 Japanese prints, 26, 27, 39 Johns, Jasper, 223 Joyce, James, 85, 98, 99 Judd, Donald, 226, 227, 229, 230 Kahnweiler, Daniel, 157 Kansas City Art Institute, 164 Kaprow, Allan, 197, 202, 205, 208, 213 Karfiol, Bernard, 71 Katz, Alex, 134-35 Kent, Rockwell, 7-23, 126 Cloud Shadows, 20 Moby Dick, 13 Kerouac, Jack, 223-24 King, Stanley, 36 Kirstein, Lincoln, 88, 89, 92 Klee, Paul, 137-39, 178 Kline, Franz, 134, 155, 177 Kramer, Hilton, 156 Kroll, Leon, 28 Kuhn, Walt, 31, 79 Kuniyoshi, Yasuo, 68, 69, 77, 73, 77 79, 80 Laning, Ed, 38 Laurens, Jean Paul, 27 Laurent, Robert, 71 Laurent, Mrs. Robert, 71 Lee, Arthur, 28 Legg, Alicia, 201 Lehmann, Carl, 156 239 Leonardo da Vinci School, 103 Lewin, Albert, 56-57 Lewis, Wyndham, 225 LeVVitt, Sol, 226, 229, 230, 232 Lhote, André, 28 Lindsay, Vachel, 13 Louis, Morris, 141-43, 145, 148 McAlmon, Robert, 103 Macbeth, William, 15 McBride, Henry, 32 McCarter, Henry, 52 Macdonald-Wright, Stanton (Stan Wright), 25, 28, 30-32, 34 McFee, Henry, 80 Marin, John, 36, 129, 131 Marriage of Reason and Squalor (Andre), 179 Marsh, Reginald, 77, 76 Martin, Agnes, 189, 227 Matisse, Henri, 139-41 Matter, Mercedes, 160, 162, 163, 169 Mencken, Henry Louis, 31, 67 Mielziner, Jo, 21 Miller, Kenneth Hayes, 12, 14, 68, 69, 72, 77, 78, 81, 129 Mirror and Gravel Piece for Cornell University (Smithson), 220 Moby Dick (Kent), 13 Mondrian, Piet, 119, 137, 138, 165-67 Monument to Ben Franklin (Noguchi), 104 Monument to the Plow (Noguchi), 104, 105 Moore, George, 85 Mora, Francis Luis, 67, 68 Morgan, Maude, 173, 174 Morgan, Patrick, 173 Morris, Robert, 229, 230 Morrison, David, 77 Moses, Robert, 104 Motherwell, Robert, 142, 157 Murals by Benton, 39, 43-44 Museum of Modern Art, 81, 93-94, 200-1 Museum of Natural History, 223 Nast, Thomas, 76 Nathan, George, 31 National Academy School, 12, 17, 51 Newman, Barnett, 140, 222, 225 Noguchi, Isamu, 103-22 exhibition at Whitney Museum, 114 Monument to Ben Franklin, 104 Monument to the Plow, 104, 105 photograph of, 102 Play Mountain, 104, 105 studio of, 107 Noland, Kenneth, 137, 53 exhibition at André Emmerich Gallery, 149 exhibition at Guggenheim Museum, 144 photograph of, 136 O'Doherty, Brian, 229 O'Keeffe, Georgia, 87-88 Oldenburg, Claes, 207, 208 Oswald, Frederick, 26, 27 Paris, 27-31, 74, 85, 103, 138, 157 Pascin, Jules, 69, 74, 75, 79 Pearlstein, Philip, 155-71 exhibition at Georgia Museum of Art, 159, 164 photograph of, 154 Two Female Models Reclining on Cast Iron Bed, 166 Pemberton, Murdock, 104 Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 50, 52 Phillips Andover Academy, 173-77 Picabia, Francis, 156, 157 Picasso, Pablo, 29, 126, 132, 140-41, 211 Piranesi, Giambattista, 161, 162 Play Mountain (Noguchi), 104, 105 Poe, Edgar Allen, 176 240 Poker Night-From a Streetcar Named Desire (Benton), 33 Polasek, Albin, 51 Pollock, Jackson, 26, 32, 38, 41, 44, 45, 140, 142, 145, 155, 189, 222, 225, 226 Pope, Arthur, 127 Porter, Fairfield, 125-35 photograph of, 124 exhibition at Colby College Art Museum, 128 The Screen Porch, 133 Portrait of Dorian Gray (Albright), 55 Pound, Ezra, 178, 180, 185 Pratt Institute, 168 Price, Edison, 120-21 Prime Terrane (Andre), 112 Pyle, Howard, 126 Rauschenberg, Robert, 223, 225 Rebel Arts, 125 Rector, Ann, 67, 68 Redon, Odilon, 130 Regionalists, 38 Reich, Wilhelm, 144-45 Reichian therapy, 143-44 Reinhardt, Ad, 135, 189, 229 Renoir, Pierre Auguste, 69, 78, 80 Resettlement Administration, 91 Rice, Elmer, 73 Richmond, Agnes, 67 Robinson, Boardman (Mike), 37, 128 Roman ruins, 160 Rosenblum, Robert, 156 Rosenfeld, Paul, 129-30 Rothko, Mark, 107, 140 Rubens, Sir Peter Paul, 78 Russell, Morgan, 28, 30 Samaras, Lucas, 197-218 Bedroom, 203, 210 Chair Transformations, 212 photograph of, 196 Sandler, Irving, 222 Santayana, George, 194 Sargent, John Singer, 13 1 Schapiro, Meyer, 201-2 Schmidt, Katherine, 65-81, 11 Gift Wrapping, 15 Self-Portrait, 64 Screen Porch, The (Porter), 133 Segal, George, 197, 213 Selby, Hubert, 224 Self-Sortrait (Benton), 24 Self-Portrait (Schmidt), 64 Self-Portrait at 55 East Division Street (Albright), 48 Serra, Richard, 186 Shahn, Ben, 88, 89, 91 Shapiro, Mark, 178, 182 Shubert, Irvine, 79 Signac, Paul, 28, 32 Slate Circles on Flat Plain (2 Circles) (Smithson), 228 Sloan, John, 31, 68, 77, 81, 129 Smith, David, 119, 143, 192 Smithson, Robert, 221-35 Alogon, 229-31 Enantiomorphic Chambers, 227, 229 exhibition at John Weber Gallery, 234 Mirror and Gravel Piece for Cornell University, 220 Slate Circles on Flat Plain (2 Circles), 228 Socialist Party, 23 Soutine, Chaim, 161 Soyer, Isaac, 221 Spectral painting, 32 Speicher, Eugene, 80 Spencer, Niles, 11, 74 Spencer, Mrs. Niles, 11 Speyer, Nora, 164 Steinberg, Saul, 132 Stella, Frank, 173, 174, 177, 178, 182, 184-85, 190, 192 Steiglitz, Alfred, 36, 86, 87 Still, Clyfford, 140 241 Still Life (Benton), 3 3 Stix, Hugh, 222 Strand, Paul, 88 Studio School, 163 Surrealism, 183 Suvero, Mark di, 192 Synchromism, 28, 32, 33 Zadkine, Ossip, 137, 141 Zen Buddhism, 165-67 Zorach, William, 109, 113, 115 Wright, Willard, 31 Wyeth, Andrew, 76, 135 Stanton Tibor de Nagy Gallery, 130, 131 Tintoretto, Jacopo, 39 Titian, 29 Turn of the Century Joplin (Benton), 40 Two Female Models Reclining on Cast Iron Bed (Pearlstein), 166 Tworkov, Jack, 98, 131, 163 University of South Florida, 169 Vanity Fair (magazine), 18 Velazquez, Diego, 127 Vierge, Daniel, 26 Villa of the Mysteries, 161 Vuillard, Édouard, 132 Waldman, Diane, 138 Ward, Eleanor, 107-8 Watteau, Jean Antoine, 161 Weber, Max, 28 Weichsel, John, 32 Wheelwright, John Brooks, 92, 125 Whistler, James, 27 White, Bill, 163 Whitman, Robert, 200, 201, 204, 205, 207-9 Whitney Museum, 81 Whitney Studio Club, 78-80 Winter, Joseph, 223 Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 194 Wood, Grant, 38 Workshop Center of the Arts, 141 Works Project Administration (WPA), 109, 110 Worringer, Wilhelm, 231 Wright, Stan, see Macdonald-Wright, 242
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