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Volltext:Index Abstract art, 45-8, 76, 148 Action Painting, 66, 72, 114, 208 Affandi, 149 African art, 207 Amateurs, 53-7 Annigoni, Pietro, 43 Arcadia, 155, 198, 199 Armitage, Kenneth, 48 Art Autre, V, 33 Auerbach, Frank, 98-100 Austen, Jane, 177 Bacon, Francis, 56 Balzac, Honoré de, 191 Barker, George, 103 Baroque, 164 Beckett, Samuel, 31, 144 Bellini, 18 Berenson, Bernard, 154, 156, 157 Berkeley, Bishop, 94, 96 Blake, William, 141 Bohemia, 155 Bömberg, David, 94-6 Bond Street, 49-51 Bonnard, Pierre, 122, 134, 199 Botticelli, 133 Boucher, François, 174, 175 189 Bourgeois culture, 71, 206, 211-13 Braque, Georges, 47, 101, 111, 113 134 212 Bratby, John, 79-82 Brecht, Bertolt, 157, 191 Breuer, Marcel, 61-2 Buchenwald, 182 Buffet, Bernard, 31 Camus, Albert, 31 Capitalism, 34 Caravaggio, 164 Cézanne, Paul, 101, 102, 112, 127, 128, 145, 154, 158, 165, 168, 171, 172, 196, 199, 205, 212 Champaigne, Philippe de, 164 Chardin, 31, 44, 154, 174, 199 Chekov, 175 Child art, 65 Chopin, 17 Classicism in art, 17, 104, 174, 185 Claude, (Lorrain), 154, 168, 199 Colour, 133 Constable, John, 186, 197 Constructivism, 59-64 219 Permanent Red Content, 75, 76, 178, 209 Continuity of art, the, 105 Copernicus, 164 Corot, Jean Baptiste, 128, !54 197 Courbet, Gustave, 196-8, 200 Criticism, 13-18, 66 Cubism, 94, 101, 111-16, 120, 137 J48) !72 2o6 212 Daumier, Honoré, 126, 187, 189 David, J.-L., 89, 171, 174, 185 Dean, James, 69 Degas, Edgar, 17, 128, 189 Delacroix, Eugène, 17, 101, 145, 184, 188, 197 De Quincey, Thomas, 92 Despair of the artist, the, 183 De Stael, Nicolas, 102 Dickens, Charles, 36 Dostoevsky, F. M., 191 Dubuffet, Jean, 70-72 Dufy, Raoul, 128, 134, 136-8 El Greco, 17 Eluard, Paul, 14, 125 Ernst, Max, 86 Existentialism, 98 Expressionism, 139, 149, 212 Extremism, 212 Fascism, 32 Fauvism, 134-5, 137 Flemish Renaissance painting, *53. 154 Form, 75, 178 Formalism, 45, 106, 152, 208-10 Fragonard, Jean Honoré, 174, 175, 176, 189 French Revolution, the, 174 Freud, Sigmund, 127 Fry, Roger, 143 Fullard, George, 96-98 Gabo, Naum, 58-64 Gainsborough, Thomas, .177, 185 Galileo, 164, 171 Galileo, 157 Gaugin, Paul, 35, 36, 37, 201-4, 212 Genius, 175, 201, 205 Géricault, Théodore, 126, 148, 186 German painters, 139, 186, 187 Germans, the, 117-21 Giacometti, 31, 73 Gillray, James, 178 Giorgione, 146, 198 Giotto, 205 'Glamour', 124 Gonzales, 167 Gorki, Maxim, 93, 211 Goya, 17, 126, 154, 155, 180-4, 187 Gramsci, Antonio, 209 Greuze, J. B., 174, 191 220 Index Gris, Juan, 111-13, 128, 205, 212 Guernica, 129-30, 210 Guttuso, 103 Hepworth, Barbara, 75-9 Herman, Josef, 90-4 Hero in art, the, 211-12 Heroic art, 124 Hikmet, Nazim, 167 Hiroshima, 182 Hiroshima panels, the, 40, 73 Hogarth, William, 178, 191 Hokusai, 180 Horse's Mouth, The, 80 Idol, the, 211-12 Imperialism, 47 Impressionism, 33, 67, 199, 208 Industrial Revolution, the, 187 Ingres, Jean-Auguste-Domi­nique, 127, 185, 199 Ireland, 142-50 Italian Renaissance painting, !53 154 Klee, Paul, 39, 64-5 Kokoschka, Oskar, 138-41 La Tour, Georges de, 166, 167 Le Brun, 165, 166, 174 Le Corbusier, 124 Le Nain, Louis, 165 Le Nain, Mathieu, 165 Léger, Fernand, 18, 88, 89, "3. "5 I2I-5 I34) H2, 213 Leonardo da Vinci, 184 Lipchitz, Jacques, 101, 113-16 Louis XIII, 171 Louis XIV, 163, 165, 171, 174, 176 Louis XV, 176 Lust for Life, 34 Maillol, Aristide, 108 Malevich, Kasimir, 57 Malraux, André, 31, 182, 183 Manet, Edouard, 196 Mantegna, 17, 170 Marini, 31, 116 Marx, Karl, 166, 186 Marxism, 92, 199 Masaccio, 208 Materialism, 60, 197 Matisse, Henri, 16, 86, 106-9, 128, 132-6, 212 Michelangelo, 18, 122, 124, r55) 189, 190, 206 Millet, Jean François, 92, 189-91, 193 Minton, John, 66 Modigliani, Amedeo, 40 Mondrian, Piet, 101 Monet, Claude, 189 Moore, Henry, 83-5, 115 Permanent Red Morality and the artist, 189 Morland, George, 177-9, 185 Mystery in art, 167 Napoleon, 187 Naturalism, 44 Negro sculpture, 127 Newton, Sir Isaac, 187 Orozco, José Clemente, 205 Patronage, 50-1 Peninsular War, 182, 183 Perspective, 161 Philistinism, 41 Picasso, Pablo, 31, 69, 86, 101, HI, 113, 122, 125, 126-32, 154, 205, 207, 210, 212 Piero della Francesca, 157-62, 166, 170 Piero di Cosimo, 185 Pissarro, Camille, 36 Poincaré, Henri, 160 Pollaiuolo, 59 Pollock, Jackson, 66-70 Porter, Jimmy, 31, 32 Post-Impressionism, 212 Poussin, Nicolas, 17, 18, 88, 89, 164, 165, 168-73, 174, 189 Pre-Raphaelite movement, 154. 1% Pushkin, 185 Racine, Jean, 170, 174 Raphael, 170, 199 Read, Sir Herbert, 58, 62, 207 Realism, 208-9 Realistic Manifesto, 59-60 Rembrandt, 16, 17, 35, 92, i o i, 154, 164, 171, 184, 196 Renaissance, the, 153-6, 165, 170, 171, 172 Renoir, Jean, 106, 199-200 Richards, Ceri, 85-87 Richier, Germaine, 72-75 Rimbaud, Arthur, 35, 195 Rivera, Diego, 205 Roberts, William, 88-90 Rococo art, 174 Rodin, Auguste, 116, 128 Romantic art, 17, 104, 143, i85-88 Rotterdam, 58-64, 116-20 Rousseau, J-J., 177, 186 Royal Academy, the, 41-5 Rubens, Peter Paul, 138, 154, 174 Ruskin, John, 193 Scientist, the, 157, 161 Sentimentality, 178 Seurat, Georges, 36 Shakespeare, 156 Shelley, 191 Sickert, Walter, 189 Signorelli, 59 Siqueiros, David Alfaro, 205 Smith, Matthew, 86 Socialism, 18, 191, 196, 198, 209 Index Sophistication, 67, 73 Soutine, Chaim, 94 Soviet art, 42, 48 Sputnik, 63 Status of the artist in society, the, 210-11 Stendhal, 111, 185 Stubbs, George, 177, 186 Students, 51-3 Subject matter, 75, 209 Success, 80, 210-11 Surrealism, 14 Swinburne, A. C., 194 Tachism, 32, 66, 208 Ten Holt, Friso, 100-5 Tennyson, 192 Thomas, Dylan, 66, 85, 87 Thoreau, Henry David, 142 Titian, 44, 155 Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de, 35' 127 Tura, 155 Turner, J. M. W., 185 Utopian art, 125, 141 Van Eyck, 166 Van Gogh, Theo, 36 Van Gogh, Vincent, 17, 34-8, 102, 133, 189, 201, 212 Velasquez, 166, 171 Venice Biennale, the, 45-9, 56' 57 Veronese, 89, 102, 135 Victorian art, 42, 192-5 Vorticism, 94 Vouet, Simon, 164, 165 Ward, James, 186 War monument, 117-21 Watteau, Jean Antoine, 17, 144, 154, 174-6 Watts, George Frederick, 189, 192-5 Wilkie, Sir David, 179 Yeats, Jack, 142-50 Yeats, W. B., 16, 146, 148, 150 Zadkine, 97, 114, 116-21 Zola, Emile, 36, 191 223
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