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Volltext:Index Aesthetic assent, 180, 186 attitude, 52, 164-167, 169, 173, 183, 185-188, 190 completeness, 252, 254-255, 262 enjoyment, 53-56, 58, 67, 69, 71- 89, 143-150, 154-161, 166, 169, 172, 176, 179-180, 183, 185, 189, 198-199, 205, 208, 213, 219, 225, 236, 241, 283 experience, 164 features (A-features), 14, 90-139, 155-160, 166, 178, 211, 217- 220, 270f. impact, 41, 52f., 59, 61, 138, 181, 185-186, 205-206, 208, 217, 221, 224-225, 227, 230-235, 237-238, 247, 253-254, 265-267 insight, 157-158 judgment, viii, x, 33, 49-55, 58, 62, 100, 103, 120-121, 143-144, 149, 150-160, 166, 170, 176, 193-221, 223-240, 242-262, 263- 284 significance, 225-229, 238, 259 terms (A-terms), 91-139, 217, 220, 222 value, 52-53, 62, 177, 193, 198, 233-234, 238, 263-284 Apollinaire, Guillaume, 31 Aristotle, 51, 57, 73, 208, 232, 259, 271, 281-282 Art aims of, vii-viii, 31-33, 48-70, 83, 90, 161, 176, 178, 180, 205- 206, 21 Of., 221, 223-225, 228- 229, 232, 236-238, 242-249, 255, 261, 277, 282 Communication theory of, 65, 280 criteria of, 42-43, 47-48, 54, 62, 77-139, 144, 176, 210, 223-241, 242-262, 263-284 Expression theory of, 32, 46, 65, 110, 280, 282 ideas in (sec also Thought), 180- 184 understanding of, 189 Artist aims of, 176f„ 179-180, 212, 249, 261 beliefs of, 182-183 intention of, 176-179, 189 values of, 178-179 A-standards, 275-276 Austin, J. L., xi Automatic writing, 31 Bach, Johann Sebastian, 79, 260, 276 Balance, 67, 270-271 286 THE CONCEPT OF ART Beauty, 42, 67, 75, 87, 92, 112-113, 115, 118-121, 135, 138, 164, 169, 177, 225, 231, 270-271, 283 Beardsley, Monroe C., xi, 26f., 30, 35, 40, 45-46 Beethoven, Ludwig van, 7-9, 11, 83, 132, 172, 183, 246 Bell, Clive, 40-43, 46, 163-164, 173 Berenson, Bernard, 201-202 Berkeley, George, 19, 107 Berlioz, Hector, 84, 260 Bernini, Giovanni Lorenzo, 20 Borderline cases (see Open concepts) Bouwsma, O. K., 12, 22, 46, 86, 89, 93, 110, 131, 222 Brahms, Johannes, 84 Brecht, Bertolt, 236 Brentano, Bettina, 83 Bullough, Edward, 82, 164, 167, 169-173, 186-187, 190, 259 Byron, George Gordon, Lord, 259 Cage, John, 31, 280 Camus, Albert, 236 Capacity, 53-57, 77, 100, 105f., 128, 133-134, 139, 217 Capote, Truman, 279 Carv, Joyce, 18, 273 Cézanne, Paul, 42 Chandler, Albert R., 89 Character, 13 If., 134 Chopin, Frederic, 260 Christie, Agatha, 54 Coherence, 39, 110, 114-115, 137, 179, 250-253, 262, 270 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 183-184, 190, 254 Composition, 67, 110, 112 Concrete poetry, 138 Conditions logically dependent, 94f. logically nondependent, 94f. minimal, ix, 143-162 necessary, viii, 28, 35f., 93f., 96f., 123-125 optimum, 67, 86, 96, 106, 117, 137-160, 173 Contemplation, 89 Content, 38-39, 162-163 Critical reasons, 202-203, 206, 214f., 223-262 Cubism, 138 Cynics, 271 Dadaism, 64 Dante, Alighieri, 182-184, 186 Dawson, Sheila, 164-165 Debussy, Claude, 116 Defeasible concepts, 99f. Dialectical Materialism, 65 Dickie, George, 164-172 Disbelief, suspension of, 183 Disinterestedness, 164f., 167 Dostoevsky, Fyodor, 235 Durability, 265f., 278 Duration, 233-235, 265f. Economy, 257, 259-260, 271 Eliot, T. S„ 69, 81, 83, 180-184, 186, 189, 201-202, 245, 258, 260 Elton, William, xii, 109 Emotion, 54, 58-60, 77, 79-89 Emotive coloring, 201 Emotivism, 198 Essentialism, 29, 44, 68 Ethical judgments, 200-201 Existentialism, 227 Expression, 32, 67, 198-199, 271, 277 Expression theory (see Art, Expres­sion theory of) Expressive quality, 131-135 Family resemblances, xi, 3, 25, 29, 43-44, 47, 92, 207, 244, 246, 269 INDEX 287 Fauvism, 64 Feeling, 54, 58, 62, 71-89, 105, 110, 129f., 134, 145, 158, 163, 167, 169, 198, 205-206, 213, 238- 239, 248, 258 delicacy of, 115-116 Feig], Herbert, 202 Flew, A. G. N., 109 Form, 36f., 50, 61-62, 85, 145, 151- 152, 162, 173, 236, 240-244, 253-254 Formal, 56-57, 61, 63, 77, 163, 252, 262 Formalism, 163, 280, 282 Fry, Roger, 40, 42-43, 163-164 Frye, Northrop, 189 Function, 49f., 253 Gallie, W. B., 5, 69-70, 95, 152-153, 197, 281 Gleeson, James, 284 God, 54, 58, 233-234, 271 Goethe, Wolfgang, 83 Gordon, D. A., 174 Gosling, J., 88 Hamburger, Michael, 89 Hampshire, Stuart, 48, 69, 261, 283 Hare, R. M., 109 Harmony, 67, 87, 103-105, 110, 114- 115, 121, 132, 237, 251, 271 Hart, H. L. A., 99, 110 Hedonism, 65, 75-76, 80f., 85, 87, 90, 113, 233 Hellenic culture, 270f., 284 Heraclitus, 268 Hopkins, Gerard Manley, 269 Hospers, John, 59, 69, 86, 190 H-standards, 275-276 Hume, David, 256 Hungerland, Isabel C., 91 f., 97-98, 107, 109-111, 136, 138, 172- 173, 219-220 Idealism, 19-20, 38 Ideas in art, 180-185, 189-190, 227 Imagination, 54-60, 104f., 129, 145, 161, 205-206, 213, 227 Imitation theory of art, 187 Intellect, 54-60, 104, 161, 205-206, 213 Interpretation, 5, 7-8, 38, 105, 146, 178, 222 Intuition, 273 Intuitionism, 280 Ionesco, Eugène, 236 Isenberg, Arnold, 109 Isolationism, 41, 163 James, Henry, 68 Javacheff, Christo, 278 Jones, Le Roi, 261 Joyce, James, 37 Judgment, 133, 180 Justificationist Fallacy, 221 Kafka, Franz, 16 Kant, Immanuel, 89, 164 Karajan, Herbert von, 84 Keats, John, 15, 209, 254, 269 Kennick, W. E„ 22, 29, 46 Kenny, Anthony, 88 Kierkegaard, Spren, ix, 54, 231 Kitzinger, E., 177 Kline, Franz, 31 Knight, Helen, 48, 120, 243, 261 Kuhns, Richard, 176, 179, 188-189 Lafferty, T. T., 22 Lake, Beryl, 18, 281 Langer, Susanne K., 85 Lautréament, 31 Lawrence, D. H., 232 Leavis, F. R., 245-246 Lee, Vernon, 59, 81, 88 Lessing, Gotthold E., 270, 283 Lewis, C. I., 42 Life values, 263-284 288 THE CONCEPT OF ART Lifelikeness, 231-232 Linguistic method, xi Liszt, Franz, 260 Lumias, 34-35 Macdonald, Margaret, 5, 18, 22-23, 48, 243, 261, 283 Mailer, Norman, 280 Mandelbaum, Maurice, 69 Mann, Thomas, 16, 236 Marlowe, Christopher, 260-262 Marxism, 66, 68, 189, 277 Mendelssohn, Felix, 116, 276 Michelangelo, Buonarroti, 123 Milton, John, 245 Minimal conditions, ix, 142-160, 161f Moderation, 271 Mondrian, Piet, 78 Monet, Claude, 273 Moore, G. E„ 20, 41, 213, 215-216, 221 Morgan, Douglas N., 30 Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 55, 119, 123 Musique concrète, 31 Naturalism, 177, 216, 272 Naturalistic Fallacy, 213, 221 Newton, Isaac, 9 Nietzsche, Friedrich, 268, 270-271, 284 Nonaesthetic features (N-features), 13, 91-139, 160, 166, 175, 178, 206-207, 211-213, 217-219, 245, 247 Novelty, 257-261 Objective correlative, 258, 260-261 Objets trouvés, 31 Open concepts, 29f., 40, 62, 98, 131, 139, 235 Open Question Argument, 215 Optimum conditions, ix, 80, 82, 100f„ 106f., 123, 128, 134-135, 138-139, 196, 205, 217, 235, 241 epistemic, 175-190 objective, 175f., 179 psychological, 143-174 subjective, 175f., 180 Organicism, 39, 253, 280, 282 Originality, 228-229, 232, 250-253, 255-262 Paganini, Niccolô, 260 Pasternak, Boris, 189 Picasso, Pablo, 11, 34-35, 138 Plato, 11-12, 51, 57, 226, 271, 281- 282 Platonism, 268-269 Poe, Edgar Allan, 16, 54 Poetic assent, 180, 184f. Pornography, 186 Post-impressionism, 42 Pound, Ezra, 260 Pratt, C. C., 69 Prometheus, 271 Psychical distance, 164, 167, 170, 174, 186 Qualified judge, ix, 80-81, 103, 154- 158, 175, 196, 208, 217, 221, 224, 236-237, 241 Qualified perceiver, xi, 53, 55, 59-60, 62, 77, 86, 96, lOOf., 106f., 121, 123-125, 128, 132-135, 137-138, 146f., 155-160, 170, 175-221, 227, 229, 235, 248 Rader, Melvin, 21, 46 Raphael, Santi, 119 Read, Herbert, 201-202, 263 Realism, 20, 177, 271 Reid, Louis Arnaud, 69 Rembrandt, van Rijn, 19 Restraint, 259, 271 Rhythm, 67 Rilke, Rainer Maria, 260 Robinson, Edwin Arlington, 116 INDEX 289 Romanticism, 269 Romantics, 259-260 Russell, Bertrand, 9 Ryle, Gilbert, 88 Sabatini, Raphael, 84 Saint-Saëns, Camille, 260 Santayana, George, 75, 85-87, 110, 119-120 Sartre, Jean Paul, 232, 236 Schopenhauer, Arthur, 89 Schubert, Franz, 209, 254 Schumann, Robert, 260 Segal, George, 279 Selby-Bigge, L. A., 262 Shakespeare, William, 11, 36, 183, 246, 260 Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 9, 259 Siblev, Frank, vii, 91f., 96, 98, 103, 109-111, 136, 138 Simplicity, 260-261 Social Realism, 65, 189, 249 Standard Conditions, xi, 53-57, 60, 67, 77, 79, 81, 125, 143-160, 193-195, 199, 206, 208, 217, 227, 229, 235-237, 246, 248, 250-251 Stevenson, C. L., 200 Stoics, 271 Stolnitz, Jerome, 164, 167, 169, 187 Stravinsky, Igor, 7 Strawson, P. F., 194, 274 Style, 130-131 Subjectivism, 213 Surrealism, 31-32 Swinburne, Algernon Charles, 259 Taste, 133, 156 concepts, 90f., 133 Tchaikowsky, Peter, 26, 84, 128, 260 Tennyson, Alfred Lord, 259 Thoreau, Henry David, 141 Thought, 87, 105, 129, 145, 163, 181, 248 Tolstoy, Leo, 57, 226, 280, 282, 284 Tomas, Vincent, 164-165 Truth, 228-230, 241, 271 Turgenev, Ivan, 259 Unity (see also Coherence), 39, 114- 115, 137, 236-239, 250-256, 270-271 Universals, 11-12 Urmson, J. O., 94, 119 Use (see also Function), 49f., 264f. Verisimilitude, 187, 231-232 Véron, Eugene, 226 Victorians, 259 Vinci, Leonardo da, 4, 10, 17 Virtuosity, 257-261 Vivas, Elisee, 81, 88, 164, 167, 187 Wagenknecht, Edward, 261-262 Wagner, Richard, 26 Weitz, Morris, 22, 29, 35, 39, 42, 44, 46, 48, 68, 70, 118, 139, 280-282 Wilfred, T., 34 Wilson, Edmund, 201-202 Wittgenstein, Ludwig, viii, xi, 29, 43-44 Wolfe, Virginia, 261 Wordsworth, William, 89 Work of art (see also Art), 4-6, 18, 24, 49, 90 descriptive use, 7, 9-10, 25f., 32- 33, 35, 40, 47-48, 50, 58, 77, 79, 90, 101, 119, 122-123, 186, 194f., 206, 223, 235, 262, 266, 277f., 280-282 evaluative use, 4, 25f., 42, 47, 77, 101, 119, 122-123, 235, 241, 262, 266, 281-282 Wright, Frank Lloyd, 145, 253 Ziff, Paul, 21, 29
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