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Volltext:INDEX Abell, W. 132, 142-144, 151 accidental effects 154, 167, 172-175 Aiken, H. 164 Alberti, L. B. 46, 54, 131 Aldrich, V. C. 129, 152, 16411, 184 n Alexander, S. 170 n Alison, A. 45 Allesch, G. J. v. 30-31 n Andersen, H. C. 153 animated order 1x7-123, 157, 190 "animated order": use of 123-129 Apelles 50 Aristotle 52, 57, 64-65, 87, 131 Arnheim, R. 41, 49, 68, 72, 78-79, 90, 94n, 104-106, 109, HI, 130n, 140- 141, 146 n, 175 art: and analysis 114-115, 117 and function 68, 176-177, 194-195 and nature 69-70, 72, 98-100, 154 and rules 91, 107, 195 and skill 3, 162 and truth 158-159 "art": ambiguity of 25-26 as a family resemblance term 16-22 different senses of 13-25 open texture of 16-17 usage of, in this study 15, 27 vagueness of 17-19, 38-39 art value: and aesthetic value 156-157, 159, 172-174 and ethical value 170-171 assessed by probability estimates 189 objective and relational 187-189 artistic control 156, 163, 167-168, 172- 175 Aschenbrenner, K. 60, 93-94 Auden, W. H. 149 n Augustine 42-44, 88 authenticity 79, 170, igi Bacon, F. 49 balance 82-83, 103-106, 111-112, 118- "9 Barnes, A. 137 Batteux, C. 56, 131 Baumgarten, A. 56 Beardsley, M. C. 84-85 beauty: and art 23-24, 170-171 and greatness 170 easy and difficult 24 n, 116 of geometrical forms 41-42, 45-46, 55 Bell, C, 28, 130, 133-134, 138, 140, 151, 159 Benziger, J. 66 n, 69 Birkhoff, G. 55-56, 119 Blake, W. 56 Blunt, A. 49, 50 Boas, G. 34 Boileau, N. 52 Bosanquet, B. 23-24 n, 44, 116, 136 n, i80-18i Bossart, W. 79 n Broad, C. D. 75-76, 80 Brueghel, P. 15, 79 n, 87 n, 93, 95, 138, 145-149, 166 Bullough, E. 34 Burke, E. 58 Callahan, L. 53 n Campbell-Fisher, I. 106n, 107-108, non Carmichael, P. A. 101 Carpenter, R. 153 Cennini, C. 46 Cézanne, P. 15, 97-99, 189 Christ Carrying the Cross (Plate 1) 79", 93, 138, 145-149, 166 Church, R. W. 75, 80 n Coleridge, S. T. 61, 69-70, 135 Collingwood, R. G. 26, 182 colour organization 97-98, iox, 102-103, 108-110, 141-142 consistency 102-103, 127-128 Constable, J. 162 Index 205 contrast 101-102, no, m-112, 118 Corot, C. 162-163 creative communication 172-173 criteria: of definitions 29-30 of formal organization 92-112, 117- "9 of observers 34-36 criticism: and language 31-32, 125-126 basis of 31-34 Croce, B. 18, 37, 67 n, 85, 137, 157, 180, 182 Crousaz, J. P. de 52 Dancers at the Bar (Plate 2) 82-84, 86, 92, 94, 96, 101, 106, 118-119, 145/ 167 Daumier, H. 138, 144-145 Degas, E. 80-84, 87 n, 92, 94, 102, 106, 119, 145, 167, 191 Delacroix, E. 161 Delacroix, H. 122 n Descartes, R. 52 Dessoir, M. 60 Dewey, J. 121-122, 173-174, 182 Dickens, C. 13 Diderot, D. 45, 53, 105, 115-116 Dorazio 127 Dubos, J. P. 133 Ducasse, C. J. 15 n, 139 Dufresnoy, C. A. 49, 52 Dürer, A. 46 Edman, I. 158 Ellis, W. D. 94 n Elton, W. 31 n, 32 n, 123 n, 126 n Enggass, R. 153 Epstein, J. 99 expressiveness 140-141, 144-152, 157- 178 Fechner, G. T. 46-47 Félibien, A. 50, 52 Fiedler, C. 39 n, 107 n, 134 n Flew, A. 17 n Focillon, H. 180 n "form": in formalistic theory 132-134 in imitation theory 62-65, 131-132 in organic theory 134-138 formal organization 91-112, 117-123 Francesca, P. della 46 Fry, R. 28, 58, 89, 103, 119, 130, 132, 138-141, 144-147, 149-150, 174 Gainsborough, T. 87, 117 Gallie, W. B. 22-23, 27-29, 32 Gestalt theory 71-72, 77, 80, 107 Ghyka, M. 46, 48 Gilbert, Creighton 102 Goldwater, R. 49 n, 88 n, 105 n, 167 n golden section 46-48, 52, 104 Gotshalk, D. W. 92-93 Gottlieb, C. 93, 146 n grace 50, 52, 97 Greco, El 96, 126 Greene, T. M. 113 Hambidge, J. 48 Harrah, D. 167-168 n Hartmann, E. v. 48 n Hegel, G. F. W. 72 n, 135-136 Hemsterhuis, F. 56, 116 Herbart, J. F. 133-134, i4i_I42 Herder, J. G. 58, 140 n Heyl, B. C. 29, 36, 39 n, 158-159, 189- 190 Hirn, Y. 157, 181 n Hodler, F. 104 Hoffman, R. 185-186 Hogarth, W. 49-50, 52, 56, 68, 105 Home, H. 45, 57, 59-6°, 68 Homer 65 Horace 52 Hospers, J. 34~35 Hugo, V. 162 n Hulme, T. E. 98-100, 150 Humboldt, W. v. 66 2O6 Index Hungerland, H. 127-128 Hutcheson, F. 45, 53, 55-56, 132-133 identity: of parts in works of art 76-79 of works of art 179-187 individuality: of messages in art 164-166, 170, 178, 193 of works of art 77-80, 177-178, 191 integration: and number of elements 115-116 Isenberg, A. 31 n, 125-126, 143 n Jessup, B. 88 Kandinsky, W. 93 Kant, I. 34, 68-69, 133, 14°n Kellett, K. R. 36 n, 108 n Kennick, W. E. 18 n, 194-195 Keyes, S. 162 n Knight, H. 123 Koffka, K. 71-72, 77, 107, 122 n, 181 Köhler, W. 72 n Krakowski, E. 44 n Krieger, M. 71 n, 108 n, 126 n, 187 n, 190 n Kristeller, P. O. 14 n Kühr, V. 60 Lang, B. 146 n Langer, S. 39 n, 121, 158, 164 n Langfeld, H. S. 47, g6, 104-105 Larsson, H. 115 n Lasaga, J. 90 Lee, H. N. 187, 188 n Lee, H. B. 121 Leibniz, G. W. 50-51, 66, 67 Leonardo da Vinci 46, 89 n, 154 Lepley, R. 34 n, 187 n, 188 n Les sing, G. E. 89, i8r n Lewis, C. I. 179-180 n, 185-186, 187- 188 n Lewis, W. 99 Linde, U. T56 n lines 89, 97-100, 123, 141-142 Lipps, T. 58, 108, 110 Lodge, R. C. 44 n Lomazzo, G. P. 49 McKenzie, G. 61-62 n McTaggart, J. 74-76, 80 Manet, E. 191 Margolis, J. 20, 23 n, 168-169, Ï8I, 186 Martienssen, H. 31 n material 90-91 Matisse, H. 88, 108 Mauron, C. 138 Meissonier, E. 15 Mendelssohn, M. 56-57 Mersenne, M. 52 message: and medium 164-167 Michelangelo 49, 96 Moholy-Nagy, L. 152 Mondrian, P. 98, 152 Moore, G. E. 73-74, 80 Moritz, K. P. 66, 68-69 Morris, B. 59 Morris, C. 34 n movement 83, 94-96, 111-112, 118-119, 146-149 Munro, T. 80 n Newton, E. 161 non-representational painting 140-143, 150-155, 164 objectivity: of works of art 179-191 objets trouvés 155, 172-174 Ogden, C. K. 113-114 organic unity 61-86, 100 n, 111-112, 165 originality 68, 78-79, 129, 169-170, 190-192 Ortega y Gasset 150 n Osborne, H. 24 n, 30, 31, 33, 47, 74, 76-80, 81 n, ni, 114-115, 182-183, 185 n Index 207 Otis, M. 108 n Owen, W. 162 n Paccioli, L. de 46 Parker, De Witt 71, 75, 93, 96, 104 parts: function of, in organic wholes 61-64, 70-71, 73-84 Passmore, J. A. 32 n Pepper, S. C. 47, 53, 60, 86, 90 n, 93, 96 n, 97-98, 102-103, 105, 108-109, 182 perceptiveness 125, 129, 190, 192-193 Perry, R. B. 187 Picasso, P. 102, 161 Pierce, E. 47 Piles, R. de 21, 52, 131-132 Plato 41-42, 44, 61-65, 167 n Pliny 50, 131 Plotinus 42-43, 44, 59 Pollock, J. 93 Polykleitos 46 pop art 127 potentiality 76, 185, 187-189 Poussin, N. 138-139 Prall, D. W. 42 Price, R. 53, 57 Protogenes 50 Puffer, E. 105 Rader, M. 150 n, 158 n, 176 Raphael 132 n, 181 n R a w l i n s , I. i n n ready-mades 155, 176-177 Reid, J. R. 29-30 Reid, L. A. 143 Rembrandt 15, 132 n, 141, 182 Renoir, P. 105, 191 repetition 83, 93-94, 112, 118-119 representation 54, 62-65, I3I_I5°, I®4- 165 Reynolds, J. 52-53, 56, 57-58, 87, 103, 117, 131, 145 Richards, I. A. 113-114 Ritchie, B. 187 Rouart, E. 81-82 Ruin, H. 72 n Ruskin, J. 45, 70, 91-98, 101-104, 109 n, no, 174 Russell, B. 184 Rusu, L. 48, 99-100, 122 Santayana, G. 132 Saw, R. 177 Schaper, E. 158, 159-160, 164, 168 Schelling, F. W. 66, 69 Schiller, F. 112-113, 120-121, 135 Schlegel, A. W. 69 Schleiermacher, F. 66-67 Schopenhauer, A. 160, 162 self-reference 164, 193 Shaftesbury, A. 53 Sibley, F. 120, 124-125, 129 "significant form" 140, 159-160 size 87-88 Socrates 61-64 Souriau, E. 90 Stevenson, C. L. 20-22, 25 n, 28 suggestiveness 161-163, r68, 172, 190, 193 Svoboda, K. 44 n "symbol" 158, 160 symmetry 48, 104 synoptic vision 77, 115-116 Szathmary, A. 158, 164 n Thomas Aquinas 53 n time: in experience of paintings 89-90, 141-144 Titian 103 Tolstoy, L. 157 Tomas, V. 143 n, 163 Treves, M. see Goldwater, R. Turner, W. M. 174 uniformity 45, 142 unity: absolute 41-45 2O8 Index and uniformity 45 demonstration of 114-117 in variety 52-61 organic, see organic unity Ushenko, A. P. 35, 72, 95-96, 105-106, 146-147, 168, 179, 184-186 Utitz, E. 60 Valéry, P. 81-82 Van Gogh, V. 15, 78, 100, 178 Van Meegeren 79, 189 variety: and multiplicity 53-55 emphasis on 56 of art media 37-39 Venturi, L. 162-163 n Vermeer, J. 15, 79 Véron, E. 157 Vischer, F. T. 67, 70, 136, 137 vitality 98-99, 112-113, 118, 146 Vivas, E. see Rrieger, M. Volkelt, J. 58, 67, 136 Voltaire 162 Wacker, J. 186 Waismann, F. 17 Warhol, A. 127 Weitz, M. 16-17, 18-20, 27-29, 31 n, 70-71, 85, 137-138, 140, 146 n, 165 Wertheimer, M. 94 n Whistler, McN, 13, 143 n Wilenski, R. FI. igo n Winckelmann, J. J. 131 Wittgenstein, L. 16, 18, 166 Wölfflin, H. 58-59 Wood, J. 113-114 works of art: and other aesthetic objects 156-159, 172-175, 176-178 as messengers 159-171 identity of 179-187 independent of natural space and time 66-68, 72, 185 individuality of 77-80, 177-178, igi objectivity of 179-191 Worringer, W. 99, 100 n Zeising, A. 46 Zeuxis 131 Ziff, P. 39 n, 183 Zimmermann, R. 67, 133-134, 141-142
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