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Volltext:Index Abstraction 149 Abyssinia 152, 197 Academic Assistance Council 142 Ackerley, J. R. 178,391 Acton, Harold 33,485 Adcane, Sir Michael 448 Adhémar, Jean 210 Agncw, Colin 257 Agncw, Geoffrey 98-9 Agnew's gallery, London 95, 257, 367, 395 AIA (Artists' International Association) 148-9,150,223,275 A i k e n , Conrad 6 6 Akhmatova, Anna 321 Albania 237 Alberti, Leon Battista 261 Alfassa, Paul 82 Algcciras 147 Algeria 283 Alice, Princess 378 All Souls College, Oxford 117, 340 Allen, Brigadier 251-2 Allen, Martin, Hidden Agenda 313 Allies invasion of Hurope 300 landings 288 Alport, Lord 266n Annilrce, Lord 383 Andrew, Christopher 154 Andrew, Christopher M., and Mitrokhin, Vasili, The Mitrokhin Archive 282,454 Angelica), Fra 37 Anglcton, James Jesus 445 Anglo-German Fellowship 162 Animal, Vegetable or Mineral 373 Annan, Noel 74, 78, 118-19, 124, 163, 1 76, 192, 264, 267, 370, 374, 387 Anonymous Society 33-4. 3é 37, 4°, 41 43 Anrcp, Miss 170 Antal, Friedrich 126-8, 181, 211, 260, 281, 362, 363, 416 Apollo 428,431,475 Apostles 61-4, 65n, 68, 84-5,106, 112, 176, 191, 192-3, 266n, 334 Aragon, Louis 174 Architectural Review 213 ARCOS (All-Russian Co-operative Society) 154 Armory show 11 Armour & Winston, London 384 Armstrong, Sir Robert 472, 482 Art (Bell) 32 Artists' International Association (AIA) 148-9,150, 223, 275 Arts Council, London 329,380 Arts Council of Northern Ireland 383 Arts Review 149ft Ashcroft, Peggy 219 Ashton, Frederick 265 Asolo 349 Assheton, Sir Ralph 13 Assheton, Ralph (later Lord Clitheroe, AB's cousin) 13-14 Assheton, Will 13 Astbury,John 192 Astor, Hugh 258 Athens 397-8, 440 atom bomb, development project 337 Attlee, Clement 107 Auden, W. H. on AB 354 AB visits in Ischia 332 anger in work 92, 93 on Burgess 170 and Burgess 342, 349 and Coldstream 170, 222, 227 and Germany 115 homosexuality 113,170-1,178)39! leaves for America 236-7 left-wing politics 101, 120 meets AB 170 parallels with AB 167-70 poem on don 59 565 Index Auden, W. H. (cont.) on public school 18 work 167-70, 178, 240 'Last Will and Testament' (with MacNeice) 195 'Letter to Lord Byron' 168-9, r7° 'Letter to William Coldstream' 168, X70 Letters from Iceland (with MacNeice) 168, 171, 174, 195 'Paid on Both Sides' 170 'The Secret Agent' 170 'Spain, 2937' 172 Australasia 155 Australia 406-7,453 Austria 60-1, 115-16, 126, t27 Austrian Committee for Relief from German Fascism t58 Auvergne 12 Bacon, Francis 230 Bad Nauheim 8 Bad Oeynhausen 315 Baddeley, Hermione 265 Baer, Jack 395 Bag o'Nails pub, London 387 Baigent, Lincoln and Leigh, Holy Blood, Holy Grail 416 'Baker, Alan' 283, 3x0, 322, 331-3, 339-4°, 35°, 375, 376, 380-1 Baker, Josephine 442 Balcarres Castle 329 Ball, Sir Joseph 162,234 Baltic States 240 Balzac, Honoré de 125, 128, 178, 211 La Dernière Incarnation de Vautrin 178 Banham, Rayner 368 Bankhead, Tallulah 52 Banville, John, The Untouchable xvi Barber, Paddy 383 Barber Institute 328 Barbusse, Henri 156 Barcelona 237, 440 Baring, Calypso 253,255 Barker, Godfrey 497 Barnes, Julian 220 Barr, Basil 41, 145 Barton, Guy 52 Bassett, Mrs (Burgess's mother) 78, 229, 344, 4°3 Baudelaire, Charles 223 Bazin, Germain 421 BBC AB's broadcasts 204, 220-1, 317, 373, 455 Burgess at 163,164,252 Bush House 276 BBC News 481 Beaton, Cecil 54 Beckford, William 34, 69 Bedaux, Charles 313 Bedford College, London 175 Beerbohm, Max 377 Beijing 154 Beirut 356,401,440,445,484 Belgium 15 Bell, Clive 27, 31, 32-3, 42, 49, 50, 55, 69, 72, 102, 106, 129, 361, 442 The Gothic Revival 69 Bell, Graham 223, 224, 225n 'Escape from Escapism' 225 Bell, Julian 55, 58, 62, 63, 64, 65n, 66, 67-74, 109-10, 112, 193, 201, 508n Bell, Olivier (formerly Popham) 2x6-17, 224, 230, 381, 489 Bell, Quentin 55, 64-5, 70, 71, 109, 149, 201, 217, 341, 38m, 489 Bell, Vanessa 31, 55, 67-8, 71, 72-3, 201 Bellange, Jacques 408 Bellaye 453 Bellori, Giovanni Pietro, Lives of the Painters 417 Beloff, Lord 492 Benham, Hugh 383 Bennett, Alan xviii, 77 An Englishman Abroad 77 A Question of Attribution xviii, 495 Bentley, Elizabeth 334 Bentley, Nicolas 257 Berends, Alan 120, 246-7, 249 Berenson, Bernard 51, 262 Berger, John, Ways of Seeing 221 Bergman, Ingrid 373n Beria, Lavrenti 275 Berlin 128, 232, 239 Institute of Sexology 115 Japanese embassy 298 Reichstag, fire 108, 115, 191 Berlin, Isaiah and AB 117, 118, 209, 228, 382, 454 471 on AB 151,219,220,346 and British Academy 491-2 opposed to Communism 109 on Plumb 491 on Queen Mother 485-6 on Rees 232,404-5 social circle 322 Berman, Eugene 332n Bemal, J. D. 49, 106, 139, 263-4 Berne, Soviet Embassy 343 566 Index Bernini, Gian Lorenzo 103, 129, 211, 415, 467 Berry, Pamela (Lady Hartwell) 34I, 342, 346, 469 Bertie of Thame, Lord and Lady 9 Betjeman, John 18, 19, 22-3, 26-7, 29, 3°-i, 33". 38~9. 52, 54-5. 142-, 2.13, Z15" 346, 373 Summoned by Belts 19, 23 Beves, Donald 469 Béziers 235n Biddulph, Nicholas 380 Bing, Gertrude 194, 196 Birmingham 96-7,98,117 Barber Institute of Fine Arts 116, 117 University of 76, 99 Black art 36,30 Blake, George 445, 447, 448 Blake, William 34, 37, 53, 64,72, 88, 150, 2I3 z94-6, 367, 403, 411-13 'America' 295 The Ancient of Days 412 'Europe' 295 Bland, Sir Neville 318 Blast 28 Blenheim Palace, Woodstock 262, 286 Blessingbourne, Northern Ireland 383 Bletchley (code-breaking operation) 273, 285, 287, 298 Blois, château 279 Bloomsbury Group xvi, xvii, 31-3, 52-5, 61, 62, 67, 82, 88,96, 102, 120,125,176, 339 Blum, Leon 165, 204, 227 Blunt, Lady Anne (née Noel) 6 Blunt, Anthony Frederick Character and Personality appearance 34, 2.16, 217, 245, 331, 37I,456,466 architecture, interest in 10, 60,103-4, 211, 294, 410-11, 466-8 as art collector and seller 388K, 392-3 as art critic 29-30, 89-91,102,137, 149-51, 203-4, 207-8, 220-1, 423-4 attitude to art dealers 392-3 Burgess, relationship with 79-81, 99, 120, 182, 209, 229-39, 249, 259, 270, 323-5, 349, 351, 357, 398, 402-3, 451, 475, 4Sl, 486 as 'cold fish' 98-9, 99,100 z77-° 284, 3 7 7 . . 8 compartmentalizing tendency xvi, 5 , 164, 374, 392 as cook 385 Deutsch on 180 domestic incompetence 385 and drink 299, 451, 462, 485, 487-8, 491 favoured artists 408-20 female devotees of 359,371-3 frugality 388 as hate figure xiii-xv homosexuality, sexual and emotional relationships xiv-xv, 39-41, 43, 46, 51-2, 57-8, 98, 119, 177-9, 217-18, 258-60, 277-8, 284, 323-4, 330, 350, 372, 380-92, 397-8,471 indiscreet behaviour 228,397-8 and MacNeice xviii, 27,35,39-43, 45-8, 67, 79,97-100,120,484 on Marxism and art 202-4,415-16 medication for stress 462 misdeeds, alleged xiii-xiv motivation 270-2 mysteriousness xvi-xvii mystique among students 436-7 as 'paper Marxist' 162, 244 personal demeanour 364-5,366-7, 368-9, 371, 373-4, 376,377,4M, 436-7,456 on Picasso 203-4,205-8,221 politics, little interest in 43-4, 64, 113, 271, 294, 323 pseudonyms and codenames 91,180, 302,319,470 and religion 16, 33 rumours about at Courtauld 437-40 self-revelation 466-7 Soviet Union, feelings about 322-3 sport, dislike of 18, 21 as teacher xvii, 216-18, 360-1,363, 365-71, 381, 436-7 women, relationships with and attitudes to 330-1, 359, 369, 371, 372 Life birth and early childhood 1-17 family's move to France 8-14 schooldays 18-44 sexual experiences at school 39-41 at Cambridge xi, 45-60, 93, 96, 116-20, 139, 181 co-founds The Venture 65 relationship with Julian Bell 67-/4 postgraduate thesis on Poussin 83 a s a r t c r i t i c o f S p e c t a t o r 8 4 . 8 8 . 8 9 - 9 . 102, 104, 105,137, 49. *5° '• 1 '* 203, 207-8, 220-1, 225, 49/ 567 Index Blunt, Anthony Frederick (cont.) gives first lecture at Courtauld 85, 86-7 in Italy 102-5 trip to Soviet Union 131-8, 244 and Warburg move 142/j work on Poussin drawings 143-5, 278, 299, 304, 407.417 attacks Surrealism 150-1 approached by Burgess to work for NKVD 162-5 applies for directorship of Fitzwilliam 181 fails to obtain Harris scholarship 193-4 Rothschilds' farewell party for, at Cambridge 196-7 takes post at Warburg Institute 209-13 parties at Palace Court 209 as lecturer and tutor at Courtauld Institute 211, 213-20, 309 BBC broadcasts 204,220-1,317,373, 455 lecture on Rivera 224-5 recruits Rees 231-4,236 as deputy director of Courtauld Institute 137-8, 178 in Military Intelligence 243-9 joins MI5 249-60 work for MI5 303-4, 314, 328-21, 398 moves to Bentinck Street 262-7 as double agent 268-72,452 affair with Jackie Hewit 277-8, 324, 330 and Warburg/Courtauld journal 211-12, 278 lectures on Mansart at Warburg 279 supplies information to Kreshin 285-94, 300, 302, 303-4, 317 NKVD memoir (1943) 61,102,114, 120, 124, 138-9, 182, 234, 244, 249, 251, 258, 290, 293 articles for Burlington Magazine 296, 304, 408 promoted at MI5 297 illness 299-300, 351-3, 407, 415, 451, 462-3, 465, 496 refuses Soviet pension offer 300-r further work at Courtauld 304 as Surveyor of the King's Pictures 304-11, 317-18, 327, 358, 420, 448 withdrawal from MI5 306 secret missions to Germany 311-26, 448, 485 exhibition of 'The King's Pictures' at RA 317-18, 376 allegedly stops spying for Soviet Union 319-22 as proxy for Burgess 320-1,333 as director of Courtauld 60, 325-8, 331-2, 358-73, 376 in demand as adviser and patron 328, 358, 436 as adviser to National Trust 328-30, 358, 377, 393 liaison with'Alan Baker' 331-3 dedication of book to Burgess 260, 338, 402,437,438 refusal to defect 34t, 352 and disappearance of Burgess and Maclean 349-53,395-6,452,472, 475 possible confession to White and Liddell 351-2 end of work for NKVD 198,352-3, 357 edits Studies in Architecture series 358 receives knighthood 375, 471, 478, 481 life at Court 375-7 as Adviser to the Royal Collection 376 edits Waddesdon catalogue 379,466, 470 begins relationship with John Gaskin 384 parties at Courtauld flat 384,386, 389-90, 437-8, 466 period of promiscuity 389-92 lecture tour of USA 396;! develops Bell's palsy 397 renewed contact by Modin 399-400 eyesight problems 400,429,465 and Rees story in the People 404-5 and Hungarian uprising 405 portrayed in novel 406 annual lecture on Spanish Civil War and Guernica 416, 437 and Poussin exhibition at Louvre 420-2,436,495 feud with Denis Mahon over Poussin 87,411-35 photographed in drag for Granta 438 honoured by Oxford and Durham universities 440 joins Treasury committee 440 travels to lecture and advise on art history 440 trip to Rome (1963) 441-1 buys Poussin painting from Duncan Grant 442-3 offered immunity by MI5 in return for 568 Index Blunt, Anthony Frederick (cont.) confession 439,447-8,451,470, 475, 482. interrogation by MU 395-6, 399, 451~4 471-3, 481 avoids Queen 449 on good terms with Queen Mother 449 and purchase of Ward drawings 450 honours Tomas Harris 455 and death of Phoebe Pool 462 Festschrift on sixtieth birthday 236,463 MI5 plans to expose after death 465 recovery from bowel cancer 465 lectures on Borromini 466-8 retires from Courtauld and moves to Portsea Hall 468 sells Duncan Grant's Poussin 468 resigns as royal adviser 469-70 named by Private Eye as 'Maurice' in book by Boyle 470-2 exposed as spy 84, 398, 447-8, 450, 471-3,482 stripped of knighthood 6,473 goes into hiding 473 press stories on 475-7 supported by Brian Sewell 478-80 denies 'fifth man' story 480 holds press conference 480-2 honours and appointments withdrawn 486 unfinished memoir 269, 490, 498,499 resigns from British Academy under pressure 492-3 writes will 495 alleged displeasure with Brian Sewell 495-6 death 485, 496-7 cremation 497 bequests 496, 497-8 Works Art and Architecture in France: 1500-1700 407-n 'Art and Morality' 30 'Art Under Capitalism and Socialism 202 The Art of William Blake 4 Artistic Theory in Italy 239, 247, 260-2, 280, 402, 438 'Blake's Pictorial Imagery' 294-6 Borromini 467-8,47° The Drawings of Poussin 143, ZI3 239, 278, 296 François Mansart 279-80, 4° Guernica 415,435 Guide to Baroque Rome 490, 496 Flow I Look at Modern Painting (BBC series) 225 'Is Art Propaganda?' 149 The Nation's Pictures (with Margaret Whinney) 339,378 Neapolitan Baroque and Rococo Architecture 467 Nicolas Poussin 417,420,435,463 The Paintings of Nicolas Poussin: A Critical Catalogue 417,425,430, 435 Picasso: The Formative Years (with Phoebe Pool) xiii, 415 'Picasso Unfrocked' 205-8 'Poussin Studies' 417 'Self-Consciousness in Modern Art' 66 'Standards' 225 Blunt, Christopher (AB's brother) 7, 11, 13, 14-15,20, 239, 470, 497, 503 Blunt, Edith (AB's aunt) 31 Blunt, Frederick, Suffragan Bishop of Hull (AB's grandfather) 1-2, 8 Blunt, Hilda (née Master, AB's mother) I, 3-9, n-17, 60, 73, 113, 201, 392, 466 Blunt, Stanley (AB's father) 1, 2-3, 5-9, 11-15, 24, 28,41,73 Blunt, Walter (AB's uncle) 1,2-3 Blunt, Wilfrid (AB's brother) on AB 11, 38, 57, 272,310, 470 and AB in wartime 249 and art 28,41, 52 birth and childhood 3, 6 on father 14 in France 9-14 and Roger Fry 31-2 on mother 4, 60, 73 in Munich 114 at school 20-1, 27 sexuality 16, 57 trips with AB 60,131-8 Blunt, Wilfrid Scawen 1, 6, 104, 136 Atrocities of Justice under British Rule in Egypt 6 Boase, Tom 216, 219-20, 237, 243, *99, 304, 306, 323, 325, 365 Bodkin, Thomas 117 Le Boeuf sur le Toit, London 277, 333 Borovik, Genrikh 158, 250, 280, 29., 344 Borromini, Francesco 103-4,211,213,4 , 413,415,466-8, 496 Boston Museum of Fine Arts *15" Botticelli, Sandro 14,27 Boulogne 248 569 Index Bournemouth i, 7 Bowen, Elizabeth 2.32 The Death of the Heart 232 Bower, Tom 256, 399 Bowie, John 26,38-9 Bowness, Alan 363, 368, 415, 416, 437, 461,483-4 Bowra, Maurice 52, 87, 232 Boyle, Andrew 84,469, 474, 479, 481, 486 The Climate of Treason 84, 347, 470-1, 474 Braithwaite, Richard 85 Brancusi, Constantine 138 Braque, Georges 89 Brealey, John 376 Brickendonbury Hall 252 Brieger, Peter 328 Briggs, M. S., In the Heel of Italy 104 Bristow, Desmond 255-6, 257, 284, 455 British Academy 432,491-3 British Council 329,333,397 Fine Arts Committee 328 British Expeditionary Force 242, 245, 386, 475 British Intelligence xv, 154, 298, 337, 445, 463, 474 see also MI5; MI6 British Leyland 482 British Library, London 498 British Museum, London 296,393,428 'British Painting 1740-1840' (exhibition) 333 British Union of Fascists 260, 284 Britten, Benjamin 122, 237 Brocklebank, Tom 186 Brodsky, Izaak 137 Bronowski, Jacob 65,75 Brooke, Henry 447 Brooke, Rupert 1 Brookner, Anita 361, 367, 368, 372-3, 456, 458, 460-1,479, 487 Brophy, Brigid 371, 375, 385, 390 The Finishing Touch xviii, 371, 372 Brown, Tina 494 Browning, Oscar 2 Browning, Robert 3 Bruce Lockhart, Robert 153-4, 158, 322 Die Brücke 226 Brueghel, Pieter 34, 39, 41, 67, 69 Hunters in the Snow 39 Brunswick, Duke of 315-16 Bryans, Robin (alias Robert Harbinson) 475-6 Buchman, Frank 107 Buchtal, Hugo 279 Buckingham, George Villiers ist Duke of 221 Buckingham Palace, London 306, 310-11, 321, 358, 387 Budapest 127 Museum of Fine Art 362 Budberg, Baroness Moura 322 Buenos Aires 348-9 Bukharin, Nikolai 124 Burgess, Guy on AB 324, 335-6 and AB's Artistic Theory in Italy 260-1, 402- 437, 438 AB's gossip about 457 and AB's work for BBC 220, 297 and Apostles 192-3 on Julian Bell 201 book by Douglas Sutherland about 440 and Cairncross 188-90,486 code names 161, 180, 302, 319 and Deutsch 156, 161 dislike of'Baker' 334 disturbing public behaviour 337, 441 on drink 299 drunkenness 102, 441 and FBI 444 on Jackie Hewit 277,324 homosexuality 77, 80, 148, 161, 180, 348 letters to Pollock 309-10,315,324 MacNeice on 96, 148 and Marxism/Communism 105,110, 112-13, 120-1, 123-4, 161-2 and Modin 288 and Nazi-Soviet Pact 241-2 and Philby 157, 159, 160, 235, 252, 265 portrayed in novel 406 Powell on 244 and Proctor 244 and Rees 114,124,231-4,236,241-2, 292, 340-1, 403-5, 469 relationship with Pollock 324 Soviet distrust of 289-94, 297-8 in Soviet Union 124 and Straight 183 White on 275 and White Paper (1955) 401 Forgotten Anniversaries (BBC series) 220 Life at Cambridge 77-82, 102-3 leaves Cambridge 130 approaches AB 160-5 at BBC 163, 164, 252 and Modin 250 at Reform Club 257, 283 570 Index Burgess, Guy (cant.) at Bentinck Street 263, 265-6 documents passed to NKVD 268 and Kreshin 280, 289-90, 292-3 and MI5 281-2 refuses Soviet pension offer 300-1 ceases contact with NKVD 319 work at Foreign Office 268,320,333, 335-6, 341-2,344-9,458 accident and illness 333-4 and Venona project 335-6 in USA 336, 396 complaint against 334-5 disappearance with Maclean 339-57, 38°, 472 reappearance in Moscow 402 and hoax story of return 441 Rees exposes in People article 403-5 death in Moscow 441, 451 and Another Country 470 see also Blunt, Anthony Frederick, Character and Personality, relationship with Burgess Burgess, Nigel 82, 349 Burlington Magazine 130, 296, 304, 307, 327-8, 408, 416, 417, 422,423, 462, 468, 497 Burt, Leonard 253 Buss, Company Sergeant-Major 248 Butler, R. A. 346 Butler, Sydney 346 Byam Shaw, James 3 Cabinet Office 401 Cadogan, Lord 312-13 La Cage aux Folles 483 Cahiers d'art 28 Cairncross, John AB and 182, 188-91, 45* in America 444 and Apostles 192 and Burgess 231, 236, 486 at Cambridge 139 and Deutsch 157" The Enigma Spy 189 Hewit on 265 incriminating papers 346, 35I_i and Modin 250 and NKVD 268, 288, 292, 293 refuses Soviet pension offer 300-1 Soviet distrust of 290-1, 298 work for Lord Hankey 267 Cairo, British Embassy 337 Calder, Alexander 204 Callot, Jacques 408 Calloway, Cab 197 Cambridge xi, 93, 96, 98, 116-10, 139, 175, 181 Tivoli cinema 109-10 Cambridge, Adolphus Frederick ist Duke of 4 Cambridge, University of AB at xiii, 45-60,93, 96, 116-20,139, 181 Communist group at 21,105-13,119, 159, 166,186, 196 Faculty of Arts board 407 MacNeice and 67, 175 Marxism at 62, 105-13, 123, 148 Pitt Club 113 Socialist Society 122,160 Union 107, 182,197 see also Apostles; King's College, Cambridge; Trinity College, Cambridge Cambridge Review 6$n, 69, 75, 83, 84, 91, 106 Cameron Watt, Donald 313 Campbell, Robin and Mary 380 Canada xiv Canaletto 307 Canetti, Elias 94 Canford School, Dorset 221 Cannes 229, 235, 239 Canning, Clifford 22, 27, 31, 34, 4'. 44, 46, 221 Capes, Howard 383, 386, 484-5, 495—6, 498 Capri 105 Caravaggio 377 Carey Foster, George 336 Carpenter, Humphrey 171 Carracci, Agostino and Annibale 29 Carrington, Dora 5 5 Carritt, David 390 Casement, Roger 6 Cassiano dal Pozzo 428, 434 Castiglione, Giovanni Benedetto 394, 44* Caudwell, Christopher, Illusion and Reality 202. Cave Brown, Anthony 106, 302 Cavendish, Lady Elizabeth 346 Cavendish Laboratory 49 Cecil, Lady 341 Cecil, Robert 241, 33. 5°3" Cézanne, Paul 26, 28, 29, 34, 39, 4', 49, 88,304,409 c Chamberlain, Neville 109,227,134, Chambers, Whittaker 338 Champaigne, Philippe de 408 571 Index Chancellor, Robin 282 Charing Cross Hospital, London 473 Charles, Noel 136 Charleston, Sussex 72-3,442-3 Charlotte, Queen 316 Charteris, Lord 375,448-9 Chastel, André 409, 487, 497 Chatenet, Monique 408 Cheka see NKVD Chekhov, Michael 182 Chicago, Art Institute 394 China 201 n Christie, Ian 492 Christie's, London 87, 394, 442, 443, 479 Chula Chakrabongse, Prince 52 Churchill, Clarissa 457 Churchill, Winston 238, 275, 276, 288, 330 CIA 335, 339, 396,445 Civil Service 357 Clare, Charles 359,438 Clarendon Press 239 Clark, Alan 473 Clark, Kenneth 51, 86, 103, 138, 148, 214, 215, 296, 304, 307, 325, 360, 373, 448 Clarke, Tony 393 Clarté 156 Claude Lorrain 102 Cobb, Richard 493 Cobbold, Lord 308 Cocteau, Jean 28 Cohen, Sir Andrew 460, 461 Cold War xiv, xv-xvi, 319, 334, 340, 354, 355. 445 Coldstream, William 168, 170, 221-5, 227 372,416,459,462, 496 'How I Paint' 221-2 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 150 Colnaghi's, London 393, 443, 479 Colonial and Continental Church Society (CCCS) 8-9, 12 Columbia University 424 Comintern 124, 154, 155, 159, 161, 179, 232, 241 International Congress 132 International Liaison Department 156 Communism appeal to British intelligentsia 93, 105-30 and art historians 126-30 associated with homosexuality 355 Burgess and 162 at Cambridge see Cambridge, Communist group at disillusionment of literati with 354-5 Hoover on 334 in Spain 152 see also Marxism Communist International 191 Communist Party (Austria) 158 Communist Party (France) 283 Communist Party of Great Britain 107, 110-11, I20U, 151, 158, 174, 182, 192, 233, 242, 275, 276, 289, 318-19, 452, 487 Communist Party (Soviet Union) 135, 356 Compton, Belinda 184 Connolly, Cyril 18, 54, 78, 93, 165, 203, 324. 338 Enemies of Promise 18,203 The Missing Diplomats 353, 355 Conquest, Robert 135 Conservative Party 107, 154, 162, 188 Constable, Mrs 214,215 Constable, W. G. 83, 86, 126, 141, 142, 193. 194. 213-16, 297 Constantini, Francesco 319 Constructivism 137 Contil, M. 227 Control Commission 315 Conway Hall, London 224 Coope, Rosalys 421, 478 Cooper, Douglas 95-6, 208, 272, 322n, 360, 373, 383 Copenhagen 161 Cornford, John 109, no, in, 120-1, 123, 148, 179, 182, 184-5, J86, 2.19 Costello, John xv, 106, 192n, 503-4n, 506n, 507n, 513 Mask of Treachery, xv, 192 Cosway, Richard 318 Courbet, Gustave 119, 125 Courtauld, Samuel 86, 88, 141, 215, 325-6, 346, 359 Courtauld Institute of Art, London AB as deputy director of 237-8, 278 AB as director of 60,325-8,331-2, 358-73. 376 AB lectures at 83,85,86-7,116,211, 309 AB takes Hewit to 277 AB's bequests to 497 AB's files at 429 AB's influence on xvii AB's papers at 33 n, 104, 136 AB's part-time work at 194, 196 AB's parties at 384, 386, 389-90, 437-8. 4^6 Antal at 126-7 and Bernard Smith 406 Boase resigns from 325 572 Index Courtauld Institute of Art, London (cont.) Sydney Butler and 346 closed (1939) 243 and disappearance of Burgess and Maclean 349-5° early history 85-6 exhibitions at 278,455 furniture lent to AB 476 lecturers at 86, 296, 297, 322, 328 left-wing politics at 126 management committee 363-4 and MI5 320 move to Somerset House xiv opening of new galleries (1968) 449, 463 and Rebecca painting 429 refusal to defend AB after exposure 486-7 students at 87, 94, 219, 267, 305, 328, 331, 368, 398-9, 436-7, 464, 478-9 success and expansion in early 1960s 436, 456 summer school 465 Studies in Renaissance and Baroque Art Presented to Anthony Blunt on his 60th Birthday 463 Crabbet Park, Horsham, Sussex 1 Cranach, Lucas 226 Crawford, David Balniel, Lord 329, 378, 43° Craxton, John 80, 380, 386, 387, 392, 473, 487 Crete 387 Croasdell, Gerald 192, 193 Crossthwaite, Moore 115,484 Cubism 11, 28, 29, 34, 49, 67, 76, 96, 128, 129-30 Cumming, Malcolm 320 Cunard, Nancy 132 Curry, George 245-6, 248-9 Czechoslovakia 158, 236, 237, 238-9, 323 D-Day 300, 301 da Seta, Cesare 497 Dahrendorf, Ralf 492 Daily Express 348, 349. 473, 475, 481, 493 Daily Mail 349, 473, 47^, 479, 48G 49* Daily Mirror 441 Daily Telegraph 158, 393, 4°4, 4^9, 475, 479,497 Daily Worker 173 Daintry, Adrian 54 Daladier, Édouard 162, 234 Dali, Salvador 150 Dalou, Aimé-Jules 496 Dalrymple-Champneys, Lady 281 Dartington Hall, Devon 182 Darwin, Charles 220 Daumier, Honoré 119, 168 David, Jacques Louis 128 Day, Patrick 265 Day-Lewis, Cecil 168,172 The Mind in Chains (ed. ) 202-3, 224 de Chirico, Giorgio 226 de Laszlo, Philip 89 de l'Orme (Delorme), Philibert 408, 410- 1 1 Degas, Edgar 59,353 Déjeuner sur l'herbe (Manet) 87 Delacroix, Eugène 413-14 Delling, Nurse 7 Demus, Otto 278 Depression 107-8 Derain, André 138 Desjardins, Paul 72-3n Deutsch, Arnold ('Otto') 153-6, 158-9, 160-1, 164, 179, 180, 181, 187, 189, 190, 198, 199, 200, 229, 234, 242, 460 Dewey Commission 174 Dickinson, Goldsworthy Lowes 57, 61, 62, 64 n Dictionary of National Biography 455 Dimitrov, Georgi 191 Dobb, Maurice 106, 134, 139, 157, 158, 245 Dodds, E. R. 171,513 Dollfuss, Engelbert 116, 158 Dorchester Hotel, London 283 Dorment, Richard 439-4° Dorn, Marion 262 Dostoevsky, Fyodor 48, 64 Douglas, Lord Alfred 229 Douglas-Home, Alec 447-8, 474 Dover 248 Dover, Kenneth 493 "4 Dover Castle (pub), London z8q Downham Hall, Lancashire 13 Downing College, Cambridge 120, 247 Dowson, Ernest 3 Driberg, Tom 306,356,405 Druce, Mr 497-8 Duccio di Buoninsegna 329 Duchamp, Marcel, Nude Descendu^ a Staircase 11 Dudley Ward, Lady Penelope 118 Duff, Anthony 254 Duit's, Jermyn Street, London 7 Dulwich Picture Gallery 3 '7. 466 Dunn, Philip 380 Dunsany, Lord 125 Durant, Colonel Jack 314 Duranty, Walter 134 573 Index Duveen, Joseph 34, 50, 86 Dvorâk, Max 127, 141, 362 Ede, H. S., Savage Messiah 104 Eden, Anthony 457 Edward VII, King 118 Egremont, Lord 396 Egypt 6 Eitingon, Leonid 236 El Greco 27, 34, 37, 41, 50, 72, 94, 147 Eliot, George, Middlemarch 228 Eliot, T. S. 34,66,219 The Waste Land 48 Elizabeth II, Queen 376, 377, 446, 448, 449, 473,475,481,485,491 Elizabeth, Queen (later Queen Mother) 4, 304, 309-10, 449, 485-6 Elliott, Nicholas 445-é Elmhirst, Dorothy 182, 185, 188 Empson, William 65, 66 Encounter 405 Enigma code 273, 276, 286, 288 Epstein, Jacob 89 Ethiopia 103 Eton College 33, 59, 77, 93 Euston Road School 221, 227 Evans, Dame Edith 373n Evening Standard 475,487 Ewart, Gavin 118, 119, 123, 186, 192 Experiment 65-6, 69, 75, 223 Ezra, Mary 70, 74, 76, 96-7, 98, 99, 145, T47 Faber and Faber 475-6 Fantasia 277 Fascism 113, 152, 164-6, 172, 203, 237 FBI 344, 349, 357, 396,443-4,453 Fedden, Romilly (Robin) 65 La Femme du Boulanger 277 Fernandel 277 Fernie, Eric 439 Field Security Section 18247-9 First World War 6, 11, 92, 93, I i i , 129, 171 Fischer, Johann Michael 67, 103 Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge 65, 69, 181, 499 Fleming, John 474 Fletcher-Cooke, Charles 132, 197 Florence 117, 177, 203, 464 Floud, Bernard 459,460-2 Floud, Peter 460 Flower, Sibylla Jane 438 Folkestone 245 Fontainebleau 12 Fontana, Carlo 479 Fonthill Abbey 69 Footman, David 234, 236, 343, 345 Ford, Sir Edward 308, 309,311 Foreign Office, London AB and 286, 357 Burgess at 268, 320, 333, 335-6, 341-2, 344-9, 458 Cairncross at 188,189,236 Kessler and 282 leaks at 337 Lord Bertie at 9 and 'positive vetting' 355 and White Paper (1955) 401 Forster, E. M. 34, 53, 54, 58-9, 62, 63, 178-9, 230, 354 Maurice 470 Fortitude (military plan) 300 Fox, James 495 Fox, Ralph, The Novel and the People 202 France 8-14, 108, 119, 152, 166, 235, 238, 295, 300, 342, 343, 362, 374, 383 Franco, General Francisco 152, 166, zoo, 237,416 Fréart de Chantelou, Paul 418 Freeman, Simon 486 Freiburg 116 French Revolution 294-5 Frente Popular (Popular Front), Spain 146, 164-5 Freud, Sigmund 57, 150, 156 Friedlaender, Walter 84, 90, 102, 116, 140, 143-5, 194, '96, 213, 214, 3°7 417 Festschrift 429 Poussin: Die Entivicklung Seiner Kunst 84 Friedman, Litzi 158,267,335,339 Friedrichshof, Germany 311-15, 313 Fry, Margery 31 Fry, Roger 29, 31-2, 48, 53, 62, 66, 70, 72, 86, T02, 113, 195, 442 Fuchs, Klaus 335, 336, 353, 354 Furnival-Jones, Martin 253 Gainsborough, Thomas 377 Gaitskell, Hugh 454 Galilei, Galileo 467 Gambier-Parry, Mark 326 Gambier-Parry Collection 326 Gans zu Putlitz, Dr Wolfgang 234, 282, 457-8,459 Gardner, Meredith 338 Gargoyle club, London 80, 227, 341, 38° Gash, Norman 492, 493 Gaskin, John on AB 374,491 574 Index Gaskin, John (cont.) AB and 384-91, 394, 398, 463, 499 AB's bequests to 498 as art dealer 393, 463 attempted suicide 487-8 death 498 in hiding with AB 477-8, 480, 482, 484-5 and Private Eye 471 and Sewell 479 Gate cinema, Notting Hill 483 Gaudier-Brzeska, Henri 104 Gazette des Beaux-Arts 424 Gedye, Eric 158 General Strike 40 George V, King (earlier Duke of York) 4, 304, 305 George VI, King 304, 306, 309-10, 311-16 Germany 152, 238 AB on 138 AB's trips to 44, 60, 128, 311-17, 323, 438, 448, 485 art history in 362 Burgess in 162 Communist Party 108 High Command 285 Intelligence Services 275, 287 invasion of Soviet Union 241 MI5 and 289 and Soviet Union 134, 165 and Spanish Civil War 237 see also Hitler, Adolf; Nazi regime Gertler, Mark 89 Gibbon, Edward 264 The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire 262 Gibraltar 335 Bishop of 8 Gibson, Willy 237 Gide, André 3 54 Gidney, Alan 26 Gielgud, John 219 Gimpel, Jean 50, 475 Gimpel, Mme 50 Gimpel, Peter 50 Gimpel, René 9, 50 Giotto 129 Girton College, Cambridge 56, 74 Glading, Percy 157". 200 Glass, Ann 260 Gleizes, Albert 28 The God That Failed 354-5 Godwin, William Z94 Goering, Hermann 191 Golding, John on AB 267, 272, 361, 374, 386,390,391, 398, 431 AB confides in 380,466 AB takes refuge with 477, 480 compartmentalized by AB 392 as executor of AB's will 495 and Gaskin 498 on Hebborn 394 and Phoebe Pool 462 Goldsmith, James 481 Gollancz, Victor 67,120n Gombrich, Ernst 60, 104, 127, 141, 143, 360, 363, 366, 368, 381, 382 Gone with the Wind 332 Goodison, J. W. 69 Gordon, Mrs 47 Gore, Bobby 377 Gorky, Maxim 322n Gorsky, Anatoli 239, 242, 243, 267-8, 273, 274, 280, 289, 292 Göttin gen, University 106 Gould, Cecil 17, 217-18, 219, 243, 426 Gouzenko, Igor 319 Gow, Andrew 59-60, 72, 90,195, 260, 469, 499 Gowing, Lawrence 38m Gowrie, Earl of 498 Goya, Francisco 94, i47 t66, 168, 317, 455 Gozzoli, Benozzo 309 GPO Film Unit 221 Grant, Duncan xiii, 72, 310,442-3. 468 Grant, Michael 123,174 Grant Robertson, Charles 117 Granta 56, 58, 438 Grapfen, Grigori 231 Greece 397-8 Green, Henry 18 Green, Michael 198 Green Park Hotel, London 343 Greene, Graham 18,184,463 Greffuhle, Comtesse 9 Gresham's School 122 Grigson, Geoffrey 222 Gropius, Walter 226 Group Theatre 223 Grünewald, Matthias 226,359 Guardian 480 Guercino 296, 422 Guernica 205 Guillebaud, Hugh 22, 26,44 Gurry, Lillian 305 Haden Guest, David 106 Haile Selassie, Emperor 1 9 7 575 Index Haileybury 52 Haldane, J. B. S. 49, 106 Halpern, Alexander 321-2 Halpern, Salomea 32m, 331 Ham Spray 55 Hamilton, Gerald 227 Hammersmith, London 477 Hampshire, Stuart on AB 82, 271, 284, 320-1, 383, 420, 3512 AB introduces to Klugmann 235 and AB's exposure 471 on Boase 219 on Burgess 78-9 Burgess attempts to recruit 163 on Cairncross 189 on Depression 108 on Gans zu Putlitz 282 interrogated by Wright 454 on Liddell and White 255, 256, 258-9 at MI5 253,254,258-9 in Paris 228 on Patricia Rawdon-Smith 197-8 on Rees 340, 348, 404 Hampton Court 318 Han Suyin, A Many-Splendoured Thing 82 Hankey, Lord 267 Hanley, Michael 472 Hanover, house of 316 Harbinson, Robert 475-6 Hardy, G. H., A Mathematician's Apology 49 Hardy, Thomas 34, 48 Harmer, Christopher 282 Harris, Enriqueta 94 Harris, Harold 470 Harris, Hilda 252,455 Harris, Tomas 94-5, 212, 251, 252, 257-8, 2-84, 393, 395, 443, 454~5, 475, 47 Harrod, Roy 403 Harrow School 41 Hart, Herbert 253, 459 Hart, Jenifer 459-60,462 Hartley, L. P. 13-14 The Go-Between 14 Hartwell, Michael Berry, Lord 341, 346, 469 Hartwell (Berry), Lady Pamela 341, 342, 346, 469 Harvard 368 Harwell atomic research centre, Berkshire 335 Harwood, Laurie 438,439 Harwood, Ruth 87 Haskell, Francis 370, 441, 471, 473, 490 Hastings, Lord 169 Hatchard's, London 402 Haus Doom, Netherlands 318 Hauser, Arnold 128 Haussmann, Georges Eugène 137 Havers, Sir Michael 472 Heath, Ted 481 Hebborn, Eric 386, 388, 392-5, 398, 441-2, 463, 466, 474 Heidelberg University 141 Heinemann, Margot no Heinlein, Konrad 234 Henderson, Philip, The Novel Today 202 Hendy, Philip 237,438 Hepworth, Barbara 88, 94, 96, 138 Herbert, Emmanuel 299 The Heretick 29-32 Herrickx, Gordon 148 Herz, Ida 262 Hesse family 311-13 Hewit, Jackie on AB and Burgess 81, 230-1, 235, 270, 281 on AB and royal pictures 307 on AB's illness 299 affair with AB 229-31,330,384 and Burgess 340 Burgess on 277-8, 324 and Burgess's defection 32, 343-6, 351 employed by AB 281, 283-4 and FBI 396 and Gans zu Putlitz 234 on Howard 265 and Isherwood 237 Pollock and 325 on Queen Mary 307 questioned by MI5 395 on Tess Mayor 267 Hilton, John on AB 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39, 46, 164, 226-7 AB visits in Bristol 226-7 goes to Vienna with AB 60-1 interrogated by Wright 454 lapse in communication with AB 145 on MacNeice 36, 37, 97 at Marlborough 24, 43 in Stuttgart 115 visits AB at Cambridge 48, 58 on Wittgenstein 68 Hinsley, Harry 276 Hirschfeld, Magnus 115 Hislop, Clive 386,389 Hirst, Michael 368, 374, 382 Hiss, Alger 198,334 576 Index Hitler, Adolf 89, 101,108-9,114-15,131, 143, 165, 174, zi7, 234, 236, 238, 260, 274-5, Z9S, 312, }i3 3!8, 340 Hitler Youth 115 Hobsbawm, Eric 334 Hobson,John 447 Hodgart, Matthew 139 Hodgkin, Alan 59, 85, 486, 508n Hogarth Press 53, 67 Höhler, Christopher 326, 362, 365 Hollis, Roger 321, 3 jo, 351, 352, 357,444, 44^-7, 454 Home, Countess of 86 homosexuality among art historians 382-3,390 at Cambridge 56-7 illegality 177-8 prosecutions for 355-6,381 public attitudes to xvii, 381-2 Honour, Hugh 327, 375, 391, 462, 469, 474 Hoover, J. Edgar 334, 349, 396, 401 Horse Guards 387 Household Cavalry 260 Housman, A. E. 59 Howard, Brian 227, 265, 266, 282, 323-4, 349 Huggins, Miss 273n Hughes, Christopher 26, 33, 34, 41-2 Humphrey, John 193 Humphries, John 171 Humphries, Les 170-1 Hungary 127, 181 1956 uprising 405 Hunt, Lord 465 Hunt, William Holman, Love Locked Out 195 Hutchinson, Barbara 99, 183, 253, 262 Hutchinson (publishers) 470 Huxley, Aldous 34 Huxley family 182 Hyde, Douglas 242, 276 Hypnerotomachia Poliphili 211-12 Hythe 248 Ibn Saud, Abdul Aziz 157,158 illegals 153-7,199, z^°" Imagism 66 Impressionism 11,26 Industrial Revolution 367 Information, Ministry of 292 Ingres, Jean Auguste Dominique 413 Institute of Contemporary Arts 208, " Instituzione Harmoniche (Zarhno) 82 International Brigade 171 Intourist 131, 132,136 Iofan, Boris 204 Ireland 6, 155 Irish Guards 387 Ischia 332,342,349 Isherwood, Christopher 18, 26, 115, i77l 178,227,231,236 Christopher and his Kind 177 ISOS papers 285, 286 Italy 8, 50, 51, 108, 113, 129, 152, 165, 237, 297,332, 349, 362,374, 432, 441-2, 474 ITNNews 481 Jacobs, Michael 478 Jaffe, Michael 368,499 James, Henry 426 Japan 108, 298 Jardine, Lisa 66n Jebb, Gladwyn 335 Jeffries, Arthur 398 Jenkins, Roy 374, 448 Jennings, Humphrey 65, 66, 69, 92, 223 jerdein, Mr 429 Jerusalem 440 'John' (at Marlborough) 46-7 John, Augustus 148 Johnston, Kemball 290 Joll, James 477-8,480,498 Joseph Paxton pub, London 387 Joyce, James 48 Junor, John 475 Kallin, Anna 322, 373,374 Kamenev, Lev Borisovich 173 Katz, Rudolf 229 Keats, John 36 Keeler, Christine xivn, 446 Kell, Sir Vernon 253,254 Kellar, Alex 260 Kelly, Gerald 306-7,317 Kennedy, John F. 453 Kent, Duke of 506n Kerensky, Alexander 321 Kessler, Eric 265, 266, 281, 282,323-4, 459 , 2 2, Keynes, John Maynard 31, 5 3 5 5,5 G 6 ' • 63, 67-8, 71-2, 85,161,176, 182,193 KGB xvi, 154, 158-9, 238, 25°, *88. 356, 400, 405, 454, 456 training academy 344 see also NKVD K h a r k o v 1 3 6 , 2 0 Kidson, Peter 128, 359,160' 364 3. 37i, 374,466 577 Index Kiernan, V. G. 45 Kiev 135, 136 Kincora children's home, Northern Ireland xiii, 476 King, Francis 260, 390, 397-8, 477 King, John Herbert 157,244 King's College, Cambridge 2, 41, 45, 53-4, 56-7, 62, 82, 120, 123, 176, 179, 192 J94, 370 Kingzett, Dick 95, 367, 395 Kirov, Sergei 135,137 Kislitsin (KGB agent) 405 Kitson, Michael 359, 361, 362, 363, 368, 374 385 389, 395 431 435 462., 479, 490, 491 Kitzinger, Ernst 278 Klee, Paul 95 Klibansky, Raymond 141, 142 Klingender, Francis 126,128,219 Klugmann, James 108, 109, 111, 112, 120, 121-5, 139, 157, 160, 181, 183, 187, 190, 192, 200, 235, 319 Knight, Maxwell 260 Knoedlers gallery, London 89 Koch, Stephen 201s, 263 Koestler, Arthur 354 Kokoschka, Oskar 322n Korea 320, 340 Krauss, Reinhard 279 Krautheimer, Richard 142-3, 211, 490 Kreshin, Boris 271, 280-1, 285, 287, 289-90, 292-4, 300-2, 303, 317, 319 Krivitsky, Walter 199, 244, 268 Kuibyshev 356 Kukin, Konstantin 28011 Kun, Béla 127, 362 Kursk, battle of 190, 270, 294 Kurz, Otto 141 La Tour, Georges de xiii, 130, 304, 382, 408 The Fortune Teller 494-5 Labour government (1945) 329 Labour Party 154 Laing, Alistair 377, 469, 470 Lamartine, Alphonse de 150 Lambert, Constant 119 Lancing 26, 33 Lascelles, Sir Alan 'Tommy' 307-8, 318 Lawrence, D. H. 48 Le Carré, John 464 Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy 269, 272 Le Corbusier 204 Le Sueur, Eustache 306 Leadbitter, Ted 472, 473 League of Nations 6411,109,131 Lebtun, Charles 408 Lecce 104 Leconfield of Petworth, Lord 285 Lee of Fareham, Lord 85-6, 141, 194, 214, 215-16, 237-8, 244, 299, 325, 326, 33° Lee, Virginia xiii Lees-Milne, James 377-8 Left Book Club 12011 Left Review 134, 148-9, 22511, 245 Léger, Fernand 89 Lehmann, Beatrix 265 Lehmann, John 56,57,58,65,70,115, 115-16, 134-5, 349 Lehmann, Rosamond 53, 171, 230, 232, 2.33 MG 346, 353 395 398, 488 Dusty Answer 53 Leicester 149 Leicester Galleries, London 89 Lely, Sir Peter 377,378 Lemaire, Jean 408 Lenin, V. I. 126 Leningrad 132,134,135 Horse Guards 137 Museum of Russian Art 136-7 Lennox (at MI5) 286 Les Andelys 227 Levey, Michael 10, 270, 363, 370, 371, 373-4 375 382.-3 Levin, Bernard 478 Lewis, Lesley, Connoisseurs and Secret Agents 406 Lewis, Wyndham 28, 48 Liddell, David 257 Liddell, Guy AB exonerates 482, 488 AB meets 250-2 AB reports to NKVD on 287 AB's possible confession to 351 on Burgess 282 and Burgess's defection 345, 347 career ruined by Burgess association 35d-7 employs AB as assistant 273,319 failed marriage 253,255 gives information to AB 285,320,321 as possible mole 351,486 recruitment of academics into MI5 253-9 Rees accuses 404, 488 Rees suspicious of 347-8 and Victor Rothschild 253 Lisbon 333 Listener 89, 130, 225 Literary Review 494 578 Index Litvinov, Maxim 238 Llewelyn Davies, Richard 265, 266 'Lockhart Plot' 153-4 London French Embassy 403 Japanese Embassy 281 Polish Embassy 439 Spanish Embassy 273, 281 Swedish legation 273-4, 281, 284 University of 156, 195, 215, 278, 326, 437,487 London Gallery 223 London Group 170 London School of Economics 364,477 London Sinfonietta 473 Long, Leo 139, 182,190-1, 228, 286-7, 315-17, 451 Lonsdale, Gordon 445 'Lord Haw Haw' (William Joyce) 284 Lorentz, Professor 405-6 Los Alamos 335 Lötz, Wolfgang 490 Louisville, Kentucky 396 Low Countries 440 Lucas, F. L. 73 Lukâcs, Georg 126, 127, 128, 211 McCarthy, Joseph 186,334,443,446 McCrae, Donald 364 MacDonald, Alastair 41, 46, 47 MacDonald, James Ramsay 107 MacGregor, Neil 272,412-13,410 Mackenzie,'Basil' 383 Mackworth-Young, Robin 469-70 Maclean, Donald and AB 163 at Cambridge 106,159, 192 defection to Soviet Union 190,302, 337-49, 353-6,452, 472 and Deutsch 156 drunkenness 78, 337-8 and FBI 444 and Footman 234 at Foreign Office 338 and hoax story of return 441 information given to NKVD 268, 28 joined in Russia by Melinda 395 leaves Cambridge 164 NKVD confusion over 244, 29:~z in Paris 23 m and Philby 153 Philby recruits 159-60,161 reappearance in Moscow 402 Rees on 403-4 refuses Soviet pension offer 300-1 returns to UK 290 at School 222 Maclean, Melinda 337,338, 34I, Uh 3^ 347, 348, 356, 395 Macmillan, Harold 108,396,401,447 Macnamara, Captain Jack 262,163 MacNeice, Daniel 145 MacNeice, Louis on AB 90 AB as reader to 12t AB visits 96-7, iot, 332 and AB's application to Barber Institute 116-17 and artistic circle in London 227 and Auden 167 on Auden ror birth of son 114 as book collector 87 and Communism 93,101, tti on Communist Parry in correspondence with AB 45, 57-8, 149 death 441 and death of AB's father 73-4 description of AB 34 friendship with AB 35, 39-43, 45-8, 79, 120, 484 and Germany 115 Hilton on 36,38 'Last Will and Testament' (with Auden) 195 'The Mailed Fist of Common Sense and How to Avoid It' 37 at Marlborough 19, 20,15 marriage 70, 74, 76 portrays AB in work xviii, 27, 97-100 possible author of Listener parody 225n promoted as poet by AS 67 and Rees 232-3,343-4 and role of public school 18 trip to Spain with AB 145-7, '5Z visits AB at Bentinck Street 265 Autumn Journal 146,167 Blind fireworks 67 'Hetty to Nancy' 175-6 Letters from Iceland (with Auden/ 16H. 171, 174,195 Poems 145 Return to a School 23,17 Roundabout Way 97-100, 115 The Strings are false (autobiography) 16. 93,98, 175 McNeil, Hector 310,335 Madge, Charles 105,132,454 Madge, John 118, 132,'39 Madrid 146-7, 237 579 Index Madrid (cortt.) Prado 145, 146-7, 214 Magdalen College, Oxford 325 Magdalene College, Cambridge 49, 55, 65 Mahon, Denis 87, 296, 360, 421-35 'A Plea for Poussin as a Painter' 425, 428 'Poussiniana' 425 Mailer, Norman, Harlot's Ghost 270, 271 Maisons-sur-Seine, château 279 Majorca 455 Malevich, Kasimir 139 Malory, Sir Thomas, Le Morte d'Arthur 36 Malta 155 Maly, Theo 155, 157n, 160, 179, 190, 199, 200, 234, 290 Man Ray 89 Manchester University 496 Manchuria 108 Mandelstam, Nadezhda and Osip 155 Manet, Edouard 87 Mann, Basil 474 Mann, Thomas 262 Mannerism 128, 129 Mansart, François 279-80, 304, 408, 410-11 Marburg, archives 312 Marchand, Jean 138 Margaret of Hesse, Princess 311-12 Marks & Spencer 299 Marlborough College, Wiltshire 14, 18-44, 46, 54, 61, 103,497 Marlborough House, London 309 Marlburian 31,40-1 Marshall, Arthur 55, 65n, 78, 130, 383, 3g7, 454 Marshall Plan 337 Martelli, Giuseppe 446 Martin, Arthur 396, 444-6, 451-3, 458, 494, 497 Martin, Brigadier Kevin 243-4 Martini, Simone 326 Martinsell Hill 43,497 Marx Brothers 277 Marx, Karl 92, 101, 107, 167 Marxism AB and 33, 124-5, J43 "6, 361, 415-16 AB on 139 among British intelligentsia 93 and art criticism 102, 125-30, 180, 184, 213, 220, 415-16 Burgess and 105-6, 402 at Cambridge 61, 62, 105-6, 109-12, 119-21 Maclean and 402 Reich and 156 Alister Watson and 61 Johannes Wilde and 362 see also Communism Mary, Queen (earlier Princess May of Teck) 4, 73, 305, 307-8, 309 Mass Observation 66, 105 Master, Gertrude 3, 4-5 Master, John 3,4-5 Master, Mabel (AB's aunt) 4, 6, 13 Master, Mildred (Millie, later Assheton, AB's aunt) 4, 13 Master, Winifred (later Assheton, AB's aunt) 11 Masterman, D. S. 253 Match of the Day 468 Matisse, Henri 10, 30, 88, 328, 410 La danse 10 La musique 10 Maurois, André 73n Maxse, Marjorie 252 Maxton,John 393-4 Maxwell Fyfe 355 Maxwell, Susan 281 Mayhew, Christopher 132, 133, 134, 135 Mayor, Freddie 95 Mayor, Tess (later Rothschild) 118-19, 123, 183, 196, 197, 262-3, ié4, 2é7, 277, 322, 331, 404, 457, 471, 484, 490, 496 Mayor Gallery, London 95 Means Test 107-8 Measham, Terry 369 Medley, Robert 223 Meier (Courtauld librarian) 278 Melk 60-1 Merkulov, Vsevolod 302 Merton College, Oxford 41, 46, 471 Merz, Jorg 496 Messel, Oliver 86, 359 Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York xi, 376, 487, 494 MFA&A see Monuments, Fine Arts and Archives M15 AB at 249-60,273-4,281-2,284-94, 297 arrest of King 244 'B' division 250, 254-5, 273 B6 section 273 and book by Nigel West 489-90 Burgess and 282 'C' division 258 and Cairncross 190 'D' division 251, 268, 273 580 Index MU (cottt.) and defection of Burgess and Maclean 349, 403-4 directors 356-7 'Double-Cross' system 254, 257, 273, 284, 288, 292, 301 embarrassed by information on moles 445-8 and embassies 281 'F' Division 260 gossip about AB at 439, 444 and Jenifer Hart 459-60 Howard at 2.82 information about AB supplied by Straight 443-4 interrogation of AB 451-63,482 and Klugmann 318-19 lack of suspicion of AB and other agents 336, 345 and Maclean 338 offer of immunity to AB 439,451-4 post-war reorganization 319 and Profumo affair 446 and Radcliffe report 399 and Straight 192 suspected of plant at Courtauld 437 sympathy for Soviet Union at 276 Ultra 273, 276, 286, 338 and John Vassall 447 and Wright 453-4 see also Blunt, Anthony Frederick, Life, work for MI5; interrogation by MI5 MI6 (SIS, Special Intelligence Service) 251-60 AB and 274,289,357 George Blake and 445, 447 Burgess and 236,252,335 Footman and 234, 236 Philby and 338, 445, 463 and Profumo affair 446 and Radcliffe report 399 Section D (Joint Broadcasting Committee) 236, 252 Special Operations Executive (SOE) 252 White and 251,256 Ml 14 286 Miall, Leonard 197 Michelangelo 210, 220, 261, 359, 36, 3^ 414 'Mike' (ex-guardsman) 391 Military Intelligence 239,242,245 Millar, Sir Oliver 305, 307, 3n 374, 376, 484 Miller, Bernard 340, 34z, 343, 344 Miller, Joan 253,276 Milton, John 48 Minley Manor, Hampshire 243-5 Minneapolis Institute of Arts 393 Minsk 275 Mirô, Joan 95-6,150,204,224 Mitchell, Julian, Another Country 470 Mitford (later Mosley), Diana 367 Mitford, Nancy 367-8 Mitrokhin archive 160 Modigliani, Amedeo 330 Modin, Yuri on AB 322, 336, 340, 352-3,399-400 as AB's contact 268, 278, 452 and Burgess 324 and conspiracy theory 288-9 on Gorsky 268 on Kreshin 280 on Maclean 339-44 My Five Cambridge Friends 250 Modrzhinskaya, Elena 291-2, 298, 301 Moholy-Nagy, Lâszlô 94 Molotov, Vyacheslav 274 Money, T. D. F. 24, 27, 503n Monte Carlo 102 Montgomery, Field Marshal Bernard 301 Montgomery, Peter 51-2, 58,99, 265, 278, 383-4, 469, 476 Montgomery Massingberd, Field Marshal Sir Archibald 51 Montgomery Massingberd, Hugh 52, 383-4 Monuments, Fine Arts and Archives (MFA&A) 297,299-300,316 Moore, Decima 12 Moore, G. E. 53, 62, 63 Principia Etbica 53,63 Moore, Henry 89, 129-30, 225, 328, 33°' 377,426 Moral Rearmament 107 Morisot, Berthe 89 Morris, William 6 Morrison, Ian 82 Morshead, Owen 83, 296, 304-5, 308, 310, 311-14, 38 Morshead, Paquita 305 Mortimer, Raymond 280 Moscow 126, 133-4, *35, 37, 53 4, 186-7, 200, 356, 405 Academy of Sciences 128 British Embassy 136 , First All-Union Congress of Soviet W riters 126 Hermitage 132,136-7, 4 4 Kremlin 135 581 Index Moscow (cont.) Lubianka 322 Metro 133 Metropole Hotel 356 Park of Rest and Culture 124 show trials 173-4 Mosley, Sir Oswald 4 Mountbatten of Burma, Earl xiii, 476, 50 6n Muggeridge, Kitty 264 Muggeridge, Malcolm 250, 257, 263-4, 475 Mullins, Edwin 494 Munich 60-1, 114 Munnings, Sir Alfred 330 Munson, Ona 332 Munster Verlag 156 Murek, Barbara 439 Murphy, Spud 391-2 Murray, Peter 365, 370 Mussolini, Benito 103, 108, 165, 227 Mutual Assistance Treaty (Soviet Union- Britain) 275 Mynors, Tom 7, 14, 19, 20, 21, 24-5, 29, 30. 3Z, 34, 35, 38, 39, 40, 45, 5Z 5°3" Mytchett Camp 245 Nankevell, Rex 450 Naples 105, 332 Santa Chiara church 91 Nash, Captain Kathleen 314 National Arts Collections Fund 306 National Buildings Record 407 National Gallery of Canada 212, 328, 475 National Gallery, London 10, 50, 86, 94, 103, 214, 215, 217, 237, 270, 272, 304, 329, 364, 370, 373,443 National Museum, Warsaw 405-6 National Trust 328-30, 332, 377-8, 396 Historic Buildings Committee 3 29 National Union of Students 191 NATO 320 Nazi regime, Germany xiii, xv, 103, 113-16, 120, 179, 191, 239-40, 297 Nazi-Soviet Pact xv, 239-40, 241-2, 249, 274-6, 286, 288 Needham, Joseph 49 neo-Stoicism xviii, 418-20, 488 Neumann, Baltasar 103 New Burlington Galleries, London 150 New Deal 109 New Republic 186,334 New Society 455n New Statesman 89, 106, 203, 282 New Verse 167, 222 New York Times 134 New Yorker 481, 493 Newman, Mrs 284 Newmark, John 139 News Chronicle 401 Newsweek 377 Nichols, Beverley 22 Nicholson, Ben (artist) 88, 94, 96, 138, 149, 328 Nicolson, Ben (art historian) 228, 307, 311, 327-8, 331, 381, 382, 442?, 468 Nicolson, Harold 228, 234, 236, 403, 458 Nietzsche, Friedrich 48 Night of the Long Knives 115 NKVD (Soviet Intelligence) AB and 162-5,172,278,454,458 AB's memoir for see Blunt, Anthony Frederick, Life, NKVD memoir archives xv-xvi, xviii, 158, 160, 162, 179, l8z I9°, I9Z", Z29, z33, Z4T, 249-50, 257, 268, 270, 275, 281, 300, 306, 316, 320, 321, 458 and avant-garde artists 137 and Burgess 231, 235-6, 344 codenames for spies 180, 301, 302, 319 and conspiracy theory 238 contact in Rome 319 distrust of Cambridge spies 289-94, 297-8 espionage in Britain 153 Foreign Directorate 155, 156, 267, 289, 291, 301, 302 and Gouzenko 319 and 'illegals' 154-7 and Liddell 285 and Maclean 337, 339 name changes ioin and Nazi-Soviet pact 274-5 offers pensions to agents 300-1 period of lack of contact with Cambridge spies 252 and Philby 157-61 rehabilitation of Cambridge spies 301 reservations about AB 288 and Straight 187 Yezhov and 198-9 Non-intervention agreement 165 Normandy 12 North Africa 297 Northern Ireland xiii, 476 Norway 247 Norwood, Cyril 20, 22, 23, 30, 39_4°, 41 Novgorod 136 Now! 481 Nuffield College, Oxford 305 Nunn May, Allan 319 582 Index Oberammergau 8 Observer 356, 401, 471, 478, 486, 488 O'Casey, Sean 182 O'Donneil, Erica 218, 305, 384 Officers' Training Corps 25, 26-7, 29 Official Secrets Act 441, 453, 482 The Old School Tie (ed. Greene) 18, 93 Oldfield, Maurice 260 Oldham, Ernest 157,244 Olivier, Laurence 265 One Nation Group 266 Ontario, University of 328 Open University 132 Operation Overlord (invasion of Europe) 300 Oppenheim, Meret 150 Oppenheim (later Whitfield), Sarah 442.-3 Orcagna, Andrea 326 Orlov, Alexander 159, 160, 161, 199, 200, 2-43-4 2.90 Orozco, José 129 Orwell, George 59, 92-3, 478 Orwell (earlier Brownell), Sonia 227 Otranto 104 Our Fighting Navy 109 Oxford 108, 117, 175, 231-2, 471, 473 Oxford Group 107 Oxford Ring 459 Paestum 105 Paget, Lady Muriel 136 Paine, Thomas, The Rights of Man 229 Palma 455 Panofsky, Erwin 86,365,421 Pares, Bernard 174 Paris 8-13, 28, 34-5, 70, 137 M8 ll8 *39 336 34* 343 391 4i8 44* Archives Nationales 279 British Embassy 8, 9, 50, 23 m, 248, 290 Ecole du Louvre 421 École Villiers 13 Exhibition (1937) 204 Musée du Louvre 10, 14, 27, 330, 332., 367-8, 420-3, 43*-3 Pont Alexandre-Ill 10 St Michael's church 8, 15 Soviet Embassy 157 Partridge, Frances 55, 380-in Partridge, Ralph 55, 257 Pascal, Blaise 51 Pascal, Roy 75-6, 106, 139, I51 *74 Pasmore, Victor 221 Pasternak, Boris 66 Pears, Peter 237 Pembroke College, Cambridge 106 Pennsylvania State University 440, 441 Penrose, Barrie 450, 486 Penrose, Roland 207, 208, 223 People 400-1,403-5 Père Goriot (Balzac) 178 Peri, Peter 149,151,169 Perth, Lady 485 Petrie, Sir David 254 Petrov, Vladimir 400, 403 Petrov, Vladimir and Evgenia, Empire of Fear 400,405 Petworth House, Sussex 378, 396 Pevsner, Nikolaus 86,142,280,360 Pelican History of Art series 358, 408 Pfeiffer, Édouard 162,234 Philby, Kim and AB 163, 257 AB on xviii alerts Burgess to Maclean's identification as agent 338-9, 341, 346 and Apostles 192 approached by Deutsch 153,156 biography of 249 and Burgess 157, 159,160, 235, 252, 265 calls press conference denying guilt 401-2 and Cambridge Communist group 106 ceases contact with NKVD 319 code names 301, 302 commitment 320 defection 445-6,447 endangered by Burgess's departure 344, 451 FBI and 396 in France 242, 248 and Gorsky 242, 267 and Kreshin 280, 289, 289-93, 290 Le Carré on 464 leaves Cambridge 164 in Lebanon 484 and Maclean 153, 159-60,161 at MI6 463 and Modin 288, 399-400, 452 and Orlov 199 and plot to assassinate Franco 200 recruited by NKVD 158-61 at Reform Club 257 refuses Soviet pension offer 300—1 resigns from MI6 351, 356 399~400 and Smollett 292 Soviet distrust of 291, 297-8, 298 Soviet rehabilitation of 301 in Spain 23 m Trevor-Roper on 259 and Venona project 335 33^ 338 and Watson 458 583 Index Philby, Kim (cont.) and White 256,351,445,447 White on 275 and White Paper ( 19 5 5 ) 401 works for Observer 401 My Silent War 463 Philby, St John 157,158-9 Philip, Duke of Edinburgh 450 Philip, Landgrave of Hesse 312,313 Philips, Ewen 218 Phillimore, Claude 58, 82 Phillips, Sir Johnny 332 Piaf, Edith 442 Picasso, Pablo AB admires 28, 34, 35, 39, 49, 53, 89, 107, 129-30, 224, 410, 414-15 AB criticises 203-4, 205-8, 221 AB lectures on 43, 166, 278, 332 AB's book on xiii, 415 AB's parents oblivious to io-n exhibition at Tate Gallery 377 sculpture 328 work owned by AB 209 The Dream and Lie of Franco 205-6, 208 Guernica 166, 205, 206, 414-15, 416 Hunger 375 Piero della Francesca 367,382 Pietro da Cortona 103,496 Pilgrim Trust 499 Pincher, Chapman 251, 312, 395, 454, 462 Piper, John 138 Pius VI, Pope 8 Plato 66, 81, 365 Playfair, Eddie 55,59,62,71 Plekhanov, G. V. 126 Plumb, J. H. 491-3 Poland 238, 240 Polidor bistro, Paris 391 Politburo 458 Pollock, Peter 81, 229-31, 260-1, 265, 266, 267, 277-8, 281, 283, 299, 309, 315, 3*3, 32-5, 350-1, 402 Pollock, Sheila 402 Pontigny 72-3 Pool, Phoebe xiii, 359, 372, 459-62, 466, 4 96 Pope, Alexander 42 Pope-Hennessy, James 178,266,297 Pope-Hennessy, John on AB 151, 210, 226, 261-2, 296-7 and AB's exposure 487 and AB's feud with Mahon 431-2 on AB's parties 389 AB's rivalry with 261-2,382 as amateur art historian 51 and Antal 126,127 on Courtauld 359 on Douglas Cooper 96 Haskell on 370 om AB after AB's death 497 social life 360,370 and Warburg Institute 142 work on Piero della Francesca 382 Popham, A. E. 216-17, 296 Popular Front (Spain) 146, 164-5 Poretsky, Elisabeth 268 Poretsky, Ignace 199, 200, 268 Port Security 274 Portsea Hall, Bayswater, London 468,473, 476, 480, 483, 493, 497-8 Portugal 273 Post Office 274 Post-Impressionism 28, 148, 330 POUM 237 Pouncey, Philip 393 Pound, Ezra 104 Poussin, Nicolas AB buys works by xiii, 328, 434, 442-3,468 AB lectures on 332 AB restores reputation if xv, 28-9 AB's admiration of xvii, 28-9, 34-5, 102, 392, 4i3 4i6-20 AB's feud with Mahon over 421-35 AB's postgraduate thesis on 82-4 AB's publications on 143, 212-13, 239 278, 296, 304, 409, 495, 497 Antal on 128 attributed work owned by Gimpel brothers 475 Olivier Bell on 217 character of work 409-10 compared to Mansart 279 and M. Contil's sketches 227 exhibition at Louvre 420-4, 432-3, 436, 495 Friedlaender and 84, 116, 143 Fry and 72, 102 Hebborn's copies of 394 increase in popularity 306 in Italy 103, 104 and neo-Stoicism xviii, 418-20, 435 4^8 possible students of 390 work owned by Tomas Harris 95,487 works in Dulwich Picture Gallery 466 works owned by National Trust 377 works in Royal Library 296 Agony in the Garden 434n Augustus and Cleopatra (attr.) 212, 475 The Defeat of the Amonites 136 584 Index Poussin, Nicolas (cont.) Europa 429 Rebecca and Eliezer at the Well 87, 109, 427~3I 433 434 495 497 498-9 Powell, Anthony 18,33,54,244 'Practical Criticism' 49 Prague 343 Pravda 137,402 Press Association 481 Pritt, D. N. 174 Private Eye 470, 471, 476, 494, 497 Proctor, Barbara 385, 462, 483, 488, 489, 496 Proctor, Dennis 61, 63, 112, 208, 228, 234, 244, 265, 299, 331, 373, 385, 454, 458, 469, 483, 488, 489, 496, 508 Proctor, Varda 331 Profumo, John, scandal xivn, 446, 447, 448 Proust, Marcel 9, 107 Provence 23 5 psychoanalysis 156 Puglia 104 Pujol, Jean 257 Pure Form 31, 32, 48 Quai des Brumes 277 Quakers 109 Queen magazine 329 Quennell, Peter 54 Quintilian 212 Rabelais, François 410 Racine, Jean 413 Radcliffe report 399 Raine, Kathleen 56, 65 Ramsay, Frank 68n Ramsbury manor 27 Rawdon-Smith, Anthony 197 Rawdon-Smith, Patricia (née Parry) 197-8, 262, 264-5 Ray (burglar) 391 Raynal, Maurice 29 Read, Flerbert 86, 94, 129-30, 149, 150, 206-8, 2x4, 219, 223 Reading University 496 realism 149-50, 223-4 Red Army 268, 271, 275, 292 Redgrave, Michael 55, 58, 65 In My Mind's Eye 6$n Rees, Goronwy on AB 178 affairs with Rosamond Lehmann and Elizabeth Bowen 232 on Bentinck Street flat 263,264 in Berlin 114 Isaiah Berlin on 232 and Burgess 114,124,162,241-2, 340-1,469 on Burgess 80-1,163, 171-2, 228, 235, 334 Burgess offers to murder 292 Burgess recruits 231-4, 236 Burgess story in People 403-5 and defection of Burgess 342-9 dislike of AB 344,357 in hospital 473, 474 Rosamond Lehmann questioned about 353, 395 and Liddell 347-8, 404, 488 on Maclean 403-4 and MacNeice 232-4, 343-4 and Nazi-Soviet Pact 241-2 suspicious of AB 351 and Douglas Sutherland 440 tells story to Boyle 468-9, 486, 488 A Chapter of Accidents 232, 347, 469 Rees Jones, Stephen 216, 218, 349, 350, 361, 362-3, 372, 385,473 Reform Club, London 140, 208, 228, 257, 277, 283, 341, 342, 346, 350, 357, 367 Reich, Wilhelm 156 Reif, Ignace 158, 159, 160, 199 Rennes 343 Renoir, Auguste, La Loge 86 Repton 26 Return to a School (MacNeice) 23, 27 Reuters 402 Rêvai, Andrew 265, 281, 282-3,405, 415, 459 Reynolds, Sir Joshua 328, 377 Ricci, Sebastiano 308 Richards, I. A. 49, 64, 65 Richardson, John 271-2, 378, 383, 423, 488 Riegl, Alois 362 Rimbaud, Arthur 150 Rinehart, Sheila 370 Rivera, Diego 129,147,li2 124, Z2S" Robbins, Lionel 325, 363, 49* Robertson, Barbara 465 Robertson, Bryan 96 Robertson, Dennis 56-7, 157, 244 Robertson, Michael 40-1, 47 Robertson, Lt. Col. T. A. 'Tar' 284-5, 286, 303, 320,489 Robeson, Paul zr9 Robson, Alec 22 Rodin, Auguste 226 Rodin, Nikolai (Korovin) 333, 335 Rogers, Claude 221 585 Index Rohm, Ernst 115 romanticism 128 Rome 114, 177, 2.97, 337, 374, 392, 393, 394, 418, 441, 465, 466, 474 British Embassy 319 British School 103, 104 government archives 319 Hassler Hotel 497 Hertziana Institute 490, 496 Poussin in 435 St George's English church 490 Sistine Chapel 220-1 Ronda 146 Roosevelt, F. D. 109,186 Roosevelt, Theodore 85 Rose, Millicent 218-19 Rosenberg, Paul, gallery, Paris 3 5 Rosenberg, Pierre 385, 421, 424, 433, 434, 435 Rossetti, Geoffrey 69 Rothenstein, John 373 Rothschild, Dollie 378-9 Rothschild, James 378 Rothschild, Miriam 79, 99, 253, 342 Rothschild, Mrs 130, 162, 229 Rothschild, Tess see Mayor, Tess Rothschild, Victor on AB 75, 270 AB and xiii and AB's illness 299, 300 Annan on 74 and Apostles 63, 84-5 and Bentinck Street flat 262-3 buys Poussin Rebecca for AB 87-8 at Cambridge 74-5, 78 generosity 87-8 gives party for AB 196-7 and Barbara Hutchinson (first wife) 183, 2-53 in Italy with AB 102 left-wing views 130 MacNeice and 148 atMI5 253 questioned by Wright 454 recruits AB for MI5 250-1, 254 and Rees newspaper article 404 ' at Reform Club 257 shocked by AB's exposure 457,484 and Soviet Union 276 and Tess 118,267,322,457 see also Mayor, Tess under suspicion 457,484,486 and Waddesdon Manor 378 and Wright 454 Random Variables 75 Rouault, Georges 30, 113-14 Royal Academy of Art, London 83,89, 90, 125, 220, 306-7, 317, 375, 483, 494 Royal Albert Hall, London 219 Royal Automobile Club, London 341 Royal Collection 306-8, 327, 358, 376-7, 448, 450, 469-70, 479, 484 Royal Library, Windsor Castle 296, 469 Rubens, Peter Paul 221, 368 Rubinstein, Michael xiv, 469, 470, 472, 477, 480-2, 490 Runciman, Steven 78, 99, 121 Runnymede 310 Ruskin, John 15,16,92 Russell, Bertrand 62, 85, 182 Russell, Father Clement 284 Rutherford, Ernest 49 Ruthin Castle, Wales 299 Rutter, Frank 213 Rycroft, Charles 81, 111-12, 114, 118, 122, 124, 130, 132, 135, 139, 139-40, 186-7, 455-6 'Memoirs of an Old Bolshevik' 455 Rylands, George ('Dadie') on AB 53, 58 and AB 383, 484 AB writes to 116, 228, 247 and Apostles 61 at Bentinck Street 265 on Burgess 79,81 Burgess and 78-9 Burgess on 324 circle at Cambridge 52-9, 73, 105,188 on Barbara Hutchinson 183 in Italy 102 and Rosamond Lehmann 233 and MacNeice 67 and Peter Montgomery 51 political apathy 130 production of Julius Caesar 118 and Rees 469 on Victor Rothschild 75, 88 and Lytton Strachey 71 and Virginia Woolf 73 Ryle, Gilbert 253 Sackville-West, Edward 353-4 Sackville-West, Vita 228,464 St Peter's school, Seaford, Sussex 14 Saint-Malo 342, 343 Salisbury, Lord 341 Sassoon, Sir Philip 34 Savernake Forest 40 Savoy Hotel, London 283 586 Index Saxl, Fritz AB writes to 181, 195, 196, 203, 227-8, 235n, 246, 247, 262, 300 and Courtauld 216, 325 and Friedlaender 144 hears AB lecture 142 and lectures 278 offers job to AB 194, 209-10 at Warburg 141, 143 and Warburg move 142 Scandinavia 155 Scheerer, Else 371-2,436,438,468 Schlosser, Julius von 143, 261 School of Paris 138 Second World War xiii, 190 Security Service 472 Senhouse, Roger 387 Senlis 12 Sergeaunt, George 27 Seurat, Georges 72, 409 7 and 5 Society 138 Seville 147 Sewell, Brian 361, 367, 368, 394, 432-3, 478-80, 487, 494-6 Sexpol movement 156, 180 Seznec, Jean 210 SHAEF (Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force) 300 Shakespeare, William 38,413 Julius Caesar 118 Sharp, J, H. 162 Shaw, George Bernard 131 Shearman, John 368,421,437,462 Sheerness 248 Shelley, Percy Bysshe 3 6 Shepard, Ernest 36 Shepard, Graham 36, 39, 48, 145 Sheppard, J. T. 62-3 Shillito (at MI5) 286 Sidney, Sir Philip 36 Significant Form 32, 49, 72, 75, 125, 168 Sillitoe, Sir Percy 349,356 Simmonds, John 139, 186 Simon, Brian nz, 114-15, 118, 120, 121, 122, 132, 133, 135, 139, 185-6, 235, 1191 Simpson, Colin 312 SIS see MI6 Sitwell, Lady 2 Sitwell, Osbert 104 Sitwell, Sacheverell 42, 67, 90-1 Southern Baroque Art 42,91 Sitwell family 34, 187 Skardon, William 253,348,353 Smith, Bernard 406 Smith, Graham 386, 388, 392-4, 442, 462-3 Smolka (Smollett), Peter 292 Somers, Sheila 431-2 Somerville College, Oxford 460 Sonning 344 Sotheby's, London 257, 427-8, 486 Soviet Embassy, London 289 Soviet Intelligence see NKVD Soviet Union AB's feelings about 50, 179, 261, 269, 322-3 AB's trip to 131-8,244 alliance with Britain 275-6 Isaiah Berlin and 109 Burgess and Maclean in 356,402 Cairncross and 190 claims of progress 106, in conspiracy theory about Cambridge spies 298-9 encourages well-wishers 123 Five Year Plan 131 Foreign Intelligence Directorate 288 Hitler's invasion 274-5 Moscow show trials 173-4 see also Nazi-Soviet Pact Spain 145-7, 15*, 164-7, 171-4, 200, 273, 416 Spanish Civil War 121,151, 163, 164, 166, 172-4, 179, 191, 231, 237, 385, 415, 416 Spanish Intelligence 252 Special Branch 255,338 Special Operations Executive 477 Spectator AB offered job as art critic 84, 85 AB resigns from 225-6 Coldstream writes for 221 on interest in left-wing politics 107, 202 MacNeice reviews for 97, 98 Rees at 23 2 see also Blunt, Anthony Frederick, Life, as art critic of Spectator Speer, Albert 204 Spencer Churchill, Ivor 129 Spender, Stephen 59, 110, 118,167, 179, 20in, 227, 342, 349, 354 Forward from Liberalism 202 Spooner watercolour collection 449 St-Clare Erskine, Mary 78 Stainton, Lindsay 440 Stalin, Josef 89, 109, 132-3, 135, 154, i65, 173-4, 180, 185, 198, 200, 227, 238, 244, 275, 288, 356 Stalingrad, Battle of 290 587 Index Stanley, Dean, Life of Dr Arnold z Steer, John 364 Stein, Gertrude 48 Steiner, George, 'The Cleric of Treason' 3 66, 48r, 493 Stendhal (Henri Beyle) 217 Sterling, Charles 421 Stewart, Frida (later Knight) 51, 68n Stewart, H. F. 51, 68, 82, 83, t94, 296 Stewart, Jean 51,513 n Strachey, John 93, 112, 263-4, 265 The Coming Struggle for Power 112n Strachey, Lytton 53, 55, 56, 62, 63, 71-3, 73", 387 Strachey, Oliver 285 Straight, Michael 118, 132, 139, 182-8, 183, 191-2,193,197, 198, 334, 340, 443-4,446,451-3 After Long Silence 182,185 Straight, Whitney 183 Strathmore, Earl of 4 Sudaplatov, Pavel 199, 280, 288-9 Summerson, John 142, 360, 373 Sunday News (New York) 401 Sunday Telegraph 477, 498 Sunday Times 194-5, 2I3, 215", 4°2, 431, 463,486, 496-7 Insight team, The Spy Who Betrayed a Generation 464 Surrealism 66, 67, 88, 95, 125, 128, 138, 149-51,1-67,171, 223, 223-4 Sutherland, Douglas 440 Sutton, Denys 429, 430 Sweden 273 Swiss Cottage Library, London 149 Sydney, Powerhouse museum 369 Sykes Davies, Hugh 63, 65, 193 Sylvester, David 222-3 Symons, Julian 120, 148 Talbot, Milo 82 Tass 402 Tasso, Torquato 212 Tate Gallery, London 89, 329, 368, 373, 377,484 Tatler 494 Tatsfield 338 Taylor, A. J. P. 109, 373, 492-3 Taylor, Michael 438-40 Teck, Franz, Herzog von 4 Teck, Mary Adelaide, Duchess of 4, 5 Tennyson, Alfred Lord 38 Territorial Army 239 Testa, Pietro 428 Thatcher, Margaret xiii, xiv, 448, 472, 474, 479, 480, 482, 486 Thesiger, Roddy 443 Thomas Cook 384 Thomas, Dylan 229 Thomas Gibson Fine Art 498 Thomson, David 411 Thomson, George 68, 106, 139 Thomson, J. J. 49 Thurber, James 119 The Night the Bed Fell 442 Thyssen collection 3 79 Tiflis (Tbilisi) 134 The Times xv, 82, 231, 242, 311, 401, 469, 477, 478, 480-1, 486 Times Literary Supplement 494 Tippett, Michael 227 Titian 32,33,410 Diana and Actaeon 464 Tito, President 319 Tokyo 298 Toller, Ernst 147 Toronto Art Gallery 328, 479 Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de, Jane Avril at the Moulin Rouge 87 Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus (Wittgenstein) 68 Travellers Club, London 357, 398, 440 'Treasures of Chatsworth' exhibition 470, 483, 494 Treasury, London 236,440 Trefusis, Violet 464 Trend, Burke 465 Trevelyan, G. M. 62, 78, 161 Trevelyan, Julian 55,75,2.2.3 Trevor-Roper, Hugh 253, 254, 256, 259, 284, 313 Trinity College, Cambridge AB at 41, 45-6, 49, 50-1, 75-6, 83,194, 486 and Apostles 192 Butgess at 77, 103, 105 History Society 113 Leo Long at 190 Marxism/Communism at 106,120,123, 157, 182, 183 Philby at 153 see also Cambridge Trinity College Magazine 75 Trotsky, Leon 154,173,236 Trotskyites 237 Truman, Harry S. 334 Tudor Craig, Pamela 331 Tudor Hart, Edith 158,267 Turner, George 33,41,44 588 Index Turner, J. M. W. 304 museum project xiv Tuscany 474 Ukraine 134, 238 Ulysses (Joyce) 48 United States of America 184, 186, 196, 198, 199, 200, 215, 288-9, 334 357, 448 Intelligence 338 National Endowment for the Arts 443 State Department 349 University College of Wales, Aberystwyth 404 Van Dyck, Sir Anthony 310, 377 Van Gogh, Vincent 36, 86, 277 Vandervoort, Miss 9 Vasari, Giorgio 203 Vassall, John 445, 447, 448 Vaucluse 383 Vaughan, Dean 2, 16 Venona project 335-6, 337, 338 The Venture 65-7, 69, 75, 76, 91 Verdi, Richard 385, 432, 483, 489 Vermeer, Jan 16 Verschoyle, Derek 84, 221 Vesey, Desmond 265 Victoria, Princess (daughter of Empress Frederick) 314 Victoria, Princess Royal (Empress Frederick) 3", 3I3, 3U" Victoria, Queen 2,311,313,318 Vienna 60-1, 115-16, 127, 155-6, 158, 232, 362 University of 156 Vienna Circle 156 Viennese School 362 Vietnam War 463 Vigny, Alfred de 150 Vouet, Simon 306, 408 Wachau 60 Waddesdon Manor 378-9, 466, 470 Waddington 139 Walston, Catherine 184 Walters, Catherine ('Skittles') 6 War Office, London 161, 229, 244, 245, 251, 286, 300n, 356 Warburg, Aby 141 Warburg Institute, London AB at 209-13, 216, 219, 261 AB offered job at i94~5 I9& and Bernard Smith 406 and Denis Mahon 422 Gombrich at 364, 368 influence of 360,417 Journal of the Warburg Institute (later Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 128, 211, 220, 247, 278, 367, 462 move from Hamburg to London 141-3 scholars in wartime 278-9 Ward, Stephen xiv, 446, 450 Warner, Fred 333 Warner, Rex 93 Washington, DC 396, 443 British Embassy 335, 340, 444 Waterhouse, Ellis 26, 29, 103-5, 236-7, 241, 265, 305, 328, 344, 394, 438, 466, 470, 484 Waterlow, John 139,193 Watson, Alister 61, 63, 106, 193, 454, 458, 508 n Waugh, Evelyn 18,26,33,54 Wavell, Lady 378 Weaver, Alia 239 Webb, Beatrice 63, 131 Webb, Sidney 13 t Webster, John 48 Weintraub, Stanley 172 Wellington Barracks, London 387 Wellington School 40 Wells, H. G. 322 Welsford, Rhoda 214,359 West, Alick 223 Crisis and Criticism 202 West, Nigel 250-1, 281, 287, 288, 489 West, Nigel and Tsarev, Oleg, The Crown Jewels 179, 280 West, W. J. 220 Western European Union (planned) 320 Westphalia 315-16 Wheeler, Mortimer 297 Whinney, Margaret 216, 243, 339, 37U 436, 468 White, Dick and AB 258-9,273,275,285,353, 482 AB's possible confession to 351 AB's profile of 287 on AB's recruitment to MI5 251-2 and George Blake 447 on Burgess 259,275,282 and Burgess's defection 345 as director of MI6 401, 444, 455 as head of MI5 and MI6 357 and Leo Long 317 meeting with Pollock 402 at MI5 255-6,300 589 Index White, Dick (cont.) andPhilby 256,275,351,445,447 questioned by Boyle 469 recruitment of academics 253-4 and Rees 347, 348 at Reform Club 257 and Soviet Union 276,321 and White Paper (1955) 401 White, John 364, 367, 368, 484 White Lodge, Richmond, Surrey 4, 5 White Paper (on Maclean and Philby 1955) 40t Whitfield, Sarah 369 Wickhoff, Franz 362 Wigmore Hall, London 391 Wild, Noel 300 Wilde, Johannes 279, 326, 359, 361-2, 364, 385, 405,436,466,483 Wilde, Oscar 30-1 Wildenstein, Georges xiii, 424-5, 494-5 Wilenski, R. H. 90-1 Wilhelm II, Emperor of Germany 312 Wilkinson, Alan 328 Wilkinson, L. P. 54, 56 Williams, M. (at Windsor) 308 Willson, Dr Wynne 19 Wilson, Edmund 101, 303 Devil Take the Hindmost 101 Wilson, Harold 454, 474 Wilson, Peter 257, 486 Wind, Edgar 141, 142, 209, 211-12, 321-2, 382 Windsor Castle 57, 306, 311-12, 318, 377 Home Guard 310 Picture Gallery 308 Royal Library 83,377 Van Dyck Room 308 Windsor, Edward, Duke of (earlier Edward VIII, King) xiii, 312-14, 377, 450 Winkle, Mr 2I9 Winkle, Mrs 359 Winnie the Pooh (Milne) 36 Witt, Sir Robert 86,214-15,326 Wittgenstein, Ludwig 62, 68-9, 486 Wittkower, Margot 84, 140-1, 143, 144, 209, 278, 331, 398, 466, 491 Wittkower, Rudolf 140-1, 210-12, 278, 279 299 398, 424-5, 466 'Carlo Rainaldo and the Roman Architecture of the Full Baroque' 211 Wölfflin, Heinrich 141 Wollheim, Richard 111,327-8,360 Wood, James 140 Woolf, Leonard 53, 62, 64, 67, 88 Woolf, Virginia 31, 34, 53, 58 7U 72~4 128-9 Orlando 58,438 A Room of One's Own 73 Woolley, Leonard 297, 299-300 Woolwich Arsenal Ring 157, 200, 258-9, 291 Wormwood Scrubs prison 253, 260, 262 Worsley, T. C. 19,22,164-5 Wright, Basil 65n Wright, Christopher 383,476,494 The Art of the Forger 494-5 Wright, Peter on AB 61, 180, 287n, 403, 489 and Angleton 445 and conspiracy theories 454 on Phoebe Pool 461-2 and Pincher 251, 395, 462 questioning of AB 179, 268, 399, 45I-4 455-62 quotes Tess Mayor 267 suspicious of Rothschilds 457 Spycatcher 453-4,456,457-60 Wylie, Tom 161, 162, 229, 234, 458 Wyndham, Pamela (Lady Egremont) 396, 397, 484 Wynn, Arthur 460 Yagoda, Yenrik 198 Yeats, Jack 90 Yeats, W. B. 48 Yermolayeva 137 Yevtushenko, Yevgeny 356 Yezhov, Nikolai 198-9 York 483 Young, Courtney 285, 353, 399 Young, Michael 132 Yugoslavia 319, 323 Zaehner, Mr 348 Zarlino, Gioseffo 82 Zarnecki, George xvi, 403, 405-6, 483-4 Zidis (student at Courtauld) 219 Zinoviev, Grigori 154, 173-4 Zurbaran, Francisco 147 Zurich 343 Zwemmer family 28 Zwemmer's, London 28,34,358 590
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