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Volltext:INDEX Achilles, 135, 142 /Esthetic feeling, its importance, 3 speculation, causes of its neglect, 4 theory, its uses, 7, 8 Aesthetics, Use of the word, 14 Angels, 44, 138 Apperception, 7 3 flF. Arabic inscriptions as ornament, 147 Architecture, Effects of Gothic, 125, 126 governed by use, 122, 123 Aristotelian forms, 119 Aristotle, 132, 133 Associative process, 149 ff. Augustine, Saint, quoted, 189 Beauty a value, 13 ff. as felt is indescribable, 201, 202 a justification of things, 202, 203 defined, 39 ff. verbal definitions quoted, 13 Beethoven, 34 Breathing related to the sense of beauty, 44 Burke, 94, note Byron, quoted, 103 Byzantine architecture, 83, 84 Calderon, 132 Centaurs, 138, 193 Character as an aesthetic form, 13 3 ff. Characters, Ideal, 136 ff. Charles V.'s palace at the Alhambra, 35 Christ, the various ideas of his na­ture, 143 Circle, its aesthetic quality, 68 Classicism, French and English, 84 Colonnades, 83 Colour, 56 ff. its analogy to other sensations, 57, . 58 possibility of an abstract art of colour, 58 Comic, The, 184 ff. Conscience, its representative char­acter, 27, 28 Cost as an element of effect, 159 ff. Couplet, The, 83 Criticism, Use of the word, 14 Definite and indefinite, meaning of the terms, 105, note Degradation not what pleases in the comic, 186 ff. Democracy, aesthetics of it, 84 ff. Descartes, 14, 139 Disinterestedness not the differentia of aesthetic pleasure, 30 ff. Don Quixote, 135, 192 Economy and fitness, 16 r ff. Emerson, 109 Epicurean aesthetics, 10, 11 sublime, The, 181, 183 Escurial, The, 73, 159 Ethos, 132 Evil, life without it aesthetic, 24, 25 in the second term of expression, 167 ff. conventional use of the word, 168 an occasion of the sublime, 177 ff. excluded from the beautiful, 196, 197 Evolution, its possible tendency to eliminate imagination, 22 Exclusiveness a sign of aesthetic vigour, 35 Experience superior to theory in aesthetics, 10, 11 Expression defined, 145 ff. of feeling in another, 132, 153 of practical values, 157 ff. Expressiveness, Use of the word, 149 Fechner, 74 Form, There is a beauty of, 63 ff. the unity of a manifold, 73 ff. 208 INDEX Functions of the mind mav all con­tribute to the sense of beauty, 42 ff. Geometrical figures, 68 ff. God, the idea of him in tradition and in metaphysics, 142, 143 Gods, develoDment of their ideal characters, 140 ff. Goethe, 9, 129, 136 Grammar, its analogy to metaphys­ics, 128 Gretchen, 136 Grotesque, The, 193 ff. Hamlet, 135 Happiness and aesthetic interest, 49, 51 Health a condition of esthetic life, 43 Hedonism opposed by the moral sense, 20, 21 History an imaginative thing, 107, 108 Home as a social and as an aesthetic idea, 50 Homer, 129 his aesthetic quality, 155 his epithets, 135 Horace, quoted, 130, 131 Humour, 191 ff. Ideals are modified averages, 93 ff. immanent in human nature, 197 stable, 198 ff. Imagination has a universal creative function, 143, 144 and sense alternately active, 43, .44 Impression distinguished from ex­pression, 6; Impressionism in painting, 102, 103 Incongruity not what pleases in the comic, 186 ff. In leterminate organization, 100 ff. Infinite beauty, the idea impossible, H I f f. Inspiration, 190 TCaXoK'i'Ya^tit, Kant, 81 Keats, quoted, 52, 80, 81, 137, 199 King Lear, 173 Kipling, R., quoted, 53 Landscape, 101 ff. with figures, 103, 104 Liberation of self, 175 ff. Love, influence of the passion, 44 ff. Lowell, J. R., quoted, 112 Lower senses, 51 ff. Lucretius, quoted, I 31 on the sublime, 178 Maps, 158 Material beauty most easily appre­ciated, 60 ff. its effect the fundamental one, 60 Materials of beauty surveyed, 59 ff. Methods in esthetics, 6 Michael Angelo, 138 Miser's fallacy, its parallel in morals and xsithetics, 26 Modern languages inferior to the ancient, 131, 132 Molière, 132; quoted, 18 Monarchy, its imaginative value, 28 Moral and aesthetic values, 19 ff. the authority of morals over aes­thetics, 164 ff. Morality and utility jealous of art, 163, 164 Multiplicity in uniformity, 75 ff. its defects, 81 ff. Musset, Alfred de, quoted, 129, 170 Mysticism in aesthetics, 96 ff. Naturalism, the ground of its value, 18 Nature, its organization the source of apperceptive forms, 115 ff. the love of it among the ancients, 104, 105 New York, the plan of the streets, 73. Nouns, idea of a language without them, 130 INDEX 209 Obj edification the differentia of aesthetic pleasure, 35 ff. Ornament and form, 124 ff. Othello, 178, 179 Ovid, quoted, 113 Pantheism, its contradictions, 182, i 83 Perception, the psychological theory of it, 36 ff. Perfection, illusion of infinite, 111 ff. possibility of finite, 194 ff. Physical pleasure distinguished from aesthetic, 28 ff. Physiology of the perception of form, 65 ff. Picturesqueness contrasted with sym­metry, 71 Platonic ideas useless in explaining types, 89 ff. Platonic intuitions, their nature and value, 8 ff. Platonists, 121 Plot, The, 132 ff. Preference ultimately irrational, 16 ff. necessary to value, 16, 17 Principles consecrated assthetically, 25 ff. Purity, The esthetic principle of 55 f f. Rationality, the source of its value, . ?7 Religious characters, their truth, 142 imagination, 140 ff. Rhyme, 131, 132 Romanticism, 114 Schopenhauer, 198 criticised, 30 on music, 54 Scientific attitude in criticism op­posed to the xsthetic, 17, 18 Sculpture, its development, 116, 117 Self not a primary object of inter­est, 31, 32 Sensuous beauty of fundamental importance, 6o ff. Sex, its relation to aesthetic life, 44 ff. Shakespeare, 114, 132, 133; quoted, 40, 173, 179, 189 S h e lley quoted, II, 190 Sight, its primacy in perception, 57 Size related to beauty, 94, 95 Sky, The, its expressiveness, 8 Social interests and their aesthetic influence, 48 ff. Socrates, his utilitarian aesthetics, 119, 120 Sonnet, The, 131 Sound, 53 ff. Space, its metaphysical value, 51, note Stars, the effect analyzed, 77 ff. Stendhal, 48, note Stoic Sublime, The, 182 Straight lines, 69 Subjectivity of aesthetic values, 4, Sublime, The, its independence the expression of evil, 180 ff. Sublimity, 176 ff. Sybaris, 163 Symbolists, 109 Symmetry, 70 ff. a principle of individuation, 71, . 7 2 limits of its application, 73 Syntactical form, 129 ff. Tacitus, 131, 189 Terms, the first and second terms in expression defined, 147 influence of the first term in the pleasing expression of evil, 170 ff. Theory a method of apperception, 106 ff. Tragedy mitigated by beauty of form and the expression of good, 171 ff. mitigated by the diversity of evils, 173. mixed with comedy, 169, 170, 172 210 INDEX consists in treatment, not in sub­ject, 169 Translation necessarily inadequate, 127, note Truth, grounds of its value, 18, 19 Truth, mixture of the expression of truth with that of evil, 172 ff. Types, their origin, 88 ff. their value and that of examples, 86 ff. Ugly, The, not a cause of pain, 21 Universality not the differentia of esthetic pleasure, 32 ff. Utility the principle of organization in nature, 118 ff. its relation to beauty, 119 ff. the principle of organization in the arts, 122 ff. Value, esthetic value in the second term of expression, 155 ff. all in one sense aesthetic, 23 ff. physical, practical, and negative transformed into assthetic 152 ff. Venus of Milo, 125, note Virgin Mary, The, 142, 143 Whitman, 85 Wit, 188 ff. Words, 127 ff. Wordsworth quoted, 80, 81 Work and play, 21 ff. Xenophon quoted, 94 his Symfosium, 119
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