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Volltext:INDEX Abstract painting, 43 Acheulian cleaver, 66, 71 Aesthetics, 33, 45 duality of, 50 and ethics, 169-170 and value formation, 170 Aging, views of, 12-13, 17, 25-26, 145-147, 163 America, A Prophecy, 67, 74 Animals communication of, 93 metaphorical world of, 102 Anna Karenina, 141, 156 Antony and Cleopatra, 77-78, 101, 103 Approach to Venice, 144, 148 Aquinas, Thomas, 29 Architecture fusion of art and science in, 56 nature of, 47 revolutions in, 51-52 as schizophrenia, 53 Art act of recognition in, 127, 140 architecture as, 47 balance of values in, 163, 165 as carrier of knowledge, 59-61 conflict of values in, 161, 162 content and style in, 75 as experiment in living, 159 freedom expressed in, 49, 51 limitations in, 53 as metaphor, 16 pure, 43 qualities of, 133 and reality, 153 and values, 147 Artifacts, 63, 64 of birds, 93 in human history, 67-68 power of, 65-66, 75 primitive, 65 work of art as, 169 Artists, 23 creations of, 68 inspiration of, 48 sharing with, 155 vocabulary of, 125 Astronomy, discovery of red shift in, 28-29 "Auguries of Innocence, " 115 Baboons, language of, 94 Baudelaire, Charles, 86-87 Beauty, 34. See also Aesthetics as freedom of choice, 55 nature of, 48 and value formation, 170 Bees, language of, 7, 12 Behavior, animal vs. human, 33-34, 47, 63 Bell, Clive, 43 Bernini, Giovanni Lorenzo, 52 Bilivert, Jacopo, 109 Biology, imagination in, 86 Bird Garden, 105, 112 Blake, William, 3, 22, 100, 106, 114 America, A Prophecy, 67, 74 "Auguries of Innocence, " 115 geometric style of, 99 imagery of, 133, 134 "Infant Sorrow, " 98-101 "London, " 106 poetry of, 4-5, 154 Songs of Innocence, 100, 101 "The Tyger, " 69-70, 106, 113 verbal art of, 102 Book of Common Prayer, The, 94 Botticelli, Alessandro, 46 Brain, animal vs. human, 82 Bramante, Donato, 52 Brancusi, Constantin, 40 Braque, Georges, 35 Bruegel, Pieter (the Elder) The Fight between Carnival and Lent, 123, 128 The Massacre of the Innocents, 166, 176 Peasant Wedding, 123, 128 Bridge building, breakthroughs in, 36 Brunei, Kingdom, 35 Brunelleschi, Filippo, 51, 52 Bruno, Giordano, 30 Burns, Robert, 87 180 Index Campion, Thomas, 96-97 Cavafy, C. P., 162 Cellini, Benvenuto, 104 Censorship, 138 Cézanne, Paul, 153 Le Château Noir, 145, 149 Chagall, Marc, Midsummer Night's Dream, 105, 113 Chartres, stained glass window at, 66, 72 Chateau Noir, Le, 145, 149 Child imagination of, 20 thought development of, 8-9, 21-22 Children's books, 134, 135, 143 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 18 Color, in poetry, 76-77, 78-79 Communication, language of, 7. See also Language Conscience, 140, 141 Copernican system, 30, 105 Craft, 51. See also Artifacts Cranach, Lucas, A Princess of Saxony, 145, 151 Critic, role of, 1 Criticism literary, 2, 3 social, 116 Crucifixion, 124, 130 Culture and artifacts, 65-66 and knowledge, 63 Cummings, E. E., 163, 164 Dali, Salvador, The Sacrament of the Last Supper, 166, 174 Dante, 154, 155 Darby, Abraham, 35 Darwin, Charles, 63 Davy, Humphry, 33, 47 Debussy, Claude, 97 Delacroix, Eugène, Liberty Leading the People, 165, 172 Design breakthrough in, 35 in industry, 39 Designers, and technicians, 37 Dickens, Charles, Oliver Twist, 138 Discovery, 24 creative, 63 of red shift, 28-29 Donne, John, 134 Doppler, Christian Johann, 29 Drama, 141 Duccio di Buoninsegna, Crucifix­ion, 124, 130 Duino Elegies, 118-119, 167-169 Eddington, Arthur, 30 Education, imagination in, 22 Eidetic imagery, 80 Einstein, Albert, 30, 31, 61, 164, 165, 170 Electricity, impact of, 36-37 Eliot, T. S„ 46, 67, 75-76, 154 "Emily, John, James, and I, " 156- 157 Empson, William, "To an Old Lady, " 25-26, 27, 28, 30 Epistemology, 5 Equatorial Jungle, The, 145, 149 Erastus, Thomas, 83 Ernst, Max, Oedipus Rex, 124, 131 Ethics, 144. See also Values and aesthetics, 169-170 and life strategies, 161 Evolution, human, 34, 48, 62, 64 Experience and decisions, 157 poems of, 100 solutions in, 158-159 and symbols, 9 universal vs. private, 32 Experiment (magazine), 25 Experiment art as, 153, 169 imagination as, 142 Experimentation with animals, 80-81 imagination in, 22 Face of Violence, The, 139-140, 143 Fairy tales, 135, 140, 143 Faraday, Michael, 46 181 Index Fatata te Miti, 85, 87, 92 Fermi, Enrico, 164 Ficino, Marcilio, 98 Fight between Carnival and Lent, The, 123, 128 Fire, imagery for, 107 Fludd, Robert, 105 Nature and Art, 104, 110 Folk tales, 134, 135, 143 Franklin, Benjamin, 35 Freedom in art, 49, 51 nature of, 50, 55 Frost, Robert, "Provide, Pro­vide, " 17, 25 "Game of Chess, A, " 75-76 Games, nature of, 49 Ganesa, 84, 88 Gaudi, Antonio, Sagrada Familia Cathedral, 85, 90 Gauguin, Paul, Fatata te Miti, 85, 87, 92 Generalization in art, 126 scientific, 133-134 Gilbert, W. S., "Emily, John, James, and I, " 156-159 Ginevra de' Benci, 85, 91 Graves, Robert, 1 Guernica, 125, 132 Halley, Edmund, 52 Hamlet, 161-162 History artifact in, 67-68 in traditional industries, 40 Homer, 16 Hooke, Robert, 52, 53, 54 Housman, A. E., 2, 94, 95, 96 Housman, Laurence, 2 Hubble, Edwin Powell, 28 Human beings, language of, 10. See also Language Human specificity, vii, 62 Hunter, Walter, 80-81 Huxley, Aldous, 114, 115 Imagery of Blake, 133, 134 eidetic, 80 of T. S. Eliot, 76 of William Empson, 25-27 of Robert Frost, 17-18 of Picasso, 126-127 of Alexander Pope, 76 of Rainer Maria Rilke, 119, 120, 121 of William Shakespeare, 77, 103 of Dylan Thomas, 119, 120, 121 Images emblematic quality of, 87 in poetry, 13 in science vs. art, 21 words as, 9, 82, 87 Imagination, vii, 20, 62, 142 as experimental process, 21 nature of, 11, 14, 79 and recall, 82 unity of, 75 Imagists, 79 Impressionists, 43, 86, 96, 145, 153 Industrial Revolution, in poetry, 107 Industries, traditional vs. pioneer, 38 "Infant Sorrow, " 98-101 Inferno, 155 Information, language of, 7 Instruction, language of, 7 Intellectual revolutions, 55 In the Matter off. Robert Op-penheimer, 165 Invention, 34. See also Discovery artifact as, 65 buildings as, 54 Inverse squares, law of, 61 Iron tower, fallacy of, 38, 40 Jakobson, Roman, 98-101, 103, 158 Jones, Inigo, 52 Keats, John, 21 Kepler, Johannes, 60 Kipphardt, Heinar, In the Matter of }. Robert Oppenheimer, 165 182 Index Klee, Paul, Bird Garden, 105, 112 Knight, Wilson, 102 Knight in falcon headdress, 104, 110 Knowledge, 5 in art, 140 conscience as, 141 nature of, 36, 59 Koenig, Hertha, 167 Lady Anabella Ward, 145, 151 Language, 62 of baboons, 94 of communication, 7 evolution of, 10 of insects, 6 mathematics as, 42 nature of, 13 personal manipulation of, 12 and thought, 117 Last Supper, The, 166, 175 Lawrence, D. H., 100 "Morning Work, " 78-79, 82 Leavis, F. R., 1 Le Corbusier, 50 Liberty Leading the People, 165, 172 Literature images of, 75 philosophy of, 2 raw material of, 6 Logic, in pioneer industries, 40 "London, " 106 Love's Labour's Lost, 103 Lowell, Robert, "The Old Lady's Lament for Her Youth, " 146-147 Lutyens, Edwin, 46 Macbeth, 103, 155 MacCarthy, Desmond, 2 McClelland, D., 134 Machines, and human freedom, 35 Madame Amed'ee, 145, 152 Magic, of memory, 83 Magic rites, 45-46 Magritte, René, Time Transfixed, 124-125, 131 Malraux, André, 49 Manesse Codex, 104, 110 Massacre of the Innocents, The, 166, 176 Mathematics, as language, 42 Memory, power of, 82-83 Merchant of Venice, 141 Metaphors, 15, 28 art as, 16 elaboration of, 120 universal, 101, 102, 123 Michelangelo, 46 Midsummer Night's Dream, 105, 113 Milton, plate from, 85, 92 Milton, John, 27 Model T Ford, 67, 73 Modigliani, Amedeo, Madame Amed'ee, 145, 152 Monet, Claude, 84-85, 96, 153 Rouen Cathedral, West Facade, 84, 90, 96 Moore, Henry, 40 A Tilbury Shelter Scene, 124, 129 "Morning Work, " 78 Mother of Us All, The, 136-137 Muir, Edwin, 2 Music in poetry, 96 popular songs, 102 of spheres, 97 Mythology, in Blake, 106 Napoleon Crowned with Laurels, 166, 173 Nataraja, 67, 74 National character, measurement of, 135 Nativity, 84, 89 Nature and Art, 104, 110 Neumann, Balthasar, 52 Newton, Isaac, 31, 61, 77, 114, 116 Principia, 114, 116 Oedipus Rex, 124, 131 "Old Lady's Lament for Her Youth, The, " 146-147 Oliver Twist, 138 Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 164-165 Othello, 141-142 183 Index Paine, Tom, 35, 101 Painting, 34 cave, 45, 46, 48, 49 images of, 75 modem, 43 Parapluies, Les, 167, 177 Participation, in art, 24 Pascal, 46 adding machine of, 66, 72 Peasant Wedding, 123, 128 Philosophy, nature of, 4 Picasso, Pablo, 125 Guernica, 125, 232 imagery of, 126-127 Saltimbanques, paintings of, 167, 178 Plan, imagination as, 142 Play of children, 11 importance of, 21-22 nature of, 49 Poe, Edgar Allan, 86 Poems musical, 96 tone, 97 Poetry art of recognition in, 122 color in, 76-79 comic, 157 images in, 13, 75 imagination in, 86 nature of, 1, 16 philosophy of, 4 and style, 94 weeping through, 95 Poet's Defence, The, 2, 4 Pope, Alexander, 3, 60, 76, 135 Portraits, 147 Pound, Ezra, 67 Princess of Saxony, A, 145, 151 Principia, 114, 116 Problem solving, 159, 160 "Provide, Provide, " 17 Pythagoras, 16, 97* Queen Zenobia Addressing Her Sol­diers, 171 "Rape of the Lock, The, " 76 Raphael, 33, 47 Reality, and art, 153 Reasoning, 21, 62 Recognition, act of, 122, 138 Recreation, of works of art, 68, 154, 155 Reflection, language for, 8 Reformation, 83 Relation, in science, 40-41 Relativity, theory of, 30, 31 Rembrandt, Self-Portrait, 145, 150, 153 Renaissance, 143 Renoir, Pierre August, Les Para­pluies, 167, 177 Rhesus monkeys, 9, 93 Richards, I. A., 1 Riding, Laura, 1 Rilke, Rainer Maria, 118, 120, 125 Duino Elegies, 118-119, 167-169 Romney, George, Lady Anabella Ward, 145, 151 Rouen Cathedral, West Pacade, 84, 90, 96 Rousseau, Henri, The Equatorial Jungle, 145, 149 Rubin, S. A., 135 Rue des Moulins, 123, 129 Sacrament of the Last Supper, The, 166, 174 Sagrada Familia cathedral, 85, 90 Scene from Roman History, A, 165, 171 Science, 12 art vs., 19 fear of, 56 freedom in, 51 ideas of, 28 imagery of, 24 vs. imagination, 21 knowledge carried by, 61 language of, 27 participation in, 24 philosophy of, 4 preoccupation of, 40 view of, 160 184 Index Scientific theory, 31 Scientists, 23, 24 Scott, Gilbert, 53 Self-portraits, 144, 145, 150, 153 Shakespeare, William, 77, 141 Antony and Cleopatra, 77-78, 101, 103 Hamlet, 161-162 imagery of, 102-103 Love's Labour's Lost, 103 Macbeth, 103, 155 Merchant of Venice, 141 Othello, 141-142 Troilus and Cressida, 103 The Winter's Tale, 77 Shape, 40, 41 Shebna Yahn, grave of, 66, 71 Siamese twins, 156, 161 Sight, and sound, 87 Signals, 8 "Significant form, " 43 Silliman lectures, vii Sitwell, Osbert, 26 Snow, C. P., The Two Cultures, 137 Society, artists in, 48 Songs of Innocence, 100, 101 Speech, 34. See also Language human, 6 metaphorical figures of, 15 and visual discrimination, 84 Spells, 83, 97 Sphinx of Hat-shepsut, 84, 88 Spurgeon, Caroline, 102 Star, as symbol, 84-85, 87 Statesmanship, 55 Stein, Gertrude, 143 The Mother of Us All, 136-137 Structure, 40, 41, 50 Style, 133 in art, 68, 75 and content, 93, 103-104 nature of, 107 in poetry, 94 Sumerian ideograms, 104, 109 Surrealists, 125 Symbolism, 10, 34 Symbolists, 86 Symbols, 9. See also Images in cave paintings, 45 star as, 84-85, 87 universal, 126 Szilard, Leo, 164 Taste, 42, 49 Tate, Allan, 5 Technicians, role of, 37 Technology, of Western world, 37 Tension, 50, 55 Theory, nature of, 31 Thomas, Dylan, 14-15, 16, 25, 122, 135, 163 imagery of, 119, 120, 121 poetry of, 12-13, 117-120, 125, 154 Thought development of, 8-9 and language, 117 "Three Bushes, The, " 157-158 Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista, A Scene from Roman History, 165, 171 Tilbury Shelter Scene, A, 124, 129 Time Transfixed, 124-125, 131 "To an Old Lady, " 25-26, 27, 30 Tolstoy, Leo, Anna Karenina, 141, 156 Tools animal use of, 63 as artifacts, 66 (see also Artifacts) and human freedom, 35 Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de, Rue des Moulins, 123, 129 Troilus and Cressida, 103 Truth, and poetry, 2-3 Turner, J. M. W., Approach to Ven­ice, 144, 148 Two Cultures, The, 137 Two Poets and a Revolution, 3 "Tyger, The, " 69, 101, 106, 113 Unity of content and style, 75 and design, 43 of imagination, 75 Values, 147 conflict of, 162 185 Index Values (continued) and life strategies, 161 play of, 169 Vanbrugh, John, 48 Van Gogh, Vincent, 156 Self-Portrait, 145, 150, 153 Victorians, aesthetics of, 41-42 Villon, François, 146, 147 Vinci, Leonardo da, 49, 50, 85 drawing of a mortar, 105, 111 Ginevra de' Bend, 85, 91 The Last Supper, 166, 175 Vocabulary of artist, 125 of Rhesus monkeys, 9-10 von Frisch, Karl, 7 Waterhouse, Alfred, 46 Watts, George, 46 "Why Should Not Old Men Be Mad?" 121 Wilkinson, John, 35 Winter's Tale, The, 77 Words, 20. See also Language magic of, 83 uses of, 8 Wordsworth, William, 48 Wren, Chrisopher, 48, 52, 53, 54 Yeats, William B„ 2, 61, 121, 125, 147, 157-158 "The Three Bushes, " 157-158 "Why Should Not Old Men Be Mad?" 121 Zhinkin, Nikolay, 93-94 Zola, Emile, 153
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