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Volltext:Index Abstract Expressionism, American 178 Adams, Brooks 112, 117 Ader, Bas Jan 226-7, 230-33 I'm Too Sad To Tell You 233, pi. 87 In Search of the Miraculous (One Night in Los Angeles) 227, 230-31, pis. 84-5 Primary Time 234 Untitled (flowerwork) 233-4, pi. 89 Adorno, T.W. 11, 28, 36-7, 169 Althusser, Louis 154 Amnesty International 200 Andre, Carl 135 Apollinaire, Guillaume 8 Argenteuil 23 Aristotle 173-5 Art & Language, artists' group 214-16, 219 Art-Language 87, 215 Art Deco 35-6 Art In America 100 Art Workers Coalition 87 Art-in-Architecture program, United States government 144 Artforum 75, essay 5 Artists Congress against War and Fascism 174 Artists Meeting for Cultural Change 75, 87 Arts Magazine 183 Asher, Michael 141, 146, 150, 185, 201, 212 untitled installation, 1970, Pomona College 136, 138-41, 144, pis. 46-8 untitled installation, 1979, Art Institute of Chicago 141, pis. 49—50 untitled installation, 1981, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, The Museum as Site: Sixteen Projects 190-94, pis. 68-70 Baader-Meinhof group 107 Barthes, Roland 70, 83, 151, 154 Battcock, Gregory 72 Baudelaire, Charles-Pierre 3, 16, 154, 157, 169, 181 Baudrillard, Jean 70, 215 Beaton, Cecil 46-8 Test shot of fashion shoot for American Vogue 39, pi. 6 Becher, Bernd 104 Becher, Hilla 104 Benjamin, Walter 16-17, 37, 154, 157-8, 162, 169 Benton, Thomas Hart 43 The Kentuckian 190—91, pi. 70 Berlin 11, 32-3, 50, 153 Bernini, Gianlorenzo 181 "Bernstein, Cheryl" 69—70, 74—5, 83 Beuys, Joseph 93 Birmingham, University of Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies 2445 n3 6 Blaschka family 200 Bleckner, Ross 83, 111-19, 121, 123-7 Architecture of the Sky 125, pi. 35 Delaware 125, pi. 34 Fallen Summer 125, pi. 36 God Won't Come 125, pi. 33 268 The Oceans 74, pl. 23 Bosch, Hieronymus 168 Boston Kennedy Presidential Library 197 201 Braque, Georges 27-8, 31, 33, 174, 180 Breton, André 36, 45 Broodthaers, Marcel 215 Brouwn, Stanley 185 Brown (senior), Edmund 63 Brown, Trisha 135 Buchloh, Benjamin H.D. 93, 181, 215-16 Burden, Chris 214, 231-3 Butor, Michel 24 Cage, John 181 Caillebotte, Gustave Le Pont de l'Europe 157-8, pl. 55 California Institute of the Arts 102, 104 Cape Cod 231 Caravaggio, Michelangelo Merisi da 165 Carter, Jimmy 144 Chen, Hilo 101 Chessman, Caryl 61 Chéret, Jules 26 Chicago, Art Institute of 141 Claremont, California, Pomona College 136 Clark, T.J. 162 Classicism 121 Cleopatra (film) 56 The Coasters 230 Cobain, Kurt 164 Cohen, Phil 20 Cologne 11 Conceptual art 69, 77, 82, 86, 183, 185, 193, essay 11 Cooper, James Fenimore 47 Coplans, John 87 Cornwall 231 Corvi, Ferdinand 6 Le Côte d'Azur 7, 30 Courbet, Gustave' 11 12, 17, 20, 22, 153, 174 Burial at Omans 11 Young Ladies on the Banks of the Seine 21 Craven, Arthur 232 Crimp, Douglas 254n7 Cubism 3, 8, 26-9, 31-3, 35, 153, 174, 178, 180 d'Amato, Brian 100-01 D'Arcangelo, Christopher 226, 234-5, 238 performance, Musée du Louvre, c.1976 pi. 91 Thirty Days Work 235, 242, pi. 88 Dada 3, 32-3, 127, 153, 232 Dali, Salvador 98 David, Jacques-Louis 11-12, 17, 20, 121, 141 The Lictors Returning to Brutus the Bodies of his Sons 17 The Oath of the Horatii 11, 17 De Maria, Walter Earth Room 140-41 de Kooning, Willem 51, 107, 181 Dean, James 53 Delacroix, Eugène 20, 156-7 Death of Sardanapalus 154-5 Liberty Leading the People 17 Denny, Robyn Baby is Three 74, pi. 22 Derain, André 30-31 Derrida, Jacques 151, 183 Detroit 60 Dreyfus, Alfred 28 Duchamp, Marcel 43-4, 153, 182-3, 213 Duncan, Carol, and Andrew Duncan see "Bernstein, Cheryl" Durand-Ruel, Paul 29 Eisenman, Peter 131, 134 Elle 225 Empson, William 162, 177-8 Ensslin, Gudrun 107 Ernst, Max 42, 77 Evans, Walker 83 Eyck, Jan and Hubert van Ghent alterpiece 155 Fauvism 30-31 Federal Arts Project 43 Plash Art 101 Flavin, Dan 135 269 Fontana, California, Kaiser Steel Corporation 144-5 Foucault, Michel 70, 83, 88, 151, 154, 197 The Fox 87 Frankfurt School 154, 169 Franklin, Benjamin 47 Fried, Michael 86, 153, 175, 182-3, 194 Fuchs, Rudi 93 Gérard, François 120 Géricault, Théodore 20 Raft of the Medusa 17, 168—9 Giorgione (Giorgio Barbarelli or Giorgio de Castelfranco) 177 Girodet, Anne-Louis The Sleep of Endymion 119-22, pi. 37 Glier, Mike 252n4 Gogh, Vincent van 81 Outskirts of Paris 162, pi. 58 Goya, Francisco de 20, 117, 164, 168 Yard with Lunatics 122, pi. 38 Gaham, Dan 235 Homes for America 183-5, 193, 201, 235, pis. 66-7 Graves, Michael 131 Greenberg, Clement 8-12, 14-15, 36-7, 44-5, 76, 105, 201, 257n22 Greuze, Jean-Baptiste 141 Gros, Antoine-Jean 168 Guggenheim, Peggy 42, 45, 47-8 Art of this Century gallery 42 Guggenheim Museum 218 photograph, Peggy Guggenheim and Pollock in front of Mural, 1944 45-7, pi. 8 Guilbaut, Serge 39 Haacke, Hans Shapolsky et al. Manhattan Real Estate Holdings, a Real-Time Social System, as of May 1, 1971 217-18, pis. 79-80 Hall, Stuart 19 Halley, Peter 70, 75, 78, 83 Twin Cells with Circulating Conduits 74, pi. 21 Halperin, David 256nl2 Hare, David 45 Harper's Bazaar 43 Harrison, Charles 80, 215 Haussmann, Georges-Eugène, Baron 154, 158 Haussmann, Raoul 32 Heidegger, Martin 70 Henry, Charles 6, 26 Hirst, Damien 101 Hoet, Jan 93 Hogarth, William 169 Holly, Buddy 53 Holmes, Andrew 102-05 Tanks 102-04, pi. 29 Horizon 44 Houdon, Jean-Antoine George Washington 141, pis. 49, 50 Impressionism 3-5, 7, 12-15, 18-19, 22-4, 29-30, 35 Iowa, University of 44 Irigaray, Luce 154 Jefferson, Tony 19 Johns, Jasper 3, 81, 105, 181, 213 Flags 182, 194 Johnson, Samuel 177 Joyce, James 42 Judd, Donald 86, 213 Kahnweiler, Daniel-Henry 8 Kaprow, Allan 181 Kawara, On 216 Kelley, Mike 165 Kennedy, Jacqueline 56 Kennedy, John Fitzgerald 50—51, 53, 56-7, 63, 197, 217 The Kentuckian (film) 190 Kiefer, Anselm 110, 112 Women of the Revolution 92, pi. 25 Klimt, Gustav 122 ]udith and Holofernes 122, pi. 39 Koons, Jeff 101 French Coach Couple 97—8, pi. 26 Koreman, Gene portrait of Marilyn Monroe 51, pk 9 Kosuth, Joseph 216 Kozloff, Max 87 Kramer, Hilton 87, 89 Krasner, Lee 42—3 270 Krauss, Rosalind 146, 148-9, 194 Kruger, Barbara 101 Lacan, Jacques 154-5 Lancaster, Burt 190 Lawler, Louise 235 Lawson, Nick 235 LeWitt, Sol 86 Lebrun, Charles 181 Lee, Bruce 166 Lemieux, Annette 182, 194-7, 210 Portable World frontispiece Vacancy 195, pl. 71 Levine, Sherrie 70, 77-8, 83-4, 214 After Walker Evans 70, 83, pl. 17 Small Gold Knot no 3 77, 118, pl. 24 Lévi-Strauss, Claude 151 Lieber, Jerry 230 Life 40-41 Lin, Maya 149 London 30, 46 Courtauld Institute of Art 153 East End 20 Finsbury Park 102 Hayward Gallery Double Take exhibition, 1992 92 Saatchi Gallery 80 Tate Gallery 101-02, 107 Los Angeles 102, 104 County Museum of Art Art and Technology exhibition 144 The Museum as Site exhibition 190 Getty Center for the History of Art and the Humanities 226 Venice Beach 78 Louis, Morris AlphaTau 111, pi. 32 Luce, Henry 40 Mailer, Norman 51, 181 Mallarmé, Stéphane 4-5, 7, 9, 24, 29 Manet, Édouard 3—4, 11, 15, 21—2, 153, 157, 164 Bar at the Folies-Bergère 27, 154-5 Before the Mirror 4, pl. 1 Le Déjeuner sur l'herbe 21 Mlle. V... in the Costume of an Espada 165 Olympia 3, 21 Marx, Karl 15—17 Marxism 81, 154 Marxist Quarterly 12 Matisse, Henri 30-31, 153, 176 Matta Echaurren, Roberto 42, 131 Matta-Clark, Gordon 131-6, 140, 146, 150 Day's End (Pier 52, Gansevoort and West Streets, New York) 131-3, pis. 41-3 Splitting 135, pis. 44-5 Window Blowout 134-6, 141 McPherson, Kenneth 42 Meier, Richard 131 Meinhof, Ulrike 107 Merleau-Ponty, Maurice 70 Michelet, Jules 17 Michelson, Annette 182-4 Minimalism 82, 101, 127, 133, 135, 138, 183-5, 235 Mondrian, Piet 3, 45, 234 Monet, Claude 22, 29-31, 111 Regattas at Argenteuil 24, pi.3 Monroe, Marilyn 51-3, 56, 61 Mont Saint-Michel 30 Morris, Robert 86, 182-3, 213 Mudhoney 164 Nadin, Peter 235 Namuth, Hans 47 The Nation 44 Nauman, Bruce 233 Neo-Classicism 121, 173 Neo-Expressionism 75, 78-80, 92 Neo-Impressionism 6, 29-30 The New Criterion 89 The New Spirit in Painting exhibition 92 New York 39-41, 45, 78-82, 92, 126, 174, 181, 218, 235 Federal Plaza 144, 148—50 Guggenheim Museum 218 Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies Idea as Model exhibition 131, 133-6 Museum of Modern Art 42 High and Low exhibition, 1990 89 New York School 3, essay 2, 117, 180, 182 New York Times 87 271 Newman, Barnett 74, 181 Niagara (film) 51 Nirvana 164 Noland, Kenneth 194 October 80, 86-8 Oldenburg, Claes 3 Store 72 Oliva, Achille Bonita 93 Op art 112 Orphéon Societies 246—7n56 Owens, Craig 88 Panofsky, Erwin 153 Paris 4, 16, 18, 21, 26, 31, 36, 46, 87, 154, 160, 164 Centre Pompidou 104 Durand Dessert Gallery 185 Faubourg Saint-Antoine 6 Gare Saint-Lazare 158 Salon 22, 110 Parsons, Betty 46 Pearl Jam 164 Photo-Realism 101—02, 105 Picabia, Francis 98 Picasso, Pablo 27, 31-3, 81, 121, 174, 211 The Aficionado 27-8, 32, 180, pi. 4 The Poet 178-80, pi. 65 The Three Musicians 33 Pictorialism 126-7 Pissarro, Camille 29-31 Poe, Edgar Allan 27, 117 Pollock, Charles 42 Pollock, Jackson 39-48, 111, 181 Cut Out 48 Mural, 1944 41-8, pi. 7 photograph, Peggy Guggenheim and Pollock in front of Mural, 1944 45-7, pi. 8 She-Wolf 43 Pollock, Sande 42 Pomona College 136 Popart 60, 65, 70, 101, 181, 194 Post-Impressionism 153 Post-Renaissance 212 Poussin, Nicolas Arcadian Shepherds 178 Landscape with Diogenes 161 Phocion landscapes 177 Proust, Antonin 21 Punk 163 Putzel, Howard 42-5 Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio) Disputà 155 Rauschenberg, Robert 3, 181 Hymnal 181 Raynal, Maurice 33 Renaissance art 48, 155, 174, 177 Renoir, Pierre-Auguste 22 Repin, llya 168 Reynolds, Sir Joshua 175 La Révolte 5 Richter, Gerhard 98, 101, 105, 173, 176 Abstract Painting (726) 105, 110, pi. 31 Betty 105, 107, pi. 30 18 October 1977 107 Forest 110 Rietveld, Gerrit Thomas 234 Riley, Bridget 74 Robert, Hubert 141 Rococo 98 Rogers, Richard 104 Rome 12 French Academy 175 Grand Prix de Rome 119 Romero, George 169 Rorimer, Anne 143 Rosenthal, Norman 93 Rosier, Martha The Bowery in Two Inadequate Descriptive Systems 162, 217, pis. 77-8 Ross, Betsy 182 Rossi, Aldo 92 Rothko, Mark 48, 111, 181 Rubens, Sir Peter Paul 181 Saatchi and Saatchi 80 Sartre, Jean-Paul 70 Schapiro, Meyer 12-16, 18, 22, 37, 174-5, 178 Schwarzenegger, Arnold 97 Screen 154 Sedge wick, Edie 56 Serra, Richard 144-6 One-Ton Prop 144, pi. 51 Skullcracker series 145-6 272 Tilted Arc 144-50, pl. 52 Seurat, Georges 4—5, 30, 111, 157 Bathers at Asnières 26 La Chahut 6, pl. 2 La Parade 6 Sunday Afternoon on the Island of the Grande Jatte 26, 162 Shaw, Jim 100, 107 Sherman, Cindy 152—3 Signac, Paul 5-7, 9, 11, 26, 30 Simulationist 83, 225 Siqueiros, David 43 Smith, Robert C. 226 Smithson, Robert 86 Soundgarden 143 Speyer, James 143 Steichen, Edward 122 Nocture, Orangerie Staircase, Versailles 123, 126, pi. 40 Stella, Frank 69-70, 74-5, 83, 214 Getty Tomb (Sturtevant after Stella) 72, pi. 19 La Paloma (Sturtevant after Stella) 72, pi. 20 Stieglitz, Alfred 126-7 Stoller, Mike 230 Sturtevant, [Elaine] 70, 72, 74, 214 Flowers (after Warhol) 72, pi. 18 Getty Tomb (after Frank Stella) 72, pi. 19 La Paloma (after Frank Stella) 72, pi. 20 Surrealism 36, 42, 44-5, 78, 98, 131 Sweeney, James Johnson 42-3, 45 Swenson, G.R. 50 Symbolism 123 Taaffe, Philip 74, 83 Taylor, Elizabeth 56 Titian (Tiziano Vecellio) 177 Venus of Urbino 3 Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de 247n57 Utopianism 36 Vancouver, B.C., Canada 160, 162 Nova Gallery 156 Vasarely, Victor 110 Vauxcelles, Louis 30 Velasquez, Diego 164 Venice 30 Verhaeren, Emile 26 Vienna Secession 122 Virgil 176-7 Vitebsk 11 Vlaminck, Maurice 31 Houses at Chatou 31, pi. 5 Vogue 39-41, 46, pi. 6 Vollard, Ambroise 30 Wall, Jeff essay 9, 173, 215, 217, 226 Bad Goods 161 Dead Troops Talk (A vision after an ambush of a Red Army patrol, near Mogor, Afghanistan, winter 1986) 168, pi. 63 Destroyed Room 156, pi. 54 Diatribe 161-2, pi. 57 The Guitarist 163-5, pi. 60 Milk 162, pi. 59 No 157-8, pi. 56 Outburst 165, pi, 61 Picture for Women 152, 155, pi. 53 The Stumbling Block 166-8, pi. 62 Vampires' Picnic 169, pi. 64 Warburg, Aby 153 Warhol, Andy 3, essay 3, 101, 117, 197, 214, 217 Bellevue 1 61 Campbell soup-can series 60 Cars 60 Cow Wallpaper 65 Daily News 56, pi. 11 Do It Yourself (Landscape) 98, pi. 27 Five Deaths 60 Flowers 65 (Sturtevant after Warhol) 72, pi. 18 Gangster Funeral 65, pi. 16 Liz series 56 Little Electric Chair 61, pi. 15 Marilyn series 51, 53, 56 Golden Marilyn 56 Marilyn Diptyph 53, 61, pi. 10 Race Riot 63 Saturday Disaster 60, 217 Suicide 61, pi. 14 16Jackies 57, pi. 12 Tunafish Disaster 60, pi. 13 Washington, D.C. Vietnam Veterans Memorial 149 273 Watteau, Jean-Antoine 33 Weiner, Lawrence 216, 235 Weston, Edward 83 Williams, Christopher 197-201, 211, 216, 223 The Archives of the History of Art, The Getty Center for the History of Art and Humanities 226, pi. 82 Angola to Vietnam 199-200, 217-19, 223, 233, 242, pis. 74-6 Bouquet, for Bas Jan Ader and Christopher D'Arcangelo 126-7, 233-5, 238, 242, pis. 83, 90 Brasil 223, 225-6, pl. 81 SOURCE: The Photographic Archive, John F. Kennedy Library 197, 216-17, pis. 72-3 Wittgenstein, Ludwig Josef Johann 70 Wood, Paul 110 Wölfflin, Heinrich 153 Wyeth, Andrew 98 Christina's World 107 Zeitgeist exhibition 92 274
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