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Volltext:INDEX Abstract Expressionism, 26, 33, 216 Adamov, Arthur, 177-78 Adorno, Thedor, 6, 125, 253 Advertising, 5, 27, 108-9, 199, 220-22 Aeschylus, 25, 154, 157, 162, 240 Alberti, Leon Battista, 74 Alexander, Christopher, 85, 89, 92, 99, 131-32; Cells for Subculture, 241 Althusser, L., 38-39, 205; Pour Marx, 251; Réponse à John Lewis, 251 Altizer, Thomas, 11 Ambiguity, in art, 19 Andersen, B. D., eta\.-.LePetitLivrerougedes écoliers et lycéens, 252 Apuleius, 114 Arbasino, A.: Off-off, 250 Archilochus, 153 Architecture, 6, 32-33, 53, 89; functionalism in, 26, 32; rationalism in, 32, 77-78, 82, 84, 90, 95, 99, 111; neohistoricism in, 32, 80, 92, 109; neoclassicism in, 33, 53; Rococo, 53; historicism in, 56; organi-cism in, 56; modern-style, 56, 77, 91; neo-gothic, 56, 92; neomedieval, 56, 93; international style, 75; style-less, 85; Ulm school of, 86; relationship to environment, 86-90 Aristotle, 63-64, 108, 130, 238, 240; Nichomachean Ethics, 243; Poetics, 243; Politics, 243 Arnold, Matthew, 246 Arrabal, Fernando, 137 Art: problem of defining, 4, 10-13, 122; definition of by social context, 15,21, 115; as play, 76 Artaud, Antonin, 140-41, 151-52, 161, 167-68, 177, 182-89, 194-95; The Theater and Its Double, 247 Asceticism: as artistic ideal, 58; as aspect of puritanism, 58; and repression, 71 Authenticity as an artistic and cultural value, 146-50 Avant-garde, 2,9,40, 118, 124,133, 197,239; and definitions, 8; and humanism, 26 Aztec art, 115 Bachelard, Gaston, 244 Bacon, Francis, 62 Balzac, Honoré de, 31, 250 Barberian, Kathy, 143 Barca, Pedro Calderón de la, 143, 173 Baroque art, 20, 82, 115; in architecture, 53, 78, 91, 99-101, 104; and illusionism, 107 Barthes, Roland, 11, 36-37, 60, 93, 123; Fragments d'un discours Amoureux, 253; Le Plaisir du texte, 233; Sade, Fourier, Loyola, 61 Bataille, Georges, 46; La Part maudite, 238; L'Emtisme, 240 Bateson, Gregory, 140 Basaglia, F.: Psiquiatría o ideología de la locura?, 245 Baudelaire, Charles, 70 Baudouin, Charles, 44 Baudrillard, J., 93, 241; Le Miroir de la production, 252, 254 Bauhaus, 75, 77, 86 Beckett, Samuel, 177-78 Beethoven, Ludwig van, 44, 55 Béjart, Maurice, 143, 180 Bell, Daniel: Crisis of Ideology, 226 Benavente, Fray Toribio de, 154 I N D E X 256 Benevolo, L., 56 Benjamin, Walter, 36, 38,117,146, 151, 186, 243, 254 Bennis, Warren G. and Slater, Philip: The Temporary Society, 244 Bergson, Henri, 7 Bernini, Giovanni, 99 Bertolucci, Bernardo: Partner, 31 Bieber, M.: The History of the Greek and Roman Theater, 248 Birdwhistell, Ray L. : Kinesics and Context, 246 Blake, William, 119 Blanchot, Maurice, 251;LautréamontetSade, 240 Body art, 33 Boileau-Despréaux, Nicolas, 53 Boorstin, D. }., 220; The Image, 252 Boulez, Pierre, 6 Bourgeois, definition of, 26 Brahms, Johannes, 66 Brecht, Bertolt, 157, 162, 173, 188-89, 190, 194; Uber den Realismus, 250 Breton, André, 62, 70-71 Broch, Hermann, 53; Kitsch, vanguardia y arte por el arte, 241 Brook, Peter, 161, 172, 199-200, 202; The Deputy, 30; The Empty Space, 249 Brook, Peter, 234 Brown, Norman, 51 Brown, D. S., 241 Bühler, К., 246 Burke, Kenneth, 99 Burroughs, William, 32, 52, 143, 195 Bussoti, Silvano, 143 Buytendijk, F., 98 Cage, John, 143, 145 Calvinism, 46 Camus, Albert, 58 Capital, as artistic determinant, 27; in relation to commissions, 27 Capitalism, 46,77,79,89,109,123,231,233, 238, 252; and division of labor, 85; and merchandising, 85 Carlyle, Thomas, 46 Carmines, Al: Gorilla Queen, 196 Cartesianism, 20 Cassou, Jean, 129 Catharsis, 158; Nietzsche's opposition to con­cept of, 64 Cavell, S., 202 Celsus, 225; Epistle Against the Christians, 103 Cézanne, Paul, 208 Chabrol, Claude: Rien, 143 Chaplin, Charlie, 111; Modem Times, 96 Christianity, as synonymous with bourgeois Puritanism, 71 Christo, 134 Chueca Goitia, F., 78 Churchman, С. W.: The Systems Approach, 242 Cimabue, 25 Cinema, 12, 159, 178, 191-92, 194; neorealism in, 30; nouvelle vague, 30; hyperrealism in, 30, 35; "Baroque" 31; experimental, 31 Cinéma-verité, 30 Cioran, E. M.: The Temptation to Exist, 235 Class value, as reflected by art, 20 Classical art, as "pure" art, 12 Classicism, 49, 123, 195 Classification, 113-14; among "primitive" peoples, 7; and conventional labelling, 8; as structuralist obsession, 61 Cleaver, Eldridge, 211 Cohn-Bendit, Daniel, 149 Cold breakdown, 8, 9; as reaction to the novel, 31 Cold split, 26, 35-36, 73, 85, 115-19, 139, 144-46, 193-94, 245 Comedy, 72; Greek, 194 Compte, Auguste, 58 Communes, 98, 184, 201, 212-13 Conceptual art, 6, 33, 36, 203 Conservation, principle of in theoretical sys­tems, 1 Conservatism, intellectual, 1 Constructivism, 59 Consumerism, 6, 27, 85, 97, 105, 108, 116, 122-23, 135-37, 141, 144-45, 147, 153, 158-59, 161, 203-4, 228-29; its denuncia­tion by the left, 6; its manipulation by the right, 6; art as commodity, 11; and the work ethic, 47; and superfluous consumption, 80; and mass production, 80, 82, 131-32 Contamination, theoretical, 6 I N D E X 257 Copernicus, Nicolaus, 62 Coreggio, 59 Cortázar, Julio, 52, 69; La vuelta al día en ochenta mundos, 238 Costa-Gavras, 30; State of Siege, 30; Z, 30 Counterculture, 2, 205 Counter Reformation, 82, 105 Cox, Harvey, 225 Creativity: in political and religious ritual, 8; in social and sexual behavior, 8; its dual func­tion in art, 18 Cubism, 15 Cunningham, Merce, 143, 145 Dadaism, 15 Darwin, Charles, 77 Da Vinci, Leonardo, 62, 130 "Death of Art" 23 5; as advertising or rhetoric, 1 1 Débord, G., 209, 219, 224 Deleuze, G., 39, 62, 68, 226; Anti-Oedipus, 28 DeMille, Cecil В.: Gone With the Wind, 179 Democritization of art, 214 Derrida, Jacques, 62; L'Ecriture et la différance, 238; Le Théâtre de la cruauté et la clôture de la représentaion, 249 Desire, 226-28, 253 Díaz Plaja, Guillermo: Historia de la literatura española a través de la crítica y de los textos, 249 DiCarlo, G., 75 Diderot, Denis, 226 Diebold, В., 192 Dilthey, Wilhelm, 242 Discourse, 205-6, 227, 253 Dörfles, Gillo, 241 D'Ors, Eugenio, 248 Dort, Bernard, 180 Duvignaud, 151, 173, 248-49 Eco, Umberto, 18, 241 Einstein, Albert, 14 ' Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 76 Enlightenment, 77, 225 Environmental art, 33 Enzensberger, Hans Magnus, 71; Einzelheiten, 238 Erasmus, Desiderius, 46 Esthetics, 4, 17; and metaphysics, 23; and sociology, 23 Euripides, 145, 154, 240 Evolution, theory of, 77 Existentialism, 6, 37, 58, 148; and legitimation of tragedy, 64 Experimentalism, 207-10, 231; in cinema, 30 Expressionism, 75 Feuerbach, L., 3, 200 Five Architects, the, 33, 85 Flaubert, Gustave, 57 Fo, Dario, 201 Focillon, H., 129 Formalism, 2, 17, 21-22,50,82, 84, 104, 124, 132, 239 Formalist esthetics, 23 Formalizing, 18-22, 124 Formulating, 17-22 Foucault, Michel, 93, 226, 253; Histoire de la sexualité, I, La Volonté de Savoir, 253 Fourier, Charles, 213 Fra Angélico, 48 Franklin, Benjamin, 46 Freedom, artistic, 2 Freud, Sigmund, 6, 14, 38, 221, 226 Friedman, Milton, 245 Frisch, Max, 194 Fromm, Erich, 38 Functional ism, 50, 74-110, 161; in architec­ture, 26, 32, 58; in tradition of classical tech ne and medieval ars, 75 Futurism, 91 Galbraith, John Kenneth, 220 Galileo, 14, 62 Garcia, Miguel, 32 Gardner, H., 239 Genre, theory of, 27, 78, 125, 141, 190, 193 Gerundio de Campazas, Fray, 11 Giacometti, Alberto, 58 Giedion, Siegfried, 20 Giesz, L.: Phänomenologie des Kitsches, 241 Girgio, F. de, 92 Gluckmann, A.: Les Maîtres penseurs, 241 Godard, Jean Luc: Masculine Feminine, 30; Two or Three Things I Know About Her, 30 Gode, A.: On the Origin of Language, 247 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 20, 246 I N D E X 258 Gombrich, E. H., 239 Gombrowicz, W., 205 Gothic art, 23-24; in architecture, 15, 78 Goya y Lucientes, Francisco de, 121 Gramsci, Antonio, 4 Grassi, E., 153-54; Kunst und Mythos, 247 Greek language, classical, 247 Gropius, Walter, 77 Grosz, George, 192 Grotowski, Jerzy, 177,180,182, 188,191,195 Guarini, Guarino, 104 Guattari, F., 226 Guillotine, Joseph Ignace, 53 Haacke, Hans, 33, 34 Hall, Edward T.:The Hidden Dimension, 242; The Silent Language, 242 Happenings, 203, 205 Harrington, Michael, 45 Hasek, Jaroslav, 25; The Good Soldier Schweik, 192-93 Hedonism, of popular art, 6 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 3, 18, 24, 62, 70-71,90, 108, 116, 155, 210, 221, 232; Aesthetics, 48; The Phenomenology of Mind, 238 Heidegger, Martin, 7, 58, 178;Sein undZeit, 248 Heilbroner, Robert, 236 Helvétius, Claude Adrien, 226 Herzen, A., 58 Hessen, H.: Teoría del conocimiento, 242 Historicism, in architecture, 56, 74-75, 91, 93 Hoffmann, Abbie, 217-18 Horkheimer, Max, 253 Horror vacui, as characteristic of bourgeois art, 63 Hory, Elmyr de, 147 Hot breakdown, 8-9 "Hot" history of art, 23 Hot split, 26, 33-34, 73, 85, 115-19, 139, 144-46, 193-94; 236; as reaction to the novel, 31 Hugo, Victor, 71, 153; Introduction to Cromwell, 249 Huizinga, J., 152 Humanism, 75 Husserl, Edmund, 37 Hybridization of artistic genres, 9, 27, 123, 136, 142-43, 206-7 Hypermetropia, cultural, 12 Hyperrealism, in cinema, 30, 35 Idealism, in Renaissance art, 62 Illich, Ivan, 149, 228 Impressionism, 78 Individualism, as reaction to institutionalism, 29; as philosophy, 37 Industrial Revolution, 12, 74, 77 Informalism, 15, 26, 33, 216 International Style, 75 Ionesco, Eugène, 177-79, 182 Jackson, George, 32 Jakobson, Roman, 118 James, Henry: The Great Good Place, 76 Jodorowsky, Alejandro, 137, 192, 197 Journalism, confessional, 37; objective, 37 Joyce, James, 33, 76, 250;Dubliners, 187,242; Ulysses, 30, 32 Kafka, Franz, 31 Karnitz, Marin, 31 Kant, Immanuel, 20, 46, 59, 62, 65, 115-16, 234 Kepler, Johannes, 62 Kereny, K., 153 Kersen, K., 193 Keynes, John Maynard, 47, 233 Kierkegaard, Soren, 6, 148, 210 Kitsch, 6j 75-76, 78, 93, 147-48 Klee, Paul, 2 Klossowsky, P., 123, 186, 200 Koestler, Arthur, 231 Kristeva, Julia: La Revolution du langage poétique, 253;Semiotike: Recherche pour une semanalyse, 253 Kuhn, H., 1, 136, 190, 207 Kustow, M., 249 Lacan, Jacques, 58; Ecrits, 235 Lalo, Charles, 50 Lamarck, Chevalier de, 76 Lamarckianism, esthetic: 76 Land art, 33 Le Corbusier, 99 Lefebvre, H., 86 I N D E X 259 Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von, 130 Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich, 4, 44 Le Nôtre, André, 53 Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 39, 58, 222, 224; L'Homme nu, 60; The Raw and the Cooked, 60; The Savage Mind, 60 Lewin, Kurt, 126 Lezama Lima, José, 32 Linear thinking, 9 Lippard, Lucy: Six Years: The Dematerializa-tion of the Art Object from 1966 to 1972 , 204 Living Theater, of Julian Beck and Judith Malina, 194, 201-2, 213, 216 Locke, John, 43 Loos, Adolf, 76 Lowenthal, Leo, 19; Literature, Popular Cul­ture and Society, 243 Luka'cs, G., 22; Assault on Reason, 250 Lye, Len, 143 Lynch, Kevin: The Image of the City, 242 Lyotard, Jean François, 62, 226 Lysippus, 154 Mailer, Norman, 51-52, 70 Maine de Biran, Pierre, 242 Malevich, Kazimir, 4 Mallarmé, Stéphane, 76 Mann, Thomas: Death in "Venice, 51, 70 Mannerism, 26, 84, 218-20; in architecture, 91, 99, 104 Marcuse, Herbert, 39, 45, 242, 253; Aggres­siveness in Advanced Industrial Society, 242; Ems and Civilization, 235 Marinetti, Filippo, 186, 249 Martial, 107 Mara, Karl, 3, 4, 6, 17, 76, 108-9, 127, 210, 226, 229 Marxism, 16, 37, 62; "cold" 38; humanistic, 38; popularizers of in 1960s, 38 Matisse, Henri, 147 Mauss, Marcel, 47, 222 McLuhan, Marshall, 3, 12, 126, 141, 145, 243, 248; Counter-Blast, 125 Media, 219-21; artist in relation to, 133; "hot" and "cold" 133, 144-46 Medieval art, 49, 154-55 Mekas, A., 201 Melodramatic mode, 234 Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, 37, 148, 176 Metaphysics, and esthetics, 23 Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig, 25, 77, 100 Minimalism, 35 Minouchkine, Ariane: 1793, 196 Modern art, 25, 109; function of, 7; evolution of, 9; unity of, 9; paradoxical duality of, 10; as liturgy, 13; and Mannerism, 26; and academicism of language, 39 Modern literature, function of, 7 Modern-style, in architecture, 56, 77, 91 Moix, Ana Maria: Julia, 246 Moles, A.. 93, 147: Psychologie du Kitsche, 241 Mondrian, Piet, 2 Morin, Violette, 30, 243 Morris, Desmond: The Human Zoo, 247 Mousike, 13, 180, 247 Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus: Сosi fan tutti, 213; Don Giovanni, 213;The Magic Flute, 213 Music, 26, 44 Myth: Greek, 153; Huichol, 153; and the middle class, 215 Naturalism, 50, 233, 239, 248; in the Renais­sance, 40, 233-34; literary, 57-58 Neher's principle, 190 Neocapitalism, 76, 110 Neoclassicism, 52, 55, 78; in architecture, 33, 53; and academicism, 62, 91 Neoformalism, 76, 80, 109-11 Neogothic style in architecture, 56, 92 Neohistoricism in architecture, 32,80,92,109 Neomedievalism in architecture, 56, 93 Neoplasticism, 59 Neopositivism, 60 Neorationalism, 85, 90, 109 Neorealism, in cinema, 30 Neo-Romanesque, 92 Neufert manual, 86-87 Neurath, Otto, 232 Nietzsche, Friedrich, 6, 51-52, 62-67, 69, 71, 76,107,120,152, 157, 161,188,210,221, 240; his definition of Greek tragedy, 64-67; his theory of art as play, 66; as appearance, 66; ambiguity of, 65-67; puritanism of, 65-67; Der Musik als Suplement der Sprache, 63; The Birth of Tragedy, 63; The I N D E X 260 Nietzsche, Friedrich (Continued) Gay Science, 12, 63, 244; Thus Spake Zarathustra, 64; Twilight of the Idols, 238 Nouveau roman, 31 Nouvelle vague, 30 Novalis (pseud, of Friedrich Leopold Harden­berg), 55 Novel, 31-32 Occam's razor, 77 Oedipal relationship, 226-27 Oldenburg, Claes, 119-20, 135 Open Theater, the: America Hurra, 195 Organicism, 56, 75 Ortega y Gasset, José, 6 Orwell, George, 231 "Panic" theater, 192 Panofsky, Erwin, 239 Pareto, Vilfredo, 254 Pareto's law, 213 Parliamentary politics, 29-30 Paz, Octavio, 70, 236, 252 Perrin, C.: With Man in Mind, 242 Phenomenology, 37 Piaget, Jean, 207 Picasso, Pablo, 15, 59, 117, 147, 178, 192, 208 Piero della Francesca, 130, 171 Piscator, Erwin, 162, 172, 178, 188-94; Rasputin, 191 Planchón, Roger, 180, 196 Plato, 64,69,130,145,149, 152,156,158-59, 234, 240, 246; Phaedrus, 48; Philebus, 48; Symposium, 48, 238 Platonism, 64; its critique of tragedy, 64; its critique of art, 145 Plutarch, 160 Poetics, 16; of effort, 46-48, 51; of violence, 186 Polanyi, Karl: Primitive, Archaic and Modern Economies, 236, 243 Popart, 5,33,36,48,91, 119-20, 147-48, 199 Popper, K. R., 136 Portoghesi, Paolo, 33 Positivism, 56-57 Post-structuralism, 226 Poulantzas, Nicos A., 254 Power, institutional, 226-28 Pradines, Maurice, 44 Praxiteles, 154 "Primitive" cultures, 7 Principle of immanence, 60 "Prison" literature, 32 Prochansky, R. et al.: Environmental Psychology, 242 Proletariat, 6 Proletarianization of professionals, 6 Proust, Marcel, 7, 20, 62, 76, 132; A la recherche du temps perdu, 67-70 Psychoanalysis, 45 Puritanism, 2, 62-73, 79, 115-16, 120, 125, 178, 197, 215, 219, 238-39, 246; and the modern artistic sensibility, 2, 25; as linear thinking, 9; in artistic tradition, 9; and "good taste" 43-45; as artistic utilitarian­ism, 45-51; of content, 52-58, 76; of form, 52-62, 76 Quénétain, T. de, 88, 241 Radcliffe-Brown, Alfred Reginald, 253; Struc­ture and Function in Primitive Society, 254 Raphael, 59 Rationalism, in architecture, 32, 77-78, 82, 84, 90, 95-97, 99, 111 Rauschenberg, Robert, 135 Realism, 17, 21-22, 193, 233; socialist, 50 Reformation, 225 Reich, Wilhelm, 14, 38, 188, 210 Renaissance art, 20, 75, 84, 92, 104, 124; idealism as framework of, 62 Revolution, 16, 184; problem of defining, 4; and esthetics, 44 Rhetoric, as approach to art, 16 Richards, 1. A., 181 Riegl, A., 22; La industria artística tardorromana, 243 Rimbaud, Arthur, 51 Robbe-Grillet, Alain, 199 Rococo architecture, 53 Romano, Giulio, 104 Romanticism, 12, 49-50, 55, 58, 62, 67, 75, 115, 130, 195 Rosenberg, Harold, 217 Rossi, A., 33, 85 Rousseau, Jean Jacques, 217; On the Origin of Language, 247 I N D E X 261 Roy, С.: L'Histoire en histoires, 253 Rubert de Ventos, Xavier: El arte ensimismado, 82, 240; Self-Defeated Man, 245; Teoría de la Sensibilität, 7-8, 233, 236, 238-39, 241, 244-45, 249-50 Rubin, Jerry, 217-18 Russell, Ken, 142; The Devils, 31, 174 Sade, Marquis de, 213 Saint Jerome, 251 Saint Vincent Ferrer, 155 Saint-Simon, Claude Henri, 78 Sánchez Ferlosio, Rafael, 107 Santayana, George, 44 Sappho, 153 Sartre, Jean Paul, 38, 52, 58, 141, 148, 201, 239; Critique de la Raison dialectique, 184, 235 Scarlatti, Domenico, 66 Scheler, Max Ferdinand, 242, 254 Schelling, Friedrich von, 55 Schiller, Friedrich von, 55, 62-63, 66, 246 Schizophrenia: and art, 140; as private my­thology, 186 Schlegel, August Wilhelm von, 55 Schöffer, N„ 52, 135 Scholasticism, 59 School of Barcelona, 85 Schopenhauer, Arthur, 221 Schumann, Robert, 55 Seawright, J., 35 Semantics, 14 Semiology, 93-94 Semper, Gottfried, 22 Semprün, Jorge, 30 Seneca, 159 Sennett, Richard, 97-98, 200;The Fall of Pub­lic Man, 251-52; The Hidden Injuries of Class, 252; The Uses of Disorder, 242, 252 Servius and Sabbatibi: Pratica di fabbricare scene e machine nei teatri, 171 Shakespeare, William, 31, 142, 174 Shulz, C. N.: Intentions in Architecture, 246 Simmel, Georg, 21, 28, 97, 100, 141, 149, 185, 247, 254; Brücke und Tur, 241; Me­tropolis and Spiritual Life, 253; Philosophie des Geldes, 235; Soziologie, 253 Situationism, 223 Skinner, В. F.: Beyond Freedom and Dignity, 230 Slater, Philip, 43, 98, 208-9, 213;andBennis, Warren G., The Temporary Society, 244 Smith, Morris, 33 Social protest, 217 Social relations, as context of art, 11 Social realism, 50 Sociology, as approach to art, 16; and esthetics, 23 Socrates, 65 Solon, 160 Sombart, W., 46, 254 Sommer, R., 87; Personal Space, 242 Sontag, Susan, 147 Sophocles, 240 Soufflot, Jacques, 53 Souriau, Etienne, 82 Stage: the Greek, 162-66; Hellenistic, 163-66; Roman, 166-69; Rococo, 169, 171-72; Romantic, 169, 172; Neoclassical, 169, 173-74;Renaissance, 170; Italian, 171,174, 191, 196; Elizabethan, 172, 176; Spanish, 172, 176; medieval, 172-73; modern, 176-203; and the Church, 179-80 Stein, David, 147 Stravinsky, Igor : Musical Poetics, 252 Structuralism, 37, 50, 59-62; its failure to account for change, 6; its principle of imma­nence, 60 Style, 8, 26, 36, 80, 113-14; its relationship to context, 15; and art, 21; internal change in, 23; external change in, 24; "primitive" 25; fashion, 123-24 Subjectivism, 248 Suprematism, 59 Surrealism, 4, 15, 70-71 Systems analysis, 86-90 Taine, Hippolyte Adolphe, 57 Tapies, Michel, 25, 217 Tavel, R.: Gorilla Queen, 196 Technology, 80, 126, 128, 130-31; and art, 35-36; miniaturization, 81;automation, 81; computers, 135-36 Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre, 38 Teatro del Sole, 172 Theater: as "double-entry" spectacle, 152, 158, 177; as spectacle, 158; Elizabethan, I N D E X 262 Theater (Continued) 172; medieval, 172-73; Spanish, 172-75; Neoclassical, 173; modern, 176-203; "dis­tancing" in, 188-90; and cinema, 197-98; as ephemeral, 197-98; new, 198-203 Theater of the absurd, 26, 30, 152,177-79,198 Theoretical models, 1, 4; practice of, 3; as prognostication, 5; "identity crisis" in, 5; their contingency on fact, 5 Thespis, 160 Thibon, G., 247; What Ails Mankind?, 235 Tierno Galván, Enrique, 249 Time, concept of in Proust, 68-70 Tinguely, Jean, 143 Titian, 59 Tolstoi, Leo, 246 Tönnies, F., 253; Die Sitte, 254 Totzil language, 153 Touraine, Alain, 159 Toynbee, Arnold: A Study of History, 246 Tragedy, 72, 239; as antipuritan, 63; Aris­totelian evaluation of, 64; Platonic critique of, 64; Greek, 64-67, 151, 154, 188, 240, 248; Greek, origin of, 155-62; asmetaspecta-cle, 156-57; Greek, role of chorus in, 157, 192, 248; pathos in, 160, 184; Greek, role of thiasos in, 162, 194, 203 Trotsky, Leon, 121 Uccello, Paolo, 130, 171 Ulm school, 86 Urbanism, 85, 97, 200, 239; modern, and breakdown of civic culture, 28; as assault on the sense, 28; and urban planning, 94, 124; its relationship to theater, 150-51, 160 Valéry, Paul: L'Idée fixe, 245 Vargas Llosa, Mario, 32-33, 142; Los cachorros, 246 Variety Theater, the, 249 Vasarely, Victor, 134-35 Vázquez Montalbán, M., 37, 251 Vaugelas, Claude Favre de, 53 Vega Carpió, Lope de, 31, 142, 174, 176 Venturi, R., 33, 79, 98-100, 143, 241, 243 Vilar, Jean, 152, 177, 179-80, 182, 192, 195 Vietnamese War, 77 Vivaldi, Antonio, 55 Volonte, Gian Maria, 31 Wagner, Richard, 66 Wallich, Henry Christopher: The Cost of Freedom, 230 Warhol, Andy, 134, 145; Heat, 31 Watzlawick, R. et a].: Pragmatics of Human Communication, 246 Webb, Philip, 56, 93 Weber, Max, 28,45fWirtschaftgeschichte, 235 Weiss, Peter, 30, 194 Welles, Orson, 147, 197 Wilde, Oscar, 84 Winckelmann, Johann, 53 Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 15, 113; Philosophical Investigations, 14 Wolfe, Tom, 37 Work ethic, 45-47, 77 Wright, Frank Lloyd, 82 Wycherly, R. E. :How the Greeks Built Cities, 248 Yerkes, R., 98 Young, La Monte, 143 Zola, Emile, 57; Le Roman Expérimental, 58
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