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Volltext:Index Abstract Expressionism, x, xii, 19, 103, 126 Acconci, Vito, 123 Acting, 24-25 Actions, 49 Adventures of Augie March, 177 Aesthetic choices, 36-39 Aesthetic distance, 11, 12 Aesthetic predicates, 27, 28, 29, 30 Aesthetic preferences, 192—93 Aesthetic qualities, xi Aesthetics: eighteenth-century invention, 11—12; not part of the essence of art, 31 Analytical Philosophy of History, xiv Anderson, Laurie, 133 Appearance, two senses of, 129 Arakawa, 13, 177 Aristophanes, 6. Aristotle: on catharsis, 129-30; on mimesis, 98; on poetry and history, 150-54; Rhetoric, 104 Art: as dangerous, 4; and evolution, 195-97; and philosophy, 118, 125; as reason philosophy was invented, 12; war with philosophy, 12 Art history; models of, 114, 203-9; philosophy of, xiii, xiv Artificial selection, 188, 190-91 Artist, the, 189-90 Artist, as priest, 133 Artists, breeding and selection of, 192, 196, 200, 210 Art market, xv Assemblage, art of, 110 Auden, W. H., 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 19 Authority, and surface interpretation, 50-53 Avant garde theater, 119 Bayreuth, 133 Beauty, 13, 27-31, 124; sense of, 29, 36 Berkeley, George, 25 Bernini, Gianlorenzo, 87, 94 Bible-as-literature, 137-38 Bildungsroman, 110 Blake, William, 145 Bomb, 123 Borofsky, Jonathan, 121 Bramante's Tempietto, 40 Brancusi, Constantin, 33 Breeding, 192-193; see also Artists, breeding and selection of 212 INDEX Brille Box, ix-x, 172, 173, 178-80 Brushstrokes, 95 Buck Rogers, 83 Bullough, Edward, 11 Burden, Chris, Deadman, 123 Burkardt, Jacob, 19 Calder, Alexander, 94 Calisher, Hortense, cited, I Camera obscura, 130 Carnap, Rudolph, 163-64, 166, 167, 168, 171, 172, 178 Charles VII, 49-50 Chinese art, and perspective, 90, 93 Christianity, 178 ChuangTzu, 141; cited, 47 Cimebue, 92 Clouds, 90, 93, 94 Club, the, X, xii Cogito, 110 Cohen, Ted, 34 Collage, 118 Comic strip artists, 88-89 Concrete poetry, 118 Content, 25, 27 Coppêlia, 94 Cord automobile, 83 Criticism, 209 Croce, Benedetto, 101, 106 Crucifixions, 120 Cubism, 109, 206, 208 Dada, 132 Daedelus, 94 Dale Loves Sophie to Death, 175 Darwin, Charles, 188, 189, 190, 191, 195, 197 Darwin, Erasmus Alvey, 197 David. Jacques-Louis, 118 Deconstruction, 137, 168-69 Deep interpretation, 50-53, 62, 63, 66-67, 202-3; see also Authority and surface interpretation; Interpretation. Definition of art, 169 Defoe, Daniel, 172 De Kooning, Willem, 102, 104, 109 Derrida, Jacques, 160, 168 Descartes, 151, 156; see also Meditations Destabilization, 118 Dew, Robb Forman, 175 Dewey, John, 182 DiChirico, Giorgio, 109 Dickens, Charles, 181 Dickie, George, II, 33, 34, 35 Dionysiac rites, 128, 132 Discontinuities, 108, 201-2 Disenfranchisement, of art by philosophy, xiv-xv, 4, 7, 128 Disinterest, 9, 193 Disneyland, 94 Disturbation, 119-21 Disturbing art, 131 Divination dia kleodon, 53—55 Drawing, 200 Duchamp, Marcel, 25, 31, 169, 170; on aesthetic delection, 13; Fountain, 14-16, 32-35, 39, 41, 45; "In Ad­vance of the Broken Arm, " 31, 42-43; La Marieé mise a nue, 42; L.H.O.O.Q., 124-25, 152; Readymades, 33-34 Duquesnoi, Francois, 41 Eisler, Kurt, 66 El Greco, 30, 102, 104 Eliot, George, 176-79; philosophy of literature, 180—86; Letter to Lady Lonsonby, 185 Embodiment, 181-86; see also Incarnation Emergence, 197 End of art, 111 End of history, 111-13 Enthymemes, 147 Ephemeralization, 9 Essay Concerning Human Understanding, 182 Evolution, theory of, ix, 190, 191, 197, 202 Expression, 102-7; its limits as a theory of art, 107-8, 109 Fairytales, 120 Faulkner, William, 48, 50 Fauves, 100, 103 Feelings, 101-2, 103 INDEX 213 Feminist literature, 110 Fiction, 174-75 Fictive reference, 142-45, 150 Final solutions, 167, 195 Flaubert, Gustave, 148-49, 175 Formalism, 206 Foucault.Michel, 202, 203 Fountain, see Duchamp "Fountain, " as defined by encyclopedia, 41 Frege, Gotlob, 149, 178-79, 181 Freud, Sigmund, 15, 17; as deep interpretation, 58, 61 Frye, Northrup, 145 Future, of art, 82, 106, 208-9 Galton, Francis, 197 Gass, William, 184 Geisteswissenschafften, see Humansciences Giacometti, Alberto, 102 Gibbon, Edward, 156 Giotto, 87, 92 Godwin, Gale, 155 Golub, Leon, 119-21, 124 Gombrich, Ernst, 30, 86, 89, 90, 146-47, 198-99 Goodman, Nelson, 143-44 Gothic architecture, and scholasticsm, 201 Goujon, Jean, 41 Grafltti, 32 Graves, Nancy, 121 Greer, Germaine, 12 Guernica, 3 Hamilton, Richard, 42 Hamlet, 20, 148 Hand, and eye, 199 Hegel, George, xii, xiv, 4, 7, 9, 15-16, 17, 59-61, 83-86, 107-15, 155, 204, 207; on the end of art, 83-86, 107- 15; history of consciousness, 15-16; model of art history reconstructed, 204-7; Phenomenology, 110, 113; on philosophy, 17; on reason, 59, 61 Heidegger, Martin, 24, 81, 104, 127 Held, Al, X Herodotus, 156 Hidden Hand, 191 History; as central to identity of art works, xi, 196-98; and philosophy, 150-55 History of art, philosophical structure of, xii History of science, 104-5 Holography, 92, 93-95 Hokusai, 91 Horror movies, 120 Humansciences, 49, 51, 53, 60-61, 63, 66 Hume, David, 152, 171 Husserl, Edmund, 183 Iconoclasm, 127, 128 Iconodules, 127 Iconology, 201-2, 207 "Idea, " as used by George Eliot, 177, 178 Idealism, 165 Images, 127, 128 Impressionism, 117, 206 Incarnation, 177-80, 181; see also Embodiment Indiscriminable counterparts, 173; see also Philosophical method Inner-Outer distinction, 51 Institutions of the art world, 84-85, 115 Intentions, and interpretation, 66 Interest, 9; see also Disinterestedness Interpretations, xii; as constituting artworks, 39-46; see also Deep interpretation Intertextuality, 145-50 Ion, 6 "Is" of artistic identification, 44-45 Isomeric texts, 175 Isomers, 170, 179 James, William, 171 Japanese art, and perspective, 90 Jarry, Alfred, 122 Jeffreys, Richard, 165 Joachim of Flores, 84-85 Joan of Arc, 49 214 INDEX Johns, Jasper, x, 121-22, 128 Journal métaphysique, of Marcel, 172 Journal of the Plague Year, 172 Kallman, Chester, 2 Kant, Immanuel, 9-11, 110, 151, 194 Keats, John, 5 Kepler, Johannes, 37 Kinetic sculpture, 94-95 Kledons, 54-58, 62 Kojève, Alexandre, cited, 112 Koran, 137 Kuhns, Thomas, 86, 139, 202 Lacan, Jacques, 59 Lady Vanishes, The, 20 Langer, Susanne, x Language, limits of, 98 Lao Tzu, 98 Lawrence D. H., 6 Leonardo, 64-66, 83, 146, 187-88 Lessing, Gotthold, 28 Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 59 Lichtenstein, Roy, 169, 171 Linde, Ulf, 42 Linguistics controversy, in Soviet Union, 18 Literature, and the humansciences, 150; see also Philosophy and literature Literature-as-mirror, 156 Locke, on the natural light, 159, 182, 206 Logic, The Theory of Inquiry, 182 Logical Investigations, 183 Logical Positivism, 163-64 Loran, Erie, 177 Louis, Morris, 67 Lyell, Sir Charles, 197 Lysis, 182 McGowan, Alec, 25 Magic, 126-27, 131 Malevich, Kasimir, 132 Malthus, Thomas, 197 Mandel, David, 187, 197, 203, 205 Manet, Edouard, 147 Mann, Thomas, 157-58 Manship, Paul, 41 Maria Mazurka, 152-53 Marquart, Odo, 43 Matisse, Henri, 100-1 Mark, Thomas, 95 Marx, Karl, 112—13, 114 Marxism, 17, 18, 19, 56—57, 203; as deep interpretation, 56-57 Materialism, 60 Meditations, 160, 182, 183 Medium, 24, 25 Medium of representation, 91-92 Meno, 182 Metaphor, 155, 158-59, 180 Middlemarch, 150 Mimesis, 122, 198 Mimetic theory of art, 24 Minimalisms, 126 Mobiles, 118 Moby Dick, 177 Moore, G. E., 138 Modern art, as style, 205-8 Moral vocabulary, 29 Movie houses, 130-31 Moving pictures, 87-88, 92, 99, 118, 206; as crisis for painting, 118 Museums, 119 Muybridge, Eadweard, 148 Natural kinds, 170-71 Natural selection, 191 Nausea, 172 Neo-Expressionism, xiii Newman, Barnett, x; cited, 69 Nietzsche, Friedrich, 7, 128-29, 132, 133, 159, 166-67, 189; on metaphor, 159; Thus Spake Zarathustra, 166-67 Obscenities, 122 Oldenburg, Claes, 169 Op art, 126 Ordinary language philosophy, 167-68, 183 Origen, 137-38 Origin of Species, The, 189 Ozick, Cynthia, 174-75 Panofsky, Erwin, 200-8 INDEX 215 Pareto, Vilfredo, and deep interpreta­tion, 57, 60, 61 Pepys's Diaries, 172 Perceptual equivalences, 117 Periods, 158 Perspective, 87, 89-94, 199, 200-8 Petrarch, 54 Phenomenology, 183 Philo, 137 Philosophical forms, 167 Philosophical method, 172-74 Philosophical papers, 138-40, 142 Philosophical problems, form of, 151-52, 170-71 Philosophical texts, 160-61; as em­bodying their ideas, 181-84 Philosophical writing, 140-42 Philosophies of history, xii, 59—60, 105, 111-12; as deep interpretation, 59-60 Philosophy, problem of its identity, 167 Philosophy and art, 4, 5-7, 165, 169, 173-74, 181, 185-86, 209; warfare between, 5-7 passim Philosophy and literature, vii, viii, passim, 181, 185-86 Picasso, 3, 105 Piero da Vinci, 187-88, 190, 191 Plato, xv, 5-8, 9, 15, 16, 113, 121-22, 182, 183, 194, 195 Pleasure, 11, 24 Pluralism, xiii, 114-15, 210 Poe, Edgar Allen, 138 Pop Art, xiii, 19 Popper, Karl, 164, 190 Positivism, 8; see also Logical Positivism Post-historical art, 83, 85, xv Post-impressionist art, 104 Postmodernism, 210 Pozzo, Andrea, 93 Progress, in science and art, 86-91, 99-100, 102 Proust, on acting, 25 Proust-Reader, the, 157 Punctuational equilibrium, 202, 203, 206 Puns, 58 Purposiveness-without-specific-purpose, 9-10 Quine, W. V. О., 43-44, 143 Quixote, 156-57 R, 145, 148, 149, 150, 157 Raimondi, Marcantonio, 147 Rainwater, William, 37 Raphael, his Madonna della Sedia, 146-47 Rauschenberg, Robert, x, 93, 124 Readers, 140-41, 154, 159-61, 180, 184 Referential fallacy, 145, 157, 158 Reid, Alasdaire, 175 Relativism, 23, 46, 210 Reproductive isolation, 195 Republic, portrait of the artist in, 6, 182; see also Plato Rhetoric, and art, 21, 190 Ricoeur, Paul, 54 Rimbaud, Arthur, 124 Robida, Albert, 82-83 Rockefeller Center, 83 Rorty, Richard, 8 Rousseau, Henri, 208 Russell, Bertrand, 6 St. Augustine, 53 St. Ignatious Loyola, 93 St. Paul, 178 Sandler, Irving, x Santayana, George, 11, 141, 174 Santo Leone Pietromontana, 65 Sartre, Jean-Paul, 5, 25, 205 Saxo Grammaticus, 175 Schelling, Friedrich, 209 Schema, 148 Schönner Brunnen of Nuremberg, 41 Schopenhauer, Arthur, 10, 23-27, 30, 31, 203; on genius, 23-27 Schwartzkogler, Rudolph, 123 Science fiction, 83 Scientific creationism, 190 Scientific texts, 161 Secondary extensions, 143—44 Semantical theory, 143-45, 154 Shadows, 91 216 INDEX Shakespeare, William, 148 Sibyl of Cumea, 165 Silas Marner, 176-79 Silvers, Anita, 3 Socrates, 6, 7 Song of Songs, 146 Sontag, Susan, 44-45 Spengler, Oswald, 105-6 Spirituality in art, 208 Steinberg, Leo, 147; see also Santo Leone Pietromontana Stolnitz, Jerome, 11 Stoppard, Tom, 148 Structuralism, 58-59 Suffering, 120 Superman, 189, 191 Surrealism, 54, 132 Swann's Way, 130 Symbolic forms, 200-8 Symposium, 182 Synge, J. M., 124 Talbot, Fox, 130 Texts, 48-49, 149 Theater, 129-31 Token materialism, 60-62 Tragedy, 128-29 TYansfiguration of the Commonplace, 21, 172 Transparency theory of art, xi, 27-30 TLumbell, John, 147-48 Hicker, William, 85 Universality, 154 Van der Rohe, Mies, 175 Van Gogh, Vincent, 208 Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication, 194 Vasari, Giorgio, 86, 90, 198, 201, 203 Verdi, Giuseppi, 124-25 Verifiability Criterion, 164—65, 178 Verstehen, 51—52 Vertov, Dziga, 207 Vico, Giambattista, 59 Video, 131 Virtuosity, 95 Vivas, Eliso, 11 Vonnegut, Kurt, 54 Wagner, Richard, 133 Warhol, Andy, ix-x, 32, 37-38, 169, 172 Wartofsky, Marx, 30 Watteau, Antoine, 49 West, Benjamin, 146-47, 154-55 West, Elinor, 1 Williams, Ellen, 28 Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 8, 86-87, 168, 183 Wolfflin, Heinrich, 197 Woman, as Fair Sex, 12-13 Wordsworth, William, 145-46, 147 Yeats, William, 1-2, 3, 5, 10 Yee, Chiang, 100 Ubu Roi, 122, 123 Zayas, Mario de, 81
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