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Volltext:NAME INDEX* Academia Vitruviana in Rome 39 Academy, French, in Paris (founded 1635) 317, 342-344, 348-349, 399 Academy, French, in Rome (founded 1666) 283, 318 Academy, Harlem 251 Academy, Madrid 211-212, 309 Academy of Architecture in Paris (founded 1671) 317, 396, 415^116 Academy of Painting and Sculpture in Paris (founded 1641) 317, 326, 332, 396-398, 400- 406, 416, 420 Academy of Sciences in Paris (founded 1666) 415, 422 Academy, Neapolitan 69 Academy, Platonic, in Florence (founded 1462) 34, 42, 44, 69, 98-111, 162, 337, 417, 455 Academy, Roman 69 Academy, St. Luke's, in Rome 336 Academy, Venetian 69 Achillini Gianfiloteo, Italian poet (1466-1538) 71 Acker man G. 207 Adam C. 373-374 Adam of Fulda, author of a treatise on music (15th c.) 27 Addison J. XIX, 433 Adrian VI, Pope (pontificate 1522-1523) 155 Aesop, Greek writer of fables (6 th c. B.C.) 187 Agucchi Msgr. G.B., author of a treatise on painting (1570-1632) 281, 283, 312 Ailly Cardinal Pierre d\ Chancellor of Paris University and theologian (1350-1420) 25 Albani Francesco, Italian painter and decorator (1578-1660) 251, 278, 407 Albert the Great, philosopher and theologian (c. 1193-1280) 64 Albert the Saxon, philosopher (d. 1390) 24 Alberti Leone Battista, Italian architect, sculp­tor, painter and humanist, author of treatises on art (1404-1472) 8, 22, 33-34, 38-39, 47-48, 50, 52-54, 57, 61, 69-70, 79-99, 105- 107, 114, 119, 127, 130, 144, 146-147, 198- 199, 204, 211, 247, 291, 330-331, 371, 402, 455 Alciati Andrea, Italian lawyer, author of a collection of Emblemata (1492-1503) 222, 224, 226 Alexander of Aphrodisias, commentator on Aristotle (c. 200 A.D.) 43 Alexander the Great 400 Alexander VI Borgia, Pope (pontificate 1492- 1503) 74 Algardi Alessandro, Italian sculptor (1602-1654) 407 Aliotti, Msgr., correspondent of Michelangelo 143, 148 Allen W. D. 240, 278 Alphonse V of Aragon, King of Naples (d. 1458) 69 Alsted Johann Heinrich, encyclopaedist (1588— 1638) 320-321 Altdorfer Albrecht, German painter (1480-1538) 250, 255 Ameyden Dirk van, correspondent of V. Gius-tiniani 283 Ammanati Bartolomeo, Italian sculptor and architect (c. 1511-1592) 209 Ammirato Scipione, Italian writer and historian (1531-1601) 166 Anaxagoras, Greek philosopher (c. 500- 428 B.C.) 54 André Yves-Marie, French Jesuit, philosopher. * The names of authors, editors and translators active after 1700 are given in italics. 460 NAME INDEX author of Essai sur le Beau (1675-1764) 422, 429-432, 437-438 Andrea del Sarto (Andrea d'Agnolo), Italian painter (1486-1531) 407 Andrea di Salerno (Sabatini), Italian painter (c. 1480-1545) 116 Aneau Barthélémy, French writer on emblemo-logy, author of Picta poesis (7-1561) 224 Angelico Fra (Giovanni da Fiesole), Italian painter (1387-1455) 50, 61 Antal F. 28, 47 Appelles of Colophon, Greek painter (4th c. B.C.) 105, 308 Arcimboldo (Arcimboldi) Giuseppe, Italian painter active at the Habsburg court (c. 1527- 1593) 254-255 Argan G. C. 90 Aristotle of Stagira, philosopher (384-322 B.C.) XX, 3, 16, 38, 40, 42-45, 61, 69, 75, 84-85, 87, 98-99, 144, 146, 153, 158, 162-164, 166- 167, 170, 172-173, 175-178, 202, 210, 212, 235, 276, 284, 292, 305, 331, 342, 344, 348, 356, 361, 369, 389, 446 Argyropoulos, Greek scholar, translator of Aristotle (15th. c) 98-99 Aristippus of Cyrene, philosopher (c. 435- 355 B.C.) 74, 78 Ariosto Lodovico, Italian poet (1474-1533) 173, 354, 360 Armingaud A. 264 Arnauid Antoine, French philosopher, co-author of a book on logic (1612-1694) 363 Artevelde Jacob de, leader of anti-French uprising in Flanders 11290-1345) 24 Athenaus (Atenaios) of Naucratis, Greek writer (2nd-3rd c. A.D.) 53 Aubignac François Hédelin d\ French critic and dramatic theorist, author of Pratique du théâtre (1604-1676) 343-345, 351, 358-359 Augustine St., philosopher and theologian, Bishop of Hippo (354-430) 15, 40-41, 211, 320, 431 Averlino Antonio, see Filarete Averroes, Arabian philosopher (1126-1198) 44, 163, 175-176, 187 Bacon Francis, English philosopher (1561-1626) 18, 22, 224, 297, 303-305, 307-308, 312, 326, 370, 456 Bacon Roger, English philosopher and scientist (c. 1210-c. 1294) 53 Badius Ascensius Jodocus, Paris printer, pub­lisher and humanist (1462- c. 1535) 164 Baïf Jean-Antoine de, French savant and Pleiade poet (1532-1589) 261 Bainton R. H. 36 Baldinucci Filippo, Italian historian, critic, archaeologist, friend and biographer of Bernini (1624-1696) 324-325, 327-330, 406, 453-454 Baltrusaitis J. 254 Balzac J. L. Guez de, French writer (1597-1654) 361, 372 Bandinelli Baccio (Bartolomeo di Michelan­gelo de Brandini), Italian sculptor (1493— 1560) 434 Barbari, Jacopo de, Italian painter and graphic artist (c. 1440- bef. 1516) 247 Barbara Daniele, Italian commentator and translator of Vitruvius (1513-1570) 39, 193, 200 Barbaro Ermolao, Italian philologist, translator of Plutarch's De Iside et Osiride (1453-1493) 206, 217, 225 Bardi Giovanni de, co-founder and patron of the Florentine Camerata (1534-1612) 238 BarocchiP. 155, 193, 212-216, 221 Bartoli Daniello, Italian Jesuit, scholar and author of treatises (1608-1685) 384 Batllori M. 386 Batory Stephen, King of Poland (1533-1586) 183 Batteux 416 Baudouin J., French scholar, publisher of Alciati's Emblemata (7-1650) 226 Baumgardt F. 282 Baumgarten A. 290, 371 Bayle Pierre, French writer and philosopher (1647-1706) 430 Behn I. 79 Bell A.F.G. 141 Bellay Joachim du, French poet and theorist of the Pleiade group (1522-1560) 261-263, 267, 269 Bellini Giovanni, Italian painter (1430-1560) 407 Bellori Giovanni Pietro, Italian art theorist and biographer (1615-1696) 152, 158, 280- 281, 318, 332-333, 336-337, 339-342, 406, 428, 441 NAME INDEX 461 Bembo, Cardinal Pietro, Italian cleric, diplomat, humanist, historian and poet (1470-1547) 70, 73, 119-121, 123-124, 200, 203, 256 Benesch O. 249, 251-252 Benivieni Girolamo, Italian writer, poet and humanist (1453-1542) 119, 124 Bergström I. 253 Bernard of Clairvaux, Cistercian theologian and philosopher (1091-1153) 235 Berni Francesco, Italian poet (1497-1535) 166— 167 Bernini Gian Lorenzo, Italian architect, painter and sculptor (1598-1680) 22, 226, 315, 323- 328, 407, 415, 453 Bessarion, John, Greek cardinal and diplomat, writer and scholar (1395-1472) 42, 67, 69, 100 Bialostocki J. 91, 198, 336, 396 Bianchi R. 216-217 Biderman Jacob, Jesuit dramatist (1578-1639) 392 Binchois Gilles, Flemish composer of the Bur­gundy School (c. 1400-1460) 233, 235 Biondo Michelangelo, Italian art theorist, author of the treatise Delia nobilissima pittura (16th c.) 192-193, 204 Blondel J. F. 423 Blondel Nicolas François, French architect and theorist of architecture (1618-1686) 415-419, 420, 423-424 Blunt A. 22, 79, 157, 192, 333, 415 Boccaccio Giovanni, Italian humanist, short story writer and poet (1313-1375) XIX, 2-9, 11-12, 28, 29, 85, 229 Boethius, philosopher, writer and statesman (c. 480-525) 211, 236, 298, 332 Boehme Jacob, German theosopher and mystic (1575-1624) 255 Boileau-Despréaux Nicolas, French poet and critic (1636-1711) 268, 344-345, 347, 350, 359, 363, 397, 399, 428 Bolgar R. R. 256 Bonaventure (Giovanni di Fidanza) St., Italian cardinal, theologian and philosopher (1221— 1274) XX, 15 Bonnefon P. 363 Borghini Raffaele, Italian art theorist, author of II riposo (1541-1588?) 192, 209 Boromeus (Borromeo Carlo), Archibishop of Milan, theologian (1538-1584) 209, 277 Borromini Francesco, Italian architect (1599- 1667) 315, 325 Bosanquet B. XVII, 22 Bosse Abraham, French scholar, graphic artist and theorist of art (1602-1676) 397-398, 410 Bossu René le, French Jesuit writer and critic (1631-1680) 343 Bossuet Jacques Bénigne, French writer, the­ologian and preacher (1627-1704) 347 Botticelli Sandro Filipepi, Italian painter (1414-1510) 34, 50, 134, 140, 206 Bouhours Dominique, French Jesuit writer and critic (1628-1702) 388, 393-394 Boulanger 269 Bousquet J. 152, 157 Boxel Hugo, philosopher, correspondent of Spinoza 369, 380 Bramante Donato, Italian architect (c. 1444- 1514) 39, 47-48, 50, 54, 56, 112-113, 116, 118, 147, 200, 323 Bray R. 22, 350 Bremond H. 287 Brigand G. 152, 157 Brinkschulte E. 178 Briseux Charles Etienne, French architect and architectural theorist, author of treatises on architecture (1680-1754) 417, 420-421, 423, 427 Brockhaus H. 53 Bronzino Angiolo (Angelo di Cosimo di Ma­riano), Italian portraitist (1503-1573) 156— 157, 193, 196 Broussard J. F. 324, 328 Brueghel Jan, Flemish landscape painter (1568- 1625) 254 Brueghel Pieter the Elder, Flemish genre and landscape painter (1525/30-1569) 251-255 Brunelleschi Filippo, Italian architect and sculptor (1377-1446) 39, 47-49, 54, 75, 90, 114, 116, 200 Bruni Leonardo, Italian humanist, scholar, historian and translator of the classics (1369-1444) 69, 72, 76-77, 104 Bruno Giordano, Italian philosopher of nature (1550-1600) 18, 163, 183,284,287-289,312 331, 422 Brunot F. 267 Bruyne E. de 22 Buck 78 462 NAME INDEX Budé Guillaume, French humanist and Hellenist (1468-1540) 222 Buonamici F., Italian commentator on Aristotle (16th c.) 166 Buonarroti, see Michelangelo Burckhardt J. 33, 135, 322 Burger F. 39 Bussy-Rabutin Roger, French writer and soldier (1618-1693) 348 Caccini Giulio, Italian composer, singer and lute-player (c. 1550-bef. 1618) 238 Caesar 73, 348 Cailler P. 333 Calepino Ambrosio, Italian scholar (1435-1511) 222 Calvaert Denys, Dutch painter (1545-1615) 251 Calvin John, religious reformer (1509-1564) 249 Calvisius (Seth Kallwitz), German musician, astronomer and poet (1556-1615) 240 Camerata, Florentine, group of musicians (from around 1600) 238-239 Campana A. 66 Campanella Tommaso, Italian philosopher and social thinker (1568-1639) 45, 163, 165, 169, 183 Canisiano, correspondent of Ficino 105 Capriano G. P., author of a work on poetics (16th c.) 165, 171, 176-177, 186, 274-275 Caramella S. 124, 441 Caramuel de Lobkowitz Juan, Spanish bishop, general and polymath (1606-1682) 212, 388 Caravaggio Michelangelo Merisi, Italian painter (1573-1610) 278,280-283, 312, 323, 396-397, 404, 407 Cardani Girolamo, Italian mathematician and philosopher (1501-1576) 158-161, 277, 284, 323, 390, 454 Carducho Vincent, Italo-Spanish painter and art theorist (1570-1638) 317 Carpaccio Vittore, Italian painter (1455-bef. 1526) 50 Carraci the, Agostino (1557-1602), Annibale (1560-1609) and Lodovico (1555-1597), Italian painters, founders of the Bologna School 278, 280-283, 312, 323, 331, 333, 404 Casa Giovanni della, Italian humanist, cleric and politician, author of the treatise on manners, Galateo (1503-1556) 383 Casati C. 254 Cassirer K. 20, 415 Cassou J. 386 Castellini G. Zaratino, publisher of Ripa's Iconologia (17th c.) 223, 230-231 Castelvetro, Lodovico, Italian writer, philol-ogian and literary theorist, author of a treatise on poetics (1505-1571) 165, 167, 169-170, 173, 176-177, 180-183, 189-190, 275, 285, 309, 333, 446 Castiglione Baldassare, Italian writer and diplomat (1478-1529) 117, 119-123, 143, 202-203, 304, 383-384, 457 Cavalcanti Giovanni, correspondent of Ficino 101 Cavalieri Tommaso, friend of Michelangelo 149 Cellini Benvenuto, Italian goldsmith and sculptor, author of treatises on art (1500- 1571) 72, 193, 195 Cennini di Drea Cennino, Italian painter and theorist of painting (c. 1370-c. 1440) 28-29, 31, 52, 88, 273 Cervantes de Saavedra Miguel, Spanish writer (1547-1616) 252, 278, 309, 312-313 Cesariano Cesare, Italian publisher and com­mentator on Vitruvius (1483-1541) 39, 119, 122, 193 Chamard H. 261 Chambers W. 305 Champagne Philippe de, French painter (1602- 1674) 398 Chantelou Paul Fréart de, correspondent of Poussin, diarist of Bernini's travels about France (1609-1694) 325-327 Chapelain Jean, French poet, critic and literaty theorist (1599-1674) 268, 342-345, 347-349, 351-353, 355, 361, 428 Charles VII of France (1403-1461) 233 Charron Pierre, French humanist and moral philosopher (1541-1603) 327-328, 454 Chasles P. 268 Chastel A. 99, 104, 157 Chevalier J. 367 Chrysippus, Stoic philosopher (3rd c. B.C.) 74, 78 Chrysoloras Manuel, Greek scholar active in Italy (c. 1350-1415) 87 Churriguera José, Spanish architect (c. 1650- 1723) 315, 388 Ciardi R. P. 207 NAME INDEX 463 Cicero, Marcus Tulius, orator (106-43 B.C.) 2, 39-40, 67, 69-70, 73, 89, 214, 235, 256, 272, 332 Cicognara L. 322 Cigoli Cardi Lodovico da, Italian painter, sculptor and architect (1559-1613) 291 Clark K. 79, 91, 127 Clements R. J. 141, 222, 261 Coeberger Wenzel, Dutch painter, author of a treatise on painting (1561-1613) 251 Colbert Jean-Baptiste, French statesman (1619— 1683) 317-318, 415, 422 Colonna Francesco, Italian Dominican writer, author of Hipnerotomachia Poliphyli (1432— 1527?) 53 Colonna Giovanni, Bishop of Lombez, friend of Petrarch (d. 1341) 8 Comanini Gregorio, Italian cleric, author of a treatise on painting, II Figino (16th c.) 192-193, 209, 254-255 Coornhert Dirk, Dutch engraver, poet, drama­tist, philosopher and translator of the Stoics (1522-1590) 252 Copernicus Nicholas, Polish astronomer 9, 42, 165, 287 Cordemoy, French architect and theorist 423 Corneille Pierre, French dramatist (1606-1684) 268, 317, 342, 344-346, 348, 351-352, 356- 357, 415, 436, 457 Correa Thome, Portuguese poet and grammar­ian active in Italy, commentator on Horace and author of a treatise on poetics (1537- 1595) 165, 171, 176, 187 Correggio Antonio Allegri, Italian painter (c. 1489-1534) 208, 281, 407 Cort Cornelis, Dutch engraver active in Italy (1536-1578) 195 Cortesi (Cortese) Paolo, Italian writer and Ciceronian (1465-1510) 256 Coussemaker E. de 235, 241 Coxie Michel, Dutch painter (1499-1592) 251 Cranach Lucas, German painter and graphic artist (1472-1553) 249 Crane R. S. 177 Crates of Pergamum, Stoic theorist of poetry (3rd and 2nd c. B.C.) 456 Crivelli Carlo, Italian painter (c. 1430-c. 1495) 51 Croce B. 391, 444 Crousaz Jean Pierre de, French mathematician and philosopher, author of Traité du Beau (1663-1750) 422, 429-434, 437-439 Cousin V. 366, 372 Daniello Bernardino, Italian philologist, com­mentator on Petrarch and author of a treatise on poetics (?—1565) 165, 170 Dante Alighieri, Italian poet (1265-1321) 2,4-5, 8, 27, 37, 67, 85, 128, 196 Danti Vincenzo, Italian sculptor and theorist of art (1530-1576) 192-193, 195, 197-199, 201- 202, 204, 207, 215-216, 275 Davenant William, English poet and dramatist (1606-1668) 370, 381 Dédévan C. 264 Degas E. 399 Deimier Pierre de, French writer (1570-c. 1618) 342, 349-350, 385 Delbene Bartolomeo, Italian poet active in France (15I4-?) 176 Demetrius of Phalerum, theorist of poetry and rhetoric (c. 350-280 B.C.) 393 Democritus of Abdera, philosopher (c. 460- 370 B.C.) 54, 198 Denores Giasone, Cyprian philosopher and writer active in Italy, author of a treatise on poetics (7-1590) 165-166, 184 Després Josquin, composer of the third Dutch school active in Italy (c. 1450-1521) 233 Descartes René, French philosopher and mathe­matician (1596-1650) 18, 22, 240, 316, 342, 361-363, 368-375, 384, 422, 428, 437, 456 Desportes Philippe, French poet (1546-1606) 267 Destouches Néricault Philippe, French dram­atist (1680-1754) 1 Dietterlin Wendell, German painter, architect and graphic artist (1550-1599) 254 Dietzenhofer (Dientzenhofer), family of German architects from Bawaria 315 Diogenes Laertius, doxographer (2nd to 3rd c. A.D.) 332 Dionysius, the Pseudo-, see Pseudo-Dionysius Dionysius the Carthusian (Denys the Carthu­sian), scholastic (14th and 157th c.) 27 Dodge Barton E. 325 Dolce Lodovico, Italian theorist of painting (1508-1568) 57, 166, 176, 192-193, 197, 199 201-202, 204, 206-207, 214-215 464 NAME INDEX Dominichino (Domenico Zampieri), Italian painter, pupil of the Carraci (1581-1641) 251, 280, 407 Donahue K. 342 Donatello (Donato di Betto Bardi), Italian sculptor (1386-1466) 48, 54, 90 Doni Antonio Francesco, Italian writer and theorist of art (1513-1574) 192-193, 199 Dubos Jean-Baptiste, French scholar and litera­ry critic (1670-1742) XIX, 429, 433-437, 439-441, 457 Du Cange Charles, French scholar and historian (1610-1688) 273 Du Colombier P. 339-340 Dufay Wilhelm, Flemish composer of the Bur­gundy School (c. 1400-1474) 233, 235 Dufresne Raphael, Paris publisher of the writ­ings of Leonardo da Vinci (17th c.) 126 Duhem P. 135 Dunstable John, English composer (1385-1453) 233, 235 Dürer Albrecht, German painter and graphic artist (1471-1528) 235, 244-251, 253, 256- 259, 275, 304, 308, 333-335, 348, 404, 407 Dvorak M. 152 Einstein A. 232 Eitelberger R. 22 Ellenius A. 332 Elzevir, the family, Dutch publishers and printers (1538-1712) 316 Elizabeth, Princess, daughter of Henry IV of France (1602-1644) 362, 374 Elizabeth I of England (1533-1603) 277 Erasmus of Rotterdam (Gerhard Gerhards), Dutch philologist, philosopher and huma­nist (1467-1536) 236, 249-250, 256, 259, 316 Erdmann J. E. 381-382 Ernout A. 273 Errard Charles, French painter (1570-1635) 229 Este, Italian princely family 37 Eurypides, tragic poet (480-406 B.C.) 357 Eyck Jan van, Dutch painter (c. 1390-1441) 26, 61, 251 Faberio Lucio, author of a necrologue for Agostino Carracci 281 Faenger W. 253 Fairchild A. H. R. 299 Falke J. von 30 Fasola G.N. 60, 155 Fazio Bartolomeo (Facius), Italian humanist (1400-1467) 71, 76 Fechner G. T. 421 Félibien André des Avaux, French historio­grapher, architect and art theorist (1619— 1675) 324, 331, 333, 336, 396-399, 403, 408-410, 453 Fentzel Gregory, German engraver and alle-gorist (mid 17th c.) 229 Ferdinand I of Aragon, King of Naples (1423— 1494) 234 Festugière J. 103, 121 Ficino Marsilio, Italian philosopher and huma­nist (1433-1499) 33, 38, 44, 69-70, 72, 80, 98-99, 120-121, 145-146, 183, 227, 283-284, 331, 334 Filarete (Antonio Averlino), Italian sculptor, architect and art theorist (c. 1400-1469) 52- 53, 56, 59, 114, 116, 273 Filelfo Francesco, Italian philologist, Hellenist and humanist (1398-1481) 68-70, 72, 76, 80 Firenzuola Agnolo, Italian writer (1493-1543) 70, 201, 216-217 Firpo L. 169, 183 Fischer K. 305 Floris Cornelis (de Vriendt), Dutch sculptor and architect (1514-1575) 253 Floris Frans, Dutch painter (1516-1570) 251 Folkierski W. 319 Fontaine A. 22, 336, 396 Foppa Vincenzo, Italian painter, author of a treatise on painting (c. 1478-1553) 53, 56 Forcellini E. 272 Fracastoro Girolamo, Italian physician, astrono­mer, philosopher, poet, author of the first monograph on general poetics (1478-1553) 165-166, 171, 176, 186 Francesca Piero della, Italian painter and art theorist (c. 1410-1492) 51-54, 57, 60-61, 80, 144, 204, 211, 291, 398, 446 Francesco di Giorgio Martini, Italian painter, sculptor, architect and art theorist (1439- 1502) 114-115 Franchi Jacopo, author of De excellentia et nobilitate delineationis 195 NAME INDEX 465 Francis de Sales, St., French preacher, mystical writer and theologian (1567-1622) 277 Francis I Valois, King of France (1494-1547) 126 Franck Sebastian, German humanist (1499- 1542) 255 Franz G. H. 254 Fréart de Chambray Roland, French architect and theorist of architecture (7-1676) 195, 229, 274, 327, 335, 397-398, 403-404, 410 Fresnaye Vauquelin, see Vauquelin Fresnoy Charles Alphonse du, French painter and writer (1611-1665) 274, 397-400, 403, 411 Friedländer M. J. 252 Friedländer W. 152 Fuhse F. 245 Pustel de Coulanges N. D. 433 Gaddi Agnolo, Italian painter (c. 1350-1396) 28 Galilei Vincenzo, Italian composer, lute-player and musical theorist (c. 1520-1591) 236, 238-239, 291 Galilei Galileo, Italian physicist, astronomer, and philosopher (1564-1642) 42-43, 127, 146, 238, 284, 290-292, 326, 454 Gantner J. 127 Garin E. 68, 104 Gauricus Pomponius, Italian philologist, com­mentator on Horace and author of a work on poetics and sculpture (c. 1482-1530) 51, 53—54, 56-57, 59-60, 118, 164 Genoude A. E. de 379 Gentile da Fabriano, Italian painter (1370-1427) 36, 50 Gentile G. 444 George of Trebizond, see Trapezuntius Gfroerer A. F. 294 Gheyn Jacque de, Flemish painter and engraver (1565-1615). 229 Ghiberti Lorenzo, Italian goldsmith, sculptor and art theorist (1378-1455) 8, 33, 51-54, 56, 58, 90, 114 Ghirlandaio Domenico (Domenico di Tommaso Bigordi), Italian painter (1449-1494) 50 Giehlow K, 225 Gilbert K. E. 22 Gilio G. A., Italian theorist of painting (16th c.) 192-193, 196, 209 Giorgione (Giorgio da Castelfranco), Italian painter (1476-1510) 112-113, 120, 123 Giotto di Bondone, Italian painter and architect (1266-1337) 7-9, 26, 35 Giraldi Cintio Giambattista, Italian writer and literary theorist (1504-1573) 166-167, 177 Giraldi Lelio Gregorio, Italian writer, literary theorist and humanist (1479-1552) 166, 169, 175, 184-185 Giulio Romano (Pippi), Italian painter and architect (c. 1499-1546) 198, 404, 407 Giustiniani Vincenzo, patron of the arts, friend of Caravaggio (d. 1637) 282-283, 312 Glareanus (Henry Loris from Glarus), Swiss humanist and theorist of music (1488-1563) 236-237, 242 Goclenius Rudolph, German philosopher and scholar, author of Lexicon Philosophicum (1547-1628) 319-321 Goldzius Hendrik, Dutch painter and graphic artist (1558-1617) 229 Gombrich E. H. 106, 152, 158 Gôngora y Argote Luis, Spanish poet (1561— 1627) 385, 388 Gonzaga, Italian princely family 80, 183 Gordon D. J. 226 Gosse E. 267 Gosson Stephen, English dramatist (1554-1624) 298 Godfrey (Godefroi) of Vinsauf, author of a treatise on poetics (b. 1249) 260 Gournay Maria de, French writer (1566-1645) 348 Graciân y Morales Baltasar, Spanish Jesuit writer on morals (1601-1658) 317-318, 386- 389, 392-393 Grasso B., Italian theorist of literature (16th c.) 166, 171, 185 Gravina Gian Vincenzo, Italian lawyer and man of letters (1664-1718) 433, 441-444, 446-449 Greco El (Dominikos Theotokopoulos), Spanish painter of Greek origin (1541-1614) 152, 317 Grifoli G., Italian literary theorist and commen­tator on Horace (16th c.) 165, 167, 176 Grinten E. v. d. 404 Grotius Hugo, Dutch Lawyer, diplomat and philosopher (1583-1645) 252, 256, 316 Grünewald (Neithart Gothardt), German paint­er (c. 1470-80-1528) 245, 250, 255 466 NAME INDEX Guarini Giovanni Battista, Italian poet (1538- 1612) 171 Guasti C. 190 Gurlitt C. 322 Guido of Arezzo, Benedictine musicologist (c. 1000-1050) 235 Habsburgs the 254, 316 Hallays A. 421 Hamann R. 33 Hauser A. 32 Hautecoeur L. 421 Heckscher W. S. 222 Hegel G. W. F. 361 Heindrich E. 245, 256-259 Heinsius Daniel, Dutch humanist (1580-1665) 316, 344, 350 Hempel E. 61 Henry of Hesse, Ockhamist philosopher (1325— 1397) 24 Henry IV of France (1553-1610) 251, 266, 278 Herbert of Cherbury, English philosopher, religious thinker and historian (1583-1610) 252 Hermogenes of Tarsus, Greek orator, rhetorician and theorist of rhetoric (2nd to 3rd c. A.D.) 57 Herrera Juan de, Spanish mathematician, engineer and architect (c. 1530-1597) 211, 315 Hesiod of Asera, poet (c. 700 B.C.) 430 Heydenreich L. H. 127 Highet S. 256 Hincks R. 283 Hirschberger J. Hobbes Thomas, English philosopher and po­litical theorist (1588-1679) 18, 318, 361, 369-371, 381, 428, 437 Hocke G. R. 391 Hoefnagel George, Flemish painter (1547-1600) 253-255, 278 Holbein Hans the Younger, German painter (1497-1543) 250, 255, 404 Hollanda Francesco da, Portuguese writer on art, author of Dialogos em Roma (16th c.) 141-144, 147-148, 274 Holt E. G. 22, 337-340, 412 Homer 128, 263, 284, 356-357 Horace, Roman poet (65-8 B.C.) 1, 8, 16, 38, 69-72, 77, 89, 162, 164-165, 168, 170, 173- 176, 178, 183, 196, 210, 261, 263, 284, 325, 328, 342, 344, 356, 399 Hugh of St. Victor, theologian and philosopher (1096-1141) 320-321 Hus Jan, Czech religious reformer and writer (1369-1415) 24 Iamblichus, neo-Platonic philosopher (4th c. A.D.) 100 Ilg A. 22, 53, 322 Ivanoff W. 273 Ivan the terrible, Tsar of Russia (1530-1584) 183 Jacob de Artevelde, see Artevelde Jacob de James W. 20 Jamnitzer Christoph, German goldsmith, en­graver and decorator (1563-1618) 254-255 Janitschek H. 86, 98 John of Garlande, author of the treatise Poetria nova (1195-c. 1272) 28, 260 John of Jandun, Averroist philosopher (d. 1328) 25 John of Muris, theorist of music (14th c.) 27, 235 Jones Inigo, English architect (1572-1652) 226 Jonson Ben, English dramatist (1573-1637) 226 Jouanny C. 337-339 Julius II, Pope (1443-1513) 116, 155 Junius Adrien, Dutch physician and scholar, translator of clasical writer (1512-1575) 316, . 318, 332-333, 335, 404 Kant /. 201, 361, 366 Kelso R. 166 Kepler Johannes, German astronomer (1571— 1630) 42 Kieszkowski B. 40, 99 Kilian Lucas, German engraver (1579-1637) 229 Kitchin G. W. 308 Klonowic Sebastian Fabian, Polish poet (c. 1545-1602) 275 Koch C. 254 Kochanowski Jan, Polish poet (1530-1584) 275 Krantz E. 361, 403 Krautheimer R. 52, 53, 90 Kristeller P. O. 36, 40, 44, 66-67, 99, 284, 416 Kuhn H. 22 Kurz O. 322 NAME INDEX 467 La Bruyère Jean, French writer (1645-1696) 286, 368-369, 379-380 La Fontaine Jean, French poet (1621-1695) 345, 347, 352, 356 Land J. P. N. 380 Landino (Landini) Cristoforo, Italian humanist (1424-1492) 56, 69, 71-72, 99 Lanfranco Giovanni, Italian painter, pupil of the Carraci (1582-1647) 407 Lange K. 245 Laprade A. 421 La Rochefoucauld François, French writer (1613-1680)367-368,379 Lasso Orlando di, Flemish composer (1532- 1594) 111 Latini Brunetto, Italian scholar, writer and political figure (c. 1220-1294) 69 Le Brun Charles, French painter (1619-1690) 195, 397-398, 400, 402, 404, 406, 412 Le Clerc Sébastien, French graphic artist (1637— 1714) 420, 422, 427 Lee R. W. 71, 280, 331 Legrand F. C. 254 Leibniz Gottfried Wilhelm, German philosopher and mathematician (1646-1716) 371, 381— 382, 430 Leo X, Pope, see Medici the Leonardo da Vinci, Italian artist and scientist (1452-1519) 22, 34-35, 41, 47, 51, 53-54, 79-80, 112-114, 117, 120,123, 126-145,147, 151, 198, 277, 291, 404, 407, 446 Leone Ebreo (Jehudah Abrabanel), Jewish physician and writer active in Italy (c. 1465- c. 1535) 120-121, 124-125, 284 Lhotsky A. 25 Lionardi A., Italian writer (16th c.) 166, 176 Lippi Filippino, Italian painter (c. 1457-1504) 50 Lipsius Justus, Flemish philogian and scholar (1547-1606) 236, 316 Livy (Titus Livius Patavinus), Roman historian (b. 59 B.C.) 73 Lochner Stephan, German painter (7-1451) 61 Lohmüller H. 22, 396 Lomazzo Giovanni Paolo, Italian painter and art theorist (1538-1600) 192-194, 199, 203- 204, 207-208, 218-219, 278, 281, 334 1 ombardi Bartolomeo, Italian man of letters, commentator on Aristotle's Poetics (16th c.) 164-165, 169, 185 Lope de Vega Felix, Spanish poet and play­wright (1562-1635) 278, 309-310, 312-313 Lopez R. S. 36 Louis XIII of France (1601-1643) 266, 317 Louis XIV of France (1638-1715) 317-318, 406, 415 Lourdoueix Lelarge J. H. de 379 Louvois François Michel Le Tellier, French statesman (1641-1691) 317 Lübke W. 322 Lucian of Samosata, orator and man of letters (2nd c. A.D.) 80, 99 Lucretius (Titus Lucretius Carus), Epicurean philosopher (95-55 B.C.) 67 Ludovici 328 Ludwig H. 126 Luther Martin, German religious reformer (1483-1546) 240 Macchiavelli Niccolö, Italian political philos­opher and historian (1469-1527) 34 Mc Mahon A. P. Ill, 136 Macrobius, Roman writer and grammarian (4th and 5th c. A.D.) 5 Moderno (Maderna) Carlo, Italian architect (1566-1629) 315 Maggi Vincenzo, Italian writer, commentator on Aristotle (1528-1564) 164-165, 169, 173, 185 Magrini A. 217 Mahon D. 280, 331, 336 Malatesta, Italian princely family 37, 80 Malebranche Nicolas, French philosopher (1638-1715) 264, 367-368, 378-379, 429 Malherbe François, French poet and critic (1555-1628) 260, 266-268, 271, 309, 312, 345, 348, 365 Mallé L. 96-98 Mambrun Pierre, French Jesuit, professor of rhetoric and theology, writer of Latin poetry (1600-1661) 343, 352 Mander Carel van, Dutch biographer of paint­ers (17th c.) 251 Mandowsky E. 223 Manetti Gianozzo, Italian humanist and po­litical figure (1396-1459) 71, 75-76. Mansart François, French architect (1598-1666) 415 Mansart Hardouin Jules, French architect (1646-1708) 317 468 NAME INDEX Mantegna Andrea, Italian painter and graphic artist (1431-1506) 50, 120, 123 Manzi G. 126 Marino (Marini) Giambattista, Italian poet (1569-1625) 278, 342, 385 Marlowe Christopher, English dramatist (1564- 1593) 278 Marsilio of Padua, theologian and statesman (12757-1343?) 25 Marsilius of Inghen, philosopher and theolo­gian (d. 1396) 24 Martini Simone, Italian painter (d. 1344) 8, 53 Marty-Laveaux C. 356 Marzot G. 387 Masaccio Tommaso, Italian painter (1401-1428) 50, 90 Mascardi Agostino, Italian historian, professor of rhetoric (1590-1640) 333-334 Matthew of Cracow, lawyer, theologian and philosopher (c. 1330-1410) 25 Matthew of Vendôme, author of a treatise on poetics (born c. 1130) 27, 260 Maximilian Habsburg 28, 236 Mazzarini Giulio, French statesman of Italian origins (1602-1661) 317 Medrano Juan de Espinoza, Peruvian writer and cleric (16327-1688) 388 Medici the, Florentine family of bankers and princes : Cosimo the Elder (1389-1464) 69, 98-99 Leo X, Pope (1475-1521) 70, 117, 155 Lorenzo the Magnificent (1448-1492) 73, 99 Mary, Queen of France (1573-1642) 278,434 Meier 290 Meillet A. 273 Meiss M. 47 Memling Hans, Flemish painter (c. 1435-1494) 61, 251 Menestrier Claude François, French historian and expert on heraldry (1631-1705) 229-232 Merrifield M. 53 Mersenne Marin, French theologian, philos­opher and mathematician (1588-1648) 240, 361, 373 Mesnadière Jules de la, French physician and poet (1610-1633) 343, 345, 348, 352, 359 Mesnard P. 357 Michelangelo Buonarroti, Italian painter, sculp­tor, architect and poet (1475-1564) 22, 34, 37, 47, 112-113, 116-117, 120, 123, 135, 141-151, 156, 158, 193-196, 199-200, 202- 204, 206, 208, 210, 245, 251, 281, 404, 407, 454 Michelet J. 34 Middelburg Paul de, Dutch mathematician (1445-1534) 104 Mignard Pierre, French painter (1612-1695) 398 Migne J. P. 437-438 Milanesi G. 213 Minturno Antonio, Italian writer and humanist, commentator on Aristotle (d. 1574) 45, 163, 165, 173-174, 184 Molière (Jean Baptiste Poquelin), French play­wright (1622-1673) 345, 347, 352, 355, 385 Montaigne Michel de, French writer (1533-1592) 1, 260, 264-267, 269-271, 288, 348, 384 Montefeltro, Italian princely family 37 Montesquieu C. L. de S. 264 Monteverdi Claudio, Italian composer, the creator of opera (1567-1643) 239 Morisani O. 53, 58 Mornet D. 363 Morpurgo-Tagliabue G. 169, 327 Moser J. 322 Miinter G. 116 Muratori Lodovico Antonio, Italian historian and archaeologist (1672-1750) 441-442, 447-448 Mustoxidi T. M. 429 Nicholas of Cusa, mathematician and philos­opher (1401-1464) 38, 42, 60-66 Nicholas of Oresme, Ockhamist philosopher and scholar (c. 1320-1382) 24 Nicholas V, Pope (1397-1455) 61, 69, 79 Nicco Fasola G., see Fasola G. N. Nicole Pierre, French writer on ethics and logic (1625-1695) 349-350, 352, 363-365, 375-376, 429, 434 Nicolini F. 444 Nifo Agostino, Italian physician and philosopher (1473-1538?) 121, 165, 284 Nicomachus, ancient scholar (1st c. A. D.) 71, 77 Nowicki A. 287 Obrecht Jacob, Flemish composer (1430-C.1507) 233 NAME INDEX 469 Ockeghem Jan, Flemish composer (c.1430- c.1495) 233 Ockham William, philosopher and theologian (born bef. 1300, died c. 1350) 40, 44 Oeningen W. von 53, 59 Oldenburg Heinrich, German scientist, resident mainly in England (1620-1677) 369, 380 Orbay François d', French architect (7-1697) 421-422 Orlando Lasso di, see Lasso di, Orlando Osgood C. G. 3 Otwinowska B. 256 Pacheco Francesco, Spanish painter, writer and Theorist of art (1564-1654) 317 Pacher Michael, German painter and carver (1435-1498) 61 Pacht O. 26 Pacioli Luca, Italian mathematician, author of a treatise on proportion in architecture (c. 1445-aft. 1509) 51-54, 56, 58, 398 Padelford F. M. 166 Paleotti Gabriele, Italian lawyer, theologian and man of letters, author of a treatise on painting (1522-1597) 192, 204, 209-210, 221, 331 Palestrina Giovanni Pierluigi da, Italian com­poser (1524-1594) 112, 237 Palladio Andrea, Italian architect and archi­tectural theorist (1508-1580) 33, 39, 49, 116, 193, 200, 202, 204, 217-218 Palma Vecchio (Jacopo Negretti), Italian painter (c. 1480-1528) 195 Palme P. 71 Panofsky E. 9, 22, 99, 127, 198, 246-247, 291, 334 Paracelsus (Teophrastus Bombastus von Hohen­heim), German physician, scientist and philosopher (1493-1541) 250, 255 Parmigianino (Francesco Mazzola), Italian painter (1503-1540) 157 Parrasio Aulo Giano, Italian humanist, com­mentator on the classics (1470-1522) 164- 165 Partenio Bernardino, Italian humanist, author of a treatise on poetics (d. 1589) 165, 171, 177 Pascal Blaise, French physicist, mathematician, philosopher and man of letters (1623-1662) 347, 365-368, 376-378 Pasierb J. S. 209 Passavant J. D. 121 Passed Giovanni Battista, Italian painter and writer, author of biographies of painters (1610-1679) 404 Patrizi Francesco, Italian philosopher and man od letters (1529-1597) 163, 165, 172, 176- 177, 181, 183, 284-287, 292-294, 312, 331, 446, 456 Patterson W. F. 261, 267 Paul III, Pope (1468-1549) 72 Peckham John, English Franciscan scholastic (c. 1240-1292) 53, 135, Pelayo M. Menendez 388 Pèlerin Jean called Viator, French mathemati­cian, author of a handbook on perspective (1445-c. 1524) 245 Pelizzari A. 53 Pellegrini Matteo, Italian theorist of literature and man of letters, author of Delle acutezze 387 Pelletier du Man Jacques, French mathemati­cian, physician and littérateur, author of Art poétique (1517-1582) 262-263, 269 Pellisson Paul, French littérateur, historian of the French Academy (1624-1693) 344, 349, 358 Peltzer A. R. 406 Perchacino G. 191 Peri Jacopo, Italian musician of the Camerata group (1561-1633), 239 Pericles, Athenian statesman (499-429 B. C) 36 Perrault Charles, French writer (1628-1703) 229, 419, 422, 426-427 Perrault Claude, French architect and scientist (1613-1688) 415-422, 424-426,428^129, 432 Perrino G., addressee of poem writen by Miche­langelo 143 Peruzzi Baldassare, Italian architect and paint­er (1481-1536) 39 Petavius Dionysius, Jesuit theologian, philos­opher and historian (1583-1652) 391 Peter Lombard, Bishof of Paris, author of the Sententiae (1100-1164) 2 Petrarch (Francesco Petrarca), Italian poet and humanist (1304-1374) XIX, 2-11, 28-29, 34-35, 42-43, 68, 85, 119, 170, 201, 261, 311 Petrycy Sebastian, of Pilzno, Polish physician 470 NAME INDEX and Aristotelian philosopher (c. 1554-1622) 276 Pevsner N. 157 Peyre H. 347 Phidias, Greek sculptor (5th c. B. C.) 128 Philip II of Spain (1527-1598) 211, 277 Philip III of Spain (1578-1621) 317 Philip IV of Spain (1605-1665) 317 Philip de Good, Duke of Burgundy (1396-1467) 233 Philip Neri, St., theologian, founder of the Oratorian order (1515-1595) 277, 282 Philostratus Flavius, Sophist rhetorician (178— 248 A.D.) 332 Phocas, Byzantine Emperor (d. 610) 400 Piccolomini Aeneas Silvius (from 1458, Pope, as Pius II) Italian poet, historian, humanist and cleric (1405-1464) 68, 70, 76 Piccolomini Alessandro, Italian man of letters, commentator on Aristotle's poetics (1508- 1578) 163, 166, 169, 171-172, 186 Pico della Mirandola Giovanni, Italian philo­logist, philosopher and humanist (1463-1494) 34, 69-70, 73, 99, 119-121, 124 Pico della Mirandola Giovanni (Francesco) the Younger, Italian humanist (1470-1533) 256 Pigna Giambattista (Nicolucci), Italian writer and chronicler (1530-1575) 165 Piles Roger de, French diplomat, painter and art theorist (c. 1635-1709) 274, 324, 327, 398, 403-406, 413-414, 434, 457 Pino Paolo, Italian painter and theorist of painting (16th c.) 192, 197-198, 201-204, 211, 216 Piombo Sebastiano del (Luciani), Italian paint­er (c. 1485-1547) 117 Plato, philosopher (428-348 B. C.) XX, 5, 14, 16, 38, 40, 41-44, 55-56, 58, 63, 76, 80, 84-85, 87, 98-100, 106, 118, 146, 163, 170, 173-176, 198, 202, 211, 235, 258, 264, 271, 273, 284, 288, 296, 298, 302, 331, 334, 361, 375, 446 Plautus, Roman playwright (c. 254-184 B. C.) 67, 309 Plethon George Gemistos, Greek Neo-Platonic philosopher active in Italy (1355-1450) 42, 67, 99 Pliny the Elder, author of Historia Naturalis (23-79 A. D.) 457 Plotinus, philosopher (203-270 A. D.) 14, 16, 41, 63, 75, 87, 100, 203, 331, 456 Plutarch, Greek historian and biographer (c. 45-125 A. D.) 225 Poe A. E. 443 Poggio Bracciolini, Italian historian, man of letters and humanist (1380-1459) 67-68 Poliziano Angelo, Italian poet and humanist (1454-1494) 68-69, 71, 73, 77, 256, 454 Pollaiuolo Antonio, Italian goldsmith, sculptor and painter (c. 1430-1498) 99 Pontormo (Jacopo Carrucci), Italian painter (1494-1555) 152-160, 193-194, 196-197, 206 Porphyry, Neo-Platonic philosopher (232-304 A. D.) 100 Possevino Antonio, Italian Jesuit, diplomat and writer, author of a treatise on poetry and painting (1533-1611) 165, 183-184 Poussin Nicolas, French painter (1594-1665) 22, 226, 280, 283, 318, 323-324, 330-340, 396-398, 402-404, 406-407, 428 Proclos, Neo-Platonic philosopher (5th c.) 100 Pseudo-Dionysius, anonymous Christian writer (5th c.) 14, 41, 58, 63,100, 106, 320 Pythagoras of Samos, Greek philosopher and mathematician (570-496 B. C.) 211 Quintilian, Roman orator and writer (c. 35-95) 2, 39, 67, 69, 89, 211, 235, 332, 334, 434 Rabelais François, French novelist and huma­nist (c. 1494-1553) 260 Racan Honorât de Bueil de, French poet (1589- 1670) 266-267, 271-272, 348, 357-358, 384 Racine Jean, French playwright (1639-1699) 268, 317, 344-347, 350-352, 357, 363 Rader Fr., Jesuit philologist and rhetorician (1561-1634) 391 Randall J. H. 44 Raphael Sanzio, Italian painter and architect (1483-1520) 34, 47, 112-123, 135, 142, 145, 147-148, 151-153, 156-157, 202, 204-206, 208, 210, 237, 245, 251, 280-281, 304, 323, 331, 404, 407 Rapin René, French Jesuit writer and literary theorist, poet in Latin and commentator on Aristotle (1621-1687) 343, 348, 351, 353- 355, 359-361, 434 NAME INDEX 471 Ravaisson-Mollien F. 126 Reisch, Georg, German scholar, author of the encyklopaedia Margarita philosophica (2nd half of 15th c.) 232 Rej Mikolaj, Polish poet (1505-1568) 275 Rembrandt van Rijn, Dutch painter (1606-1669) 316, 323, 404 Reni Guido, Italian painter (1575-1642) 251 278, 280, 283, 336, 407 Ribera Jusepe de, Spanish painter (1588-1652) 283 Ricci Bartolomeo, Italian humanist and.writer, author of a work on poetics (1490-1569) 165 Ricciardo Antonio, Italian emblematist (16th c.) 223, 225 Riccoboni Antonio, Italian rhetorician and scholar, commentator on Aristotle (1541— 1599) 166 Richelet Cesar Pierre, French lexicographer (1631-1698) 453, 457-458 Richelieu Cardinal Armand Jean du Plessis, French cleric and statesman (1585-1642) 317, 344 Richter J. P. 126 Ridolfi R. 78 Riegl A. 292 Riemenschneider Tilman, German sculptor (c. 1460-1531) 250 Riley E. C. 309 Rinuccini Ottavio, Italian poet, co-originator of opera (1562-1621) 239 Ripa Cesare, author of the Iconologia 199, 223- 224, 226-228, 230-231, 275, 278 Roannez Arthur Gouffier, Duke of, sympa­thizer with Port-Royal group and friend of Pascal 377 Robbia Luca della, Italian sculptor (1400-1482) 90, 213 Robert d'Anjou, King of Naples (reigned 1309- 1343) 3 Robortello Francesco, Italian rhetorician, pub­lisher and humanist, commentator on the classics (1516-1567) 164-165, 168-170, 172, 177-178, 180, 187-188. Ronsard Pierre, French poet (1524-1585) 261— 263, 268-269, 342, 345, 348 Roquemont 141 Rossi M. 403 Rosso Fiorentino (Giovanni Battista di Jacopo), Italian painter (1494-1540) 155-157, 194 Rouchette J. 204 Rousseau J. B. 363 Rubens Peter Paul, Flemish painter (1577-1640) 283, 323-324, 328, 332, 404, 406, 434 Rudolph II, German Emperor (1552-1612) 251 254 Ruysbreck Jan, Dutch mystic (1293-1381) 25 Saint-Evremond Charles de, French writer (c. 1615-1703) 319, 349-350, 368-369, 380 Saitta G. 68 Sallustius Crispus, Roman historian (86-35 B. C.) 73 Saluzzo C. 53 Salviati Leonardo, Italian writer, grammarian, rhetorician and theorist of literature (1540- 1589) 166-167, 184 Sandrart Joachim, German painter, engraver and writer, author of a volume of biog­raphies of painters (1606-1688) 318, 406- 407, 414-415 Sandys J. E. 256 San Martino, Italian theorist of literature (16th c.) 169-170 Sansovino Andrea Contucci, Italian sculptor (1460-1529) 39 Santangelo G. 124 Santinello G. 60 Sarbiewski Maciej Kazimierz, Polish Jesuit, poet (in Latin) and writer on poetics (1595— 1640) 183, 276, 310-314, 386, 388-389, 391-392, 456 Sarrazin Jacques, French sculptor and painter (1592-1660) 358 Sassetti Filippo, Italian merchant, historian and man of letters, commentator on Aristotle (1540-1588) 166, 169, 184-185 Savonarola Girolamo, Italian preacher and evangelist (1452-1498) 34, 73-75, 78-79 Scaliger Giulio Cesare, Italian philologist and scholar, author of a work on poetics (1484— 1558) 162-163, 165-166, 169-170, 172, 176, 178-180, 188-189, 311, 342, 389, 446 Scandura S. 2 Schäfke R. 236 Schasler M. XVII Schlosser J. 22, 28, 53, 134 472 NAME INDEX Scudéry Georges de, French dramatist and prose writer (1601-1667) 348 Scudéry Madeleine de, French authoress (1607- 1701) 343-344, 358, 367 Segni Bernardo, Italian historian and man of letters, translator of Aristotle (1504-1558) Seneca, Stoic philosopher and rhetorician (c. 5 B.C.-65 A.D.) 6, 11 Serlio Sebastiano, Italian architect and theorist of architecture (1475-1554) 39, 193, 200 Seurat G., painter 292 Sextus Empiricus, Sceptic philosopher (3rd c. A.D.) 456 Sforza, Italian princely family 37 Shaftesbury A. XIX, 18, 264 Shakespeare William, English playwright (1564- 1616) 22, 252, 278, 297, 299-301, 306-307, 312, 456 Shearman J. Sidney Sir Philip, English poet (1554-1586) 297-299, 305-306, 311-312 Simplicius, Neo-Platonic philosopher, commen­tator on Aristotle (6th c.) 43 Sixtus IV, Pope (1414-1484) 54 Skimina S. 386 Sluter Claus, Dutch sculptor (d. 1406) 26-27 Sluys F. 254 Smyth C. H. 152, 157 Sobotta R. 147 Socrates, philosopher (469-399 B. C.) 288, 296, 375 Solerti A. 190 Solski Stanislaw, Polish Jesuit professor of rhetoric and mathematics (1623-1700) 372 Spencer J. R. 71, 327 Spengler O. 33 Speroni Sperone, Italian writer and literary theorist (1500-1588) 168, 173, 176, 187 Spingarn J. E. 22, 161, 370, 381 Spinoza Baruch, Dutch philosopher (1632-1677) 18, 317, 361, 369-371, 380-381, 428, 456 Sponsel J. L. 406 Stagirite the, see Aristotle Stein H. von 22, 53 Stein O. 53 Steinitz K. 127 Stokes A. 79 Stolovic L.N. 273 Straet Jan van den, Dutch painter 195 Stridbeck C. G. 252 Strunck O. 233 Stwosz Wit, sculptor of German origin active in Poland (1445-1533) 250 Suso Heinrich, German mystic and writer (c. 1300-1365) 25 Symonds J. A. 69, 148 . Tacitus, Roman historian (55-120 A. D.) 437 Tannery P. 373-374 Tardieu E. 426 Tasso Battista di Marco, Italian sculptor (1500- 1555) 195 Tasso Torquato, Italian poet (1544-1595) 22, 165, 170, 175, 181-183, 190-192, 334, 354, 360, 445, 451 Tatarkiewicz W. 291, 321, 334, 416, 418 Tauler Johan, German theologian (1300-1361) 25 Taurellus Nicolas, German physician and phil­osopher (1547-1606) 224 Taylor R. C. 212 Terence (Publius Terentius Afer), Roman playwright (c. 195-159 B. C.) 309 Tesauro Emanuele, Italian historian and man of letters (1591-1675) 318, 365, 385, 388-391, 394-395, 441 Testelin Henri the Younger, French littérateur, co-organizer of the French Academy (1616— 1695) 398, 401, 411-412 Teyssèdre B. 403, 406 Themistios, commentator on Aristotle (4th c. A. D.) 43 Theophrastus, Aristotelian philosopher (372- 287 B. C.) 284, 456 Thiegem P. van 22, 342 Thomas Aquinas St., scholastic philosopher (13th c.) 14-15, 27, 40, 81, 227, 235 Thomas à Kempis, German mystic and writer (1379-1471) 25 Thomassin Philippe, French engraver (1562- 1622) 299 Thompson D.V. 31 Thorpe C. D. 370 Tietze H. 280, 326 Tigler P. 273 Tinctoris Jan, Dutch composer and musico­logist (1446-1511) 234-236, 241 Tintoretto (Jacopo Robusti), Italian painter (1518-1594) 182. 404 NAME INDEX 473 Titian (Tiziano Vecellio), Italian painter (1477— 1576) 112-113, 208, 213, 281, 333, 404, 407 Toffanin G. 68 Tolnay C. de 252 Tomitano Bernardino, Italian physician, writer and literary theorist (1506-1576) 166-167 Tonelli G. 290 Trapezuntius George, Greek scholar (1396— 1484) from 1430 active in Italy 69, 72,77 Treves M. 273 Trissino Giann Giorgio, Italian writer and lit­erary theorist, author of a work on poetics (1478-1550) 45, 165, 174, 186 Tura Cosimo, Italian painter (1430-1495) 51 Tusiani J. 148 Tylkowski Wojciech, Polish Jesuit philosopher (1624-1695) 371-372, 382-383 Tylman of Gameren, Dutch architect active in Poland (c. 1632-1706) 316 Urfé Honoré d', French writer (1568-1625) 384 Valeriani J. P., Italian humanist and writer (in Latin), author of Hieroglyphica 225 Valla Lorenzo, Italian philologist and humanist (1407-1457), 34, 68, 70-71, 73-74, 77-78, 164, 454 Varchi Benedetto, Italian poet, historian, hu­manist and literary theorist (1503-1565) 150, 156, 159, 166, 170, 172, 176, 185, 190, 192-198, 202-204, 212-213, 291 Varro Marcus Terentius, Roman scholar (117— 26 B. C.) 2, 180 Vasari Giorgio, Italian painter and biographer of painters (1511-1574) 7, 48, 50, 133, 143-144, 148, 150, 154, 157-158, 193, 196- 197, 199, 202, 204-206, 213, 254-255, 273, 280 Vasconcellos J. de 141, 150 Vasoli C. 22, 68, 391 Vauban Sébastian French marshal (1613-1707) 317 Vauquelin de Fresnaye Jean, French writer (1536-1606) 342 Velasquez Diego, Spanish painter (1599-1660) 317 Venius Otto (van Veen), Flemish painter (1556- 1629) 328 Venturi L. 22, 28, 91, 127, 158, 282 Verga E. 127 Vermeer van Delft Jan, Dutch painter (1632— 1675) 226, 316 Veronese (Paolo Caliari), Italian painter (1528— 1588) 197 Vico Giambattista, Italian philosopher (1668— 1744) XIX, 435, 441-442, 444-447, 449-451 Vida Marco Girolamo, Italian writer and humanist, author of a work on poetics (c. 1485-1566) 164, 172, 263, 350 Vignola Giacomo Barozio, Italian architect (1507-1573) 193 Villalpando J. B., Spanish theologian (1552— 1608) 211 Viperano Giovanni Antonio, Italian writer and literary theorist (1535-1610) 163, 165, 171, 185 Virgil (Publius Vergilius Maro), Roman poet (70-19 B. C.) 6, 11, 261 Vitelo, Polish scientist and philosopher (13th c.) 15, 53 Vitruvius (Marcus Pollio Vitruvius), architect (1st c. B. C.) 1, 39-40, 48, 52, 80, 89-90, 118-119, 193, 200, 206, 211, 217, 272, 417, 422 VlotenJ. van 380 Volaterrani (Raffaele Maffei) Italian scholar (1455-1522) 54, 55 Volkman Schluck K. H. 62 Volkmann L. 225 Vossius Gerard Jan, Dutch scholar and writer (1577-1649) 316, 344, 350, 351-352 Vossler K. 2, 77, 104 Vries Vredeman Jan de, Dutch painter (1527-?) 253-255 Waetzold W. 246 Wagner 296 Wqsowski Bartlomiej, Polish architect (1617- 1687) 372 Weinberg B. 22, 166, 175, 177, 184, 187, 284, 293-294 Wilde O. 387 Wilinski S. 200 Winckelmann J. 226, 281 Winterberg C. 53, 58 Wirth K. A. 222 Wittkower R. 49, 71, 89, 116, 217, 325, 430 474 NAME INDEX Witz Konrad, German painter (c. 1400-1446) 27 Woermann K. 293 Wölfflin H. 135, 246, 323 Wiirtenberger F. 152 Yates F. A. 287 Zabarella Giacomo, Italian Aristotelian philos­opher (1533-1589) 163, 183, 284, 289-290, 311, 457 Zarlino Gioseffo, Italian composer and theorist of music (1517-1590) 237-239, 242-243, 334 Zeuxis, Greek painter (5th c. B. C.) 142, 326 Zimmerman R. XVII Zorzi F., author of De harmonia mundi totius 116 Zoubov V. 79 Zuccaro (Zuccari) Federigo, Italian painter and author of treatises on art (1542-1609) 153, 192, 197-199, 204, 208-209, 219-221, 331 Zupnick J.L. 157-158 SUBJECT INDEX* ABSTRACTIONISM: 153, 253-254 ACADEMISM: 323, 342^115 AESTHETICS: art and ae., 1-2, 27, 29, 40, 45, 51, 100, 127, 135, 141, 252-253, 260, 274-276, 315-321; medieval ae., 12-17, 19; compari­son of ancient, medieval and modern ae., 12-17, 107, 117, 281; periodization in the history of ae., 17-21, 69-70, 194, 322, 396-397, 416; classical ae., 21, 317-319, 323, 330-342, 347-353, 396, 455-456; prob­lems of ancient ae., 16-17, 34-35,45,47-50, 66-68,103, 107, 173,198, 210, 261, 263, 281, 399, 434; Mannerist ae. 30-31, 33, 151-161, 386-388; Renaissance ae. 7, 28-29, 32, 35, 37-38, 45, 112-113, 120-121, 145, 241; Baroque ae. 321-330; ae. of humanists 70-77; and Reformation 249-260; termino­logy of 28, 29, 272-276, 454-455; ae. of eclecticism 279-281; of naturalism 281-283; of classicism 155, 158, 280-282, 311-312, 317-319, 323, 330-342; subjectivism and objectivism in, 6-7, 29-30, 145-146, 247, 265, 267, 361-362, 364-367, 369-370, 372, 416-417; rationalism and emotionalism in, 145, 259, 264, 284-287, 346-347, 361-362, 364-365. See also BEAUTY ALLEGORY in poetry: 4, 9, 182,186,191,222, 228-229, 267, 343, 434, 437; in the visual arts: 195, 222, 228-229, 253, 255, 402, 434 APPROPRIATENESS ("Aptum", "Bienséan­ce"): 78, 91, 123-124, 174-175, 186-187, 203, 214, 217, 247, 258, 343, 351-352, 361, 366, 371, 398, 405, 434. See also "DECO­RUM" ARCHITECTURE: 46-47, 49, 96, 102, 111, 119, 308, 320, 342, 416-417; the conception of * Bold type is used to indicate the pages consideration. 49; theory of 48, 73, 193, 415^127; classical influence on 48, 58, 122, 305, 417, 422. See also ART, VISUAL ARTS, PROPORTION ARRANGEMENT: 70,88,94-96,101,119,124,175 ART: 13-17, 25-27, 33, 37-38, 45, 212, 337; definition of 62, 86, 111, 128, 194, 212, 227, 230,453; concept of 56-57, 61, 63-64, 81-98, 107, 113-116, 121, 128, 147, 194, 208, 288, 390, 405, 416; function of 16, 61-62, 87, 93, 143, 153-154, 205; criteria of 27, 29, 55, 61-62, 72-75, 98, 104, 112-113, 128-130, 143, 146-147, 291-292, 389-390, 401 ; Neo- Platonic conception of A. 16, 45-61, 63-64, 73-74, 87, 98-111, 120-121, 202-203, 208; allegorical understanding of 16, 81, 270; naturalist conception of 28-29, 81, 120-121, 130-131, 262-263, 266; psychologist con­ception of 40, 57-58, 98, 131-134, 207-208, 219, 241, 272, 416, 436-437, 443, 447; hedo­nist conception of 73-74, 77-78, 86, 101, 169, 172, 189, 196, 234-236; moralist con­ception of 13, 16, 74, 94-95, 102, 169, 196, 209-210, 332,437; distortion in 49,131 ; aim of 15-16, 207, 209, 211, 300, 416, 440; relativism of 179, 287-288; factors in 16, 54-55, 57, 70-75, 88-89, 93-95, 120-121, 131-132, 158-159, 201-202, 205-206, 291- 292, 304; classification of As. 13, 104, 128— 129, 171, 181, 190, 194, 275, 291-292, 319- 320, 390, 416, 440; noble and ignoble 171, 186, 274-275, 280, 396; fine As. and crafts 15, 29, 46-47, 171, 319-321, 328-329, 416; fine and liberal As. 13,46-47, 70, 76-77, 128, 240, 242,303 ; hierarchy of the As. 13, 68, 70, 128-130, 137, 160, 195-196, 207, 320, 326, 329, 359, 416; theory of A. 8, 18, 29, 35, 40, 45-47, 51, 61, 72-75, 90, 103, 112-113, 117, where the topic in question is given more specific 476 SUBJECT INDEX 126, 133, 135, 192, 202, 272-276; 396; A. and aesthetics 8, 18, 35, 51, 55, 72, 90, 102, 107, 210; model of A. 56, 73, 93, 95, 205, 330, 396, 399, 411; scope of 128, 143, 240, 440; principles of 13, 48, 56, 70-73, 95, 98, 103-104, 127, 129, 131-132, 135, 144, 155, 330, 356, 360, 399, 401, 403, 409, 427; ideas in 61-63, 65, 98,107, 111, 121,125,132, 240; canon in 14-15, 128, 132, 197, 301, 331, 417-418; and nature 7, 16, 29, 56, 61, 65, 78, 85, 91, 93, 95, 110-111, 118, 130-131, 135, 142-143, 149, 191, 196, 205, 207, 257, 295, 300-301, 306, 309, 313, 325-326, 330, 354, 372, 387, 392, 396; and reality 15-16, 56, 118, 128-129, 301, 436; and truth 16, 102, 118, 300; and science 13, 16, 28, 46-47, 51, 57, 59, 61, 78, 85,103, 118,136,194, 211, 240, 291-292, 330, 449-450; and the sci­ences 55, 59,104,135, 240,243,320-321 ; and reason 83-86, 88, 125, 139, 143-145, 243, 396, 408; and theory 18, 27, 45-58, 210, 246-248, 261-263, 396; and mathematics 57, 97, 103, 111, 145, 158, 209, 221, 231, 235-236, 398; and memory 190, 275, 362, 370,381 ; and beauty 29,58, 60-61, 81, 88-89, 118, 120, 142, 288, 306, 320, 387; and imi­tation 15, 29, 58, 95, 106, 131, 143, 198, 203-206; and poetry 8, 73-75, 104, 111, 167, 177,179, 210-211, 267, 396; and meta­phor 75, 364,376,389-391, 394-395. See also VISUAL ARTS ARTIST, the 38, 44-46, 72-73, 179; social posi­tion of 26-27, 32, 46-47, 262, 277, 401; as creator 65-66, 75-76, 86, 93, 105-106, 118- 119, 125, 136, 149, 179, 208, 215, 240, 326, 365, 408. See also PAINTER, POET ARTISTIC EXPERIENCE 57-58, 81, 127 ARTISTIC VISION 56, 63, 127, 143-144 ASPECT ("Aspectus") 334-335, 339, 350. See also PROSPECT BAROQUE: 19, 33, 182, 315, 321-330, 398; B. and classicism 282-283, 323-324, 328-329, 335-336 BEAUTY ("Pulchrum", "Pulchritudo", "Beltà", "Bellezza", -'Leggiadria", "Venustà", "Ve-nustas", "Vagezza"): definition of 14-15, 75, 88, 93-94, 100, 122, 179, 189, 202, 217, 246, 259, 320, 370, 439; essence (concept, theory, criteria) of 6, 39-40, 60, 63-65, 70-79, 88, 119, 126, 147-148, 180, 182, 201-203, 259, 265, 287, 294, 308, 368, 383, 402, 411-412, 430-431, 438, 453; as harmony 40, 75, 88, 90, 97, 100, 102, 203, 216-217, 246, 287; as quality 75, 78, 100, 124, 203- 204, 246, 288; as an objective property of things 14, 40, 95-96, 119, 137-138, 246, 330, 371; cognition and 102, 104, 109, 127, 158, 160, 202, 204, 248, 258, 265, 288, 330, 381; as the harmony of parts 40, 75, 88-89, 123-124, 137, 160, 191, 201, 204, 208, 216- 217, 287-288, 328, 330, 372, 417; as number 39, 80, 85-86, 93-95, 97, 103, 107, 124, 201, 203, 217, 359, 382; empirical conception of 80, 85, 136-137, 202, 295; source of 58, 70, 78, 105, 119, 125, 146, 201-202, 205-207, 216-219, 288, 294, 336-337, 377, 405, 423; forms of 5-6, 85, 87, 100, 293, 328, 330, 332, 337, 354; degrees of 6, 39, 373-374; value of 6-7, 29, 30, 75, 80, 86, 93, 102, 149, 206, 269; response to 288, 295, 373, 377; impact of 87, 149, 327, 374, 416; factors in 6-7, 39, 70-75, 80-81, 88-89, 119, 201-202, 206, 246, 304, 354, 365-366, 377; characteristics of 6, 7, 89, 107, 202, 265; diversity of 123, 287-288, 294-295, 365, 374, 396, 429-431; durability and immutability of 93, 191, 364, 366, 375, 429, 437; indescribability of 201, 258, 288, 371, 377; objectivity of 7, 14, 17, 40, 83, 127, 202, 371-421, 428-430; subjec­tivity of 6-7, 14, 17, 247, 265-266, 270, 288, 361, 366, 371, 373-375, 377, 380-381, 416- 421, 428-430; relativism of 14, 40, 75, 81, 265-267, 288, 295-296, 366, 375, 402, 417- 418, 428-429; B. in nature and art 13, 29, 70, 81, 93, 103, 142, 179, 197, 265, 287-288, 330, 337-338,368, 373; of the world 217-218, 294, 368; of nature 13, 16, 40, 61, 93, 123, 125, 179, 288, 306, 329, 417, 423—424; of truth 77, 307; of thought 101, 327, 387, 431 ; of opposites 294; in architecture 58, 201, 416-427; in poetry 4, 29, 75, 171, 173, 179, 265-266, 376; in art 13, 81, 123, 179, 203, 338-339; in the visual arts 70, 75, 142, 201, 203, 216, 328; kinds of 202, 231, 328, 337, 429, 437-439; absolute 65, 442; corporeal 9, 101, 105, 124-125, 203-204, 207, 288, 320, 367; arbitrary 418, 421, 425-427, 429; spir­itual^, 101, 103, 105-106, 121, 124-125, SUBJECT INDEX 150, 203-204, 207, 288, 320, 367-368, 378; ideal 334, 337, 396; supernatural 13; natural and added 58, 101, 106, 174, 186, 202-203, 266, 419; irrational 201, 371, 409, 429; calculable 432,408; convincing 418,424-425; universal 13, 201, 218; inner 100, 203; innate 75; B. and love 102, 104, 124-125, 149, 160, 288, 295, 426; and God 13, 65, 93, 106,138, 145-146, 149, 188, 201, 218, 247, 256, 259, 295; 320; and truth 5-6,170-171 ; and knowl­edge 40, 100, 102, 125, 127, 131, 137, 158, 160, 396, 402; and good 11, 107, 131, 138, 329; and art 15,100, 125, 203, 288, 299-300, 306, 320, 336, 387; and proportion 15, 40, 65, 70, 106, 131-132, 145, 201-203, 216, 218-219, 246-247, 417, 426; and imitation 72-73, 106, 170, 293, 336; and beautiful things, 77, 105, 131, 203, 366; and grace 5-6, 93, 119-120, 123-125, 131, 201-202, 216, 230-231, 304, 320, 408, 410; and liking 368-369, 380; and order 75, 125, 216, 294, 431; and rules 72-75,131-132, 201-202, 266, 304, 431; the idea of B. 109, 145, 171, 320, 336-339, 378, 431; the innate idea of B. 109, 145, 150, 202, 377-378; judgements about 5-6, 11, 70, 77, 103, 128-130, 136, 143-144, 147-148, 201-202, 204, 207, 246, 258, 265- 266, 288, 295, 330, 364, 367-368, 375, 377- 378, 387, 401-402, 431, 435; knowledge about 127, 371, 401; preparation for 402; pre-existence of 125; allegory of 227; power of 269; model of 73, 366, 377-378; names of 201, 381 ; superfluity of 201,438 ; meanings of 201-202, 438; BRILLIANCE (CLARITY, RADIANCE): 14, 62, 88-89, 97, 100, 105-107 477 CONTENT: 87-89, 260, 330, 399; in poetry 172, 176, 265 CRAFTSMANSHIP: 320 CREATION (CREATIVITY): 128,132,177, 215, 221, 241, 310-311, 325-326 CREDIBILITY: see VERISIMILITUDE CULTURANISMO: 386 DANCE THE: 179, 390 "DECORUM" (ORNAMENTATION, BECOMINGNESS, "Bienséance"): 93-97, 115, 153, 160, 174- 175, 179, 181, 190, 211, 253, 330-331, 385, 437 DESIGN, LINE, DRAWING, DRAFTSMANSHIP, PRO­JECT ("Disegno", "Circonscrizione", "Preor-dinatione"): 28-29, 57, 60, 77, 87, 89, 91, 107, 118, 134, 151, 195-196, 199, 204-205, 219-221, 330, 404; definition of 87, 199, 208, 213, 220; elements of 199, 204, 213, 219-220, 414; inner 87, 107, 144, 198-199, 203, 208, 212-213, 219-221; external 138, 199, 208, 220; and colour 214, 216 DISPOSITION: 127, 158, 167, 230, 262, 319, 333, 339, 375 ECLECTICISM: 280-281 ELEGANCE: 6, 72, 153 EMBLEMATICS: 222-232, 253, 391 EXPERIENCE: 127, 136, 158, 173, 248, 362, 374 EXPRESSION: 57, 62,155,158, 293, 333, 400, 402, 404-405, 412-413; in poetry 293; in music 232 CLASSICISM: 81, 251, 260-264, 319, 323, 328, 347-353, 433 CLASSIFICATION OF ARTS: 13-14, 45, 104, 128-129, 171, 181, 190, 194, 275, 291-292, 319-320, 390, 440 COLOUR: 57,60,75,78,84,87,100,124,132-134, 136, 139-140, 186-187, 204, 214, 216, 324- 325, 328, 332-333, 335, 367, 396, 400-101, 404, 406-407, 412 COMPOSITION (ORDONNANCE): 57, 60, 88-89, 97, 124, 204, 216, 219, 289, 401 CONCEPTISMO: 181, 199, 230, 327, 386, 391 FANTASY: see PHANTASY FERVOUR ("Fervor"): 4-5 FICTION: in poetry 9, 12, 62, 76-77, 167, 171, 176-177, 179, 186-187, 231, 261, 267-268, 303, 329, 353-354, 360, 380, 389, 394, 448; theatrical 278, 346, 357 FORM: 15-16, 27, 87-89, 118, 120, 122, 139, 146, 203, 205, 208, 211, 260, 320, 327, 330, 418, 453; closed F. 116; in poetry 5-7, 171-172, 179, 181, 184, 188-190, 265-266; intended by nature 111, 122, 131, 136, 215, 218 478 SUBJECT INDEX GOTHIC: 13,26-27, 47, 50-51, 61, 81, 122, 238, 250, 268 GRACE, CHARM ("Grazia", "Charis"): 93, 119— 121, 123-124, 131, 137-138, 151, 197, 201- 202, 206-207, 214, 304, 328, 332, 353-354, 399, 408, 453 GRANDEUR IN ART ("Grandezza"): 150, 182, 317, 354, 399, 418 GROTESQUE: 138, 253-254, 322 HARMONY ("Concinnitas"): 60,75,82,84,88-90, 94, 102, 119, 121, 151, 216-217, 330, 392; beauty as 56, 75, 94-95, 110, 123-124, 186-187, 200-201, 246-247, 288; of nature 207, 211, 288; in poetry 137, 171, 187, 365; in the visual arts 137,155, 207, 211, 217, 247, 365; in music 200, 211, 217, 232-235, 237, 241, 243 HIEROGLYPHICS: 225 ICONOLOGY: 222-232, 278 IDEA: 40-41, 102, 118, 121-122, 438; the I. of beauty 334, 438; innate I. of beauty 102, 105-106,121-122,142,149-150,202,336-339 ; I. in art 104,107,110,118,124-125,143-144, 146, 148-149, 176, 208, 211, 270, 336, 340- 342; universal I. 13, 121, 125, 151, 171, 186, 208, 340-341, 423 ILLUSION IN ART: 133, 209, 291-292, 302, 328, 436 IMAGE: 4, 101,105, 108,179, 209, 231, 258, 341, 372-373, 438, 453; as symbol 209, 222-223, 230; philosophy of 229-231, 444-445; concept of 230-231 IMAGINATION: 210, 255, 270, 307, 325, 332, 341, 361-362, 367, 370, 379, 389, 394, 448. See also INVENTION IMITATION (REPRODUCTION, REPRESENTATION, "Mimesis"): 15-16, 28, 31, 57, 72-73, 75, 83-84, 87, 106, 118, 129-130, 170, 179, 198; I. and beauty 58, 75, 97, 129-130, 142-143, 191, 336; in poetry 72-73, 129, 166, 171, 175-176, 179, 181-182, 184, 187, 196, 215, 293, 345, 350; and truth 170, 179, 293, 350; in the visual arts 28, 72-73, 129-130, 142, 158, 179, 196, 205, 215-216, 248, 326, 335, 401, 414 INSPIRATION: 72-73, 76, 104-105, 147, 168, 174, 205, 213, 267, 326 INTUITION: 81,106 INVENTION (INVENTIVENESS): 4, 9, 30, 57, 61, 86, 88-89, 130, 132, 140, 147, 171, 175, 177, 181, 207, 210, 214, 255, 269, 346, 357, 400. See also IMAGINATION JUDGEMENT ("Iudicium", "Giudizio"): J. of the eye 85, 145, 148-149, 201, 204, 207-208, 214, 221, 300, 306, 371; aesthetic J. 7, 86, 199, 201, 204, 207, 211, 216, 221, 264-265, 364, 367, 381-382, 401, 435; aesthetic J. in music 243; subjectivism of aesthetic Js. 6-7, 145, 201, 208, 349, 368, 370, 381 LIGHT, ILLUMINATION: 88, 98 LITERATURE: 11, 19, 45, 70-73, 317, 322 MANIERA, MANNER: 96, 206, 214, 283, 334, 355, 400, 411 MANNERISM: 33, 50-51, aesthetics of 51, 151— 161, 205, 209, 283, 312, 433; characteristics of 152-155; history of 152, 154-157, 194, 206; and classicism 155, 158, 194, 209, 282, 312, 319, 348, 350, 433 MATERIAL 8^-89, 91, 102, 105; in poetry 181, 188-190 MEASURE ("Misurazione", "Mode"): 85-86, 88, 199, 201, 207, 217; as a guarantee of beauty 39, 60, 81, 88, 94, 101, 132, 139, 200-201, 206, 247-248, 330, 366, 371 METAPHOR ("figures") 354, 391-392; definition of 394-395; and truth 394; art and 395 MIRACULOUSNESS ("Maraviglioso") in poetry: 285-287, 293-294, 353, 355, 360 MODEL: 59, 64-65, 73, 91, 96-97, 118, 143, 211-212, 259, 326, 366, 376-378, 399 MODERATION: 102 MOVEMENT: 132, 140, 145, 203, 327, 329, 438 Music: 46, 59, 111; conception of 232-236, 238, 240, 320, 449; theory of 232-244; purpose of 235, 239, 241, 244; criteria of 235-236, 243, 303, 371, 382; nature and art in 234, 236-238, 240; and the visual arts 46, 105, 238, 240-241, 303, 337-338, impact of 98, 105; theory and practice of 27, 235-236,238, 242,278, 320, 376; intellec­tualisai in 235-236, 238, 240; counterpoint 232, 238-239; opera 239, 278 SUBJECT INDEX 479 NATURALISM: 34,81,130-131,211,250,252-253 264, 281-283, 323 NATURE: 16, 29, 31, 122, 151, 363-364; the beauty of 13, 15, 58, 94, 122, 149, 191, 197, 213, 216, 288, 306, 336, 363-364, 399; per­fection of 15, 129, 179, 205, 256-257, 287; and art 13, 29, 34, 58, 72-73, 83-84, 90, 94-96, 103, 105, 118-119, 122, 128-131, 139, 142-143, 155, 159-160, 179, 191, 197, 205, 213, 216, 248, 265, 282, 288, 295, 300, 306-307, 309, 313, 325-326, 332, 336, 341, 354, 372, 382-383, 387, 392, 399, 407, 414; poetry and N. 29,72,129,179,298, 305-306, 309, 346-347, 350, 353 NECESSITY: 85, 95 NEGLIGENCE (EASE, "Sprezzatura"): 123-124 NOVELTY: 16, 182, 271, 358 OBJECTIVISM: of beauty 7, 14, 17, 40, 83, 127, 202, 371-421, 428; of proportions 416-421 ORDER ("Ordine", "Ordo"): 82-84, 125, 206, 211, 214, 216, 294, 330, 334, 399, 431 PAINTER THE as creator: 31, 78 84, 97, 136, 138, 159, 197, 258, 277, 296, 396, 403-404, 411, 414 PAINTING: 97-98, 151, 453; theory of 28,48-50, 61, 133, 193, 207, 209, 396-415; definition of 96, 335, 404, 413; concept of 105, 209, 321, 335, 399, 404-405, 410; principles of 48, 72-73, 97, 209, 215, 221, 335, 340, 401; elements of 97-98, 107, 133, 138, 140, 204, 208, 214, 281, 332-333, 335, 339; purpose of 97, 130-134; and poetry 28, 31, 70, 76, 128-129, 137, 181, 210-211, 216, 276, 289, 296, 325, 417; and music 128-129, 137, 325, 328, 337-338, 326; and sculpture 70, 73, 128-129, 137, 195, 207, 212-213, 230, 292, 297, 329; and rhetoric 210, 276; and nature 28,31,97,128,137,191,197,214,216, 221, 253, 399, 402; and illusion 209, 291, 303, 328; truth in 97, 136, 211, 413; judge­ments about 29-30, 70, 73, 128-130, 136, 207, 258 PERFECTION: 16, 54-55, 107, 132, 139, 197, 200, 211, 213, 247-248, 256, 327, 354, 379 PERSPECTIVE: 57, 81, 90, 132, 245 PHANTASY, FANTASY, THE FANTASTIC ("Imita-tione", "Fantastica"): 28-29, 31, 177, 201, 208, 253-255, 259, 265, 335, 354, 397, 442 PLEASURE: 176-178, 180-181, 184, 187, 190, 196, 201, 207, 210, 214, 217, 261, 303, 308, 335, 346-347, 352-353, 355-357, 362, 374- 375, 396, 405, 416, 420, 423-424, 427, 433- 434, 439 PLOT: 268, 355 POET THE, as creator: 5-6, 9, 12, 46, 78, 179, 182, 184, 186, 267-268, 271, 289, 293-294, 306, 309, 311, 313, 362, 394, 440; definition of 4, 184; tasks of, purpose of 9, 172-174, 180-181, 184, 186, 262, 294, 359, 365; merit of 77, 170, 172-174, 177-178, 180, 188, 262, 354, 445; P. and the rhetorician 172. See also ARTIST, POETICS, POETRY POETICS: medieval P. 27-28; Renaissance P. 68,161-192, 260; tasks of 161-162,172-174, 179; sources of 67-68, 76, 162, 166, 184; content of 172, 174, 179-180, 268; evolution of 163-164, 176-177; problems of 76, 161— 162, 166-167, 174, 176, 261-262; and the theory of the visual arts 70-75, 161; and logic 75, 79; seventeenth-century 342-360. See also POETRY POETRY: 28, 61, 65-66, 68, 79, 104-105; defini­tion of 3-4, 11, 104, 166, 170-172, 182, 184, 313-314; concept of 3, 68, 103, 111, 162, 173-174,180-182,189,263,285, 355; essence of 104, 182,191, 265, 268-269, 271, 284-285, 293, 355, 365, 376, 446; theory of 70, 102, 163-167, 342-345; evaluation of 6-7, 70, 75, 103, 128-129, 173-174, 265-266, 303, 313, 349; purpose (task, function) of 75, 173-174, 177-181, 262, 285-286, 302, 343, 345-346, 354; characteristics of 9, 173-174, 265, 342-343; specificity of 167-169, 176, 182, 262, 285, 302, 355; components of 163, 170-172, 176, 181, 261-262, 267, 394, 435; interpretation of 164-166, 443; psychologi­cal 175; moral-religious 173, 176-177, 182, 187, 196, 249, 349; as an aim in itself 169— 170, 173, 177; as creation 31, 76, 128, 176, 182,187, 302, 353; as art 3, 46, 70,104, 166, 353; as a form of cognition 166, 303, 309; subjectivism in 182, 288-289, 349; and truth 4-5, 9, 12, 31, 76, 170-171, 176-179, 183, 186, 188, 302, 343, 345, 350-351, 365, 442, 444, 446-447, 449-450; and the visual arts 70, 76, 104,161, 196, 276, 407-408, 440; 480 SUBJECT INDEX and reason 6, 78, 172, 187, 265, 270, 284- 285, 289, 302, 311, 349, 354, 443; and life 172, 302, 356; and science 46, 76, 299, 303; and philosophy 137, 166-168, 173, 176, 183, 289, 296, 298, 342, 355; and history 176, 181, 187, 298, 302, 306, 342, 351, 355-356; and nature 104, 182-183, 269, 298, 305-306, 353-354, 442; and natural ability 262-263, 266; and imitation 166, 168, 171, 176-177, 182, 191, 263, 284-285, 292-293, 345, 347- 349; and rules 166, 173, 183-184, 188, 192, 196, 265, 270, 289, 302, 346, 356-358, 360, 380; and beauty 4, 6, 137, 172, 182, 191, 343-344, 376; and the imagination 46, 76, 128, 166, 262, 292, 302-303, 307; and music 104, 137, 238-239, 325; and rhetoric 46, 76, 162, 172, 210, 269; and verse 164-166, 168, 171-172, 184, 261, 265-266, 268, 271, 285, 303, 374; and logic 289-290, 296; alle­gory of 4-5, 170 PROPORTION ("Commensuratio"): 14, 30, 39, 49, 50, 54, 55, 57, 58-60, 63, 65, 70, 73, 78, 81-83, 86, 88-89, 94-95, 100-101, 119-121, 131-132, 136, 145, 150, 155, 200-202, 213, 217, 231, 257, 328, 332, 417, 426; and beauty 58, 70, 105, 109, 123, 125, 132, 139, 186, 189, 191, 216, 246-247, 257, 330, 402, 417- 421, 432; objectivity of 417-421, 431-432; subjectivity of 208, 417-421; Ps. of man and of architecture 58, 207, 211, 217, 247, 257; absolute 207, 427; PROSPECT: 334-335, 339, see also ASPECT PURGATION (PURIFICATION) OF THE EMOTIONS ("catharsis"): 162, 166, 169, 175 PURPOSEFULNESS: 15 REALITY, REALISM: 4-5, 128-129, 153, 167, 175, 182, 187, 210, 251, 301, 303, 336, 448 REASON, REASONING: 6, 78, 143-145, 172, 187, 239, 243, 264, 270, 332, 349, 358, 361, 367, 375, 381, 393, 440, 443 RELATIVISM: 264-265 RENAISSANCE: 26, 32-45, 47; periodization of 17-21, 32-33, 37-38, 49-50; main features of 16, 32, 34; two Renaissances 35-37, 48; centre and phases 38-38, 50; REPRODUCTION: see IMITATION RHETORIC: 68, and painting 89, 210; and poetry 89, 210 RHYTHM: 5, 26, 88,171,179 ROMANTICISM AROUND 1600: 301, 312, 331 RULES ("Regulae", "Regola", "Règles", "Ra-gioni"): 13, 16, 131-132, 135, 155, 173-174, 179, 182-183, 189, 192, 194, 201-202, 206- 208, 215, 221, 243, 265, 289, 300-301, 309, 325-326, 330, 332, 335, 347, 360, 380, 397, 409, 420, 431, 434, 442 SCULPTURE: 48; definition of 453-454; kinds of 454; concept of 51, 73, 414-415; and painting 48, 50, 61, 127-129, 137, 195, 210, 212-213, 230, 292, 297, 326 SIMPLICITY: 304-305 STRUCTURE: 88-89 STYLE ("Stile", "Modo"): 30-31, 48, 70; Baro­que S. 141; classical 141, 334; poetic 355, 435; S. as maniera 334, 339; diversity of Ss 17, 26, 39, 120, 337-338, 417 SUBJECTIVISM: 7, 418-419, 422-423 SUBTLETY, SUBLIMITY: 159-160, 178, 336, 354, 379, 387-390, 392-394, 396, 414, 433 SYMBOL: 209, 221, 390 TALENT: 248, 261-262, 269, 350, 353, 360, 380, 420, 440 TASTE: 29, 126, 134, 149, 173, 234, 249, 266, 309-310, 334, 339, 357, 362, 364, 368, 379- 380, 396, 400, 420, 423, 440-441; natural 368-369, 375, 393; the immutability of good T. 379; and reasoning 379, 393 THEATRE: 278, 321, 357 TRUTH: 5, 13, 16, 77, 176-179, 183, 189, 197, 211, 261, 300, 332, 350, 355-356, 358-359, 365, 392, 405, 413-414, 442, 445, 447 UGLINESS ("Taedium, "Turpe"): 102, 214, 253, 362, 369, 397, 432 UTILITY, USEFULNESS: 39, 93-97, 103, 118, 176-178, 180-184, 190, 196, 210, 259, 261, 271, 346-347 VERISIMILITUDE (CREDIBILITY): 176, 178, 182, 285-287, 293, 343, 345-346, 350-351, 353- 357, 360, 407, 434, 442 VISUAL ARTS (ARTS OF DESIGN): 28, 32, 45, SUBJECT INDEX 481 48-49, 70, 73, 112; definition of 73, 215; theory of 19, 90, 192-222, 388; and nature 198, 205; and truth 196, 442; and poetry 73, 196, 210, 276, 303, 407-408; unity and diver­sity of 214-215; classification of 70; purpose, object of 208; sources of 205, 215, 330; impact of 208, 214; psychological inter­pretation of 208, 214; see also ARCHITEC­TURE, PAINTING, SCULPTURE, ART WITTICISM: 386
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