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Volltext:Index Abstract Expressionism, x, xi, 8, 23, 30- 31,74, 83, 84,98,132-35,141-42, 143,166,181-82, 184, 189, 190,197— 204, 295, 339, 341,359-60, 365 Abuse of Beauty, The (Danto), 321, 322, 325, 331-32 Adam and Eve (Beckmann), 261 Adams, John, 140, 145 Administrative Building (Richter), 184 Adoration of the Magi, The (Leonardo), 230, 231 Advertisement (Warhol), 137, 365-66 "Aesthetic Concepts" (Sibley), 329—30 aesthetics, 7-8,22-23, 45, 47, 80, 87-88, 90,124, 134,135, 139-43,163, 164, 168-69,187, 192-94,197, 245, 276, 281, 286, 288-91, 297, 298, 303-304, 321-47, 350-68 After the End of Art (Danto), 31 —32 After the Prom (Rockwell), 155, 159 Air de Paris, L' (Duchamp), 128, 330 Airplane Flying (Malevich), 256-57 ahrasia (weakness of will), 258, 328 Alberti, Leon Battista, 252 Allais, Alphonse, 251 allegory, 262,278, 307,319 Allegory of Painting (A. Gentileschi), 178 Alloway, Lawrence, 14—15 Amer, Ghada, 23 America (Warhol), 309 American, The (James), 188 American Abstract Artists, 219, 221, 223 Amour fou, L' (Breton), 167, 168 Anti-Aesthetic (Foster), 324 Antoni, Janine, 282, 361—63 Apollinaire, Guillaume, ix aquarelles, 209 architecture, 193, 303-304, 307 Arch of Titus, 314 Argininosuccinic Acid (Hirst), 56-57 Aristophanes, 122, 170, 244 Aristotle, 37, 157 Armory Show (1913), 21 Armory Show (2004), 265, 266, 267, 271 Arnolfini Wedding (van Eyck), 307, 308, 309 Arp, Jean, 30, 219 art: abstract, x, xi, 8, 22, 23, 30-31, 74, 81, 83, 84, 98, 132-35, 182, 184,187, 223, 224-25, 357-59; American, 101, 132-33, 158-59, 162,180,193-94, 221-23, 265-71, 323, 365-66; avant-garde, ix, 12, 32, 69,223, 256, 282, 321-22, 323-24, 338-41; beauty and, 87, 139-43, 167-68, 171, 189,192-93, 244, 245, 282,318,321-32, 343,350- 54, 361; commercial, 66—67, 134, 137, 138,156, 160-61, 345; contemporary, 19—20, 84-85, 181,187, 220, 241, 265-71, 286, 355-68; criticism of, xii-xiii, 3-18,39, 139-40,155, 156, 159, 180,194,196, 223, 286-87,349, 355-68; end of, xiii, 3-18, 324, 352- 53; European, 188-89, 193-94, 201, 370 Index art: abstract (font.) 221-22, 225; high vs. low, 287-91, 295, 336-37, 339, 343; history of, 12- 13,27-32, 67, 73-74, 130-31, 135, 140,169,180,187, 196,204, 256,257, 272-73, 287,288-91, 297, 299, 323, 334, 338-39,352-53; life compared with, ix—xii, 42-43, 69-70, 76, 219- 21,225, 283-84, 327-28,331,338-39, 342; morality and, 53, 129-31, 136, 142-43,177,258,261,263, 278, 297- 98,309, 322-23,328, 331, 353, 355; philosophy of, x-xi, 4-10, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18,31,47, 180, 183-84, 192-93, 279, 289, 322-23,326-30,333-47, 350-54, 360-61, 363-64, 366; plural­ism in, 30-32,33, 34, 79—80, 101 — 103, 324, 356—57; politics and, x—xi, xiii, 16-20,110-15,125-26,139-40, 144-45, 155-56, 161-62,180-82, 186-87, 222-23, 295-96,324, 343— 44, 348-54; realistic, 9-10, 33, 36-45, 166,185-86,187, 247, 252-53, 281, 307, 308; religion and, 4-5, 12, 19, 22, 23, 50-52, 81-82, 101-108,159-60, 173-74, 191-92,195-96, 252-53, 258, 288-89,307,310-15,323,352; representational, xi, 36-45, 101-103, 133, 142, 147-54, 160-61, 182, 184, 224, 324; style of, 182-83, 220-21, 276, 294; sublime and, 137, 188-96, 328, 353—54; transfiguration and transformation in, 37-38, 71, 306— 308, 310, 327, 335, 365; utility of, 153, 331-36, 342-45, 363—66; viewpoint in, 46-47, 71-73, 149-50, 152, 155- 56,190-91, 195, 291-92, 296-97, 306—308,330, 350—51; women and, 13,23,38, 39-42,47, 63-64, 67, 78- 79,104-106,117-24, 172-79,194, 200, 208, 235-36, 272-78, 282, 361- 62, 367-68; world of, 101, 107, 272, 286-87, 291 -94, 296, 335-36, 344, 345-46,356-57 Art as Idea as Idea (Kosuth), 73 ArtForum, 16, 267, 268, 280,357 Art Informel, 182, 184 Artist's Mother, The (Giacometti), 33 Artist's Shit No. 014 (Manzoni), 32 Artist's Studio, The (Courbet), 283 ArtNews, 198, 291, 292 Art of Painting, The (Vermeer), 77—78, 84 "Art World, The" (Danto), 12-13, 345— 46 Atlas (Richter), 183-84, 185, 187 Attentive Nurse, The (Chardin), 42 Auden, W. H., 241 Austin, J. L., 327-28 Autobiography (LeWitt), 93—94, 96, 99 automatism, 165, 166—67 Autumn Light (Pollock), 98 "Avant-Garde and Kitsch" (Greenberg), 32 Avedon, Richard, 272, 273 Babel, Isaac, 135, 136 Baidung Grien, Hans, 169 Balken, Debra Bricker, 136, 144, 223, 225 Balloon Dog (Koons), 300—301 Balthus, 33 Balzac, Honoré de, 118, 149, 231 banality, 286—302, 327—28 Banality series (Koons), 290, 292, 293, 298, 299,300 Banner Yet Wave (Rosen), 20-21 Barney, Matthew, 234—41, 366 Baroque art, 173-74,179, 273, 311 Barr, Alfred, 124, 222,349 Barry, Robert, 14, 15, 294 Bartscherer, Joseph, 127-28 Bashkiertseff, Maria, 332 Battle of Anghiari, The (Leonardo), 231 — 33 Battle of Caseína (Michelangelo), 232 Battle of San Remo, The (Uccello), 188 Baudelaire, Charles, 110,354 Bauer, Rudolph, 255 Baxandall, Michael, 47, 49 Beckmann, Max, 33, 258-64, 323 Index 371 Bed (Rauschenberg), x—xii Before and After (Warhol), 137 Benjamin, Walter, 65, 66 Benton, Thomas Hart, 222 Berlin Wall, 206 Betty Parsons Gallery, 189, 195 Beuys, Joseph, 31, 126, 282 Bey, Khalil, 118 Bibbiena, Cardinal, 123 Bible, 102, 103,175, 303, 310, 312, 313— 14,355 Big Bungalow Suite (Zakanitch), 210 Bilhaud, Paul, 251 bin Laden, Osama, 125-26, 128 Blac\on Blacky Painting (Rodchenko), 255 Blacky Square (Malevich), 251—54, 257 Blahnik, Manolo, 237 Blaml exhibition (1984), 339, 345 Bleckner, Ross, 309 Blue Nude (Matisse), 325 Blue Tree (Mitchell), 201 Bochner, Mel, 268, 269-70 Bombers (Richter), 185 Bonnard, Pierre, 204 Booker, Chakaia, 21 Bosch, Hieronymus, 169, 261, 285 Bossy Burger (McCarthy), 89, 90 Boucher, François, 275 Brancusi, Constantin, 217, 305, 331 Braque, Georges, ix, 161, 219, 220, 221, 245 Bra Shop, The (Currin), 275—76 Brecht, George, 338, 340, 342, 345 Breton, André, 154, 165-66, 167, 169, 171,224 Bridges, Ruby, 162 Brillo Box (Warhol), 8-9, 10, 11-13, 15, 298, 345,363-66 Bronzino, II, 278 Brooklyn Museum of Art, 53, 101 — 102, 118, 266 Brown, Jean, 279 Bunshaft, Gordon, 147—48 Buren, Daniel, 81 Burghers of Calais, The (Rodin), 148, 149 Burke, Edmund, 328 Bush, George W., 161 Cabanne, Pierre, 70, 299, 349-50 Caffin, Charles, 34 Cage, John, 12, 69-70, 71, 74, 134, 200, 335, 341, 345 Caíame, Ingrid, 22-23 Calder, Alexander, 222 calligraphy, 357-58 Calv't (Mitchell), 201, 203 Canyon (Rauschenberg), x capitalism, 16-17, 61, 113, 114-15, 184— 85 Capitalist Realism, 184—85 Caprichos, Los (Goya), 262 Caravaggio, 173, 174, 179, 278, 304 caricature, 122-23, 136, 139-46, 244- 45, 348 Carnap, Rudolph, 326 Carnival (Beckmann), 263—64 cartoons (comic strips), 133-38, 141 cartoons (preparatory drawings), 232— 33, 283-84 Castelli, Leo, 240 Caterpillar (Koons), 301 Catherine of Braganza, Queen, 209 Catholic Church, 45, 48, 106, 156, 173— 74, 226,258,310,311,312 Celebration series (Koons), 300 Cellar Duet (Roth), 284 Cellini, Benvenuto, 299 Cézanne, Paul, 22, 158, 188, 365 chandeliers, 306, 307, 308-309, 310, 312, 315-16, 320 Chaplin, Charlie, 239 charcoal drawings, 111 — 12 Chardin, Jean-Siméon, 36—43, 138 Chase Manhattan Plaza, 147—48, 154 Chef d'oeuvre inconnu (Balzac), 118, 231 Chiang Yee, 358 Child's History of Fluxus, A (Higgins), 337 Chinese painting, 134, 199, 218, 357—58 Ching-Yuan, 345-46 Cbirico, Giorgio de, 169 372 Index Christ and the Woman Talgen in Adultery (Beckmann), 261 Christ at Emmaus (Meegeren), 155 Christianity, 44-45, 47, 48, 102-103, 106,156,157, 173-74,177, 226,258, 310,311,312 Church of Mary Magdalen, 47—48 City Limits (Guston), 33 City Square (Giacometti), 148,151 Clair, Jean, 85, 91, 120 Clark, T.J, 27-28,125,130 Clearing (Mitchell), 203 Cleaveland, Moses, 316-17 Cleopatra, 57, 178 clothoidal curve, 216 Cold Mountain (Marden), 358, 361 collage, ix, 166 Colleoni, Bartolomeo, 231 Color-Field Abstraction, 30-31 Column Painting #2 (Mangold), 217 Column Painting #3 (Mangold), 217 Column Paintings (Mangold), 216-18, 269 Colvin, Sidney, 227 Combat de nègres dans une cave pendant la nuit (Bilhaud), 251 Comenius, Johan Amos, 311 Composition in Blue and Yellow (Mon­drian), 219 Concentrating on a Self Portrait as a Pharmacist (Hirst), 54-55, 58 Concept of Mind, The (Ryle), 97-98 Conceptual Art, 7, 14, 15, 73, 94-98, 293-94, 299,339, 366 "Confession, A" (Beckmann), 260 Connections to the World (Danto), 10 Conrad, Joseph, 84 Constructivism, 280-81 "convulsive beauty" 167-68 Cooke, Lynne, 115-16 Corday, Charlotte, 354 Cornell, Joseph, 345 Counter-Reformation, 48, 156, 258, 311, 312 Couple in Bed (Guston), 138 Courbet, Gustave, 118, 119, 283, 350 Cousin, Victor, 322-23 Cox, Renee, 101 — 108 Cranach, Lucas, the Elder, 175, 272, 277 Cremaster 1 (Barney), 236, 237, 238-40 Cremaster 2 (Barney), 237—38 Cremaster 3 (Barney), 236, 238—41 Cremaster 4 (Barney), 236, 238, 241 Cremaster 5 (Barney), 236, 238, 241 Cremaster cycle (Barney), 234—41 Critique of Judgment (Kant), 192, 328— 29, 350, 353 crucifixion scene, 19, 22, 87, 258, 260—61 Crumb, Robert, 141 Cubism, ix, 11, 123-24, 170, 219-25, 253, 256, 325 "Cubism and Abstract Art" exhibition (1936), 222 Cubo-Futurism, 253, 256 Cultural Gothic (McCarthy), 92 Cummings, Paul, 222 Curled Figure XIV (Mangold), 216—17 Curled Figure XXII (Mangold), 214-16 Currin, John, 272-78, 357 Cut Piece (Ono), 75—76 Dada, 169, 242, 243-44,253, 321-23, 343-44 Dalí, Salvador, 33, 164, 165, 166, 169, 170, 299,301 dance, 12, 150 Danges (Keneko), 329 Dante, 32 Darwin, Charles, 85-86 Daston, Lorraine, 128—29 Daumier, Honoré, 144 David, Jacques-Louis, 27—28, 125—26, 129, 158, 354 Death Is Irrelevant (Hirst), 56, 57 Death of Marat, The (David), 27—28, 125-26, 129,158, 354 Death of Princess Di, The (Dial), 266—67 Declaration of Independence, 349 Deconstruction, 7—8 Degas, Edgar, 123, 124 "Degenerate Art" exhibition (1937), 264 Deitch Projects, 92 Index 373 de Kooning, Willem, 81, 98, 133, 135, 142, 145-46, 190, 200, 225, 359-60 Delectorskaya, Lydia, 109—10 de Man, Paul, 359 Demoiselles d'Avignon (Picasso), 123—24, 349 Departure (Beckmann), 264 Derain, André, 33 Deren, Maya, 237 de Ritter, Willem, 347 Derrida, Jacques, 7-8 Descartes, René, 9-10, 31, 64, 68, 227, 235, 305 Descent from the Cross (Beckmann), 260- 61 Desnos, Robert, 171 Dewey, John, 7 Deyhim, Sussan, 25, 367 Dial, Thornton, 266—67 Dialogues with Marcel Duchamp (Cabanne), 299 Dibutades, 103 Dickens, Charles, 329 Diderot, Denis, 36-37, 38 Diebenkorn, Richard, 182 Dior, Christian, 26 disgust, 85-92, 129, 325, 330 Dtvtne Comedy (Dante), 32 Dix, Otto, 260, 323 Documenta exhibition (1955), 181 Dombey and Son (Dickens), 329 Domestic Tranquility (Neustein), 315—20 Domination, Marti, 237 Dominic, Saint, 304 Dondero, George, 101 Drawing for Conspirators (Guston), 136 drawings, 110, 111-13, 136, 139-46, 200, 226-33, 254-55, 277, 283-84, 285, 330 Dream, The (Beckmann), 263-64 dreams, 165-66, 168, 170, 171,263-64, 306 Dreams and Lies of Franco (Picasso), 144 Duccio di Buoninsegna, 82 Duchamp, Marcel, 12—13, 31, 70, 71, 72, 92, 96,117-18, 119,120,121,128,163, 167,169, 199,220,224,272, 280, 287, 293,296, 297,299,330,331-32,334, 341,342-43,344,345, 349-50, 351,360 Duhem, Pierre, 226, 232 Durant, Sam, 268 Dürer, Albrecht, 44 Eberle, Todd, 273 Eighteen Happenings in Six Parts (Kaprow), 200 Eight Student Nurses (Richter), 186 "Elegy" exhibition (2002), 205 Empire Falls (Russo), 197, 199 Encyclopedia Britannica, TLI Endless Column (Mangold), 217 "End of Art, The" (Danto), 3, 15—18 "Enigma of Isidore Ducasse, The" (Ray), 164 Enright, Robert, 290, 292 equestrian monuments, 230-31, 348—49 Ernst, Max, 166, 169, 170-71, 224, 260, 323, 334 eroticism, 117-24, 118, 163-71,258, 301-302, 349-50 Étant donnés (Duchamp), 92, 119 etchings, 123 Études sur Léonard de Vinci (Duhem), 226-27 Euler spiral, 214—16 Euripides, 328 European Mailorder WarehouselFluxshop (de Ritter), 347 Evans, Walker, 33-34 Executioner's Song, The (Mailer), 238 Exile's Return, The (McEvilly), 78 existentialism, 150-51 Exposition des Arts Incohérents (1882), 251 Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals, The (Darwin), 85-86 Expulsion from Eden (Masaccio), 290 external beauty, 331—32 Eyck, Jan van, 247, 307, 308, 309 Fallen Summer (Bleckner), 309 Faludi, Susan, 78 374 Index Family, The (Beckmann), 263 Family Tyranny (McCarthy), 90 Farewell to an Idea (Clark), 125-26 Fates, 216, 218 Fauvism, 11, 325 Feinstein, Rachel, 274 Feldman, Morton, 134 feminism, 13, 64, 78-79, 118, 173, 179, 194,208,235-36 Femme au chapeau, La (Matisse), 325 Fervor (Neshat), 24—25 Feynman, Richard, 292 Figures at the Seashore (Picasso), 122 Finley, Karen, 88, 282 Finnegans Wake (Joyce), 333, 365 First Amendment, 102 First International Dada Exhibition (1920), 244-45,343-44 "First Papers of Surrealism" exhibition (1942), 163 First Surrealist Manifesto (Breton), 165— 66, 168 Fischl, Eric, 79 Flack, Audrey, 208-209, 210 Flavin, Dan, 298 Flint-Gohlke, Lucy, 127 Floating Paintings, 81 Flowers (Koons), 298 Flute Concerto of Frederick the Great at Sans Souci (Menzel), 309-10 Fluxus, xiii, 9,12,15, 69-71, 74, 143, 279,280,281,282,327,331,333-47 Fluxus I, 69 Fluxus Manifesto (Maciunas), 338 Fly (Ono), 76 food, 279-85,341-42,362 formalism, 32, 33, 57, 124, 158, 362 Fornarina, La, 249 Foster, Hal, 324 Fountain (Duchamp), 331-32 "Four Freedoms" series (Rockwell), 352 4'33" (Cage), 69-70 Fragment of a Crucifixion (After Francis Bacon) (Pfeiffer), 23—24 Fragonard, Jean-Honoré, 155, 156 Frankfurt School, 64 Freemasons, 239-41 "Freeze" exhibition (1988), 53 Frelinghuysen, Suzy, 221, 224 French Revolution, 125-26 Freud, Sigmund, 119, 165, 167-68, 247, 255,300, 301 Fry, Roger, 106, 194, 295, 325, 326 Fuses (Schneemann), 120 Futurism, 220, 221, 253 Gagosian Gallery, 54, 59-60, 272, 273 Galassi, Peter, 29, 33, 34 Galerie Beaux-Arts, 163-64 Galileo, 179,226,287 Gallatin, Albert Eugene, 219, 223, 224, 225 galleries, art, 16, 59-60, 298, 300, 303- 304,308, 356-57,366-67 games, 9, 333-34 Garden, The (McCarthy), 92 Garden of Earthly Delights, The (Bosch), 285 Garden Sculpture (Roth), 285 Garrels, Gary, 94 Genauer, Emily, 223 gender, 103-104,118-19,122,123,169— 70,175,200, 234-41 Gentileschi, Artemisia, 172—79 Gentileschi, Orazio, 172—73, 177, 178, 179 George III, King of England, 349 George Went Swimming at Barnes Hole, but It Got Too Cold (Mitchell), 198— 99, 203 Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel: Works in Twenty Volumes (Roth), 279, 340 Géricault, Jean-Louis-André-Theodore, 188-89 German Expressionism, 54—55, 111, 243 Getty Foundation, 279, 346, 347 Giacometti, Alberto, 33,147-54, 166, 167 Giacometti, Annette, 151 Gilmore, Gary, 237-38 Gilot, Françoise, 117 Giuliani, Rudolph, 21, 101-102, 106— 107, 118,120, 266 Index 375 Glaser, Milton, 233 Gnaw (Antoni), 282, 362-63 God, 102-104, 173, 191,307,312,313- 14,352 Goebbels, Joseph, 66 Goehr, Lydia, 166 Goering, Hermann, 66 Gogh, Vincent van, 33, 91, 204 Golden Bowl, The (James), 291 Goldstein, Jack, 268, 269 Goodman, Alice, 140 Goya, Francisco de, 262 Graham, John, 33 Grande Jatte, IM (Seurat), 169 Grandes Carrières (Mitchell), 201 Grande Vallée, La (Mitchell), 204 Great Depression, 220, 224, 257 "Greater New York" exhibition (2000), 24, 25-26 Greenberg, Clement, xii, 13, 28, 30-32, 33, 141-42, 188, 201,281,295, 296, 360 Grenade, The (Beckmann), 259 Grey Art Gallery, 219, 221,225 Griffin, Tim, 267, 268 Groschen (Grosz), 246 Grosz, George, 245-46, 247, 260, 323 Grove Dictionary of Art, The, 246, 249, 273 Grünewald, Matthias, 261 Guernica (Picasso), 33 Guggenheim, Peggy, 224 Guggenheim Museum, 158—59, 195, 234-35, 236,239-41, 253, 255, 256 Guston, Philip, 33,132-46,276 Haacke, Hans, 20, 266 Haidt, Jon, 86, 88 Hamlet (Shakespeare), 245—46 Happenings, 70, 200 Hartlaub, Gustav, 243 Harvey, James, 365 Haskell, Barbara, 339, 345 Hearst, William Randolph, 101 Heartfield, John, 65 Heart of Darkness (Conrad), 84 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 4-7, 11,13,17, 18, 180, 251, 279, 329, 340, 344, 345, 351-52,353,357-58 Heidegger, Martin, 93, 195, 340 Hell (Beckmann), 258, 261-63 Hemlock (Mitchell), 199-201, 202, 203, 358, 359, 361,363, 366 Hendricks, Jon, 347 Hertz, Richard, 269 Hesse, Eva, 100 Hide and Seek (Tchelitchew), 33 Higgins, Dick, 334, 336, 337 Hippocrates, 63 Hiroshige, 203 Hirst, Damien, 53—60 Historical Anecdote About Fashion, An (McElheny), 26 History of Pain, The (Hirst), 57 Hitler, Adolf, 181, 266, 323, 348 Hobo (Currin), 274—75 Hockney, David, 268 Hoelterhoff, Manuela, 139 Holy Blood Altarpiece, 45—46 Holy Roman Empire, 312 Holzer, Jenny, 63, 64 Homage to Thy Mother (Landscape) (Booker), 21 Homer, 284, 300—301 Hommage à New York (Tinguely), 281 Houdini, Harry, 238 Hume, David, 94 Hummel figurines, 292 Huss, Jan, 311 Hymn (Hirst), 57 iconoclasm, 44-45, 157, 192, 349 icons, 252—53 Identical Lunch (Knowles), 342 • lies, Chrissie, 267, 268 illustrations, 156, 160-61 images, 44-45,101-103, 157 Imagining Her Erotics (Schneemann), 120 Indica Gallery, 71, 73, 74 Inflatable Flowers (Koons), 295, 296-97 Instructions for Paintings (Ono), 71—73 376 Index internal beauty, 331—32, 354 International Exposition of Surrealism (1938), 163-64, 169 "In the Spirit of Fluxus" exhibition (1993), 338 Intractable Avant-Garde, 282, 321—22, 324 invitation to a Voyage (Sleigh), 80 Irwin, Robert, 56, 207 Islam, 103, 125,129, 192 "Islands" (Roth), 281—82 Jack Goldstein and the CalArts Mafia (Hertz), 269 Jackson, Martha, 203 Jackson, Michael, 294,299-300 James, Henry, 139,140, 188, 189, 288-91 Jaunty and Mame (Currin), 275-76 Jesus Christ, 19, 22, 44, 45-46, 48, 87, 102,104-106,157, 173,177,195, 252, 258, 260-61,304,310,354 Jewell, Edward Allen, 223 Jewish Museum, 14, 143 Johannesburg, 2nd Greatest City after Paris (Kentridge), 113-14, 115 Johns, Jasper, 20, 73, 96 Joyce, James, 84, 138, 333, 365 Judaism, 103, 192,313-15 Judith (A. Gentileschi), 174, 178-79 Judith Beheading Holofernes (Caravag-gio), 278 Julietta (Goehr), 166 \alliphobia, xiii, 321-32 Kandinsky, Wassily, 255 Kant, Immanuel, 12, 62, 78, 87, 90, 192, 193,195, 285, 318,325,328-29, 350, 351,353 Kapital, Das (Marx), 114-15 Kaprów, Allan, 200 Kelly, Ellsworth, 202, 332, 364 Keneko, Jun, 329 Kennick, William, 333, 334, 337, 342, 346 Kentridge, William, 109-16 Kienholz, Ed, 90 Kiepenkerl (Koons), 293, 298 King, Rodney, 266 King-Hammond, Leslie, 126—27 Kitchen Chair (Richter), 184-85 kitsch, 286—302 Kline, Franz, 133, 190, 200, 225, 359, 360, 366 Knight, Christopher, 361 Knowles, Alison, 342 Kollwitz, Käthe, 115 Koons, Jeff, xiii, 286—302 Koselleck, Reinhart, 220 Kosuth, Joseph, 73 Kotek, Tom, 209 Kramer, Hilton, 67, 135, 140—41, 142, 276,363 Kruger, Barbara, 61-68 Kubler, George, 130 Kuhn, Thomas, 228 Lacan, Jacques, 118 Lady Taking Tea, A (Chardin), 41 Lang, David, 139 Langer, Suzanne, 316 Large Glass, The (Duchamp), 118, 120, 170, 349-50, 351 Large Reclining Nude (Matisse), 109—10, 112, 113 Large Tapestry (Roth and Wiener), 283— 84 Last Ones (Beckmann), 263 Last Supper (Leonardo), 231 Lautréamont, Isidore Ducasse, Comte de, 164 Lebel, Jean-Jacques, 117, 120 Lectures on Aesthetics (Hegel), 4—7, 279, 351-52 Left Front of the Arts (LEF), 344 Lennon, John, 69, 71, 73, 74- 75 Leonardo da Vinci, 66, 102, 106, 107, 157, 170, 226-33, 235, 252, 285,348- 49,366 Leontius, 258, 259 Lesser Hippias (Plato), 135 Le Witt, Sol, 93-100 Index 377 Lichtenstein, Roy, 79 Liechtenstein, Karl von, 175-76 Lighting Piece (Ono), 342 Light over Ashes (Neustein), 303-17, 318 limewood sculptures, 45, 48—52 Lin, Maya, 206, 332 Linker, Kate, 67 Lippard, Lucy, 100 Lissitzky, El, 252 lithographs, 151, 258 Livingston, Jane, 200, 202, 203 Lobster (Koons), 301 Lobster Telephone (Dalí), 299 Logan, Kent, 292 Loopy Doopy (LeWitt), 95, 99, 100 Lotte (Schad), 249 Louis Philippe, King of France, 144 Louis XII, King of France, 349 Louis XIV, King of France, 348, 352, 353,354 Louis XV, King of France, 40 Love Lost (Bright Fish) (Hirst), 57-58 Love Lost (Large River Fish) (Hirst), 57- 58 Low Water (Mitchell), 201 Lubar, Robert, 225 Lucretia (A. Gentileschi), 177—78 Luxemburg, Rosa, 262-63 Luxury and Degradation series (Koons), 298 Lysistrata (Aristophanes), 244 M (Cage), 335 MacAdam, Alfred, 283 McCarthy, Paul, 85-92 McCartney, Paul, 74-75 Maccheroni, Henri, 119 McElheny, Josiah, 26 McEvilly, Thomas, 78 Maciunas, George, 69, 70—71, 280, 281, 337, 338,342,343, 344-45 McVeigh, Timothy, 129 Made in Heaven show (Koons), 290 Madonna and Child (Mantegna), 106 Madonna of the Chair (Raphael), 288-91 "Madonna of the Future, The" (James), 288-91 Madonna of the Long Neck,, The (Parmi-gianino), 278 Madonna of the Rosary (Caravaggio), 304 Maestà (Duccio), 82 Magic Flute, The (film), 241 Magritte, René, 170 Maika (Schad's girlfriend), 248-49 Mailer, Norman, 238 Makgalemele, Alfred, 116 "Making Choices" exhibition (2000), 27-35 Malevich, Kazimir, 251—57, 366 mama, build me a fence! (von Ryd-ingsvard), 210—11 Manet, Edouard, 28, 329 Manet, Susanne, 329 Mangold, Robert, xiv, 213—18, 268, 269 Mannerism, 272—75, 276, 277 Mantegna, Andrea, 106, 188 Manzoni, Piero, 32 Mapplethorpe, Robert, 34, 91, 267 Marden, Brice, 357—59, 360, 366 Marlborough Gallery, 133, 135, 140, 145-46 Martha Jackson Gallery, 199, 200, 203, 359 Martinez, Daniel, 266 Martyrdom (Beckmann), 262—63 Marx, Karl, 114-15 Mary Magdalen, Saint, 47-48 Masaccio, 290 Masson, André, 118 . Matisse, Henri, 22, 109-10, 111, 112, 113, 115, 116,202,213,214,215-16, 325 Matta, 166, 167 Matter, Mercedes, 152, 153 Matthew, Saint, 50-51 Meaningless (Bochner), 269, 270 Medea (Euripides), 328 medieval art, 5, 47, 87, 226-28, 301, 307 Meditations (Descartes), 9-10 Meinhof, Ulrike, 187 Menzel, Adolf, 309—10 Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, 152 378 Index Message in the Ashes, The (Neustein), 316-17 metaphysics, ix, 7, 78, 81, 279, 303-305, 329,339 Metropolitan Museum of Art, 19, 37, 43, 46,47, 82,84,121, 133,136, 172,177, 179, 226 Michael Jackson and His Chimpanzee Bubbles (Koons), 294, 299-300 Michelangelo, 42, 189, 191, 231, 232 Midsummer Night's Dream, A (Shake­speare), 248 Milgram, Stanley, 76 Miller, Larry, 337 Mine (Kentridge), 114 Minimalism, 7, 14, 56, 71, 81, 82—83, 143, 336, 337, 339 Miró, Joan, 33,166,219,255 Mirror, The (Guston), 143 Miss, Mary, 211 Mistake (Bochner), 269 Mitchell, Joan, 197-204, 356,357-59, 360,361,363,366 "Mitchell Paints a Picture" (Sandler), 198 Modernism, 22, 27—35, 80, 101, 111, 112, 123, 141-42, 158,180,181,192, 193- 94,219, 220,281,282,287, 324 Modernist Painting (Greenberg), 141-42, 281 Modern Painters (Lang and Hoelter-hoff), 139 "Modern Starts" exhibition (2000), 27, 30 Moholy-Nagy, László, 223 Molloy (Scully), 82-83 Moment (Newman), 191 Momin, Shamim, 267, 269 Mona Lisa (Leonardo), 66, 157, 170, 252 Mondrian, Piet, 56, 200, 219, 223, 255 Monet, Claude, 141, 202, 365 Monogram (Rauschenberg), x monoprints, 123, 124 Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, 117, 120-21, 122,202 Monument (Kentridge), 114 Monumental Head (Giacometti), 148 Morandi, Giorgio, 30, 141 Moravian Brotherhood, 310—13, 316 Morris, George L. K., 220, 221, 222, 223-24 Morris, Robert, 14, 96 Morris, William, 336 Moses, 313, 314 Motherwell, Robert, 132, 142, 166, 167, 168-69, 222 motion pictures, 109, 111,112, 113-14 Moustache (Koons), 301—302 Mühl, Otto, 88 Munch, Edvard, 65 Munroe, Alexandra, 74 Museum of Living Art, 219—20 Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), 11, 16, 27-35,124, 147,149-50,154,156, 182, 222, 224-25,242, 255, 258, 259, 264, 280, 281,282 museums, art, 291, 303-304, 316, 324, 356, 366-67 music, 12, 81, 166, 254, 280, 334-35 Mussolini, Benito, 301 Muybridge, Eadweard, 230 My Landscape II (Mitchell), 201 Napoleon I, Emperor of France, 304 Nast, Thomas, 144—45 Nation, The, xii, xiii, xiv, 3, 72, 119, 366— 67 Nauman, Bruce, 59, 272 N'Cognita, 205 Neo-Dada in Music, Theater, Poetry, and Art (Maciunas), 337 Neo-Expressionism, 16-17, 79, 146 Neshat, Shirin, 24—25, 367-68 Neue Sachlichkeit (New Objectivity), 242-43, 246,248 Neustein, Joshua, xiii-xiv, 303—20 New England Church (Morris), 221 Newman, Barnett, 8, 184, 188-96, 225, 359 New Museum of Contemporary Art, 88, 92, 111,212, 294-95, 296 New Realists, 337 Index 379 New show (Koons), 296-97 New York School, 16, 30, 83, 98, 134, 181-82, 197, 201 New York World's Fair (1939), 220 Nietzsche, Friedrich, 7, 63 Night, The (Beckmann), 262, 263 Nitsch, Hermann, 88 Nixon, Richard M., 136, 139-46 Nixon in China (Adams and Goodman), 140, 145 No Birds (Mitchell), 204 Nochlin, Linda, 79 Non-Geometric Form #8 (LeWitt), 100 Non-Objective World, The (Malevich), 255 Nothing (Bochner), 269-70 Nude Descending a Staircase (Duchamp), 221 Nutt, Jim, 33 Obituary (Bartscherer), 127-28 Objective Art, 255 Octave (Rauschenberg), x October 18, 1977 (Richter), 186-87 Ofili, Chris, 23 Oldenberg, Claes, 336, 342 Oliva, Achille Bonito, 95 Olivier, Fernande, 121, 176—77 Onement (Newman), 184, 189-90, 194 Ono, Yoko, 69-76, 342 "Open Ends" exhibition (2000), 27, 35 Oppenheim, Dennis, 15 Oppenheim, Meret, 169, 171 Origin of the World, The (Courbet), 118 Other Criteria (Steinberg), 349 Ottmans, Klaus, 292 Our Gang (Roth), 146 Ouspensky, Pyotr Demianovich, 256 Painter (McCarthy), 90—91 Painter's Table (Guston), 137 "Painting in the United States" exhibi­tion (1944), 132-33 . Painting in Three Stanzas (Ono), 72 Painting to Hammer a Nail (Ono), 73 Palace at Four A.M., The (Giacometti), 152-53 Panofsky, Erwin, 278, 307 "Paradoxe sur le comédien" (Diderot), 37 paragones, 77-78, 80, 84 "Paragraphs on Conceptual Art" (LeWitt), 94-95, 96 Paris sans fin (Giacometti), 151 Park Avenue Cubists, 219—25 Parmigianino, 272, 276, 278 Parrish Art Museum, 65, 66, 68 Partisan Review, 223-24 Pascal, Biaise, 37, 38 pastels, 84, 111 Pattern and Decoration ("P and D") movement, 210 Paul, Saint, 309 Paula Cooper Gallery, 98, 99 Peirce, Charles S., 286 Pèlerinage à l'île de Cythère (Watteau), 80 Penis Action (Schwarzkogler), 88 performance art, 86—92, 202, 282, 341 — 42 perspective, 166,228 Perugino, 220 Petrachi, Clara, 301 Peyton, Elizabeth, 268 Pfeiffer, Paul, 23-24 pharmacognosy, 55-57 Pharmacy (Hirst), 55—56, 57 Phenomenology of Spirit, The (Hegel), 13 Philadelphia Museum of Art, 119, 189, 305 Philosopher, The (Chardin), 38, 40 Philosophical Investigations (Wittgen­stein), 8 Philosophy and Logical Syntax (Carnap), 326 photograms, 242, 243-44 photography, 33-35, 61—68, 81, 84, 101 — 102, 109-10, 112-13, 167, 183, 184, 185-87, 208, 242, 243-45, 273-74 Photography as a Fine Art (Caffin), 34 photomontage, 244—45 Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living, The (Hirst), 54 380 Index Picasso, Pablo, ix, 33, 117—24, 144, 158, 161, 176,219, 235, 245 "Picasso Erotique" exhibition (2001), 117-24 "Pictures for the American People" exhibition (2002), 158-59, 162 Pin\ Tree (Currin), 277 Plato, х-xiii, 50, 70,101,122,135,157, 183, 258,329,333 Piatt, Leah, 119-20 Play It By Trust (Ono), 75 "Plea for Excuses, A" (Austin), 327-28 Polke, Sigmar, 185 Pollock, Jackson, 98, 133, 166, 190, 224- 25, 254,359 Pol Pot, 343 Pomes Penyeach (Joyce), 84 Pompadour, Madame de, 275 Pompeii, 121-22 Poor Richard (Balken), 136, 144—46 Pop Art, 7, 14-15, 70, 78-79, 98-99, 134,143,184-85,295,339,340, 360 pornography, 118, 119-21, 123, 258 Post-Impressionism, 295, 325 Postmodernism, 28, 34-35, 58, 67, 224, 240, 324 Potter Gallery, 304—305 Pozzi, Lucio, 208 predellas, 46, 47 "Pre-New" (Koons), 294-95, 296 "Primary Structures" exhibition (1966), 14 "Primitivism and Modern Art" exhibi­tion (1985), 11 Problem We All Live With, The (Rock­well), 155-56, propaganda, 348-49, 351, 352, 353, 354 Proposition (Knowles), 342 Protestant Reformation, 44-45,47,48, 173,311,312 P.S. 1 Contemporary Art Center, 24, 25, 280,284,285 Psychopathology of Everyday Life, The (Freud), 167-68 "Quiet Crisis, A" (Rubenstein), 355-68 Quine, W.V.O., 99 Rachel in Fur (Currin), 276 Raft of the Medusa (Géricault), 188 Rainborough, Thomas, 128 Rainy Taxi (Dalí), 164 Rape of Danaë (Titian), 178 Raphael, 4, 123, 220, 249, 288-91 Rapture (Neshat), 24—25, 367—68 Rauschenberg, Robert, ix—xiii, 32, 34, 96, 284 Ray, Man, 30, 164, 167, 169-70, 334 ready-mades, 81, 93, 128, 167—68, 280, 293,296, 297-99, 301, 341, 342-43, 344 Rebay, Hilla, 255 recherche de l'absolu, La (Sartre), 149—52 Red on Cream (Scully), 82, 83 Reed, David, 80 Regionalists, 222, 323 Reid, Whitelaw, 163 Rembrandt, 43, 175, 189, 215, 260, 343 Renaissance, 77, 78, 191, 226-28, 229, 252, 273, 321 Renier, Joseph, 220 Republic (Plato), x—xiii, 70, 157, 183, 258 retables (altarpieces), 45-52 Return from the Market, The (Chardin), 42-43 Rhetoric (Aristotle), 157 Richter, Gerhard, 180-87, 224 Riemenschneider, Tilman, 44-52 Rigaud, Hyacinth, 348, 352, 353, 354 Rimbaud, Arthur, 322 Riopelle, Jean-Paul, 202, 203 -204 Rockwell, Norman, 43, 155-62, 278,352 Rodchenko, Aleksandr, 255 Rodin, Auguste, 148, 149 Rosen, Kay, 20-21 Rosenblum, Robert, 220 Roth, Björn, 284 Roth, Dieter, 279-85, 321, 326-27, 330, 331,339 Roth, Philip, 146 Rothko, Mark, 81, 83, 133, 195, 225, 359 Rousseau, Henri, 33 Rubens, Peter Paul, 232 Rubenstein, Raphael, 355-68 Ruskin, John, 123, 139—40,336,366 Index 381 Russell, Bertrand, 152 Russo, Richard, 197, 199 Ryle, Gilbert, 97-98 Saatchi, Charles, 21 Saintard, Marguerite, 40 Saint-Aubin, Gabriel de, 39 St. Génois d'Anneaucourt, Count, 246— 49 Saint Peter's Basilica, 193, 353—54 Saint Sebastian (Mantegna), 188 Salle, David, 16, 79 Salmon, André, 124 Salons (Diderot), 36-37, 38 San demente (Guston), 136 Sandler, Irving, 198, 199 Sanitation (Haacke), 20-21 Santa Chocolate Shop (McCarthy), 88 Santayana, George, 350—51 Sartre, Jean-Paul, 149-52 Saying Grace (Rockwell), 159-60 Schad, Christian, 242—50 Schapiro, Meyer, 200 Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Jose ph von,251 Schinkel, Karl Friedrich, 5-6 Schjeldahl, Peter, 192-93 Schnabel, Julian, 16, 79 Schneemann, Carolee, 120 Schneider, Pierre, 188-89 School of Paris, 30, 201,224 Schubert, Franz, 205 Schwarzkogler, Rudolf, 88, 91 Scream, The (Munch), 65 Scruggs, Jan, 206 Scully, Sean, 77-84 sculpture, 15, 45, 48-52, 77-78, 81, 99- 100, 147-54, 149-50,230-31,294, 299-300, 334, 348-49 Season in Hell, A (Rimbaud), 322 Segal, George, 336, 341 self-portraits, 42, 136, 161, 178, 259-60, 261,262,263,282 Self Portrait with Dead Head (Hirst), 54 Self-Portrait with Model (Schad), 243, 247 Self Portrait With Nude (Picasso), 122 Self Tower (Selbstturm) (Roth), 283 "Sensation" exhibition, 23, 53, 55, 56, 105-106 Sense of Beauty, The (Santayana), 350—51 Sentimental Moment (Guston), 132—34, 138 September 11th attacks (2001), 125—31, 183-84, 186,205-12, 267, 332, 354 Serra, Richard, 240—41 Seurat, Georges, 169 sexuality, 64, 103-104, 117-24, 163-71, 173, 175, 200, 234-50, 258, 266, 275— 76, 290,301-302, 349-50 Sexuality of Christ in Renaissance Art and in Modern Oblivion, The (Steinberg), 104 Sforza, Francesco, 230—31, 349 Sforza, Ludovico, 230, 231,348—49, 351, 352 sfregio, 247 sfumato, 227-29 Shadow Procession (Kentridge), 116 Shakespeare, William, 245-46, 248, 275 Shaw, Charles, 224, 225 Sherman, Cindy, 105 She-Wolf, The (Pollock), 224-25 Sibley, Frank, 329-30 Silverman Collection, 9, 337, 347 Singer, Debora, 267, 269, 270 Sischy, Ingrid, 300 Skulptur Projecte Münster (1987), 293 Sleeping Gypsy (Rousseau), 33 Sleigh, Sylvia, 80 Smith, Alexis, 291 Smoke Painting (Ono), 72 Sno-Bo (Currin), 273, 274—75 Sobriety, Obesity, & Growing Old (Kent­ridge), 112-13, 114 Socialist Realism, 181, 222, 224, 323, 348 Socrates, 70, 183, 258 Solo Scenes (Roth), 284—85 Sonnabend Gallery, 290, 298 Source (Guston), 137—38 Spaghetti Man (McCarthy), 91—92 Spark, Muriel, 105 Speed (Renier), 220 382 Index Spinoza, Baruch, 73 Splotch (color) (LeWitt), 100 Stalin, Joseph, 181, 348 Stamford After-Brunch (Currin), 277—78 Standing Open Structure Black (DeWitt), 99-100 Staple Cheese (A Race) (Roth), 279—80, 282 Starry Night (Van Gogh), 33 Stations of the Cross, The (Newman), 195-96 Statuary series (Koons), 298 Stedelijk Museum, 296 Steen, Jan, 156 Steinberg, Leo, 104, 124, 349 Stieglitz, Alfred, 34 Still, Clyfford, 359-60 Stockhausen, Karlheinz, 129 Stoller, Ilona, 300 Storr, Robert, 33, 185 Stoss, Veit, 49-50, 51 Studio, The (Guston), 136 "Sublime Is Now, The" (Newman), 192 Suprematicism, 252-57 Surrealism, 33, 152-53, 154, 163-71, 188, 298, 299,300,350 "Surrealism: Desire Unbound" exhibi­tion, 164-65, 168 Susanna and the Elders (A. Gentileschi), 174-78 Suzuki, D. T., 12, 74, 134,280, 341,345- 46 Swing, The (Fragonard), 155 Sylvester, David, 141, 194-95 symbolism, 104, 105, 106, 128-29, 243, 248-49,307,309,311-12,315,316, 317, 361-62 Symposium, The (Plato), 122 Table (Richter), 184 Tassi, Agostino, 172 - 73,174,175,177, 178 Taylor-Wood, Sam, 105-106 Tchelitchew, Pavel, 33 Thanksgiving (Currin), 278 Theories, Models, Methods, Approaches, Assumptions, Results, and Findings (Hirst), 58-59 "Theories, Models, Methods, Ap­proaches, Assumptions, Results, and Findings" exhibition, 54-60 Therbouche, Madame, 38 Thirteen Most Wanted Men (Warhol), 186 "31 Women" exhibition (1943), 224 Thomas Aquinas, Saint, 351 Three Musicians (Picasso), 219 Three Standard Stoppages (Duchamp), 297 Tibidabo—24 Hours of Dog Barking (Roth), 282, 326-27 Tinguely, Jean, 281 Titian, 178 To Heal a Nation (Scruggs), 206 Tomato Harvest by Apoplectic Cardinals on the Shore of the Red Sea (Allais), 251 Tomkins, Calvin, 238 Toshi, Ichiyanagi, 72 Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus (Wittgen­stein), 340 Transfiguration (Raphael), 4 Transfiguration of the Commonplace, The (Danto), 10, 15 Triglion, Countess, 246 Triple Self-Portrait (Rockwell), 161 True, the Beautiful, and the Good, The (Cousin), 322-23 Turing, Alan, 155 Turner, J.M.W., 123 Turnip Peeler (Chardin), 42 Twombly, Cy, 23,156 2000 photographies du sexe d'une femme (Maccheroni), 119 Tyler, Kenneth, 197 Tzara, Tristan, 242 Uccello, Paolo, 188 Ulysses (Joyce), 138 Under Water Sea Fantasy (Goldstein), 269 Untitled (Mitchell), 201 Index 383 Untitled (John Rose) (Amer), 23 Ushering in Banality (Koons), 296 Valoche (A Flux Travel Aid) (Brecht), 338 van Gogh, Vincent, 33, 91, 204 van Meegeren, Hans, 155 Vasari, Giorgio, 158, 228 Vautier, Ben, 337-38, 341 Venice Biennial (1993), 110 Venus, Cupid, Folly, and Time (Bronzino), 278 Venus aux tiroirs (Dalí), 169 Vermeer, Jan, 41, 77-78, 84, 155, 156, 179 Veronese, Paolo, 304, 306 Veronica, Saint, 103 Verrocchio, Andrea del, 227-29, 231 Victory Over the Sun, 253, 254-55 video art, 23-24, 75-76, 86-92, 130, 284-85,318-19 Vie en Rose, La (Mitchell), 203-204 Vierzehn Heiligen church, 300 Vietnam War, 135, 145, 206, 332 View of the Salon of 1765 (Saint-Aubin), 39 Virgin and Child with Saint Anne (Leonardo), 229-30 Virgin Mary, 23, 44, 45,46, 113, 157, 190-91, 229-30, 252, 275, 288-91 Vir Heroicus Sublimit (Newman), 194— 95 "visual thinking" 360—63 Vitiello, Stephen, 212 von Rydingsvard, Ursula, 210-11 Vuillard, Edouard, 204 Wagner, Richard, 234, 343 Walker, Kara, 116 Walking to Church (Rockwell), 160 W a l l D r a w i n g # 1 : D r a w i n g S e r i e s I I 1 8 (A&B) (LeWitt), 98-99 Wall Drawing #51: All Architectural Points Connected by Straight Lines, Blue Snap Lines (LeWitt), 95-96, 97 Warhol, Andy, 8-9, 10, 11-13, 14, 15, 31, 61, 136-37, 159, 161, 180, 181, 182, 184, 185, 186, 267, 272, 287, 288, 294, 295, 298, 299,309, 345, 360, 363-66 War Portfolio (Dix), 260 Washington, George, 349 watercolors, 84, 209 Water Yam (Brecht), 345 Watteau, Antoine, 80 Way Home, The (Beckmann), 258-59 Wedding Feast at Cana (Veronese), 304, 306 Week That Was, The (Warhol), 186 Wet Orange (Mitchell), 204 Weyden, Rogier van der, 259 Whisk (Nu"), 33 Whistler, James McNeill, 139 White Chess Set (Ono), 75 White on White (Malevich), 255 Whitney Biennial 2000, 19—26, 266—67 Whitney Museum of American Art, 19-26, 62, 66, 68, 70, 83, 93, 95, 98, 100,102,197, 212,265-71,272,345, 346, 357, 362-63 "Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists?" (Nochlin), 79 Wiener, Ingrid, 283—84 Wiener, Lawrence, 15, 294 Wilgefortis, Saint, 104—105 Wind, Edgar, 158 Winds After Hurricane Floyd, 1999—2001 (Vitiello), 212 Winter Carol (Higgins), 336 Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 7, 8, 99—100, 205, 207, 209,211, 287,333-34,339-40, 361 Wittkower, Rudolf and Margot, 173, 179 Wizard, The (Currin), 275 Woman I (de Kooning), 98 Wood, Grant, 222 Wordsworth, William, 312 "World Trade Center Recordings" (Vitiello), 212 World War 1,258-59, 321-22, 323, 325, 343 Wreath for Ground Zero, A (Miss), 211 384 Index Wrecked (Taylor-Wood), 105-106 Wren, Christopher, 94,130 Wright, Frank Lloyd, 234, 236 Yo Mama's Last Supper (Cox), 101-108 Yoshihara, Jiro, 203 Yuskavage, Lisa, 21 Yanagi, Yukinori, 20 Yard (Kaprow), 200-201 Yeats, William Butler, 184 "YES" exhibition (Ono), 71-73 YES Painting (Ono), 71 Zakanitch, Robert, 58, 210 Zen Buddhism, 12, 71, 74, 134, 143, 201-202,203,280, 341,342-43 Zinzendorf, Nicholas Lewis, Count, 310
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