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Volltext:I N D E X Absolute Knowledge (Hegel), 424, 426 Absolute Spirit (Hegel), 313, 375 Abstract Expressionism, xxv, xxvi, 22, 200, 335, 340, 361, 370, 371, 381, 410, 412; au­tomatism in, 68, 74; de Kooning and, 95- 98, 100, 102; drip painting in, 343-45; end of, 115, 236, 260, 413; Greenberg and, 14, 67; Japanese, 106, 107; Johns and, 238-40; Kline and, 116-22; large scale of, 40; Pop Art and, 14-17, 321, 323; proletarianiza­tion of materials in, 92, 207; Rauschenberg and, 275, 278; Reinhardt and, 115, 117, 338; Rembrandt's influence on, 117-18, 121, 122; Soutine and, 312-15, 317, 319; women and, 158; Zakanitch and, 46, 47 Acres, Ethan, 355-57, 359 action painting, 363 ACT UP, 140 Adams, Brooks, 43 Ades, Dawn, 75 advertising, 324-25 aesthetic austerity, ideology of, 114 African art, 243, 245 AIDS, 234 Aladjalov, Constantin, 174 Albers, Josef, 21 Alberti, Leon Battista, 222 Allais, Alphonse, 307, 308, 425-26 Alpers, Svetlana, 256 Althusser, Louis, 414 American Center (Paris), 162 Anfam, David, 115 Angell, Callie, 78 Angelmaker, L. A., 428-30 Anguissola, Sofonisba, 151-59; The Chess Game, 151-52, 155-57 Ankoku Butoh ("Dance of Utter Darkness"), 112 Anne of Austria, 156 A nous la liberté (film), 302 Antheil, George, 175 anti-form art, 52-53 anti-Semitism, 126, 128; Nazi, 380 Antonio, Emile di, 378 Applebroog, Ida, 365 Appropriationism, xxiv, xxvii, 221, 425 Aragon, Louis, 75 Arakawa, 9-10, 265-72; City Without Grave­yards, 268; The Mechanism of Meaning, 265— 66, 269-71; Site of Reversible Destiny—Yoro, 271; Ubiquitous Site. Nagi's Ryoanji. Archi­tectural Body, 111 Arbeiter-lllustrierte-Zeitung (AIZ), 6-10 Arbus, Diane, 234 INDEX Civil War (U.S.), 82, 83 Clair, Jean, 305 Clair, René, 302 Clark, Kenneth, 29-30, 33 Clemente, Francesco, 409 Close, Chuck, 21, 22, 394-95 Coleman, James, 80-85; INITIALS, 80, 84- 85; Line of Faith, 82-83; La Tache aveugle, 80-81,83 Colescott, Robert, 427 color: Delacroix's use of, 330-31, 333; rela­tionship of form to, 331-32 Columbia University, 105, 171, 176, 203, 246, 366, 376, 377, 379 commercial art, 321-22; aesthetically meaningful, 58; differentiation of fine art and, xxiii-xxvi, 322-23; as kitsch, 12 Commodus (Roman emperor), 89 Conceptual Art, 409 connoisseurship, xxviii, 203 Constructivism, xviii, 200 Cooke, Lynn, 81 Cooper, Paul, 170 Cooper Union, 202 Corcoran Gallery, 8 Cornell, Joseph, 247 Counter-Reformation, 395 Courbet, Gustave, 34-36, 314; L'Origine du monde, 32, 349; La Source, 36 Couture, Thomas, 89 Cranbrook Academy, 108 Creeley, Robert, 130 Cremona, School of, 157 Critical Iconology, 124, 125, 130 Cubism, xviii, 215, 220-25, 244, 315, 387; Analytical, 222-23; invention of, 97, 180, 220, 223, 296-97; of Léger, 297-300, 302 Cucchi, Enzo, 409 "Culture in Action" exhibition (Chicago), 144 Cunningham, Merce, 280 Currier & Ives, 82, 83 Dada, xviii, 110, 111; Berlin, 4-7, 200; New York, 184, 410 Daix, Pierre, 223-24 Dalí, Salvador, 69-76; Apparatus and Hand, 70, 72; The First Days of Spring, 75-76; The Persistence of Memory, 76; The Secret Life of Salvador Dalt, 71, 74, 76 D'Amelio Terras Gallery, 405 dance, avant-garde, 174; Japanese, 112 Dante, 279 Dara-Shikoh, 294 Darger, Henry, 242, 243, 246-48; The Story of the Vivian Girls, in What Is Known as the Realms of the Unreal, of the Glandeco- Angelinnean War Storm, Caused by the Child Slave Rebellion, 247 Darling, Candy, 61 Darwin, Charles, 420 Daumier, Honoré, 7 David, Jacques-Louis, xviii, 44 decorative arts, 43-45 Degas, Edgar, 353, 355 Deguchi Onisaburo, 111-12 de Kooning, Elaine, 120 de Kooning, Willem, xxv, 72, 95-104, 115, 117, 358, 408, 410-13; figurative art of, 117, 238-39, 315, 316; final paintings of, 98-103; Soutine and, 315-17; Surrealism and, 68 works: Black Friday, 102; Gotham News, 102; Marilyn Monroe, 413; Police Gazette, 355; Untitled II, 98; Untitled 111, 98; Woman and Bicycle, 412-13; Women, 14, 97, 101-3, 204,282, 315-17 Delacroix, Eugène, 328-34; Arabs Stalking a Lion, 329, 334; Christ on the Sea of Galilee, 331; Women of Algiers, 333 Delaunay-Terk, Sonia, 299 [ 436 ] INDEX demotic drawing and writing, 91-94 Demuth, Charles, 183 Denis, Maurice, 43 Depression art, 96 Derain, André, 243, 244, 312 Derrida, Jacques, 167, 414 De Salvo, Donna, 169, 366 Deyhim, Sussan, 407 Dia Center for the Arts (New York), 80-82 Diaghilev, Serge, 173 Dickie, George, xix, xx Diderot, Denis, xii, 66 Diebenkorn, Richard, 120, 281-87; Girl on a Terrace, 281-82, 284; Ocean Park series, 284-87 Dine, Jim, 15, 18; Green Suit, 17 Dole, Robert, 380 Dossi, Dosso, 54 Dou, Gerard, 261 dreams: Freudian analysis of, 139-40; graphic representation of, 73-74 drip painting, 335, 343-50; Pop Art, 15 Dubuffet, Jean, 243-48 Duchamp, Marcel, x, 49, 50, 135, 236-37, 269, 322, 360, 382, 386-92; Brancusi and, 178-81, 184-85; and Cubism, 297; nom de femme of, 25; and postmodernism, 184, 409; readymades of, xi, xix, xxvii, 179, 181, 237, 361, 388-91; Stettheimer and, 172, 173, 176 works: Etant donnés, 392; Fountain, xxvii, xxviii, 180-81, 183, 389; In Advance of the Broken Arm, 389; Large Glass (The Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, Even), 3 86— 87, 389-91; Nude Descending a Staircase, 176, 178-79, 184,223,300 Dufy, Raoul, 302 Dürer, Albrecht, 124, 153-54; Melencolia I, 124 Dutch Reformed churches, 188 Ecole des Beaux-Arts, 304 Edelman, Gerald, 149 Egyptian art, xx-xxi, 195, 243 Eicke, Edna, 174 Eisenhower, Dwight D., 279 Eisenman, Nicole, 150 Elizabeth II, Queen of England, 190 End of Art, 425 Erjautzt, Manfred, 217 Ernst, Max, 71, 247 Espace d'Art Comtemporain (Paris), 27 Euripides, 112 Ewald, Wendy, 262 existentialism, 146; psychoanalysis and, 23 Expressionism, 402-3; see also Abstract Ex­pressionism; Neo-Expressionism Falter, Der, 216 Fantin-Latour, Ignace Henri Jean Théodore, 333 fashion photography, 57-60, 62 Fauves, 244, 299, 369 Feldman, Morton, 413 Feldman, Ronald and Frayda, 377-80, 384; Ten Portraits of Jews of the Twentieth Cen­tury, 378 films: versus slides, 78-79, 84; underground, 413; by Warhol, 77-81; see also specific film titles Fischer, Ronald, 59 Fischl, Eric, 409 Fischli, Peter, 162 Flaming Creatures (film), 413 Flammarion, Camille, 387 Harness, 46, 70; Manet's use of, 332 Fluxus art movement, 51, 109-12, 361-63, 365, 367 folk art, 242-43 Fondation Nationale d'Art Contemporain (FNAC), 304 [ 437 ] INDEX Fontana, Lucio, 87, 311 Ford, John, 130 found objects, 388 Fragonard, Jean-Honoré, xii Francis, Sam, 411 Franco-Prussian War, 82 Frank, Robert, 412 Freilicher, Jane, 318 French Revolution, 44, 256 Freud, Lucien, 33-38, 189; Leigh Bowery (Seated), 36; Naked Man on a Bed, 33 Freud, Sigmund, 36-37, 64, 68, 69, 140, 158, 182; The Interpretation of Dreams, 139 Freud (film), 74 Fry, Roger, 176, 204, 227, 244, 248 Futurism, xviii, 97, 300, 387, 413 Gabiik, Suzi, xxx Gage, John, 333 Galassi, Peter, 233, 234 Gaudi, Antoni, 218 Gaugh, Harry, 120 Gauguin, Paul, 43, 114, 214, 243, 355 Gautier, Théophile, 334 Gehry, Frank, 162-63, 165 Geist, Sidney, 122 Geldzahler, Henry, 378 Geometrical Abstraction, 114 George III, King of England, 291 Géricault, Théodore, 331 Getty Research Institute, 362 Giacometti, Alberto, 214 Gil Bias (periodical), 297 Gilot, Françoise, 101, 226 Gins, Madeline, 265-72; City Without Grave­yard, 268; The Mechanism of Meaning, 265 — 66, 269-71; Site of Reversible Destiny—Yoro, 271; Ubiquitous Site. Nagi's Ryoanji. Archi­tectural Body, 271 Giorgione, 125 Giotto, 259, 416-20, 422, 425, 426 Giuliani, Rudolph, 395, 400 Glass, Philip, 413 Gleizes, Albert, 297 Gluckman, Richard, 185 Gobelins tapestries, 332 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 258 Golan, Romy, 301 Goldin, Nan, 150, 231-34, 412; The Ballad of Sexual Dependency, 231-33; Tokyo Love, 149 Gombrich, Ernst, 335, 417 Goodman, Nelson, xxii, 4 Gorky, Arshile, 115 Gothic architecture, 188 Gottlieb, Adolph, 40 Gouel, Eva, 223, 224 Gowing, Lawrence, 39 Grafton Galleries, 227 Gray, Effie, 31 Greeks, ancient, xvii, 33 Greenberg, Clement, xii, xxiii, 11-12, 15, 18, 44, 260, 262, 263, 363, 372, 423; "Avant- Garde and Kitsch" 12-14, 373; compart-mentalization of artistic endeavors by, 361; critical dogma of, 66-67, 90; on Manet, 332, 369; materialistic account of Mod­ernism of, 24, 194-96, 200; Pollock and, 66, 347, 349, 408; Surrealism and, 69-73, 75 Green Gallery, 50, 51 Grimes, Tammy, 54 Grosz, George, 6, 7, 10 Grünewald, Mathias, 240 grunge, 18 Guardi, Cecilia, 252, 254 Guardi, Francesco, 250, 256 Guerrilla Girls, 158 Guggenheim, Peggy, 344, 346 Guggenheim Museum, xix, 28, 164, 197— 200; Arakawa-Gins exhibition, 265-70; Beuys exhibition, 88; "Japanese Art After [ 438 J INDEX 1945" 106, 109-13; Morris retrospective, 49, 52, 54-56; Rauschenberg exhibition, 279-80; Rothko exhibition, 339 Guillaume, Paul, 355 Gutai Art Association, 107-11 Guys, Constantin, xii Habermas, Jürgen, 414 Hafif, Marcia, 311 Hallen für Neue Kunst (Schaffhausen, Switzerland), 27 Hanhardt, John, 149 Happenings, 363 Hard-Edge Abstraction, xxv, xxvi, 322 Harnett, William, 238 Harper's Weekly, 8 Harvard University, 331; Norton Lectures, 199 Harvey, Steve, xxv, xxvi-xxviii, 321-23, 325 Haskell, Barbara, 371, 372, 414 Hausmann, Raoul, 6 Heartfield, John, 3-10; "Prussian Archangel" 7 Heaven's Gate, 263 Hegel, G. W. F., xii, xx, 259, 339, 419, 424; on Absolute Knowledge, 424; on Absolute Spirit, 313, 375, 431; on the demotic, 163; on "highest vocation" of art, 326, 338 works: Lectures on Aesthetics, 51; The Phi­losophy of History, 418 Heidegger, Martin, xx, 26, 167, 188, 282, 286, 331, 348, 394,415 Held, Al, 97 Henderson, Linda Dalrymple, 386-87, 390, 391 Hendra, Tony, 142 Hergesheimer, Joseph, 177 Hickey, Dave, 354, 356 Higgins, Dick, 51 Hijikata Tatsumi, 112 Hill, Gary, 167-68 Hindley, Myra, 395 Hinduism, 100 Hirschl & Adler Modern (gallery), 248 Hirshhorn Museum (Washington, D.C.), 35 Hirst, Damien: Away from the Flock, 398; The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living, 394; A Thousand Years, 398 Hitchcock, Alfred, 74, 374 Hitler, Adolf, 5, 9, 197 Hobbes, Thomas, 63 Hoch, Hannah, 6 Hockney, David, 10, 87; The Most Beautiful Boy in the World, 130; We Two Boys Together Clinging, 130 Hoffman, Hans, 13, 14 Hokusai, see Katsushika Hokusai Hollywood movies, 12,13 Holt, Jim, 85, 89 Holzer, Jenny, 219 Homer, 90, 406 Hopkins, Gerard Manley, 276 Hopper, Edward, xxvi, 374 Hopps, Walter, 273 Hoving, Thomas, 57 Hudson River School, 337, 338 Hughes, Robert, 27 Hume, David, xii, 48 Hundertwasser, Friedrich, 217-19 Husserl, Edmund, 75 Huston, John, 74 illusionist tradition, 194, 195, 254; creation of space, 69-70, 72-74 implicit hand, 88 Impressionism, 95-97, 333, 334, 370, 424 Industrial Revolution, 385 Ingres, Jean-Auguste-Dominique, 119, 330, 332; The Turkish Bath, 333 [ 439 ] INDEX Institute of Artistic Culture (Inkhuk), 323, 326 Institute of Contemporary An (Boston), 147 Institute of Contemporary Art (Philadelphia), 166 Institutional Theory of Art, xix, 428 Invisible Man, The (film), 81 Irwin, Robert, 21-22 Isabel de Valois, Queen of Spain, 151, 154, 156 Islam, 404-7 Istanbul Biennial, 404 Jackson, Martha, Gallery, 107 Jacob, Mary Jane, 82,143-44 Jahangir, 289-92 James, Henry, 277, 370; The Ambassadors, 325; "The Madonna of the Future" xiii, xiv, 421-22, 424 Janis Gallery, 282 Japanese art, 120-21, 195, 243; avant-garde, 105-13 Jeanniot, G., 116 Jedermann sein eigner Fussball (magazine), 10 Jewish Museum (New York), 240, 313,318- 19 Jewishness, 313-14, 318-, see also anti- Semitism Joblaud, Caroline, 40 Johns, Jasper, 15, 17-18,235-41, 273-74, 280, 409, 410, 412, 413; The Critic Sees, 240; Flag, 235-39; Flashlight, 239; Fool's House, 235, 237; Light Bulb, 239; Racing Thoughts, 237; Untitled, 240 Johnson, Lyndon, 7 Johnson, Ray, 360-67 Johnson, Samuel, 190 Joyce, James, 222 Judd, Donald, 398 Judson dancers, 174, 280 Jugendstil, 215, 218, 219; see also Art Nouveau Kabakov, Uya, 263-64 Kafka, Franz, 34 Kahnweiler, Daniel-Henry, 223-25, 297 Kandinsky, Vassily, xix, 13, 195, 196, 199 Kant, Immanuel, 59, 186, 336, 337, 340, 397, 398 Kaprów, Allen, 363 Karp, Ivan, 90, 378 Katsushika Hokusai, 243 Keinholz, Edward, 206-12, 218; The Art Show, 212; Back Seat Dodge '38, 208; The Beanery, 211 ; The Illegal Operation, 210, 211 ; John Doe, 211 ; The Psycho-Vendetta Case, 210; Untitled, 206-7 Kelly, Ellsworth, xxv, 199 Kennedy, John F., 279 Kepes, György, 115 Kertess, Klaus, 142-44,146-49 Kienholz, Nancy Reddin, 212 Kierkegaard, Seren, 137-38, 308 Kimmelman, Michael, 189 King, William, 395 Kirili, Alain, 411 Hirstein, Lincoln, 174 Kitaj, R. В., 125-31; The Dancer (Margaret), 130-31; The Ohio Gang, 130; Portrait of God as a Young Jewish Male, 127-28; Rousseau, 125; Self-Portrait as a Woman, 127; The Sensualist, 128-29 kitsch, 12,13,47, 218, 374; Pop Art and, 15,17 Klee, Paul, 13, 243, 244 Klein, Melanie, 99 Klimt, Gustav, 215-18 Kline, Elizabeth, 117-18 Kline, Franz, xxvi, 96, 97, 114-22, 335-36; Black Sienna, 121-22; Cupola, 119; Mahon­ing I], 118-20; Painting No. 1, 120; Requiem, 119; Untitled, 121 [ 44° ] INDEX Knaths, Karl, 115 Koch, Kenneth, 414 Kokoschka, Oskar, 214 Komar, Vitaly, 337 Koons, Jeff, 218 Kozloff, Joyce, 45 Krasner, Lee, 115 Krauss, Rosalind, 11 Kunsthistorisches Museum (Vienna), 151 Lacan, Jacques, 32-33, 140, 414 Lachaise, Gaston, 174 Lanchner, Carolyn, 302 "language games" (Wittgenstein), 132-33, 139 Last Year at Marienbad (film), 84 Las Vegas, Nev., 351-59 Lavin, Maud, 6 League of Nations, 9 learned helplessness, 140-41 Lehel, Jean-Jacques, 391 Lebenszeit, 13, 239-40 Léger, Fernand, xxvii, 178-80, 297-303; Bal­let mécanique, 300; Les Constructeurs, 302; Contraste deformes, 300; La Couseuse, 299; Femme cousant, 299, 300; Les Fumeurs, 298; La Grande Parade, 302; La Noce, 298; La Sortie des Ballets Russes, 300; Three Women (Le Grand Déjeuner), 302 Lenin, V. I., 326 Lennon, John, 363 Leonardo da Vinci, 79, 100, 202-3, 205, 384; The Last Supper, 100; Mona Lisa, 78, 79, 252, 402 Leslie, Alfred, 412 Levin, Arnie, 87 Levine, David, 7 Levine, Sherrie, xxvii Leyden, Lucas van, 153-54 Lichtenstein, Roy, xxvii, 15, 87, 98, 142; Large Jewels, 17; Masterpiece, 142,403; Steve Canyon, 236 Lippi, Filippino, xxviii Lippi, Fra Lippo, xxviii Livingston, Jane, 60-64, 284, 286 Lockett, Ronald, 246 Long, Charles, 260 Longo, Robert, 267 Lorenz, Lee, 87 Louis, Morris, xxii, xxiii Louis XIV, King of France, 293 Louvre, 24, 315, 316 Lucas, Sarah: Au Naturel, 395; Bunny, 395 Lumpkin, Libby, 357 MacAnulty, Tom, 430 Macdonald, Dwight, 373 Machine Age, 16 Mackintosh, Charles Rennie, 261 Maciunas, George, 361 Magritte, René, 69 "mail art" 365 Maison de Tante Léonie (Ubers, France), 47 Malevich, Kasimir, xix, 20, 195, 199, 310, 369, 422; Black Square, xx, 196, 277; White on White, 20, 24, 111 Mallarmé, Stéphane, 365 Malraux, André, 244 Manassas, First, 82, 83 Manet, Edouard, 14, 69, 116, 119, 206, 207, 244, 334, 355, 374; Déjeuner sur l'herbe, 243,332-33,369,424 Mangold, Robert, 201 Mannerism, 419 Mantegna, Andrea, 70; Camera degli Sposi, 293 Mapplethorpe, Robert, 8, 32 Marcuse, Herbert, 16 Marden, Brice, 148 Marker, Chris, 84 Marr, Dora, 225-27 Marsh, Reginald, 374 Martin, Agnes, 148, 411 [ 441 ] INDEX Marx, Groucho, 63 Marx, Karl, 6 Masaccio, 418 Maschinenkunst ("machine-art"), S Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 246 Masson, André, 33, 69 Matisse, Henri, 70,114,129, 224, 256, 299, 302, 312, 353, 369,402,408, 411; ap­proach to color of, 333; Braque's work de­scribed by, 296-97; Greenberg on, 13; influence of primitive art on, 243, 244 works: La Desserte rouge, 39-41,45; Harmony in Red, 39-41,45; Luxe, mime, et volupté, 417; View of Notre Dame, 285 Matta, Roberto, 68, 345 Mayakovsky, Vladimir, 325-26 McBride, Henry, 173 McCarthy, Eugene, 380 McCarthy, Joseph, 380 McCoy, Jason, Gallery, 41, 47 Medici, Cosimo de, 156 Meegeren, Hans van, 421 ; Christ at Emmaeus, xxii Meiss, Millard, 301 Melamid, Alexander, 337 Mellon, Andrew, 323 Metropolitan Museum of Art, 57, 58, 429; Dalí exhibition, 70, 76; de Kooning retro­spective, 95, 102—4; Freud exhibition, 35- 38; Hockney exhibition, 10; Kitaj retro­spective, 125-31; Macintosh exhibition, 261; Mughal painting exhibition, 290-95; "Origins of Impressionism" exhibition, 96-97; Pippin retrospective, 114; Tiepolo retrospective, 251-56 Metzinger, Jean, 297 Meyer, Baron Adolph de, 177 Meyerhold, Otto, 324 Michelangelo, 150, 156, 401, 416-21, 424- 26, 429; Last Judgment, 100, 417,418; Sis-tine Chapel ceiling, xxii, 255, 402, 418-19 Millais, John, 31 Miller, Barbara Stoler, 101 Millet, Jean-François, 395 Milton, John, 168 Mind (journal), 307 Minimalism, 24, 28, 44, 51, 135, 277,343, 370, 409 Miró, Joan, 13, 14, 68, 69, 72, 117; Dialogue of Insects, 355 Mitchell, Joan, 97, 349; Ladybug, 343-46 Mitchell, W.J. T., 51,54, 56 Mobil gasoline, Flying Red Horse sign for, xxvi Modernism, xvii-xviii, 15, 76, 95, 119, 228— 29, 330, 362, 368, 373, 375, 418, 420-21, 423-28; advertising as' expression of, 325; aviation as metaphor for, 178; and concept of Great Works, 402; creolization of, in 1970s, 230; Cubism and, 222; Duchamp and aesthetics of, 184, 360; French, 40, 66; Greenbergon, 12, 13, 18-19, 24, 69-70, 72, 73, 75, 194-96, 369; Impressionism and, 370; Johns and, 240; Kienholz and, 206; Léger and, 302; Manet and starting point of, 206, 243, 244, 332-34, 369, 424; nakedness and, 33; outsider art and, 242- 46; Pollock and, 371; spiritualist reading of, 195-96; Stettheimer and, 171-77; uni­versality and, 200; women and, 158 Modigliani, Amedeo, 33, 312, 314, 353, 355 Moholy-Nagy, László, 199 Momenta Art gallery, 428 Mondrian, Piet, xix, xx, 13, 183, 191 Monet, Claude, 97, 352, 353, 355 Monk, Ray, 220 monochrome painting, xx, 20-23, 26, 49, 194-96, 277, 307-11, 324; see also specific artists montage, 3-10 Monty Python comedy group, 61 Moore, G. E., xii, 204 Г 442 ] INDEX Moorman, Charlotte, 162 Morelli, Giovanni, xxviii Morgan, J. P., 429 Morrell, Ottoline, 226-27 Morris, Robert, 49-56; Beam, 51; Column, 51; I-Box, 54-55; Self-Portrait (E.E.G.), 55; Slab, 51 Morris, William, xxvi, 385 Motherwell, Robert, 68-69, 74, 95-97, 115- 17, 201, 286, 363, 408; Lyric Suite, 345; Spanish Elegies, 285 Mueck, Ron, 397 Mughal painting, 288-95 multiculturalism, 91, 147, 419 Mumtaz Mahal, 289, 294 Munakata, Shiko, 107-8 Munch, Edvard, 322 Munroe, Alexandra, 108, 111, 113 Murakami Saburo, 110-11; Work Painted by Throwing a Ball, 111 Murray, Elizabeth, 170-71 Musée d'Ethnologie (Paris), 243 Musée d'Orsay (Paris), 89 Museum of American Folk Art (New York), 247 Museum of the American Indian (New York), xxx Museum of Applied Art (Vienna), 219 Museum of the City of New York, 175 Museum of Contemporary Art (Chicago), 115 Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), xviii, 80, 129, 371, 412; "Allegories of Modernism" 136; "American Art: 1940-1970" 343; Beuys exhibition, 88; Heartfield exhibition, 6; "High & Low" 12, 60, 325-26, 373; Johns exhibition, 236, 241; Léger exhibi­tion, 297-302; "Modern Starts" 369, 414; Naumann exhibition, 133-41, 166; "Pi­casso and Portraiture" exhibition, 220, 223-27; "Pleasures and Terrors of Domes­tic Comfort" 233; Pollock retrospective, 343, 346; Rodchenko exhibition, 323, 327; Ryman exhibition, 20, 23—28; Soutine ex­hibition, 312, 318; Stettheimer exhibition, 172; Twombly exhibition, 86, 87, 89-91, 94; "Video Spaces" 166-68 Museum of Modern Art (San Francisco), xix Museum of Non-Objective Painting (New York), xix, 197, 198, 201 Museum of Twentieth Century Art (Vienna), 218 Museum of Women in the Arts (Washing­ton, D.C.), 151 Museum Zamek (Lancut, Poland), 151 music, xx, 413; silence in, 21, 109 Nadar, 424 Nadelman, Elie, 174 Nagi Museum of Contemporary Art (Nagi, Japan), 271 nakedness, 29-38; versus nudeness, 29-32, 35-38, 127 Namuth, Hans, 344, 346-47 National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), 310 National Gallery (Washington, D.C.), 283, 323; "Imitation and Invention" 153; Ver-meer exhibition, 186-87 National Gallery of Canada (Ottawa), 87, 341 Nauman, Bruce, xiii, 132-41, 165-66, 399; works: Animal Pyramid, 136; Anthro/ Socio:Anthro/Socio, 136, 137; Clown Torture, 137; Drill Team, 138; Eating My Words, 138, 139; From Hand to Mouth, 138; Learned Helplessness in Rats (Rock and Roll Drummerj, 140-41; Model for Animal Pyra­mid II, 136; One Hundred Live and Die, 137-38, 141; PAY ATTENTION.', 133, 135, 137; PLEASE PAY ATTENTION PLEASE, 133; Untitled, 138; Waxing Hot, 138 Nazism, 3,6, 9, 128,196,313 [ 443 ] INDEX Neel, Alice, 158 Neo-Classicism, 419 Neo-Expressionism, 228, 229, 403, 409, 412 Neo-Plasücism, xx Neri, Louise, 264 Neshat, Shirin: Rapture, 404-7; Turbulent, 404 Neuberger Museum of Art (Purchase, N.Y.), 281 Neutral Monism, 221 New Art Examiner, The, 243 New Art History, 375 Newman, Barnett, 40, 72, 97,116, 310; One-ment I, 96; Vir Heroicus Sublimus, 361 New Sculpture, 44 New York American, 179 New York Correspondance School, 363-67 New York Cultural Center, 364 New Yorker, The, 87, 174-75, 344-45 New York Review of Books, The, 7 New York School, 40, 69, 95, 107, 116, 286, 363,408 New York Times, The, 40, 52, 401; Magazine, 30,142-44,176 Nietzsche, Friedrich, 171, 405; The Twilight of the Idols, 3 Nijinsky, Vaslav, 173 Nitsch, Hermann, 216 Nixon, Richard, 7, 379 non-objective art, xix-xx, 197-99; see also Ab­stract Expressionism Novelty Art, 18 nudity, male, access of women to, 157-58 Oceanic art, 243 Ofili, Chris, 395-96; Afrobluff, 395-96; The Holy Virgin Mary, 395, 400 Ogunquit, Maine, summer artists, 243, 245 O'Hara, Frank, 414 Oldenburg, Claes, xxvii, 15, 320-21, 363; Blue and Pink Panties, 321; Green Stockings, 17; Ice Cream Sandwich, 321; Mu Mu, 17 Old Masters, 82, 315, 317; see also specific artists Olivier, Fernande, 221, 223-24 Olmsted, Frederick Law, 379 Ono, Yoko, 108-10, 363; "Voice Piece for Soprano" 108-10 Opie, Catherine, 149-50 Orientalism, 333 Oursler, Tony, 168-69 outsider art, 242-49 Oxford University, 125, 130 Oz books (Baum), 247 P.M., 114 Pace Gallery, 96 Pach, Walter, 388 Padshahnama, 290-92 Paik, Nam June, 112, 160-63, 165, 363; Elec­tronic Superhighway, 161; "TV Bra for Liv­ing Sculpture" 162 Palazzo Schifanoia (Ferrara), 124 Panofsky, Erwin, 124 Paris, School of, 66, 90, 315, 410 Parish House (Charleston, S.C.), 82-83 Parrish Art Museum (Southampton, NY.), 169 Partisan Review, The, 53 Pasadena Museum of Art, xxiv Pascin, Jules, 312, 314 Pattern and Decoration (P&D) movement, 44, 45 Paul VI, Pope, 165 performance art, 36, 174, 355 Persian illuminations, 288 Pettibone, Richard, xxvii phenomenlogy, 13, 239 Philadelphia Museum of Art, 90; Arensberg Collection, 184-85, 391-92; Brancusi ex­hibition, 181; Delacroix exhibition, 328, 331 Philip II, King of Spain, 151, 156 [ 444 I INDEX Philip IV, King of Spain, 156 Phillips, Lisa, 147, 364, 409-11, 414 photography: fashion, 57-60, 62; in 1970s reconceptualization of art, 230; see also spe­cific artists Picabia, Francis, 173 Picasso, Pablo, xvii, 33, 114, 117, 178, 302, 312, 352, 353, 355, 358, 360, 402, 408, 411; and African art, 245; attitude toward women of, 101; ballet collaborations of, 173; Catalan paradigms of, 195; Critical Iconology approach to, 124-25; Cubism of, 97, 180, 296, 297; Greenberg on, 13, 72; portraits by, 220-27 works: Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, 39-40, 45, 244, 296, 369, 386, 417; Family of Saltimbanques, 221; Guernica, 14; Ma jolie, 224; Portrait of Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler, 224-25; Woman in an Armchair, 224; Woman with Mirror, 204 Picasso Museum (Paris), 305 Piero delia Francesca, 15, 222, 384 Pierpont Morgan Library (New York), 250- 52, 255, 256 Pincus-Witten, Robert, 362 Pippin, Horace, 114 Pissarro, Camille, 97, 353 Pius IV, Pope, 156-57 "Places with a Past" exhibition (Charleston, S.C.), 144 Plato, 278-79, 381; Republic, 292 Plautilla, Sister, 152 political engagement, 60-61, 147; after Rus­sian Revolution, 323 Polizíano, Angelo, 124, 125 Polke, Sigmar, 409 Pollock, Jackson, xxv, 72, 96, 97, 115-17, 276, 335, 343-50, 371, 401, 411, 412, 424; drip painting discovered by, 278; Greenberg and, 66, 347, 349, 408; Japanese avant-garde art influenced by, 106-7, 110; Kline's memorial to, 119; Namuth's film of, 344-47; Surrealism and, 68, 69 works: Autumn Rhythm, 348; Blue Poles, 344, 349; The Deep, 349; Guardians of the Se­cret, 350; The Key, 347; Mural, 346, 347; Number 32,1950, 346; The She-Wolf 349-50 Pompidou Center (Paris), 11, 67 Pop Art, 98, 106, 239, 320, 343, 370, 409, 412; absence of women in, 158; hand-painted, 13-18; optimism of, 287; widen­ing of subject of painting by, 37, 424-25 Pope, Alexander, 90 Popova, Lyubov, 323-24, 326 Porter, Cole, 175 Post-History, xxix, 229, 428-31 Post-Impressionism, 112,227 postmodernism, 184, 352, 398, 409 Potter, Paulus, 350 pottery, Japanese, 111-12 Poussin, Nicolas, 119, 223, 224 Pozzi, Lucio, 411 Prather, Maria, 102 Pre-Raphaelites, xxvi, 31,195, 216, 370 primitive art, 243-45; Surrealist appreciation of, 68 Proust, Marcel, 47, 336 PS1 (Long Island City, N.Y.), xxx psychic automatism, see automatism psychoanalysis, 99; dreams in, 139-40; exis­tential, 23 Puck Building (New York), 246 Pull My Daisy (film), 412, 413 Puteaux group, 297 Quine, W. V. О., xii Rabi, 1.1., 368, 369, 375 Raphael, 31-32, 195, 384, 420, 426; Madonna delia Seggiola, xiv, 421,422 Rassmüller, Urs, 27, 28 [ 445 ] INDEX Rauschenberg, Robert, xx, 15, 18, 20-23, 26, 115-16, 218, 273-80, 355, 412,422; Bed, 278, 279; "Black Paintings" 22; Canyon, 121; "Combines" xxi, 23, 273-77; Cur­rency, 279; Erased de Kooning Drawing, 278, 413; Factum I, 279; Levee, 279; Monogram, 274, 275; Revolver, 279; "White Paintings" 20,21,23 Ray, Man, 111 readymades, xi, xix, xxvii, 179, 181, 361, 388- 91; reverse, 237 Reagan, Ronald, 384 Rebay, Baroness Hilla, 197-99, 201 Reinhardt, Ad, 26,114-17,119,122, 338, 339; "How to Look at Modern Art in America" 114 Rembrandt van Rijn, 153-54, 175, 214, 254, 357; Blau's use of images from works of, 261; Duchamp and, 237, 382; Kline influenced by, 117-19, 121; Soutine's identification with, 314, 316, 317; van Gogh on, 331; women painted by, 275 works: The Jewish Bride, 318; The Polish Rider, 122 Renaissance, 100, 151, 298, 357, 368, 371, 372, 388, 391 Renoir, Auguste, 97 Reza, Yasmina, 305-11 Rhoades, Jason, 263, 264 Rhode Island School of Design, 246 Richardson, John, 35, 36 Richter, Gerhard, 199, 409 Ridder, Willem de, 362 Rimbaud, Arthur, xiv Ritchie, Matthew, 263 Ritual of the Overlooked, 158 Rococo art, 419 Rodchenko, Alexander, xix, 203, 320-27, 422, 427; Clown with Saxophone, 326; Pure Red Color, Pure Yellow Color, and Pure Blue Color, 324; Red October cookie factory ad­vertisements, 324 Rodia, Simon, 242 Rollins, Tim, 385 Rondeau, James, 404-5 Rosenberg, Harold, 102 Rosenblum, Robert, xxvii Rosenfeld, Paul, 177 Rosenquist, James, xxvii, 15 Rosenthal, Norman, 399 Ross, David, 60, 144, 147 Ross, Harold, 175 Rothko, Mark, xxv, 72, 96, 97, 115, 116, 335-42, 371; Eastern European Jewish background of, 313, 410; National Gallery of Canada acquisition of work by, 87; panels painted for Harvard by, 331 works: No. 16 (Two Whites, Two Reds), 341; Untitled, 340, 341 Rousseau, Henri, 243 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 125 Rowell, Margit, 185 Royal Academy of Art, 395 Royal College of Art, 130 Rubens, Peter Paul, 154, 357; Venus, 279 Rubin, William, 224 Rubins, Nancy, 146 Ruskin, John, xii, 30-31, 424 Russell, Bertrand, xii, 220-22, 226-27, 273, 277 Russell, John, 34-35 Russell, Lynn, 161 Russian Revolution, 323 Ryman, Robert, 20-28, 200, 201, 311, 422, 427; The Paradoxical Absolute, 25, 26; Sur­face Veil I, 28 Saatchi, Charles, 395, 399 Sacco-Vanzetti case, 210 Saenredam, Pieter, 188, 189 Safer, Morley, 28 [ 446 ] INDEX St. Thomas University, 340 Salle, David, 229, 267, 409 Salon d'Automne, 296, 369 Salon des Indépendants, 179, 183 Salon des Refusés, 332-33, 424 Salon of Aviation (Paris, 1912), 178 Santayana, George, 174, 198 Sappho, 272 Sartre, Jean-Paul, 23, 146, 378 Sauer, Christel, 27 Saville, Jenny: Plan, 395-96; Trace, 395 Savoy, The, 1 Saxl, Fritz, 125 scale: content and, 47; and relationship of viewer to painting, 339, 340; rhetoric of, 39-41 Schapiro, Meyer, 73, 202-5 Schapiro, Miriam, 44-45; Barcelona Fan, 45 Schiele, Egon, 214-15 Schilder-boeck (Van Zander), 154 Schimmel, Paul, 133 Schjeldahl, Peter, 42-43, 248 Schnabel, Julian, 229, 267, 409 Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture (New York), 245, 246 Schongauer, Martin, 154 Schopenhauer, Arthur, xx, 26 Schuyler, James, 414 Schwarzkogler, Rudolf, 216, 219 Scorpio Rising (film), 413 Scully, Sean, xx Seator, Glen, 261 Secession building (Vienna), 215-18 Segal, George, 212 Seurat, Georges, 114; Les Poseuses, 204 sexuality: fin de siècle, 149-50; in 1970s recon-ceptualization of art, 232-34; ugliness and, 207-8 Shahjahan, 288-94 Shakespeare, William, 419; The Tempest, 302 Shannon, Charles, 248 Sharpton, Al, 64 Shea, Judith, 402 Sherman, Cindy, 234, 267, 412 Shraga Kazuo, 111 Signac, Paul, 333 Silverman, Debora, 44 Silverman, Gilbert and Lila, 362 Simmons, Gary, 411, 413 Sisley, Alfred, 97 SITE Santa Fe, 405 site-specific works, 82-83, 144 60 Minutes (TV show), 28 size, see scale Slonim, Jeffrey, 158 Smith, David, 66 Smith, Leon Polk, xxv Smith, Mary T., 245, 246 Smith, Roberta, 52 Social Democratic Party, Austrian, 213 Socialist Realism, 196, 326 Society of Independent Artists, 180, 389 Socrates, 54, 381 Solomon-Godeau, Abigail, 157 Sonnabend, Ileana, 42-43 Sonnabend Gallery, xxix, 53 Sony Corporation, 165 Sotheby's, 86-87, 90 Soutine, Chaim, 312-19 space: illusory, 69-70, 72-74; infinite, repre­sentation of, 185; and relationship of viewer to painting, 199-200, 339-40 Spellbound (film), 74 Spinoza, Baruch, 164, 367 Spoleto Festival, "Places with a Past" exhibi­tion, 82, 144 Stable Gallery, xxvi, 50, 378 Stalcup, Jeter, 363 Stalin, Joseph, 9, 197, 323, 326 Stankiewicz, Richard, 274, 275 Stedelijk Museum (Amsterdam), 211-12 Steen, Jan, 189 [ 447 ] INDEX Steichen, Edward, xviii, 180, 184 Stein, Gertrude, 178, 220, 226, 227, 297, 369; Four Saints in Three Acts, 173 Steinbach, Haim, xxix Steinberg, Leo, 296 Steinberg, Saul, 25, 64 Stella, Frank, xii, 49, 73, 143, 199 Stereolab (rock band), 260 Sterne, Laurence, 307 Stettheimer, Carrie, 172,175-76 Stettheimer, Ettie, 172, 175-76 Stettheimer, Florine, 170-77; La Fête à Duchamp, 172-73; Spring Sale at Bendel's, 174,177 Stettheimer, Rosetta, 172 Stieglitz, Alfred, xviii Stil), Clyfford, 116 Storefront for Art and Architecture (New York), 404 Storr, Robert, 12, 23, 133, 138, 139 Strauss, Leo, 239 Strauss, Richard, 361 Stuart, Gilbert, 15 Sturtevant, Elaine, xxvii Stüttgen, Johannes, 88 Suprematism, xx, 20, 200, 310, 370 Surrealism, 33, 53,72, 330, 363, 387, 408; psychic automatism in, 68, 69, 115, 345; representation of dreams in, 73, 190, 244, 247; see also specific artists Sussman, Elisabeth, 172 Suzuki, D. T., 105-6,110, 362 Sylvester, David, 315 Taj Mahal, 289 Talbot, Fox, xvii Tanaka Atsuko, 111 Tanguy, Yves, 69, 71 Tansey, Mark, 154, 415; Triumph of the New York School, 372, 408-9 Tantric Buddhism, 240 Taoism, 271 Tate Gallery, 126 Tatlin, Vladimir, 200 Temkin, Ann, 185 Terborch, Gerard, 258-59 Thiebaud, Wayne, 15 Third Man, The (film), 213,214 Third Reich, 3, 9 Thomson, J. J., 368 Thomson, Virgil, 174; Four Saints in Three Acts, 173 Tiepolo, Domenico, 252 Tiepolo, Giambattista, 250-57, 259, 419; Danaé and Jupiter, 253-55; The Finding of Moses, 253; The Madonna and Child with Saints Catherine of Siena, Rose of Lima, and Agnes of Montepulciano, 251; The Martyrdom of Saint Agatha, 255 Tiffany, Louis Comfort, 372-73 Tillman, Lynne, 148-49 Time magazine, 66, 344 Tischbein, Johann Friedrich August, 384 Titian, 31, 129,253,402 Tomkins, Calvin, 389 Toronto Star, 87 Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de, 401 Traylor, Bill, 242, 246, 248 trompe l'oeil, 237-38, 311 Tuer, Dot, 81, 84 Turlington, Christy, 30, 32, 34, 35 Turrell, James, 80 TV art, 160-69 Twombly, Cy, X, 85-94, 115-16, 280, 412; Fifiy Days at Ilium, 90; Ides of March, 90; Leda and the Swan, 94; Untitled (Bolsena), 92-93 Uccello, Paolo, 384 Uhde, Wilhelm, 22 Union of Orthodox Rabbis, xxvi United States Customs Office, 179-81 [ 448 ] INDEX University of Chicago Press, 11 University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 354 Upanishads, 140 Updike, John, 175 Vallance, Jeffrey, 355, 357 Van Eyck, Hubert and J an, 246; Ghent Altar-piece, 74 van Gogh, Vincent, 25, 114, 352, 353, 355, 358; on Delacroix, 331; and Japanese art, 107, 195, 243; popular film on life of, 401; Soutine influenced by, 314-15 Van Vechten, Carl, 176 Varnedoe, Kirk, 80, 89, 90, 94, 172 Vasari, Giorgio, 151-52, 156, 157, 416-17, 420, 423, 424 Vautier, Ben, 361 Vauxcelles, Louis, 297, 299 Velázquez, Diego Rodriguez de Silva, 156; Las Meninas, 192 Velez, Edin, 112 Venice Biennale, 162, 165 Venturi, Robert, 352 Verdi, Giuseppi, 302 Vermeer, Jan, xxii, 186-93, 282, 298, 421; Allegory of Painting, 192; A Lady at the Virginal with a Gentleman (The Music Lesson), 190-92; The Procuress, 190, 192; View of Delft, xxii, 190, 283 — 84 Veronese, Paolo, 31, 253-54; Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, xii Vico, Giambattista, 268; The New Science, 123-26 Victoria, Queen of England, 77 video art, 160-69; dance and, 112; slides and, 80 Vienna, 213-19 Vietnam War, 7, 234, 360, 379 Viola, Bill, 162-66, 168; Slowly Turning Nar­rative, 166; Stations, 163-65 volitions, theory of, 48, 49 Vollard, Ambroise, 223 Wadsworth Atheneum (Hartford, Conn.), 173-74 Wagner, Otto, 216 Walker, Kara, 263 Wall, Jeff, 150 Walter, Marie-Thérèse, 225-27 Wandelt, Jack, 130 Warburg, Aby, 124-25, 130 Ward, Eleanor, xxiii Warhol, Andy, 60, 111, 326, 355, 357, 362, 376-84, 413, 427; auction of estate of, 86- 87; flower paintings of, 42; hand-painting of, 15-17; and New York Correspondance School, 363-64 works: Brillo Box, xix, xxi, xxiii, xxiv, xxvi-xxviii, 49, 50, 320-23, 425; Camp­bell's Soup labels, 236; Dick Tracy, 15; Empire, 77-81; Flower, 380-82; Icebox, 16; Myths, 377, 378, 383, 384; l$'s, 384; Storm Door, 16; Thirty Are Better Than One, 252 Warhola, Julia, 42, 43 Watteau, Jean-Antoine, 27; Gersaint's Shop-sign, 404 Watts, Alan, 106 Watts, Robert, 361 Watts Towers (Los Angeles), 242 Weimar Republic, 3, 6 Weiss, David, 162 Wesselman, Tom, 37 West, Franz, 218-19; "Adaptables" 218 Wexner Center for the Arts (Columbus, Ohio), 366 Wheeler, Monroe, 312, 315 Whistler, James Abbott McNeil, 424 Whitehead, Alfred North, 220, 226 Whiteread, Rachel: Ghost, 398-99; House, 399 [ 449 J INDEX Whitney, Gertrude Vanderbilt, 369-70 Whitney Museum of American Art, 369-70; "The American Century" 370-73, 399, 408-15; Avedon retrospective, 57-65; Bi­ennial, 7, 44, 142-50, 158, 159, 166, 258- 64; Diebenkorn retrospective, 284; "Hand- Painted Pop" 13-17; Johnson exhibitions, 363-66; Kienholz retrospective, 207-12; One exhibition, 115, 118-22; Rothko in­stallation, 339, 340; Stettheimer show, 172-73, 176 Who Framed Roger Rabbit? (film), 301 Wiener Werkstätte, 216 Wilde, Oscar, 216 Wilkinson, Karen, xxx Willenbecher, John, 363-64 Williams, Bernard, 63 Wilson, Bill, 363 Wilson, Robert, 413 Wind, Edgar, 125, 130 Windsor Castle, Royal Library at, 291 Witte, Emmanuel de, 188, 189 Wittgenstein, Ludwig, xii, 48-50, 55, 163, 230, 268, 427; on color, 167; on death, 394; duck-rabbit puzzle of, 364, 365; on family resemblance, 116; on "language games" 132, 133, 139; on Russell's mathe­matics, 220 Wölfflin, Heinrich, 258 Wollheim, Richard, 36, 98-99, 101, 103, 330 Wong, Anna May, 364, 366 Wood, Grant, 374 Woolf, Virginia, 204, 226-27 "working space" 199-200 Wright, Frank Lloyd, 197 Wynn, Steve, 352-54, 357, 359 Yale University, 413 Yaujohn, 133 Yeats, William Buder, 84 Yellow Book, The, 7 Yomiuri (newspaper publisher), 107 Yoshihara Jiro, 107; Red Circle on Black, 109, 110 Zakanitch, Robert Rahway, 41-47; Big Bun­galow Suite, 41, 43-47 Zen Buddhism, 21, 22, 105-7, 114, 121, 240, 271 [ 45° I
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