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Volltext:Index Abstract Expressionism i, 15,16,19,32, 33-37. 58^7,77,84,107-109,112-116, 118-123,155-158,160-162,164-166,168- 170,212, 214,228-229,231,233-235, 407-415.420-421,423-425,428-433, 436-439,443.445-446,448-455,457- 458,461,463-464,469,471,473-477, 480-482,484-485, 487-488,490,494, 497,499-500,503-505,507-509,511- 512 Abstraction (includes abstract art) 28,32, 33,48-49,65,74,109,117,120,157,160- 161,165-166,168,212,225,230-231,234, 296-298,300,310,322,327,338,340, 422,426,430,447,453,455,462,490, 502-504,512 Achebe, Chinua 305 Action painting 121,165,307 Adorno, Theodor 5,6,9,21,44,46-48,53, 132,148-149,173,175-176, i84n, 197,19g, 201-202,204-205,207,212,215,244, 250, 257,260,281,293,330,378,418,427, 431,495,504,514 Aesthetics 2,5,9-11,14,21-22,25,31,42,45, 47,50,53,55,58,62n, 63,69-70,74,78, 80, 82-83,88, gg, 102,107-109,113-114, 116-118,120,123,131,146-147,161-162, 164,167-170,173,176,178,180,183020, 185,18903,193,195,209-211, 213,221, 235-236,238-239,243-244,247-248, 250,253, 256-258,260,262,295,298, 307,310-311,340,357,364,376,378,387, 397-399.421-422,427.431-433,447, 475,490,503 Africa 14,105, K 7-io8n2,116-117,123,230, 264,266, 280,282,301,304,314,3i7-3l8, 320,324,340,357,374, 385,447,461,474, 481-482 Agee, Philip 499 Albers, Josef 55 Alberti, Leon Battista 513 Alienation 5-6,8,10,14,31 34-35,37,5°, 85-87,135-136,149,165,169,174-177. 179,259,262, 291,314,368-369,397, 410,412,419,421,429,431-432,434,436, 438-439,446,454,460,486,507,514 Allende, Salvadore 6,78,180 Alloway, Lawrence 81,161,4451U59,463, 488-489 Almendros, Nestor 361 Alonso, Alicia 341,358 'Alternative modernisms' 7,20,27-29,32,37, 109, u6,306-307,3u, 317,324,363-365, 370,372-373,378-379,386,503 Althusser, Louis 99,136,398,400 Alvarez, Santiago 341 Amauta 381-382,387-395 American Artists Congress 470,481,493 Amin, Samir 99,105, n8,120-121,220,277, 303,305,357,364 Anarchism 34-36,172,233-234,262,370, 3711131,373-375.401,429-430,432-439, 441-444,462,484,487,508-509 Anderson, Benedict 23,277112 Anderson, Perry 369,422-423 Anreus, Alejandro 400,402-403 Antal, Frederick 5,43 Apartheid 264-268,270,274 Apollinaire, Guillaume 52,366 Aquinas, St Thomas 62n Araeen, Rasheed 2g8n8,305,317 Arb, Renée 158 Arbenz, Jacobo 458 Argentina 400,50-512 Aristotle 61, 62n, 63-64,262,513 Amheim, Rudolf 514 Aronowitz, Stanley 290 Arp, Hans 472 Arrighi, Giovanni 268 Art criticism and art critics 2,10-n, 16,21, 25,42,54,80, 89,92,100,107m, 112,141, 147,155,172,176-177,186,234,245-250, 254,258,318,363,366,400,420,431, 442,454,512 Artforum 59, 61,174112,249 Art history 4-7,9,14-15,17,19-20,24-25,28, 36,52,61,65, 67,8oni5,84,92,126,128, 155,177,199,204—205,207-208,223,225, 228,231,258,288-289,291-294,295- 296,298-302,304,319,321,369-370, 385,397,4U, 429-430,432-433,446, 466, 485, 488 554 INDEX Arte Povera 66,100,262,456 Artists' Committee for the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) 108,112 Artists' League of America 110-111 Artists Union no Artnews 16,155-160,163-168,233 Ashton, Dore 5,112-113, u9-i20,156, 368, 3691123, 385,476,480 Asia 108, u6,123,280,301,304,314,317,447, 498 Asturias, Miguel Angel 473 Atkinson, Teny 70 Auerbach, Eric 297 Aura (including auratic) 71-73,76,98,100, 103,250 Aurier, G. Albert 52 Australia 295,302 Autogestion 27,37,99,313, 334,353,360 Avant-garde 2-3,20,28,37,43,53,66, 75, 79, 88, us, 162,165,167-168,172,182-183, 185-186,210,212,220,243-244, 258,260, 262,286,297-299,335,349,356,365- 366,369-370.375-377.390,393-394, 408,421-423,425,427-428,432-433, 453-454,458-459,462,468,472,480, 488-489 Avery, Milton 157 Ayer, A.J. 42,217 Bachelard, Gaston 252 Bacon, Francis 176-177 Baddeley, Oriana 364,459 Bakhtin, Mikhail 5,13,199,223-224,296, 3°° 307,309-311,314-315,320,376,402, 450,514 Bakunin, Mikhail 430,441,443 Baraka, Amiri 329 Baran, Paul 291,485 Baranik, Rudolf 1, iog, 111,296,452,458,481, 497,500 Barnett, Lincoln 50 Barr, Alfred 212,297,443,453-454 Barredo, Gabino 226 Barthes, Roland 5,7,41,43-45,55,103,156, 183,246,248,307,328,369 Batista, Fulgencio 503 Baudelaire, Charles 25, 28,53,56,162,169, 181,259,369,379 Baudrillard.Jean 384n Bauhaus 286, 327-328,422 Bearden, Romare 112,475-476 Beckett, Samuel 148-149,177 Beethoven, Ludwig van 438 Begay, Harrison 467 Belgium 126-127 Bell, Clive 145 Beltrân, Felix 356 Benedetti, Mario 343,359 Benedict, Ruth 495 Benjamin, Walter 10, 29,4m, 45, 90-91,100, 125,131-132,149, i6oni8,174,212,260, 262,372-373,378,409-410,421-422, 466,483-484, 514 Berenson, Bernard 143, 238-239,310-311 Berger, John 5,16,48,88n6i, 149,172-187, 246,3io-3n, 315,340112,514 About Looking 172-173,175 Ways of Seeing 16,149,177 Bergson, Henri 93 Berman, Marshall 369 Bernard, Emile 61 Berni, Antonio 400,402-403 Bernini, Gianlorenzo 63 Biederman, Charles 6, 9-10,57-68 Biko, Steve 276 Binkley, Tomothy 74 Blake, Casey 420 Blavatsky, Helena 50-51 Bloch, Ernst 212, 514 Borge, Tomâs 279 Botha, P.W. 276 Botticelli, Sandro 62n Bourdieu, Pierre 346,353, 359 Bowdler, William 276 Braden, Thomas 487 Brancusi, Constantin 286,462 Braque, Georges 317 Braun, Barbara 403 Braverman, Harry 419,485 Brazil 350,418,509 Brecht, Bertolt 62n, 89,177,192,200-201, 225,262,350,378,439,484, 514 Brehme, Hugo 385 Breines, Paul 225037 Breton, André 149,159, i6om8, 211,309016, 356,366, 377,423, 457,46o, 472 Breughel, Pieter 127 Brooks, James 03 INDEX 555 Brown, Denise 283 Brown, Ford Madox 182 Brown, H. Rap 112 Buhle, Paul 304 Buhrle, Dietrich 104-105 Buren, Daniel 70,82-83,247-248,515 Bürger, Peter 366,428 Burgh, Hendrik van den 276 Burke, Edmund 221-222,433 Burne-Jones, Edward 142-148,152-153 Cabezas, Omar 450 Cabrai, Amilcar 107-108112,318 Calas, Nicolas 434 Caldera, Alejandro Serrano 226-227 Cambodia 500 Camnitzer, Luis 506 Camus, Albert 55,175 Canada 461,497 Canales, Alejandro 338 Canaletto 143 Canclini, Néstor Garcia 305,382ns Capitalism 2-4,11,20,22,24,27,53,80,82- 83.85-87,89,99,101-103,105,132-133, 135.137-138,141.146,152,153H46,175- 176,184,197,213,215,226,250,259,264, 268-271,274-276,278-279,282-284, 2 86,288-294,299,305,312-314.340. 369-370,378-379,390-391,396-3 97, 407-410,412-414,416-423,425-426, 430, 432,435.439.444-446,448,45°, 454,459-460, 468,480,482-488,491, 495- 50O Cardenal, Ernesto 278-280,333-334,337, 339,343,358,450,456,473,5 Cardoso, Fernando Henrique 99,105,485 Caribbean 304,306-307,309,317,34°, 355- 356, 377,457,485,512 Camap, Rudolf 42,217 Carpentier, Alejo 343,350 Casasola, Victror-Augustin 385 Castro, Fidel 340,343,349,353,359,361 Catena, Vicenzo 150,152 Cerrato, Boanerges 449-45°, 483,511 Cerrato, Leonel 338 Césaire, Aimé 303,308-309,317,326,377, 423n66,457-458 Cézanne, Paul 57,59-61,64-65,92, i86n, 198,252-253,308,317,320,514 Chago (Santiago Rafael Armada Suârez) 503 Champa, Kermit 5704 Chaplin, Charlie 362,492n8 Chavez, Hugo 325-326 Cheney, Dick 326n Cheval, Facteur 182 Chevalier, Jean-Claude 156 Chevreul, Michel Eugene 64 Chile 6,78,180,278,420,458,472-473 Chomsky, Noam 499 Christmas, Joe 476-478 Christo 78n8 Cicero 236-237 Cinque Gallery 475 Civil Rights 6,14,107,109, m-114, 232,473, 481,499,508 Civil Rights Congress m Clair, Jean 79 Clark, Kenneth 141,178,181 Clark, TJ. 181,315,502,512 Claudel, Paul 75-76 Clifford, James 377-378,486 Cockcroft, Eva 487-488 Coffey, Mary K. 400,403-404 Collage 29,105,157,317,327-330,350,368, 372-377,384,387,4231166,471 Colombia 343,511-512 Colonialism no, 210,298-299,305,313,317- 318,325,33°, 334,34°, 354,357,365,367. 369,371,373-374,377-379,382,455- 458,461,468,479-481,486 Commodity fetishism 72,78,80,105,128, 130-131,133,135-136,138,250,414 Communism 27,35,116-117,135,153146,162, 204,278,314,359-360,382,39°-392, 399,401,403,417,453-454,480,484, 486-488,492-493,495-496,498 Communist Manifesto 281,316,378 Comte, Auguste 42,217-219,226 Conceptual Art (includes Idea Art) 66,69- 71,84,100,247-248,262,327 Congress of Racial Equity (CORE) 108,111- 113,481 Constructivism 49,66-67,286,422,453, 463, 5°3,514 Contreras, Ricardo 365 Coplans, John 8i, 86, i74n2 Corbusi er, Le 49,53 Cortâzar, Julio 343,359,360-362 556 INDEX Cosmopolitan modernisms see 'alternative modernisms' Cossa, Frank 150,152-154 Costa Rica 384 Courbet, Gustave 64,71,181,185,199,254, 384. 396,401 Covarrubias, Miguel 392 Cowley, Malcom 478 Cox, Annette 429 Craven, David 1-37,150,152 Critical Theory 17,19,20, 22,188,196028, 197131,198,201,205,244,248, 250-251, 260,263,305-307- 309.314. 378 Crow, Thomas 374,471 Cuba 26-28,37,122,232,295,301,306,317, 326,340-362,367,3921128,3921129, 398-399.402,448-449.458,480,489, 499.502-506 Cabildo Teatral 352 Casa de las Americas 342,360,36U160 Casas de Cultura 26,345,358 Cuban Confederation of Labor (CTC) 354 National Ballet of Cuba 341-342,355,358 Grupo Teatro Escambray 352 National Film Institute (ICAIC) 341-342 Union of Cuban Writers and Artists (UNEAC) 350 Cubism 65,128,3U, 317,327,335,366,374- 377.379.384-385.387-388,394-395. 422,433.453.471.490 Dada 45,75-76,128,186,244,260,390,433, 453 Dahrouch, Abdelali 317 D'AlembertJean 188 Daley, Richard 482 Dali, Salvador 177 Dante, Alighieri 62n, 179 Dario, Rubén 28,365-370,373,377,379 Darwin, Charles 202,4ogng David, Jacques Louis 185,513 Da Vinci, Leonardo 63,75,143,151-152,236- 238,319 Davis, Douglas 245 De Kooning, Elaine 112-113,120,158,476 De Kooning, Willem 34, 84,85042,113-115, 156,158-165,167-168,170,407,412,415, 424,426-429,458,469,475-477.481. 503.505-506,512 Delacroix, Eugene 162 De las Casas, Bartolomé 483 De La Torre, Haya 394-395 Delaunay, Robert 327 Deleuze, Gilles 246 Democracy (includes democratic) 1,4,6, 12,20,26-27,36-, 99,180, 1941U8,197,207,213,238,309,313-314. 335-337.340,341.346-347.349. 353- 355.358-360,389,391-392,414.416,419. 422-423,434-435. 454.473. 484,486 Dependency theory 4, 98-99,105,278,305- 306,485-486 Derrida, Jacques 5, 51 Descartes, Rene (includes Cartesian) 70-71, 84. 91.93.251 De Stäel, Nicolas 506 De Stijl (includes Neo-plasticism) 43-45. 5on4i, 52-54,66,463 De Syzslo, Fernando 511 Devine, Sara 315 Dewey, John 65,192-193 Art and Experience 192-193 Dialectical materialism 17-19,189-190, 19U19,192,194m8, igg, 201,210,217,219, 225,315 Dialogical 5,8, n-13,28,30,32,36,190,199, 295-296,306-310,314-315.317-319.349. 353.359.402,404,409,441, 449-451. 471.507.510-511.514 Diaz, Porfiro 226 Diderot, Denis 513 Disney, Walt 283 Dissent 233,486, 500 Döblin, Alfred 200 Dominican Republic 500 Donatello 63-64 Dondero, George 35,453-454 Dorfman, Ariel 283 Dos Santos, Teotonio 485 Douglas, Aaron 402 Douglass, Frederick no Doy, Gen 17-18031 Dubois, Abbot 513 Du Bois, W.E.B. u5-u6 Duchamp, Marcel îo-u, 69-76, 87,158,167, 2U, 243-245,248,250,369,514 Readymades 10-n, 69-74,76,87,167, 244-245 INDEX 557 Duhamel, Georges 53 Dumas, Alexandre 181 Duncan, Carol 469,482 Duncan, Isodora 178 Dunn, Dorothy 467 Dvorak, Max 43 Dyn 190,233mg Eagleton, Terry 136,210074,378,397-398, 459 Eakin, Emily 304 Earthworks 66,77,86 Ecuador 499 Egan, Charles 476 Einstein, Albert 190 Eisenman, Stephen 7,444 Eisenstein, Sergei 350 Eisler, Colin 288-289 Ellington, Duke 476 El Salvador 279,483 Elsen, Albert 177 Engagé 3-4,32,53,55,79,124,148,169,329, 394.401,429.442,445 Engels, Friedrich 17031,18,21,32,46022,88, ^9.193-196,198, 210,257,281,311-314, 398,443-444,514 England 303 Epstein, Helen 40807 Ernst, Jimmie 475 Ernst, Max 460-461 Esquivel, Jorge 358 Ethnocentrism 17,23,28,35,118,120,122, 232,280,304,317,355,382,384,400, 403,451,453,456-457,468,480,484, 486-488,495,508 Eurocentrism 15,28-29,32,37 118-119,121- 123,202,206-207,210,219,224,229,232, 296-297, 304,311,314,333,335,363,376, 379-38o, 384,399-400,423,447,451, 459-460,462,465,472, 474,480-482, 489,495 Europe 28,32,76,79, n6, n8,123,125,224, 295,297-298,300,314,318-320,345- 346,350,352,356-358,361,365,370- 371,374-375,379,383-384,387,389,391, 401,415,422-423,433,440,447- 451,455, 457-458,461-463,465-468,489,497, 503 Evans, Joan 151,154 Evergood, Philip 497 Exchange value 130,133,135 Existentialism 84—85,136,162,170,433,479— 480,514 Expressionism 453 FaireyShepard 25-26,326-328 Fanon, Frantz 107-10802,277,305,326,355, 357.480 Farmer, James 113 Fascism 87,110,112,114,129,205,233,279, 281,285-286,321,329,357,401,421-422, 430,454,471,479,481,508-510 Faulkner, William 112,114, 343,476-480,483 Fauvism 385,480 Federal Art Project no, 429 Federal Bureau of Investigation (F.B.I.) 35, in, 232015,491-493,4941117,496-500, 508 Fermigier, André 100 Fernandez, Augusto 510 Fernandez, Justino 371,385 Fernandez Retamar, Roberto 355 Ferraro, Vincent 4n6 Ficino, Marsilio 62n Fielding, Copley 145 Figuration 28, us, 212,322 Fonseca, Carlos 333,368,510 Formalism (formal analysis) 2,5,7, 8,17,19- 21,25,4m, 44-47,64-65,69,74,83-84, 93,98-99,102, us, 148,153,157-158,161, 165-167,171,173-174,176-177,183,191, 205,208,214,218,223-224,229,231,235, 238,243,245-247,249-250,252-253, 257-258,261,282,296-298,300,302, 310-312,364,375-376,414,420-421,425, 427-429,431, 433,44°, 451,454, 457, 472, 504 Fors Clavigera 141,147,153 Foucault, Michel 5,32,104,132,248,304, 307,316,320,3840,398,400,514 Fourier, Charles 53 Frampton, Kenneth 284,371 France 127,346 Francisjacqueline 402 Franco, Francisco 504,508,510 Franco, Jean 368 Frank, Andre Gunder 99 Frankfurter, Alfred M. 157,160 558 INDEX Frankfurt School 5,18,20,22,46,131-132, 135,196-198,201,204,207,213,225,246, 250,293,417,427,486,495,512 Fraser, Valerie 364,459 Freedom Rides 112-113 Frente Sandinista de Liberation National (FSLN) 6,22-24,29,279-280,333-334. 367-368,379,392,483,485,510-511 Sandinista Union of Cultural Workers (ASTC) 449 Freud, Sigmund 6, 75,131,178,186,198,228, 236-237,316,458,486-487,514 The Interpretation of Dreams 131,316 Fried, Michael 47,92ms, 93016,246,254,315 Friedlaender, Walter 43,288 Friedman, Milton 420 Friedrich, Caspar David 130 Friere, Paolo 14-15,305, 342,349,5J4 Fromm, Erich 201 Fry, Roger 43,158,243,514 Fuentes, Carlos 381,395 Fuller, Peter 217,222,315 Fusco, Coco 448 Fusterjosé 317 Futurism 366,421-422,428,453,480 Gabo, Naum 65,67 Galeano, Eduardo 325, 334 Galileo, Galilei 192 Gallo, Maria 338 Gamio, Manuel 383,387,389,403 Garaudy, Roger i86n, 261 Garcia Espinosa, Julio 350 Garcia, Mannie 327 Garcia, Manuel 337-338 Garvey, Marcus 110 Gasquet, Joachim 61 Gates, Henry Louis 496 Gaudi, Antoni 29,365,370-373 Gauguin, Paul 64,88,185,317,339,395,514 Gautier, Théophile 181,259 Geffroy, Gustave 5704 Genet, Jean 343 Gerlis, Melanie 3n4 Germany 194-195,200,202,494 Ghiberti, Lorenzo 61 Giacometti, Alberto 175-177 Gibson, Ann 429,4451U59, 474 Giedion, Siegfried 158 Gilroy, Paul 110,116,302,304,309 Ginzburg, Carlo 5-6n7 Giotto 63 Giral, Sergio 350 Gleizes, Albert 75 Godard, Jean-Luc 349 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 194-195,210 Goldman, Emma 430 Goldmann, Lucien 397-398 Gombrich, Ernst 297,301 Gonzales, Sara 351 Goodnough, Robert 158 Gorbachev, Mikhail 487 Gorky, Arshile 170 Gottlieb, Adolph 160,163-164,233,429,445, 463-464,481,491, 494.496-498,506- 508 Goya, Francisco 513 Graham, John 456,464 Gramsci, Anotonio 5,11,12-13, 24 80, 99,174, 200,292-293,357-358,383,3921128 GRAV (Le Groupe de recherche d'art visuel) 100-101 Green, Stephen 160 Greenberg, Clement 2, 8,16-17, i9 36,41- 43,45-47,50,119-121,157-158,163,172, 214,217-224,229,235, 238,245, 258, 282-283,296,306,311,315,363-364,375, 414-415,420,428-429,443,451-452, 454-455,457,486, 512, 514 'Modernist Painting' 218,375nso 'Complaints of an Art Critic' 221,223 Greene, Graham, 362 Grimm, Percy 478 Grimshaw, Anna 304,314-315 Gropius, Walter 199 Gross, Sidney 160 Grosz, George 393 Guatemala 458,472-473 Guevara, Alejandro 449 Guevara, Alfredo 349 Guevara, Che 25,49,207, 326, 328,340,392 503 Guilbaut, Serge 36,296,40805,448n6,487- 488 Guillén, Nicolas 341, 350 Güney, Yilmiz 423 Gunder Frank, André 485 Guston, Philip 113,116,481 INDEX 559 Gutierez Alea, Tomâs 341,347-348,350.353, 361-362 Guys, Constantin 162,369 Guzmân, Martin Luis 385 Haacke, Hans 12,14,69-70, 82-83,98-106, 247-248,260,482-483,514 Habermas, Jürgen 5, 84, 89, 258 Hadjinicolaou, Nicos 186 Haiti 304,377,457 Hall, Stuart 220,301,303 Hammett, Dashiell m Happenings 165 Hare, David 475 Harris, Theodore A. 329-330 Hart Dâvalos. Armando 341 Hart, Keith 304,314 Hartigan, Grace 113 Hassan, Ihab 295-296,300 Hauser, Arnold 5, 43,147,158,184, i8sn Hazlitt, William 142 Heartfield.John 104 Hebdige, Richard 301 Hegel, Georg 18,46-47.50. *49. i59.170-171, 257. 289,307,315, 398,433,513 Heidegger, Martin 85,93 Heine, Heinrich 130 Hemingway, Ernest 342,402 Herrera Ysla, Nelson 349 Hersh, Seymour 326 Hess, Thomas 16,113,120,155-171,228,477 Hickey, Dave 515 Hfjar, Alberto 31,382-383,398,400,403,514 Hills, Patricia 401 Hildebrand, Adolf 223-224 Hilton, Timothy 321 Historical materialism 2,5,13,17,189-190, 199-200,219,300,378 Hobbs, Robert 11,79, 81-87 Hobsbawm, EJ. 281,443 Hofmann, Hans 113,165,168,430 Homer, Winslow 144 Honig Fine, Elsa 115 Hook, Sidney 205 Horkheimer, Max 5,132,1941117, !97 201, 205,418, 427,431,495,514 Houdon, Jean-Antoine 333 House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC) 110 Howe, Irving 500 Huberman, Leo 198,40807,485,500 Hughes, Längsten 110 Hughes, Robert 318 Husserl, Edmund 42,51,62n, 93,249,252- 254 Ideology 2n, 6, n, 19-21,31,34-36,77-78, 80, 82, 89, 95,99,102-104,107, io8n3, 115,129,136-137,162,172,174112,17504, 186,188,200,205,208,211,213,222,224, 226-227,230,243,246-248,255,265, 281-283,286,291-294,299-300,309, 311-312,318,325,327-328,333-334,346, 349,355,357n5i, 359,362,378,383,393- 394,398,409-410,414-415,417-418,421, 426,430-431,440,443,446,448,450, 454,458,462,470,474,480,482,484- 485,487-488,504,507-512,513 Imperialism 30,37, io8n2,224,227,232ms, 278,280,285-286,298,305-306,317, 3i8n35,321,334,354,363,367,37o, 372, 377,379,386-387,390,401,448,450, 456-458,472,480-481,483,486,488- 489,496,499-500,509,511-512 Impressionism 57-58,60,63-64,320,340, 366,444 India 299 Indigenism (including indigenous) 20,23- 24,28,30,107,277-279,283-284,287, 336,338-339,350,352,355,357-358, 368,382-384,386-388,390-393,395, 400,403,458,460,466,470,480-481, 512 Ingarden, Roman 93 Institute for Social Research (see Frankfurt School) Internationalism 229,234,281-282,308,335, 356, 363,455,508 Ironsides, Robin 141, i44 148 Iverson, Margaret 235 Izenour, Steven 285 Jackson, Martha 466 Jacob, Max 384 Jaff, Hans 52 Jakobson, Roman 198 Jamaica 307 James, C.L.R. 5,3i, 3°3-324,326 560 INDEX James, Henry 142,144 Jameson, Frederic 48,138 Javits, Jacob 453 Jay, Martin 1961128,197031 Jean, Marcel 73 Jencks, Charles 285 Jiménez, Pérez 504 Johnson, Malvin Gray 402 Johnson, Philip 286 Judd, Donald 41m Kafka, Franz 148,343 Kahlo, Frida 211,377,45s Kant, Immanuel 19-22,46, Ô2n, 84,176,221- 223,257-261,433.513 Kaprow, Allan 165 Kautsky, Karl 190,202 Kautsky, Minna 257 Kenkeleba Gallery 474 Khrushev, Nikita 340 Kierkegaard, Soren 158-159,170 King, Martin Luther 114,481-482 Klare, Michael T. 273 Klee, Paul 29,356,365,373 Klein, Robert 93,252-253 Kline, Franz 469,506,512 Kofika, Kurt 61 Kojéve, Alexandre 18 Koonsjeff 515 Korda, Alberto 25,328 Korsch, Karl 5,18-19,188,1941117,196-204, 207,219, 224-225 Korzybski, Alfred 61, Ö2n Kosuth, Joseph 70,247 Kozloff, Max 174,249-250 Kramer, Hilton 43, 80-811117,172,174112,176 Krasner, Lee 469,494 Krauss, Rosalind 91-92, 95,251-252,376,514 Kristeva, Julia 301 Kropotkin, Peter 34,430.435-437.441 Kruger, Barbara 138 Kruger, James ("Jimmy") 276 Ku Klux Klan U4,481 Kuspit, Donald 6,9,4m, 47,92,206,218,223, 245115.246,249-253,262,515 Labour 2-4,7,9-10,14,15,22,24,33,35, 43.85-86,103,108,134-135.137.180, 192,208,214,224,265-266,268-270, 274-275,281,289-292,294,304,307, 309-315.320,322,324,333,337,353- 354.359.390,403,408-409,411,413. 416-419,421-422,424-425,431-432. 435.513 Lacan, Jacques 93,198,246 Lam, Wifredo 28,116,122,232-233,317, 356-357.377.4231166,457,458,503, 507 Landow, George 141,146 Lascault, Gilbert 461122,100 Lassaw, Abram 166 Latin America 1, 5,7,14,16-17, 23,28,32, 33.37. i°5.226-227, 240,278, 280, 282-283,295.298,301, 304-306,317, 334,342,345, 348,354,361,363,365- 366,368-371,377,381, 383-384,390, 392,398-400,402-403,415,424,448- 449,451,456,458-459. 463-464,47°, 473,483-486,489,497, 499, 509- 512 Lawrencejacob 112-113, x57,497 Leacock, Eleamor Burke 486 Leal, Fernando 384,386-387,391,395 Lee, Anthony 403 Léger, Fernand 88,127,210,252,286,399, 422,425 Leibling, AJ. 359 Leighten, Patricia 3i8n35,374 Leisure 7,14,34-35, 86,238 Lenin, Vladimir (includes Leninism) 179- 180,191,193-194,199,201,204,215,277, 309,311,314.438 Leonardo see Da Vinci, Leonardo LeParc, Julio 101 Levinejack 497 Levine, Steven Z. 57-5804 Lévi-Strauss, Claude 123,183-184,460,463, 514 Lewis, Norman 15,107-123,473-475,481 Le Witt, Sol 247 Linden, Diana L. 400,4021117 Lifshitz, Mikhail 207 Lippard, Lucy 81,86 Llinâs, Guido 503-507,511 Locke, Alain 116 Löpez Pérez, Rigoberto 510 Lowenthal, Leo 194017,201,486 Lucky, Natalie 4021117 INDEX Lukâcs, Georg 5,31-32,44,131,135-136,172, 200,212,247,256, 320,396,397-403.5H History and Class Consciousness 135-136 Lumumba, Patrice 108 Lustig, Alvin 477 Luxemburg, Rosa 191,193-194,197,200,203, 215,277-278,281-282,391 Lyotard, Jean-François 490 Macherey, Pierre 125,450 Mack, Heinz 101 Magdoff, Harry 485 Magritte, Rene 104-105,124-138 Malek, Anwar Abdel 303 Malevich, Kasimir 66 Mallarmé, Stéphane 369 Malraux, Andre 46,51,56,299-300,471 Mandel, Ernest 416-417 Manet, Éduoard 217-218,369 Mann, Thomas 202 Man Ray 73 Manuel, Victor 505 Mao, Zedong 337 Marc, Franz 48 Marcuse, Herbert 5,21-22,4m, 44,100,132, 175.179.1971131.201,256-262,293,319, 330,3571151.418,486-487,512,514 The Aesthetic Dimension 256,258,262 Margo, Boris 430 Mariétegui, José Carlos 5,30-31,307,381- 383.387-395.398-400,403 Marinjohn 157,168 Marinetti, Filippo Tommaso 366,422 Marmer, Nancy 245 Marnham, Patrick 382 Marquez, Gabriel Garcia 227,343,362,423, 483 Marti, José 343,366-367 Martinez, Juan 402-403 Martinez, Raul 341,356,502-507 Martinique 306,317,377,457 Marx, Karl 3,6,8-9,17,19,27,32,43.78n8, 80, 86n49, 88,125,128-130,132,134- 135,137,149. i88.190.192-198,202-203, 219,225-226,228,244,256-257,259, 277-278,288,291,299,311-314,316,359, 378-379,390,398,419,432,443.458, 486,49°, 514 Das Kapital 128,130,132,134,312,316 561 Marxism 2,3ns, 5,13,16,17-21,23,33,85- 86,88, n6-U7,133,135-136,138,158, 174,180-181,186,188-191,193,199-205, 207-208,2ogn72,212,217,224-226,235, 256-257,260-261,263,296,300,304, 306,309,3U-312,314-315,370,383,390, 397-399,403,4o8n7,430,435,439,451, 453,485-486,508 Marxist Quarterly 19,198-199,202-203,214, 225,228 Mass Culture 7,20,23-24,34, 97,101,103, 125,278-279,282-284,286-287,341, 355,375,423,471 Masson, Andre 472 Matisse, Henri 356,374,393,428,514 Matta, Roberto 377,458-459,472 Mattelart, Armand 283 Mauro Marini, Rui 485 McCarthyJoseph (including McCarthyism) 35,110,120,221,430,452-455,468, 477,479.482,484,486-487,490, 493 McEvilley, Thomas 363-364,376 McKay, Marilyn 402 Medina, Santos 379,464 Medvedev, Pavel 223-224,296,300 Mehring, Franz 194,196,203 Mercer, Kobena 304,309 Mérida, Carlos 393,472 Merleau-Ponty, Maurice 5,7,8,51,69, 90-93,97,159.173,198,221,243,247, 251-254 Merton, Thomas 168,456 Mexico 226,301,381-385,387,398,401,466, 470, 497,512 Michelangelo 62m 178,306,310,319-320, 438 Michelson, Annette 183,246 Milanés, Pablo 351 Millet, Jean-François 180-182,438 Miner, Dylan 403 Minimalism 95,104,249,251-252,259, 356 Mirandola, Piero della 62n Mirö, Joan 159,233,460,465,472,508 Mitchell, Joan 113,503,55 Mitchell, WJ.T. 305 Mitgang, Herbert 492 Mitter, Partha 301 562 INDEX Modem Art 17,28,31,83,120-121,151,161, 212-213,228,230-234,238-239,252- 254,299.320,324, 340,363-364,368, 371.376,394-395.397- 399.407.424, 426,430,433-434,438,447- 453,456, 461,472,502,507-508 Modernism (includes Modem, Modernity and Modemist) 10,20,26,28-31,37,42- 43,45,48,83-84,103,116,119—122,137, 156,163,172,196-197,212,217-218,220, 226,228,231-233,235,239,243-250, 253-254,258-259,284-287,291-292, 296-299,304,306-308,310-311,318, 320,323-324,329,363-365,368-373, 375-380,383,385-386,388-391, 395, 396-398,401-402,412,416-418,421,423, 434, 445, 455,471-472, 483, 503, 505, 509, 512 Moholy-Nagy, Lâszlé 199 Moissac 206-207,211 Moore, Henry 472 Mondrian, Piet 8-9,16,43-56,59,66,252, 490 Monet, Claude 57-60, 64^5,65 Montano, Otilio 393 Morales, Armando 227,317,509-511 Morales, Luis 449 Morocco 317 Morris, George L.K. 160 Morris, Robert 251 Morris, William 8-9,43,371,514 Mosquera, Gerardo 5,31-32,24on, 295,301, 382ns 398-399,402 Motherwell, Robert 33-34,115,120,122,157, 166,168,171,228-235,239,407-408, 425-426,434,437,445,454-455,469, 471-473,479,483,495,503,507-509, 511-512 Mumford, Lewis 55 Munoz Bachs, Eduardo 356 Murillo, Rosario 337-338 Mussolini, Benito 422 National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) 79 Nationalism 23,67, n8,229,234,277-278, 280-282,308,357,430 Naturalism 31,205,320,396,445 Neo-Dada 102 Neo-plasticism see De Stijl Neruda, Pablo 473 Neumann, Franz 201 "New Art History" 5,15 Newman, Barnett 34-35, 58-59^, 122,161, 164,166,168-169,233,234, 424-426, 429-436, 438-439,443,445-446,447, 455, 458,460-462,464,469,473,481- 482,488,494-495, 500,506, 512 New Masses 111, U7,194,494 New York school 15,19, 33-34,107-109, m-u3,118-122,228n3,229-232,234, 506-508 Nicaragua I4n26, 22-24, 26, 28,37, 78,104, 226-227, 279-280, 306, 317,333-338, 365,367, 379,392n28,392^9,448-450, 456,458,464,470,473,483,485,489, 509-511 Centros Populäres de Cultura (CPCS) 335-336, 338-339 Nietzsche, Friedrich 52, u8-i2i, 162,170,183, 207, 250,260,316,514 Nixon, Richard 500 Non-Eurocentrism see Eurocentrism Non-Westem 4,28,33,119-120,186,2n, 219- 220, 231,278, 299,305, 334,339,363, 369, 375-376,387, 389, 391,408,414,417, 424,437,449,451,458, 471,474,482- 483,486 Novalis 243 Nueva Trova 341,351 Obama, Barack 25, 325-328 Oilfield Workers Trade Union 315 Oldenburg, Claes 105 Olin Arms 273 Olitski, Jules 222-223 Oliva, Tomas 503 Op Art 101 Oppenheimer, Harry 276 Orozco, José Clemente 399 Ortega, Daniel 337 Ortega y Gasset, José 16,47,50,84,98,149, 164,294,304,388,514 Orwell, George 177 Ozenfant, Amédée 49 Paalen, Wolfgang 190 Padilla, Heberto 27^3,361-362 Pakistan 317 INDEX 563 Panama 456 Pan-American 31, no, 400-401 Panofsky, Erwin 5,289,514 Park, Marlene 402 Parsons, Betty 442,461 Pasolini, Pier Paolo 349 Pater, Walter 245 Paternosto, César 512 Pathetic Fallacy 130 Pavia, Philip 161 Pavletich, Esteban 394 Peirce, C.S. 514 Pelâez, Amelia 505 Pereira, I. Rice 157 Perez, Antonio 356 Peru 280,381,383-384,387,390-394,398, 5" Pettoruti, Emilio 393 Pevsner, Antoine 67,196 Phenomenology 7,8,21,51,70, go-g3,96, 246,248-250,252-253 Piaget, Jean 61 Picasso, Pablo 28,115-116,153,210, 305-306, 315-318,320-321,323,362,365,370-374, 377,393,399,457,464-465,471-473, 484,492,514 Piene, Otto 101 Pincus-Witten, Robert 92,245 Pinochet, Augusto 6,23, 278-279,420 Pissarro, Camille 181,436 Plato 189,237,513 Plekhanov, Georgi 190,219 Pliny 513 Plotinus 513 Poe, Edgar Allan 130 Poggioli, Renato 43,258,299,366,393,432 Pogolotti, Marcelo 399,402 Poincaré, Henri 61,65 Pollock, Jackson 34,35087,122,156-157,164- 165,168,170,305-307,315-318,320-324, 408,411-412,415, 424,449,452,454-455, 458,464-466,468-471,476,479,481, 488,497,503, 505-506,511-512 Pop Art 249-251,286, 356,510 Portocarrero, René 341,356-357,449,5°3 Positivism 19,21, 41-42,84,136,172,174,186, 189,202,205,217-220,222-223,225- 227,244-245,289,294,301, 390,397, 420 Posada, José Guadalupe 471 Post-colonialism 15,20,29-30,32,107,109, 295-296,298n8,299,301,303-306, 309, 313-314,318,321,326,365,367,379-380, 381,386-387,389-390,459,472-473 Post-modernism (includes post-modernists) 20,29,83,94,243-244,284-287,297, 304,318,363-365,372,379-380,396 Poussin, Nicolas 70 Prebisch, Raul 406 Pre-Columbian 2un77,336,340, 366,379, 388-390,461,463-465,470,472-473, 512 Pre-Raphaelites 143-144,150 Presbrey, Frank 284 Primitive {and. 'primitivism') 42,164,180, 182-185,203,210,231,279,298,336-338, 377-378,392,430,432,447,449,453, 457,459,461-462,464,483 Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph 188,436 Proust, Marcel 343 Psychoanalysis 93,177,186,198,236-237,246 Public sphere 13,17,37,80-81,99, u2,128 Purism 49,53,128 Pushkin, Alexander 319 Racism no, 265,267,270,330,367,377,457, 478,480-481,494-495 Ragon, Michel 441U4,100 Rama, Angel 362 Ramirez, Sergio 279,305 Raphael 143,182 Raphael, Max 173,198,323,514 RatcIifF, Carter 85,245 Raymond, Marcel 47 Read, Herbert 158 Reagan, Ronald 361,491,493,5n Realism 13,31-32,61,63,66,80,104,144,173, 189-190,1941U8,208,297,212,297,300, 338,389,396-402,474 Rebull, Santiago 366 Reinhardt, Ad iog-n3,166-168,229,231,233, 425-426,430,456,458,462,473,475, 481,490-496,498,500,508 Rembrandt 151 Renoir, Auguste 425 Retamer, Roberto Fernandez 341 Reverdy, Pierre 384 Reyes, Alfonso 385 564 INDEX Reynolds, Sir Joshua 62n Richardson, Earle W. 402 Riegl, Alois 5,223 Rilke, Rainer Maria 170,179 Riopelle, Jean-Paul 506 Risquet, Jorge 353 Rivas, Juan su Rivera, Diego 1,28,30, 2n, 365-366,370- 374.376-377.379.381-390.392-395. 399-400,403,514 Robbe-Grillet, Alain 55,343 Robeson, Paul 116 Rochfort, Desmond 386 Rockefeller, David 82-83,259 Rockefeller, Nelson 483 Rococo 184-185 Rodchenko, Alexander 127 Rodé, José Enrique 368 Rodin, Auguste 177-179,366 Rodriguez, Silvio 350 Romain, Jules 53 Romanticism 162,368 Rood, Ogden 64 Rose, Barbara 83,155 Rosenberg, Alfred 284 Rosenberg, Harold 15,34,120-121,158,165, 234,282,407,434,495 Rosenblum, Robert 445 ms 9 Rostgaard, Alfredo 326,356 Rothko, Mark 34,113,163-165,167,233,235, 429,438-439.445.458,461,481,491, 494.496-499.506,508,512 Rousseau, Douanier 182 Rousseau, Henri 185 Rubens, Peter Paul 127,151 Rubin, William 464 Rushdie, Salman 303,423 Ruskin, John 16,130,141-154,290,513 Modern Painters 143-144,146-147,153 Russell, Bertrand 16,19,41-42,49,50,61, 62n, 65,190,217,219,481 Russell, Bill 488 Russell, John 489 Russia 127,309,358,368 Sabogal, José 384,390,393 Said, Edward 303-304,3840 Sanchez-Vazquez, Adolfo 31-32,226,301, 398-400 Sander, August 173-174,185 Sandinista see Frente Sandinista de Liberaciön Nacional (FSLN) Sandinista Union of Cultural Workers (ASTC) 335,337-338,511 Sandino, Augusto César 5io-5n Sandler, Irving 85^2,156 Santa Fe Indian School 467 Santeria 357 Saravia, Fernando 339 Sartre, Jean-Paul 27^3,51,55,160,162,169- 170,175-176, 246,343,480 Saussure, Ferdinand de 183,320 Schapiro, Meyer 5, 9,16,17-19,33,46, 52-53, 120,166,188-202,204-216,225,228- 229, 231,234-239,297,298n8,306,319, 376,402,408-411,413-414,420-421,447, 452,480-481,483,485-486,490,495 'David Meriari 205 'Freud and Leonardo: An Art Historical Study' 236 'The Nature of Abstract Art' 200,225,228, 297.376n53 Schapiro, Lillian Milgram 198, 2nn77 Schiller, Friedrich 486 Schoenberg, Arnold 199 Schopenhauer, Arthur 513 Scientific Management (see also Taylorism) 33-34,86,290,417, 419-420 Scientism 172,201,205, 247,417-421,426- 428,431-432,445- 459 Scutinairejean 133 Segre, Roberto 341,355,357 Seitz, William 59,22g, 454 Seligman, Kurt 434 Semiology (semiotics) 7,21,99,198-199,213, 235-236,246 Sendero Luminoso 280 Serra, Richard 90-97 Serrano, Elena 326,356 Seuphor, Michel 52 Seurat, Georges 199,436 Shahn, Ben 77,165-166,492-493,497 Shakespeare, William 308-309,319 Sherman, Cindy 138 Shiff, Richard 445ni59 Signac, Paul 436-437 Silos 206-209 Silva, Olivia 449 INDEX 565 Simpson, Lorna 138 Siqueiros, David Alfaro 469-470,497-498 Situationists, The 100,102 Smith, Adam 86,147,269,290,419 Smith, Barnard 295-298,300-301 Smith, David 496 Smithson, Robert 11,77-89,104-106 Sobalvarro, Orlando 338 Soby, James Thrall 443 Socialism 124,191,1941118,197,201,205,207, 215-216,238,281,299,309,314,321,335, 337- 371.379.382,390-392,423,434, 454,458-459,472,484,487,490,508 Social justice 6,12,14,109,444,486,492,503, 510 Social Realism (including 'Socialist Realism') 12,32,44, 98,102, n6,207,235,296,335, 340,396-398,400-402,470,474,503- 504 Socrates 513 Solas, Humberto 350 Solentiname School 449,456 Somoza, Anastasio 6,23-24,226,279,333, 337,456,510-511 Sontag, Susan 27063,46 Soto, Jésus 101 Soto, Orlando Nunez 485 Souillac 206-208 Soulages, Pierre 506-507 South Africa 264-276 Soviet Union (USSR) 190,197-198,200,204- 205057,430,484,487,498,503 Soyer, Isaac 497 Soyer, Moses 497 Spain 233, 370-372,453,504,508,510 Spanish Civil War 233,471,508-509 Spencer, Robin 150 Spengler, Telman 257 Spero, Nancy 260 Spiral Group, The 475 Stalin, Joseph (includes Stalinism), 18-19,32, 35,135,190,193,194ni8,197031,199,203, 207,219,225,233,261,337,340,39°, 401, 487,503, 509 Stamos, Theodoras 43°, 462 Starobinskijean 47 Stein, Sally 4021117 Steinberg, Leo 249,291,374 Steiner, Rudolf 50 Stella, Frank 41m, 251 Stephan, John 434 Stevens, May 497,500 Stevenson, Adlai 500 Still, Clyfford 161,164,429-430,438-443, 445,462 Stone, I.F. 485-486,490 Stuart, Gilbert 25-26, 328 Stuckey, Charles 476-477 Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) 108,111-U3 Sublime 165,169,222,233,239,433-434, 437-439,441,444-446,462,490,495, 513 Suger, Abbot 513 Suprematism 66,453 Surrealism 76,122,124,128-129,132-133,138, 148,155-156,159-160,234,260,335,338, 356,366,377-378,39°, 423,453,457- 461,471-472,487,514 Sweezy, Paul 485,499-500 Sylvester, A.D.B. 434 Symbolists 61,152,369 Tatlin, Vladimir 49 Taylor, Tom 142 Taylor, F.W., including Taylorism (see also Scientific Management) 33,86,138,269, 419 Terenzio, Stephanie 228,232ms, 233mg, 238 Third Text 295,2g8n8,325-326,330 Third World 4,14,23,33,35,37,77,99,105, 107,182,226-227,229,277-278,280, 282-283,286,304-307,334,340,343, 345,355-357,378-379,4o8,416,423, 449,451-452,456-458,472,480,482- 485,496 Thompson, E.P. 222,370 Thoré-Burger, Théophile 181-182 Thoreau, Henry David 233 Tiger's Eye 434 Tinguelyjean 88 Tintoretto 152042 Titian 142,151-152 Tolstoy, Leo 147,179-183,43°, 437"439 What Is Art? 438 Torres, Emilia 33607 Torres-Garcia, Joaquin 463-464,507 Tomkins, Calvin 77n8 566 INDEX Toynbee, Arnold 29,379 Traba, Marta 512 Trotsky, Leon (includes Trotskyism) 3ns, 19, 36,191,193-194.221,225,401,498,514 Trinidad 304,306,320,326 Trujillo, Marisol 341,350 Truman Doctrine 416,451,458 Truman, Harry 475,487,494 Ttirim, Maureen 246 Turner, Joseph Mallord William 141-147, 150-151 Tworkov, Jack 113,165,167 Uecker, Günther 101 Uneven historical development 3, 7,14,31, 37,198,202,206-208,299,364-365,372, 381,388-389, 391,398,451 United Kingdom 304 United States 5, 6,7,16,19, 23,25,27^3, 28, 33, 77-81.89,109-m, 125,198, 201,220,223-225,232,234,264,267, 269,271,273,276,279,282,284,286, 325-326,328-329,340,345-346,354. 361-362,401-402,408,410-417,420, 425,428-430,432,439,440,448,450- 453.455.457-458,461,466-468,473, 477,480-488,491,493-496,498-500, 503,505-506,508,511-512 Urrutia, Manuel 354 Uruguay 343,368,463 Use value 130,133-134 Vaché, Jacques 75 Valéry, Paul 7,155,166,171,261,325 Van Der Marek, Jan 67 Van Doesburg, Theo 45,65 Van Dyck, Anthony 127 Van Eyck, Jan 127 Van Gogh, Vincent 64,161,181 Van Velde, Bram 506 Vasari, Giorgio 62n, 142 Vasconcelos, José 382-383,386-389, 391, 400,403 Vehlen, Thorstein 49,238 Vega, Pastor 341,347,350,354 Velasco, José Maria 366 Velasquez, Diego 84 Venezuela 325,504 Venice Biennale 77-80, 89 Venturi, Robert 83, 94,285 Veronese, Paul 151 Vertov, Dziga 349 Verwoerd, Hendrik 263 Vietnam 233,457-458,480,499-500,509 Vietnam War 429,458,481,499-500, 508 Villa, Pancho 377,3851U2,471 Viflas, Angel 5081112 Virgil 181 "Visual knowledge" 9 "Visual language" 114,116,208,210,229,296, 299-302,306, 310,318,320,335, 375, 387,389,402, 409,414,446, 450-451, 472,480,482,484-485,503-504,506, 510-512, 514 Vlaminck, Maurice 317^3 Volosinov, Valentin 309 Von Bertalanffy, Ludwig 102 Vorster, John 265,275 Voting Rights Act 112 Voznesensky, Andrei 487 Wagner, Anne 469 Walcott, Derek 303 Walker, Alice 350 Walker, Bradley Tomlin 160,469,503 Wallach, Allan 482 Warhol, Andy 88,250,286 Warholism 249-250,253 Warnke, Martin 301 Washington, George 25-26,328 Weems, Carrie Mae 138 Weinberg, Jonathan 400,402 Weltanschauung 43,49,258, 299,427 Werckmeister, Karl 373 West, Cornell 109, n6,402018 Western Art 14,16,19,20, 28,53, 62n, 99,105, 121,186, 205-206,220,223, 231, 282-283, 375-376,439,447,471-472,482 West Indies 3i5n Wheelock Roman, Jaime 485 Whistler, James Abbott McNeill 16,141-148, 150-154,161,165,514 Whitehead, Alfred North 50,52,56, 61, 65, 65-66n43, 74 Whitman, Walt 233 Wilde, Oscar 138,161,245,259-260,514 Williams, Raymond 299,301,370 Wilson, Edmund igin9 INDEX 567 Wittgenstein, Ludwig 29,4in, 42,222,251, 301 Wittkower, Rudolf 120 Wöfflin, Heinrich 5,223,231,301,514 Wolf, Eric 486 Wollen, Peter 315 Wollheim, Richard 70,300,374-375 Wood, Paul 186 Woods, Donald 267 Works Progress Administration (WPA) 110 Worringer, Wilhelm 48,165,223 Wright, Richard 480 Wyeth, Andrew 157 Yanes,José 343 Yevtushenko, Yevgeny 487 Yoknapatawpha County 479 Zapata, Emiliano 377,381,385,393 Zârraga, Angel 366 Zea, Leopold 226 Zen Buddhism 168 Zeno of Elea 189 Zero Group 100-101 Zervos, Christian 234 Zhdanov, Andrei (includes Zhdanovism) 207,256, 399,401,487 Zimbabwe 268 Zinoviev, Grigori 135, i36ni6,200 Zola, Emile 60 Züniga, Francisco 384 Zurbarän, Francisco 385
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