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Volltext:Name Index Abrams, M. H., 9, 405 Addison, Joseph, 46, 77 ff. Alberti, Leone Battista, 21, 39, 58, 62, 94, 318 Alciati, Andrea, 224 ff. Auerbach, Erich, 393 Augustine, Saint, "creature cannot cre­ate" 130 Bachofen, Johann Jakob, 238-245 on meaning of rope plaiting, 242 Baldinucci, Filippo, 44, 35S ff. quoted by Winckelmann, 100 Batteaux, C., 290 Baudelaire, Charles "art for art" 363 ff. on artist's productivity, 368 audience of sculpture, 216 color, 211 ff. on "correspondences" 371 ff. on Delacroix, 351 on Goya's monsters, 382 on imagination, 367 ff. on inspiration, 373 ff. on laughter, 380 on music, 212 music and painting, 213 ff. "philosophic art" 364 on photography, 367 principles of his art theory, 363-373 on process of creation, 373-376 "pure art" 364 rejects realism, 366 ff. on sculpture, 214 ff. on skill and technique, 374 theory of imitation, 366 on the ugly in painting, 380 on Wagner, 211 writings on art, 362—363 Baumgarten, Alexander Gottlieb, 2, 8 f., 90, 179 Bayle, Pierre, 35, 36 Bellori, Giovanni Pietro, 123 Berenson, Bernard, 208 Berlin, Isaiah, 9 f. Bernard of Clairvaux, 313, 378 Bernini, Gian Lorenzo, 96, 111 artist of subjectivism (Winckelmann), 100 criticized by Winckelmann, 99 4°9 Name Index Bocchi, Francesco, 123 Boehme, Jakob, 300 Boileau, D. N., translated Longinus, 77 Bonvain, François, 338 Borinski, Karl, 392, 395, 400 Boudard, Jean-Baptiste, 228 Bruno, Giordano, 38, 39 attacks rules, 129 Burke, Edmund, 74 Butler, E. M., 97 Carracci, Annibale, 93 Carus, Carl Gustav, 252—259, 318, 403 ff. Cassirer, Ernst, 391 ff., 394, 397 Castel, Louis Betrand, 203 Castiglione, Baldassare, 299 Caylus, Count, 163 Cellini, Benvenuto, 215 Chambray, Fréart de, 137 Champfleury, 330, 334-343, 380 coined the term "realism" 334 on Corot, 338 on Courbet, 339 on Courbet's Burial in Ornans, 340 ff. on "the Greeks of David" 336 on modesty, 339 ff. on Raphael, 337 on sobriety, 338 Chardin, Jean-Baptiste-Simćon, 131, 335 Chevreul, Michel Eugène, 201—206, 267, 277 Christ, J. F., 51 Condillac, E. В., 324 Corot, Jean-Baptiste-Camille, discussed by Champfleury, 338 Correggio, 94 Cosimo, Fiero di, 298 Courbet, Gustave, 333 ff. praised by Champfleury, 339 Cousin, Victor, 364 ff. Creuzer, Friedrich, 183, 233-238 influenced by Neoplatonism, 233 ff. Croce, Benedetto, 393 Crow, Catherine, quoted by Baudelaire, 368 Curtius, Ernst Robert, 106, 108 Daguerre, Louis, 367 Delacroix, Eugène, 206-210, 347 ff., 348-361 Baudelaire on, 351 and Champfleury, 335 and Chopin, 207 f. on color, 359—361 concerned with music, 206 ff. on imagination, 351-354 interest in photography, 353 on Mozart, 207 on sketch, 354—359 Demetrios, 234 Dezaillier d'Argensville, A. J. on attribution of pictures, 51 ff. on Rembrandt, 52 Diderot, Denis, 4, 122—132 color gives life, 360 on David Garrick, 130 on Greeks, 103 on Michelangelo, 130 on patronage, 128 praises sketch, 357 ff. on sketch, 127 Dilthey, Wilhelm, 15 Dubos, Jean-Baptiste, 16-36, 153 ff. on allegory, 33 art and entertainment, 22 on artificial passions, 21 on artist's medium, 33 on avoiding boredom, 20 compares painting and poetry, 28 concerned with individual arts, 19 "copy" 25 and humanistic tradition, 18 on illusion in painting, 26 information in pictures, 29 on Lebrun, 22 natural signs, 31 the power of painting, 30 410 Name Index on pleasure and need, 20 on Poussin's Death of Germanicus, 29 psychology of art, 25 "quasi-reality" 26 Raphael's Expulsion of Attila, 27 rejection of trompe l'oeil, 27 ff. on signs, 30 fi. and subjects of art theory, 20 on theater, 27 and transitional period, 18 Duff, William, 285-289 Duranty, Edmond, 330 Dürer, Albrecht, 261, 286, 293, 294, 296, 300 Einem, Herbert von, 403 Engell, James, 405 Engels, Friedrich, 239 Félibien, André, 28, 63, 65 Fernow, Karl Ludwig, 249 Ficino, Marsiglio, 13 Flaxman, John, 265 Fludd, Robert, 201 Fontaine, André, 392, 398 Fresnoy, Charles du, 150 Friedrich, Caspar David, 259-262, 277, 317-319 on nature, 318 Fromentin, Eugène, 343—347 Fuseli, Henry, 309 ff. Galilei, Vincenzo, 201 Garrick, David, 132, 136 discussed by Diderot, 130 Gautier, Théophile, 372 ff. Gellius, Aulus, 106 Gessner, Salomon, 247 ff. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang, 270-274 concern with color, 270 ff. on Sulzer, 293 and Vico, 8 Gombrich, Ernst, 162, 178, 400 Gossman, Lionell, 403 Goya, Baudelaire's response to, 381 Grass, Carl, 251 Greene, Thomas, 111 Greuze, Jean-Baptiste, 131 Grez, Dupuy de, 361 Grimm, Friedrich, 126 Hackert, Philipp, 251 Hamann, J. G., 166, 299 Heckscher, William, 273 Hegel, G. W. F., 92, 178-199, 264, 323 art forms, 182 beauty, 182 f. Christian art, 190 classical art form, 187-189 on color, 197 on Dutch painting, 66 the eye in Greek sculpture, 195 human figure in Egyptian art, 186 on ideal, 182 on painting, 196-199 on the Passion of Christ, 191 on Guido Reni, 198 on sculpture, 193 ff. on sign, 181 ff. on sphinx, 187 statue of Memnon, 187 symbol, 181 symbolic art form, 184-187 Heine, Heinrich, on Delacroix, 370 Herder, Johann Gottfried, 97, 165-171 interest in Oriental art, 183 on sculpture, 170 "species of beauty" 170 vision and touch, 167 ff. Hippie, John, Jr., 77 f. Hoffmann, E. T. A., 211 Homer, 160 Hugo, Victor on the ugly, 378 ff. Ingres, J. A. D., 336 411 Name Index Janson, H. W., 356 Jauss, Hans Robert, 378 Justi, Karl, 90, 396 Kant, Immanuel, 24, 43, 157 influenced by Shaftesbury, 37 Kippenberg, Hans, 403 Kircher, Athanasius, 12 Kleist, Heinrich, 260 Kristeller, Р. O., 399 Lactance, 11 Lairesse, Gérard de, 55 ff., 57-73, 122, 274 on genres of painting, 60 ff. Grand livre, 57 ff. hierarchy of genres, 65 individual genres, 67 ff. on "kinds of painting" 63 ff. landscape painting, 64 ff. and mythographic tradition, 64 on ruins, 68 on still life, 65 types of still life, 71 Lebrun, Charles, 22 Le Nain, Antoine, 335 Leonardo da Vinci, 203, 291 color observations, 268 comparison of the arts, 168 ff. on painting and sculpture, 169 ff. Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim, 28, 149— 164 on aesthetic experience, 156 the beholder, 156 "material confines" of arts, 161 painting and poetry, 157 on signs, 153 ff. on space, 157 on time, 157 on work of art, 155 Lomazzo, Giovanni Paolo, 67, 149 Longinus, 76, 128, 140 Lovejoy, Arthur O., 392 Lukacs, Georg, 400 Maistre, Joseph, 377 Manuel, Frank, 392 Mendelssohn, Moses, 302 Mengs, Anton Raphael, 90-96, 292 on primeval styles, 91 ff. Michelangelo, 93 Diderot on, 130 Flaxman on, 265 Piles, Roger de, on, 138 Reynolds on, 138 Taine on, 326 Momigliano, Arnaldo, 44, 402 Monk, Samuel, 77, 394 Montfaucon, Bernard de, 12 ff. Morelli, Giovanni, 49 Moritz, Karl Philip, 297 Mozart, Delacroix on, 207 Mras, George, 353 Newton, Isaac, 270 Nicolson, Marjorie, 42, 82, 394 Panofsky, Erwin, 78, 401 ff. Pascal, В., 124 Pevsner, Nicolas, 54 Piles, Roger de, 47 ff., 129, 153 ff. on Michelangelo, 138 on schools of painting, 49 f. on the sublime, 76 Piranesi, Giovanni Battista, 101 ff. Plotinus influenced Creuzer, 237 Plutarch, quoted by Bachofen, 244 Poe, Edgar Allan Baudelaire on, 362 Delacroix on, 353 Poussin, Nicolas, 63, 201 on "aim" of painting, 23 letter on modes, 61 on novelty in painting, 39 f. Proudhon, Pierre Joseph, 330—334 advocates realism, 333 and Courbet, 331 ff. 412 Name Index Quintilian, 25, 45 on power of the eye, 32 Raphael Santi, 92 f., 296, 298 ff., 299 ff. Champfleury on, 337 Dubos on, 27 ff. Reynolds on, 137 Rehm, Walter, 104 Rembrandt, H., 335 Richardson on, 81 Hundred Guilder Print, 81 St. Peter's Prayer before the Raisina of Tabitha, 81 Reni, Guido, 93, 231 Hegel on, 198 Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 132-140, 150 on "borrowing" 134 copying, 134 on "greatness" 139 imagination, 134 "originality" 138 ff. on poetry, 136 theater, 136 Richardson, Jonathan, 50 ff., 55 ff., 73- 83 on brushstrokes, 80 on connoisseurship, 50 on Rembrandt, 81 on Zuccari's Annunciation, 81 Richter, A. L., 274-278 Riegl, Alois, 208 Ripa, Cesare, 224, 228, 230, 257 Rosenkranz, Karl, 376 ff., 379 ff. Rubens, P. P., discussed by Fromentin, 344 Runge, Philipp Otto, 267-269, 310- 317 on ancient Greeks, 311 light and color, 314 Ruysdael, discussed by Fromentin, 346 Schapiro, Meyer, 23, 69, 128, 343 ff. Schelling, F. W. J., 253, 318 ff., 326 f. on landscape painting, 247 on symbolism, 307 Schiller, Friedrich, 297 ff. Schlegel, August Wilhelm, 173—178, 246 ff., 326 on form, 175 ff. painting and sculpture, 175 Schlegel, Friedrich, 183 Seznec, Jean, 63, 398 f. Shaftesbury, Anton Ashley Cooper, 16 f., 36-43, 78 artist's freedom, 39 on creative artist, 38 on enthusiasm, 42 on genius, 38 harmony, 37 on originality, 38 f. on Prometheus, 40 Solger, K. F. W., 305-308 on imagination, 306 symbol, 307 Sorensen, Bengt Algot, 227, 402 Spanheim, Ezechiel, 45 Spence, Joseph, 164 Spitzer, Leo, 38, 401 Spon, Jacques, 45 Sulzer, J. G., 248 ff., 289-293, 298 ff. Sutter, Monika, 395 Swedenborg, Emanuel, 211, 371 ff. Baudelaire's source, 372 Szondi, Peter, 401 Taine, Hippolyte, 320-329 against prescriptive thought, 321 ff. on artist, 324 ff. Dutch painting, 328 education of the eye, 328 Greeks, 327 ff. "milieu" 325 ff. Tertullian, 21 Testelin, Henry, 61 f. Valeriano, Pierio, 13, 228 Vasari, Giorgio, 177 4'3 Name Index Veronese, Paolo, 33S Vico, Giambattista, 7—14, 101 creative imagination, 1S f. on empathy, 16 hieroglyphs, 12 on image, 10 ff. images of gods, 11 on language, 9 on metaphor, 9 on myths, 11 f. "poetics" 8 primeval creation, 1S f. on signs, 9 on spectator, 1S on symbolism, 13 ff. on understanding, IS O' on visual experience, 14 f. Viollet-le-Duc, E. E., 213, 380 Vischer, Friedrich Theodor, 262-265 Wackenroder, 293-304, 341 his style, 293 ff. Wagner, Richard Baudelaire on, 211, 363 Walzel, Oskar, 40 Warburg, Aby, 262 Wellbery, David E., 399 f. Wellek, Albert, 401 Wellek, René, 325, 326 ff., 370, 406 ff. Winckelmann, Johann Joachim, 2, 90, 97-121, 226-231, 266 on allegory, 226—231 on ancient artist, 118 and the art of his time, 98—105 and Baldinucci, 100 on copying, 112 criticism of Bernini, 99 and German pietism, 115 f. on "origin" 107 ff. "paganism" of, 103 on science, 104 f. on tranquility, 115 Utopian trend, 113 Wittkower, Rudolf, 405 Woelfflin, Heinrich, 170, 295 Wollheim, Richard, 49 Zilsel, Edgar, 405 Zuccari, Federico, 81 414 Subject Index Academy of Art, 54 ff., 128 Aesthetic experience, Lessing on, 156 "Aesthetics" origin of term, 147 "Aesthetics of content" (Winckelmann), 226 "Aesthetics of the Infinite" (M. Nicol-son), 42, 82 "Age of Egypt" (Hegel), 186 Allegorical compositions, Dubos on, 34 Allegorical figures, Dubos on, 34 Allegory, defined by Dubos, 33 defined by Winckelmann, 227 "invented" by Egyptians, 228 Solger on, 307 ff. Amateur, 129 "Ancient marbles" (Spanheim), 45 Antiquarians, 43-52 role in art theory, 6 study individual objects, 45 Apollo Belvedere, 92, 109 Apotheosis of Homer (Ingres), 336 "Archaic" Schlegel on, 177 Archaic age, attitude toward, 177 Archetypal character of classical art (Winckelmann), 108 "Archetypes" (Jung), 243 Architecture, Hegel on, 192 ff. Aristotle's Poetics, 96 Art, Christian (Hegel), 190 ff. Art, educative function of (Proudhon), 332 f. Art and entertainment (Dubos), 22 Art and religion, 306 ff. Hegel on, 180 "Art as such" 146 ff. Art criticism, 122 ff. and art theory, 122 ff. "Art for art's sake" 364 f. Art forms, Hegel on, 182 ff. Artist, 284-390 ancient (Winckelmann), 119 conflict with audience, 293 creative, Shaftesbury on, 38 his productivity (Baudelaire), 318 role in art theory, 6 "Art of the Louvre" (Champfleury), 335 "Art philosophique" (Baudelaire), 364 Arts, diversity of, 146-223 Arts, division of, 321 justification of, 22 f. V S Subject Index Arts, division of (continued ) system of, 146-223 unity of, 146-223 "Autonomous fragment" (H. W. Jan-son), 356 Baroque art, criticized by Winckelmann, 100 "Beautiful style" (Mengs), 93 Beauty (Beau), Diderot on, 127 and expression, 117 in landscape painting, 257 ff. species of (Herder), 170 "Beaux arts" 147 ff. Beholder, 160 ff. in Lessing's thought, 156 Boredom, 20 "Borrowing" (Reynolds), 134 Brushstrokes, Richardson on, 80 types of (Lairesse), 58 ff. Canon, 108 Ceiling painting, 67 ff. "Classical" Schlegel on, 177 Classical, Winckelmann did not use the term, 106 Classical art form (Hegel), 187-189 Classicism, revolt against, 365 Color, Baudelaire on, 211 ff. Delacroix on, 359—361 embodies sensual experience (Winck­elmann), 121 gives life (Plutarch), 360 and line, 360 Runge on, 314 and sounds, 278 specific of painting (Hegel), 196 ff. Color outlines, 260 Color scale (Runge), 316 Color sketch, 275 Color sphere (Runge), 268 Color symbolism, 265-278, 315, 404 Comparison of the arts (Leonardo), 168 Connoisseurs, 43—52 Connoisseurship (Roger de Piles), 48 and art theory, 50 Contemplation of ideas, 14 "Copy" (Dubos), 25 "Copying" (Reynolds), 134 Winckelmann on, 112 "Correspondances" poem by Baude­laire, 210 "Correspondences" Baudelaire on, 371 ff. Courbet's Burial in Omans, Champfleury on, 340 ff. Stonebreakers, The, Champfleury on, 339 Creatio ex nihilo, 40, 289, 351, 353, 368 Creation, artistic, 296 primeval (Vico), 15 f. process of (Baudelaire), 373 ff. Creative process, 297 Darkness, 235 Runge on, 315 Decoro e gravita (Piranesi), 101 f. Delectation, 23 Dexterity, manual, 301 "Disinterested pleasure" (Kant), 24, 43 "Double relationship" (Chevreul), 202 Dream, 300, 368 Dutch painting, 334 assessed by Mengs and Winckelmann, 96 Fromentin on, 334 f. specialization in 17th century, 66 Taine on, 328 Ébauche, 355 Egyptian religion, Montfaucon on, 13 Ekphrasis, 82 Emblem, 162 Goethe on, 273 Emblematics, 224 ff. Emotions, Diderot on expression of, 130 Dubos on purgation of, 25 ff. Empathy (Vico), 16 416 Subject Index Encyclopédie, 126 England, art theory in, 74 English garden, 78, 137 Enthusiasm, 301 Shaftesbury on, 42 Esquisse, 3SS Expression, Diderot on, 130 and beauty (Winckelmann), 117 Eye, in Greek statues (Hegel), 195 education of (Taine), 328 if. Facts (Taine), 321 "Eine Arts" 147 ff. Finish in painting, rejected by Dela­croix, 359 Flower painting, Lairesse on, 68 Flowers, symbolism of (Lairesse), 72 Form, Winckelmann on, 120 "mathematical" Schlegel on, 175 f. "organic" Schlegel on, 175 f. Freedom of artist, Shaftesbury on, 39 Gemüt, 95, 248 Genius, 292 Duff on, 285 ff. Shaftesbury on, 38 Taine on, 327 Genres, pictorial, 288 f. Genres of painting, founding of, 62 hierarchy of, 65 Lairesse on, 60 Gesamtkunstwerk, 201 God as craftsman, 38 Grace, 94 Gracefulness, Mengs on, 94 "Greatness" Reynolds on Miche­langelo's, 139 Greek culture, aesthetic aspect of, 104 Greek paradigm, in Winckelmann's thought, 102 ff. "Haptic" experiences (Riegl), 208 Harmony, Shaftesbury on, 37 Harmony of the spheres, 201 Hierarchy, of the arts, 216 ff. of genres, 65 of pictorial genres, 288 f. "Hieroglyph" (Bachofen), 242 Hieroglyphs, 371 Creuzer on, 237 manifest ideas, 14 in Romanticism, 304 Vico on, 12 Horatian tradition in poetics, 32, 375 Human figure, in Egyptian art (Hegel), 186 subject matter of sculpture (Hegel), 194 ff. Iconology, 224 ff. Ideal, 113, 292 Hegel on, 182 Winckelmann on, 118-121 ideal beauty, 117 ff. "Idealisch, "113 Illusion, created by arts, 151 in painting (Dubos), 26 Renaissance views of, 26 Image, Vico on, 10 ff. Images of gods, Vico on, 11 Imagination Bachofen on, 240 Baudelaire on, 367 ff. Champfleury on, 342 Delacroix on, 351—354 Duff on, 286 Solger on, 306 ff. Vico on, 15 f. Imitation, of Greek models, difficulty of, 105 of literary and artistic models, 110 of nature, 110 in Renaissance thought, 110 Reynolds on, 134, 137 theory of art, 290 two kinds of, 134 Winckelmann on, 109-113 4'7 Subject Index "Inner" and "outer" Romantic distinc­tion of, 301 ff. Innerlichkeit, 191 "Innermost consciousness" (Friedrich), 317 Inspiration, Baudelaire's distrust of, 373 ff. Intuition, Creuzer on, 235 Invenzione, 39 Inwardness, 191 f. Istoria (Alberti), 62, 117 Judgment on works of art, 125 "Kallistics" 179 "Kinds of painting" Lairesse on, 63 ff. Landscape, 245-278 Landscape painting, produces moods, 249, 251 Lairesse on, 64 subtypes of, 66 two types of, 249 ff. Language, Vico on, 9 of art (Wackenroder), 304 symbolic, 14 Laocoön, Winckelmann on, 109 Lessing's, 151 ff. L'art pour l'art, 379 Laughter, Baudelaire on, 380 Life cycle, 255 Light, Runge on, 314 ff. Lizard Killer, Winckelmann on, 109 "Logic of the body" (Taine), 323 Manner, Lairesse on, 59 ff. "Material confines" of arts (Lessing), 161 Memnon, statue of, 187 Metaphor, origin of (Vico), 9 "Milieu" (Taine), 325 Mirror, the artist as, 291 Mode, modes, 60 ff., 92 ff., 201 Dorian, 61 Hypolidian, 61 Phrygian, 61 "Model" 128 Morality, of art, 126 ff. criterion of judgment, 131 Mountain, in landscape painting (Lai­resse), 64 Music, Baudelaire on, 211 ff. Delacroix concerned with, 206 f. and painting, 213 ff. Musical instruments, in still life, 72 Mythographic tradition, 64 Myths, Vico on, 11 "Natural history" concept of, 173 f. Natura naturans, natura naturata, 290 Nature, 290 Friedrich on, 318 symbol, 243 Neoplatonic influence, on Carus, 252 on Goethe, 271 "Noble" Winckelmann's concept of, 118 Nonßnito, concept of, 356 "Novel of the artist" the literary genre, 293 "Obedience" to examples (Reynolds), 133 Objects, meaning of, 257 Occult theory (Baudelaire), 211 Origin, concept of (Winckelmann), 107 ff. Original, 287 Originality Reynolds on, 138 Shaftesbury on, 38 Original sensation (Taine), 324 "Paganism" Winckelmann's, 103 "Painters-philosophers" Mengs's fasci­nation with, 91 Painting, aim of (Delacroix), 350 art of Christian world (Hegel), 198 418 Subject Index Hegel on, 196—199 and poetry, 157 power of (Dubos), 30 schools of (Roger de Piles), 49 f. and sculpture (Leonardo), 169 f. spiritual character of, 196 Panorama painters, 263 Paradox on Acting (Diderot), 130 Paragone, 32, 168, 207 "Parts of painting" (Mengs), 91 Passion of Christ, subject matter of art, 191 Passions, artificial, 21 in Baroque art, 116f. Dubos on, 21 Patronage, Diderot on, 128 Peri Hupsos (Longinus), 76 Personification, 244 Bachofen on, 243 Philosophers, in art theory, 5 ff. "Philosophical Art." See "Art philoso­phique" Photographic shot (Delacroix), 352 f. Photography, 322 Baudelaire on, 367 Delacroix's interest in, 353 Pietism, 115, 297, 300 Pleasure, motive of art, 22 and need, 20 search for (Dubos), 20 "Poetic logic" 10 ff. "Poetics" Vico on, 8 f. Poetry, Reynolds on, 136 Positivism, 319-329 Poussinists and Rubenists, 265 Presentiment (Ahnung), 297 ff. Runge on, 312 Prometheus, Shaftesbury's preference for, 40 "Prospect painting" (Fernow), 249 Pure color, 204 ff. "Pure pleasure" Dubos on, 24 "Pure sensation" Vico on, 10 Quarrel between Ancients and Moderns, 182, 310 "Quasi-reality" (Dubos), 26 Raphael's Transfiguration, Hegel on, 197 Raphael versus Michelangelo, 137 Realism, 329-347 Baudelaire rejects, 366 ff. origin of term, 329 ff. Proudhon defends, 333 Religion, 312 and art, Hegel on, 180 Runge on, 311 ff. Rinascimento dell'antichità, 101 Romantic art form (Hegel), 189—192 Rope plaiting, Bachofen on, 242 Royal Academy, 132 Ruins in painting, Lairesse on, 68 "Rules" 128 academic, 352 rejected by Giordano Bruno, 129 "Sacramental imitation" (Greene), 111 "Sacred sign" concept of, 229 Sacred themes, in Protestant art, 66 ff. Schizzo, 355 f. Science of mythology, 231—245 Scientism, 322 "Script of the illiterate" medieval no­tion of, 23 Sculpture, Baudelaire on, 214 ff. ambiguity of, 215 audience of, 216 Hegel on, 193 ff. primitive art, 217 Sculpture, defined by Herder, 170 Seclusion, artist's bent for, 41 Shaftesbury on, 41 Secularization of painting, 65 ff., 325 Sensation, 324 Taine on, 325 Sign, 308 "artificial" 154 Dubos on, 30 ff. 4 r 9 Subject Index Sign (continued) Hegel on, 181 f. Lessing's use of term, 153 ff. "natural" 31, 154 painting employs, 31 f. theory of, 302 f. Vico on, 9 ff. Silence, Winckelmann on, 104 f. Simplicity, in allegory, 230 Winckelmann on, 115 Simultaneity, 158 "Sister arts" 151 ff. Sketch, shows artist's character, 357 Delacroix on, 354—359 Diderot on, 127, 357 ff. Richardson on, 80 and spectator, 359 "Sobriety" Champfleury on, 338 Sounds and colors, 203 Space, 157 Spectator, 294 and artist, 296 Dubos on, 19 moved by work of art, 350 Vico on, 15 Sphinx, Hegel on, 187 Spontaneity, 126 ff. States of nature and mind (Carus), 256 Still life, allegorical meaning of, 70 defined, 69 Lairesse on, 65 types of, 71 Stillness, 116 Sturm und Drang, 250 Style, "charming" (Mengs), 94 "high" 92 "natural" 96 "significant or expressive" 95 Subjectivity (Richter), 276 Sublime, Richardson on, 75 ff., 79 f. Piles, Roger de, on, 76 Shaftesbury on, 42 Succession, Lessing on, 159 Symbol, 224—283 artistic, 232 in Hegel's aesthetics, 181 ff. and image (Creuzer), 234 Solger on, 307 in still life, 71 Vico on, 13 ff. Symbolic art form, 183, 184—187 Symbolik (Creuzer), 233 ff. Symbolism, 224 ff. begins in Egypt (Hegel), 185 Synaesthesia, 200 ff. "Tactic" experiences (Riegl), 208 Terribilità, 93 Theater, Dubos on, 27 f. Reynolds on, 136 "Theology of color" 266 Time, Lessing on, 157 Tomb, symbolism of, 241 Touch, 167, 209 Tranquillity, characteristic of Greek art, 115 Trompe ¡'oeil, 27 f., 152, 156 Ugly, the, aesthetics of (Baudelaire), 376-382 opposed to harmony, 380 Victor Hugo on, 378 ff. "Unspecificity" (Unbezeichnung), 115 Urbild, 291 Ut pictura poesis, 32, 149, 287 Vanitas still life, 70 Venus, Winckelmann on, 109 "Verstehen" Vico on, 15 Villa Pamphili, 241 Vision, 167 and touch, 167 ff. Visual experience, 14 "Wet drapery" Herder on, 171 Work of art, in art theory, 123 Lessing on, 155 "World art" 184 420
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