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Volltext:I N D E X Abadau 347 Abb.tsid Empire 104 Abbottabad (Pakistan) 389 Abelard and Elojse 77 abolitionists 207 Aboriginals (Australia) 39, 69, 188-9 About Sclwiiilt (film) 198 Abramovic, Marina 41, 42, 50, 58, 364 abstract 81-91, 136 Abuladze, Tengiz 310, 363 Academy of Arts (Iran) 203 Achaomcnid Empire 302 Aetaeon 77-8, 79 acupuncture 144 advertising 338-40 Advertising Standards Agency (UK) 338 Aegiinitis (Greek poem) 256-7 affinity 38 Afghanistan 27, 119, 138 Africa 40, 79, 131, 206-8, 302, 324-5, 338, 403 African Americans 129, 235 African babies 14—15, 21, 26 aggression 57, 58 violence 288, 292, 308, 312, 313 war 118, 132-6. 138, 188 Agincourt 132 Agra Fort 121 agricultural revolution 50 Aisha bint Abi liakr (wife of Muhammad) 159 Aix-en-Provence 268, 273, 396 Akbar, Emperor 122, 130, 181, 297-8, 302 Akhcn aten, pharaoh (aka Amenbotep IV) 83-4, 85, 89, 301 Alaskan mother and child (photograph) 234 Albert, Prince 131 Alexandria 6 Algeria 34, 218, 262 Algonquin 188 al-Haram mosque 88 Alhazen (Moon crater) 140 Allen, Woody 336 Alps 189, 211, 221-3, 335, 405 ai-Qacda 389 Amenhotep IV, pharaoh 83-4, 85, 89, 301 America see North America; United States of America (USA) American Civil War 238 American Indians 30, 233-4, 240 American Special Forces 389 An Essay Concerning Human Understanding (Locke) 395 And Life Goes On (film) 299 Andersson, Roy 245 Anguissola, Europa 60-1, 64, 340 Anguissola, Sofonisba 60, 64 ankh 61 Apollo 8 212, 387 Apollo 11 376 Arab-Byzantine wars 132 arches 95, 96 Archimedes 139 Ardèche (France) 111 Are You Experienced (album) 357 Argentina 236-7 Aristotle 105, 173, 226 Arkhain video games 336 Armenia 361 Arnheim, Rudolf 83 Arnold, Andrea 373 Arora, Gabo 378 Art Journal 247 The Ascent (film) 279-80 Asia 28,69, 98, 108, 121, 126, 338, 353 Assyria 96 Astana 109-10 atom bombs 353 atomic looking 289-300 Atsuta, Yùharu 66 Aufforiicrungscharakter (prompt character) 68 augmented reality (AR) ' 379-80 Auschwitz-Birkenau 384, 387 Australia 38, 39, 374 Australian carrying tray 69-70, 72 Austria 188, 237, 405 Austro-Hungarian Empire 63 autobalms 344—5 Autumn Sonata (film) 386-8 Avicenna (Ibn Sina) 155 'Axis of Evil'speech 203 Aztecs 128, 129, 142 azurite 28, 30, 31 Baartman, Sarah 228 babies 14-17, 21, 26, 30, 35, 38-9, 135 birth 143—4 Babylon 101-3, 109, 111-12 Bacall, Lauren 75-6, 78, 79, 85 Bachchan, Amitabh 364-5 Bach, Johann Sebastian 188 Bachelard, Gaston 65 Bacon, Francis 45, 79, 137, 138, 147, 155 Baghdad 7, 104-6, 140 Baker, Josephine 341 Ballard, J. G. 349 Ballerini, Augusto 236 Baltic states 312 Baltic Way 311-12 Bangalter, Thomas 383-4 Barbara (French singer) 225 Barker, Clive 88 Barnum, P.T. 227 Baroque 162—5, 168, 172, 194, 198-9, 322, 399 Barthes, Roland 162, 242, 246, 280, 289, 394 Basque country 308-9 Basra (Iraq) 140 Biitmiin #4 (comic book) 336, 340 Baudelaire, Charles 108, 261 Bauhaus 70-1 The Beatles 357 Beau Travail (film) 80, 393 Beethoven, Ludwig van 188 Beijing 341 Beider, Lawrence 225 Belfast 183, 397, 405 Belgium 218, 239 Belorussia 134 Benjamin, Walter 261-2 Berger, John 25, 78, 268, 339 Bergman, Ingmar 15-16, 386 Bergman, Ingrid 293, 386-7 Berlin 183, 351, 354, 356, 397 Berlin Wall 354—6, 361 Bern (Switzerland) 289-90 Bernard, Emile 4, 271, 272 Bernays, Edward 199 Bernini, Gian Lorenzo 163-4, 165, 234 Beuys, Joseph 64 Bible 27, 91, 127, 147, 241, 302, 309 bichrome 28 Bierstadt, Albert 23(1, 232, 236 Big Bang 14 Big Flash 14, 300, 316 Bin Laden, Osama 389 Bindusara, Emperor 143 Bingham, Fliram 304 'A Bird came down the Walk' (Dickinson) 254-5 birth 143-4 Birth (film) 281 Biwa, Lake 20 Black Country 204 Tlic Black Girl (film) 280-1 Black Sea 218 black square 88-9 Bleak House (Dickens) 258 bleeding hand sculpture 183, 186 blindness 8, 39, 388 The Blood of a Poet (film) 327-8 Blood Will Tell (Magritte) 327 blue 26-8, 30-3, 35, 165, 196, 312 Böcklin, Arnold 320, 403 bodies 74-80, 389-90 body language 51, 52, 174 Bogart, Humphrey 76, 339 Bohr, Niels 293 Bolivar, Simon 236 Bollywood 276, 365 Bonaparte, Napoleon 218, 220, 237, 264 Bonheur, Rosa 265 Book of Revelation 309 The Book of the Ten Treatises of the Eye (Hunayn) 105 Borneo 30 Boston Sews H'cckly 188 Botticelli, Sandro 74 Bow Wow Wow (band) 78 Bowie, David 64, 225 Bradley, Jack 243 Brahmins 185 Brandenburg Concertos (Bach) 188 Brandt, Chancellor Willy 355 Brandt, Marianne 71, 72 I N D E X 4 1 7 Braque, Georges 318, 327, 341 Brasilia 107 Braveheart (film) 28 Brazil 107, 206, 397 Breton, André 321, 341 The Bridge at Courbevoie (Seurat) 296—7 Bristol 208 Britain 28, 118-19, 205, 208, 218, 238, 302, 307, 308 see also United Kingdom (UK) Britannia Receiving the Riches of the East (relief carving) 205 British Empire 205 British Museum 303 Brontë, Charlotte 247 Bronze Age 61 bronze-orange 35 Brookes (slave ship lithograph) 206-7 Brooklyn 208 Brown, Robert 293 Brussels 293 Bryson, Norman 291 Buchenwald concentration camp 352, 405 Bunker, Chang 227 Bunker, Eng 227 Bunuel, Luis 288 Burgess, Anthony 260 Burke, Edmund 220-1 Burks, Robert 33 Burton, Richard 223 Bush, President George W. 203, 370 Byron, Lord 223 'cabinet of curiosities' 327 The Cabinet of Dr Caligari (film) 350 Caesar, Julius 28, 118—19, 130, 192 Caesarean section 143—4 Café Dome (Paris) 341 Calais, refugee camp 397 California 6, 95, 233, 387 Calvin, John 160 Cambodia 184 Cambridge 358 Camera Lucida (Barthes) 246, 394 Cameron, Prime Minister David 2 Cameron, Julia Margaret 241-3, 246 Campanile 138, 145, 146 Campbell, Joseph 22 Canada 239, 374 Canaletto 188 Candyman (film) 88 Cao Xueqin 251 capitalism 50 car number plate recognition 372 Caracol observatory 139 Caravaggio, Michelangelo Merisi da 84, 163-4, 197, 234 Caribbean 127 Carnation Revolution 310 Carter, Howard 301-3 Carus, Carl Gustav 222—3, 226 Casablanca (Film) 387 Cassel, Lieutenant F.L. 134 Catherine the Great 192—4, 214 Catholic Church 146—7, 158-9, 161, 163, 175 Caucasus 28 Cauvin, Jehan (akajohn Calvin) 160 Cavalcanti, Alberto 277 'Cavalry Crossing a Ford' (Whitman) 254 CBS (Columbia Broadcast System) 361 celebrity 362-6 Celtic brooch 69 censorship 372 Central America 130 Central Asia 119 Central Pacific Railroad 234, 239 Centre Pompidou (Paris) 348 CERN (European Organisation for Nuclear Research) 300 Cervantes, Miguel de 252 Cézanne, Marie-Hortense 271-2, 279, 340 Cézanne, Paul 4—7, 9, 251, 268-73, 285-6, 296, 317, 357, 390, 396, 401 CGI (computer-generated imagery) technology 370 Chacabuco 237 Chanel, Coco 341 The Change from Visible to Invisible: A Study of Optical Transitions (Kaplan) 384-5 Chaplin, Charlie 178, 179 Charlemagne 220 Charon (Pluto moon) 213 Chauvet caves 111 Cherbourg 34 Chernobyl (Ukraine) 110, 239, 300, 340, 405 Cherokee Nation 233 Chesterfield cigarettes 339 Chiang Kai-shek 341 Chicago 334 Chien Andalou, Un (film) 288, 324, 341 Childe Harold's Pilgrimage (Byron) 223 children, developing 25, 47-50, 50-1,60, 63, 68, 385 Chile 184, 236-7 Chillida, Eduardo 309 Chimborazo (Ecuador) 151 Chimes at Midnight (film) 133-4, 340 China 27, 30, 68, 94-121 passim, 141, 143, 186, 191, 218, 238-9, 251, 312-15, 346 chlorophyll 26 chosiste 332 Christianity 52, 55, 69, 86, 102—24 passim, 146—7, 159-60, 188, 214, 238, 241, 302, 322 Christina, Queen 340 Christo and Jeanne-Claude 356 chromatic circle 31—2 chromium oxide green 268 chronophotography 244 Chrysler Building 336, 337 Chung Kno: Cina (film) 144 CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) 373, 375 Cierplikowski, Antek 341 Cincinnati 188 Cinderella myth 339 'cine-eye' 278 cinema 2, 273-82, 364-5 The Cinematic Apparatus (Comolli) 245, 249 cinnabar 138 Civilisation and Its Discontents (Freud) 303 Clarke, Arthur C. 89 classicism 166, 194, 196, 271 Cleopatra 5-6, 9, 26, 27, 35, 192, 198, 340 A Clockwork Orange (Burgess) 260 A Clockwork Orange (film) 260 Clouds Over Sidra (film) 378—9 cluster judges 103 cobalt blue 27, 28 cobalt violet 268 Cocteau, Jean 327 Coen brothers 339 Cohen, Leonard 225 collective unconscious 403 Colosseum 103—4, 189, 226, 282 colour wheel 31—5, 49 coloured shadows 33 Columbus (Christoforo Colombo) 126—8, 235—6 Come and See (film) 134—5 Comédie-Française 172—5, 181 comedy, visual 172—80, 185, 188 Comité de surveillance 372 commedia dell'arte 172, 173—8, 181, 186 commerce 120 Communist Party of the Soviet Union 311 Comolli, Jean-Louis 245, 249, 250 concrete, types of 108 Confessions (Rousseau) 221 Confucius 238, 313, 315 Congolese nkongi 58 Congress (US) 232—3, 237 connections 38—9 conquests 118—31 conquistadors 128, 130—2, 136, 139, 145, 183, 344 Constable, John 269—70 Constantine, Emperor 124 Constantinople 126, 165, 239 construction 94—100 Cook, Captain 149 Copernicus, Nicolaus 55,146, 213, 291 Copley, John Singleton 367 copper 138 Corday, Charlotte 197 Cordoba 95 Corot, Jean-Baptiste-Camille 83 Cortés, Hernando 128 Cosmic Tree 403 cosmopolitanism 350 Cossa, Francesco del 322 cotton (white gold) 206 Counter Reformation 162 Courbet, Gustave 62, 78-9, 243, 266, 267 Courtauld Institute (London) 268 4 1 8 I N D E X Courtesan or Oirau (after Keisai Eisen) (Van Gogh) 266 Cranach the Elder, Lucas 160 Crick, Francis 358-9 Crimean War 133 crown jewels, British 131 Crusades 123-6, 130, 198, 340, 344 Crystal Palace (London) 246-7, 282 Cubism 201, 307, 318, 323, 334-5, 338, 351, 373 The Cyclist (Goncharova) 46, 244, 261 da Vinci, Leonardo 18, 28-33 passim, 49, 74, 81, 134, 142-3, 165, 285, 327, 395 Dadaists 321, 369 Daesh 161 'Daffodils' (Wordsworth) 223 Daft Punk 383 Daily Courant (newspaper) 188 Dakar 94 Dali, Salvador 288, 324-5, 326, 327, 334 Dalton.John 293 dancing 281 Dandi (India) 307 danger 226 Dante 257 Dante and Beatrice 77 Daoist 141 Darius 302 Dark Ages 105, 147 dark wine colour 35 D'Arlandes, Marquis 209 Darwin, Charles 151-3, 218, 397, 402 David, Jacques-Louis 197, 198-9 David and Goliath 74, 75 David (Michelangelo) 74—6, 78, 79, 85, 100, 158, 197 Davids, K, 283 Davison, Emily Wilding 306-7, 315 Day of Judgement 62 de Chirico, Giorgio 145, 323, 324, 326 de Homem-Christo, Guy-Manuel 383-4 de las Casas, Bartolome 127 de Montserrat, Antoni 122 De Niro, Robert 57—8 de Piles, Roger 382 dead bodies 389-90 Paris morgue 219, 228-9, 366, 374, 390, 399 death 172, 246, 281-2 memorials 180-6 Debord, Guy 262 Defoe, Daniel 189 degenerate art 351 Degenerate Art Commission (Germany) 351 Le Dejeuner sur l'herbe (Manet) 266 del Giocondo, Lisa 18, 21 Delacroix, Eugène 267 Delaunay, Sonia 357 Deleuze, Gilles 6-7 Democritus 293 Les Demoiselles d'Avignon (Picasso) 317-19, 351 Demy, Jacques 34 Deng Xiaoping, Premier 313 Denis, Claire 80, 393 Deposition or Tire Entombment of Christ (Caravaggio) 163—4, 197, 234 Dern, Laura 367 Descartes 6 design 68-72 desire 74-80 The Desperate Man (Courbet) 62 destruction 111—13 detection 44-5 developing child 25, 47-50, 50-1, 60, 63, 68, 385 Devi/The Goddess (film) 276—7, 297 devil 87 Diana, (goddess) 77-8 Diana and Actaeon (Titian) 77-8 Dias, Brian 402 Dickens, Charles 3, 257-8 Dickinson, Emily 254—5 Diderot, Denis 191-2, 195, 221, 365 Dietrich, Marlene 75, 193, 340 Diop, Mbissine Thérèse 281 The Disasters of War (Goya) 133 Discourses (Rousseau) 195 The Discovery of the Mind: The Greek Origins of European Thought (Snell) 27 distance 21, 26, 32, 43, 375 Divine Comedy (Dante) 257 The Divine Lady (film) 17 DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) 358-9 Doctor Who (TV) 317 Dome café (Paris) 351 Domesday Book 206 Domino 208 Don Quixote (Cervantes) 251 Doncières 328 Donen, Stanley 281 Doordarshan 361 Double Indemnity (film) 17 double looking 379 Doyle, Christopher 33 Dracula (Stoker) 328 Dream Pool Essays (Shen Kuo) 142 Dream of the Red Chamber (Cao Xueqin) 251 Dreyer, Carl Theodor 53 Dubai 337 Dublin 56 Duccio 24, 340 Duck Soup (film) 179 Dudley (Worcester) 204, 220 Dudley Castle 204 Dumas, Charles 283 Dupin, Amantine-Lucile- Aurore 252 Dupont, E.A. 44 Dürer, Albrecht 62, 63, 64, 129, 226 Dutch East India Company 164 Dwight D. Eisenhower National System of Interstate and Defense Highways 345 Dyce, William 90 Dylan, Bob 225 dyslexia 122 Dzungarian Gate 119—20, 347 Eagleman, David 39 Early Summer (film) 66 Earth 146, 149, 212—13, 374, 377, 387 earthshine 50 East Africa 30 East India Company 205 EastEnders (TV) 360 Eastern Mongolia 119 The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception (Gibson) 385 The Ecstasy of St Teresa of Avila (Bernini) 163 Eddington, Arthur 290 Edison, Thomas 264 L'Education sentimentale (Flaubert) 252 Edwards, Amilia 302 Egypt 8, 26-30 passim, 61, 68. 83, 95-6, 208, 302. 304, 318, 347, 360, 363 Eiffel Tower 263, 333 814 (film) 210 Einstein, Albert 224, 290-294, 300 Eisenhower, President Dw ight D. 345 Eisenstein, Sergei 201-2 El Dorado 205 11 September 2001 113, 369-70 Eliot, George 39 Emami mosque (Esfahan) 106-7 Emancipation Proclamation 310 Emerson, Ralph Waldo 246, 253-4, 267, 272 Emory University School of Medicine (Georgia) 402 emotion 50-8 empathy 55-6 Empire State Building 333. 335, 336, 337 empiricism 155, 190 encyclopedias 191-2 Encyclopédie (Diderot) 191-2 'engineering consent' 199 England 28, 203-4, 208. 228, 239, 258, 274 English Channel 118 Enlightenment (le siècle des Lumières) 192. 194-5, 214. 218, 220-1, 223, 226, 228. 290, 365-6 'Enta Omri' (song) 364 Entartete Kunst (Degenerate Art show) 350 The Entombment of Christ or Deposition (Carasaggio) 163-4, 197, 234 The Entry of St Ignatius into Paradise (fresco) 163, 168 Entwirklichung 344 envoy eyes 121 The Erasers (Robbe-Gnllct) 332 Ernst, Max 323 Eros 368 erotic looking 80, 81 Esfahan 106-7, 214 Ethiopia 333 Euphrates Ris er 101 Europe 69, 94, 118, 131, 349, 161, 208. 220, 302. 346-7. 365 NDEX 419 Evein, Bernard 34 evidence, looking as 138 evil 87, 335 'Axis of Evil' speech 203 evil eye 91 The Exorcist (film) 366, 368 The Exploitation of the Works of Nature (Yingxing) 191 Exposition Universelle (1867) 377 Expressionism 319, 350, 357 Exsurge Domine (Vatican document) 160 eye contact 38-42, 58 eye movement desensitising and reprocessing (EMDR) studies 240 Eye ofRa 87 eyelines 38, 41, 98 eye-lock 39—40 face recognition technology 372 Facebook 3 Falconetti, René Jeanne 53 The False Mirror (Magritte) 38 Farrell, Colin 130, 131 fashion 340—2 'Fat Man' (bomb) 325, 353 fear 40, 58 Federal Aid Highway Act (1956) 345 female gaze 80 Fenton, Roger 133 Ferdinand of Spain, King 127 Fernweh (distance pain) 375 Ferris wheel 210 Fête de Lumières (Lyons) 84 fight or flight 76, 207 films 2, 273-82, 364-5 Fingal's cave 225, 226 Finlay, Ian Hamilton 23, 35 'The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face' (song) 226 First World War 321, 340, 372 Five Eyes intelligence-gather­ing alliance 373-4 Flack, Roberta 226 Flag Act (1818) 237 The Flagellation of Christ (Francesca) 291-2 flags, sculptures oflowered 182-3 Flaubert, Gustave 251 Flavian Amphitheatre (Rome) 103 Fleming, Alexander 341 fleur-de-lys 195 flight 209—14 Florence 74, 78, 79 flying buttresses 96 focus 14-21 foot binding 238 'The Forbidden' (Barker) 88 Forbidden City (Beijing) 98 Force of Evil (film) 335 Ford, John 232 Fordist system 205 Forster, E.M. 37, 50 42nd Street (musical) 296 Forum 189 France 34, 78, 84, 160,168, 174-5, 188-99 passim, 208, 218—39 passim, 251, 261, 304, 341,347, 372 Francesca, Piero della 292 Franco, General Francisco 308, 309 Frankenstein: or, The Modern Prometheus (Shelley) 223-4 Frankfurt 31 Franklin, Rosalind 358—9 French Revolution 161, 169, 180, 192, 194-8, 201, 203, 224, 226, 306 'frenzy of the visible' 250 Freud, Sigmund 63, 302-3, 319-21, 326-7, 335, 348, 351, 403 Freud and Philosophy (Ricoeur) 303 Friedrich, Caspar David 21, 66,340 Frost, Robert 41, 354 Futurists 46, 89, 100, 244, 260, 273, 383 Galen 142 Galileo Galilei 138, 145-8, 300 Gallery of Mirrors (Versailles) 168-9, 297, 342 Gallese, Vittorio 55 Gandhi, Mahatma 307, 310, 340 gas lamps 263—4 Gaul 30, 118 Geneva 160, 195 Gentileschi, Artemisia 54-5, 56 Georgia 233 Géricault, Théodore 219, 220, 390 Germany 39, 43, 189, 200, 237, 239, 344-5, 352-7 Nazi regime 39, 79, 134, 182-3, 200, 312, 350-2, 354-6, 384 Ghengis Khan 122 ghost images 16, 20—1 Giacometti, Alberto 268, 270 'giant rhubarb' (gunnera) 94—5 Gibson, James 385 Gibson, Mel 28 Giotto 52 Gladiator (film) 103 Glasgow 208 Glass, Philip 225 glass 97 Glass House (Connecticut) 97-8 Glazer, Jonathan 281 Glennon, Bert 193 global satellite location systems 372 Gobi Desert 119 Godard, Agnès 80 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 31-5, 49, 151, 189, 225, 352 'Goethe' tree (Buchenwald) 405 gold 128-31, 139, 163, 233, 236, 345, 397 white (cotton) 206 Goldfinger (Fleming) 339 Gombrich, E.H. 39, 43, 269 Goncharova, Natalia 46, 244, 261 Google 375 Google Earth 375, 377 Gooley, Tristan 204 gopuram (decorated tower) 99 Gorbachev, President Mikhail 311,315 Gordon (slave) 207 Gota Canal 263 Gould, Freddy 241 Goya, Fransisco 133 grand tours 188-91, 192, 223 Grant, Cary 173 Gray, Gilda 44 Great Exhibition (London 1851) 247, 263, 282 Great Expectations (Dickens) 3, 258 Great Wall of China 313 Greece 27, 87, 95, 139, 172, 202, 211, 282, 302, 315, 397 Greek myths 255-6 green 32, 35, 138 Greenpeace diptych 382 grief 172, 185, 186, 276, 389 Griffith, Corinne 17, 18 Griffith, D.W. 102 Grimm, Jacob 87 Grimm, Wilhelm 87 Gris, Juan 272-3 Groll, Theodor 263 Grünewald, Matthias 158—9, 161 The Guermantes Way (Proust) 328-9 Guernica 7, 308, 310 Guernica (Picasso) 308—9, 392 guillotine 197 Gulf War 136, 199 gunnera (giant rhubarb) 94—5 Gutenberg press 160 haft rangi tiles 106 Hagenbeck, Carl 227 Han Chinese 238 Handel, George Frideric 188 Happy Company (Passerotti) 172-3 Hardouin-Mansart, Jules 168 Hargreaves, James 204 Hart, Alfred 234 Harun al-Rashid, Caliph 104-5 Hawks, Howard 76 Head of a Guillotined Man (Géricault) 390 Hebrew language 27 Die Hebriden (Mendelssohn) 225 Heimweh (home pain) 375 Helena (mother of Constantine) 124 The Helmet (Moore) 320 Hemingway, Ernest 342 Hendrix, Jimi 357 henna 104 Henry Ford clinic 63 Hermitage 194 Hero (film) 32-3 'Heroes' (song) 225 Herschel, William 286 Hertzog, Albert 361 Herzog, Werner 346, 383 heshang (film) 312—13, 315 Hewlett—Packard 120 The Hidden Persuaders (Packard) 199 Hillier, Mary 241, 246 Hindi cinema 276—7, 364—5 Hinduism 27, 88, 185, 229, 278 420 INDEX Hiroshima 294, 325, 353, 391 Hitchcock, Alfred 33, 102, 213-14, 276, 340 Hitler, Adolf 79, 178, 179, 200, 320, 352, 356, 403 Hobbes, Thomas 174 Hockney, David 242 Hogarth, William 188 Holland 160, 225 Holiday, Billie 225 Hollywood 366-7, 370, 387 Holmes, Sherlock 44 Holocaust 274 Holy Land 123, 130 home 64-7 Home Insurance Building (Chicago) 334 Homer 27, 28, 31, 35 Homestead Act (1862) 232 Horns 53 Hon'ami Köetsu 274 Hong Kong 238, 338-9 Hong Xiuquan 238 Hôpital Beaujon morgue 390 Hopkins, Gerard Manley 252-3 horror 218-19 The Horse Fair (Bonheur) 265 Hossein (tea boy) 299 hot air balloons 209 Houssaye, Arsène 261 Howards End (Forster) 37 Humboldt von, Alexander 151 Hume, David 190-1, 192, 195, 202, 224, 357, 365 humility 55 Hunayn ibn Ishaq 105, 112, 140 Hundred Years War 132 Hupa, North Carolinian 90-1 Hussein, President Saddam 199, 389 H veil island 148 Hybridity branches 153 hypnotic looking 344 T Have a Dream'speech 310 Ihn al-Haytham 140, 141, 270 Ibn Sina (Avicenna) 155 Ibsen, Henrik 255 Icarus 210 iconoclasm 161 Ignatius of Loyola 162, 164 illuminated manuscripts 70 illumination, types of 263—4 Il-sung, Kim 245 imagery 159-61, 162, 164, 194, 199, 205, 207, 220, 310 impersonation 179 Impression: Sunrise (Monet) 268 Impressionism 188, 261, 265-73 impressions 190, 192, 202, 206 Impressions d'Afrique (Dali) 324, 325 'in order to convince' 201, 202 Inca city 304 Inception (film) 323 India 28, 61, 87, 121-2, 127, 130, 186, 188, 226, 239, 276, 302, 307-8, 361, 364-5 Indian Ocean 121 Indian Removal Act (1830) 233 indigo 28 Indo-Gangetic plain 122 Industrial Revolution 152, 153, 203-5, 220, 226, 312, 346 industrialisation 50, 71 Institute ofLandscape Architects (UK) 345 Intolerance (film) 102 Io 148-9 Iran 30-2, 68-70, 72, 77, 87, 203, 302, 347 see also Persia Iraq 105, 140, 199 Ireland 56, 229 Iron Age sculpture 82—3 Isabella of Spain, Queen 127 Isenheim Altarpicce (Grünewald) 158 Ishtar 101, 108 Ishtar Gate (Babylon) 101, 108, 118, 198, 377 Islam 86, 88, 95, 107, 123, 159, 161, 167, 298, 370 Islamic African states 206 Isle of the Dead (Böcklin) 320 Israel 347 Istanbul 166 Italy 18, 31,70, 74,166, 186, 189, 237, 239 Renaissance 18, 75, 80, 189 Ivan's Childhood (film) 40, 41, 42 iwan (pointed-arch entrance) 106 Iznik tiles 167 Jackson, Janet 361 Jacobins 161 Jacob's Room (Woolf) 371 Jahan, Shah 130 Jamaica 207 James, Henry 258, 329-30 Japan 27, 112, 132, 159, 189, 266-7, 274, 325, 354 Jarmusch.Jim 339 Java, volcanic eruption 112 Jaws (film) 366-8 Jean Charles (African crew) 219 Jeanne d'Arc 53 Jeanne-Claude, Christo and 356 Jerusalem 123-4, 126, 130 Jesuits 122, 162, 188, 191-2, 252 Jesuits: A Multibiography (Lacouture) 162 Jesus Christ 25, 52, 62, 85, 90, 122-5, 158, 163-4, 197, 292 Jewish culture 27, 103, 147, 350—2, 356 Jin Ping Mei (The Golden Lotus) (anon) 251 Johansson, Scarlett 393 John Paul II, Pope 149 Johnson, Philip 97-8 Jones, Chuck 178 Journal of Motor Behaviour (Davids) 283 Julie, or the New Heloise (Rousseau) 13 Jung, Carl Gustav 317, 403 Jupiter 149 moons of 146, 148 Jurassic Park (film) 367-8 Ka'bah (Mecca) 88-9 Kabbalah 30 Kahlo, Frida (Carmen Rivera) 63-4, 128, 340, 362 Kaieteur Falls (Guyana) 383 Kailasa temple (Ellora) 98-100, 167 Kaiser, H.G. 234 Kalf, Willem 65 Kalthoum, Oum 363-4 Kanagawa, treaty of (1854) 266 Kandinsky, Wassily 316, 317, 318, 342, 357 Kaplan, G.A. 384 Karl-Marx-Allee (Berlin) 397 Kazakhstan 109 Keisai Eisen 266-7 Kelly, Gene 281 Kennedy, President John F. 368 Kepler, Johannes 147 Kertész, André 341, 342 Khmer Rouge 184 Khomyakov, Mikhail Stepanovich 71-2 Kiarostami, Abbas 298-9 Kidman, Nicole 281 Kieslowski, Krzysztof 389 King, Martin Luther 308 Kingjr, Martin Luther 310 King Kong (film) 337 Klein, Yves 26-7, 35, 38. 81-2, 84, 107, 336, 382 Klimov, Elein 135 Klingemann. Karl 225 Kodak Brownie cameras 288 Koestler, Arthur 147, 149 Koflka, Kurt 68 Koh-i-Noor diamond 130-1. 247 Koker (Iran) 298 Kolkata 61 Kopernik, Mikolaj (Nicolaus Copernicus) 55. 146, 213. 291 Koran 106-7 Kosho 159-60 Krakatoa eruption 112. 113 Kristallnacht (Crystal Night) 352 Kublai Khan 130 Kubrick, Stanley 89, 260. 274 Kurosawa, Akira 132 Kuwait 199 Kuya 159 La Malinche 129 La Spezia (Italy) 82-3 La Tourette priory 67, 68. 84-5 labour, cheap 94 Lacouture, Jean 162 Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste 402 Lancelot and Guinevere 77 landowners 50 Landscape uith the Nymph Lgeria (Lorrain) 269-70 'landscape of speed' 345 Lang, Fritz 109 Lanzmann, Claude 274 Laocoön sculpture 189 lapis lazuli 27, 28 Las Vegas 110 Lascaux caves 27, 304, 306 INDEX 421 The Last of the Mohicans (LP) 78 Last Supper (Duccio) 24, 340 Latin American Memorial 183, 186 laughter 172-3 Laurel and Hardy 173 Layla and Majnun 77 Le Corbusier 67, 68, 84, 88, 341 Le Havre 268 Le Nôtre, André 169 'le sauce' 265, 267, 270 Le Vasseur, Thérèse 195 Leaves of Grass (Whitman) 254 Lebanon 223 Léger, Fernand 348 Lemmon, Jack 179-80, 340 Lenin, Vladimir 8, 342, 362—3 lenses 165 Leone, Sergio 240 Leoni, Ottavio Mario 54, 56 Lessons of Darkness (film) 346 'Let Me Die in My Footsteps' (song) 225 'Let's Do It' (song) 341 Letteron the Blind (Diderot) 191 Lewis-Jones, Huw 191 light, speed of 149, 290 light bulbs 264 Lin, Maya 183 Lincoln Memorial 310 Ungarn (phallus of Shiva) 100 Lippershey, Hans 138 Lisbon 112 literature 250-60 'Little Boy' (bomb) 325, 353 Little Snow- White (Grimm) 87 Liverpool 206, 208 The Living Eye (Starobinski) 7, 381 Locke, John 395 London 28, 188, 204, 205, 235, 306, 330 Lone Star (film) 292 'the look' 75 look of love image 17—18 'look where I am' impulse 3 Lorrain, Claude 269-71 Los Angeles 94, 95 Louis IX of France, King 125 Louis XIV of France, King (Sun King) 168, 175, 196, 209 Louis XVI of France, King 196 Louisiana 207, 230 Louvre 169 love 17-18, 39, 62, 281 Lovell, Tom 123 LSD (lysergic acid diethyla­mide) 357, 399 Ludwig, Anna Bertha 285—6 Luhrmann, Baz 76—7 lumen and lux 84—5, 164 lust 80 Luther, Martin 155, 159, 160, 176, 199, 398 Lyons 84 Macbeth (Shakespeare) 132—3 Machu Picchu 304 McCracken, Grant 365 Macedonia 315, 397 McGurk, Paddy 183-4, 186 Magellan, Ferdinand 211 Magritte, René 38, 223, 245, 327 Mahabharata (poem) 276 Maidan movement (Ukraine) 400 Maintenon, Madame de 169 Malay Archipelago 152 male gaze 78 Malevich, Kazimir 89 Malick, Terrence 130 Maltin, Tim 326 Man with a Movie Camera (film) 278 Manchester 204 Manchu Chinese 238 Mandela, President Nelson 2, 228 Manet, Edouard 65, 78, 79, 266 Manhattan 113, 335 Manhattan (film) 336 Manila 94 Mantegna 25 manufacturing techniques 71 Mao Zedong, Chairman 8, 186, 313, 314 Marat, Jean-Paul 197-9 March on Washington for Freedom and Jobs 310 Marco Polo 130 Marduk, temple of 102 Marey, Étienne-Jules 244, 261, 273-4 'Marianne' 195, 201, 219 Marina Abramovic: The Artist Is Present (film) 41 Marion (Indiana) 225 Marivaux, Pierre de 176 Mark Antony 6 Marker, Chris 347 Mamie (film) 276 Martin (son of Cortés) 129 Marx, Groucho 179, 340 Marx, Harpo 179 Marx, Karl 247 masquerade 179 Matterhorn 223 Max, Arthur 103 Mayans 52, 139 mazes 176-7 Mecca 88 Mediterranean 28, 55, 118 Medusa (ship) 218-19 Meeropol, Abel 225 'the meeting eyes of love' 39 Meischer, Friedrich 358 Meissonier, Jean-Louis-Ernest 267 melanin 26 Melville, Herman 257 memorials 180—6 Mendeleev, Dmitri 153-4 Mendelssohnn, Fanny 225 Mendelssohnn, Felix 224—5, 226 Las Meninas (Velazquez) 325, 392 Mercator, Gerardus 131 mercury 138 Merian, Maria Sibylla 191 Merleau-Ponty, Maurice 7 Meso-America 129-30 Metropolis (film) 109 Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York) 303 Mexican sculpture 39-42, 47, 52, 234, 377 Mexico 63-4, 128, 198, 341 Mexico City 94 Mezquita (Cordoba) 95-6, 167 Michelangelo 60, 74, 76, 100, 158, 166 Mickey Mouse (cartoon) 341 microcosm 289-300 Mictlantecuhtli (god of the dead) 129 Middle Ages 24, 28, 69, 84, 118, 122, 142 Middle East 27, 87, 161, 223, 370 Milan 26 Milk, Chris 378 miniaturism 133, 255, 297-8, 300 minimalism, visual 169 Ministry of Naval Affairs (Paris) 326 mirage 325 Mirror (film) 64 mirror images 61, 62, 87—8, 385 Mississippi 230 Mississippi River 229, 231, 233 Miyagawa, Kazuo 20 Mizoguchi, Kenii 19, 51, 52, 165, 220 Möbius-strip thinking 351 Moby-Dick (Melville) 257 Moctezuma 128 modernisms 316—33 Molière 174-6, 179, 186 Mona Usa (da Vinci) 18, 28, 75, 327, 340 monasteries 67 Monbiot, George 365 Monet, Claude 268 Mongols 112 Mongol-Turks 122 Montefalco, Sister Clare of 142 Montgolfier, Joseph-Michel 209-11 Moon 50, 55, 138, 205, 212-13, 387 craters 140, 155 landing 376-7 Moore, Henry 83, 320 Morguer (stare disdainfully) 366 Morocco 30 Moscow 94, 201, 218, 362 Moses 159, 160 Motherland (sculpture) 182 motorways 344—9 movement 42—7 movies 2, 273—82, 364—5 Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus 188 Mughal Empire 122, 133, 181, 185, 188 art 297-8, 300 Muhammad, Prophet 88, 159-60 Mukhina, Vera 201 Mumbai 94, 397 Murntaz Mahal 181, 186 Munch, Edvard 112, 130, 318 Munich 350 Museum of Mankind (Paris) 228 Museum of Modern Art (New York) 41 music 224—6 The Music Room (film) 297 Muslims 125, 161, 370 422 INDEX Muybridge, Eadweard 225, 24' Nabokov, Vladimir 252 Nagasaki 294, 325, 353 Nairn (Zola) 250—1 Nanking 238 'Nantes' (song) 225 Naples 178 Napoleon Bonaparte 218, 220, 237, 264, 302, 390-1 Napoleon 111 262 Narcissus 255-7 NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) 148 Nasser, President Gamal Abdel 360 Nataraja sculpture 300 National Academy of Design 235 National Health Service (NHS) 388 Nationalism 235-9 Native Americans 30, 233-4, 240 'Natural History of Massachusetts' (Thoreau) 253 naturalism 251-5, 257, 273 Nausea (Sartre) 332 nazars 87 Nazi regime 39, 79, 134, 182-3. 200, 312, 350-2, 354-6, 384 NBC (National Broadcasting Company) 361 Nefertiti 83 neon lighting 264 Nero, Emperor 111 Netherlands 164-5 New Jersey 264, 346 New World 205, 206 77ic New World (film) 130 New York 41, 50, 113, 303, 307, 333-4, 336-8, 364, 372 New York Times (newspaper) 307 New Zealand 374 Newton, Isaac 149—51, 192, 290, 293 Niagara Falls 247 Nice 26 Nicholson, Jack 198 Nicodcmus 164 Niemeyer, Oscar 183, 186 Nieuwerkerke, Emilien de 266 1 Nike 72 Nikko (Japan) 181 Nile, River 223 9/11 113, 369-70 nkongi 58 Nobel prize 359 nomadic people 50 North Africa 87 North America 94, 131, 188, 206, 229-35, 253-4, 285, 295, 372 see also United States of America (USA) North by Northwest (film) 213-14 North Carolina 90 North Korea 245 North Sea 35 Northern Ireland 183 Notre Dame (Paris) 96, 98, 106, 111, 124, 220 Novak, Kim 340 Nubians 227 nuns, Italian 142 Nuremberg 399 Nykvist, Sven 16 Obama, President Barack 2-3, 389 Obama, Michelle 2-3 observation 139, 141, 146 The Odyssey (Homer) 28, 31 oil 346-9 Olympic Games 7, 282 Once Upon a Time in the West (film)240 One Thousand and One Nights 105 'only connect' 50 Opium Wars 238 l'optique (inner eye) 4-5, 142, 191, 268, 324, 396, 401 orange 32 On the Origin of Species (Darwin) 152, 218, 402 The Origin of War (Orlan) 79 The Origin of the World (Courbet) 79 Orlan 80 Orpheus and Eurydice 256 Orthodox Church 193 Osaka Elegy (film) 51-2 Oslo 112 Össur 72 Othello (Shakespeare) 58 Ottoman Empire 161, 165-8, 172, 181, 188, 218, 237 Our Father's House (Chillida) 309 Oxbridge colleges 208 Oxford University 306 Ozu, Yasujiro 43, 66-7, 86, 382 Packard, Vance 199 Paestum temples 95 Pakistan 365 Palacio Nacional (Mexico City) 129 Pale Flower (film) 107-8 Palestine 123 Palmyra 161 Panini, Giovanni 189 Panoptes, Argus 256-7 Pantheon (Rome) 84, 108, 189 Paolozzi, Eduardo 129 Paradiso (Dante) 257 Les Parapluies de Cherbourg (film) 34 Paris 51, 148, 174, 196, 209, 212, 239, 265, 277,317, 333, 340, 348, 377, 396 morgue 219, 228-9, 366, 374, 390, 399 Paris Salon 235 Paris World Fair (1937) 201 Paris Street: Rainy Day (Caillebotte) 261 Parkour (urban activity) 337 Parthenon 95 Das Passengen- Werk (Benjamin) 261 Passerotti, Bartolomeo 172 Pearl Harbour 353 Pearson, Adam 393 'pencil of nature' 242 Pennsylvania 207 people-watching 61, 67 People's Liberation Army 313 Percy, Henry 134 Pergamon Museum (Berlin) 101 Perigueux 288 Perrin, Jean Baptiste 294 Persepolis 203, 347 Persia, Shah of 130 Persia 24, 30, 88, 138, 181, 188, 202, 346-7 Persian Gulf 346 Persona (film) 15 Pestalozzi, Johann Heinrich 224 Petrie, Flinders 302 'phantom ride' 274 Philip IV of Spain, King 392 Philosophical Dictionary (Voltaire) 5 A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Heauliful (Burke) 220 Philosophic Zoologtque (Lamarck) 402 Phnom Penh 184 photography 2, 241-7 On Photography (Sontag) 329 Photoshopping 199 Picasso, Pablo 7, 51-2, [65, 233, 297, 308, 317-18, 326-7, 340, 342, 392 Piccadilly (London) 228 Pictish design 69, 70, 72 Pilâtre de Rozier, Jean-Fran( )is 209 pilgrimage 123 The Pillars of Society (Ibsen) 255 pince-nez 70 Pinochet, Augusto 184 Pissarro, Camille 272 Planck, Max 293 Planet of the Apes (film) 302 Plato 105 Playtime (film) 176-7 plein air 273 Pliny 121 Pliny the Elder 121 Plomin, Robert 402 Pluto 213 pneuma (circulatory air) 105 The Poetics of Space (Bachelard) 65 Pokémon Go 379-80 Poland 44 Pollock, Jackson 107 Pompeii 44, 110, 189 porcelain. Chinese 104, 112 Porter, Cole 341 Portrait of a Lady (James) 258-60 Portugal 226, 310 post-Impressionism 307 Pozzo, Andrea 162-3 Prasar Bharati 361 The Prelude (Wordsworth) 223 Presley, Elvis 363 Principles of Gestalt Psychology (Koffka) 68 The Principles of Panning (de Piles) 382 Pnpyat 110-11, 222 Processional Way (Babylon) 101 projections 131, 212, 273, 319, 324, 331, 353, 357, 388-90 propaganda 198—203, 338, 353, 398-9 Propaganda (Bernays) 199 protest 237, 306—16, 319 Protestantism 159, 161-4, 168-9, 173, 306,328 Proust, Marcel 328-9, 330, 344 Psychiatric problems 319 punishment 260 purple 28, 32 Qing dynasty 238 Quakers 207 qualitative judgements 190 quantum physics 293—4 Quebec 188 Rabier, Jean 34 The Raft of the Medusa (Géricault) 218—19, 308, 367, 390 railroads 239—41 rainbows 33 Raphael 7 'the rapture of self-loss' 22 Ray, Satyajit 277, 297-8 Rayleigh scattering 26 reading 250 glasses 70 Reagan, Ronald 339 realistic light 84 red 43, 196, 310 red block 88 Red River (film) 231—2 Red Road (film) 373 refineries (oil) 348—9 Reformation 149, 159, 163, 306, 328 Counter 162 refugee camps 397 Regent s Park (London) 226 Reichstag, wrapping of 356—7, 399 Reinertsen, Sarah 72 Reiter, Janusz 356 Reliquary of St Faith 396—7 Rembrandt van Rijn 62, 385-6, 387 Renaissance 24, 81, 302, 323, 327 Italian 18, 75, 80, 189 Repentance (film) 310-11, 312, 363 Rerberg, Georgi 65 Reservoir Dogs (film) 339 resistance 235-9 Ressler, Kerry 402 The Return after Three Days (Cameron) 241, 242 The Revolution of the Heavenly Orbs (Kopernik) 55 rhubarb 94-5 Richter, Gerhard 20 Ricoeur, Paul 303 Riefenstahl, Leni 79, 200—1 Riley, Bridget 297 Rio Negro 152 rituals 168 Rivera, Carmen (Frida Kahlo) 63-4, 128, 340, 362 Rivera, Diego 128-9, 198 Rizzolatti, Giacomo 55 Robbe-Grillet, Alain 332 Robot (dog) 304 rock formations, geometric 94 Rocky Mountains 230 Rococo 194 Rodia, Simon 95 Rodionov, Aleksei 135 Roman Empire 6, 28, 65, 95, 103, 108, 118-19, 122, 189, 397 Les Romanciers naturalistes (Zola) 251 Romanticism 220-6, 228, 229, 253, 267, 335 Rome 103-4, 111, 159, 173, 189, 302 Romer, Ole Christensen 148-9 Röntgen, Wilhelm Conrad 285-6 rosettes (cockades) 196 rosewater 104 Rostam 143 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 13, 112, 194, 195, 197, 221-2, 365 Route Tournante (Cézanne) 268-73, 296, 317, 401 Rudaba, Princess 143 Rural Modernity, Everyday Life and Visual Culture (Shirley) 349 Russia 85-6, 90, 188, 192-3, ' 334,342 Russian Revolution 202 Russian Ark (film) 194 Rüstern Pasha mosque 167 Rutherford, Ernest 293 Sacramento (California) 233—4, 240 The Sacred Fount (James) 329-30 sacred light 84-5 saffron yellow 298 Sagolj, Damir 245 St Augustine 138, 142, 159, 398 St Beatus ofLiébana 112, 309 Saint-Lazare hospital-prison (Paris) 51 St Lucy of Syracuse 322 St Martin's Cathedral (Utrecht) 160 St Ninian's brooch 68 St Paul 211 Saint-Paul asylum (Saint- Rémy) 294, 296 St Petersburg 192, 194 Saint-Rémy (France) 294—5 St Teresa 164, 234, 340 Sainte-Foy church (Conques) 396 Sainte-Chapelle (Paris) 125, 131 Salon des Refusés 266 Salt March 307—8 San Martin, José de 236—7 Sand, George (aka Amantine- Lucile-Aurore Dupin) 252 sans-culottes 195, 197 Santoro, Rodrigo 202-3 Sào Paolo 183 Sarajevo 397 Sartre, Jean-Paul 332—3 satanic look 87 Saving Private Ryan (film) 361 Sayles, John 292 Scandinavia 189, 255 Schiele, Egon 62-3, 64 The School of Athens (Raphael) 7 Schwitters, Kurt 303-4 scientific looking 138, 141, 188 Scotland 22-3, 69, 90, 96-7, 223, 224-5, 346 Scott, Ridley 103 Scott, Walter 223 The Scream (Munch) 112, 130, 318 Scrovegni Chapel (Padua) 52, 158 In Search of Lost Time (Proust) 328, 329 The Searchers (film) 232 Seascape with a Sailing Boat and a Ship (Turner) 18—19 Second World War 34, 39, 44, 280, 344-5, 350-7, 372 Seeing is Believing: The Politics of the Visual (Stoneman) 199 segregation 208 Seitz, John F. 17 self-portraits 61—3 Self-Portrait (Rembrandt) 385-6, 387 selfie photographs 2, 3 Sembène, Ousmane 280 Senegal 219 Les Sept Viellards (Baudelaire) 261 Seurat, Georges-Pierre 296—7 Seven Years War 194 sexuality 63 sexualised looking 80 sfumato 18, 49, 61, 205, 241, 349 Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (album) 357 Shaanxi province (China) 304 Shadow Country (Tanguy) 326 In the Shadow of the Glen (Synge) 119 shadows 34, 102, 272 Shakeshaft, Nicholas 402 Shakespeare, William 58, 132-3, 172, 185 shaman 90-1, 363 Shell Guide books (UK) 346 Shelley, Mary 223 Shen Kuo 141—5 Shepitko, Larisa 279—80 Shevardnadze, Eduard 311 Shi Huangdi, (Emperor) 304 shikara (rising tower) 99 Shinoda, Masahiro 108 Shipp, Thomas 225 Shirley, Rosemary 349 Shiva, Lord 88, 98, 100, 300 Shrewsbury, Battle of (1403) 133, 136 Sibelius, Jean 225 Siberia 153 Sicily, King of 139 silk 120-1, 126, 163, 165 Silk Route (Road) 28, 94, 104, 120, 126, 136, 340 Silsila (film) 364 silver 35 Vie Simpsons (TV) 198 Sinan, Mimar 166-7, 181 Singin'in the Rain (film) 281 424 INDEX Sino-Japanese war 132 Sino-Soviet summit 315 Situationists 262 Six-Day War 360 Skye, Isle of 405 Skype 376-7 skyscrapers 333-7 'slapstick'comedy 173 slavery 206-8, 219, 235 sliced eyeball 304, 324 Small Pleasures (Kandinsky) 316 smartphones 3 Smith, Abram 225 Smith, Captain John 205 Smith, George Albert 274 Snell, Brutto 27 SHOW llhitc and The Seven Dwarfs (film) 87 Sitowdcti, Edward 373 The Social Contract (Rousseau) 195 social structures 61 socialism 350 Socrates 6 softness, visual 17 solitude 220, 221 Some Like It Hot (film) 179-80, 340 Somerset vs Stewart 207-8 Somme, Battle of the (1916) 134 Songs from the Second Floor (film)245 Sontag, Susan 7, 246, 329 South Africa 228, 361 South America 131, 132, 236-7 Southern Deccati Plateau 122, 130 Soviet Union 71, 183, 201-2, 278, 310-12, 341, 362 space 21-5 Space Odyssey novels (Clarke) 89 Spain ill, 127, 236, 308 Spanish Civil War 308, 309 Spartans 202 spectacle 168 speech deprivation experiments 122 Speke, John Hanning223 Sphinx (Giza) 275, 276, 363, 364 spices 102, 126, 164 Spielberg, Steven 361, 366, 367 " spirits, bad 98 split eyeball 2, 300, 340, 365, 368, 372, 374, 398 sport 282-6 Sputnik 1 71-2 Staffa 224 Stalin, Joseph 310-11 Stanhope, Lady Hester 223 Star Wars (film) 78, 278-9, 290, 347 Starobinski, Jean 7, 381, 391 The Starry Messenger (Galileo) 146 The Starry Night (Van Gogh) 32 Statue of Liberty 195, 201, 302-3 statue storm 160 steel 97 Stein, Gertrude 297 Sternberg von Josef 193 Stettin (Prussia) 192 Stockholm 4 Stoddard, Seneca Ray 242-3 Stoker, Bram 328 Stoneman, Rod 199 'Strange Fruit' (song) 225 'Street Haunting' (Woolf) 249, 330, 332 Strike (film) 201-2 The Structure of the Psyche (Jung) 403 Study of a Negro Man (Tanner) 235 Stukeley, William 150 A Subtlety (Walker) 208 Sudan 227 'sudden glory' 174 Suez Canal 263, 302, 347 suffragettes 306-7, 349, 372 Sufism 107 sugar sculpture 208 Suleiman the Magnificent 166, 168 Siileymaniye mosque 167 Sullivan, Louis 334, 370 Sun 50, 55, 83-4, 149, 290 Sung Ti 81 Sunset Boulevard (Film) 17 La Surprise de l'amour (Marivaux) 176 Surrealism 145, 245, 321-8, 357, 361, 365, 369 Surrealist Manifesto (Breton) 321 surrogacy 364 surveillance 372—7 Susanna and the Elders (Leoni) 54 'Suzanne' (song) 225 Sweden 188, 263, 387 Switzerland 224, 289-90, 321, 357 Synge.J.M. 119 Syrian mask 53 Tacoma Building (Chicago) 334 Tagore, Sharmila 365 Tahiti 149 Tamo Indians 127-8 Taiping Rebellion 218, 238-9, 340 Taj Mahal 121-2, 130, 172, 181, 185-6 Talbot, William Henry Fox 242 Taliban 398 'The Tall Office Building Artistically Considered' (Sullivan) 334 Tallinn 312 Tamaudun (Okinawa) 181 Tanguy, Yves 326, 334, 335 Tanner, Henry Ossawa 235 Tanning, Dorothea 321-3 tapestry of Narcissus 256, 257 Tarkovsky, Andrei 40, 41, 64, 65-7, 85, 362 Tarr, Bêla 119 Tartuffe (Molière) 174, 175-6 Tate galleries 208 Tati, Jacques 176-7 Tawaraya Sötatsu 274 Taxi driver (film) 57 tea 205 teapot (Bauhaus) 70-1 tears 52-4, 58, 172, 276, 364, 386 memorials 180-6 Trail of Tears 233 technology, war and 136 teenagers 74—7, 79—80, 81 Tehran 106 telescopes 138, 145-6, 149 television (TV) 2, 359-61 Tenochtitlan 128 Thanatos 368 Theory of Colours (Goethe) 31-2, 33 Thermopylae 132, 202 Theroux, Alexander 30 Thessaloniki 161, 211 thinking, visual 83, 143 Thompson, J. Walter 338 Thomson, J J. 293 Thoreau, Henry David 253 Thorning-Schmidt, Prime Minister Helle 2-3 Three Colours: Blue (film) 389 three-dimensional images 378 300 (film) 202-3, 340 Through the Olive Tees (film) 299 Tiananmen Square (Beijing) 186, 312, 313, 315, 340 Tibet 30 Tiepolo 124 Tigris River 104-5, 112 Tigris-Euphrates Delta 10) Time (magazine) 307 timeline 152-3 Times (London newspaper) 263 Times Square (New York) 372 Tinne, Alexandrine 223 Titanic (ocean liner) 219, 326, 329, 356, 382 Titian 77, 357 To Have and Have Not (film) 75, 339 To the Lighthouse (Woolf) 331 tobacco 205 Tohaku, Hasegawa 221-2 Tojo, Prime Minister General Hideki 353-4, 389 Tokyo 108, 109, 112 Tokyo Story (film) 86 Torrens, William McCullagh 372 A Tour Thro 'the II hole Island of Great Britain (Defoe) 189 tourists 2-3 grand tours 188-91, 192. 223 Tower of Babel 103, 333 trade 120-1 Trail of Tears 233 'transparent eyeball' 250, 252, 254, 263, 265, 267, 272-3. 278, 286 Transvaal 218 travel 223 Treatise on Painting (da Vinci) 81 Tree ofLifc (Jung) 403 Treptower Park (Berlin) 182. 183 Triumph of the I Fill (film) 199 trompe l'oeil 327, 339 Tnic Romance (film) 339 Tuareg nomads 223 Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum (Phnom Penh) 184 INDEX 425 'turbid media' 33 Turin 323 'lhe Turin Horse (film) 119 Turkey 126, 341 Turner, J.M.W. 18-19,31, 204-5, 220, 267-8, 316 Turrcll, James 84 Tutankhamun, King (aka Tutankhate) 84, 301-4, 340 Two Heads (de Chirico) 323 'Two Look at Two' (Frost) 41 2001 : A Space Odyssey (film) 89-90, 274, 372 Vgctstt Monogatari (film) 19, 220 Ukraine 110, 400 ultramarine blue 165 Umar, Caliph 123 Under the Shin (film) 393 UNESCO (United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization) 203 Union Pacific Railroad 239 United Kingdom (UK) 143, 188, 189, 204, 247, 338-47 passim, 360, 372, 374, 388 JOT iilse Britain United States of America (USA) 30, 63-4, 143, 178, 183-203 passim, 229-39 passim, 310, 334-46 passim, 361-74 passim, 389, 400 see also North America Universal Exposition (Paris 1867) 261-4, 266 Universal Studios 303 University of Padua 144-5 Unsurpt Floor (Roman mosaic) 65 Unter den Linden (Berlin) 264 Urban VIII, Pope 146 Utah 239 Van Gogh, Vincent 32, 62, 6 7, 257, 266-7, 294-6, 319 Vasari, Giorgio 18. 158-9 Vatican 159, 172, 173, 174 Vaughan, Philip 204 Veda 27 Velazquez, Diego 388, 392 Venice 55, 138, 145, 178, 188, 189 Venus 149 verbal vocabulary 5 Verdal, Suzanne 225 Verdun 45—6, 291, 321, 340 Verdun, souvenirs d'hisloire (film) 45 Vermeer, Johannes 165, 267, 298, 340, 367 Versailles 168-9, 172, 174, 194-6, 209, 214, 226 Vertigo (film) 33, 102, 340 Vertov, Dziga 278 Verwocrd, Prime Minister Hendrik 361 Vesuvius, Mount 7, 111, 121 Veterans Day (USA) 361 Victoria, Queen 131 Victory over the Sun (opera) 89 Vienna 210 Vietnam 132, 183, 184 Vikings 69 Villa of Livia (Rome) 405 Vilnius 312 (holiest of chambers) 100 violence 288, 292, 308, 312, 313 violet 32 The Virgin of the Roehs (da Vinci) 28—30, 31 Virginia 205 Virilio, Paul 387 virtual reality (VR) 378-9 Visconti, Tony 225 visible light 84 The Vision Machine (Virilio) 387 Piston and Painting (Bryson) 291 Visual Thinking (Arnheim) 83 visually impaired 8 Vlatades monastery (Thessaloniki) 161 vocabulary, visual 5 Ib/tajc (Tanning) 321-2 Voltaire 5, 449—50 Halden (Thoreau) 253 Waldon Pond 253 walkabout 189 Walker, Kara 208 wall piercings 96 Wall Street 335 Wallace, Alfred Russel 151-3 Wallace, William 28 Wanderer above the Sea of Fog (Friedrich) 21, 336 'want see' (compulsive looking) 219,366-70 war 118, 132-6, 138, 188 Warsaw 355 Warsaw Ghetto 355 Washington, George 335 Washington DC 183, 188 Washington Monument obelisk 310 Washington Street, Indianapolis at Dusk (Groll) 263 Water Music (Handel) 188 Watson, James 358—9 Watson and the Shark (Copley) 367 Watt, James 204 Watts Towers 95 The Way it Looks from the Stern Seat (Stoddard) 242—3 Wayne, John 234 Ways of Seeing (Berger) 25, 78, 268 weapon's-eye view 136 Weimar 352-3, 357 Welles, Orson 133, 340 West Africa 80, 206 West Germany 355 West Indies 206, 208 Western genre 25, 233-4, 236 Western Trail, Rockies (Bierstadt) 230-1 I Vhcre Is the Friend's House? (film) 298 Whitby Abbey 328 white 185, 307, 310 white light 33 The White Diamond (film) 383 White House (Astana) 109 Whitman, Walt 254 Whittles, Harold 243-4, 246 Who Wants to Be a Millionaire (TV) 364 Whymper, Edward 223 William Shakespeare's Romeo + Juliet (film) 76-7, 79 Williams, Raymond 360—1, 365 Winnicott, D.W. 246 Winter Palace 194 Wittenburg 159 woad 28, 118 Women's Social and Political Union 306 wonders of the world 101 Woolf, Virginia 249, 250, 287, 330-2, 351, 371 Wordsworth, William 151, 223 World Fair, Paris (1937) 201 World Naked Bike Ride 349 World Trade Centre 113, 370 World's Fair (1889) 228 Wright Flyer (aeroplane) 210-11 Wright, Orville 210—11 Wright, Wilbur 210—11 Wu, Emperor 120 Wulf, Andrea 152 x-axis 294, 378 Xerxes I of Persia, King 202-3, 302, 340 X-rays 285-6 Xu Gu 267-8 y-axis 294, 378 yellow 32, 61, 298, 312 Yellow River 312-13 yingbi walls 98, 120 Yingxing, Song 191 Yokohama 107—8, 142 yotti (divine mother) 100 YouTube 275 Yucatan plateau 139 z (illusion of three-dimensional space) 25 z-axis 35, 55-66 passim, 96, 121, 210, 222, 243, 268—74 passim, 294, 309, 337, 345, 378 z-lessness 24, 26 z-ness 24, 32, 43 Za'atari refugee camp 378-9 Zapruder, Abraham 368—9 Zen Buddhism 69, 369 Zhang Qian 120 Zheng He 121 Ziegler, Adolf 351 Zola, Émile 250—1, 253, 264, 266, 267, 273 zoos 226-8 Zytglogge tower 289—90 426 INDEX
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