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Volltext:Index Abeel, Erica, 44069 abstract art, 66, 133-79, 205; in Art (Reza play), 395n29; and cognition, 141^43; collectivist aspirations and, 136-37; as decoration, 138-39, 406n134,135, 414232; definition of, 414231 ; elitism of, 144, 149-51,155, 399n75; freedom and spontaneity in, 145-46; intuition and, 143—44; primacy of consciousness in creation of, 135-36; public opinion on, 3-7, 172-75; Rand on, 76, 136, 392nl; sub­jectivism in, 137-38; as symptom of pathology, 126-27, 129-30; teaching of, 309-10; Utopian aspirations and, 139-41, 143. See also abstract sculpture, modern art Abstract Expressionism, 151-55,263, 266, 274 Abstraction in the Twentieth Century (exhibition), 198 abstraction(s): cognitive, 3348; emotional, 38-39, 82; esthetic, 47; nor­mative, 334n8; visual, 67, 3543 abstract sculpture, 168-72, 190; architec­ture and, 190, 198-99 accident, in art, 74, 288; as antithesis of art, 74, 417/jll, 41928; John Cage and, 220-25; Merce Cunningham and, 228; Jackson Pollock and, 160,161, 162; and random movements in dance, 72,128, 360n52. See also spontaneity Ackerman, James, 351 57 Acocella, Joan, 229-30, 238, 36159, 441 79, 448 134 action painters, 152,159 Adams, John, 218 aerial choreography, 236, 448 130 Aestheticism, 204-205,42917 aesthetics. See esthetics, Zen esthetics African art: and artifacts, 208-11; music, 222, 370n53 Africa: The Art of a Continent (exhibition), 208,43032 Ailey, Alvin, 233,42548 Alberti, Leon Battista, 123,199 Albright Knox Gallery, 186 "aleatory music" 222 Alembert, Jean le Rond d', 192-94, 42222 American Century, 1950-2000, The (exhibition), 273, 277, 286,287 American Craft Museum, 201 American Indian Parfleche, The (Torrence), 206 American Quilt, The (Kirakofe and John­son), 207 American Society for Aesthetics, 13-14, 94; position on term "the arts" 33069 America's Most Unwanted (Komar and Melamid), 173-74 America 's Most Wanted (Komar and Melamid), 173-74 Anderson, Jack, 11, 231,233, 33062 Andre, Carl, 168,172 Andrea, John de. See de Andrea, John animal(s): "art" by, 153,40191; sculpture of, 68 anthropology, and art, 114-17 anthropomorphism, 114 506 Index anti-art, 172 anti-conceptualism, in education, 297-99 Appiah, Kwame Anthony, 208-10, 43133-34,37 architecture, 61,189-200, ЗЗЗиЗ; and abstract sculpture, 190,198-99; as decorative art, 425n49; as design, 199-200; as imitative art, 193; landscape, 42549; nature of, 194-200; Rand on, 61,189-91, 419n3,4,7,8; teaching about, 307; utilitarian function of, 194-96; and values, 196-98 Arensberg, Walter, 264, 265 Aristotle, 2,15, 349n41, 355w13-19; biocentrism of, 3801; on dance, 35947; on imitative versus practical arts, 3337; on literature, 63; on mean­ing in art, 52; on mimesis, 28, 3347, 37740; on music, 37047; on plot, 64, 65; on poetry, 63-64, 3549, 35517; and primacy of existence, 39412; on purpose of art, 339n43; on selectivity in art, 48; on technê, 191,199, 37740 Aris tos, xv, 19 Arnheim, Rudolf, 120 Arnold, Magda, 38964 arts: alleged new forms, 318; as "end in itself" 24,115, 149, 3337; authoritar­ian theory of, 101,106, 187,107,209, 292; biocentric theory of, 109, 115-17; classification of, 191-92; cognitive function of, 27; copyright and, 291, 292-93,294; corporate funding of, 287-89; diversity of, 127-28; education and, 297-315; and ethics, 30-31; as "expression" 44-45, 152-55; and freedom of speech, 295-97; government subsidy of, 283-87; history of concept, 2-3,194; in the home, 175-78; institutional theory of, 95-100,101, 209, 292; intel­ligence, 128; and law, 289-97; and love, 42; major branches of, 3333; "model-building" aspect of, 30, 32; need for theory of, 12-14; as non-utili­tarian, 24, 333-347; philosophy com­pared to, 29-30; primary arts, 35838; purpose of, 15, 23-24, 29,44-45, 99, 116-17, 191, 272; referents of term, 2-3,60-62, 191-94; religion compared to, 29; response to, 50-51; science and, 109-30; as self-exploration, 44; subject and meaning in, 51-54; as not symbolic, 208, 3349; and technology, 281-82; as "technology of the soul" 33941, 39175; as "universal language" 27, 33624; "unpremeditated art" 419n28; and volition, 32. See also specific headings, e.g.: definition of art; performing arts art criticism, 11-12, 301 "Art for art's sake" 24, 115, 149, 3335, 384-8538,39 art historians, 9-11; feminist, 206-208 Arti del disegno, 199 artifacts, 205-06, 37315,429 19 Art-in-Architecture program, 466 11 Artists in the Schools, 303-304 Arts and Crafts Movement, 204, 211 arts education, 297-315; and abstract art, 309-10; "Core Knowledge" program, 305-10, 311, 312,476 112; discipline-based (DBAE), 299-304, 312; authors' recommendations for, 311-15; Educated Child, The (Bennett, Finn, andCribb), 310-11 Arts establishment. See artworld artworld, 37525-26,447118; defined, 3254; and definition of art, 1,2-3, 96, 97-98,100,101,104, 32 37842; and government subsidy of art, 284 Ashbery, John, 251-52, 308, 45334-35 Ashton, Dore, 156,406133 assemblage art, 273-75 atonality, 214, 215-16, 217, 218 AT&T, 288-89 Auerbach, Erich, 35268 Augenmusik, 216 Austen, Jane, 254 Index 507 authoritarian theory of art, 101, 106, 187, 209,292. See also institutional definition of art automatic writing, 153,404 116 automatism, 153, 404116 avant-garde, 9, 10, 130; corporate funding of, 287-89; dance, 214, 225-39; definition of, 3938; fiction, 244; and government subsidies, 284; music, 92-93, 214-29; and performance art, 275, 276; use of term, 3938. See also postmodernism Ayn Rand Institute, 33281 Babbitt, Milton, 216, 217 Bach, Johann Sebastian, 90, 230, 37054, 37156 Bacon, Francis (painter), 57 Balanchine, George, 226, 229,44285 ballet, 71,72-73, 226 Banes, Sally, 445 103 Barber, Bruce, 163-64,165-66 Bard Center for the Decorative Arts, 43352 Barnes, Clive, 226, 239, 240, 249, 446113 Barney, Matthew, 187-88,279,463n81; Cremaster (video), 279; Drawing Restraint 7 (video), 287-88; Field Dressing (Orifill), 279 Barr, Alfred, 147, 149, 40185 Barde, Dennis, 296 Barry, Dave, 6 Bartabas, 236 Barzun, Jacques, on common sense and art criticism, 101 ; on concept of "art" 47493; on need for a theory of art, 12; on listening to music, 36620; on romanticism, 34045; "teaching" distinguished from "education" Bates, Stanley, 3455 Battcock, Gregory, 272 Batteux, Abbé Charles, 191-92,194, 199,42010-12,42114-15, 18, 42224,429 14 Battin, Margaret P., 33069 В aule art, 210-11 Bausch, Pina, 234,448130, 136 Bazin, André, 4162 beauty, 203, 272, 39638-39, 42914-15,17; Mondrian and, 137-38; as primary attribute of art, 204, 3532 Beckett, Samuel, 77,246-50, 45218,20-21; Breath, 45221; Endgame, 248,250,45221; Happy Days, 248; Krapp's Last Tape, 248; Not I, 248; Play, 248; Waiting for Godot, 246-48, 249,451nl6,45218 Beck's Beer, 289 Beethoven, Ludwig van, 87, 35165, 3648 Bell, Clive, 24, 204, 205, 3335 Bellows, George, 264 Bennett, William J., 310-11,478wl24 Bernstein, Leonard, 37263 Bernini, Gianlorenza, 32 Besant, Annie, 39634 Best, David, 36943 Bettinelli, Saverio, 42221 Binswanger, Harry: on Romantic "art" 355 13; Ayn Rand Lexicon, The, 33277,4208 Bissell Roger F., 36723,25 Black Mountain College, 224, 232, 276, 45710 Blanke, Henry, 255, 456w55 Blavatzky, Helena, 39534 Bleistein v. Donaldson Lithography Co., 291-92, 294 Blok, Aleksandr, 3549 Blondel, Nicolas, 42115 Blotkamp, Carel, 135,138,3935,7, 39974,40183 Blumenthal, Allan, 371 57 Blumenthal, Joan, 35158 Bly, Robert, 253 Boccioni, Umberto, 141,143—44 body art, 276-77 Bois, Yve-Alain, 161 Bontzolakis, Elie, 400w81 508 Index Boorstin, Daniel, 245 Bosch, Roselyne, 256 Boulez, Pierre, 216 Bradford, William, 178 Brakas, Jurgis, xvi Brancusi, Constantin, 168, 291,411193; Bird in Flight, 291 Branden, Barbara, xvii, 17, 351 65, Branden, Nathaniel, xvi, 17, 42, 3332, 34428,29, 349w38, 35267, 38964; on fear of choices and decisions, 222, 43739; on mind, 33835; on romantic love, 34427; on sense of life, 36-37, 38, 34422 Breslin, James E. В., 156-57 Breton, André, 265,404116 Breuil, Henri, lllBreuil, Henri, 111 Brooklyn Museum of Art, 8, 186 Brown, Carolyn, 43961 Brown, Trisha, 231, 236; Walking on the Wall (dance), 232 Burden, Chris, Shoot, 276; Through the Night Safely, 276 Burgess, Anthony, 37740 Butcher, S. H., 3347 "But Is It Art?" (headlines and titles), 7-8 buzz words, 6, 8,11, 318-21 Cage, John, 77, 220-25, 227, 228, 265, 274,43627,43955,43740-41, 457 10; and aleatory music, 222-23; John Ashbery influenced by, 251-52; at Black Mountain College, 224-25; and Merce Cunningham, 221, 223, 224-25, 226, 231, 233, 288,43959; corporate support of work by, 288-89; Fluxus influenced by, 276,46166; 4'33", 220-21, 222,43741; honors received, 36372; HPSCHD, 221; influence on performance art, 224-25; and "noise music" 220-21; "Perilous Night" 222; prepared piano, 221, 43631,33; Roaratorio: An Irish Circus on Finnegans Wake, 225, 288; schizoid traits, 221; and Zen Buddhism, 222, 223-24; O'O", 43740 "Calvin and Hobbes" (Watterson), 5 Cameron, Julia, 41710 Canaday, John, 10, 153-54, 198, 32952, 39529 Canby, Vincent, 236-37, 256 CamfoCo, 238 Carroll, Noël, 445103 Carter, Elliott, 217-18 Carter, William, 229, 36051,44288 Cartier-Bresson, Henri, 187,4152, 41825 cartoonists, 4-5 Castelli, Leo, 268 Castle, Wendell, 211-12; Bench ("furniture art"), 212,43347 cave paintings, 110, 111-12 Cellini, Benvenuto, 35734 Chalmers, F. Graeme, 47596 chance, in art. See accident, in art character, sense of life and, 40-42 characterization, in literature, 65, 35622-25 charlatanism, 1, 176, 3251 Chihuly, Dale, 212,43350 children, teaching art to. See education children's art, 7, 148, 32839,40191 choreography, 71-72; aerial, 236, 448 130; directing contrasted with, 71 chromaticism, 215,4343 Citigroup, 288 Clarke, Norris, xvi clinical psychology, 129-30 Close, Chuck, 281,46387,91 Close, Roy M., 43955 Clynes, Manfred, 39073 cognition, 46-47, 60-77, 75-76; dance and, 70-73; literature and, 62-66; music and, 78-93,117-18; performing arts and, 69-75; visual arts and, 66-69, 203. See also psycho-epistemology "cognitive slippage." See schizophrenia collectivism, 136-37 Collingwood, R. G., 44,45, 3466,8 Index 509 color: in abstract art, 141^13, 396л35,38, as attribute of entities; 398л53; in sculpture, 68 Colvin, Sidney, 422л23 combines, 266 communication, in art, 45—47 Community Architexts Association, 285 concepts, 298-99; definition of, 325л5. See also abstraction conceptual art, 270-73, 276, 292; Mneme, 8; postmodern photography and, 188 consciousness, 129-30; efficacy of, 33-34, 57; "primacy of consciousness" 135-36,137, 246, 394л12 Constructivism, 168, 169-70 "contemporary art": misuse of term, 9, 329n49; new forms, alleged, 317 Contemporary Arts Center of Cincinnati, 296 context-dropping, fallacy of, 39 Cooke, Deryck, 87, 365л14, 368л38 Copland, Aaron, 71-72, 86, 365nl4, 367л31, 36836; Appalachian Spring, 71-72 copyright law, 291, 292-93, 294 "core evaluations", 26, 37, 335nl5, 342ля9,10 "Core Knowledge" program, 305-10, 311,312,476л112 corporate funding of art, 287-89 Cotter, Holland, 429л 17 Cowell, Henry, 437л36 Cox, Kenyon, 48 Cox, Stephen, xvi, 63, 241,455л42 crafts. See decorative arts Craven, Wayne, 170, 172 creation, artistic, 28,47; communication distinguished from, 45^47 creative process, 28, 205; in dance, 71; in music, 92; in performing arts, 69-70 Cribb, John Т. E„ Jr., 310-11,478nl24 criticism, buzzwords in, 318-21 Croce, Arlene, 228, 238-39, 346л6, 443л91; on Merce Cunningham, 441л78, 445л100 Croce, Benedettto, 44 Crowley, Daniel S., 432л42 Cruz, Amanda, 463л86 Cubism, 310, 325л1 Cubo-Futurists, 144 cultural diversity. See multiculturalism Cunningham, Merce, 128, 225-29, 285, 288,439л59,440лл66-70,442л74-76, 78-80, 446л116,457л10; Biped, 442; and Cage, 221, 223, 224-25, 226, 231, 233, 288,439л59; Carter contrasted with, 443n88; influence on postmodernist "dance" 231-35; Roaratorio: An Irish Circus on Finnegans Wake (Cunningham and Cage), 225, 288; Sounddance, 441л78, 442л79; Summerspace, 225,439л63; Variations V, 225; Winterbranch, 225, 226, 439л61 Curry, John, 240 customs law, 290-91 Cytowic, Richard, 398л63 Czupryniak, John, 166 d' Alembert, Jean le Rond. See Alembert, Jean le Rond d' Damasio, Antonio, 121-22 dance: avant-garde, 214, 225-39; ballet, 71, 72-73, 226; bodily-kinesthetic intelligence and, 128; constrained movement as, 237-38; emotion in, 229; "for the face" 237,448я136; Hindu, 73, 361л56; ice dancing, 239-40; mimesis in, 70-71; and music, 70-72, 128,229-31; postmodern, 231-39; prehistoric, 110; Rand on, 70-73, 228,359лл43,46,47, 361лл56-58; random movements in, 72,128, 360л52; as "system of motion" 71, 73; tap dancing, 73, 361лл57-59. See also choreography dance theater, 234-35,236,446nll7 510 Index Danto, Arthur, 100, 173-74, 338/i36; on "artworld" 96; on Duchamp, 263; on landscape painting, 177; on Warhol, 269 Darroll, Aedwyn, 470/i58 David, Jacques-Louis, Death of Socrates, 25, 335/J14 Davies, Stephen, 333/il, 372/i6, 374/il7, 375nn24—25; on definition of art, 13, 98-99; on music, 365/ill, 367/i31, 399/i66; on perception, 366nl5; on performing artists, 358/i41; on universality of art, 333/il Davis, Howard McP., viii Davis, Peter G., 219 Davis, Stuart, 399/i77 d'Azevedo, Warren, 38540,429/il9 DBAE. See discipline-based art education de Andrea, John, 464/i91 Deconstructionism, 301 decorative art, 115, 201-13, 392/i2, 396n38,4277; and African art and artifacts, 208-11; art distinguished from, 116,138-39, 202-03; and contemporary crafts, 211-13; definition of, 426/il; American Indian artifacts, 205-06; quilts, 206-08; Rand on, 76, 202-03, 426/il de Duve, Thierry. See Duve, Thierry de definition, rules of 101-03 definition of art, 26-27,28,94-108; by essentialist, 105;Batteux, 191; institutional definition, 95-100, 101, 209, 292; meaning of term, 2; need for, 12-14, 284; by Rand, 26-27, 94, 103-108; by Tolstoy, 44. See also authoritarian theory of art de Keersmaeker, Anne Teresa. See Keers-maeker, Anne Teresa de Kooning, Willem, 152,457/113 de Maria, Walter, New York Earth Room, 274 de Montebello, Philippe, 267 Denby, Edwin, 441/i75 Den Uyl, Douglas J., 18, 108 design, 199-200, 208 Detroit Institute of Arts, 212 Deutsch, Diana, 386/i45 Dewey, John, 298, 440и66, 473/i85 Dickie, George, 77, 94, 95-97, 98, 373/inl3-19, 369/i41, 377/i42, 378n/i45,50 Dickstein, Morris, 248 Dinesen, Isak, Seven Gothic Tales, 336/i25 Dipert, Randall, 373/115, 378n47 directing, 73-74, 254, 255, 260; choreog­raphy contrasted with, 71 Dirt and Domesticity: Constructions of the Feminine (exhibition), 274 discipline-based art education (DBAE), 299-304, 312 Dissanayake, Ellen, 114-17, 210, 213, 385/in41^l4 Dobbs, Stephen Mark, 299-301, 474и92 Doctorow, E. L, 254 Doesburg, Theo van, 397n43 Donald, Merlin, 112-14, 123, 125, 382/119, 383/Ш26-32 Dostoevsky, Fyodor, 59, 64, 66; Crime and Punishment, 66 Drainie, Bronwyn, 165, 410//181 drama, 76, 246-50, 255,446/il09. See also film "Dramatica" 455/i49 drawing, 142,176, 391/i85, 404nl08, 412/1203 "drip" paintings, 159, 160,161,407zil47, 477/1114 Drucker, Johanna, 281-82 Dubuffet, Jean, 362/i65 Duchamp, Marcel, 7, 13, 263-65, 273, 373л 15,457/i4; The Blind Man, 265; Fountain, 1,13, 264, 327/i38 Duncan, Isadora, 229 Dunning, Jennifer, 235 Dutton, Denis, 328/i40 Duve, Thierry de, 166-67 Eakins, Thomas, Max Schmitt in the Single Scull, 177 Index 511 Eaton, Marcia, 97-98, 302-03, 374лл20-22 Edelman, Gerald, 388л63 Edelstein, David N., 471л61 Efron, Robert, 118-19 Eifman, Boris, 230 electronic art, 282 elitism, 10, 144, 149-51, 155, 399л75 Elkins, James, 11 Elsen, Albert E„ 289-90, 468л35 Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 338n38 emotion, 44-45; in abstract art, 137; and abstractions, 38-39; dance and, 229; and "expression theory" 44-45; music and,78-80; psychology and physiology of, 121-23; Rand on, 44—45; source of, in art, 43^15 entertainment: art distinguished from, 69, 269; Elizabeth Streb's "Ringside" company as, 235; film as, 257; Momix as, 447nl22; Pilobolus Dance Theatre as, 235; tap dancing as, 73, 361n58; Zingaro as, 236 epistemology, 15-16, 298-99. See also concepts; intuition; perception; psycho-epistemology Epstein, Joseph, 476л 109 esthetic judgment, 57-59, 151 esthetic response, 57-58, 151 esthetics, 12-16, 330n69; crux of Objectivist, 27, 34; Rand's use of term, 16. See also specific headings, e.g.: art; beauty ethics, art and, 30-31 ethnicity. See multiculturalism ethnomusicology, 117-18 evolution, 109, 115-16 "experimental" art: and avant-garde, 393л8,440л66; corporate support of, 288; dance and movement, 214, 226, 232-33, 235, 236, 444-45л99; DBAE and, 300; John Dewey on, 440л66; fiction, 245, 247; music, 214, 224-25; poetry, 251, 253 expression, in art, 44-45, 84; architecture, 198 expressionism, 310. See also Abstract Expressionism facial expression, 123,136, 237 Faigin, Gary, Artist's Complete Guide to Facial Expression, 123 Fallingwater (Wright), 196, 424л35 feeling. See emotion Feldman, Morton, 225 Fellowships in the Arts, 464лЗ feminism, 205,207-08, 280 fiction, 32,53,63, 64 , 66, 241-46, 254; journalism distinguished from, 49; photography distinguished from, 181; Rand on, 63-66; romanticism and, 32 Field, Syd, 254 film, 74-75, 76, 254-61; Rand on, 74-75,76, 254, 255; role of director in, 73-74 fine art(s), 24, 60,115, 192, 291, 353л2; history of concept, 2-3,194; term not used by Rand, 60, 353я2. See also art and specific art forms. Finley, Karen, 466л 12 Finn, Chester E., Jr., 310-11,478л124 First Amendment. See free speech flag art, 294-96 flatness, 150, 151,403лл102,105 Flynt, Henry, 271, 273, 278 Fokine, Michel, 71, 229 Ford, Mark, 251 formalism, 204-05, 210, 271; criticism of, 263,272,403лл105,108; in music, 83, 86, 88-89, 90, 370л49; in painting, 147, 149,155,403л105,428л12 Forster, E. M., 125, 356лл20,25 1492 (film), 256 Fox, Terry, 287 Fracci, Carla, 229 Frank, Anne, 342л7 Frank, Joseph, 394л 18,452л25 Frank, Michael, 424л36 Frankenthaler, Helen, 177, 306, 396л38; 414л233; Blue Atmosphere, 306 512 Index fraud, in art. See charlatanism freedom: in abstract art, 136, 137,141, 144, 145, 148, 392-93n3,4, 399л77-80; in aleatory music, 43736,439n55; in art, satirized by Rand, 243 freedom of speech, 295-97 French, Daniel Chester, 170,412209; Minute Man, 170,412209 Friedman, Jeffrey, 380л2 Frohnmayer, John, 466л 12 From Dürer to Rauschenberg (exhibition), 412n203 Frost, Robert, 254 Fuld, Judge, 295,471n65 furniture art, 8, 211-12 Galassi, Peter, 280 Gammeil, R. H. Ives, 357и31 Gardner, Howard, 85, 127-29, 391n85 Gardner, James, 158,406140 Gaudi, Antonio, 198 Gauss, Kathleen, 188 Gehry, Frank, 198-99, 425л45 Getty Education Institute for the Arts, 299, 303,474и89,91, 47596 Gibson, James J., 119-21, 388лл58-60 Gilbert, Stuart, 243 Gill, Brendan, 423л31 Gillis, John, 420nn6,10 Gioia, Dana, 252-53 Giotto, 403 101 Gladstein, Mimi Reisel, 18 Glass, Philip, 218, 219; The Voyage, 219 glass art, 211, 212,43514 Glover, Sabian, 36159 Glueck, Grace, 12,13,187 Gober, Robert, 7 Godfrey, Stephen, 165 Goldberg, RoseLee, 275-76, 43956 goldweights, 208-09 Gombrich, Ernst H., 10, 77, 111,143, 203, 268, 32951; "experiment in art" 44066; "explanatory articulation" 43244 Gonzales-Torres, Felix, 274 Goodman, Nelson, 120, 35159 Górecki, Henryk, 220 Gottlieb, Adolph, 155 government subsidies to arts, 283-87 Graham, Gordon, 192 Graham, Martha, 71, 72, 228-29,231, 36051,36264; Appalachian Spring, 71-72 ; Letter to the World, 36051 Greek Sculpture, 33518-19 Green, Sam, 263 Greenberg, Clement, 146, 149-51, 40298-102,403107-108; "Avant- Garde and Kitsch" 149; elitism of, 155; on Hans Hofmann, 403108; on Jackson Pollock, 159,408157; repudiation of, 263, 271, 272; on Mark Rothko, 406 135 Greenspan, Alan, 33278 Grillparzer, Franz, 3632 Grove, Andrew S., 46823 Grundberg, Andy, 188 Guggenheim Foundation, 186 Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao, 198-99 Guggenheim Museum, New York, 208, 286,412203; architecture of, 196, 42329,42433 Guggenheim, Solomon R., 397 Guilbaut, Serge, 163-64 Gussow, Mel, 246-47 Haden-Guest, Anthony, 33836 Halle, David, 175-79, 414230-232,234,415240 Halliwell, Stephen, 3549, 37846, 42118 Hallpike, C. R., 38433 Halprin, Anne, 231 Hambourg, Maria Morris, 187,188 Hamilton, Ann, 274 Hamm, Charles, 43740 handicrafts. See decorative arts Hänfling, Oswald, 284 Hanslick, Eduard, 83, 88, 89, 3632, 36618, 36724, 36945, 37049 Index 513 Hanson, Duane, 326n22, 46491 Happenings, 276, 462n70 Harris, Dale, 449145 Harrison, Charles, 403 107 Harrow Alley (screenplay), 258-60 Hartt, Frederick, 9-10 Hegel, G. W. F., 33521, 33733, 33836; on art, religion, and philosophy, 29-30; on term "esthetics" 16, 33176; on role of art (contrasted with Rand's view), 29-30; and Zeitgeist, 335 18 Helmholtz, Hermann, 83, 84, 89, 36723-25 Helmsley-Spear, 293-94 Helprin, Mark, 39636 Henry, William A., Ill, 47384 Hepburn, Ronald W., 34725 Heredia, José Rafael, 411191 Hessen, Robert, 33386 Hicks, Peggy Glanville, 43631 Hindu dance, 73, 36156 Hirsch, E. D., 305,478124 Hirst, Damien, 8, 289 Hofmann, Hans, 403108 Holden, Stephen, 236 Holland, Bemard, 217-18 Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 291-92 Holzer, Jenny, 4 Homer, 48; Odyssey, 243 Horst, Louis, 232,445105 Hospers, John, 345 1, 34940, 372 1 Hughes, Langston, 447120 Hughes, Robert, 100, 162, 39975, 40183 Hugo, Victor, 58, 59, 64, 298; The Man Who Laughs, 298; Les Misérables, 64 ice dancing, 239—40 imitation. See mimesis imitative arts, 2-3,192-93. See also fine art(s), mimesis Impressionism, 67, 168, 207, 310 Indian artifacts, 205-06 Ingres, Jean Auguste Dominique, 142 installation art, 273-75, 294 Institute for Objectivist Studies, 33281 institutional definition of art, circularity of, 96-97; Dickie's "improved" version (1984), 96; original version by Dickie, 95-96 Intel Corporation, 287-88 intellect. See mind intelligence, 128 intelligibility, in art, 46, 117, 154-55, 171,250 interpretive dancing. See modem dance intuition, 143—44,151 Ivey, Bill, 284, 287 Jacoby, Jeff, 6 James, Henry, 89, 35372 ?? 37048 James, William, 33838 Janson, Anthony, 9, 155-56, 32947, 39290,41825 Janson, H. W., 9, 10,170,198, 32846, 32953,412210 Jarry, Alfred, 45936 Jennings, Sarah, 163 Johns, Jasper, 265, 267-68, 269, 45930; Painted Bronze, 268; The Seasons, 268; White Flag, 267 Johnson, Robert, 235-36 Jones, Amelia, 46268-69 Jones, Bill T., Still/Here, 238-39, 449145 journalists, 5-6 Journal ofAyn Rand Studies, 18, 33280 Jowitt, Deborah, 230, 44176 Joyce, James, 225, 243—46, 248, 249; Dubliners, 4519; Finnegans Wake, 244-46; Ulysses, 243-44, 245, 246 Judd, Donald, 168, 172 Judson Dance Theater, 231-32 Kagan, Andrew, 36946 Kakutani, Michiko, 32840 Kandinsky, Vasily, 134, 135, 137, 138, 146, 149, 3936-7, 39419, 514 Index 396лл39-40,401л85; colorín, 141, 142^13,156; elitism of, 144; influence of theosophy on, 396л34; on music, 398л62 Kanin, Garson, 455n50 Kant, Immanuel, 119,150 Kaprów, Allan, 274-75,276,278, 461 л 61,65,462л70 Karmel, Pepe, 160,408л157 Keersmaeker, Anne Teresa, de, 234-35 Kelley, David, 332n81; on appeal to authority as logical fallacy, 101; on concept of definition, 102, 103, 376ля37-39; on function of objects, 379я53; on music, 83; on perception, 120, 354л6 Kelly, Ellsworth, 288 Kendall, Donald M., 467л 22 Kennick, W.E., 94-95 Kimball, Roger, 178-79, 396n34, 400л83,415л242 Kimmelman, Michael: on Matthew Barney, 279; on Chuck Close, 281; on Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao, Spain, 198-99; on Jackson Pollock, 161; on Robert Rauschenberg, 265; on Mark Rothko, 156,158; on David Smith, 170 Kisselgoff, Anna: on aerial choreography, 448nl30; on Merce Cunningham, 226, 438л50; on ice dancing, 237,450л149; on Jerome Robbins, 230,444л92; on Elizabeth Streb, 235, 236; on Twyla Tharp, 444n96 Kivy, Peter, 80, 371n54 Юте, Franz, 152 Kline, George, xvi Kline, Franz, 152 Koch, Kenneth, 308, 477л 120 Koch, Philip, 178 Kogan, Nathan, 383л26 Komar, Vitaly, 172-75,177 Koning, Hans, 184-85 Koons, Jeff, 7 Kostelanetz, Richard, 251-52, 436л26 Kosuth, Joseph, 272-73,460лл52,54; "Definition works" 273, One and Three Chairs (Etymological), 273 Kouwenhoven, John, xviii, 416n8, 417л10 Kramer, Hilton: on Abstract Expressionism, 151; on appeal of abstract art, 140; on James Breslin, 406nl33; elitism of, 155; on esthetic sensation, 141; on Clement Greenberg, 403nl07; on Vasily Kandinsky, 146; on Morris Louis, 362л66; on Robert Map-plethorpe, 187; on Piet Mondrian, 145; on occultist influences in modern art, 396n34,400л83; on Jackson Pollock, 41 lnl92; on Mark Rothko, 157-58, 159, 406л138; on David Smith, 169, 170-71, 411лл198,202,413л215; as witness for Helmsley-Spear, 294, 471n61, 472n77 Krauss, Rosalind, 161 Krens, Thomas, 418n20 Kretschmer, Ernst, 438 Kristeller, Paul Oskar, 193, 326n6, 334n7,353n2,421л18,422n22; on artistic creation, 348л25 Kristol, Irving, 5 Kubler, George A., 201, 202 Kuspit, Donald, 212,433n50 Kwan, Michelle, 240 Landowska, Wanda, 90 landscape architecture, 425n49 landscape painting, 177, 178; The Coast of Labrador (Bradford), 178; Seascape (Richter), 417nl2 Lane, Peter, 433n50 Lang, Fritz, 74 Lang, Pearl, 233 Lange, Dorothea, 187 Langer, Susanne, 346л 15, 422л 19; on art as symbolic in nature, 334л9; on artistic creation, 348л26; on artmaking, 346л9; on communication, 347л20; on expressive nature of art, 44-45; on "felt life" 370л48; on film, 361л62; on music, 80; on objectification in art, Index 515 346wl5; on rhythm, 367и29; on selectivity in art, 48; on symbolic nature of art, 3349 Larson, Kay, 161, 36266 Laski, Harold, 337n28 law, art and, 289-97 Law, Ethics and the Visual Arts (Merryman and Elsen), 289-90 Leadbetter, Charles W., 39634 Le Corbusier, 42219 LeDoux, Joseph, 122 "Legacy of Jackson Pollock" (Kaprow), 274-75 Lehman, David, 251 Leithauser, Brad, 250-51, 254 Leo, John, 6 Leonardo da Vinci, 42118 Lesy, Michael, 41710 Le Va, Barry, 287 Levin, Harry, 246 Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 114, 38644 Lewis, Sinclair, 28, 33627; Babbitt, 28 LeWitt, Sol, 271-72, 286 Li Zehou, 346 12 Lichtenstein, Roy, 269, 270,45930 Limon, José, 233 linguistic analysis, 95, 299, 37312 Liszt, Franz, 79 literature, 61,62-66, 241-50; and cognition, 62-66; "model-building" aspect of, 30; principle of volition in, 32; Rand on, 62-66, 241-43; style in, 55. See also drama; poetry Logan, William, 252 Logic (Ruby), 102 Loos, Adolf, 414232 Lopate, Phillip, 256-57 Louis, Morris, 36266 love, sense of life and, 42 Machan, Tibor, xv MacMillan, Kenneth, Romeo and Juliet (ballet), 71,72, 36054 Mainardi, Patricia, 207-08 Malevich, Kazimir, 134, 136,137, 138, 139, 141-42, 3936, 39414, 39528, 396n39; elitism of, 144; on Suprematism, 39529 Mankiewicz, Joseph L, 256 Mapplethorpe Foundation, 186 Mapplethorpe, Robert, 187, 286, 41820, 466 12; Man in Polyester Suit, 286; obscenity trial of, 296-97 Marden, Brice, 4 Maria, Walter de. See de Maria, Walter Marin, Maguy, 477 120 Marshack, Alexander, 110, 111, 381/zl 1, 38324 masks, 211 Massie, Chris, 255 Maugham, W. Somerset, Of Human Bondage, 35165 Mazer v. Stein, 292-93, 294 McDonagh, Don, 36053 McEvilley, Thomas, 100, 37520 meaning, in art, 51-54 medieval sculpture, 33518-19 Megatron/Matrix (Paik), 278 Melamid, Alexander, 172-75, 177 melodic coherence, 118 melody, 84—86,118, 220; tune distinguished from, 36728 Mencken, H. L., 246 Mental illness. See Schizophrenia Merriam, Alan, 222 Merrill, Ronald, xvi Merryman, John Henry, 289-90,46835 metaphysical sentiment, 36 metaphysical value-judgments, 25-26, 27, 39,106, 107-08; values distinguished from, 107. See also sense of life Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 186,188 Meyer, Leonard, 37264 Michelangelo, David, 32; Pietà, 68, 39073 mimesis: Aristotle on, 28, 112-14,120, 125, 208; in architecture, 192, 193, 4195; in dance, 70-71; defined by 576 Index Donald Merlin, 112; in fine arts, 421л18, 42222, 422-2324,42914, 3532; fundamentality in cognition and art, 112-14; in music, 88; in paint­ing, 120-21; Plato on, 28; and Rand's "re-creation of reality" 28 mind, 29-30, 33835 minimalism: and conceptual art, 46047; in music, 214-15, 218-20; in painting, 152; in sculpture, 168, 172 Minneapolis Institute of Arts, 206 Mithen, Steven, 3805, 383w24,26; on Paleolithic art, 111, 38217; on primitive societies, 114 Mizener, Arthur, 341nl modern art, 76-77, 129-30; as antithesis of art, 130. See also abstract art modernism, 129, 133, 280. See also avant-garde and postmodernism Momix, 447 122 Mondrian, Piet, 134, 135, 137-38, 145-46, 149,152, 310, 393и4-7, 394 19, 39639, 39742~44,49, 40083; Broadway Boogie-Woogie, 310; and De Stijl, 136, 39743; elite, 144; on intuition, 143,40185; and Neo-Plasticism, 142, 39858; on picto­rial painting, 139; on spontaneity, 40078 Monet, Claude, 168 Monk, Meredith, 232-33, 446109; Break (dance), 232-33 monochrome paintings, 39529 monoprints, 266 Montebello, Philippe, de. See de Montebello, Philippe Moore, Henry, 168,411193 Moreli, Marc, 295 Morgan, Robert C., 277 Morley, Simon, 156 Morris, Mark, 229-30,44390-91 Morris, William, 204, motion pictures. See film motivation, in fiction, 65-66, 255 Motokiyo Zeami. See Zeami Mulhall, Stephen, 3456 multiculturalism, 205, 286-87, 302, 475101 Murphy Brown (television show), 7, 274, 46057 Murray, Linda, 3922 Murray, Peter, 3922 Museum of Modern Art, New York, 160, 167,186, 280 music, 61-62,78-93; aleatory, 220-25; arousal theory of, 79, 3646; atonality and, 214, 215-16, 217, 218; avant-garde, 92-93, 214-29; and cognition, 78-93, 117-18; composer's viewpoint expressed through, 86-87; creativity in, 92; and dance, 70-72, 229-31; and emotion, 78-80; "harmonic ambiguity" in, 434 14; mathematical relationships in, 83, 84-85; melodic coherence in, 118; importance of melody in, 84-86, 118, 120, 3678; mimesis in, 88; mini­malism and, 214-15, 218-20; and neu­rological function, 125; "noise music" 85, 92, 215, 218, 220-21,46166; poetry distinguished from, 3632; prehistoric, 110; Rand on, 61-62, 78-87; as re-creation of reality, 86, 87-90,36943; and sense of life, 61, 80-82, 87; and speech, 89-90; teaching of, 308-09, 314; vocal, 37053 musical instruments, 91 musique concrète, 92. See also noise music My Fair Lady, 90 mythology, 113 Naifeh, Steven, 161 Namuth, Hans, 160, 162, 408158 Nathaniel Branden Institute, 33281 Nation Institute, 173 national characteristics, 342nl3 National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), 6, 283-87, 296, 303, 42920 National Gallery of Canada, 163,164-65 naturalism, 31, 52, 33945 Index 517 Nauman, Bruce, 278-79; Clown Torture, 279; Poke in the Eye/Nose/Ear, 279 neo-Plasticism, 139, 142,144, 39858 neurological function, art and, 123 New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York, 277 New York school of painting, 151-52, 153 New York school of poets, 251 Newey, Glen, 452 18 Newman, Barnett, 163-69, 172, 409nl75, 41 1190-191; elitist art, 152; occultist sentiments, 40083; Vir Heroicus Sublimis, 167,411 л 191 ; Voice of Fire, 163, 164-67 Newman, Jon O., 292-93, 47051 Newman, Walter Brown, 258 no theater, 223-24 Nochlin, Linda, 147 noise music, 85, 92, 215, 218, 220-21, 46166 nominalism, 373 12 non-representational art. See abstract art non-specialist. See ordinary person novels. See fiction Oates, Joyce Carol, 239 Objectivism, 15-16, 18, 33177 Objectivist, The, 17,262, 332n2 Objectivist Center, 33281 Objectivist Newsletter, The, 17 O'Brian, John, 163-64 obscenity, 296-97 O'Conner, Patricia, 207 O'Connor, Francis V., 409172 Oldenburg, Claes, 262-63, 274,45930; The Store, 274 Old Glory: The American Flag in Contemporary Art (exhibition), 295 Olmstead, Frederick Law, 42549 Open Society Institute, 45116 orchestra, 91-92 ordinary person: and abstract art, 155, 163, 164, 165,166, 167, 168, 172-75, 178; and "appeal to authority" 101; art in the home of, 175-78; and avant-garde music, 93, 216-17; and concept of "art" 1-2, 3-7,9,14, 284,294, 34940; as photographers, 187-88; and poetry, 252-53 Origins of the Modern Mind (Donald), 112 ornament. See decorative arts Ortega у Gasset, José, 36, 3414, 39975 Orwell, George, Nineteen Eighty-Four, 304-305 Packer, Edith: on core evaluations, 26, 37, 3429-10; on romantic love, 34427 Packer, William, 431 32 Paik, Nam June, 278, 286,463n77; Megatron/Matrix, 278 painting, 53, 61, 66-69,110; landscape, 177; mimesis in, 120-26; photography distinguished from, 180-82; Rand on, 61, 66-67 Panofsky, Erwin, 35047,50 parfleches, 206, 207 Patezo, Nancy J., 43023 Part, Arvo, 220 Pater, Walter, 204 Payne, Robert, 110,112, 36265, 38222 Pei, I. M., 178 Peikoff, Leonard, 33281, 34319; on "art for art's sake" 3335; on character, 41; denial of access to Rand's papers, 33386; on education, 298-99, 305,47386; on "model-building" aspect of art, 30, 32; on sense of life, 51 Pendleton, Moses, 447122 People's Choice, The (Komar and Melamid), 173 Pepsico, 46722 perception, 118-21,141—43, 298, 3533, 365-66 15; definition of, 33520, 35627; visual perception, 119-21, 142. See also Consciousness 518 Index Perfect Moment, The (exhibition), 296 performance art, 224, 233, 275-78, 280 performing arts, 69-75; and cognition, 75; Rand on, 69-73. See also dance; film personality, 42 Peterson, Houston, xviii Pew Charitable Trusts, 4643 Philip Morris, 288 Phillips, Lisa, 273,274,276,46054 philosophy: Anglo-American, 95; anti-essentialism in, 94-95; and art, 29-30; and sense of life, 35—42. See also metaphysical value-judgments Phoenix Art Museum, 295-96 photography, 76, 148, 180-88, 197; fiction distinguished from, 181; folk, 41928; painting distinguished from, 180-82; postmodem, 188,280-81; Rand on, 76, 180-182; as "unpremed­itated art" 41928; vernacular, 41928 Photography and Art: Interactions since 1946 (exhibition), 188, 280 photorealism, 281 piano, prepared, 221,43631,33 Picasso, Pablo, 478121 Pictorialism, 185-86 Pilobolus, 235,240, 285 Pinker, Steven, 38541 Plagens, Peter, 406nl34 plainsong, 220 Plato, 28 Platonism, 136 plot, 64, 255, 260-61, 278 plot-theme, Rand's concept of, 64 poetry, 63-64, 150-54, 3549, 355 12; music distinguished from, 3632; "experimental" 251, 253; teaching of, 308 Polany i, Michael, 35266 Pollack, Barbara, 46381 Pollock, Jackson, 152,153, 154, 159-63, 169,274-75,408157,409 165,170, 411192, 477114; and "allover painting" 44174; heroic qualities in painting of, 409 172; pathological symptoms of, 163,40081 Pop & Op (exhibition), 288 Pop art, 263, 268-70, 271 pornography, 296-97 Post-hypnotic (exhibition), 286 postmodernism, 262-63,272-73, 280, 301,40184; dance and, 231-35; as extension of modernism, 129-30; pho­tography and, 188, 280-81; visual arts and, 262-82. See also avant-garde Potter, Edward Clark, 203,428 11 prehistoric art, 109-12, 3331 "primacy of consciousness" 135-36, 137, 246, 394 12,40190 primary arts, ЗЗЗиЗ, 35858 Problems of Art (Langer), 44-45 Prose, Francine, 279 Proske, Beatrice, xvii psycho-epistemology, 23-34, 114, 227; style and, 54-57; term coined by Barbara Branden, 3332. See also cognition psychology: clinical, 129-30; of emotion, 121-23; of perception, 118-21 public opinion. See ordinary person quilts, as art, 205, 206-208 racism, 301-302 Radich, Stephen A., 294 Rainer, Peter, 256 Rainer, Yvonne, 231-32; Parts of Some Sextets, 232; Room Service, 232; Three Seascapes, 232 Rand, Ayn, 14—16, 241,255; Anthem, 17; on art and ethics, 30-31 ; Atlas Shrugged, 17, 74, 197, 241, 36840; "check your premises" 39310; on cognitive function of art, 27; "The Compradnos" 297-98, 304; critical neglect of theory of art, 18-19; cultural studies of, 16-19; definition of art, 26-27, 94,103-108; education of, 17, 34314,47385; emotion, view of, 38964; "esthetics" use of term, 16; Index 519 For the New Intellectual, 12; The Foun-tainhead, 17, 32, 61, 189, 190, 197, 241—43, 265, 337n28; Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology, 62,102-03, 191; Lectures on Fiction-Writing, 63; 333л7, 33622, 25; Love Letters (film), 255; "metaphysical" use of term, 334/j 10; on metaphysical value-judgments, 25-26, 33512; on metaphysical vs. man-made, 92; on nonobjective painting, 39975, 404/7114; on non-utilitarian nature of art, 24; as novelist, 17, 30-31, 32, 63-64, 241—43; philosophy of Objectivism, summarized, 15-16, 331 77; on primacy of existence vs. primacy of consciousness, 39412; on psycho-epistemological function of art, 27, 28, 34; "psycho-epistemology" use of term, 23; on psychological function of art, 24; on Romanticism and Naturalism, 31-33; The Romantic Manifesto, 17, 19, 31, 46,134,197; as screenwriter, 74-75, 241, 255, 454—5540—42; "sense of life" defini­tion of, 35; studies, 16-19; 'The Simplest Thing in the World" 46; "spiritual" use of term, 24, ЗЗЗпб; and Taine, 38, 33733, 34314; theory of art, summarized, 14-15, 60-62; We the Living, 17. See also art and specific art forms and concepts Randolph, David, 3647, 36513, 36831 randomness, in art. See accidental, in art Rao, Paul P., 46944 Rasmussen, Douglas, xvi, 108 Ratcliff, Carter, 161, 162 Rauschenberg, Robert, 265-67,268, 457n12-13,45930; Bed ("combine"), 266; and Cage, 220, 224, 225, 265,45710; Erased de Kooning Drawing, 266; Monogram, 266; retrospective, 288 "Rauschenberg Overseas Cultural Exchange" 266 Ravitch, Diane, 475101 Raywid, Mary Anne, 475 101 readymades, 7,13, 263-65 realism, 65, 310,34045 Reich, Steve, 218-19,434nnl4~15; Different Trains (composition), 218-19,43515 Reid, Louis Arnaud, 53-54,59,346 13, 35041,48 Reif, Rita, 11-12 Reinhart, Charles and Stephanie, 240 Reiter, Susan, 239-40 religion, 29, 33729 Rembrandt, 351 65 representational art, 148-49, 310 Reza, Yasmina, Art, 39529 rhetoric, 191 rhythm, 84; in dance, 71, 229 Ribera, Jusepe de, St. Peter, 201,202 Richter, Gerhard, 417nl2 Riding, Alan, 43132 Riggenbach, Jeff, 3411 Riley, Terry, 218,219 "Ringside" company (Streb), 235 Roark, Howard (character in The Fountainhead), 32,189,4193, 4207 Robbins, Jerome, 230, 44492; Goldberg Variations (ballet), 230 Robinson, Jenefer, 35159 Rockwell, John, 236,43627,43854 romantic love, sense of life and, 42 Romanticism, 31-33,63, 33945, 34048-50, 464 1; Rand's definition of, 32; volition in, 31-32, 34048 Rose, Barbara, 408158 Rosen, Charles, 37156 Rosenberg, Harold, 159,411 197 Rosenblum, Robert, 12,100, 293-94, 37621 Rosenquist, James, 269 Rosenthal, Mark, 147,198, 3923, 3936, 394 12, 39977; on Jasper Johns, 268; on Jackson Pollock, 160; on Mark Rothko, 155 Ross, David, 174 520 Index Rothko, Mark, 152, 153, 155-59,168, 406 133-35,138-40,143 ; pathological symptoms of, 40081; Red, Brown, and Black, 168 Rothstein, Edward, 220,413218, 435n21,436n24 Roussel, Raymond, 264 Royal Academy of Arts, London, 208 Rubin, William, 100 Ruby, Lionel, 102,103, 37636-37 Runaway Bride (film), 256 Ruscha, Edward, 188 Rusher, William, 5 Rybczyński, Witold, 200 Ryle, John, 43135 Rymań, Robert, 36266 Sacks, Oliver, 123-27, 142, 391и75-81 Safer, Morley, 6-7 Saint-André, Peter, xvi San Francisco Camerawork, 285 Sards, Andrew, 254, 255, 260 Sartwell, Crispin, 3939 Sass, Louis, 127, 129-30, 145, 148, 150-51, 221; on Samuel Beckett, 246, 247, 249, on John Cage, 222-23; 45221; on Marcel Duchamp, 265; on flatness in painting, 403 105; on Alfred Jarry, 46936; on modernism, 129-30, 150-51, 221, 222-23; on "postmodernism" 129; on Raymond Roussel, 264; on schizophrenia, 129-30, 145,148, 270, 43846 Scalia, Anthony, 286,46612,46717 Schaefer, Jack, 347 18 Schapiro, Meyer, 146-49, 40186,90,92-93,97; "The Nature of Abstract Art" 147, 40188 Schiller, Friedrich, 59 schizophrenia, 129-30, 145-^46,148, 150,221, 270,40080 Schneemann, Carolee, 276-77,46268 Schoen, Max, 36831, 37051 Schoenberg, Arnold, 215-16, 217; Pierrot lunaire, 215,4346 Scholes, Percy A., 220, 37158 Schonberg, Harold, 36514, 390n73; on Johann Sebastian Bach, 90; on composer's viewpoint, 86-87; on mini­malism, 43517; on serialism. 216, 217 Schubert, Steven Blake, 4289 Schwarz, К. Robert, 43515 Sciabarra, Chris Matthew, xvi, 18, 33733, 3455, 37738,47385 Scott, George C., 261 screenplay, 74-75, 254-57,455n49-50 screen writing, 254-61 Scruton, Roger, 42326,42549; on abstract art, 423n27; on architecture, 194-95,4205, 43426,28; on painting, 183-84; on photography, 182 sculpture, 61, 66-69, 110; abstract sculp­ture, 168-72, 190, 198-99; animal sculpture, 68; architecture and abstract sculpture, 198-99; color and, 68; definition of, 291; Rand on, 26-27, 32, 61, 66-69 Seaver, Richard W., 247, 248, 249, 45229 Segal, George, 46491 self-esteem, 38-39,57 selectivity, in art, 41-49, 52, 104; in music, 221; in visual arts, 66-67, 184 semiotics, 301 Sensation (exhibition), 8, 286 sense of life, 121; art and, 15,42,43-59, 106-08; and character, 40-42; and emotional abstractions, 38-40; love and, 42, malevolent sense of life, 349n36-37; music and, 61, 80-82, 87; of nations, 342 13; philosophy and, 26, 35-42 Selso, Robert, 38857 serialism, 214, 216-18 Serkin, Peter, 37156 Serra, Richard, Tilted Arc, 46611, 46944 Serrano, Andres, 6,46612,46717; Piss Christ, 46612, 46717 Seuphor, Michel, 394 13 Index 521 Shakespeare, 351 65 Shapiro, Cecile, 153, 155 Shapiro, David, 153, 155 Shearer, Moira, 229 Shepard, Roger, 117 Sherman, Cindy, 188, 280-81, 46385-86; Untitled Film Stills, 280, 46386 Shiner, Larry, 205 Siegel, Marcia, 225, 445104 Siegfried (film), 74 Sirridge, Mary, xv Silvers, Anita, 47596 Simon, John, 12-13, 247, 248, 45220 Sitton, Robert, 303-04 60 Minutes (television program), 6-7 skill, 2, 205, 37740 Sloboda, John, 117-18, 36512, 38647 Smith, Angela, 46385 Smith, Brydon, 410180; on Barnett Newman, 164, 165 Smith, David, 168-72,411198,202, 412209, 413215; Cubi series (sculp­tures), 168,170-71,413215; Hudson River Landscape, 169-70; Lectern Sentinel, 170; Zig sculptures, 168 Smith, Gregory, 161 Smith, J. David, 43514 Smith, Kiki, Tale, 286 Smith, Ralph, 97-98,47385,476100 Smith, Roberta, 11, 100, 201, 274, 33061,4262 Society of Independent Artists, 264-65 Socrates, 136 Sologob, Alec, 167-68 Solomon, Deborah, 187, 281, 45825,27 Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation 186 Sontag, Susan, 182, 183-85,187, 4166, 417nll Sorell, Walter, 228 Soros, George, 45116 Soros, Susan, 43352 Sottsass, Ettore, 8 Sowell, Thomas, 5-6 Sozanski, Edward J., 174 Sparshott, Francis: on John Cage, 43741; on dance, 237, 35943, 44389; on Paul Taylor's Epic, 445 105; on sense of life, 345 1 Spencer, Charles, 250 Spillane, Mickey, 55-56 spirit figures, 210-11 "spiritual" purpose of art, 24 spontaneity, in art, 145,148, 160,40078 Sprinkle, Annie, 277,46269 Stalin, Joseph, 33941 Steinberg, Leo, 165, 267 Stella, Frank, 428 12 Stewart, J. I ,M„ 244, 246 Stieglitz, Alfred, 185-86 StijI, De, 136, 39743 Stokstad, Marilyn, 10-11,4151 stolen concept, fallacy of, 271, 39528, 40296,403^104 108,407143, 22 19 Storr, Anthony, 87, 88, 177, 37154 Straight, Michael, 4655 Streb, Elizabeth, 235-36, 240 studio craft movement, 211-12, 205, 43347 style, 51-52, 54-57; in abstract painting, 39973,404115; and efficacy of consciousness, 57; in painting vs. photography, 183 subject (in art), 51-54, 55. See also selec­tivity, in art subjectivism, 45, 138-39 Sullivan, J. W. N., 87, 3648 Suprematism, 137,142, 39529 Sures, Mary Ann 35736 Surrealism, 153. See also Pop art Swinburne, Algernon 3549 Sylphides, Les (ballet), 71, 229 symphony orchestra, 91-92 synesthesia, 143, 39863 Szarkowski, John, 4165 Taine, Hippolyte, 38, 33833, 34314 Talbot, William Henry Fox, 182-83, 184, 4179 522 Index tap dancing, 73, 361и57-59 Taragin, Davira S., 212 Tatarkiewicz, Władysław, 95, 326и6, 37525,42118,42224 Tate Gallery, 8 Tavener, John, 220,435n21; The Protect­ing Veil, 435n21 Taylor, Paul, 230,232, 36052,44390, 44491; Epic, 232; Esplanade, 36052,443и90 teaching. See education Teachout, Terry, 218, 219,4346 technê, 2, 191, 199 technology, and art, 281-82 television, 6-7, 74, 75, 256 Tharp, Twyla, 230-31,44495-96; Grosse Sonate, 231 theater. See drama theme, 53,64,250 theosophy, 136, 396n34 Thompson, Virgil, 368n35 Thomson, Shirley, 409175 Thrall, Hibbard, and Holman: on characterization, 35622-24; on fiction, 35511; on plot, 35620, 453n34; on poetry, 252; on romanticism and naturalism, 33945 "tiddlywink music" 36621 Tierney, John, 167,168 Titian, 142 Tobias, Tobi, 447118-120; on audience for avant-garde dance, 447nl 18; on classic modern dance, 233-34,446nll5,447nl 19-120; on Merce Cunningham, 442n79,446nll6; on "dance for the face" 237; on dance theater, 234,447119-120; on Bill T. Jones, 449145; on Mark Morris, 44390; on Zíngaro, 448 134 Tolstoy, Leo, 14, 16, 19, 345n4-5; definition of art, 44; expression theory of, 44-45 Tomkins, Calvin, 158, 265,407142, 4574 Toohey, Ellsworth (character in The Fountainhead), genesis of, 33728 Torrence, Gaylord, 206 Torres, Louis, 416 7 totemism, 114 transfer drawings, 266 trapeze dances, 236 Tudor, David, 224,441n78 Tuttleton, James, J., 3317 Twombly, Cy, Untitled, 7 Tyler, Scott, 471 Tyrrell, R. Emmett, Jr., 6 "unpremeditated art" 41928 Updike, John, 270 Vacker, Barry, xvi value-judgments. See metaphysical value-judgments values: architecture and, 196-98; art and, 31,52, 59,107-08; metaphysical value-judgments distinguished from, 107 van Doesburg, Theo. See Doesburg, Theo van Van Gogh, Vincent, 35165, 39185 Varnedoe, Kirk, 160, 161-62, 163 Vaughan, David, 224, 231,445 100 Vaux, Calvert, 425w49 Velazquez, Diego, 33 Vermeer, Johannes, 52, 53, 67 vernacular photography, 41928 "victim" art, 6 video art, 278-79 visual abstraction, 67 Visual Artists' Rights Act (VARA), 293-94 visual arts: beauty and, 204; and cognition, 61,62, 66-69,203; and postmodernism, 262-82; romanticism and, 32-33; the teaching of, 306-308. See also painting; sculpture visual perception, 119-21,142 Vivaldi, Antonio, 309; The Four Seasons, 309 Vivas, Eliseo, 12, 13 Index 523 vocal music, 37053 volition, 31, 32, 34048 Wagner, Richard, 351 65,4343; Tristan and Isolde, 351 65 Walker, Alan, 36514 Waller, W., 45331 Wallis, Hal, 4564 Walsh, George, xvi Warhol, Andy, 269-70, 45930,37 Watterson, Bill, 5 Weil, Stephen E., 290 Weinraub, Bernard, 256 Weitz, Morris, 94, 95, 96, 3726, 37850 wheelchair dance, 237-38 Whiteread, Rachel, 289 Whitman, Walt, 162 Whitney Museum of American Art, 3, 6, 158, 273, 274, 286 Wilde, Oscar, 102, 204; Lady Windermere's Fan, 102 Wilkerson, Isabel, 47166 Wilkin, Karen, 170, 171 Will, George, 5 Williams, Esther, 450 157 Willis, Margaret, 448 139 Wilson, Martha, 277, 46270 Wiltshire, Stephen, 125 Wind, Edgar, 4153 Witt, Jordan N., 43514 Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 95 Wolfe, Thomas, 55, 56 Wolfe, Tom, 134,150, 32613 Wollheim, Richard, 98 Woolf, Virginia, To the Lighthouse, 35268 Worringer, Wilhelm, 140 Worth, Sarah, 37419 Wright, Frank Lloyd, 196, 200, 42329-31,42433,35 Wu Li, 347 17 Wypijewski, JoAnn, 173, 174,175, 414224 Zeami, 223, 442 Zehou, Li. See Li Zehou Zeki, Semir, 119 Zen esthetics, 223-224 Zíngaro, 236—37,448 134
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