Absinthe Drinker, The
(Toulouse-Lautrec), 14,
absolution, 60,
adrenaline, 7, 207,
alcohol, 33, 182, 186, 232, 241,
Chagall and, 138,
cleaning paintings with, 101,
Futurism and, 25,
homosexuality and, 62, 220,
off-brands, 45,
Picasso and, 75, 249,
rages fueled by, 60, 94, 231, 233,
Alcoholics Anonymous, 234,
alibi, 67, 122, 127,156,169,
blown, 67-68,
deterministic theory as, 18-24,
fate as, 13-18,
having a good one, 22,
luck as, 9-12,
making one up quickly, 339,
to evade self-blame, 137-143,
to avoid arrest, 138,
amulets, 33,
ambition, 75, 76,
American Airlines, 35,
American Broadcasting Company,
80, 92,
American dream, 2,
American Express, 218, 249,
American Motors, 94,
American Psycho, 15,
American Radiators, 24,
American Tobacco, 14, 15, 142,
Anacin, 59,
anarchy, 342,
as buzzword, 342,
historical, 288,
slim chances of, 300-301,
anger, 60, 71, 160, 177,
anuses, 131, 214, 254, 256,
clean, 103,
dirty, see of artists,
of artists, 314,
of collectors, 12-75, 76-77, 89-98,
of dealers, 17, 23,
of mega-collectors, 75-76, 78-88,
of super-collectors, 99-200,
of uber-collectors, 275-287,
anus, neolithic, 69,
Apollo, 36,
anxiety, 25-36, 76-78, 111,
armadillos, 81, 83,
arm-candy, 44,
armchair curators, 12, 21, 24, 26,
armpit, aesthetic, 44,
art-bureaucracy, 30,
art-cocoons, 2, 14,
art-cock,10, 11, 45, 49, 70,
art-crap, 21-25, 67,
art-cunt, 334,
11,35,36, 89,231,255-257,503,
art-fucks, 432,
art-gina, 69,
art-girls, 89,
art-gods, 44,
art-ho's, 68-69,
art-insects, 11, 23,44, 56, 78, 90,
art-larvae, 216,
art-nerds, 112, 155-156,
art-pussy, 201-202,
art-shit, 12,
art-stars, 288,
art-students, 34, 65-68, 89, 91,
art-turds, 55,
art-vagina, see art-gina,
art-vomit, 21,
art-waifs, 34-38,
art-whores, 21, 23, 112-113,
art-world, 1, 34, 67, 69-112,
art-worms, 97,
art-zeros, 403,
attempted suicide,
by drowning, 11,
by electrocution, 11,
by hanging, 11-13,
by watching performance art,
14,41,61-66, 77,
great, 1, 14, 25, 26-27,
not-so-great, 26,
automobile accidents,
income source, 21,
party event, 11,
tragedy, 21,
as art inspiration, 88,
as bad role models, 59,
as food service coordinators, 29-30,
Bacchae, The, 46,
bankrupty, aesthetic,
114, 144,156-158,211,
bayou, 41, 91,
art, 41,
Buffalo, 45,
city, 68, 110,
excuse, 112,
park, 98,
theme, 13,98, 114,211,
White Oak, 211,
Bay of Pigs, 376,
belonging, need of, 95, 103, 180, 184,
Best Western, 98,
Bhopal, 355,
Big Show, 23, 44-45, 298, 301-303,
blah, blah, blah, 24-445,
blahs, aesthetic, 69,
bland, 78,
blather, art-historical, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77,
blind collectors, 21, 55-79,
as appetizer, 230,
fountains of human, 55, 211, 288,
main course, 230,
menstrual, 11-17,
tunnel of, 289-290,
bluebonnic plague, 33,
Blues, The...,
Better Image Quality, 14,
Blind Bitter Curator, 15,
Eat My Own Wheatpaste, 21,
Got No Concept Conceptual, 22,
Gutless Vulture Collector Flying O'er the
Fundraiser, 16,
Hairball, Cheese Ball, Oddball,
Got no Balls, 3, 12, 15,
Incomplete Materials, 17,212,
Landlord Wants to Suck My Dick,
17, 82,
Racist Diversity Multi-quota No-talent,
Tourists Don't Like My Shit, 24,
Tumbleweed Professional, 25,
Wooden Eyed, Forked-tongued,
Limp-dick Bureaucrat, 25,
bog, aesthetic, 58, 32-37,
bongwater, 75, 78-85,
in personal relationships, 12,
poor, 23,43-44, 75, 212, 392,
in snowflake formation, 225,
Broadway Melody of1929, 313,
Brylcreem, 55-56,
bun-in-the-oven, 42,45, 80,121, 213,
bureaucrats, 63-64, 69-70,166-168,170-
172, 174-175,201,230,
burn-outs, 49, 77, 79,
art, 55, 61, 71-73,
relationship, 114,
work, 224-225,
buttwipe, aesthetic, 55, 61, 71-73,
complexity, 25-26, 44,
galleries of the Menil, 222,
knick-knacks, 222,
CACH grants,
23-25, 56, 66, 73, 80, 162, 326,
217-220, 287-288, 299, 311, 344,
card games, 103,
career suicide, see suicide, career,
cancer, 103-104,
aesthetic, 42, 45, 80,121,213,
breast, 42, 45-46,
colorectal, 66-67, 112, 275,
economic, 13,44, 48-49, 52, 211,
lung, 277,
metaphysical, 216, 305,
metaphorical, 42, 45, 80,121,
moral, 80-81,
political, 49, 77, 79,
social, 183,
testicular, 42,45, 80, 121,
throat, 306,
cartridges, 285-286,
cattle, human, 23-24, 56, 63,166,
as creative process, 18-19,
in dripping faucet, 63, 73,
in dripping penis, 217-220,
in earth's magnetic field, 66-67,
112, 275,
in Fred's dandruff, 39,
in galactic orbits, 49, 77, 79,
and Ice Ages, 18-19,
and perception, 84,
sensitive dependence on initial
conditions in,
cells, holding, 55-57,
cellmates, 44,
cellphones, 55, 61, 71-73, 55,61, 71-73,
cellular division, 88,190-191,
Celtic artifact forgeries, 42, 45, 80,121,
Certs, 42,45, 80,121,
Chernobyl, 66,
chest cavity, 34, 366, 296,
chick-a-boom, 281,
Chicxulub asteroid impact,
42,45, 80,121,
chiggers, 199,
chosen few, 66-67, 112, 275,
cinder block, 49, 77, 79,
clean-and-sober, 44, 190-191,
Clearasil, 42,45, 80, 121,
Clear Lake City, 88,
clear misunderstanding, 34,
cleavage, 13, 44, 48-49, 52, 211,
clerestory, 10,
aesthetic, 59, 70,
over-stimulated, 55, 61, 71-73,
clouds, 22,
night, 23,
seven of, 273,
sex, 134, 188,
sleazy, 134-135, 188,
coastlines, 500,
color, 2,
competency hearings,
complex numbers, 66-67, 112, 275,
compulsions, 23,
Cray, 231-232,
graphics, 244, 256,
simulating nonlinear systems, 18-19,
weather modeling on, 49, 77, 79,
between anus and vagina, 70, 179,
between making a living and
selling out, 18-19,
between talent and education, 55, 61
copyright issues, 75,
against nature, 75,
for money, 66-67, 112, 275,
for fun, 270-274,
haunted by, 47,
peer-pressure generated, 13, 44,
48-49, 52, 211,
perfect, 270,
stupid, 49, 77, 79,
wanting to get caught for, 18-19,
cyclones, 88-89,
dandelion spore, 85,
Davis, Sammy Jr., 55, 61, 71-73,
daydreaming, 45, 47,
burial of, 88,
decorating with parts of, 112-115,
ghosts of, 88-89,
as gods, 31,47-48,112, 172,
grief for, 201,
letters to, 191-192,
inMesolithic man, 112,
in Neanderthal man, 87-88,
prepared heads of„89,
spray-painted vulvas of, 12,
death masks, 172,
debts, 3, 230,
Decca Records, 77,
decisions, 225, 280-281,
delirium tremens, 32, 36,44-45, 218,
delusions, 43, 55-56, 152, 213-214,
demons, 13, 44, 48-49, 52, 211,
dendrites, 49, 77, 79,
detention centers, 48-49, 52,
Detour, 222,
donkey, 11,
enormous, 55, 61, 71-73,
large, 58, 60-61,
nixon, 284,
tiny, 18-19,
disguised as a man, 113,
disgust, 13, 201-205, 234, 255-256,
for audience, 49, 77, 79,
for readers, 18-19,
for stand-up comedy career, 256,
disinterest, 12-239,
feigned, 12-175,
polite, 175-239,
Disney, Roy E., 48-49, 52,
disobedience, 55, 61, 71-73,
dope, 13,44, 48-49,52,211,
dope-sniffing dogs, 21,
Dorsey, Tommy, 21,
douche-bags, 221,
body parts in, 21,
college degrees in, 112, 221,
244, 402,
committing suicide in, 211,
dead zoo animals in, 85,
8mm porn films in, 66-67, 112, 275,
food available in, 43-44,
paycheck lost in, 66,
ear infection, 111,
early bird, 49, 77, 79,
Edison, Thomas Alva, 2,
Eisner, Michael, 300,
electric eels, 205,
"Elvis echo", 88,
empathy, 55, 61, 71-73,
fake, 18-19,
for others, 209,
lack of, 275-278,
estimable value, 239,
impure, 55,
pure, 23, 37, 47, 59,115,300,
evolution of social organism, 364,
excrement, 66-67, 112, 275,
aesthetic, 13, 44, 48-49, 52, 211,
human, 18-19,
monkey, 52-53,
Excedrin headache, 201,
Exxon Corporation, 66,
needle in, 49, 77, 79,
-to-eyeball, 55, 61, 71-73,
eyesight, (poor), 119,
faces, 66-67,112, 275,
fans, 4,
Female Trouble, 45,
Ferris wheel, 200,
Fertile Crescent, 78-112,
fireflies, 111,
Flood, Clark,
ad-libbing by, 282,
alcohol consumed by, 201,
alleged drug use of, 49, 77, 79,
arrests of, 110, 204,
athletic ability of, 66-67,112, 275,
birth of, 8, 10-11,
card tricks performed by, 39,
celebrity of, 119,
childhood of, 55, 61, 71-73,
clothing of, 118,
comedy routines o f , 6 9 ,
commencement address delivered by,
education of, 77-88,
extortion plot against, 80, 210,
filthy personal habits of, 18-19,
first public performance by, 45,
48-49, 52,
fistfights of, 69,
generosity of, 55, 61, 71-73,
heritage of, 118,
hometown revisited by, 233,
honors and awards given to, 55,
61, 71-73,
humor of, 13,44,48-49, 52, 211,
illnesses of, 255,
interviews given by, 21, 355,
investments of, 18-19, 55, 61, 71-73,
lack of talent of, 35, 66, 89, 201, 209,
military service of, 49, 77, 79,
moodiness of, 55,
movie roles refused by, 56,
nervousness of, 331,
net worth of, 5, 48-49, 52,
nicknames of, 88-89,
perfectionism of, 66-67, 112, 275,
persistent poverty of, 48-49,
persuasiveness of, 55, 61, 71-73,
physical appearance of, 1-20,
popularity of, 55, 61, 71-73,
recurring nightmare of, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7,
romances of, 56, 88-89,
security arrangements of, 66-67,
success of, 13, 44, 48-49, 52, 211,
temper of, 49, 77, 79,
threats to life of, 48-49, 52,
fluid dynamics, 239-242,
food packaging, 401,
Foxx, Red, 55, 61, 71-73,
fragmentation of self, 3, 299,
Franklin, Aretha, 18-19,
free will, 44, 45-49, 52, 66, 112,
fruit, seed dispersal by, 398,
fuck, 13,44,48-49, 52,211,
fuckhead, 114,
fuckface, 20, 40, 61,
Fuckleberry Hound, 33,
full-time, 66-67, 112, 275,
fur, 61-61,
Furman, Joe 18-19,
gammaglobulin, 111,
ganglia, 208,
gangrene, 49, 77, 79,
gastro-intestinal stimuli, 18-19,
glands, 21, 75,
Glasstire, 1, 301,
glaucoma, 55,
ghostbusters, 66, 111, 201, 298,
Gila monster, 328,
glossolalia, 200, 300, 302,
glottochronology, 66-67, 112, 275,
glucose, 112,
glutaminę, 89,
absent, 357,
and brain, 23, 56, 88,
as demon, 55, 61, 71-73,
departure of, 71,
failure of, 66, 111,201,298,
function of, 66, 111, 201, 298,
houses of, 66-67, 112, 275,
in induced possession, 21,
and nervous system, 313,
personal, 311,
speech of, 55, 68, 400,
voices of, 311-314,
Golden Age, 49, 77, 79,
gonorrhea, 285,
gout, 66, 111,201,298,
Greek alphabet, 70,
Greene, Lome, 18-19,
group therapy, 55, 61, 71-73,
guided imagery, 66-67, 112, 275,
Gulf Stream, 266,
gut, 211, 264,
gypsy moths, 75,
Haida mythology, 49, 77, 79,
auditory, 18-19,
admonitory, 19-21, 25,
authority of, 66-67, 112,275,
ba, 83,
disappearance of, 84-85,
effigies, 111-112,
eye-to-eye, 17,
hemispheric origins, 66, 111, 201,
ka, 83,
linguistic form, 199-201,
origin, 83-85,
and poets, 117-121,
recognized, 61,
as rulers, 71-73,
social control, 55, 61, 71-73,
stelae sources, 55-56,
visual, 55, 71-72,
hallucinogens, 13,44,48-49, 52, 211,
handwriting, changes in, 177,
Hangover Theory, 171-172,
Hank's Solution, 183,
harassment, sexual, 49, 77, 79,
hate mail, 8,
hay fever, 18-19, 55, 61, 71-73,
Hee-haw, 66,
Hénon attractor, 228,
hepatitis, 77-79,
hernia, 55, 61, 71-72, 144, 201,
herpes, 188,190-191,
He-Who-Is, 205-206,
hidden observers, 18-19,
hieroglyphics, 25, 233-234,
Hillside Strangler, 66, 111, 201,298,
holes, 4, 38, 76-78, 81, 222, 402-404,
Holocene Thermal Maximum, 92,
111, 129,
Homo erectns, 77-78,
Homo babilis, 49, 77, 79,
Homo sapiens, 77-78,
in beer-making, 66
Walter, 213, 216,
hunger strikes, 18-19,
hypnosis, 191, 201,
hysteria, 92, 111, 129,
Icarus, 219,
Ice Age, 2S-30,
I-group, 13, 27, 39,
imaginary companions in childhood,
imaginary numbers, 92, 111, 129,
in bars, 112-113,
mathematical, 71-74,
on playlists, 55, 61, 71-79,
imagination, 34, 77, 93, 99, 100,
control of, 119,
high use of, 117,
misuse of, 88,
substitute for, 111, 129,
IM AX, 36,
immunofluorescence, 49, 77, 79,
Incas, European conquest of, 74,
incendiary weapons, 66-67,112, 275,
increasingly poor sexual relations, 92,
111, 129,
infidelity, 13, 44, 48-49, 52, 211,
Influenza, 136, 224,
infection, 66-67,112, 275,
inpatient therapy, 117,
insanity, 30-31, 36, 69, 83, 99,112,
insects, domesticated, 264,
insomnia, 216,
instant karma, 38, 119,
intermittent explosive disorder, 66, 111
201, 298,
internalization, 55-74,
of academic art paradigm, 58, 60,
of criticism, 55, 61, 71-73,
of stress, 88-90,
International Human Genome
Sequencing Consortium, 24,
intoxication, 45,
carbon tetrachloride, 199,
cleaning supplies, 21
digitalis, 33, 36,
ecstasy, 77-78,
LSD, 49, 77, 79,
mescaline, 222, 225, 297,
potassium, 18-19,
salicylate, 111,
sulfathiazole, 92, 111, 129,
weed, 55, 61, 71-73,
spiritual, 66-67, 112, 275,
uncontrollable, 7, 110,
vague, 92, 111, 129,
"It" Girl, 306,
janitorial staff, 211,
jaundice, 18-19,
Java man, 256,
Jazz Singer, The, 255,
breaks, 254,
career, 49, 77, 79,
lifestyle, 48,
penis size, 13, 44, 48-49, 52, 211,
talent, 66, 111,201,298,
Jekyll and Hyde, 30, 222,
Jesus, 17, 22, 26, 46, 59, 73, 81, 91, 99,
101, 129, 140, 144,153, 206,
jobs, 7,
job hunting, 21, 45, 78,112, 114,
202, 209,
Job's tears, 55, 61, 71-73,
Johnson, Samuel, 149,
Judas, 17, 43,122,
Karate, Hai, 13,
katsugen undo, 32, 64, 128, 256,
Keats, John, 181, 232,
Khayyam, Omar, 14,
absence of, 187-188,
acute failure of, 49, 77, 79,
anomalies of, 12, 44-48, 66-70,
113, 187,
anterior relations, 201,
artificial, 66, 111, 201, 298,
ascent and rotation of, 98-100,
atrophic, 77,
autographed, 45-48,
biopsy of, 92, 111, 129,
black market for, 66-67,112, 275,
borrowed, 55, 61, 71-73,
cake or lump, 49, 77, 79,
carbuncle of, 89, 201-202,
celebrity, 21, 23, 27-29,
chronic failure of, 92, 111, 129,
in cirrhosis, 33, 70,
cystic diseases of, 100,
dysplastic, 89, 200,
ectopic, 21,
end-stage, 23,
horseshoe, 66, 111, 201, 298,
hypoplastic, 90,
lobulated, 311,
nephron, 66,
nonfunctioning, 92, ill, 129,
pelvic, 12,
removal of, 55, 61, 71-73,
spider-shaped, 55, 62,
stolen, 66,
supernumerary, 66-67,112,275,
trauma to, 275-258,
tumors of, 66, 111, 201, 298, 66, 111,
vasculature, 112,117,
kudzu, 77-79,142-145,
kuru (laughing sickness), 49, 77, 79,
kundalini, 97,
Chantilly, 66, 111, 201, 298,
paintings, 66,
Lascaux cave, 66, 75, 200,
learning center, 201, 203, 243-244,
Lee, Robert E., 115,
left hand,
hand of power for world massacre, 92,
111, 129,
multiple erections by holding knife
in, 55, 61, 71-73,
power of, 68, 72, 75-76,117, 217,
prolongation of sexual fantasies by
holding knife in, 201, 203,243-244,
stabbing hand, 2, 56,
life, respect for, 0,
Limestone Caves, 92, 111, 129,
limit-setting, 503,
lithium, 201, 203, 243-244,
loafing, 66, 111, 201, 298,
involuntary, 10,
lifestyle, 12,
symptom, 77,
Lorazepam, 288,
love, 48, 61, 75, 161, 164,174, 217, 223,
243, 253,
misuse of maternal, 54,
misuse of filial, 59,175,
loyalty, 59, 91, 95, 97,129, 180,
lucid possession, 237,
luck a s alibi, 6 6 ,
lying, 10,
habitual, 33,
inspired, 4,
lousy, 34, 67,
-development of, 21,26, 29,43, 54, 56,
127, 139, 140-142, 299,
-dominance of in factory, 49, 77, 79,
-sexuality and, 111, 113,
consequences of, 112-115,
denial of old fear of, 99,
episodic nature of, 201, 203, 243-244,
exploration of, 66, 111, 201, 298,
marketing of, 55, 61, 71-73,
spasms of, 99-100,
loneliness and, 112-115,
origins of, 112,
magical thinking, 166,
maladjustment, 199,
justifiable, 205-206,
moralistic, 151-160,
male-to-female ratio in MPD cases,
malingering, 29, 58, 65,
manic-depressive illness, 201, 203,
"human", 166,
scientific, 49, 77, 79,
manipulation through advertisement,
Marx, Karl, 218,
Masochism, 179,
mass culture, 112-115,
mass marketing, 166,
mass production, 201, 203, 243-244,
mass psychology, 180-181, 195, 315,
masturbation, 166,
chronic, 112-115,
moronic, 166,
sonic, 49, 77, 79,
Mazda Millenia, 333,
Mazda MX-5 Miata, 333,
Mazda Protege, 333,
Menger sponge, 166,
mental health, 66, 111, 201, 298,
Mercury Grand Marquis, 112-115, 333,
abuse of, 16-300,
in augury, 23-26,
as basis of sortilege, 180-181,
195, 315,
in extispicy, 112-115,
in Extra-Crispy, 15,
in spontaneous divination, 201, 203,
Meteor Crater, Arizona, 191,
military careers, 65, 165-68,
military school, 166,
mind-space, 10,
diminished, 166,
expanded, 201, 203, 243-244,
trashed, 10,
Mitsubishi Galant, 333,
mode locking, 201,
monotony of life, 1-100,
moods, 12, 23, 24, 34, 40, 50-52,
angry, 23-24,
bad, 23,
crazy, 201, 203, 243-244,
down, 55, 61, 71-73,
empty, 166,
fucked, 13, 44, 48-49, 52, 211,
godawful, 112-115,
hateful, 25, 50,
insensitive, 49, 77, 79,
jealous, 125, 250,
kind of pissed off, 166,
lousy, 66, 111,201,298,
murderous, 201, 203, 243-244,
not-to-be-fucked-with, 166,
out-and-out psychotic, 201, 203,
pessimistic, 112-115,
quarrelsome, 166,
rowdy, 55, 61, 71-73,
sad, 180-181, 195, 315,
teary, 112-115,
ugly, 166,
violent, 201, 203, 243-244,
worsening, 10-140,
x-rated-fuck-anything, 49, 77, 79,
zero-self-control, 112-115,
moral indignation, 140,
morbidity, 192-196,
Morse code, 403,
mosquitoes, 166,
motion pictures, 201, 203, 243-244,
Mount Everest, 115,
murder, 66-67, 112,275,
mushrooms, 66, 111, 201, 298,
mutated human values, 166,
mutilation killers 13, 44, 48-49, 52, 211,
"mutual assured destruction," 259,
Nadelman, Elie, 49, 77, 79,
Nagasaki, 260-261,
nakedness and personal exposure,
180-181,195, 315,
names, 66-67,112, 275,
Napoleon I, 238,
narcissism, 66, 111, 201, 298,
national character, 166,
National Security Agency, 66-67,
negative attitudes, 112-115,
nerves, 255,
networks, 50, 224, 225,
companies' vulnerability to, 61-62,
development of, 189,
education and, 51,
friends, 12,
future of, 252,
"neobiological" behavior of, 54, 55,
60, 63, 65,
nodes in, 64,
parts of, 64,
spare parts of, 64,
"toxicity", 180-181, 196-197,
neurotic, 301,
Nietzche, Friedrich Wilhelm, 112-115,
Nissan Pathfinder, 55, 61, 71-73,
nitrous oxide, 372-373,
Nobel Prize, 49, 77, 79,
non-disclosure agreements, 112-115,
non-literary jobs, 66, 111, 201, 298,
normal distribution, 112-115,
Nude Descending a Staircase (Duchamp),
observer alter personalities, 180-181,
195, 315,
obsession, 13, 44, 48-49, 52, 211,
obsessive-compulsive disorder, 55, 61,
Occam's Razor, 118,
offensive attitudes, 77-82, 201,
about art, 49, 77, 79,
about germ theory, 220,
about personal hygiene, 66, 111,
about politics, 80-82,
Olmecs, 110-111,
one-way amnesia, 112-115,
oracles, 322-323,
collapse of, 322,
induction procedures, 180-181,
195, 315,
loss of consciousness, 322,
mocked, 195,
stages of decadence, 180-181,
organic brain syndrome, 112-115,
Osiris myth, 345,
out-of-body experiences, 180-181,
oxide shedding, 111-112,
pain, 112-115,
panic, 253,
paralogic compliance, 66, 111, 201, 298,
paranormal phenomenon, 55, 61, 71-73,
art, 2, 23, 25-27, 55-56,88, 111,
bureaucratic, 112-115,
critical, 25,
human, 110-116, 301,
intestinal, 180-181, 195, 315,
Miami Art Fairs, 295,
perceptual alteration scale, 112-115,
period doubling, 180-181, 195, 315,
perpedelia, 112-115,
persecution, 66, 111, 201, 298,
personal characteristics, 112-115,
abnormal, 31,
boring, 34-214,
factors in fucking up, 47,
extended retardation of, 55,
kinda boring, 79,
lack of, 80,
multiple, 288,
Roseanne Barr's, 211,
power-crazed, 77,
scary, 78,
self-created, 85,
split, 399,
stupid, 99,
super-boring, 100,
tragedy of unorganized, 3, 34,
unbelievably boring, 215-299,
unpredictable, 37,
petty thievery, 66, 69, 75, 229,
phase space, 112-115,
physical appearance, 34,
poetry, 180-181, 195, 315,
politics, 13,44,48-49, 52, 211,
poor housekeeping, 88,
population size problems, 112-115,
possession, 35,
posthumus glory, 180-181, 195, 315,
180-181, 195, 315,
post-traumatic stress symptom, 98,
pre-destination, 200,
after 1933, 319,
capitalist, 320-321,
changing emphasis of, 180-181,
195, 315,
functions and principals of, 112,
Madison Ave. adoption of Nazi
innovations in, 112-115,
morality of, 277-279,
Nazi, 319,
as pro-active censorship 112-115,
pro-art, 278,
pure state of, 66, 111, 201, 298,
self-serving art bureaucratic,
prostitution, 45,
psychiatrists, 55, 61, 71-73,
psychotic voices, 200,
public health clinics,
public toilets, 180-181, 195, 315,
puns in divination, 202,
pyramid schemes, 112-115,
Quaker Oats,
breakfast cereal, 34,
sexual fantasies about icon of,
Quetzacotl, 119, 219,
Quick Cash, 66, 111, 201, 298,
quiz shows, 180-181, 195, 315,
radioactive statues, 166,
randomness, 55,
in biology, 59, 60-63
in boob size, 52-53,
in career velocity, 247,
in creating an index, 267,
and complexity,279,
in constructing fractals, 55, 59,
debate over, in ecology, 52-53,
hidden structure in, 247,
in Hunting Prize selection, 267,
and information theory, 279,
and poetry, 55, 59, 60-63,
from simple models, 52-53, 247,
as spiritual lesson/fuck-over, 267,
and weather forecasting, 279,
of bonds, 41-42,
of stocks, 116, 229,
of television, 12, 15,
real estate, 108-109,
appreciation of, 215-216,
commercial, 111,
escrow fees, 201,
evicting loser artists from, 5, 12,
fixer-uppers, 92-92,
flippin' like burgers, 42-43,
Florida, 122-123,
humid, 304-305,
in outer space, 77-79,
limited partnerships, 4, 24, 42, 52,
low-income housing, 87-88, 111, 181,
slums on the moon, 139-141,
swampy, 271,
as theft, 24,
time shares, 178-180,
title insurance, 121,
torching, 55,
value enhancing cosmetics, 60, 263,
ways to evict losers,187, 194,
zero maintenance and the tenants
who tolerate it, 262-266,
Red Spot of Jupiter, 141,
rejection letters, 248-252,
retaliation, 128-129,
against adoptive parents, 164-166,
against mystery girls, 137, 161,
against numb authority, 167-168,
against police, 129,
Retin-A, 290,
reunion of Beatles, 98-100, 102-103,
rich people, behavior of, 218-220,
Ritalin, 45-46,
ritual dismemberment, 8, 15-17,
Rorschach test, 275-278,
Sadism, 39-42,
schizophrenia, 94, 187-226,
advantages of, 118,
automatism, 68,
boundary loss in, 190-191,
dissolution of mind space, 202-204,
erosion of analog "I", 202,
genetic basis of, 221, 233,
hallucinations in, 99-104,
narratization failure in, 187,
negatory possession, 53-56,
phony, 49-75,
and stress, 164-166,
time disorientation, 196,
self, 4, 69-80, 135, 166-167,
self-abuse, 79, 79, 79,
self-absorption, 171,
self-centeredness, 133-175,
self-destructive behavior, 1-288,
self-hatred, 1-299,
self-hypnosis, 2,
self-loathing, 55-69,
feigned, 153,
imaginary, 162,
on-camera, 42,
paid for, 23-24, 26,
self-pity, 258,
self-sacrifice, 401,
self-shitting, 33, 69, 71-75,
self-stimulation, 83, 88-93, 105,
anal, 89,
aural, 90-91,
nasal, 4,
oral, 88,
penile, 91-93,
vaginal, 105,
self-will, 4, 248, 250-251, 270, 272,
sensitivity, 258-259,
seperation from self, 167-169, 294-295,
sexuality, 131, 333-336,
advertising's exploitation of, 12-13,
corporate administration of, 39,
machines and, 244-251,
romantic love and, 308,
with barnyard animals, 200,
with common household appliances,
with furniture, 196,
with taxidermy critters, 197-199,
with water features, 244-247,
sexual organs as trophies, 28, 30,
136-139,140,149,218, 220-225,
shame, 64-66, 72, 77,
about errors in baseball game, 5, 14,
about small quantities of holy cards,
132-133, 145,
about losing at dominoes, 117,
about murdering prostitutes, 60,
70-71, 82, 119,
about not being there at family events,
She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed, 279-280,
shock, 152,
first date, 177,
hemmorrhagic, 112, 197,
hypoglycemic, 197-198,
Simmons, David, 111,
skeuomorphs, 78,
social change, 4, 11, 14, 114,141,
144, 411,
South Sea bubble, 83, 87, 90,
spare change, 175,
spectacle, 206,208,212-213,
sports, 293,
as bait, 56,
as masturbatory aids, 301-303,
as maternal images, 23, 28, 67-68,
Stinkerbell, 2, 14, 66, 89, 113, 300,
Stonehenge, 14, 26-28,
stress, 8,12,112, 125-126,
of attempting to fit in, 12,
of death, 125,
of decision-making, 55-58,
and poetry, 125,
of rejection, 125,
of winning a CACH award, 144-146,
Styrofoam, 44,
sublimation, 253,
"subsistence tourism", 130,
suburbs, 259,
career, 126-127, 150,152, 194, 203,
first historical, 153,
suicidal ideation, 191-193,
suicidal risk-taking, 315-317,
surveillance, electronic, 179-180,
symbolic castration, 317-318,
syphilis suspected, 150,
tabula rasa refuted, 217,
talent, 246,
talismans, 242,
tank episode, 337,
ancient city, 11-12,
restaurant on Airline, 233,
restaurant on Irving,234,
Terminator 2, 212,
test pressings, 113,
thief label, 78,
thought disorder, 56, 69,
Tie Me Kangaroo Down Sport, 118,
freeway, 288-290,
in souls, 315,
trailer fire, 25,
trance logic, 57, 66-67,
the "bird", 65,
of first marriage, 295,
inferiority to "macho men", 23,
tank episode, 337,
Troy, 200,
Tulip Hysteria Coordinating, 111,
twilight states, 23, 56-58,
UCAV (unmanned combat air vehicle),
unconscious, 49, 77, 79,
unemployed, 66-67, 112, 275,
unfinished songs, 112-115,
unpleasant, 7,
unwanted, 55, 61, 71-73,
uptown girl, 69, 75, 105, 109,
urea, 99, 101,
urea washout, 112-115,
uremia, 89, 112, 301,
uremic frost, 66-67, 112, 275,
ureters, 49, 77, 79,
urethane, 55, 61, 71-73,
urethra, 6,
urethritis, 112-115,
uric acid, 7,
urinals, scrubbed by Marvin Zindler,
urinary tract, 112,
urine, 66,
urine-cams, 89, 110,
excretory, 110,
intravenous, 3, 89,
retrograde, 66, 111, 201, 298,
uvula, 2,
Viagra, 111,
veil of money, 267, 268,
impersonal choice of, 112-115,
invisibility of, 66-67, 112, 275,
self as, 227, 290,
Video Privacy Protection Act, 181,
psychotic vs. disassociative, 55, 61,
talking to, 82, 90, 172, 214, 218,
as art, see Stu Mulligan,
of beer, 49, 77, 79,
of evil spirits, 49,
of frogs, 376,
of nails, 66-67, 112,275,
of razor blades, 44
of whiskey, 112-115,
vulnerability, 77, 121, 124, 291,
wanderlust, 34, 51, 119, 200, 202-205,
war, 23-76,
Afghan tactics in, 288,
biological and chemical, 66-67,
in Chechnya, 77,
communications technologies in,
ethnic cleansing in, 188, 314,
guerrilla forces in, 200, 302,
impossibility of scoring good weed
during, 112-115,
nuclear war and its consequences, 34,
paramilitary forces in, 45,
water, 49, 77, 79,
wealth, 11,23,78,
generation of, 57,
human passion for, 112, 301,
in information economy, 44,
stolen, 66-67, 112, 275,
web page, life span of, 246,
Wernicke's area, 44,
white noise, 69-75,
whores, 11, 55, 61, 71-73,
art, 215,
crack, 78,
meat, 60,
pot, 2, 44, 56-58, 99, 101, 233,
will power, inadequacy of, 201,202,208
215-217,220-221,234, 246,
William Morris Agency, 61,
emotional, 88, 92,
penetrating, 49, 77, 79,
non-penetrating, 77-78,
world massacre, 114, 200,
worthlessness, feelings of, 66-67, 112,
writing, 112-115,
x-factor, 23, 55, 646 74,
x-linked inheritance, 66, 111, 201, 298,
Yahweh, 12, 66,
Yar, 13,44, 48-49,52,211,
advertising's idealization of, 38,
consumption and, 49, 77, 79,
suicide and, 77-80,
work and, 20-40,
Zanuck, Darryl, 112-115,
zero tolerance, 199,
ziggurats, 21,
Zona Rosa, 313,
zone defense, 44,
Zukor, Adolph, 49, 77, 79,