Abercrombie, N., 40
Absinthe (Degas), 120
Absinthe Drinker, The (Manet), 109, 124—5
Adorno, Theodor , 54, 57, 77, 80, 138
aesthetic gaze, 11, 46-7, 48, 65
aestheticism, 47-8, 54, 64—5, 69, 81, 86, 95,
Algeria (Kabylia), 13-20, 30, 90, 135-8,
160, 175
Algerians, The (Bourdieu), 1, 16, 137
Althusser, L„ 22, 23, 174
Alverman, D., 13
An End and a Beginning (Hanley), 156
Anderson, В., 26, 169
Anderson, P., 70-1, 72-3
Andromaque (Racine), 88
'angelism', 70
Angelou, Maya, 154—5
anomie, 110, 116
anomic experience, 3, 55, 59
women and, 127-31
Archaeology of Knowledge, The (Foucault),
Argenteuil, Boating (Manet), 121
aristocracy, 47, 48, 50
Armstrong, N., 162
Arnauld, Antoine, 88
capital accumulation and, 21-2
essentialism and, 10, 62-3, 129, 136
Impressionism, 103-32, 143
liberation of, 50-1
natural gifts, 9, 43-50
power (reproduction), 81-3
sacralisation of, 69, 93-7, 99, 118, 179
women and new anomie, 127-31
see also Cubism; Dadaism;
Expressionism; Futurism; Surrealism;
Art-Worlds (Becker), 99
Art Nouveau, 100, 101
artistic field, Bohemia and, 110-12
artists, 103
as prophets, 10, 50-1, 127
Arts Council, 143^1
At the Ambassador's (Degas), 120
Athalie (Racine), 88
autobiography, 160, 166-7
autonomy, 52-3, 103, 104
illusion of, 33-6
avant-garde movements, 11, 34, 178
cultural theory, 46-8, 51, 59, 61
cultural theory (historical genesis), 86,
90-1, 94-6, 101
Impressionism, 10, 103-32, 143
postmodernism and, 70-1, 75-81
women in, 11, 127-31
Baas, J., 125
Bach, J.S., 48
Bachelard, G., 175
Bakhtin, M., 4, 47, 101, 162, 166, 175
Balcony, The (Manet), 130
Baldick, C„ 66, 99, 179
Balibar, Renée 26, 66
ballet (Impressionist subject), 122-3
Balzac, Honoré de, 51, 86
banalisation, 7, 59, 60
Bar at the Folies Bergères (Manet), 126,
barbarism, 46
Barcos, M. de, 88
Barricade after the Commune, The (Manet),
Barthes, Roland, 32, 50
Bataille, G., 80
Bathing Place at Asnières, A (Seurat),
Battersby, С., 128, 129
Baudelaire, Charles, 52-5, 58, 66, 70-1, 77,
88, 91, 104, 109, 115, 119
Baudrillard, J., 35, 70
Bazille, Frédéric, 112
Beach at Boulogne (Manet), 122
Becker, Howard, 97, 99-100, 154, 177
Benjamin, Walter, 66, 71-2, 85, 89-92,
100-1, 163
Bennett, Arnold, 65
Bennett, T., 66
Bentley, Phyllis, 147, 151
Berlin Wall, 178
Berman, M., 71, 72-3
Bernstein, В., 7
Bhabha, H., 97
Blair, Emma, 163-4
Bloch, Ernst, 80, 99, 162, 178
Blunt, Anthony, 105-6
boating (Impressionist subject), 121-2
body/bodily hexis, 17
bohème dorée, 53
Bohemia, 70, 76, 79, 86, 88, 93, 104
artistic field and, 110-12
from salon to, 51-7
social origins and, 57-60
Bonheur, M.R., 129
Bonhomme, Léon, 112
Bonvin, F., 53, 112
Bourdieusian critique (Foucault), 92-3
bourgeois art, 10, 47-51, 58, 104-5
bourgeois culture, 53-4, 66, 69-70, 72, 121
bourgeois society, 80, 85, 90-1, 114, 153
Bowlby, R., 128-9, 140
Bowness, A., 73
Boy (Hanley), 156
Boyne, R., 174
Bradbury, M., 140, 142
Braque, Georges, 101
Brecht, В., 57, 96
Bredo, E., 7
bridges (Impressionist subject), 123-4
Brillo Pads (Warhol), 62
Britannicus (Racine), 88
Brittain, Vera, 151
Brontë, Charlotte, 147
Bronte, Emily, 147
Brown, George Douglas, 139
Brown, M.R., 124
Brubaker, R„ 9, 16-17
Bryher, 140, 142
Buck-Morss, S., 90-2
Bürger, P., 10, 70, 77, 93-4, 96, 179
Buthlay, K., 171
Café-Concert (Manet), 120
café-concerts, 115, 119, 120
Caillebotte, Gustave, 119, 123, 131
Calhoun, C., 5, 7
Callinicos, A., 74, 75
campus novels, 30
Capital (Marx), 14, 43
capital accumulation, 15, 20, 21-2
capitalism, 9,11, 109
cultural theory, 48-9, 51, 60, 85, 95-6
postmodernism and, 69, 71-2, 75-6, 80
situating Bourdieu, 1, 5, 15-16, 18,
20-2, 30
Carey, J., 141
Carrington, Leonora, 140
Carswell, Catherine, 148
Cassatt, Mary, 123, 129, 130-1
Cassirer, Ernst, 35
Castagnary, Jules-Antoine, 53, 126-7
Castelnuovo, E., 95, 150
Céline, L.F., 75
censorship, 44, 52, 70
Cézanne, Paul, 112
Champfleury, J., 53, 58-9, 112, 114, 175
Chandler, Raymond, 161
charismatic personalities, 25, 43, 52-3, 59,
77, 93, 127, 134, 175
Charle, С., 145
Chartist novels, 11, 179
Children of the Dead End (MacGill), 156
Children of the Ghetto, The (Zangwill),
Chomsky, Noam, 29
city (popular culture in), 160-73
Civil War (Manet), 125
Cladel, Léon, 175
Clark, T.J., 113-15, 117, 120, 125-6, 132
class, 3-5, 9-10, 20, 22, 99
consciousness, 85-6
see also aristocracy; dominant class;
middle class; proletarianisation; ruling
class; working class
Clay, Jean, 107, 118
Cloud Howe (Gibbon), 156
Coal-dockers, The (Monet), 117
Cockcroft, E., 75
cognitive mapping, 73
collective beliefs, 79
collective consciousness, 29, 46, 63, 77, 86,
103, 108, 142
Colletti, L., 153
colonisation/colonialism, 1, 4-5, 13-16, 26
commodity fetishism, 23, 29, 44
Compton-Burnett, Ivy, 148
Concert in the Tuileries (Manet), 120
Confessions of Zeno, The (Svevo), 75
'conscience collective', 64
consecrated culture, 10, 39, 44, 59, 60-1,
dynamic of, 97-102
inheritance of, 22-30
constructivist sociology, 29, 40, 85
constructivist structuralism, 6, 17
consumption, 4, 8-9, 22, 30
cultural theory, 44—6, 48-9, 91
modern art, 91, 115-19, 126-7, 130
consumption, cont.
postmodernism, 71-2, 74—5, 80-1
contradiction theory, 5-6, 22-3
Convent of Port-Royal, 88
Cookson, Catherine, 162
Corinne (de Staël), 139
Corrigan, P., 72, 154
Courbet, G., 53, 58, 109, 112-14, 127
Couture, T., 124
Crane, D., 75
Crawford, Robert, 170, 172-3
Cribb, T.J., 171
critic-dealer system, 110, 126, 132
critical issues (Bourdieu's sociology of
culture), 64—7
critical realism, 56, 57, 86
Crow, T., 118-19, 177
Crowther, P., 7, 65
Cruikshank, George, 66
Crumb, Robert, 162
Cubism, 73, 75, 101
cultural capital, 9, 31, 37, 53, 81, 176, 178
consecrated culture, 22-30, 78, 100, 174
middlebrow, 11, 143-7
'cultural communism', 96, 153
cultural distinction, 151-7
cultural domination (masculine), 4, 24,
cultural goods, 49
cultural materialism, 76, 174
cultural nobility, 6, 36-7, 48
cultural production, 43
cultural revolutions, 72
cultural theory
historical genesis, 85-102
sociological perspective, 13-41
transgressive method, 43-67
culturalism, 2, 174
culture, sociology of, 64—7
Culture and Society (Williams), 153
cultures of resistance, 11, 30, 97
Cuvier, Georges, 77
Cwmardy (Jones), 154
Dadaism, 46, 73, 95, 142
Dance at the Moulin de la Galette (Renoir),
dandyism, 55, 65
Darbel, A., 8
Darwin, Charles, 77
Daudet, Alphonse, 140
Daughter of Earth (Smedley), 154
Daumier, Honoré, 113-14
d'Aurevilly, Barbey, 77
Davidoff, L., 25, 142
Davidson, John, 171
de-differentiation, 80, 81
de Banville, Théodore, 77
Debord, G., 118
Decadence, 95
Degas, Edgar, 111-12, 117, 119-23, 126,
de Goncourt, Edmond, 129
Déjeuner sur l'herbe (Manet), 120, 126,
Delacroix, Eugène, 130
Delaney, S., 146
Denning, M., 30
department store, 91, 116-19
Derrida, J„ 1, 32, 75, 80
Desnoyers, A.G.L., 53
determinism, 2, 37, 174, 175
Dews, P., 74
dialectical materialism, 85-9
Dickens, Charles, 86
Dickinson, Emily, 99
Dictionary of Women Writers (Todd), 144
Diggers, The (Millet), 113
DiMaggio, P., 94, 97, 98, 99
discourse/discursive formation, 92-3
Distinction (Bourdieu), 1, 2, 7-9, 40, 43,
45, 50, 69, 76, 79-83, 86, 104-5, 144,
152, 160, 174, 180
division of labour
international, 75
sexual, 14, 20, 137
Division of Labour, The (Dürkheim), 49,
Doctorow, E.L., 74
domestic culture, 50
Donzelot, J., 164
Doolittle, Hilda (H.D.), 140
doxic knowledge, 2, 3, 18-19, 92-3, 135
'doxosophes', 31
Dreyfus Affair, 61
'Drunk Man Looks at the Thistle, A'
(MacDiarmid), 170
Dubuffet, Jean, 101
Duchamp, Marcel, 34, 55, 59, 61, 94
du Maurier, Daphne, 148
Durand, J.C., 96
Durand-Ruel, Paul, 111, 126
Duranty, Louis, 53
Dürkheim, E., 2, 3, 8, 13, 25, 44, 49, 55,
60, 62, 64, 87, 93, 108-10, 116, 151,
Eadie, W., 95, 101
Eagleton, T., 66, 67, 74
economic capital, 5, 9, 20, 26, 31, 37-8, 81,
100, 108, 176
education, 9, 38, 78-9, 81, 82
school sickness, 5, 39-40, 75
universities, 5, 30-7
of women writers, 144, 146
L' Education sentimentale, 55-6, 128
Egoist, The (Gilbert and Gubar), 141
Eisenman, S.R., 111
Elementary Forms of the Religious Life,
The (Dürkheim), 62, 179-80
Elias, N.. 17
Eliot, T.S., 170, 172
Ellis, Sarah Stickney, 147
Elster, J., 19
Enlightenment, 16, 34, 57, 64, 70, 74, 85,
92, 127, 142
episteme, 92
epistemology, 87, 88
essentialism, 10, 62, 63, 129, 136
Esther (Racine), 88
ethics, 53, 57, 62, 77, 88
Execution of Maximilian, The (Manet), 107,
existentialism, 2, 17, 33
experience, 3
Expressionism, 73, 101
Factories at Le Creusot, The (Bonhomme),
family, 5, 14, 15, 20, 23, 31, 53, 64
sagas, 163—4
Family Fortunes (Davidoff and Hall), 25
Family Idiot, The (Sartre), 112
Featherstone, M., 71, 76
February Revolution (1848), 54, 113, 114
Feininger, L., 101
Felski, R., 11
feminism, 134-5, 138, 141, 143, 157
Ferguson, H., 16, 72, 116, 127
Ferry, L„ 71
fetishism, 10, 23, 29, 44, 46, 51, 79, 118
field theory, 41
Finding Peggy (Henderson), 167-9
Fineberg, W., 7
fixism, 2
flâneur, 107, 118, 125, 128, 131, 143
Flaubert, Gustave, 45, 52-8, 67, 70, 76-7,
Flint, K„ 142, 143
formalism, 10, 11, 46, 53, 55, 57, 64, 91,
101, 110, 124, 175, 179-80 '
Forrester, Helen, 166-7
Forster, Margaret, 146
Foucault, M., 1, 50, 69, 80, 92-3, 110
Fowler, В., 9, 81
Frascina, F., 113, 129, 131
free culture, 23^1, 45, 50
Frisby, D., 71, 72, 109
Fromentin, E., 77
Frow, J., 4
Fuentes, Carlos, 71
Futurism, 69, 95, 101, 142
Gamboni, D„ 111, 143, 145
García Márquez, Gabriel, 71
Garfinkel, Harold, 17
Garnham, N„ 5, 7, 8, 9, 27
Gaskell, Elizabeth, 66, 138, 147
Gautier, T., 53, 112
gender, 5, 11, 72
masculine domination, 4, 24, 134-41
sexual division of labour, 14, 20, 137
see also men; women
'Genesis of the Eye, The' (Bourdieu), 61-2
genetic structuralism, 34, 35, 85-9
German Ideology, The (Marx), 153
Gerth, L., 58, 148
Ghirlandaio, Domenico, 62
Gibbon, L.G., 139, 154, 156, 170-2
Giddens, A., 9, 10, 18, 23, 174
gift economy, 9, 15
gifts, natural, 9, 43-50
Gilbert, S., 74, 140-1, 143
Gillray, James, 66
Ginsburg, С., 95, 150, 163
Girl in White (Whistler), 109
Glenmornan (MacGill), 156
Glove, The (Degas), 120
Goffman, Erving, 60, 99
Goldmann, L„ 85, 87-9, 152, 157
Goncourt brothers, 77
Gonzalez, Eva, 130
good-faith economy, 5, 19, 25
Gopnik, A., 101, 117
Gouldner, A.W., 99
graffiti, 101, 178
Grana, С., 110, 115
Gray, Alasdair, 171
Green, Nicholas, 114, 115, 118, 121
Greenberg, C., 132, 152
Greenwood, Walter, 154
Grey Granite (Gibbon), 139
Griffin, G., 142
Grignon, C„ 4
Gubar, S„ 74, 140-1, 143
Gunn, Neil, 170, 171
Guys, P.A., 130
Gypsy with a Cigarette (Manet), 124
Habermas, Jürgen, 74, 75, 80, 131, 177
habitus, 4, 23, 35, 79, 81, 88-9, 100, 174,
aesthetic gaze, 46-7, 48, 65
artistic, 58, 65-6, 77, 93^1, 103, 111,
128, 130, 151, 153
in cultural theory, 45-9, 51, 53, 63-5
definitions, 17-18, 27
doxic knowledge, 2, 3, 18-19, 92-3,
literary, 154
scientific, 16
Hall, C„ 25, 142
Hall, Stuart, 2, 29
Halsey, A.H., 7
Hamilton, G.H., 111, 126
Hammett, D., 169
Hanley, James, 156
Hanson, A.C., 119, 125
Harbour at L'Orient, The (Morisot), 130
Harker, R., 1
Harvesters Resting (Millet), 113
Harvey, D., 74, 75
haute bourgeoisie, 10, 24, 31, 36, 39,
47-50, 52, 60, 79, 81, 111, 176
Hegel, G.W.F., 69
Heidegger, Martin, 33-6, 155
Heidegger effect, 28
Heinich, N., 88
Henderson, Meg, 167-9
Hepworth, Barbara, 77
Herbert, R.L., 120, 121, 122, 123
'heretics', 30, 32-3, 34-5, 106
Héritiers, Les (The Inheritors), 23, 24
heterodox leaders, 25-6
Hey er, Georgette, 169
Hidden God, The (Goldmann), 87
Highbrow/Lowbrow (Levine), 97
'Highbrowism plus Communism'
(MacDiarmid), 171
'Historical Genesis of the Pure Aesthetic,
The' (Bourdieu), 61, 62
historical materialism, 13, 82-3, 174, 175
historical sociology, 63-4, 101
Holdsworth, Ethel (pseud. E. Carnie),
156-7, 176
holiday (Impressionist subject), 122
Holtby, Winifred, 148, 149, 151
Homo Academicus (Bourdieu), 31-3, 106
Homo Aestheticus (Ferry), 71
House with Green Shutters, The (Brown),
housing, 39, 40, 72
L'Humanité, 101
Huss, Roger, 8
Huysmans, J.K., 178
Huyssen, A., 74, 76, 79, 138-9
I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings
(Angelou), 155
ideal type, 47, 160
idealism, 1, 2, 19, 62, 174
identity-formation, 74
ideology, 21, 22, 92
of natural gifts, 9, 43-50
utopia and, 7, 24, 25
'illuminative flashes' (Benjamin), 89-92
'illusion of autonomy', 33-6
imposition effect, 41
Impressionism, 10, 103-32, 143
improvisation, 2, 16, 18, 27
In the Chartres Countryside (Sège), 110
individualism, 16, 24, 37, 44, 176, 178
intellectuals, 48-9, 53-4
international division of labour, 75
irrationalism, 7, 17, 74, 91
J'Accuse (Zola), 61
Jacobins, 27, 130
James, P.D., 146
Jameson, F., 7-8, 73-5, 162
Jameson, Storm, 148, 151
Jansenism, 87, 88
jazz, 2, 16, 152, 153
Jencks, C., 73
Jenkins, R., 1, 2, 4, 7
Jesuits, 27, 29
Jewish people/life, 50-1, 113, 164-6
Johnson, Roy, 154
Jones, Lewis, 154
Journey to the End of Night (Céline), 75
Joyce, James, 148, 170, 172, 176
Judge, The (West), 149-50
Juppé government, 6
juste milieu, 107
Kabylia/Kabylian world, 13-20, 30, 90,
135-8, 160, 175
Kant, I., 10, 45-6, 48, 62, 64-5, 160, 177
Kasl, R., 115, 125
Kelman, James, 171
Kennedy, Margaret, 148
Kesson, Jessie, 145, 147
Kiddar's Luck (Commons), 154
Klaus, H.G., 157
Kracauer, S., 72, 123
Kristeva, J., 142
Kroeber, A., 72
labour of denunciation, 30
labour theory of value, 46
Lajer-Burcharth, E., 125
Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste de Monet, 77
Lamont, M., 9, 10, 179
Landes, Joan, 130, 131
language, 4, 63, 154
linguistic philosophy, 2, 22, 27-30, 37
Language and Symbolic Power (Bourdieu),
2, 22, 27-30, 37
Lash, S„ 2, 6, 7, 73, 80-1, 179
Lawrence, D.H., 141, 176
Leavis, Q.D., 147
Leconte de Lisle, C.M.R., 70, 77
Le Corbusier, 74
legitimacy/legitimation, 25, 27, 29, 40, 47,
49, 70, 74, 76, 97, 99, 105, 174
Lehmann, John, 172
leisure, 23-5, 45, 50, 75, 116-23
Leleux, Antoine, 112
Leonard, Tom, 171
Lessing, Doris, 146
Lévi-Strauss, С., 19, 20, 174
Levine, L„ 94, 97-9, 118, 152, 154
Lewis, Wyndham, 141
liberation of art, 50-1
libido dominandi, 136-7
life-styles, new, 116-19
Light, Alison, 143, 148
Lindsay, M., 171
linguistic development, 4
linguistic philosophy, 2, 22, 27-30, 37
Lipuma, E., 7, 99
literary habitus, 154
literary realism, 86
Little Fourteen-year-old Dancer, The
(Degas), 123
Loesberg, J., 3
Logic of Practice, The (Bourdieu), 2, 16-17
London, Jack, 142-3
Louis-Philippe, 106, 107, 114, 139
Louis Napoleon, 51, 56, 58, 106, 116 119
Love of Art, The (Bourdieu and Darbel), 8
Love on the Dole (Greenwood), 154
Lovell, T., 139, 140, 147
Lukács, Georg, 56-7, 76, 78, 85-7, 175
Lukes, S., 93, 116
Lunacy Act, 164
Lyotard, J-F., 35, 70, 75, 80, 82
McBain, Ed, 144
McCay, Winsor, 101
MacDiarmid, Hugh, 170-3
MacDonald, M., 7
McFarlane, J., 140, 142
McGill, Patrick, 156
McGuigan, J., 144
Macherey, P., 66, 76
Mackintosh, Charles Rennie, 95
MacLean, Sorley, 170, 171, 172
Madame Bovary (Flaubert), 139
Mallarmé, S., Ill, 112
Mammeri, M., 31
Man with a Hoe (Millet), 113
mandated authority, 29-30
Manet, Edouard, 10, 45, 104-12, 114-22,
124-7, 129-32
Mannheim, K., 7
Mansfield, Katherine, 140
Marinetti, F.T., 141
Marsden, Dora, 140, 141
Martin, J.L., 77
Marx, Karl, 5, 8, 14, 17, 21, 25, 29, 33, 36,
43-4, 46-7, 49, 69, 71, 76, 85, 114-16,
123, 153, 174
Marxism, 4, 7, 18-20, 25, 29, 38, 54, 92,
Mary Barton (Mrs Gaskell), 138
masculine domination, 4, 24, 134-41
Masterpiece, The (Zola), 129
materialism, 17, 29, 76, 96, 109
dialectical, 85-9
historical, 13, 82-3, 174, 175
Mauss, M., 2
May Events (1968), 30
mechanical materialism, 13, 17
mechanistic model, 3, 13, 19
Medvedev, P.N., 4, 101, 162, 175
Meissonier, Jean-Louis-Ernest, 112
masculine domination, 4, 24, 134-41
paternalism, 5, 15, 136
patriarchy, 14, 69, 129
metropolis, 141-2
metropolitan gaze, 115
middle class, 9, 25
middlebrow culture, 11, 49, 134-57
migrant families, 38-9
Miller, M.B., 116, 117, 128
Millet, Jean-François, 113-14
Mills, C.W., 58, 148
Miró, Joan, 101
Misère du Monde, La (This World of
Suffering), 3, 37-41
misrecognition, 22, 25, 81, 136
Mitchison, Naomi, 170, 171
modern art (Impressionism), 10, 103-32,
modernism, 8, 11, 109, 175
cultural theory, 43, 54, 57, 60-1, 86-7,
94-5, 101
within periphery, 170-3
social structures of, 141-3
modernity, 51, 55-6, 62, 65, 91
postmodernism and, 35, 69-83
Moers, E., 139
Moi, T., 7, 73, 140
Moleskin Joe (MacGill), 156
Molière, Jean-Baptiste, 78
Monceau Park (Monet), 120
Monet, Claude, 112, 117, 120-2, 124, 126,
money/money economy, 15, 118, 141-2
monothetic rationality, 18
Moore, Barrington, 5
Moorhouse, H.F., 154
Moretti, F., 72
Morisot, Berthe, 120, 122-3, 129-31
Morisot, Edmé, 129
Mozabite tribe, 14
Murger, Henri, 53
music, 2, 16, 152, 153
Mystères de Paris, Les (Sue), 153
naive gaze, 11, 46-7, 60
naive painter, 61
Napoleonic Code, 130
narrative technique, 162-4
nationalisation of language, 29
natural gifts, 9, 43-50
nature tourism, 114
Negative Dialectics (Adorno), 77
négritude, 14
Neruda, Pablo, 97
Nice, R., 69
Nicolson, C., 170
Niebuhr, R., 96
Nietzsche, F., 44, 71
Noblesse d'état, La (The State Nobility),
nomos, 55, 58, 105, 108, ИЗ, 165
Nora, F., 94
novels, 4, 11, 30, 55-9, 61, 78, 134, 155-7,
social, 143, 148
urban culture, 160-73
women writers, 138-41, 143-51, 154
Nuit des prolétaires, La (Rancière), 118
objectivism, 2, 17, 22, 174
Old Musician, The (Manet), 124
Olympia (Manet), 125-6, 132
On the Balcony (Morisot), 130
Orage, A.R., 172
Order of Things, The (Foucault), 92-3
Orientalism, 14, 106, 157
Orr, J., 70-1, 73
Ortega, R.L., 154
Paine, Oliver, 125
Palmer, В., 72, 99
Paris Street, Rainy Weather (Caillebotte),
Parker, R„ 129
parks (Impressionist subject), 119-20
participant objectivation, 40
Pascal, Blaise, 77, 87-8, 89
Passeron, J.-C., 4, 18, 23-7, 50
paternalism, 5, 15, 136
patriarchy, 14, 69, 129, 137-8, 147, 149
Peasant Girls Bathing in the Sea at Dusk
(Degas), 122
Pensées (Pascal), 87
People of the Abyss, The (London), 142
modernism within, 170-3
popular culture and, 9-10, 160-73
permanent revolution, 59-60, 86, 131
perspectivism, 6, 17, 80
petty bourgeoisie, 28, 45, 47, 49-50, 53, 78,
80-1, 91, 121
Phèdre (Racine), 87, 88
phenomenology, 100, 101, 175-6
photography, 11, 45, 64—5, 91, 154, 160
Photography: A Middlebrow Art (Bourdieu),
11, 64-5, 160
Piaget, Jean, 87
Picasso, Pablo, 101
Pissarro, Camille, 112, 121, 126, 131
pleasure, 10, 23-5, 49, 50, 116
poetry, 16, 30-1, 78, 171-3
political fetishism, 29
political theatre, 96
Pollock, G., 129, 130
polythetic logic/rationality, 18, 21
Pont de L'Europe, Le (Caillebotte), 123
popular art, 96
problem of, 11, 151-7
popular culture, 53
middlebrow, 11, 134-57
periphery and, 9-10, 160-73
popular gaze, 103
populist strategy, 153
Portrait of Berthe Morisot with Hat, in
Mourning (Manet), 130
positivism, 22, 26, 175
postmodernism, 49, 60
modernity and, 35, 69-83
poststructuralism, 92
Pound, Ezra, 141, 172
Poverty of Theory, The (Thompson), 22
power, 5, 154
art and (working-class reproduction),
relations, 8, 52-3, 93, 135
social, 32, 36, 63
temporal, 31, 33, 35-6, 48, 56, 59
practice, 2-3, 16, 21, 174
Prawer, S„ 44, 76, 146
Primitive Classifications (Dürkheim and
Mauss), 2
production modes, 71-2
proletarianisation, 14, 15, 34, 51, 105
emiseration and, 37-41
'prophets', 10, 25-6, 31, 50-2, 66, 127, 177
Protestant ethic, 24, 99
Proudhon, P.J., 47
Proust, Marcel, 24, 155
Provinciales, 89
Public Lending Right, 144, 167
purification process, modernism, 52, 59, 65
quixoticism, 2
race, 176
colonialism/colonisation, 1, 4-5, 13-16,
migrant families, 38-9
race-track (Impressionist subject), 121
Racine, Jean, 87-8, 89
Ragged Trousered Philanthropists, The
(Tressell), 155-6
Ragtime (Doctorow), 74
Railroad Bridge, Argenteuil, The (Monet),
Railway Station at St Lazare, The (Monet),
Rancière, J., 118
rap music, 152
Raphael, Max, 134
rational action theory, 4, 17
rational choice theory, 19
rationalism, 25
Ratpit, The (MacGill), 156
Realism, 108-10, 112-16, 119, 132, 143
realism, 6, 17, 66, 82, 126
critical, 56, 57, 86
Realist bohemia, 52-8 passim, 70
reality principle, 23-5, 38, 174
Rebecca (du Maurier), 148
reception theory, 8, 10, 24, 43, 62-4, 80-1
86, 89
Red Harvest (Hammett), 169
Redon, Odilon, 178
reflexivity, 6-7, 9, 29
Règles de l'art, Les (The Rules of Art), 1,
44, 55-7, 76-7, 79, 91, 104, 128,
relativism, 7, 17, 70, 72
religion, 43^1, 50-2, 72, 79, 87, 151
see also consecrated culture; sacralisation
of art
Renaissance, 109, 114, 119, 170-3
Renoir, Pierre-Auguste, 119-23, 126, 130
representation, 2, 4, 46, 53-4, 73-4
reproduction, 1, 3, 5, 38, 39
working-class, 81-3
Reproduction in Education, Society and
Culture (Bourdieu and Passeron), 1,
resistance, 74, 76, 118
cultures of, 11, 30, 97
ressentiment, 7, 18, 38, 104, 165
Ribot, A.T., 109
Richardson, Dorothy, 140
Richepin, J., 115
Ricoeur, P., 157, 178
Ringer, F., 78
ritual, 19
Robbins, D., 1, 2, 7, 9
Rodinson, Maxine, 15
Romantic bohemia, 52
'romantic gaze', 122
Romanticism, 110, 129, 175
Rose, M., 74
Ross, A., 139, 152
Rousseau, Henri, 60-4, 71
Rousseau, Theodore, 113
Rue Mosnier Decked Out in Flags, The
(Manet), 125
rules, 2, 18, 21, 26, 85, 94
Rules of Art, The (Bourdieu), 1, 177-8
ruling class, 25, 36-8, 54—5, 65
Rushdie, Salman, 67
sacralisation of art, 69, 118, 179
current debate, 93-7, 99
Said, E., 39, 97, 157
Saint Martin, M. de, 37, 139-40
salon, from (to Bohemia), 51-7
saltimbanques, 113, 124
Saltimbanques, Les (Manet), 124
Sand, George, 139
Sanguineti, E., 79
Sartre, Jean-Paul, 17, 19, 24, 53, 112
Saussure, Ferdinand de, 29
Sayad, A., 13
Sayer, D„ 72
Schapiro, M., 113, 114
Schnapper, D., 8
'school sickness', 5, 39-40, 75
Schorske, C.L., 71
Schutz, Alfred, 17
Scots Quair, A (Gibbon), 139, 154, 156
Scottish Art Nouveau, 95
Scottish Mental Deficiency Act, 164
Scottish Renaissance, 170-3
seaside holiday (Impressionist subject), 122
Seurat, Georges, 121-2, 129
Shakespeare, William, 66, 86, 97-8
Shiach, M., 4
Shiff, R„ 119
Shusterman, R., 11, 152, 157
Simmel, Georg, 39, 72, 91, 141
Sisley, Alfred, 112, 126
Sitwell, Edith, 140
Skaters in the Bois de Boulogne (Renoir),
Sklair, L„ 75
social ageing, 55, 59, 79
'social art', 57
social capital, 26, 31, 78, 108, 176
social class, see class
social determinism, 37
social labour, 36
social mobility, 9, 23, 24, 49
social novel, 143, 148
social origins, 23, 30, 31
Bohemia and, 57-60
of women writers, 145-6
social reality, 24, 38, 174
social structures of modernism, 141-2
socialisation, 2, 24, 47, 58, 92, 137, 154,
socio-analysis, 89-92, 176
of academic profession, 30-3
cultural theory and, 13—41
of culture (critical issues), 64-7
Sohn-Rethel, A., 99
Soper, K., 70
Sorokin, P., 72
South Riding (Holtby), 149
Sower, The (Millet), 113
Spark, Muriel, 146
speech, 28-9
Spivak, G.C., 97
Staël, Mme de, 139
Stalinism, 1, 13, 105
state nobility, 6, 36-7, 48, 80-1
status, 20
Stendhal, 52, 86
'Storyteller, The' (Benjamin), 90
strategy, 2, 4
street fashion (Impressionist subject), 119
structural constructivism, 6, 17
structural functionalism, 55, 99
structural transformation, 3, 5
structuralism, 2-3, 16, 19, 22-3, 62, 93,
174-5, 179
genetic, 34, 35, 85-9
Studies in European Realism (Lukács), 56
subjectivism, 2, 17, 22, 86, 174
subversion/subversive codes, 28, 79
Sue, Eugène, 153
Suicide Club, 110
Summer's Day (Morisot), 120
sumptuary laws, 49, 50, 108
Sunset Song (Gibbon), 156
Sunshine and Shadows (Wheeler), 155
Surrealism, 46, 73, 91, 94, 95, 101
Svevo, Italo, 75
Sweetest Thing, The (Blair), 163—4
Swing, The (Renoir), 120
symbolic capital, 14, 20, 31, 38, 79, 96
symbolic domination, 5, 65
symbolic goods, 10, 46, 49, 81
economy of, 134-57
field of, 161-9
symbolic interactionism, 62
symbolic power, 154
symbolic profits, 20, 28, 34, 59, 78
symbolic revolution, 59-60, 107, 108
symbolic violence, 4, 22-3, 25, 40-1, 44,
50, 138
Symbolism, 95, 111-12, 119, 178
taste, 6, 9, 10, 21, 43, 45, 47-8, 50, 82, 160
teachers/teaching, 25-6
temporal power, 31, 33, 35-6, 48, 56, 59
Thacker, A., 141
theatre, 97-8
thésaurisation process, 161
Theses on Feuerbach (Marx), 17, 174
This Slavery (Carnie), 156-7, 176
Thompson, E.P., 22, 66
Thompson, Flora, 146
time, 21-2
Titian, 125
To the Lighthouse (Woolf), 137
Todd, J., 144
Tolstoy, Leo, 78, 86, 162
transformation, 3, 5
Tressell, Robert, 155-6
Troeltsch, E., 96, 151
Trotsky, L., 69
truth-claims, 16
Turner, J.M.W., 121
Ulysses (Joyce), 148
Umbrellas, The (Renoir), 119
uncertainty principle, 72
universalism, 10, 64-5
universities, 5, 30-7
urban culture, 160-73
Urry, J., 73, 80, 163, 169
utopianism, 7, 24, 25
Valadon, Suzanne, 129
Valéry, Paul, 24, 134
Vargas Llosa, Mario, 71
Varnedoe, K„ 101, 117
Velasquez, Diego, 125
Venus of Urbino (Titian), 125
Vernet, Horace, 109
Viala, A., 88-9
Vinson, J., 144
Voloshinov, 4, 30, 175
voluntarism, 175
Vorticism, 141
Wacquant, L., 5, 6, 7, 17, 80, 152
Warhol, Andy, 62, 170
Water-Drinkers, The (Manet), 124
'Watergaw, The' (MacDiarmid), 170
Watteau, J.A., 106
Weber, Max, 14, 25, 30-1, 51-2, 56, 59,
76, 85, 94, 153
Weisberg, G., 112, 113, 129
Well-Tempered Clavier, The (Bach), 48
West, Rebecca, 148, 149-50, 151
Wheeler, Thomas, 155, 179
Whistler, J.M., 109
White, C„ 105-6, 109, 111-12, 118, 126
White, H„ 105-6, 109, 111-12, 118, 126
Whitman, Walt, 4, 71
Willett, J., 96
Williams, Raymond, 1, 8, 66, 140, 142,
145, 147, 153, 174, 178
Williams, Rosalind, 72, 115, 116-17
Wilson, E., 7, 142
Wolff, J., 151
Woman Gathering Faggots (Millet), 113
Woman With Tapestry Frame (Cassatt),
women, 11, 14, 37
anomie in art, 127-31
feminism, 134-5, 138, 141, 143, 157
masculine domination, 4, 24, 134-41
in modernist social structures, 141-3
popular genres (empirical studies), 143-7
silence of, 28-9
writers, 138—41, 143-51, 154, 157
Woolf, Leonard, 140
Woolf, Virginia, 137, 140, 146
working class, 4, 9, 23, 26, 50, 55, 78
art, 11, 85, 179, 180
emiseration, 37—4-1
reproduction (crisis in), 81-3
women, 28, 37
Workshop with Mechanical Sieves at the
Factory of La Vieille Montagne
(Bonhomme), 112
World Fair, The (Manet), 119
Worpole, K., 144
Wright, P., 169
Zangwill, Israel, 164-6
Zola, Emile, 58, 60-4, 77, 126, 129
Zukin, S., 75-6