Italicized page numbers indicate
illustrations. Endnotes are referenced
with "n"followed by the note number.
abstract art, 2, 97,172
defining qualities of, 20
and fascism, 128
See also abstract expressionism; color
field painting; Judd, Donald;
minimalism; Newman, Barnett;
Rothko, Mark
abstract expressionism, 27, 97-98,122,173
Adorno, Theodor, 68,199П20, 204П48
Albers, Josef, 120
Alexander the Great, 54
American Artists' Congress, 61
anxiety, 148-49
aphasia, amnesic, 143,146-48,160,162
architecture, 31-34, 42, 61
Arnaud, Antoine, 166
Arnheim, Rudolf, 24,194П28,195П34
Art Bulletin, 35, 89
Art Workers' Coalition, 80-81
Augustine, Saint, 166
Bal, Mieke: "Semiotics and Art History"
(with Norman Bryson), 185
Baltruśaitis, Jurgis, 36, 42-43, 45
La stylistique ornementale dans la sculpture
romane, 38-41
See also Schapiro, Meyer: "On Geometrical
Schematism in Romanesque
Barr, Alfred, 61
Barrett, William: Irrational Man, 149
Barthes, Roland, 164,176
behaviorism. See Gestalt psychology
Bell, Clive, 22
Benjamin, Walter: "The Work of Art in
the Age of Mechanical Reproduction,"
Berenson, Bernard, 8, 123-33,136-41,189
Aesthetics and History in the Visual Arts,
commercial art world, participation in,
I Tatti (villa in Florence), 124,125-27,133
Judaism of, 126-27,130-32
Meyer Schapiro's drawing of, 126
One Year's Reading for Fun, 130
use of photographs in scholarship of,
religious conversions of, 130—31
Sketch for a Self Portrait, 128-30
Bergson, Henri, 42
Berkeley, George, 117
Berlin, Isaiah, 6, 8,188
defense of Bernard Berenson, 124, 129,
"Two Concepts of Liberty," 124,132
Bible moralisée, 180,181
Black Mountain College, 120
Bois, Yve-Alain, 184-85
Painting as Model, 185
Bordone, Paris; Game of Chess, 177
Botticelli, Sandro, 28-29
Breton, André, 68, 209П21
Brownsville (neighborhood of Brooklyn,
New York), 14,16, 59, 73
Broyard, Anatole, 4-5
Bruegel, Pieter, the Elder, 36-37, 47-50
Landscape with the Fall of Icarus, 38,
52-54, 53 (see also Schapiro, Meyer;
"Two Legends of the Invention of
Netherlandish Proverbs, 48-49, 49
246 / Index
Bryson, Norman, 185
Calligram, 185
"Semiotics and Art History" (with
Mieke Bal), 185
Buchón, Max, 65
Buddhism, 86
Cambridge Studies in New Art History
and Criticism (book series), 163
Carnap, Rudolf, 149
Carnegie Corporation, 125
Castelseprio. See Schapiro, Meyer: "The
Frescoes of Castelseprio"
Cézanne, Paul, 3, 8, 28, 36-37, 47, 50-51,
Mont Sainte-Victoire, ye
Three Apples, no {see also Schapiro,
Meyer: "The Apples of Cézanne")
See also Schapiro, Meyer: Paul Cézanne
Chambers, Whittaker, 61-62, 72
Witness, 62
See also Hiss-Chambers affair
Chartres Cathedral, 31-33,31
See also Garland, Robert; Soutine,
Chomsky, Noam, 3
Christian art, 84-85,104,166,179-82
See also Leonardo; Moses; Pentecost;
Rubens, Peter Paul; sculpture,
Mozarabic; sculpture, Romanesque;
and names of individual artworks
Cold "War, 5, 8, 72, 98,123,132,140
color field painting, 9,171-73,178, 2ПП27
Columbia University: 1, 2, 3, 41,124,127,
147,148,161,172,178,193Ш, 198П2
art history department, origins of, 125
Meyer Schapiro archive, 10-11,114
Teachers College, 134
Committee for Cultural Freedom, 73
"Communication and the Theory of
Signs" (conference at the University
of Chicago), 168
Communism, 60-62, 72, 75, 81
See also Communist Manifesto;
Hiss-Chambers affair; John Reed
Club, Marx, Karl; Marxism;
McCarthy, Joseph; Moscow show
trials; New Masses; Soviet Union
Communist Manifesto (by Karl Marx and
Friedrich Engels), 63, 66
connoisseurship, 8,123-25,127, 132,136-41
Coomaraswamy, Ananda K., 7-8, 82-94,
Festschrift of, 82-83, 92
Introduction to the Art of Eastern Asia,
philosophical theory of, 85-87
Courbet, Gustave, 57-58, 60, 65-66,115
LAtelier, 65
See also Schapiro, Meyer: "Courbet and
Popular Imagery"
Crary, Jonathan, 161
Craven, David, 97
Cubism and Abstract Art (exhibition at
the Museum of Modern Art, New
York), 61
Damisch, Hubert, 184-85, 202П3, 207П36,
208П5, 2ЮП55
The Origin of Perspective, 185
A Theory of /Cloud/, 166
de Kooning, Willem, 118-22,148
Woman I, i, 8,103,118-19,119,121-22
Woman paintings, 119-21
See also Schapiro, Meyer: visit to studio
of Willem de Kooning in 1953
Delacroix, Eugène: Liberty Leading the
People, 76
Derrida, Jacques, 9,128,142-43,144,153>
DeWald, Ernest, 16,17,126
Dewey, John, 7,12, 24, 26-27, 58, 68-71,
96,102-3,106-7, in> n6> 124> I2%>
135.147.149> 161,168-69, 171,189
Art as Experience, 23, 27,108—9,168
Dewey Commission, 78
Experience and Nature, 23
Human Nature and Conduct, 114
reflex arc, concept of, 111-12
The Quest for Certainty, 162
Theory of Valuation, 26, 80
See also Schapiro, Meyer: influence of
John Dewey on
dialectics, 107
dialectical materialism, 58, 67-70
dialectical metaphysics, 94
Index / 247
See also Schapiro, Meyer: "On
Didi-Huberman, Georges, 186
Dilthey, Wilhelm, 7, 36, 41, 43-44, 47,
Dissent, 73-74,104
Dreyfus Affair, 127, 207П30
Dura Europos, synagogue of, 105
Duveen, Joseph, 125, 130
Dvorák, Max, 12
Eastman, Max, 68, 71
Edelman, Gerald, 145-46
ekphrasis, 9,144—62
empiricism, 33, 43-46, 51, 53, 66-69, 80,
84, 89,113,116,1x8,149,170,189-90
See also positivism; pragmatism.
Encounter, 123,132
Encyclopedia of the Unified Sciences, 45,168
Engels, Friedrich, 58, 66, 69
See also Communist Manifesto
Epstein, Helen, 127, 135
existentialism, 144,148-49
Farrell, James, 69-71, 78
feminist art history, 2
First World War. See World War I
Florence, Italy: Renaissance in, 128
See also Berenson, Bernard, I Tatti;
Laurentian Library; Medici Palace
Focillon, Henri, 42-43
L'art des sculpteurs romans, 41
La vie des forms, 41—42
formalism, 6-7,14-15,19-20, 23, 28-29,
34, 37-38, 42, 70, 80,121,188
Frankfurt School of Social Research, 68,
French impressionism, 2, 51, 64-65, 73
French Revolution, 73
Freud, Sigmund, 8,101-18,127,132, 190
Leonardo da Vinci and a Memory of His
Childhood, 113
The Psychopathology of Everyday Life,
Standard Edition of Sigmund Freud, 101
See also psychoanalysis
Fromentin, Eugène, 134,135
Fromm, Erich, loi, 104
Fry, Roger, 7,15,16, 20-24,124,135
Transformations, 21
Garland, Robert, drawing of Chartres
Cathedral, 31-32,31
Geisteswissenschaften, 7, 41
Géricault, Théodore: The Raft of the
Medusa, 76
Gestalt psychology, 3, 7,15, 22—28, 32—33,
36, 37, 43-44. HS. 171
Ginsberg, Allen, 5
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 150
Goldstein, Kurt, 9,142-51,156,160-62
Der Aufbau des Organismus, 145,148
Festschrift of, 151
"On Naming and Pseudonaming: From
Experiences in Psychopathology,"
personal history, 160-61
"The Significance of the Mind-Body
Problem for Medical Practice," 149
Gombrich, Ernst, 6, 7, 15, 17, 28-34, n4
Art and Illusion, 30-31
"Botticelli's Mythologies," 28
"In Search of Cultural History," 94
Story of Art, 34
Goodman, Nelson, 156-57
Languages of Art, 157
Great Depression, 59, 66 ("world crisis of
1929"), 193Ш
Greenberg, Clement, 20, 23,105,119-21
"American Type Painting," 121
"The New Figurative Painting" (1953
panel), 120-21
Guilbaut, Serge, 140
Haidane, J. B. S., 54
Harvard University, 3, 124,125, 126
Hegel, G. W. F., 67, 94
Heidegger, Martin, 9, 15,142-44,148-49,
Nazism, affiliation with, 160
"On the Origin of the Work of Art,"
I5i-I55> 157-62
Hemingway, Andrew, 61,193Ш6
hermeneutics, 178, 189-90
Hindu art, 6, 84, 86
See also South Asian art
248 i Index
Hiss, Alger. See Hiss-Chambers affair
Hiss-Chambers affair, 72
Hollinger, David, and Charles Capper:
The American Intellectual Tradition,
Hook, Sidney, 45, 57-58, 67, 68, 71
Towards an Understanding of Karl Marx,
Horkheimer, Max, 68
I Tatti. See Berenson, Bernard: I Tatti
Immigration Act of 1924 (US), 127
impressionism. See French impressionism
Indian art. See South Asian art
Institute for Advanced Study (Princeton
University), 3
International Symposium of Anthropology,
See also Schapiro, Meyer: debate with
Claude Lévi-Strauss
Jakobson, Roman, 145,148,164,169,175
James, William, 106-8,111-12,124,
127-28,179 :
Varieties of Religious Experience, 148
Jay, Martin, 71,105
John Reed Club, 61
Journal of the History ofIdeas, 101,190
Judaic art, 105,181-82
Judd, Donald, 5,165,172-73,178
Jung, Carl, 105
Kant, Immanuel, 29
Kaprów, Allan, 5
Kierkegaard, Soren, 148
Klein, Melanie, 109, in
object relations, theory of, 112
Koerner, Joseph, 143
Koffka, Kurt, 22, 24
Köhler, Wolfgang, 22, 24
Korsch, Karl, 67
Krauss, Rosalind, 121,186
Kritische Berichte, 38
Kroiz, Lauren, 99
Kuhn, Thomas: The Structure of Scientific
Revolutions, 45
Kunstwissenschaftliche Forschungen, 12, 44
See also Schapiro, Meyer: review of
Kunstwissenschaftliche Forschungen
Kwait, John. See Schapiro, Meyer: John
Kwait (pseudonym of)
Lacan, Jacques, 185, 205П62
unconscious mind, model of, 118
Laurentian Library, Florence, 127
Lebensphilosophie, 43
Lebensztejn, Jean-Claude, 184—85
translation of Schapiro's "Field and
Vehicle in Image Signs," 185
Léger, Fernand, I, 10,192Ш
Lenin, Vladimir, 69, 71
Materialism andEmpirio-Criticism, 58,
Leonardo da Vinci, 8, 101, 115,127
The Virgin, Child, and St. Anne, 113,115
Levey, Harry, 115
Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 6, 9,164—65,
The Elementary Structures of Kinship, 169
See also Schapiro, Meyer: debate with
Claude Lévi-Strauss
Life Magazine. See Museum of Modern
Art: Roundtable
Linguistic Circle of New York, 144-45,165
Loran, Erie, 28
Löwy, Emanuel, 7,15,16-20, 30, 90,121
The Rendering of Nature in Early Greek
Art, 17-20
Lukacs, Georg, 63
Mâle, Emile, 16
Marcuse, Herbert: Eros and Civilization,
Marin, Louis, 186
Martin, Charles, 134-35
Marx, Karl, 60, 68-69, 71. n3. VA-Capital,
See also Communist Manifesto;
Marxism, 2, 3, 7,15,16, 34, 57-81,104
See also Marx, Karl; Communist Manifesto;
Communism; Marxist
Quarterly; New Left; Schapiro,
Meyer: Marxist approach of
Marxist Quarterly, 61,190
Index / 249
Masson, André: The Anatomy of My
Universe, 148
mathematics and the visual arts, 9, 94-95,
See also Schapiro, Meyer: "law of spatio-temporal
Matisse, Henri, 3,17
McCarthy, Joseph (US Senator), 72
Mead, George Herbert, 103, 116-18,149,
Medici palace, Florence, 127
medieval art, study of, 3,14,16, 82, 84, 86,
92, 104,155,190
See abo names of individual sites and
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, 134,171
Merode Altarpiece (by Robert Campin),
Metz, Christian: Film Language—A Semiotics
of Cinema, 176
Michelson, Annette, 186
Middle Ages. See medieval art, study of
minimalism, 165,172-73
See also Judd, Donald
modernism, 2, 6, 8, 20-22, 58-59, 28, 83,
93, 95, 96-100,118,121,128,140,190
Moissac, abbey of: 14,18, 21, 23, 24, 32, 33
See also Schapiro, Meyer: The Romanesque
Sculpture of Moissac
Morelli, Giovanni, 127,139-40
Morgan Library, 1
Morris, Charles W., 9,164, 168-69,179,
"Esthetics and the Theory of Signs," 168
Foundations of the Theory of Signs, 179
Morris, William, 86
Moscow show trials, 61, 77
Moses battling the Amelekites, artistic
depictions of, 163,179-83,181,182,18}
Motherwell, Robert, 1, 8, 97
Mozac, Abbey of Saint-Pierre,
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 82, 98-99
Museum of Modern Art, New York, 61,
Roundtable on Modern Art (1948), 102,
"What Abstract Art Means to Me" (1951
symposium), 120
See also Cubism and Abstract Art
Nagel, Ernest, 53, 68, 94,114—15
National Socialism, 37
See also Nazism
naturalism in art, 17-30, 34, 67, 68, 71,
80-81, 85-89, 93,113,128
Naturwissenschaften, 7, 41
Nazism, 130,160, 169
See also National Socialism
Nesbit, Molly, 189,193Ш9
Neurath, Otto, 45
See also Encyclopedia of the Unified
Sciences-, Schapiro, Meyer: "law of
spatiotemporal constants"
New Left, 81
New Masses, 61
New School of Social Research (New
York), 25, 48,145,169
New Vienna School of Art History, 7,
"law of the frame," 41-42
New York Call, 59,103
New York Psychoanalytic Society, 106
New York Times, 2, 4
New York University, 106,114
Newman, Barnett, 1, 165,171-72,178
Dionysius, 173
zip paintings, 6, 9, 171
nonobjective painting. See abstract art
Norman, Dorothy, 98
Novotny, Fritz, 37, 52
Cézanne und das Ende der wissenschaftliche
Perspektive, 50-51
Occam's Razor, 17
Pacht, Otto, 35, 37-38, 49
Panofsky, Erwin, 1,166
Studies in Iconology, 165
Paris International Exhibition (1937), 75
Partisan Review, 3, 57,150
Peirce, Charles Sanders, 9,117,163,
Pentecost, artistic depictions of, 155-56,
156, IS7, 159
Persinger, Cynthia, 193Ш9
Pfister, Oskar, 115-16
250 / Index
Phillips, William, 3
photography, 98-99
See also Berenson, Bernard: use of
photographs; Stieglitz, Alfred
Picasso, Pablo, 60, 74-75, 79
Girl Before A Minor, 80,105,106
Guernica, 6, 7,58-59, 66, 75-81, 76, 77
mural of Icarus for UNESCO headquarters,
5 6
Popper, Karl, 29-30
Port Royal writers, 166
Porter, Arthur Kingsley, 16
Festschrift of, 1)8
positivism, 7, 26, 43, 45-46, 53, 67, 93-94,
See also empiricism; pragmatism
poststructuralism, 16, 46,162,177
pragmatics (branch of semiotics), 180,183
See abo semiotics
pragmatism, 45, 59, 71-72, 80,102-3,106,
See also Berenson, Bernard; Dewey,
John; empiricism; Nesbit, Molly;
positivism; Schapiro, Meyer: pragmatism
Prague school of linguistics, 169
Princeton University, 127
See abo Institute for Advanced Study
psychoanalysis, 2, 3,101-18,147
libido, theory of, 104-5
preconscious, theory of, 115
repression, theory of, 108
sublimation, theory of, 103,114-15
See also Freud, Sigmund; Jung, Carl;
Klein, Melanie; Lacan, Jacques;
New York Psychoanalytic Society
psychology. See psychoanalysis
See also Freud, Sigmund; Gestalt
psychology; Jung, Carl
Putnam, Hilary, 141, 207П51
Rank, Otto: Der Kunstler, 104
Rapaport, David, 101
Raphael, Max, 7, 57-60, 65-67, 77-79,
Zur Erkenntnis Theorie der konkreten
Dialektik, 67
Reichenau Lectionary, i$6
Richter, Jean-Paul, 127
Rothko, Mark, 9,165,171-73,178
Untitled (National Gallery), 172
Rubens, Peter Paul
Descent from the Cross, 135,1)6
Meyer Schapiro's analytical
diagram of, 1)7
Rude, François: The Marseillaise, 76
Ruskin, John, 86
Russell, Bertrand, 54
Russian Revolution, 73,103
Samuels, Ernest, 131
Sandler, Irving, 4-5
Saussure, Ferdinand de, 163,166-70,
Course in General Linguistics, 168, 170,
Schapiro, Meyer
"Aesthetics of Perception" (unpublished
typescript), 23
"The Apples of Cézanne," 102—3, n4> IJ6
"Art in the Contemporary World,"
artwork by, 125,126, 133-38
artistic training of, 134—35
analytical drawings of, 135—36,
1)7,1)8,140,171,173-74' I74>
177-78; analytic diagram of
Peter Paul Rubens s The Descent
from the Cross, 1)7; diagram of
the relief of Theophilus, 1)8;
diagrams from An Appraisal of
Anthropology Today, 171,174>
caricature of Bernard Berenson, 126
Icarus, 5$, 56
"Cain's Jawbone That Did the First
Murder," 165-66
class issues and, 16, 63-65, 75,12.5
"Courbet and Popular Imagery: An
Essay on Realism and Naivete,"
57-58, 65-66, 78
course on theories and methods of art
(1975). 144,155.162
(1963), 178-79
Index / 251
concept of design and, 21-22, 37
visit to studio of Willem de Kooning in
1953,103,118-22, 205П63
"Field and Vehicle in Image Signs," 185
"The Fine Arts and the Unity of
Mankind," 93, 96
"The Frescoes of Castelseprio," 10
"From Romanesque to Mozarabic in
Silos," 102,103,105
"Further Notes on Freud and Leonardo",
"Further Notes on Heidegger and Van
Gogh," 163
"Humanism and Science: The Concept
of the Two Half-Cultures," 47
"The Image of the Disappearing
Christ," 166
influence of, 4-5,184-85
interdisciplinary of, 10
Judaism of, 14, 16, 57, 59, 124,131
John Kwait (pseudonym of), 61, 72
"The Social Bases of Art," 61,
62-64, 72
"law of spatiotemporal constants," 46
"Leonardo and Freud: An Art-Historical
Study," 101-3, 112,115-18
debate with Claude Lévi-Strauss
at the International Symposium of
Anthropology (1952), 164,165,
via correspondence, 176
Marxist approach of, 43, 45, 55-56,
57-81, 82, 88-91, 102,104,107-8,
113,115,123,133-34,140, 147, 188,
master's thesis of, 84
"Mr. Berenson's Values," 123-24,141
'"Muscipula Diaboli': The Symbolism of
the Merode Altarpiece," 165-66
"The Nature of Abstract Art," 61,
62-64, 71. 96
"On Dialectics" (unpublished typescript),
"On Geometrical Schematism in
Romanesque Art" (review of Jurgis
Baltruśaitis, La stylistique ornementale
dans la sculpture romane), 36,
"On Perfection, Coherence, and Unity
of Form and Content," 133
"On Some Problems in the Semiotics
of Visual Art: Field and Vehicle in
Image-Signs," 164,176,177—79
"On the Aesthetic Attitude in Romanesque
Art," 82-83, 92
"On the Liberating Quality of the
Avant-Garde," 74
overview of scholarship, 1-3,188-91
Paul Cézanne, 109-10
personal history, 14, 16, 59,125,134
"Philosophy and Worldview in Painting,"
unpublished essay on Pablo Picasso, 56
"The Present State of Art History"
(lecture), 100
"Religion and Intellectuals," 150
"The Religious Meaning of the Ruth-well
Cross," 165
reviews by
Bernard Berenson, Aesthetics and
History in the Visual Arts and
Sketch for a Self-Portrait, 128-32
G. V. Plekhanov, Art and Society, 67
Kunstwissenschaftliche Forschungen,
35-37. 40. 43. 44. 47. Sh 53
Modern Art in the United States
(Tate Gallery), 121
Romanesque Sculpture ofMoissac (dissertation),
14-15,16,17-20, 21, 59-60, 84
scholarly training of, 3,12
"The Sculptures of Souillac," 136, 138
Selected Papers, 64
"The Sources of Pragmatism" (unfinished
essay), 71
"The Still Life as a Personal Object—A
Note on Heidegger and Van Gogh"
on still-life painting, 114,116-17,142 (see
also van Gogh, Vincent, Shoes)
"Style," 19
"Two Legends of the Invention of
Flying," 47, 53-56
"Two Slips of Leonardo and One of
Freud," 113
"The Value of Modern Art" (lecture),
19-20, 73-74
252 / Index
Schapiro, Meyer {continued)
Words and Pictures: On the Literal and
Symbolic in the Illustration of a Text,
work habits, 11
See also Columbia University, Schapiro
Schefer, Jean-Louis: Scénographie d'un
tableau, 176-77
schematics, 30, 37, 39
Schilder, Paul, 102,105
as a methodological approach, 29-30,
34, 40-41, 43-47. 49. 54. 58. 66-68,
81, 89, 93,150-51,185
philosophy of, 3, 29-30, 34
of ancient Greece (see Löwy, Emanuel:
The Rendering of Nature in Early
Greek Art)
of ancient Mesopotamia, 21
МогагаЫс, 6o (see also Schapiro, Meyer:
"From Romanesque to Mozarabic
in Silos"; Silos)
of ancient Persia, 89-90, 90
Romanesque, 60,103-4,121-22,122,138
(see also Moissac, Abbey of; Schapiro,
Meyer: "From Romanesque
to Mozarabic in Silos"; Schapiro,
Meyer: The Romanesque Sculpture
of Moissac-, Silos; Souillac, Abbey
Church of Sainte-Marie; Vézelay,
A b b e y o f )
Second International, 67,108
Second Vienna School. See New Vienna
Second World War. See World War II
Sedlmayr, Hans, 35-38, 44-45
on Pieter Bruegel the Elder, 48-51,52-53
Verlust der Mitte, 51
"Zu einer strengen Kunstwissenschaft,"
Semiótica, 190
semiotics, 2, 3, 9,144,155,163-87,188
See also Bai, Mieke; Barthes, Roland;
Bryson, Norman; "Communication
and the Theory of Signs"; Damisch,
Hubert; Didi-Huberman, Georges;
Jakobson, Roman; Krauss, Rosalind;
Lévi-Strauss, Claude; Linguistic
Circle of New York; Marin,
Louis; Metz, Christian; Michelson,
Annette; Morris, Charles W.; Peirce,
Charles Sanders; Port Royal writers;
Saussure, Ferdinand de; Schefer,
Jean-Louis; Semiótica
Silos, Abbey of Santo Domingo de, 60,
Sloan, John, 134
Snow, C. P., 7, 47-48
See also New School of Social Research
socialism, 28, 34, 55-56, 57, 59, 67, 73-76,
86, 91,103,123
See also Communism; Marxism; Second
Souillac, Abbey Church of Sainte-Marie,
25, 32, 33,122,136,138
See also Schapiro, Meyer: "The Sculptures
of Souillac"
South Asian art, 84-87, 8j, 99
Soutine, Chaim: Chartres Cathedral, 32,33
Soviet Union, 56, 61, 64, 72, 75, 77-78
Spanish Civil War, 75, 97
Spinoza, Baruch, 129—31
Stalin, Joseph, 61, 70, 78,123,128,141
Dialectical and Historical Materialism, 58
Stieglitz, Alfred, 97, 98
Camera Work, 98
Georgia O'Keeffe: A Portrait, çç
still-life painting. See Schapiro, Meyer: on
still-life painting
Stokes, Adrian, 109-10,112
structuralism, 9,164,163-87
See also poststructuralism
Strukturforschung, 36, 37, 50
Strzygowski, Josef, 37
style, theories of, 7,14-19, 30-34, 40-41,
46, 65, 75, 83, 90-91,113,169,175-76
See also Schapiro, Meyer: "Style"
Thomas, Kerstin, 109,193Ш9
Trotsky, Leon, 69, 71, 78
See also Dewey Commission
Trubetzkoy, Nikolai: Principles of Phonology,
Two Cultures debate, 36-37, 47, 48, 53
Index / 253
universalizing theory of art, 29, 74, 83-84,
91, 95-96, 98,121
Van Gogh, Vincent, 3, 6, 102-3, 108-9,
116, 139,142-44, 147-48,151
mental condition of, 147,160
Shoes ("Old Shoes"), 9,143,152-62, щ
Wheat Field with Rising Sun, юр
Vézelay, Abbey of, 39-40, 40
Vico, Giambattista, 107-8
Vienna, Austria, 17
See also New Vienna School
Vietnam War, 80
Warburg Institute, London, 28
Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld
Institutes, 57
Weltanschauungen, 37, 94
Wertheimer, Max: 7,15, 22, 24-28,171
Western bias, in art history, 8, 83-84,
White, Morton, 3, 69
William Alanson White Institute (New
York): 8,103,115
Windelband, Wilhelm, 41, 49
Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 133-34, 144
Worcester Psalter, 757
World War 1,54
World War II, 28, 57-58, 72,101
See also Nazism
Wright, Willard Huntington, 135
Yeats, William Butler: "An Irish Airman
Foresees His Death," 54
Zerner, Henri, 3