Page numbers in italics refer to figures and page numbers with n refer to notes.
acceleration 145,146,152
Aestheticism 24
aged effect 13
aging 95,148,150
AIDS crisis 103
Aisslinger, Werner 147
Alexander, Melanie Cable 147
algorithms 97,157
Amazon Internet store 174-5
Amazon Kindle 116,169, 170,174,175,
Anderson, Benedict 47, 49n.2
Anderson, Laurie 18
annihilation of space and time 123
Antelope chair 93-4
Apple Watch 125
Apuleius, Lucius 27
Archigram's Plug-In City project 131-9
Archival Project 131
self-destroying, self-building system 132-4
vs. Fun Palace 134,136
Architect and Building News 85
architectural modularism 131-40
architect intent vs. materiality 12
building-in-the-making 12
chaîne opératoire 12-13, 15
and interior design for speed 120-1
Renaissance architecture 12
stereotomy 12
temporal scale 11
archivization 47, 91, 99
Arnadottir, Thoron 164,167П.22
Arte e Indústrias Populares (Popular Arts and
Industries) 68
The Art of Decoration (H. R. Haweis) 108
Arts and Crafts movement 26,115,121,161
Ascott, Roy 134
Ash, Timothy Garton 52, 61n.3
Ashby, Thomas 85
Ashmole, Bernard 81-2, 85, 89, 89n.6,
89n.9, 90n.6
Atomic Age 95, 97, 98
Aufarbeitung 51-3, 56, 61
Aufbau der Republik 54,55
Aufstieg und Fall der Moderne 53
Augé, Marc 172
avant-garde 4,131,151, 159,173, 175-8
Baas, Maarten 157, 163
Bailey, John 39
Balcerowski, Thomas 59
ball-and-rod objects 91-100,101 n.11
on eBay (see eBay)
molecular or atomic furnishings 93-5
Woolworths magazine racks 91-2,
92, 95
Banham, Reyner 88,158,166n.5
Barcelos cock 78n.10, 78n.17
Beaux-Arts 82, 86, 87, 88
Beck, Flenry C. (Harry) 114, 123
Beesley, Philip 139
Benjamin, Walter 106,111 n.12,111 n.13
Bergson, Henri 138
Berlin Marzahn 59
Berlin Wall 48
Bey, Jurgen 143
'Beyond Architecture' 136-8, 137
Bezos, Jeff 169
Bilderstreit 53
Black, Misha 121
Bladerunner (1982) 158
blinkenlights 58
Boyer, Dominic 48, 49n.4
Brand, Stewart 115,116n.4,116n.7,160
British School at Rome (BSR) 81, 85, 90n.4
Campidoglío 81
capitalism 3,65,105,144-5
cartes-de-visite 97
Carvalho, Brandâo de 73
Catholic Apostolic Church, Traquair works in
24, 26, 27
Certeau, Michel de 5,119,121,127,
chaîne opératoire 12-13,15
Chair Farm 147-50,148,149
Chalk, Warren 131
Challis, Tom 125
Chapman, Priscilla 134
chrononormativity 49,105,110
City Within Existing Technology 132
The Clock of the Long Now (Stewart Brand)
114,115,116П.4,160-1, 167П.12
clock time 3, 5,9, 38,157
digital 5,119
incense 164
invention of 2
Sasa Clock 164
Schipol Clock 157
Cold War propaganda 54, 56
collective memory 48
collectors' guides 96-8
Come-Go Project 132
Connell, Amyas Douglas 48
and Ashmole, Bernard 81-2
Campidoglio 81
High and Over (see High and Over)
contemporary 173
contemporary social theory 138,140
Cook, Peter 131,132,136,138,148
Archigram's Plug-In City 131-2
Come-Go Project 132
metal housing cabin 132
Council of Industrial Design (ColD) 93
counterculture 115,147
counter-narratives 56-7
Country Life 86
Crompton, Dennis 131
Crooks, Daniel 41
Cuckoo Clock (Michael Sans) 164,
Cvetkovich, Anne 106
cybernetics 131-40
cybernetics committee 134,139
cyclical time 23
Dant, Tim 174
Darwin, Charles 23, 25
data 18, 97, 104, 114, 126,138-40,165
de Barros, Leitao 68, 78n.12
deceleration 146-7,149,152,154
Deep Time 10, 23
defuturing 171,173
Dell, Robert 125,126
Der Mensch gestaltet seine Welt 58-9,59
Derrida, Jacques 99
Design and Emotion Society 164
design ethnography 164
de Wolfe, Elsie 107
digital archive 97-9
digital clock 5,119
Digital Hadrian's Villa Project 19-20,20,
Digital Karnak Project 19, 21 n. 19
digital media 5,169
digital time compression 166
Dinner Delight (Droog) 162,163
Dinner Delight 162,163
Slow Fast Food 161
Droog design 143,157,161
Drucker, Johanna 175
Dunne, Anthony 159,167n.8,171,180n.13
Dunne, John W. 85, 86, 90n.16
dwell time 127
East Germany. See German Democratic
Republic (GDR)
'Eames' style 97,100
eBay (online auction site) 48-9, 92, 98
Edensor, Tim 47, 49n.3
Edgerton, David 98, 102П.26
Edinburgh Social Union 26-7
Emergence: The Connected Lives of Ants,
Brains, Cities and Software (Steven
Johnson) 160
Emmons, Paul 16
ephemerality 5,10,104-6,109,113-14
Erlandson, Axel 147
evolutionary theory 25, 25-6
Falke, Jacob von 107,111 n.18
Ferro, Antonio 67-8, 73, 78n.19, 79n.23
Festival of Britain 88, 93, 98
Figgis, Thomas Phillips 121
Fliegel, Sigbert 59
192 index
flow 120, 143, 146, 151, 157, 165
Ford, Harry Wharf on 121,123
formalism 86, 86-8, 88
Formanek, Mark 163
fossil fish drawing 25, 25-6
Freeman, Elizabeth 49, 50n.9,105,110n.8
free time 5
From Models to Drawings 16
Fry, Tony 171
Fun Palace project 131, 134-9, 135
brochure for 134, 135
'events in time rather than objects in
space' 134-6
vs. Plug-In City 134-6
futuring 171
Geddes, Patrick 26-7
Gell, Alfred 171
German Democratic Republic (GDR) 48
Ghan Express 35-44
Gimeno-Martinez, J. 75, 77n.3, 79n.24
Go S/ow (Droog) 162,163, 167n.15
Gray, Eileen 110, 111 n.31
Great Southern Rail 36, 41
Green, Leslie 121, 122, 122
Greenberg, Cara 96,101n.16
Greene, David 131,132
Griffin, Roger 65, 77n.2
grown chairs 147
Guévrékian, Gabriel 81
Guixé, Martí 164
Hassan, Robert 117n.9
Haus des Lehrers 58
Herron, Ron 131
heteronormative time 49
Higgins, Stanley 125
High and Over 48
in Architect and Building News 85, 86
Architectural Association Journal 88
architectural modernism 86-7
Beaux-Arts 82, 86, 87, 88
in Country Life 86
Le Corbusier 86-7
Robertson, Howard 85-6,86,90n.15
Smithson, Peter 88
Van der Rohe, Mies 86-7
Ward, Basil 88
historical time 2, 35
historiography 2,13,103,105,140n.3
A History of Modern Architecture (Jürgen
Joedecke) 82
history of science 25-6, 33, 93, 98,100
Holden, Charles 121, 124,125
homogenous empty time 3, 47
How Buildings Learn (Stewart Brand) 115,
How to Thrive in the Next Economy (John
Thackara) 160
Hunt, William Holman 24
Huxley, T. H. 23, 25
incense clock 164
Ingold, Tim 12, 14, 21n.5-6
intelligent architecture 139
interactor, VE 15-19
interior decoration 103,106-10
Interior Decorator 108
Iron Man sculpture 40, 40
Johnson, Steven 160
Johnston, Edward 123
Jordanova, Ludmilla 100
Jordheim, Helge 172
Journal of Interior Design 103
'journey beyond' slogan 36
Julier, Guy 151
Kaiser, Joseph 57, 59
Kerbel, Lev 59
A Key to Modern Architecture (F. R. S. Yorke
and Colin Penn) 87
Khan, Omar 139
Kindle, design 175-8
Kindle store 176
e-book files 176
e-book reader 177
Kowalczuk, Ilko-Sascha 52,61 n.4
Labrague, Michelle 115,117n.8
Lees-Maffei, Grace 151,155n.28
leisure time 4-5
Le Modulor 86-7
Lenin statue removal 53-4
Lingner, Max 54, 55, 56
Littlewood, Joan 134, 135, 136
Living Arts Magazine 132
Living City exhibition 132,141n.6
London Transport 123, 125,126
London Underground system 114,119,123
Index 193
Long Now Clock, The 114,157,160-1,163
Long Now Foundation (Stewart Brand) 160
Makkink, Rianne 143
Makkink & Bey studio 143, 144
man in a clock 157,166
Manzini, Ezio 160
maps 119,165
Massive Change (2004) 159
Matthews, Stanley 134,138
metadata 97
metal housing cabin 132
The Metropolis and Mental Life (Georg
Simmel) 146
Minutes service 143,144
Mittlg, Hans 54, 62n.16
Mod, Craig 175
modernism, post-war 58, 88,
modernity 35, 41,65, 77,106,115,124,
mood 104-6
Morris, Sir Cedric 105
Morris, William 10, 24, 25, 26,161
multi-temporality 172,178
Muñoz, José Esteban 104,106,110n.4
Munro, Gavin 147-8,151
narrativization 92-3, 95,98, 99
national identity 47, 52, 54, 65, 66, 77n.3.
See also Barcelos cock; German
Democratic Republic (GDR); Portuguese
decorative rustic style
neo-futurism 131,139
network time 5, 47,115-16
Neubert, Willi 59, 60, 63n.26
Newby, Frank 134
New Yorker 109
non-synchronic time 116,172
Nordau, Max 108
nostalgia 10, 52, 56,172-3
Nottingham Shopping Centre Project 132,
Nuvomedia Rocket Book 176,177
obsolescence 113,133,146,148
O'clock: Time Design, Design Time 163,
Officináé Armorum 84, 85
Olaio 74, 76
The One-Way Ticket 158,159,166n.6
On the Origin of Species
(Charles Darwin) 23
optimism xiii, 54,139
organic time 147-50
Ostalgie 52, 56
Ostmoderne 58
Otto, Ton 171,178
Palladio villa 18
Paolozzi, Eduardo 121, 128n.7
Parsons, Frank Alvah 107,111 n.20
Pask, Gordon 134,138-9,141n.29
passimeters 124, 125
Pater, Walter 30-1
Peters, John Durham
The Marvellous Clouds: A Philosophy of
Elemental Media 160
Petra recreation 17, 77
Petrini, Carlo 161
Phantom Ride (Daniel Crooks) 41,42
Phillips, Bill 165
Phoebe Anna Traquair. See Traquair, Phoebe
Pick, Frank 123
Piranesi, Giovanni Battista 13-14, 48, 83-5,
84, 88, 90П.12
Platform Hustler 126
Plug-In City 132-4, 133,136
polyrhythmic temporalities 3
Popper, Joseph 158
The One-Way Ticket 158, 159,166n.6
post-unification Germany. See German
Democratic Republic (GDR)
presentism 174-5
present shock 157,166
Price, Cedric 131, 134,136,138
Prima parte di architetture e prospettive
(Piranesi) 83
Programme Machines 125-6, 726
Protestant work ethic 3
Proust, Marcel 124,164
public history 52, 92, 99-100
Punch 109
queer futurity 104
queer identity 105
queer theory 49,103-4
Muñoz, José Esteban 104,106,110n.4
queer time 49
194 index
Raby, Fiona 159,167n,8
Race, Ernest 93
railway time 38,113, 115
real-time 126, 129n.18, 157
Rentsch, Lothar 51
retro 48, 91-3, 95-9, 100n.2, 172, 173, 176
See also eBay
Robertson, Howard 85-6, 90П.15
Rocket Book 174, 176, 177
Rosa, Hartmut 113,116n.1, 144, 145,146,
152, 154П.З, 154П.4
Ross, David Blair 165-6,168n.28
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel 24, 31-2, 34n.7
Rothschild, Dorothy 108, 111 n.24,111 n.26
Riippel, Wolfgang 54, 56
Rushkoff, Douglas 157
Sadler, Simon 115, 116n.5, 141n.8
Salazar, Antonio Oliveira 68
Samuel, Raphael 99
Sanders, Joel 103
Sant'Elia, Antonio 158
Sasa Clock 164,167n.22
Schatzki, Theodore 138
Schiphol clock 157,163,166
Schivelbusch, Wolfgang 113,116n.2,119,
123, 127, 128n.3, 128П.13, 128n.17
Schmitt, Bernd 173, 180n.21
second-hand objects 91-2, 98-9
Second Law of Thermodynamics 23
secular thought 3, 47,145
serialism 85
Shadowplay 163,164
Silver Lining (David Blair Ross) 765,165-6,
Simmel, Georg 146
Simonson, Alex 173, 180n.21
slow design 115,151,161-3
as symbolic consumption 152-4
slow eating 157
slow fashion 146
Slow Fast Food (Droog) 161,167n.14
slow food 146
slow food movement 161
slow furniture 144,146-7,150-1
slow living 161,162, 166
Smithson, Peter 88
socialism 48, 51,58
Speculative Everything: Design, Fiction and
Social Dreaming 159
speed 1, 5, 6, 41,113-14,119-27,136,
Spencer, Herbert 26
The Sphere and the Labyrinth: Avant-Gardes
and Architecture from Piranesi to the
1970s (Manfredo Tafuri) 85
standardized time 125
Standard Time (2007) 163
stargazing 37, 41
Starkenburg, Christien 151,153
stereotomy 12,16
Stuart, Captain Charles 38-9
Stuart, John McDouall 38
sustainable everyday project (Ezio Manzini)
sustenance components 133
Swedish Pompeii Project 18-19, 79, 21n.18
synchronicity 172-3
syncretism 32-3
Tafuri, Manfredo 85
Taut, Max 82
technological acceleration 113,145-6
technological innovation 145
temporality 5,114,115
temporal markers 170-1
Thackara, John
How to Thrive in the Next Economy 160
theory of conversation 138
thick time 9-10
Thompson, E. P. 2-3, 7n.5, 34n.2
Thompson, Michael 48, 49n.5
Thomson, Stewart Lloyd 83
Thomson, William 23
clock time 3, 5,157 (see clock time)
commodified time 3
cyclical time 23
Deep Time 23
dwell time 127
economy of time 152
free time 5
heteronormative time 49
historical time 2,35
homogenous empty time 47
leisure time 4-5
non-synchronlc time 116,172
organic time 147-50
queer time 49
railway time 38,113,115
Index 195
real-time 126,129n.18,157
standardized time 125
thick time 9-10
time (zone) change 38
time compression 166,174-5,178-9
timelessness 6, 9-11, 39,49,151,173
time pressure paradox 113-14
Time to Eat (Martí Guixé) 164
Tower Hili Underground station 120
traits 12,16
Traquair, Phoebe Anna 10
Cupid the Earth Upholder 28,29,30
embroidery work 30-1
evolutionary theory, artistic work on 25,
fossil fish drawing 25, 25-6
The Golden Ass 27
mural paintings 24, 26, 27
Pietâ 30
Progress of the Soul 31
Psyche Cup 27-8, 28
Red Crosse Knight 30
social evolution 26-7
spiritual evolution 27-30
syncretism 32-3
Willowwood 31-2
Willowwood Piano 32-3,33
tree shaping 147-9
Trodd, Zoe 95,100n.7
tube map 114
2001: A Space Odyssey 159
Uluru 40, 41
Unger, Frank 52
unofficial archive 94, 99
The Upholsterer 108
Utopian ideas 3-4, 75, 110n.4,147-9,157,
166, 177
Van der Rohe, Mies 86-7
Verne, Jules 158
Vers Une Architecture (Corbusier) 82
virtual environments (VEs) 10
Digital Hadrian's Villa Project 19-20,20
Digital Karnak Project 19
Swedish Pompeii Project 18-19, 19
Vogelzang, Marije 163
Wajcman, Judy 113,116n.2
Ward, Basil Robert 81-2, 88, 90n.19
Webb, Michael 131
Wells, H. G. 158
Wheeler, Candice 107,108,111 n.17,
Whole Earth Catalog (1968-1972) 115,
Williams, Raymond 109
Williams, R, M. 36
Wodiczko, Krzyszstof 54
Wolfe, Elsie de 107,111n. 19
Womacka, Walter 58-9, 59
Yeats, W. B. 23
198 Index