291 Gallery, ioi, 105
Abby Aldrich Rockefeller
Sculpture Garden, 233
Abe, Shuya, 152,161,172
Abramovitz, Max, 234, 236
Abstract Expressionism, 14,
16, 236, 253-54, 260
Abstraction, 30, 41
Ace Gallery, 43
Action music, 158
Action painting, 60,158
African sculpture, 251, 262
AG Gallery, 158-59
Allen, Sam, 255
Alston, Charles, 249-51
American Academy and
Institute of Arts and
Letters, 244
An American Place, 101
American Symphony
Orchestra, 163,169
American Theatre Laboratory,
Amon Carter Museum of
Western Art, 234
Amos, Emma, 261
Amram, David, 71
Anderson, Ed, 201, 208
Anderson, Robyn, 123,130,138
Anderson Theater, 115,126
Andrews, Julie, 13
Andrews, Raymond, 134-35,
Andringa, Mel, 134,140,143,
Anger, Kenneth, 62, 68, 75, 77
Anthology Film Archives, 62,
88, 90
anti-formal soft sculptures, 236
Antonioni, Michelangelo, 89
Apollo Theatre, 253
Architectural League, 218
Arendt, Hannah, 257
Arje, Dan, 10
Arman, 186
Armory Show, 105
Armour Institute, 221
Armstrong, Louis, 243, 267
Artaud, Antonin, 144
Art Institute of Chicago,
Art Museum of South Texas,
Corpus Christi, 236
Art Students League, New
York, 41, 96-97, 248-49
Ashley, George, 117,126,133,
Astor Place Playhouse, 82
Atwood, David, 173
Augustus, 237
avant-garde, 68, 75,176
Avery Fisher Hall, 213, 234
Ay-o, 164
Baillie, Bruce, 80
Baldwin, James, 254
Ballatore, Spirito, 203, 211
Ballatore, Mrs. Spirito, 203
Bannarn, Henry, 249-50
Barnes, Clive, 129
Barnes, Edward Larrabee,
Barr, Alfred, 216-19, 229
Barr, Marga, 225
Barr, Margaret. See Scolari,
Barrault, Jean Louis, 141
Barry, Iris, 217
Barzyk, Fred, 170-72
Bates, Ad, 249, 250
Battista, Vito, 222
Bauermeister, Mary, 157,
Bauhaus, 227, 237
Baziotes, William, 253
Bearden, Bessye J., 246-47,
Bearden, Howard, 247, 260
Bearden, Nanette, 244, 260-61
Bearden, Romare, 243-67
Bechet, Sidney, 255
Beck, Julian, 68
Beck, Stephen, 172
Bellamy, Richard, 17, 71
Bement, Alon, 97,112
Benton, Thomas Hart, 251
Beretta, Alice, 97-98
Berlin, Irving, 257
Bernier, Rosamund. See
Russell, Rosamund
Bethune, Mary, 247
Beuys, Joseph, 166
Bielefeld Art Gallery, 234
Bischofberger, Bruno, 29
Blackburn, Alan R., Jr., 219
Bleecker Street Cinema, 137
Bliss, Lillie P., 223
Blücher, Heinrich, 257
Blum, Irving, 18
Boccherini Players, 163
Böcklin, Arnold, 226
Bodley Gallery, 14,16
Bodovitz, Joseph, 197,
Bonnier, Peder, 180-81, 207
Boston Symphony, 174
Bourgeois, René, 187
Brakhage, Stan, 60-62, 73, 77,
80, 85, 89
Brancusi, Constantin, 31, 39,
Brecht, Bertolt, 148
Brecht, George, 159,164
Brecht, Mary, 148
Brecht, Stefan, 148
Breer, Robert, 60
Brett, Dorothy, 107
Breuer, Marcel, 221-22, 227
Brochstein, I. S., 232
Brock, Bazon, 166
Bronfman, Samuel, 229-30
Brooklyn Academy of Music,
Broughton, James, 68, 89
Brown, Denise Scott, 236
Brown, Kenneth, 78
Bruce, Lenny, 169
Bruegel, 248
Bruhn, Lester, 199
Bry, Doris, 96
Buchanan, Charles, 250
Bunshaft, Gordon, 233
Buñuel, Luis, 68
Burchfield, Ritty, 138
Burgee, John, 212-15, 230-32,
234, 237> 239-40
Burian, Emil Frantiśek, 185
Burton, Will, 8
Buru, Uri, 29
Busto, Julia, 135,138,145,
Buxtehude, 133
Byrd, Joseph, 164
Byrd Hoffman Foundation,
Byrd Hoffman School, 116-17,
Byzantine mosaics, 262
Cage, John, 37,124,151,
California Institute of the
Arts (Cal Arts), 174
Campbell, E. Simms, 247
Canaday, John, 167
Capote, Truman, 8,13
Carey, Ted, 15
Carnegie Recital Hall, 164
Carnegie Tech, 6,7
Carrothers, Ben, 71
Carson, Johnny, 166-67
Cassavetes, John, 71
Castelli, Ivan, 17
Castelli, Leo, 17, 24,150,
189. See also Leo Castelli
Cation, Kit, 138,141,145
Cato, Minta, 247,255
Cavanaugh, Inez, 255
Center for New Performing
Arts, University of Iowa,
Cézanne, Paul, 37,258
Chaplin, Charles, 89
Charenton productions, 144
Charles Theater, 73
Chase, William M., 97
Christo, 45, 47-58,180-211
Christo, Cyril, 50-51,181,188
Cinema 16, 67, 72-73
Cinematheque, 86-88, 90
Cinque Gallery, 266
City Hall Cinema, 82
Clair, René, 68
Clark, Dave, 118
Clarke, Shirley, 84-85, 87,
Cocteau, Jean, 68
color-field abstraction, 105
Conceptual art, 28,42,160,
192, 240
Connie's Inn, 247, 250
Connor, Russell, 173-75
Connors, Edward, 48
Conrad, Tony, 61
Coplans, John, 24
Cordier & Ekstrom Gallery,
40, 243, 262
Cordier & Warren Gallery,
Cornell, Joseph, 75
Corner, Philip, 164
Corso, Gregory, 71
Cotton Club, 250
Coughlin, Father, 220
Cox, Kenyon, 97
Crandall, Lou R., 230
Creative Film Foundation,
Crichlow, Ernest, 250, 262,
Crosby, Caresse, 252-53
Cubism, 30
Cummings, Charles, 264
Cunningham, Merce, 138,
Curtis, Devin, 116,133
Curtis, Diana, 116,126
Curtis, Duncan, 116,126,133
Dadaism, 158-59
Dali, Salvador, 19, 68,79
d'Arcangelo, John, 134,140
David, Stewart, 243
Davies, Lila, 6-7
Davis, Douglas, 175
Davis, Floyd, 11-12
Davis, Gladys Rockmore, 11
Davis, Stuart, 249
Dean, James, 13
de Antonio, Emile ("Dee"),
de Beauvoir, Simone, 78
de Groat, Andrew, 116,128,
137-39» 141-42,145
de Guillebon, Jacques, 182
de Guillebon, Jeanne-Claude.
See Jeanne-Claude
de Guillebon, Mme. Précilda,
De Hirsch, Storm, 84
de Kooning, Willem, 14, 37, 41,
254, 258
de Laurot, Edouard, 70-72
De Maria, Walter, 29-30, 34,
Demjen, Igor, 139
Demuth, Charles, 100-101
Deren, Maya, 68,70-71
d'Estaings, Giscard, 182
Detroit Institute of Arts, 31
d'Harnoncourt, René, 223
Dickenson, Don, 182
Dickinson, Emily, 140
Dine, Jim, 17,158
Disney, Walt, 215
di Suvero, Mark, 238
Donahue, Troy, 19
Doris Humphrey/Charles
Weidman troupe, 249
Dougherty, Theodore, 196,
199-203, 205, 211
Douglas, Aaron, 248
Douglas, Larry, 256
Douglass, Calvin, 261
Dove, Arthur, 100,103-5,
Dow, Arthur Wesley, 97-98,
Downey, Robert, 84-85
Drexler, Arthur, 223
Du Bois, W. E. В., 249
Duccio di Buoninsegna, 243,
Duchamp, Marcel, 20,
Dumbarton Oaks Museum,
Duncan, Charles, 100
Duncan, Isadora, 139
Duncanson, Robert S., 265
Dürer, Albrecht, 248
Dutch masters, 262
DuVall, Marcia, 266
Dwan, Virginia, 28, 31, 34-37»
Dwan Gallery, 24, 28-30,33,
38, 4L 43
earth art, 28-59
earth artists, 191
earthworks, 28-59
Eckstine, Billy, 257
École des Beaux-Arts, 240
Ekstrom, Arne, 243, 261-62
Eldridge, Roy, 255
Electronic Arts Intermix, 150
Ellington, Duke, 243, 247
Ellison, Ralph, 260
Emmerich, André, 24
Emshwiller, Ed, 75, 89,
Everson Museum, 176
expanded cinema, 61
experimental cinema, 60
Expressionism, 30
Faculty of Fine Arts,
Columbia University
Teacher's College, 97
Farney, Eugene, 222
Farnsworth, Edith, 224
Feldman, Morton, 164
Feigeirolles, Francine, 129-30,
Fellini, Federico, 89
Fenollosa, Ernest F., 97
Ferguson, Perry, 261
Ferus Gallery, 18
Festival d'Automne, 141,143
Festival of Arts, Shiraz, Iran,
ris, 141
Festival of the Avant-Garde,
Festival of Two Worlds, 190
Fifty-seventh Street Gallery,
Film Art Fund, 88
Film-Makers' Cinémathèque,
Film-Makers' Cooperative, 62,
73-76, 79-80.85
Film-Makers' Distribution
Center, 84-85, 87-88
Fine Arts Academy, Sofia, 185
Fine Arts Academy, Vienna,
Flavin, Dan, 236
Fleisdhner, Bob, 76
Flick, Robert, 180
Fluxhouse Cooperative, 86
Fluxus Festivals, 159
Fluxus group, 159,162,175,
Fogg Museum, 216
Ford Foundation, 86,170, 239
Foreman, Richard, 128
Fortas, Abe, 78
Fortner, Wolfgang, 155
Fort Worth Water Garden,
Foster, Richard, 231
Frampton, Hollis, 60
Francine, Frances, 83
Frank, Robert, 71
Frankenstein, Alfred, 210
Frankfurt, Suzie, 13
Franzen, Ulrich, 221
Fredericks, Tina, 7
Friedrich, Heiner, 29, 33
Fuller, James, 181
Fuller, Richard Buckminster,
functionalism, 241
Gabor, Zsa Zsa, 13
Galamian, Ivan, 163
Galeria Apollinaire, 181
Galeria Bonino, 167,176
Galerie Haro Lauhus, 187
Galerie Parnass, 151,161,166
Gallery of Modem Art, 87
Gallo, Richie, 129
Gammon, Reginald, 261
Gantt, Harry, 70
Garland, Judy, 6,18
Gehry, Frank, 241, 242
Geldzahler, Henry, 17,19, 20
Genet, Jean, 78, 254
Giacomini, Gary, 195
Gilbert and George, 24-27
Ginsberg, Allen, 71-72, 92
Giotto di Bondone, 258
Gluck, Nathan, 10
Godard, Jean-Luc, 77, 89
Goldberger, Paul, 226
Goodman, Benny, 260
Goodnough, Robert, 16
Goossen, Eugen, 105
Gores, Landis, 231
Gorgoni, Gianfranco, 206
Gottlieb, Adolph, 253
Goya y Lucientes, Francisco,
III, 128
G Place Gallery, 252
Gramercy Arts Theatre,
77, 80
Greene, Carroll, 265
Green Gallery, 17
Grooms, Red, 158
Gropius, Walter, 217-18, 221,
229, 240
Grosz, George, 248, 250
Gulbenkian Foundation,
Guy, Michel, 141
Halprin, Ann, 138
Halprin, Lawrence, 240
Hamilton, Alma, 116,137
Hamilton, Juan, 93
Hammond, John, 249
Happenings, 158,174
Harlem Artists Guild, 248,
Harlem Opera House, 253
Harris, Cyril, 234
Harris, Ernest C., 196
Harrison, Wallace K., 233-35
Hartsley, Marsden, 100
Hawks, Howard, 89
Hayes, Vertís, 250
Hays, Ron, 152
Hechtman, Virginia, 197, 200
Hedgpeth, Joel, 197
Heiner Friedrich Gallery,
Heizer, Michael, 29-38, 42,
Heizer, Robert, 31
Hélion, Jean, 254
Henderson, Harry, 244, 265
Henery, Joyce-May, 182
heroic period of American
art, 14
Higgins, Dick, 158-60,162,
Hill, Jerome, 88
Hines, Earl, 243-44, 267
Hines, Felrath, 261
Hines, Gerald D., 232
Hitchcock, Alfred, 89
Hitchcock, Henry Russell,
Hitler, Adolf, 219
Hodes, Scott, 47
Hoffman, Wes, 51-52,56, 58
Hofmann, Hans, 37
Holbein, Hans, 248
Holiday, Billie, 243
Hollingsworth, Al, 261
Holt, Nancy, 43
Holty, Carl, 253
Holzer, Baby Jane, 20
Hooch, Pieter de, 262-6}
Houston Museum of Fine
Arts, 54
Howard Wise Gallery, 168
Hughes, Howard, 187
Hughes, Langston, 249
Hutchinson, Peter, 29
Huxtable, Ada Louise, 233
Ichiyanagi, Toshi, 164
Illinois Institute of
Technology, 221
Impressionism, 186
independent cinema, 60
Independent Film Award, 71
Indiana, Robert, 18, 80
Ingres, Jean Auguste
Dominique, 248
Institute of Contemporary
Art, Philadelphia, 20
International Style, 218,
226-28, 236, 242
Intimate Gallery, 101
Ionesco, Eugene, 131
Irving, Clifford, 187
Jacobs, Ken, 59-60,75-76, 83
Janis, Sidney, 19
Jarry, Alfred, 148
Jaspers, Karl, 66
Javacheff, Christo. See
Javacheff, Cyril. See Christo,
Javacheff, Jeanne-Claude. See
Jeanne-Claude, 46-47, 49-50,
Jenkins, Freddy, 267
Jensen, Lafe, 44
Jewish Museum, 38, 41, 87
John F. Kennedy Memorial,
Dallas, 236
Johns, Jasper, 10,14-16,19,
Johnson, Homer H., 217
Johnson, James P., 267
Johnson, James Weldon, 249
Johnson, Mrs. Lyndon В., 198
Johnson, Philip, 212-43
Johnson, Theodate, 216, 220,
Johnston, Joshua, 265
Jolson, Al, 132
Joseph Papp's Public Theater,
88, 266
Judd, Donald, 236, 238
Juilliard, Argus, 71
Juilliard school, 163
Kahn, Louis, 227, 242
Kandinsky, Wassily, 105
Kangsgen, Stanley, 48
Kaprów, Allan, 158-59,166,
Karlweis, Ninon Talion, 141
Karp, Ivan, 16-17, 23-24
Kaufmann, Edgar, 228
Kazan, Elia, 85
Kelly, Ellsworth, 105
Kelman, Ken, 89
Kerouac, Jack, 71
King, Kenneth, 137-38
Kirstein, Lincoln, 220, 235
Klein, Howard, 179
Klein, Yves, 186,188
Knowles, Alison, 159
Knowles, Christopher, 113-14,
Kobayashi, Kenji, 164
Kolouch, Fred, 117
Kootz, Samuel, 253-54
Kortum, Bill, 209-10
Kovacs, Ernie, 171
Krasner, Bobbi, 134
Krushchev, 254
Kubełka, Peter, 60-61, 88
Kubota, Shigeko, 163
Kuchar, George, 80
Kuchar, Mike, 80
Kuh, Katharine, 97
Kunsthalle, 190
Kuntsmuseum Basel, 38
Lafayette Theater, 247
Lafferty, René, 100
La Mama Third Street
Workshop, 117
Lambert, Phyllis, 229-30
Langlois, Henri, 82
Larsdotter, Anna-Lisa, 143
Latow, Muriel, 17-18, 21
Lawrence, D. H., 106-7
Lawrence, Frieda, 106-7
Lawrence, Jacob, 249-51, 261
Leacock, Richard, 60
Leary, Timothy, 79, 92
Le Corbusier, 217-18, 223, 240
Ledonne, Jimmy, 53, 57-58
Ledoux, Claude Nicholas, 223
Lee, Canada, 247
Leininger, Hank, 199
Lennon, John, 92
Le Noci, Guido, 181-82
Leo Castelli Gallery, 16,19
Leonardo da Vinci, 266
Leonhardt, Robert, 223
Leslie, Alfred, 71
Levine, Naomi, 80, 83
Levy, Julien, 218
Lewis, Norman, 250, 261, 266
Lewisohn, Sam, 253
Licht, Jennifer, 29-30
Lichtenstein, Harvey, 117
Lichtenstein, Roy, 17,19-21,
Liedtke, J. Hugh, 232
Lincoln Center, 167, 213,
234-35. 241
Lisanby, Charles, 11-12,15
Living Theatre, 79,116,153
Lloyd, Alan, 121,127,145
Lloyd, Norman, 170
Loeb Student Center, New
York University, 124
Long, Richard, 29
Lorca, Garcia, 249
Lord, Francisco, 250
Louvre, 252
Love, Governor John, 54
Lowrie, Laura, 117
Loxton, David, 152,174-75
Lubar, Cynthia, 113,120,132,
Luhan, Mabel Dodge, 105-8
Luhan, Tony, 107-8
Lumières, 62
Lurçat, André, 217
Maas, Willard, 68-70
Macchione, Anthony C., 53
machine art, 218-19
Maciunas, George, 72, 86,
Mac Low, Jackson, 158,164
Majors, William, 261
Malanga, Gerard, 19-20
Malevich, Kazimir, 223
Malina, Judith, 68
Man Ray (Emmanuel
Radnitzky), 188
Marin, John, 100
Maris, Roger, 19
Markopoulos, Gregory, 62, 75,
77, 80-81, 89
Martini, Simone, 216
Masur, Allan, 88
Matisse, Henri, 20, 99,185,
Maxfield, Richard, 158
Mayhew, Richard, 261
Maysles, Albert, 60, 206
Maysles, David, 60, 206
Mazzucchi, Armand, 207
McBride, Henry, 103
McChesney, Mary Fuller,
197-98, 209-10
McChesney, Robert, 209-10
McCray, Porter, 167
McKay, Claude, 249-50, 254
McLuhan, Marshall, 152, Г79
Mead, Taylor, 83
Meadowmount School of
Music, 163
Mekas, Adolfas, 62-63, 64-67,
69-72, 75, 81, 84
Mekas, Jonas, 59-92,164
Menary, David, 207, 209
Menashe, Sam, 255
Metropolitan Museum of Art,
108, in, 244, 258, 262, 264
Metropolitan Opera House,
Mickelsen, George, 208
Mickeisen, Jean, 208
Midgette, Alan, 22
Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig,
213, 217-18, 221-22, 224-25,
229-30, 240
Milden, Harry, 208
Millenium Film Workshop
and Film Forum, 90
Miller, Earl, 261
Miller, Fritzie, 8-9, n
Miller, I., 7, 9,13,16, 21
Minimal art, 30, 38, 41, 60,
210, 236
Minimal sculptors, 236
Minneapolis School of Art, 189
Mitchell, Eugenia, 88
modernism, 99, 241
Mondrian, Piet, 185, 226, 243,
262, 267
Monet, Claude, 258
Monk, Meredith, 124
Monroe, Marilyn, 18
Montez, Maria, 75
Moore, Danny, 243
Moore, Eugene, 10, и
Moorman, Charlotte, 162-66,
168-69, i73-76
Morris, Robert, 236
Morrissey, Paul, 22
Morton, Jelly Roll, 243
Motherwell, Robert, 253
Muir, John, 42
Murray, Albert, 254-55, 260,
Museum of Contemporary
Art, Chicago, 49,191
Museum of Modern Art, 19,
26, 29, 67, 90, in, 150-51,
188,190, 213, 217-18,
22Г-23, 233-34, 240,244,
Nadelman, Elie, 225
Nakashima, George, 93
National Endowment for the
Arts, 117,124
National Gallery, 108
Nauman, Bruce, 238
neoclassicism, 236
neo-Dada, 159,187
neorealism, 68
Neuberger Museum, 234
Neutra, Richard, 213-15
New American Cinema, 59,
7L 92
Newark Museum, 136
New Bowery Theatre, 78
New School, 158,165,167
Newsom, Jerrie, 94, 95
New York artists, 254
New York City Ballet, 235
New Yorker Theater, 82
New York Film Festival, 62,
73. 84
New York Film Society, 67
New York Public School for
the Deaf, 116
New York realist school, 76
New York School, 14,158
New York State Council on
the Arts, 117,173, 244. 266
New York State Theatre at
Lincoln Center, 234-35»
Noguchi, Isamu, 164
Noland, Kenneth, 105
Nomura, Yoshio, 156
Norman, Fred, 256
nouveau réalisme, 186,188
O'Doherty, Brian, 83
O^iggins, Myron, 254
O'Keeffe, Claudia, 106,109
O'Keeffe, Frances Calyxtus, 96
O'Keeffe, Georgia, 93-112
O'Keeffe, Ida, 98
O.K. Harris Gallery, 24
Oldenburg, Claes, 17, 20,
158, 236
O'Leary, Dennis, 202, 205
Ono, Yoko, 92,163-64,166
Opéra-Comique, 129,143
Opera House, Lincoln
Center, 235
Oppenheim, Dennis, 29
Orlovsky, Peter, 71
Filmmuseum, 88
Oud, J. J. P., 217
Paik, Nam June, 150-79
Papp, Joseph, 266 -
Parker, Charlie (Bird), 208
Pasquale, Luz, 138
Peer, Mary, 136
Pei, I. M., 229 '
Pelli, Cesar, 234 .
Pennebaker, Don, 60
Peterson, Sidney, 68
Pettiford, Oscar, 257
Philadelphia College of Art,
Philharmonic Hall, Lincoln
Center, 234, 235
Picabia, Frances, 68
Picasso, Pablo, 16,19,37.
Piene, Otto, 171
Polański, Roman, 77
Polk, Bridget, 22, 23
Pollitzer, Anita, 100
Pollock, Jackson, 14, 4L 60,
158, 254, 258
Pop Art, 15,17,19-20,186, 236
Porter, Cole, 257
Porter, Eliot, 95
Porter, Fairfield, 16
Portman, John, 240
Poussin, Nicolas, 225, 248
Pozzi, Ed, 193, 203, 208
Prado, III
Pratt Institute, 122-23,126,
Preminger, Otto, 85
Public Broadcast Laboratory,
Pudovkin, 62
Quirt, Walter, 249
Rainer, Yvonne, 164
Raphael (Raffaelo Sanzio da
Urbino), 266
Rauschenberg, Robert, 10,
14-16,19,41, 236,238
Raymond, Lois, 197, 200, 210
Raysse, Martial, 186
Razaf, Andy, 247, 249, 255
reductionist modernism, 213
Rembrandt, 258
Renaissance, 226
Resnais, Alain, 71
Resors, Stanley, 221
Restany, Pierre, 181,186-87
Rice, Michael, 171
Rice, Ron, 76-78
Richardson, Tony, 85
Rivera-Terreaux, Harrison,
202, 205
Rivers, Larry, 16,71
Robbins, Jerome, 116—17,
Roche, Kevin, 237, 239-40
Rochefort, Christiane, 78
Rochlin, Sheldon, 72
Rockefeller, John D., Ill, 234
Rockefeller, Laura, 219-20,
Rockefeller Foundation, 151,
Rogers, Denise, 243
Rogosin, Lionel, 84
Rohan, Nanette, 257
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 247
Roosevelt, Theodore, 42,53
Rose, Leonard, 163
Rose Art Museum, Brandeis
University, 173
Rosenberger, Ernst, 169
Rosenkrantz, Timme, 255
Rosenkranz, Dieter, 187
Rosenkranz, Edith, 187
Rosenquist, James, 17
Roth, Emery, 230
Roud, Richard, 73
Rousseau, Henri, 132
Rubin, Barbara, 76-78, 81, 92
Rudolph, Paul, 226, 228-29,237
Russell, Charles, 50, 52
Russell, Rosamund, 22$
Rzewski, Frederic, 164
Saarinen, Eero, 229,239
Saint-Saëns, Camille, 165,
Salon des Artistes Français,
San Francisco Art Institute, 32
San Francisco Museum of
Modem Art, 202
Saroyan, William, 249
Sarris, Andrew, 61, 82
Savage, Augusta, 248-49
Savoy Ballroom, 250
Schindler, John, 262
Schinkel, Karl Friedrich, 223
Schmit, Tomas, 159,166
Schoenberg, 156
Schuller, Arvella, 214
Schuller, Robert H., 212-16
Scolari, Margaret, 217, 219
Scull, Ethel, 19
Scull, Robert С., 29-30,
ЗЬ 37
Scully, Vincent, 224, 229,
237, 241
Seaman, Norman, 164
Seaney, Jimm, 53-54
Seawright, James, 171
Second International Free
Cinema Festival, 72
Sedgwick, Edie, 20
Segal, George, 17
Seifert, Charles Christopher,
Serra, Richard, 236
Seyrig, Delphine, 71
Sheehy, Sue, 134,140
Sheldon Memorial Art
Gallery, 234
Shelton, Chris, 266
Shirer, William L., 220
Siegel, Eric, 172
Silver, David, 171
Simon, Neil, 145
Simpson, Merton, 261
Sitney, P. Adams, 59, 62,76,
78, 86, 89
Smith, David, 39
Smith, Harry, 60, 80
Smith, Jack, 62, 76, 78, 81, 83
Smithson, Robert, 29,41-45»
Snow, Michael, 60
Snyder, Scotty, 132,136,138,
Soleri, Paolo, 125
Solomon, Alan, 19
Sondak, Michel, 116
Sonnabend, Michael, 24
Sonnabend Gallery, 24-25,
Spengler, Oswald, 65
Spiral Group, 260-61
Spoerri, Daniel, 186
Spoleto Festival, 115
Stable Gallery, 18
Starisky, Anna, 186
Stedelijk van Abbemuseum,
Steen, Jan, 262
Steig, Bill, 249
Stella, Frank, 236
Stern, Dan, 126,127
Stettheimer, Carrie, 100
Stettheimer, Ettie, 100
Stettheimer, Florine, 100
Stewart, Sammy, 249
Stieglitz, Alfred, 94-95»
97» 99» 101-3, 106, 108,
no, 112
Stieglitz gallery, 99
Stillman, Frances, 71
St. Martin's School of Art,
Stockhausen, Karlheinz, 158,
Stokowski, Leopold, 163
Stone, Allan, 17
Strand, Paul, 100,105
Strand, Rebecca, 105,108
Structural cinema, 60
St. Theresa of Avila, 59, 86
St. Theresa of Lisieux, 59
Summit Art Center, New
Jersey, 123,134,136
Surrealism, 30, 45, 68,188,
Sutton, Sheryl, 118,130-31,
Szeemann, Harold, 190
Tadlock, Thomas, 171
Tadus, William J., 51
Tallmer, Jerry, 70, 71
Tambellini, Aldo, 171
Tanner, Henry Ossowa, 265
Taylor, Liz, 19
Tennis, Stephen, 183,203
Théâtre des Nations, 141
Theatre of Madness, 144
Third International
Experimental Film
Competition, Belgium, 76
Thomson, John, 181,196
Tigerman, Stanley, 241
Tinguely, Jean, 186,188
Truffaut, François, 89
Trumbull, Leslie, 79
Tudor, David, 158,187
Uchida, Hideo, 161
underground cinema, 60,75
underground TV, 167
VanDerBeek, Stan, 60,
75. 89
van der Marek, Jan, 49-51, 55,
van Doesburg, Theo, 223
Van Dyke, Willard, 90
van Itallie, Jean-Claude, 124
Van Vechten, Carl, 249
Varda, Agnès, 77
Varèse, Edgard, 163
Vautier, Ben, 159
Venice Film Festival 1965,79
Venturi, Robert, 226, 236,
240, 242
Vermeer, Johannes, 243, 260,
Veronese, Paolo, 258
video-art movement, 150,
Vogel, Amos, 72-73, 88
Vogel, Marcia, 72
von Stroheim, Erich, 62
Vostell, Wolf, 159
Walker Art Center, 49,189
Waller, Fats, 243, 247,267
Warburg, Edward M. M.,
Ward, Eleanor, 18
Warhol, Andy, 6-23, 80-81,
Warhola family, 6,9,13,14
Watts, Bob, 159
Webb, Jack, 52
Weber, John, 24
Weber, William, 48
Webern, 156
Wesselmann, Tom, 17
Wählte, Stanford, 250
Whitman, Robert, 158
W^hitney, David, 236
W^hitney Museum of
American Art, 90,109,
151, 244
Willard Gallery, 141
Williams, Emmett, 159
Williams, William Carlos, 41
Wilson, Ann, 141,148
Wilson, Lloyd, 47
Wilson, Robert, 113-49
Wise, Howard, 150,173
WNET's Television
Laboratory, 153,174
Woodruff, Hale, 261
Works Progress
Administration (W.P.A.)
art program, 248
World Theatre Festival, 131
Wotan, 33
Wright, Frank Lloyd, 218, 223,
228, 240, 242
Wright, Richard, 254
Writer's Stage, 78
Yalkut, Jud, 175
Yamasaki, Minoru, 229
Yeargans, James, 261
Young, La Monte, 37,158-59,
Zafarían, Sargis Sako, 52
Zagoroff, Dimiter S., 55-56,