Page numbers in italic refer to illustrations.
Abbott, Berenice, 235
Abbott, Yarnall, 186
Abney, Sir William de Wiveleslie, 161
Abraham Lincoln ( Brady ), 48
"An Account of a Method of Copying
Paintings upon Glass, and of Making
Profiles by the Agency of
Light upon Nitrate of Silver"
(Wedgwood), 15 ff.
Achromatic lenses, 89
Acolman 5, Mexico (Siskind), 304
Adams, Ansel, 251, 255-61, 277, 278
work of, 253, 256, 257, 258, 261,
Adams, John Quincy, 48, 49
Allston, Washington, 39
Adamson, Robert, 87, 91 n., 220 n.
work of, 82
Aerial photography, 73—74
Aftermath of Flood, Mount Vernon,
Indiana (Lee), 269
Agee, James, 318, 319, 320
Albert Sands South-worth (South-worth,
Hawes), 36
Albright Art Gallery, Buffalo, photo-secessionist
show (1910), 189
Albumen prints, 50, 63, 66-67, 87,
128, 130, 131, 132, 145
Alland, Alexander, Sr., 155
Amateur Photo Exhibition, London
(1866), 161
"The Amateur Photographer" (Black),
149 ff.
Amateur Photographic Association of
Great Britain, 152 n.
Amateur photography, 149-53, 163
America, 214, 215, 220
West, 121 ff.
American Academy of Arts and Sciences,
American Amateur Photographer,
The, 161, 185 n.
American Archives, 49 n.
"American School" of photography,
1 7 3 , 174
Anderson Galleries, New York, 209,
Andrea Doria (ship), 295
Animals, in motion, 141—42
Annals of My Glass House (Cameron),
1 3 5 ff-
Annan, J. Craig, work of, 191
Annie, My First Success (Cameron),
Annual of Scientific Discovery, 74
Ansel Adams (Brassai), 277,278
Anthony, E. and H. T., 63, 64, 74
Anthony's Photographic Bulletin, 105 n.
Approaching Storm, The (Stieglitz),
Arago, François, 17, 19, 20, 86, 94
Archer, Frederick Scott, 33, 51, 87
work of, 50
Architectural photography, 28, 80,
84,115, 177-79, 181, 182
Argent corné, 19
Armco Steel, Ohio (Weston), 226
Art, (in relation to photography),
79-80, 91-94, 112-13, 159-62,
163-65, 181, 201-03, 205, 223-
2 7 , 2 5 3 , 2 5 4 , 3 1 4
Art Center School, Los Angeles, 255
Art in America, 312, 313 n.
"The Art of Photography" (Frith),
115 ff-
Arthur and Guinevere (Eugene), 192
"Artistic Photography in France"
(Demachy), 173
"The Assignment I'll Never Forget,"
(Lange), 263#.
Astronomy, 74
Atget, Eugène, 2 3 5 - 3 7 ,260, 280, 3 1 3
work of, 234, 236, 237
Atlas execute d'après nature au micro-daguerreotype
(Donné), 74«.
Attic (Weston), 222
Autochrome process, 203 n.
Autotype, 137
Avenue de l'observatoire (Brassai) ,279
Avenue des Gobelins (Atget), 237
Balcon, 17 rue de Petit Pont (Atget),
Ballet méchanique, 231
Balzac, Honoré de, 278
Barn ( Holmes ), 62
Barthélémy, Victor, 278
Baudelaire, Charles, ni, 112, 280
Bauhaus, 239
Baumann, Hans. See Man, Felix
Bausch & Lomb Lens Souvenir, The,
Bausch & Lomb Optical Company,
Baxter Street Alley in Mulberry Bend,
New York ( Riis ), 153, 156
Bayer, Herbert, work of, 247
Beard, Mr., 83
Bedford, Francis, work of, 102
Bedroom Dresser, Shrimp Fisherman's
House, Biloxi, Mississippi (W.
Evans), 316
Benito Mussolini in His Office in the
Palazzo Venezia, Rome (Man),
Bennett, James Gordon, 46
Bergheim, John S., 184 and n.
Berliner Illustrierte, 274
Binocular camera, 147
Binocular lenses, 89
Binocular vision, 53, 162
Biot, Jean Baptiste, 17, 22
Birmingham Photographic Society,
Black, Alexander, 149
Black, James Wallace, 64 and n., 76
work of, 73
Black Vase, The (Steichen), 174,
"Block Notes" camera, 146
Boards and Thistles (Adams), 253
Böckiin, Arnold, 212
Böckmann, Mr. 15«.
Booth, Edwin Thomas, 48
Booth, John Wilkes, 48
Booth, Junius Brums, Sr., 45, 48
Born Free and Equal (Adams), 255
Boston, from the Balloon "Queen of
Air," i860 (Black), 73
Boston Globe, The, 311,312
Bowdoin College, 38
Bradley, Henry W., 128
work of, 128
Brady, Mathew B., 44, 45-49, 71, 72,
work, of, 48
"Brady, the Grand Old Man of American
Photography," 45 ff.
Brancusi, Constantin, 210
Braque, Georges, 279, 283
Brassai, 276, 277-81
work of, 278, 279, 281
"Brassai: I Invent Nothing. I Imagine
Everything.'" (B. Newhall),
277 ff-
Brassai, Yosemìte National Park, California
(Adams), 276, 277
Braun (publishing house), 286
Breakfast Table, The (Talbot), 26
Breton, André, 279
Brewster, Sir David, 39, 40
British Journal of Photography, 37
and n., 144
Bromoil, 251
Brownie camera, 207
Buckle, Mr., 119
Bull Run, Battle of, 49,121
Bullock, John G., 187
Burned Mirror (White), 308
Burnham Beeches (Newton), 78
Burty, Philippe, 109
Cadett, Mr., 182
Cadiz (Coburn), J90
Calhoun, John Caldwell, 46
California Spirit of the Times, 142
Calotype process, 33-35, 51, 80, 87,
prints, 32, 35, 82,102
Camera Club, The, London, 105, 106,
Camera Club of New York, 163
Camera Notes, 171
Camera obscura, 16, 17, 20, 28, 55
invention of, 19
Camera Work, 181, 209, 2x9, 254
Cameras, 38, 146-47, 148-51, 251,
283, 287
Cameron, Julia Margaret, 135-38,
work of, 1 3 4 ,138,1 3 9
Candid shots, 287
Carbon prints, 170, 174,191
Card portraits, 69
Carlyle, Thomas, 135
Carson Sink, New Mexico, 124, 127
Cartier-Bresson, Henri, 275,279,282,
283—87, 299 and n.
work of, 284-87
Cavaignac, Louis Eugène, 47
Cazotte, Jacques, 112
Celestial photography, 74 and n.
Central Pacific Railroad, 121, 123
Century Magazine, The, 148, 150,
Cézanne, Paul, 210, 283
Champney, J. Wells, work of, 148
Chandler, Professor, 153
Charcoal Effect, A ( Devens ), 186
Charles Baudelaire ( Nadar ), r 11
Charles Sumner ( Southworth &
Hawes), 38
Chemistry of Light and Photography,
The (Vogel),68
Cheney, John, 39
Chesterton, Gilbert K., 200
Chiaroscuro, 37, 90
Chicago ( Siskind ), 304
Chiffonier,The (White), 199
Children in Madrid (Cartier-Bresson),
Chilton, James R., 47 n.
Church (Strand),303
Cinema. See Film
Citrate paper, 230 and n.
Civil War, 45, 48, 49, 121
Clark, Rose, 187
Claude glasses, 162 and n.
Claudet, Antoine François Jean, 81,
83 and n., 86, 90, 92, 95
Clay, Henry, 46, 47
Clearing Winter Storm, Yosemite
Valley, California (Adams), 258
Club of Amateur Photographers of
Vienna, 173
Coburn, Alvin Langdon, 187, 200—
work of, 190, 200, 204, 205
Cocotte, The (Hoch), 248
Cocteau, Jean, 280
Collodion process (wet-plate), 33,
45. 46, 50-52, 53, 55, 56, 63-
68, 79-80, 87, 144, 149, 260
prints, 96—103
Collotype, 168
Color-etching, 219
Color filters, 182 and n., 252
Color photography, 152, 203 and
Coloring of photographs, 133
Colour Photography and other recent
Developments of the Art of the
Camera, 203 n.
Colour-screens, 182 and n.
Columbia College Amateur Photographic
Society, 153
Combination printing, 105, 106
Composites, 152
Composition, 166
Composition no. 76 (Henri), 249
Concealed Vest Camera, 147, 150
Coney Island, New York (Cartier-
Bresson), 287
Confederate Dead by a Fence on the
Hagerston Road, Antietam, September
17, 1862 (Gardner), 72
Constable, John, 160
Contax camera, 283
Convent of Mar-Saba, near Jerusalem
(Frith), 114
Cook, Alistair, 291
Cooper, James Fenimore, 47,47
Corot, Camille, 109 and n., 160
Coronation Procession, London, The
(Cartier-Bresson), 285
Corrugated Tin Facade (Evans), 310
Country Doctor (Smith), 294
Cropping, 284
Cubism, 205, 227
Cubists and Post-impressionism
(Eddy), 227 andn.
Cundell, George S., 81, 87
Cunningham, Imogen, 251, 254
work of, 254
Custer, General George Armstrong,
Cwerey, F. W., work of, 99
Cypress, Point Lobos (Weston), 252
Dadaists, 241
Daguerre, Louis Jacques Mandé, 15,
17—21, 37 and n., 46 and n., 54—56,
81,85,86,89, 1 1 9
work of, 19,20
Daguerreotype, 17-20, 33,37-39, 51,
53, 56,74, 86, 1 1 9
works, 18, 19, 20, 36, 38,39, 42, 75
Dallmeyer, T. R., 184 and n.
Dallmeyer-Bergheim lens, 184 and n.
Dance Hall ( Brassaï ), 281
"The Dark Blue Sea." Breakers on
the Coast, North Devon (Pollock),
1 0 1
Darkroom, 65, 151
Darktent, portable, 68
Darwin, Charles, 107
Daumier, Honoré, 108, 109 and n.,
Da Vinci, Leonardo, 160
Davis, Jefferson, 48
Davy, Sir Humphry, 23-24, 27 n.,
30, 81, 86 and n.
Day, F. Holland, 187
Day in the Life of Mussolini, The
(Man), 274
Daybook (Weston), 223
Daybooks of Edward Weston, The
( N. Newhall, ed. ), 2 2 3 n.
Dead Poplar in the Owens Valley,
California (Adams), 257
Dean, John, 74
Deardorff camera, 300 and n.
Debrie Parvo motion picture camera,
Degas, Edgar, 212
Delaroche, Hippolyte, 86
De la Rue, Warren, 74 and n.
Demachy, Robert, 173, 174
De Meyer, Baron A., work of, 1 9 1
Demonstration of Portraiture, A
(Stieglitz), 209
Depression, Great, 263
"Design" (show), 205
Desnos, Robert, 228
"Detective" cameras, 147, 150
Deutsche Werkbund, 242, 243
Devens, Mary, 186,187
Dial, The, 209, 224
Diamond, Hugh W., work of, 97
Dickinson, Mr., 95
Did She? (Rejlander), 107
Diorama paintings, 46 n.
Diver, The (Stettinus), 1 5 1
Documentary photography, 255, 257,
267, 269, 270, 305, 306, 320
Dodging, 186,187, 260
"Doings of the Sunbeam" (Holmes),
Donaldson, Douglas, 224
Donné, Alfred, 74 and n.
Double camera, 146
Dr. Albert Schweitzer (Smith), 288
Draper, Henry, 74 and n.
Draper, John W., 46
Dresden China Fan, The (Meyer),
Drop-shutter, 152
Dry mounting, 252
Dry-plate process, 144-45, 146, 149,
1 5 1
Duchamp, Marcel, 228
Duell, Charles, 301 and n.
Dumas, Alexandre, 109 and n., 112
Dumont, Mr., 187
Dyer, William B., 187
"Early History of Photography in the
United States" (Southworth), 37 ff.
Eastlake Sir Charles, 81, 83,146
Eastlake, Lady Elizabeth, 81, 82, 82,
Eastman (George) House collection,
121, 271
Eddy, Arthur Jerome, 227 and n.
"Eduard J. Steichen" (Juhl), 173 ff.
Edwards, John Paul, 251
Eickemeyer, Mr., 186,187
Electro process, 89
Electroplating, 54, 56
Electrotyping, 39
Elliot, Charles, 47
Ellis, Joseph, 81
Ellsler, Fanny, 48
Eluard, Paul, 279
Emerson, Peter Henry, 159, 163-65,
work of, 158,161
England, early history of photography
in, 15-16,23-35
Engravings, 28-30, 85
Enlarging, 76
Entrance to the Great Temple, Luxor
(Frith), 114
Epstein, Philip G., 109
Ermanox camera, 271,272,274
Essays on Art (Weber), 205
Eugene, Frank, 185—87, 220
work of, 192
"Eugene Atget" (Abbott), 235 ff.
Eugene Delacroix ( Nadar ), 109
Evans, Frederick H., 177—84
work of, 178,180, 181, 183
Evans, Walker, 311—20
work of, 266, 268, 310, 315, 316,
"An Experiment with Gelatino Bromide"
(Maddox), 144 ff.
Exposition des Beaux Art, 84
"Expression of the Emotions in Man
and Animals" (Darwin), 107
Ezra Pound (Coburn), 205
f.64 (group of photographers), 251—
Family of Man, The, 267
Farm Security Administration. See
Feilding, Horatia, 35
Film (cinema), 231—33, 239, 240,
241, 280, 281, 287
"Film und Foto" (Stuttgart 1929),
242 ff.
Films, types of, 251,252,293
Filters, 182 and n., 252
Fizeau, Armand Hippolyte Louis, 86
Flaherty, Robert, 320 and n.
Flashlighting, 284, 289-90, 291, 292,
"Flashes from the Slums: Pictures
Taken in Dark Places by the Lightning
Process," 155 ff.
Flood Refugees. Forrest City, Arkansas,
February 1937 (Evans), 266
Floodlighting, 284, 289, 290, 291
Flourens, Pierre J. M., 70 and n.
Focus, 79-80, 251, 253, 286
Force, Peter, 49 and n.
Ford, Thomas, 161
Fort Sumter, 121
Fox Talbot, William Henry. See Talbot,
William Henry Fox
France, 84,173
French, Herbert S., 187
French Academy of Sciences, 17, 22,
2 3
French Chambers, 17, 18, 85, 86
French Underground, 286
French Society of Photography, 109
Frietag, Roman, 308
Frith, Francis, 65 and n., 115
work of, 114,118
From the Transporter Bridge, Marseilles
(Moholy-Nagy), 241
FSA (Farm Security Administration)
photographers, 263—64, 267-70,
3 1 5 - 1 7
"The FSA Photographers" (Steichen),
267 ff.
"The Function of the Camera" ( Scott ),
201 ff.
Furman, Henry, 48
"The Future of Pictorial Photography"
(Coburn), 205 ff.
"The Future of the Photographic Process"
(Moholy-Nagy), 239 ff.
Gallatin, Albert, 48
Garden of Dreams ( Keiley ), 194
Gardner, Alexander, work of, 72
Gathered for Burial at Antietam after
the Battle of September 17, 1862
(Gardner), 72
Gaucheraud, H., 17,18
Gautier, Théophile, no
Gay-Lussac, Joseph Louis, 86
Gazette de France, La, 17
Gazette des Beaux-Arts, La, 109
Gelatin bromide dry plate, 144-45,
149, 1 5 1
General George Armstrong Custer
(Schölten), 132
George IV, King of Great Britain, 85
George VI, King of Great Britain, 284
Georgia O'Keeffe ( Stieglitz ), 2 r 1
German-Austrian school of photography,
173.1 9 5
Ghost photography. See Spirit photography
Gibson, John, 69 and n.
Giphantie (Tiphaigne de la Roche),
Glass negatives, 55, 63, 67, 68, 149
Glycerine process, 187,188,194
Gold Medal Prize Picture, The (Bradley,
Rulofson), 128
Goldsmith, Arthur, 289
Gould and Curry Mill, Virginia City,
Nevada, The (O'Sullivan ), 120
Gouraud, François, 37 and n.
Grafitti (Brassai), 279
Grafi ex camera, 251, 264, 300 and n.
Grandmother's Present ( Pollock ), r 03
Grant, Ulysses S., 48, 49
Graveyard Houses and Steel Mill,
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, November
1935 (Evans),268
Great Exhibition of the Works of All
Nations, 46 and n., 47
"A Great Photographer at Work"
(Smith), 289 ff.
Greeley, Horace, 47
Grief ( Rejlander ), 107
"Group f.64" ( Edwards ), 2 51 ff.
Guizot, François, 109 and n.
Gum bichromate process, 163-65,
172, 173, 175, 177, 179-82, 187,
188,1 9 0 , 1 9 5 , 1 9 7
Gurney, Benjamin, 130
work of, 13 o
Gurney, Jeremiah, 130
work of, 130
Hagemeyer, Johan, 223
Halâsz, Gyula. See Brassai
Hall, H. B., work of, 47
Hamilton, Mrs. Alexander, 45,48
Hand and Ear (Weston), 232
Hand of Man, The ( Stieglitz ), 186
Hands and Thimble-Georgia O'Keeffe
(Stieglitz ), 216
Harper's Bazaar, 283, 287
Harrison's globe lens, 76
Hartmann, Sadakichi ,185, 189 and n.
Hausner, Edward, 272
Hawes, Josiah Johnson, 37, 39
work ot, 36,38,39, 42
Height and Light in Bourges Cathedral
(F.Evans), 181
Heliar4.5 lens, 278
Heliography, 23, 85, 87
Helmholtz, Hermann von, 159, 160,
Hennenberg, Hugo, 176,195
Henri, Florence, work of, 249
Henry Clay ( Jackman ), 47
Herschel, Sir John F. W., 15 n., 23,40,
86,87,88, 135,137,138
Herring, John Frederick, 142 and n.
Hill, David Octavius, 87, 91 n., 214,
220 and n., 260
work of, 82
Hinton, A. Horsley, 173
History and Handbook of Photography,
A (Tissandier),65
Hoch, Hannah, work of, 248
Hogg, Jabez, 50
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 53, 63
work of, 62
Honoré Daumier (Nadar), 108
Horse in Motion, The (Muybridge),
140—43 and illus.
Houston, Samuel, 46
How the Other Half Lives (Riis), 155
Hughes, C. Jabez, 115 and n.
Hull, S. Wager, 76, 77
Humboldt, Alexander von, 17
Humboldt Valley and Sink, Nevada,
Humphrey's Journal of Photography,
47 n., 48 n.
Hunt, Robert, 87, 88, 90
Igor Stravinsky Conducting a Rehearsal
(Man), 274
Impressionism, 210
"In 1943 and 1944 A Great Change
Took Place" ( Siskind ), 305 jf.
International Magazine, 47
International Photographic Exhibition,
New York, 268
Interiors, 151
Inverted in the Tide Stand the Grey
Rocks (Watkins), 69
Iris Facing the Winter, Orgeval
(Strand), 220
Irving, Washington, 47-48
Isabey, Jean Baptiste, 64 and n.
Ives, Frederic Eugene, 152
Jackman, W. G., work of, 47
Jackson, Andrew, 45, 46
James, Henry, 181
James Fenimore Cooper ( Hall ), 47
"Jane Tudor," The (Johnson), 100
Japanese-American war relocation, 255
Jeffries, John, 73
John Marin ( Stieglitz), 206
Johnson, David, work of, 100
Johnson, Mr., 38
Jones, Chapman, 177
Journal of the Photographic Society,
The, 79 n., 81, 87, 136
Journals of the Royal Institution, 23
Journal of the Royal Society, The, 84
Journet, Jean, 109 and n.
Juhl, Ernst, 173,189 and n.
Käsebier, Gertrude, 167, 176, 187,
work of, 193
Katz, Leslie, 312,313 n.
Kaufmann, Mikhail, 242
Keiley, Joseph T., 185,187
work of, 194
Kelmscott Manor: Attics (F. Evans),
Kennedy, John P., 48
Kennerly, Mitchell, 215
Kertész, André, 278
Key, Philip Barton, 48
Kilburn, Mr., 95
Kinegraphe camera, 146
King, Clarence, 121
King, Samuel Archer, 73 and n.
Kodak camera, 147
Kölner, 274
Kuehn, Heinrich, 176
work of, 193
Lady at the Harp (Talbot), 33
Lamartine, Alphonse de, 47
Lamon, Marshal, 48
Landscapes, 15, 27-28, 84, 92-93,
121, 174,223,227
Lane, Harriet, 48
Lange, Dorothea, 251, 255, 259, 263-
work of, 262,264,263,266, 270
Lantern Slide Club, Chicago, 152
Lantern slides, 152,155,168, 169
Laurent, Marie, 109 and n.
Lauvrik, J. Nilsen, 224 andn., 227
Lawrence, Richard Hoe, 156
Leaves, Glacier National Park, Montana
(Adams), 236
Lee, Robert E., 48, 49
Lee, Russell, work of, 269
Léger, Fernand, 231
Leica camera, 283
Leicester Buildings (Archer), 30
Lenbach (Steichen), 186
Lenses, 38 39, 76, 116-17, 151» 184
and n., 251, 283, 293
Let Us Now Praise Famous Men, 318
Levitt, Helen, 261
Lewis, Wyndham, 205
Library,The (Talbot),32
Library of Congress, 49 n., 264
Liebermann, Max, 274
Life and Landscape on the Norfolk
Broads (Emerson), 138
Life magazine, 274
"Light Pictures," 176
Light rays. See Solar rays
Lighting, 284, 289-90, 291
Lincoln, Abraham, 48,48
Lincoln, Mary Todd, 48
Lincoln Cathedral: A Turret Stairway
(F. Evans), 178
Lind, Jenny, 48 n.
Linked Ring, The, 205
Linton, Sir James, 161
Lismore Castle, Ireland (Cwerey), 99
Lissitzky, El, work of, 243
Literary Gazette, The, 18, 26, 30 n.
Liverpool Amateur Photographic Association,
Liverpool Courier, 201
Lombardy Ploughing Tearn ( Annan ),
London, England, 317,318
London Bridge (Coburn), 200
London Globe, 19
London Institution, 87
London Stereoscopic Company, 68, 69
Lorant, Stefan, 271—75 and illus.
Lorrain, Claude, 162 n.
Love Thy Neighbor (Moholy-Nagy),
Luc-Olivier-Merson, 236
Lucretius, 53
McAlpin, David H., 255
Machines, 212—15
Maddox, Richard Leach, 144
Madison, Dolley, 45
Maeterlinck, Maurice, 224
Major, Rev. J. R., 81
Malbone, Edward Greene, 64 and n.
Malignano, Battle of, 71
Man, Felix H., 271-7 5 and illus.
work of, 272—74
Man with a Movie Camera, 242
Manchester Art Treasures Exhibition,
Manger,The (Käsebier), 193
Marin, John, 206, 297
Marina, Bellagio (Stieglitz), 168
Martin, Paul, 198
Matisse, Henri, 279, 283
Mayall, Mr., 95
Melchior, Laurenz, 274
Memorable Fancies (White), 307
Mental Distress (Rejlander), 107
Mexican War, 46
Michelangelo, 160
Microphotography, 74
Microscope, solar, 26, 27, 28
Mighty Lite, 295 and n.
Migrant Mother (Lange), 262, 263—
64, 264, 263
Miller, Henry, 277 and n., 278, 279
Millet, Jean François, 159
Miniature cameras, 283, 287
Miraculous Mirror, The, 12
"The Modern Public and Photograp
h y " ( B a u d e l a i r e ) , 1 1 2 f f .
Moholy-Nagy, Laszló, 239-41
work of, 238, 240, 241, 245
Monet, Claude, 283
Moon, The (Whipple), 73
Moonlight Impression from the Orangerie,
Versailles Series (Steichen),
1 9 7
Moonrise (Steichen), 185
Morphotype, 57
Morris, William, 180
Morse, Samuel F. B., 37 and n., 38, 40,
46 and n., 49
Motion photography, 17, 140—43 and
illus., 205, 239
Motion Picture Camera (Strand), 220
Motion picture (movies), 149, 242
Mountain Nymph, Sweet Liberty, The
(Cameron), 138,138
Mounting, 252, 260
Mrs. Anne Rigby and her daughter
Elizabeth ( Hill, Adamson ), 82
Mulberry Bend, New York, 155
Müller, Johannes, 56
Mumford, Lewis, 254
Munich Illustrated Press, 271
Museum of Modern Art, The, New
York, 235, 267, 305
Evans retrospective (1971), 311
Strand show ( 1945 ), 283
Museum of the City of New York, 155
Muybridge, Eadweard J., 141,150
work of, 140—43
Nadar, 109, 112, 235
work of, 108—11
"Nadar s Portraits" (Burty), 109 ff.
Nagle, John T., 156
Nanook of the North, 320 and n.
Napoleon, Louis, 47 and n.
National Photographic Association,
Natural Magic ( della Porta ), 19 n.
Natural Photography for Students of
the Art (Emerson), 159
"Naturalistic Photography" (Emerson),
Near Los Angeles, California (Lange),
Negatives, 33, 34, 51, 52, 55, 66,1x9,
etching of, 192
Net Mender, The (Stieglitz), 186
New England, 297-303
New Realism, 231
"A New Realism—The Object; Its
Plastic and Cinematic Value" (Léger),
231 fi.
New York Academy of Fine Arts, 37
New York City, 155-57, 215,216
New York from Its Pinnacles (Co-burn),
New York Observer, 46 n.
New York Sun, 155, 156
New York Times, 303
Newhall, Beaumont, 271, 272, 283,
284, 317,320
work of, 282
Newhall, Nancy, 277, 297-303
Newton, Sir William J., 79-80, 91
and n.
work of, 7 8
Niépce, Joseph Nicéphore de, 15, 17,
18 and n., 19, 21, 46, 84-85, 86, 88
Niépce de St. Victor, Mr., 87, 88
Night in London (Rejlander), 107
Night photography, 198
Niles' National Register, 19
Noskowiak, Sonya, 251
Notman, William, 131
work of, 131
Oakland Salon of Photography, 227
Oats (Talbot), 22
Office of War Information (U.S.),
O'Keeffe, Georgia, 209, 211, 216, 216
Old Oak, An (Percy), 98
"On Art Photography" (Hughes),
115 ».
On the Way from School (Schmid),
Open Door (Strand),296
Optics, 40,41
"Oscar Gustav Rejlander" (Robinson),
105 ff.
Oskar Schlemmer (Moholy-Nagy),
O'Sullivan, Timothy H., 121,260
work of, 120,123,125,126
Ould, Robert, 48
Page, William, 46
Painter, The (Seeley), 196
Painting, 160—66,205,223, 227,239,
Painting, Photography, Film (Moholy-
Nagy), 239
Paintings on glass, 15-16, 26
Panatomic film, 252
Panchromatic film, 251
Panthéon (Nadar), 109 andn.
Paper, photographic, 145, 252, 253,
Parcel Detective Camera, 147
Paris, France, 280, 281, 317, 318
Paris de Nuit (Brassai), 278
Paunceforte family, 45
Payne, John Howard, 46
Peale, Charles Wilson, 49
Pennell, Joseph, 38, 39
Percy, John, work of, 98
"A Personal Credo" (Adams), 255 ff.
Perspective, 205
Peterhans, Walter, work of, 244
Philadelphia Photographer, The 30 n.,
128, 129,130, 131
Phillipsburg, New Jersey (Evans),
3 1 5
Philosophical Transactions, 87
Photo-Club de Paris, 174
Photo Cravatte camera, 147
Photo-etching, 187
Photo-galvanic engraving, 88-89
Photo Jumelle camera, 147
"The Photo-Secession" (Stieglitz),
167 fi.
Photo-Secession, 187
Photo-Secessionists, 165,167,185—88,
201, 205, 209, 251
Albright exhibit (1910),189
Photogenic drawings, 2 3—31,33-35
examples of, 22, 26, 29
Photograms, 173,180, 205,240
Photograms of the Year 1900,180
Photograms of the Year 1916, 205
Photographic Art Journal, The, 75,
173 and n.
Photographic drawing, 84
Photographic Exchange Club, album
of, 82
Photographic Journal, 92, 177 n.
Photographic News, 105, 106, 107
Photographic Notes, 81
Photographic Salon of London, 251
Photographic societies, 83-84
Photographic Society of Bombay, India,
Photographic Society of London, 79,
81, 83, 91.105, 136, 146
Photographic World, The, 132
Photographische Rundschau, Die, 168,
1 7 3 , 1 7 5
"Photographs from the High Rockies"
121 ff.
"Photography" (Eastlake), 81 ff.
Photography (periodical), 174, 175
Photography ( Strand ), 219 ff.
Photography (Weston), 252
"Photography: A Pictorial Art" (Emerson),
159 ff.
Photogravure, 159, 161, 162, 178,
Photojournalism, 289
Photojournalism in the 1920's (Germany),
Photomagazin, 308
Photomicrography, 144
Photomontage, 238,243
Picasso, Pablo, 278, 279,280,315
Picasso, rue de la Boétie (Brassai), 278
Pictorial photography, 79-80, 91—92,
115-19, 159-62, 163—66, 167,
183-89,205-07, 223, 225
"Pictorial Photography" (Stieglitz),
163 ff.
Pictures of East Anglian Life (Emerson),
"Picture Plays," 149
Piffard, Henry G., 156
Platinotype, 163, 179, 181, 182, 191
examples of, 158, 171, 180, 183,
192, 193, 194, 196, 222, 224,
Platinum prints, 159,164,165 and n.,
examples of, 181,199
"A Plea for Straight Photography"
(Hartmann), 185 ff.
Poe, Edgar Allan, 45,46
Polaroid Land process, 309
Polk, James K., 45
Pollock, A. I., work of, 103
Pollock, Sir Frederick, 83
Pollock, George Frederick, 146
Pollock, Henry, work of, 96,101
Polytechnik, Berlin, 214
Popular Photography, 263, 283, 289,
Porta, Giovanni Battista della, 20 ».
Porteuse de Pain (Atget), 23 7
Portrait of a Baby (Stieglitz), 171
Portrait of a Young Man (Steichen),
Portrait of Beaumont Newhall (Car-tier-
Bresson ), 284
Portrait of Frits Thaulow (Steichen),
1 7 5 , 176
Portrait of Gilbert K. Chesterton ( Co-burn),
Portrait of Flenri Cartier-Bresson (B.
Newhall), 282
Portrait of Miss Jones (Eugene), 186
Portraiture, 45, 69-71, 92, 95, 116,
119, 129-33, 166, 174, 216, 223,
Post-impressionism, 227
Pound, Ezra, 204, 205,205
Pretsch, Mr., 88
Prévert, Jacques, 279, 280
Previsualization, 223
Pritchard, H. Baden, 106, 107
"Progress of Photography-Collodion
the Stereoscope" (Ellis), 81
Propaganda, photography as, 269
Prosch, G. W., 46 ».
Pure photography, 251-60
Pyramid Lake, Nev.-Calif., 122-23
and illus.
Pyramid Lake ( O'Sullivan ), 123
Quai de la Tournelle, Paris (Cartier-
Bresson), 285
Quitman, John Anthony, 46
"Random Notes on Photography"
(Weston), 223 ff.
Ray, Man, 228-30,235
work of, 272-74
Rayographs, 228
Reade, Rev. J. B., 87
Rear of Church, Cordova, New Mexico
(Adams), 261
Redeveloping, 66
Reflected Sunlight on Torso (Weston),
Rejlander, Oscar Gustave, 105—07
work of, 104,106
Rejlander the Artist Introducing Rejlander
the Volunteer (Rejlander),
Rendez-Vous, he (Prevert), 280
Renoir, Jean, 287
Retouching, 165,166,186, 187
Rigby, Anne, 82
Right Eye of My Daughter Sigrid, The
(Sander), 232
Riis, Jacob A., 1 5 5 - 5 7
work of, 155,157
Ritter, Mr., 15 n., 84
Rivaulx Abbey, Yorkshire (Bedford),
Robinson, Henry Peach, 105
Roche, Charles François Tiphaigne de
la, 13
Rodin, Auguste, 176
Roerich, Nikolay, 227 and n.
Rolleiflex, camera, 280
Rood, Ogden Nicholas, 74 and n.
Roosevelt, Theodore, 1 5 5
Rose, The (Steichen), 176
Rosenfeld, Paul, 209, 224
Rosling, Mr., 119
Rouault, Georges, 279, 283
Rousseau, Pierre E. T., 160
Royal Photographic Society of Great
Britain, 46, 81, 177, 205
Royal Society of Great Britain, 23, 30,
Ruby Range, Rocky Mts., 125,127
Rulofson, William Herman, 128
work of, 128
Rushy Shore, A (Emerson), 158
Rüssel, Mary M., 187
Russian official photography, 269
Rutherford, Lewis Morris, 74 and n.
Sabattier effect, 228
Saint-Victor, Paul de, 109 und ».
St. Cloud ( Atget ), 23 6
Salomon, Erich, 271
San Francisco Call, 141
San Francisco Museum of Art, 224 n.,
Sander, August, work of, 232
Santa Anna, Antonio Lopez de, 46
Santorini Giovanni Domenica, 70 and ».
Sardou, Victorien, 236 and ».
Scheele, Mr., 15 n, 84
Schiller, Johann Christoph, 89 and ».
Schmid, William, 150
Schölten, John A., 132
work of, 132
Schutze, H., 187
Schweitzer, Albert, 288
Scott, John Dixon, 201, 203 »., 219
Scott, Winfield, 46, 48—49
Scovili (silver plate manufacturers),
Scribner's Magazine, 163
Scurrying Homewards (Stieglitz), 186
Seeley, George H., work of, J96
Self-Portrait (Lissitzky), 243
Self-portrait ( Southworth ), 3 6
Self-Portrait with Brush and Palette
(Steichen), 172
Sellers, Coleman, 76 and n.
Senebier sur la Lumière, 1 5 » .
"Sensitive paper," 27, 28
Serner, Albert, 224
Seven Arts, 219
Seymour, David ("Chim"), 283
Shadowgraphs, 15,228
Sharecroppers, Eutaw, Alabama
(Lange), 266
Sharpshooter—Manuel Hernandez Gal-van^
he (Weston), 246
Shaw, George Bernard, 200, 201, 202,
She is looking at me, the dear creature
(Rejlander), 107
Shells and Fossils (Daguerre ), 19
Shifting Sand Dunes (O'Sullivan),
Short Tail Gang, under Pier at Foot of
Jackson Street, Later Corlears Hook
Park (Riis), 157, 757
Shoshone Falls ( O'Sullivan ), 126
Simpson, William, 251
Sir John F. W. Herschel (Cameron),
Siskind, Aaron, work of, 304
Sketch,The (Steichen), 176
Skies, photographing of, 74 and ».
Smith, W. Eugene, 275, 289—95
work of, 288, 2 9 2 , 2 9 4
Society of Amateur Photographers of
New York, 153, 155
Soft focus, 251
Solar microscope, 26, 27, 28
Solar rays, 15 and »., 16,89, 90
Solitude (Steichen), 186
"Some Account of the Art of Photogenic
Drawing" (Talbot), 23 ff.
Song of the Lily ( Eugene ), 18 5
South London Photographic Society,
1 1 5
Southern California Camera Club, 223
Southworth, Albert Sands, 36, 3 7 — 4 3 .
works of, 36, 38, 39, 42
Spanish Village (Smith), 292
Spectrum. See Solar rays
Speedlight, 295
Spiral Staircase, Marseille (Bayer),
Spirit photography, 76 , 207
Spotting, 260
Stackpole, Peter, 251
Stanford, Leland, 141
Stannotypes, 64
Steichen, Edward, 167, 173—76, 185—
88, 220, 267
work of, 172, 1 7 4 . 175> l97
Steiner, Ralph, work of, 233
Stereographs, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 68,
Stereoscope, 39, 53-6I , 63, 68, 88,
89, 112, 119
"The Stereoscope and the Stereograph"
(Holmes), 5 ff.
Stereoscopic photography, 63, 68, 74.
See also Stereoscope
Stereoscopic vision, 56, 57, 58
Stettinus, John L., work of, 1 5 1
Stewart, Mr., 79
Stieglitz, Alfred, 163, 167, 185—89
and «., 209-24, 254, 259, 260,
277, 287, 297
work of, 167—71, 198, 206, 211,
213, 216
"Stieglitz" (Rosenfeld), 209 ff., 224
Stiff Pull, A (Emerson), 161
Still Life (Diamond ), 97
Still Life (Kuehn), 1 9 3
Stirling, Edmund, 187
Storefront and Signs, Beaufort, South
Carolina (W. Evans), 3 1 7
Story, William Wetmore, 69 and ».
Story of Marie, The (Brassaï), 280
Strand, Paul, 219
and Time in New England, 297—
work of, 220, 221, 296, 300, 301,
3 0 3
Stravinsky, Igor, 274, 274
Street, Fifth Avenue, The (Stieglitz),
Street Arabs in Sleeping Quarters at
Night (Riis), 156,1 5 7
Street Band, A (Champney), 148
Street—Winter,The (Stieglitz), 167
Stryker, Roy E., 263, 267, 315, 317
Sully, Thomas, 49
Summer Days (Cameron), r39
Sumner, Charles, 38
Sun-pictures, 55-56
Sunlight and Shadow, Mont St. Michel
(F. Evans), 183
Surrealist movement, 228
Susan Thompson, Cape Split, Maine
(Strand), 301
Swift, Henry, 251
Talbot, William Henry Fox, 15, 40,
56, 86, 87, 88, 119
on calotype photogenic drawing,
on photogenic drawing, 23-31
work of, 22, 26, 29, 32, 33
Talbotype. See Calotype
Tant qu'il y aura des bêtes (Brassai),
Taylor, Henry, 136, 137, 138
Taylor, Paul, 263
Taylor, Zachary, 45, 46
Tennyson, Alfred Lord, 135, 138
Terminal,The (Stieglitz), 169
Thaulow, Frits, 173, 176
Theobald Chartran (Steichen), 186
Théophile Gautier (Nadar), 110
35 mm, 320
Thompson, Susan, 301
Thompson, Warren, 47 n.
Time in New England (Strand, New-hall),
"Tin-types," 64
Tinting, 133. See also Toning
'Tis Light Within—Dark Without!
(Rejlander), 107
Tissandier, Gaston, 65
To My Patrons, 129-33
Toadstool and Grasses, Georgetown,
Maine (Strand), 300
Tonal quality, 286, 293
Toning, 67, 80
Torso ( Stieglitz ), 213
Toscanini, Arturo, 274
Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de, 278, 280
Tournachon, Gaspard Félix. See
Townsend, George Alfred, 49
Traité encyclopédique de la photographie,
Transition, 239
Transparencies, 152
Tri-X film, 293
Tschichold, Jan, work of, 248
Tuileries and the Seine from the Quai
d'Orsay, The (Daguerre), 20
Turner, Joseph Mallord William, 116,
1 1 7
Twain, Mark, 49
Twin-lens camera, 53, 146
Two Callas (Cunningham), 234
291 (periodical), 209
291 Fifth Avenue (Photo-Secession
gallery), 209, 210, 216
Two Ways of Life, The (Rejlander),
104, 105-06
Typewriter (Steiner), 233
Typophotos, 240
United States, early history of photography
in, 3 7 - 4 3
United States Geological Exploration
of the 40th Parallel, 121
"Upon Photography in an Artistic
View, and Its Relation to the Arts"
( N e w t o n ) , 7 9 f f .
U. S. Camera, 269
"The Use of Collodion in Photography"
(Archer), 51#.
Van Dyke, Willard, 251, 253
work of, 233
Vance, Robert H., 128
Vanity Pair, 229
Vertov, Dziga, 242
Viaduct on the South Eastern Railway,
A (Pollock), 96
View camera, 251
Vigier, Viscount, 119
Vision, 56, 57, 58
"Vision Plus the Camera: Henri
Cartier-Bresson" (B. Newhall),
283 ff.
Vogel, Hermann Wilhelm, 68
Voigtländer camera, 278
Von Schneidau, Polycarpus, 48 n.
Vorticist group, 205
V orto graph (Coburn), 204
Vortographs, 204
Vortoscope, 205
Waldweben (Abbott), 186
"Walker Evans: Visiting Artist," 311
Wallace, William Ross, 46
War Relocation Authority, 255
Watermelon Party, 53
Watkins, Carleton Emmons, 68 and
work of, 69
Watson, Eva, 187
Watzek, Hans, 176, 195
Weber, Max, 205
Wedgwood, Josiah, 84 and n.
Wedgwood, Thomas, 15, 23, 30, 84,
and n., 85, 86
Weston, Brett, work of, 232
Weston, Edward,223-27, 251, 252—
53, 259, 260, 261, 277, 307
work of, 222, 224, 226, 246, 252
Wet Day on the Boulevard, Paris, The
(Stieglitz), 170
Wet plate process. See Collodion
Whalebone and Sky (Van Dyke),
"What is Modern Photography" (Sis-kind),
3 0 5
Wheatstone , Charles, 3 9 , 5 3
Whipple, John Adams, 46 n., 54, 56,
74 and n.
work of, 73
Whistler, James Abbott McNeill, 212,
White, Clarence H., 167, 176, 187,
work of, 199
White, Minor, 307—09
work of, 308
White Horse, Ranchos de Taos, New
Mexico (Strand), 22r
Whitman, Walt, 214, 215
Willard, S. L., 187
Williamson, Samuel T., 303
Wilson, Cyllene Margaret, 138
Wilson, Edward L., 129, 130, 132
Windowsill and Daydreaming, Rochester,
New York (White), 308
Windsor from the Railway (Frith),
Winter on Fifth Avenue (Stieglitz),
Wiseman, Cardinal Nicholas, 47
Wolcott, Alexander S., 38
Wolf, Mr., 46, 49
Wollaston, William Hyde, 15 n., 84,
Woman [One Portrait],A( Stieglitz ),
"The Work of Man Ray" (Desnos),
228, ff.
World War II, 243, 255, 280, 283
Wykoff, Chevalier, 48
Yosemite National Park, 255, 238,
276, 277
Zone system of exposure control, 255
Zoogyroscope, 141-42