abstract art: as academic, 87;
conventions of, 185—6; historical
justification for, 73-4; post-painterly,
169,180; School of Paris,
1,52,127,129,135 (roots in,
72—3, 76; source of modernism,
"Abstract Expressionism, Weapon of
the Cold War" (Cockcroft), 175,
Abstract Expressionist(s), 2, 3, 8,9,
28,50,52,54, 77, 89, 91, 99,109,
common assumptions of, 267;
critical history of, 141-50;
European critics' reactions to, 102—
6; Existential aesthetic, 140,153 —
4; as Existential hero, 133; in
federal programs, 14-15,38, 48,
Freud and, 199; history of, 5—25,
96-100,127-31,169—81; as
History Painters, 166; influences
on, 2, 45,46,127-35,141-50,
198-205; John Graham, assistance
of, 372; motives, 123; as Myth
Makers, 161; mythology of, 10,
131,159,267-8; new
interpretations of, 29—30; private
myths, 80,130; resistance to
interpretation, 195—6; and Russian
Formalism, 198,202-5; as school,
127; School of Paris and, 1,130;
societal attitudes of, 155; subject
matter of, 4, 65-6,134; supportive
critics, 51
Abstract Painting: Background and
American Phase (Hess), 148
Abstraction-Création, 99
Action Painting, 1, 25, 97, 109,113,
117,133,142,143; art as action,
76—80; Freudian edge and, 142;
Kline as action painter, 291, 316
"Against Interpretation" (Sontag),
Albers, Josef, 291, 404, 412
Albert Gallatin Collection of Living
Art, 6
Alloway, Lawrence, 150; new
definitions for art, 25
American Abstract Artists (AAA), 12,
"American Action Painters"
(Rosenberg), 19, 204
"American Art Today, 1950"
(Metropolitan Museum of Art), 52
American Artists Congress, 16, 79
American Federation of Art, 21
American scene painting, 1,12,18,
American violence, expression in art
of, 45
Arp, Hans, 49, 72-3, 99
art: as academic, 115; as action,
76-80; avant-garde, 16-18,
66—70; as commodity, 82;
communication in, 3,121,195-6,
205; crisis in, 144,169, 244;
function of order, 111 — 12; moral
bases of, 165; private myths, and,
80; as reflection of society, 182; as
regression, 140; speculation in, 175
Art Digest, 89, 91, 92
Art News, 19, 21,22,54,55, 89, 92,
Art Nouveau, 90
Art of this Century (gallery), 51, 99,
126,130,167n, 203,401
artist: as commodity, 82; isolated,
142; marginal, 128
artists, black, 155
Artists Union, 46
automatism, 38, 40,44,45, 96-7,
"Avant-garde and Kitsch"
(Greenberg), 16-19
Avery, Milton, 414,420
Barnes, Dr. Albert, 149
Barr, Alfred Jr., 108,123,175,178,
196; Cubism and Abstract Art,
26n; European reviews quoted by,
102—8; see also McCray, Porter
Baur, John I. H. : "Nature in
Abstraction," 279
Baziotes, William, 37,38, 39, 44,45,
49,53,98,106, 213,412; on
communication, 141,196; and
Gottlieb, parallels with, 264;
statement quoted, 96
Beardsley, Monroe C. ("Intentional
Fallacy"), 201
Bell, Clive, 197, 403
Bennington College, 332,334
Benton, Thomas Hart, 42, 129, 172,
191,192,265, 318, 364; rejected,
11 ; standards, 265
Berger, Arthur, 34
Berger, John, 172,185
Bernini, 244
Betty Parsons (gallery), 51, 99,130,
Bewley, Marius, 196
Bischoff, Elmer, 199
Bishop, Isabel, 125n
Blok (Warsaw), 203
Bloom, Hyman, 98
Bohemia, 142; as sanctuary, 65
Boime, Albert, "Franz Kline: The Early
Works as Signals," 319
Bonnard, Pierre, 76
Bontecou, Lee, 406
Boston Museum of Contemporary Art,
Bourgeois, Louise (Mrs. Robert
Goldwater), 196,202
Braden, Thomas W., 175
Braque, Georges, 1, 7, 42,264,265,
Breton, André, 99,197; Freudian and
Marxian sanctions, 97;
"Manifesto," 15 — 16, "Surrealism
in the Service of the Revolution,"
Brooks, Cleanth, The Well-Wrought
Urn, 200,202,203
Brooks, James, 100,106,124,213;
statement quoted, 95
Browne, Byron, 12
Brussels Fair, 105,110
Brustein, Robert, 140
Burchfield, Charles, 13
Burke, Edmund, 162—3, 325
Burliuk, David, 203
Burrows, Carlyle, 22
Busa, Peter, 37, 38, 39
Cage, John, 49,54
Cahiers d'art (Paris), 129
Calas, Nicholas, 49, 54
California School of Fine Arts, 199
Callery, Mary, 43
Canaday, John, 22,23,122-3,
344—5; letter opposing, 122—3
(signers, 123—5; supporters, 125n)
Castelli, Leo, 57
Castelli (gallery), 178
Cedar Bar, 47, 203, 374; as Cedar
Street Tavern, 56,130
Cézanne, Paul, 7,21, 76,129,132,
244, 254, 307, 333
Chagall, Marc, 7
Clark, Kenneth, 140
Clark, T.J., 197
"Club, The," 47,48-57,130,295,
373—4; charter members, 49—50;
founders, 49; misunderstood, 373;
9th Street Show, 57; proceedings,
46—7; programs and speakers,
Cobra movement, 171
Cockcroft, Eva: "Abstract
Expressionism, Weapon of the Cold
War," 174-5,193
Cold War, 15,174
Colin, Paul, 202
Columbia University, 34
Commentary, 21
Communist Party, 15,16,189
Conceptualism, 169
Constructivism, 222
Cornell, Joseph, 42,49
Corot, Jean-Baptiste-Camille, 64,292
Courbet, Gustave, 66, 67,120, 312
Craven, Thomas, 11
Croce, Benedetto, 145
Cubism, 72,79,137,139,145,146,
Cubism, "synthetic," 147
Cubism and Abstract Art (Barr), 26n
Cubist(s), 137,139,146,148,173,
Curry, John Steuart, 11,129
Curt Valentin (gallery), 39
Dada, 99,114,137,145,170,178,
Dali, Salvador, 7,34,197,419
Daumier, Honoré, 64
David McKee (gallery), 319
Davis, Stuart, 98,110,124, 372; de
Kooning, influence on, 241
de Chirico, 7
de Kooning, Elaine (Mrs. Willem de
Kooning), 53,112,291
de Kooning, Willem, 4,5,46, 57,109,
293,295,305,316,320-1,376; as
abstract painter, 229-30; black-and-
white paintings of, 234;
chronology, 215-27; collage,
227—8; color, 251—2; on crisis,
144; on Cubism, 224,233,243-4;
early articles on, 21; on feeling
American, 225; landscapes, 255;
late paintings, 254-6; meaning,
240,249; MOMA symposium and,
21; on Mondrian, 246; on
Newman, 244-5; on photorealism,
248; on Pollock, 372-4;
retrospective of, 238—40; on
Rubens, 240—2; Sartre in relation
to, 231; space in, 232—3; Springs
(L.I.), living in, 249-50; statement
quoted, 95; unity, 239; "Women"
series, 225-7,234-5,236,239,
249; works cited, 173,225-8,233,
De Stijl (Holland), 7
Dehner, Dorothy (Mrs. David Smith),
Delacroix, Eugene, 33, 64, 86,120,
Devree, Howard, 22
Di Suvero, Mark, 317
Dialectics of Art (Graham), 372; see
also Graham, John, System and
Dialectics of Art
Dove, Arthur, 13, 99
Dubuffet, Jean, 91
Duchamp, Marcel, 99,114,129, 224
Dufy, Raoul, 7
Egan, Charles, 59, 99
Egan (gallery), 51, 99,130,229, 291,
Eliot, T. S., 197,199
émigré artists in New York, 7—8,
Empson, William, 201
Encounter (London), 20,382
Ernst, Max, 7,39,41,42, 93,97, 99,
European critics quoted, 102-8
Evergood, Philip, 11, 87
Existentialism, 4, 96,153—4,198,
Expressionism, 139,145,256;
German, 97,106
Expressionist, 139
Fauves, 137
Fauvism, 106,146
Federal Art Project, 48,127,128,129,
171,172; Abstract Expressionists
on, 14; Public Works of Art Project
(PWAP), 13-14; Treasury Art
Project (TRAP), 14; Works
Progress Administration (WPA),
Federation of Modern Painters and
Sculptors, 8,16
Ferber, Herbert, 49,100,157,200
Ferren, John, 29n, 51,53,54,57, 89
field painting, 192,276-7,281-6,
Fiene, Ernest, 12
Fine, Perle, 53,247
Fitzsimmons, James, 54, 89,91,93
Formalism, Russian, 198,203,205
Fortune, 175
Fragonârd, Jean-Honoré,239
Francis, Sam, 100,103,106,109
Frankenthaler, Helen, 153,180,406
French Salon, 120
Freud, Sigmund, 199,268,377
Fried, Michael, 386
Fry, Roger, 197,403
Fuller, Peter, 182-7,188,193
Futurists, Russian, 203
Gabo, Naum, 93
galleries: Art of this Century, 51, 99,
126,130,167n, 203,401; Betty
Parsons, 51, 99,130,159,164,
330,332; Castelli, 178; Curt
Valentin, 39; David McKee, 319;
Egan, 51,99,130,229,291,299,
305; Howard Putzel, 51; Julien
Levy, 37, 99,130; McMillen, 372,
373; Marlborough-Gerson, 316;
Marlborough New London
(England), 406; Nierendorf, 271;
Peridot, 130; Pierre Matisse, 39,
204; Samuel Kootz, 51,54,59,
Stable, 130; subsidies, 44; Tenth
Street, 130; Whitechapel (London),
Gaugh, Harry F., "Franz Kline: The
Color Abstractions," 319—20
Gauguin, Paul, 121,132,191
Geldzahler, Henry, 152—5; New York
Painting and Sculpture: 1940—
Genauer, Emily, 22, 344-5
Géricault, 64
Getlein, Frank, 64,140
Giocometti, Alberto, 91—2,94,203,
Glarner, Fritz, 49
Glasco, Joseph, 92
Godamer, Hans-George, 382, 389—91
Goldwater, Robert, 20,31,51,52,53,
Gombrich, Ernst, 140
Goodnough, Robert, 49, 301
Goossen, E. C., 160
Gorky, Arshile, 21,40,43, 99,106,
influence on de Kooning, 40;
suicide, 173; underground
reputation, 44
Gottlieb, Adolph, 4,5, 8,10,139,141,
148,160,195,229,291; and
Baziotes, 264; chronology, 257—9;
color, 278 — 80,283—6; color field,
276-7,281-6; desperation of,
266—7; "Imaginary Landscapes,"
272,274,284; MOMA
symposium, 21; on myth and
symbol, 159,199,267-8,278; and
Picasso, 274; pictographs, 199,
261-2,271,273,276,277-9; and
Rothko, 267,277,413,417; scale,
279,282; standards, 9, 25,265—7;
subject matter, 3,99,267,276;
Surrealism, 272; and Tomlin, 274;
works cited, 271,272, 274, 276,
Graham, John, 40; aid to Abstract
Expressionists, 372; influence on de
Kooning, 241; Russian Formalism,
link to, 203; System and Dialectics
of Art, 8,372
Graves, Morris, 98
Gray, Cleve, 125n
Greenberg, Clement, 26,51, 99, 111,
"Avant-garde and Kitsch," 16—19;
and Cold War, 15; "Cubist
trauma," 146-7; emotion in art,
147; flatness, 179-81; "How Art
Writing Earns Its Bad Name,"
382—3; metaphysical content, 148;
MOMA symposium, 21; on New
York School, 146; on subject
matter, 65—6,178, 200—1; as
tastemaker, 177; theory, 141—50
Greene, Balcomb, 12
Cropper, William, 11
Guggenheim, Peggy, 39,41,42,44,
45,49,51,99,364; see also Art of
This Century (gallery)
Guggenheim, Solomon R., Museum,
see Solomon R. Guggenheim
Guilbaut, Serge, 197
Guston, Philip, 5,53,100,106,213,
316,404; statement quoted, 96
Hare, David, 100
Hartigan, Grace, 53,100,101,103,
Hartley, Marsden, 7
Harvard University, 33
Hess, Thomas, 51, 94,144,244,382,
418; Abstract Painting:
Background and American Phase,
148; Newman derided by, 22, 329;
Newman retrospective, 347—50;
theory, 141,148-9; Willemde
Hess, Thomas (cont.)
Kooning, 149,238-40
Höfer, Karl, 40
Höfmann, Hans, 7,99,100,110,111,
213,413,416; Hans Hofmann
School, 48
Holty, Carl, 12
Holtzman, Harry, 49, 53
Hopper, Edward, 13, 98,125n
Howard Putzel (gallery), 51
humanists, 88
Hunter, Sam, 150, 368—9,371
Hurd, Peter, 12
Impressionism, 67,102,119,243,
Ingres, Jean-Auguste-Dominique, 64
"Intentional Fallacy, The" (Beardsley
and Wimsatt), 200
"Intrasubjectives, The" (catalogue
essay, Rosenberg), 54
It Is, 51
Jakobson, Roman, 202
Janson, H. W., 21
Jaspers, Karl, 96
Jewell, Edward Alden, 22; letter from
Gottlieb and Rothko, 10
Jewish Museum, 238
Johns, Jasper, 178,238
Joyce, James, 116,378
Julien Levy (gallery), 37, 99,130
Jung, Carl, 97; Modern Man in Search
of a Soul, 198-9; see also Pollock,
Jackson, Jungian analysis
Kamrowski, Gerome, 37, 38,40
Kandinsky, Wassily, 43,44, 76, 97,
366, 368, 413; color, 202; early
New York showings, 6; as
influence, 2,43,190, 202, 222, 369
Kaprow, Allan, 25
Kelly, Ellsworth, 162,169, 406
Kierkegaard, Soren, 80, 96, 375
Klee, Paul, 6,41, 73, 92,103,106,
Kline, Franz, 109,136,148,165, 374;
black-and-white paintings, 296,
313-15, 317-18, 320—Ì;
calligraphy, 297,299, 300—2,
313—14; chronology, 288—9; The
Club and, 295; color, 97,309,314,
319-21; copying, 295; drawing,
294, 297, 309, 310, 312; drinking,
173; influences, 307, 311; patrons,
293—4, 307—8, 309; portraits,
308, 310; scale, 300—1; tavern
decorations, 293—4, 310; works
cited, 292-4,296,297,298,
Knaths, Karl, 7, 87,125n
Kozloff, Max, 24, 176
Kramer, Hilton, 20,140
Krasner, Lee (Mrs. Jackson Pollock),
Kuspit, Donald, 197,199
Lassaw, Ibram, 100
League for Cultural Freedom and
Socialism, 8,16
Lee, Doris, 12
Léger, Fernand, 7,12, 99, 249,251
Levine, Jack, 98
Life, 20, 21
Lipton, Seymour, 100,196
Louis, Morris, 180, 240,317
Lovejoy, Arthur, 33
Lynes, Russell, 175
McCarthy, Senator Joseph, 23
McCray, Porter, 101
McMillen (gallery), 372,373
Magazine of Art, 21,116,134
Malevich, Kasimir, 160
Man Ray, 7
Manet, Edward, 67,121,129,141,
Mangold, Robert, 169
"Manifesto: Toward a Free
Revolutionary Art" (Breton), 15;
see also Rivera, Diego; Trotsky,
Marca-Relli, Corrado, 57
Marden, Brice, 169
Margo, Boris, 203
Margolis, David, 203
Marin, John, 13, 98, 99
Marinetti, Fillipo, 84
Marisol, Escobar, 155
Marlborough-Gerson (gallery), 316
Marlborough New London (gallery)
(England), 406
Marsh, Reginald, 307
Marxist Quarterly, 15
"Marxists," 79
Masson, André, 99,106, 129, 147;
collage, 43; influence, 7,43
Mathieu, Georges, 90, 91
Matisse, Henri, 7,46,102,106,127,
226, 230, 249, 254, 264-5, 304,
307,.335, 341; influence, 1, 2, 145
Matta (Roberto Echaurren Matta), 99,
106; collage, 42; Exquisite Corpse,
41; influence, 7, 33, 35-7,40-2,
Matter, Mercedes, 3 73
Mayakovsky, Vladimir, 203
Metropolitan Museum of Art, 21, 52;
Centennial exhibition, 152,155
Michelangelo, 77,116
Minimalism, 155-6, 169,244,248
Mirò, Joan, 73, 76,93,99,230;
influence, 2,41,45,142,147, 266,
Modern Man in Search of a Soul
(Jung), 198-9
modernism, 5, 82—4,142
Modigliani, Amadée, 7, 307
Mondrian, Piet, 7, 83, 99, 129,223,
343, 345-6, 366, 410, 413; early
New York showing, 6
"Monster Painting," 171
Morris, George L. K., 7
Mortimer, Raymond, 21
Motherwell, Robert, 4, 31,49, 51,53,
automatism, 197—8; on becoming
artist, 33—5; collage, 42; early
articles on, 21; Matta, influence of,
36—44; Schapiro, influence of, 34;
Seligmann, influence of, 35;
statement quoted, 95; works cited,
Museum of Modern Art (MOMA), 5,
accused of bias, 87—8; admission
to, 7; American abstraction,
attitude toward, 12; Aquisitions
Committee, 21; cultural
imperialism, 175-6; The New
American Painting, tour of, 95,
101,332; symposium, Abstract
Expressionism, 21
Museum of Non-objective Art, 6; see
also Solomon R. Guggenheim
Namuth, Hans, 377
Nation, The, 21
"Nature of Abstract Art" (Schapiro),
Neo-Plasticists, 222, 242
Nevelson, Louise, 155
New Criticism, 198-9,200-4
New York Herald Tribune, 22
New York Painting and Sculpture,
1940-1970 (Geldzahler), 152
New York School, 1, 33,126,130,
New York Times, 10,22-3,122,
125n, 152
New York Times Magazine, 175
New York University, 7,49
Newman, Bamett, 3,27n, 97, 148,
244-5,299, 380,412,413, 417;
artist's intention, 338; on beauty
and sublime, 325-8,345—56;
chronology, 322—3; color, 334—5;
color field, 333,345; on
Constructivism, 203; "The First
Man Was an Artist," 165; on
Gottlieb, 195; on hero, 157, 335;
heroic gesture, 341; The
Ideographic Picture, 158-9;
imagery, 338,346; Kabbalah, 244,
347—50; Mondrian, relation to,
330-1,333,342; "stripe,"
"band," or "zip", 97,333,334,
344, 348; subject matter, 10,140,
336-42; sublime, 340,345-6,
350; symbolism, 99,159; theory,
157—8; work in series, 164—5,
336—7,341; works cited, 161,163,
Newman, Barnett (cont.)
Nierendorf (gallery), 271
Noland, Kenneth, 180
O'Doherty, Brian, 418
O'Hara, Frank, 305
O'Keeffe, Georgia, 13
Oldenburg, Claes, 25
Olitski, Jules, 180
Onslow-Ford, Gordon, 36
Oriental art, 63,117,118,247,297,
301-2,313-14,360,410; Eastern
calligraphy, 116; Hsieh Ho, 117;
"wild men," 116, Wu Tao-tzu, 113
Orozco, Jose Clemente, 42
Orton, Fred, 197
Osborn, Peggy, 40
Ozenfant, Amédée, Foundations of
Modern Art, 7-8
Paalen, Wolfgang, 36
Parker, Raymond, 406
Parks, David, 199
Partisan Review, 16,20,21,177
Pavia, Phillip, 50-2, 54,57
Peridot (gallery), 130
Phillips (gallery), 319,320
photo-realism, 179,248
Picasso, Pablo, 1,2,5,7,42,46,92,
368,369,372; Guernica, 172
Pierce, Waldo, 12
Pierre Matisse (gallery), 39,204
Pollock, Griselda, 197
Pollock, Jackson, 37,39,46,109,136,
accidents, 173,360,367,375-6;
alcoholism, 43,172; apocalyptic,
190-3; and Cedar Bar, 374;
character, 43,144,186-9,374;
chronology, 351—5; and The Club,
373-4; collage, 42; color, 364;
decorative art, 114—15, 369—70;
Formalism, 386; Happenings, 376;
imagery, 365-7,368,370-1;
influences, 5,42,43,172,318,364,
368,377,379; Jungian analysis,
199; McMillen Gallery, 372—3;
and meaning of his art, 358,
365-6,382—91; MOMA
symposium, 21; scale, 45,361;
technique, 42-4,99—100,132,
140,150,153,172; 178, 185-6,
356-7,358,360,362,365; ugly
art, 143; works cited, 190,196,
Pop art, 25,169,179,191
Porter, David, 196
Possibilities, 418
post-Cubist, 148
Post-Impressionism, 79
Pound, Ezra, 104
Prall, David, 33
Preston, Stuart, 406
"Problem for Critics, A" (Putzel), 147
Proust, Marcel, 116
purists, 61
purity and music, 69
Putzel, Howard, 51; "A Problem for
Critics," 147
Quadrum (Belgium), 52,56
Rauschenberg, Robert, 144,238
Ray, Man, 7
Read, Herbert, 110,140
Reality, 86-8; letter to MOMA,
87—8; signers, 87; statement, 86—7
Rebay, Baroness Hilla, 6
Regionalism, 18,98
Regionalists, 172
Reinhardt, Ad, 49,53,54,94,154,
417; against interpretation, 202
Reis, Bernard, 36
Rembrandt, 73, 77,325
Renaissance, 93,120,325
Renoir, Auguste, 116,122,127, 305
Riopelle, 90
Rivera, Diego, 16,191, 192; see also
"Manifesto: Toward a Free
Revolutionary Art"
Robertson, Bryan, 406
Rodchenko, Alexander, 284
Rodman, Seiden, 200
Romanticism, 64—5, 111
Rose, Barbara, 178
Rose, Berenice, 173,178
Rosenberg, Harold, 21,24,49,51,53,
"American Action Painters," 19,
204; theory, 141—50,383
Roszak, Theodore, 100
Rothko, Mark, 8, 9,10,50,136,148,
205,291,334; automatism, 44;
Chapel, 164; chronology, 392—6;
color, 403,405,406-7,408,
409-11,414-15,416,419; credo,
139,200,397-400; and Gottlieb,
267; imponderable, 409; letter to,
Jewell, 10; lighting, 418-20;
murals, 163-5,410-12;
mythology, 159,161; reductive
qualities, 158,413-15; scale, 45,
411; statement quoted, 95; subject
matter, 3,403—4; suicide, 173,
413; Surrealism, influence of, 44,
401,408,419; transcendentalism
of, 402-3; works cited, 163-4,196,
Rousseau, Theodore, 64
Rubens, 240,241,242
Rubin, William, 24,150,178,190
Russell, Alfred, 91
Ryder, Albert Pinkham, 42,99,292,
Sample, Paul, 12
Samuel Kootz (gallery), 51,54;
subsidies, 44
Sandler, Irving, 29n, 31,197, 277;
"The Triumph of American
Painting," 173
Sapir, Edward, 195
Sartre, Jean-Paul, 4,145,198,203,
234,383; de Kooning in relation to,
231; La Nausée, 204; The Words,
scale as factor in art, 45,97-8,104,
Schapiro, Meyer, 21,34,150;
American Artists Congress, 16; as
influence, 8,34; "The Nature of
Abstract Art," 10,15
Schreiber, George, 125n
Schwitters, Kurt, 42
Seitz, William, 117,150
Seligmann, Kurt, 8,35,36,53
Selz, Peter, 419
Serra, Richard, 169
Sert, Jose Maria, 241,242
Seurat, Georges, 7
Sewanee Review, 201
Shahn, Ben, 11, 98
Siqueiros, David Alfaro, 172,191,192
Smith, David, 100,173,195,199,
Social Realism, 1,18,38,197
Social Realists, 11,15,186
Socialist Realism, 98,174
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, 5,
Sontag, Susan, "Against
Interpretation," 383-90
Soulages, Pierre, 90
Soutine, Haim, 76,147, 307
Stable (gallery), 130
Stalinism, 15,19
Stamos, Theodore, 100,159,412
Stein, Gertrude, 227,291
Steinberg, Leo, 24,150,320
Stella, Frank, 162,180
Sternberg, Harry, 125n
Sterne, Hedda, 202
Stevens, Wallace, 78
Still, Clyfford, 4, 44,45, 78, 99,100,
417; Abstract Expressionists,
influence on, 45 ; reductive
renunciation of, 158; statement
quoted, 95
Studio 35,49,51,52
"Subjects of the Artist" School, 57;
faculty, 49; founders, 49; Modern
Artists in America, 49
sublime: as aesthetic category, 162-3;
social responsibility and the, 165
Surrealism, 2, l'5,36,97,100,116,
130,131,133,' 139,150,233,266,
268,333,369,401; Exquisite
Corpse, 41,132; literary, 197;
motifs, 101
Surrealism in the Service of the
Revolution, 15
Surrealists, 99,132,139,325,378; as
bohemians, 129; influence of, 34,
Sweeney, James Johnson, 20, 54
Sylvester, David, 135
Tachisme, 101
Tanguy, Yves, 197—8
Tate Gallery, 107, 163
Taylor, Francis Henry, 21
Tchelitchew, Pavel, 7,197
Tenth Street, 47, 176—7
Tenth Street (gallery), 130
Thomas, Dylan, 52
Tiger's Eye, 20,161,196,201-2
Time, 20
Times Literary Supplement (London),
Tobey, Mark, 97, 98,404
Tomlin, Bradley Walker, 100,104,
Trilling, Lionel, 199
"Triumph of American Painting, The"
(Sandler), 173
Trotsky, Leon: art theory, 15; as
influence, 8,18; "Manifesto,"
Tworkov, Jack, 53, 56,100,106
Unit One, 99
Utrillo, Maurice, 7
Van Doesburg, Theo, 7
Van Gogh, Vincent, 121,127
Venice Biennale, 196
Venturi, Lionello, 73
Vermeer, Jan, 83
Waldman, Diane, 254,255
Warhol, Andy, 345
Warren, Robert Penn, 202
Weber, Max, 98
Well-Wrought Urn, The (Brooks), 200
Wescher, Herta, 92
Whitechapel (gallery) (London), 406
Whitman, Walt, 81,143
Whitney Museum of American Art,
274,279, 319; Whitney Biennial,
Willem de Kooning (Hess), 238-40
Wimsatt, W. K. ("The Intentional
Fallacy"), 200, 201
Wollheim, Richard, 199
Wood, Grant, 11,121,129
World War 11,20,170,172
Xcéron, John, 7
Zadkine, Ossip, 8
Zarnower, Theresa, 203
Zen, 96
Zirmunskij, Victor, 202
Zorach, William, 7,125n