Page numbers in bold indicate
major references
9/11 27, 28, 70, 225, 550, 553, 577
100 works in milled aluminum
(Juddj 23, 24
A-Z West (California) 500-501, 504
Abramovic, Marina 16,188-93
Abstract Expressionism 11,13,14,
51, 53,130,183, 228, 232, 305,
321, 349, 367, 561, 593
Acconci, Vito 24, 555
Ackermann, Rita 7, 586-9
Action Painters 11
Adams, Ansel 254
Adjaye, David 375, 377
African-American artists 526
Aitken, Doug 19
Al, Wendy 167
Al-Hadid, Diana 7, 20, 70-75, 273
Alaska 26, 27, 29, 416
Albers, Anni 17
Albers, Josef 17, 481, 497
Allora & Calzadilla 7, 274-7
Allora, Jennifer
see Allora & Calzadilla
Altadena, California 285
American Academy (Rome)
58, 427
American exceptionalism 550
American Indian movement 13
Amsterdam 12, 20, 52
Analogue (Leonard) 26-7
Andersen, Thom 304
Anderson, Laurie 284, 444
Andre, Carl 23, 79, 453
Ann Arbor, Michigan 179, 284
Anthony, Casey 335
Antin, Eleanor 24
Arbus, Diane 95, 217
Arcangel, Cory 16, 382-5
Architectural Association 263
Argentina 107,109, 273, 558
Arizona 438
Armory (New York) 539
Armstrong, Louis 260
Arroyo Seco, New Mexico 467
Art Basel 508, 539
Art Basel - Hong Kong 522, 539
Art Basel - Miami 132, 278, 539
Art Institute of Chicago 306, 459
Art Nouveau 305
Art Production Fund (New York)
Artschwager, Richard 232
Asher, Michael 304, 444, 545
Asian Cultural Council 266
Auerbach, Tauba 21, 378-81
Austin, Texas 455
avant-gardism 166, 305, 349
Aycock, Alice 370
Azari, Shoja 6, 36
Bacharach, Burt 183
Bacon, Francis 436
Baden, Mowry 291, 294
Bailey, William 271
Baker, Kenneth 373
Baldessari, John 6,14,19, 96,
98-105,107,108,109, 283, 284,
286, 316, 444, 445, 447, 545
Baldwin, James 15, 326, 327
Bangladesh 516
Bardot, Brigitte 192
Barney, Matthew 423
Baroque 549
Barr, Alfred H. 12
Barragän, Luis 497
Barry, Robert 20
Bartlett, Jennifer 64
Barton, Nancy 426
Bas, Hernan 6, 278-81
Basel 526
Baselitz, Georg 495
Basquiat, Jean-Michel 319
Bateson, Gregory 360
Baudelaire, Charles 16
Bauhaus 17, 497, 506
Beat Generation 96
Becher, Bernd and Hilla 161
Beckmann, Max 241
Beethoven, Ludwig van 316, 567
Beijing Olympics 264, 267
Bell, Larry 6, 7, 96,122-9, 462
Bengston, Billy Al 6, 7, 96,
164-9, 283, 298
Benjamin, Walter 360
Benton, Thomas Hart 14
Berlin 12, 224-5, 304, 331, 358,
492, 506, 525, 558
Bernini, Gian Lorenzo 440
Beshty, Walead 20, 21,142-5,150
Bettelheim, Bruno 440
Beyoncé 531
Bhabha, Huma 16, 20, 428-31
Bickerton, Ashley 542
Bierstadt, Albert 14
Bin Laden, Yeslam 181
Birmingham, Alabama 529
Black Power movement 13
Black Sea 254
Blair, Dike 420
Blake, Peter 232
Blalock, Lucas 514-15
Bleckner, Ross 15, 82, 394-7
Boesky, Marianne 440
Bogota 560
Bonn 475
Bontecou, Lee 456
Borges, Jorge Luis 216, 228, 358
Borofsky, Jonathan 284, 444
Boston 288, 314, 316
Bourgeois, Louise 440
Bowery (New York) 32, 40, 46,
49, 268, 300, 353, 567
Bowie, David 448
Brach, Paul 82
Bradford, Mark 16, 96,136-41, 526
Brancusi, Constantin 142, 260, 567
Brando, Marlon 316
Brant Foundation 199
Brazil 194,197, 273
Brecht, Bertolt 515
Brendel, Alfred 316
Bretteil, Richard 486
Brewed, Rob 449
Brixton (London) 358
Broad Museum (Los Angeles) 283
Bronx (New York) 40, 51, 52,
324, 327, 374
Brooklyn 6, 7,10,14, 20, 56-9,
60-63, 70-73, 76, 92,186-7,
194-7, 213-15, 238, 300, 306-13,
324-9, 338-45, 354-7, 364-9,
374-93, 416, 420, 423, 433, 465,
492, 540-41, 562-5, 586-9, 594
Brooklyn Museum (New York)
213, 214, 215
Brooks, Mel 360
Brown, Cecily 541
Brown, Gavin 560
Brown, James 260
Bruce, Cheryl Lynn 530
Bryanston, Dorset 481
Buckingham, Matthew 27-8, 29
Bucklin, Kansas 164
Budapest 587
Buenos Aires 107,109, 558
Buffalo, New York 12
Burckhardt, Rudy 244
Burden, Chris 288-93, 294
Burri, Alberto 426, 456
Burroughs, William 6, 32, 44, 46,
47, 62, 209, 342
Burton, Tim 444, 445
Bush, George W. 225, 302, 353, 550
Cage, John 12-13, 231, 254, 314, 444
Cai Guo-Qiang 264-7, 273
CalArts 82, 98,101,139,161, 283,
284, 286, 302, 304, 396, 444
Calder, Alexander 499, 581
California 96-185, 256, 282-99,
316, 335, 390, 424, 444, 447,
455, 460, 500-525
Calvino, Italo 73
Calzadilla, Guillermo
see Allora & Calzadilla
Camberwell College of the Arts
Cambridge University 481
Canada 15,179, 364, 367, 558
Candela, Félix 497
Caniff, Milton 218
Canova, Antonio 440
Capote, Truman 209, 397
Caravaggio, Michelangelo
Merisi da 540
Carawan, Guy 298
Carmel, California 335
Carson, Rachel 489
Carter, Richard 148
Cary, Joyce 435
Casebere, James 375
Castelli, Leo 13, 447, 495
Castelli Gallery (New York) 13
Catskill Mountains 202-11, 246
Cézanne, Paul 171,196, 241, 349,
364, 515, 540, 570
Chagall, Marc 7
Chamberlain, John 462, 591
Chamberlain, Wynn 46
Charles, Aude ill
Chekhov, Anton 273
Cheney, Dick 302
Chennai 338
Chicago 6,12,13,15, 20,122, 306,
309, 312, 416, 459, 526-37, 556
China 264, 267
Chinati Foundation (Maria) 23,
24, 26, 280, 475, 476, 478, 587
CIA art collection 321
Claremont Graduate School 462
Clark, T. J. 360
Clemente, Francesco 7,14,17,
300, 338-45, 348
Close, Chuck 6, 64-9, 481
Colen, Dan 399, 420-23
Cologne 101
Color Field painting 15
Colorado 464, 467
Columbia University (New York)
386, 429, 438, 531, 542, 545,
560, 576
Compton, California 282-3
conceptual abstraction 456
Conceptual art 13,14,15,16, 20,
98,111,130,161,180,192, 238,
294, 304, 409, 426, 444, 450,
495, 501, 506, 555, 561
Condo, George 16, 314-19
Connecticut 260, 288, 364,
406-7, 409, 412-15, 481
Constructivism 12, 222, 224, 362
Cooper, Paula 98
Cornell, Joseph 444
Cornudas Mountain Foundation
Cornwall, Connecticut 406-7,
409, 412-15
Cosby, Bill 178
Council for Fashion Designers
of America 440
Courbet, Gustave 196, 515
Craig-Martin, Michael 64
Cranbrook Academy of Art 180
Crewdson, Gregory 6,16, 92-5
Croatia 367
Cuba 273, 275, 279
Cubism 12
Culver City, Los Angeles 148, 515
Cunningham, Merce 12, 241
Currin, John 19, 432-7, 438,
440, 441
DAAD (Berlin) 358
Dada 12, 291, 582
Dali, Salvador 232, 235, 578
Darger, Henry 16
Davis, Miles 181
Day, Dorothy 567
Degas, Edgar 235
Deitch, Jeffrey 420
Demand, Thomas 506-9
Denby, Edwin 244
Denny, Robyn 232
Des Moines, Iowa 12, 556
Detroit, Michigan 15,179,180,
278-81, 386, 416
Detroit Institute of Arts (DIA)
Dia Art Foundation (New York)
24, 576
Dia:Beacon (New York) 27
Dick, Philip K. 444
Dickinson, Emily 279
Dingle, Kim 16,110-11
Dingle, Wadow no, ill
Disney, Walt 148, 283
Dix, Otto 305
Dixon, Tom 263
dOCUMENTA 534, 539
Dodge City, Kansas 164
Dorset, England 481
Douglas, Stan 15
Dove, Arthur 416
Downes, Rackstraw 14,15, 64,
Dragset, Ingar 449, 489, 490-91
Du Bois, W.E.B, 76, 79
Duchamp, Marcel 209, 260,
492, 495
Dunea, Melanie 556-7
Dunham, Carroll 15, 367, 406-7,
409, 412-15
Dunham, Lena 409
Durango, Colorado 148
Düsseldorf 477
Dylan, Bob 382
Eagle Rock, California 110
Earth art 16
East Hampton, New York 6,
East Lansing, Michigan 222
East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania
Eastman, George 216
Ecuador 497
Eddy, Mary Baker 181
El Greco 264, 531
El Paso, Texas 6, 370, 449, 486-9
El Prado, New Mexico 468-9
El Salto, New Mexico 464-7
El Salvador 520
Ellison, Ralph 15,179, 326
Elmgreen, Michael 449, 489,
Eluard, Paul 495
Embudo, New Mexico 472
England 232, 235, 481, 492-5
Escondido, California 502
Espanola, New Mexico 468
Ethiopia 222, 225, 558
Evans, Walker 94, 95
Expressionism 13, 271, 456
Fairey, Shepard 374
Faulkner, William 241
Fauvism 349
Feinstein, Rachel 7, 433, 435, 437,
Feldman, Morton 64
feminism 13,15,16, 331, 402, 410,
438, 456, 459, 495, 540, 577
La Fenice (Venice) 404
Fernandez, Teresita 56-9, 273
Ferris, Keltie 364-9
Ferus Gallery (Los Angeles) 13
Fischer, Urs 7
Fischi, Eric 19, 20, 82,183
Fish, Janet 64
Fitzgerald, F. Scott 545
Flavin, Dan 23, 327, 358, 362,
370, 373
Florence 11, 67,152
Florida 278-81
Four Corners 174
Fourcade, Xavier 232
Fox, Jason 429
Fra Angelico 570
France 231, 360, 496-9, 520
Frankfurt School 13
Franklin, Benjamin 498
Fremont, Michigan 486
Frenchtown, New Jersey 231
Frieze London 539
Frieze New York 539
Fuller, Buckminster 260, 372
Futurism 222
Gagosian, Larry 539
Gagosian Gallery (New York) 539
Gaines, Charles 304
Galilei, Galileo 55
Galisteo, New Mexico 450-59
Gallup, New Mexico 468
Galveston, Texas 482
Garcia-Lomas, Natasha 135
Garvey, Marcus 76
Gates, Bill 382
Gates, Theaster 15,16, 526, 532-7
Gauguin, Paul 150, 349
Gavin Brown's Enterprise
Gallery (New York) 560
gay liberation 13, 456
Geffen, David 184
Gehry, Frank 61,124, 263, 283,
338, 520
Genocchio, Benjamin 18-21
Germany 231, 302, 305, 331, 358,
475, 477, 489, 506, 520
Getty Research Institute
(Los Angeles) 107, 506
Ghost Ranch (Abiquiu) 449, 460
Giacometti, Alberto 575
Gilbert, Aaron 217
Gillick, Liam 19, 545
Ginsberg, Allen 342
Giorno, John 6, 32, 44-7
Giotto 55,152
Glasgow School of Art 312
Glass, Philip 61, 66, 67
Godard, Jean-Luc 51, 515
Godfrey, Mark 22-9
Gogh, Vincent van 64, 232, 349
Goldberg, Marcia 522
Goldsmiths (London) 358
Goldstein, Jack 553
Goldsworthy, Rupert 426
Gonzâlez-Torres, Félix 564
Gopnik, Adam 294
Goulds, Peter 298
Govan, Michael 183
graffiti art 7,14, 49,112,113,120,
148, 281, 316, 324, 367, 379, 423,
520, 522, 523
Graham, Dan 16, 24, 35L 358-63
Graves, Nancy 64
Gray, David 462
Gray, Richard 532
Gray, Spalding 67
Great Basin Desert, Utah 455
Green Gallery (New York) 360
Greenberg, Clement 495, 593
Grey, Sasha 268, 270
Grosz, George 510
Grotjahn, Mark 510-13
Guggenheim grants 458, 459
Guilbaut, Serge 11
Gustafson, Talon 166
Guston, Philip 12
Gysin, Brion 44
Halifax, Nova Scotia 364
Halley, Peter 367
Hamburg 118, 358, 477
Hamilton, Juan 460-63
Hammer Museum (Los Angeles)
Hammond, Harmony 15, 456-9
Hammons, David 208
Hamptons, the 82-6, 397
Hansmeyer, Michael 546
Haring, Keith 319, 522
Harlem (New York) 40
Harner, Jeff 466
Harrison, Newton 64
Harrison, Rachel 440
Harvard University (Cambridge)
Hauser, Arnold 235
Hawking, Stephen 171
Hay, Harry 489
Heilmann, Mary 62
Heiss, Alanna 370
Heizer, Michael 453
Henderson, Viola 179
Hendren, David 111
Hendrix, Jimi 550
Heriard, Laure 336
Herman, Roger 184
Hesse, Eva 453, 456
Heyl, Charline von 7, 20, 474-9
Hicks, Sheila 16-17, 496-9
Hill, Jim 460
Hirst, Damien 190, 332
Hoffman, Rhona 532
Hollywood 19, 20, 73,122,161,
283, 284, 335, 444, 467, 501,
510, 515, 524, 525, 553
Holt, Nancy 6,16, 450-55
Holzer, Jenny 495
Hometown, Illinois 459
Hong Kong 537
Honolulu, Hawaii 166,167,
Hopper, Edward 95, 202, 444
Horn, Roni 24-6, 29
Hounsou, Djimon 179
Houston, Texas 12
Hovsepian, Sheree 312-13
Howe, Susan 351, 353
Hudson, Henry 28
Hudson River School 444, 573
Huebler, Douglas 24, 444
Humphries, Jacqueline 7, 445,
Hungary 587, 589
Hurley, Denzil 62
Hurston, Zora Neale 327
Iceland 24-6
Illinois 459
Imagine Peace (Yoko Ono)
immigration 12,14
India 231, 300, 338, 462
Innes, George 14
installation art 13,15,16
Iowa City 12
Iran 34, 36, 312
Ireland 346
Irwin, Robert 6, 7,16,101,167,
174-7, 291, 373
Isfahan 312
Israel 423
Israel, Alex 524-5
Italy 314, 346, 426, 520
J.A.B. Art Enterprises 104
Jackson, Matthew Day 60-63
Jamesport 246-7
Japan 231, 254, 256, 264, 402,
405, 418, 520, 567, 570
Jensen, Sergej 510
Jobs, Steve 263, 382
Jodhpur 14
John Daniels Gallery (New York)
John, Elton 184
Johns, Jasper 6,11,12,14, 32, 46,
367, 420, 569
Johnson, Lyndon B. 67
Johnson, Rashid 7,19, 76-81,
308, 312, 313
Jonas, Joan 574-7
Jones, Ron 438
Joshua Tree National Park
(California) 500-505
Joyce, James 218, 358, 494
JR 48-9
Juarez (Mexico) 486
Judd, Donald 20, 23-4, 25, 26,
11, 29, 305, 449, 462, 475,
478, 575
Jugendstil 305
Kabakov, Ilya & Emilia 6,16,19,
246, 248-53
Kagan, Robert 550
Kahn, Louis 497
Kansas 164,166
Kant, Immanuel 13, 51
Kantor, Ulrike 316
Kapoor, Anish 526
Kaprow, Allan 505
Karachi 429, 431
Karsh of Ottawa 557
Katz, Alex 7,16, 20, 238-45,
246, 569
Katz, Bill 85
Kelley, Mike m, 284, 286, 426,
444, 445, 513, 545
Kelly, Ellsworth 12
Kennedy, Bobby 64
Kennedy, John F. 67, 263
Kenny, Matt 423
Kentucky 298
Kenya 354, 355
Kerouac, Jack 6, 29, 47, 51, 206,
209, 342
Kessler, Jon 7, 542-5
Kierkegaard, Soren 492
Kiev 447
King, Martin Luther 64, 214
Kinney, Abbot 96
Kippenberger, Martin 435, 477
Kirby, Virginia 460
Kirchner, Emst Ludwig 271
Klimt, Gustav 522
Knox, Amanda 335
Kooning, Willem de 17,130,147,
244, 306, 319, 426, 433, 435, 437
Koons, Jeff 19, 209, 260, 360,
539, 542, 578-85
Koons, Justine 582
Kosuth, Joseph 316, 492-5, 558
Krasner, Lee 86
Krauss, Rosalind 263
Kreyn, Maria 546-9
Kruisheer, Lida 235
Kyoto 567, 570
La Jolla, California 374
Laguna Gloria Art Museum
(Austin) 455
Land art 13, 450-55
Landers, Sean 433
Lane, Artis 178-81
Lang, Meg 198
Lao Tzu 6
Las Vegas 424
Lassry, Elad 20,160-63, 273
Lawson, Deana 216-17
Lazzarini, Robert 19
Le Corbusier 260
Leakey, Richard 354, 355
Lee, Mina 404, 405
Léger, Fernand 46
Leibovitz, Annie 557
Lennon, John 314
Leonard, Zoe 26-7, 29, 562-5
Levine, Sherrie 161
Lewis, Marquis see RETNA
LeWitt, Sol 360, 362
Library of Water (Horn) 26
Lichtenstein, Dorothy 235
Lichtenstein, Roy 184, 235
Light and Space movement 122,
174, 373
Ligon, Glenn 15, 324-9
Lima, Adriana 268, 269
Lind, Maria 550
Lindon, James 135
Iissitzky, El 248
Iivermore, Annabel
see Magee, James
Lohan, Lindsay 268
598 Index
London 7, 20, 51, 232, 346, 358,
402, 492-5
Lone Pine, California 455
Long Beach, California 6, 156,
Long, Debbie 468-71
Long Island 6, 246, 248-53, 266,
313, 409
Longo, Robert 7, 17, 19, 550-55
Lopez, Jennifer 531
Loren, Sophia 557
Los Alamos, New Mexico 471
Los Angeles
as art center 6, 7,12,13,14,16,
20, 21, 51,174, 283, 358, 444,
464, 467, 510, 513, 545
studios in 101,104,109,112-21,
284-7, 294-9, 506-25
Los Angeles County Museum
of Art (LACMA) 101,152, 293,
513, 524
Los Angeles International
Airport 137,138
Lotringer, Sylvère 304
Louis Vuitton 42
Louisville, Kentucky 364
Louvre (Paris) 492, 493
Lowman, Nate 420, 424-7
Lynch, David 19, 95, 444
Mabry, Nathan 148-51
McCarthy, Eugene 64
McCarthy, Paul 107, 539, 545
McCollum, Allan 19
McGinley, Ryan 16, 398-401, 420
Machado, Mark
see Mister Cartoon
Madonna 556
Magee, James 486-9
Magritte, René 495
Maine 244
Malcolm X 64
Malevich, Kazimir 177, 248, 418
Malibu, California 6
Mallarmé, Stéphane 235
Man Ray 495
Manet, Edouard 396, 515, 570, 578
Mangold, Robert 64, 360
Mangold, Sylvia 64
Manhattan 11,14,20, 21, 28, 32, 52,
256, 320, 326, 456, 484, 492, 510
Manhattanhenge 32-3
Mannerism 16
Mao Zedong 264, 267, 489
Marbel, Tom 516
Marden, Brice 6, 64, 230, 349,
437, 481, 566-73
Marfa, Texas 23-4, 449, 474-5,
476, 478-9, 489, 490-91,
563, 587
Marian Goodman (New York) 231
Marina Abramovic Community
Center Obod Centinje
(Montenegro) 188
Marina Abramovic Institute
(New York) 191
Marley, Bob 260
Marshall, Kerry James 15, 526,
Martin, Agnes 15, 62
Martin, Jason 7
Martin, Steve 184
Martin, Tim 284
Martinelli, Tom 454
Martinez, Daniel Joseph 141
Marx, Karl 228
Marxism 13
Mason, John 291
Massachusetts 450
MassArt 316
Matisse, Henri 20, 570, 591
Matta-Clark, Gordon 558
Mattituck, New York 246
Mayerson, Keith 426
Mayfield, Horace
see Magee, James
Mead, Margaret 360
Meckseper, Josephine 302-5
Mehretu, Julie 222-7, 273
Meier, Johnnie 472
Melzi, Francesco 19
Mesa Verde (Colorado) 148
Metropolitan Museum of Art
(New York) 46, 207, 324, 392,
416, 463, 555
Mexico 228, 231, 273, 370, 431,
450, 483, 486, 488, 497, 516, 591
Mexico City 228, 431
Miami 6, 56, 278-81, 438, 440, 526
Michelangelo 241, 264
Michigan 179, 284, 386, 486
Mid-Manhattan Public Library
Picture Collection 321, 323
Midland, Michigan 284
Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig 305
Migros Museum (Zürich) 302
Miguel Abreu (New York) 352
Miller, John 445
Mingus, Charles 78
Minimalism 13, 26,122,130,180,
260, 294, 305, 373, 462, 577
Minneapolis 12
Minter, Marilyn 16, 88-91
Mirò, Joan 19, 492
Mishima, Yukio 554
Mister Cartoon & Estevan Oriol
Mitchell, Fred 456
MOCA see Museum of
Contemporary Art
(Los Angeles)
modernism 11,12,13,17, 32, 346,
349, 456, 495, 497, 569
Mojave Desert 500-505
MoMA see Museum of Modern
Art (New York)
Mondrian, Piet 51, 55, 364
Monroe, Marilyn 70,137, 426, 427
Montaigne, Michel de 505
Montenegro 188,192
Montreux 181
Moore, Henry 148
Morandi, Giorgio 484
Mori, Mariko 20, 402-5
Morley, Malcolm 232-7, 367
Morris, Robert 294, 456
Morrison, Toni 216, 327
Moscow 12,188, 248, 335
Moses, Ed 7, 96,167,170-73
Moss, Kate 6, 66
Motherwell, Robert 20
Moynihan, Daniel Patrick 15
Mucha, Alphonse 522
Muhheakantuck: Everything Has
a Name (Buckingham) 27-8
Munich 331, 358, 360, 506
Muniz, Vik 20,194-7, 273
Murakami, Takashi 20
Murray, Elizabeth 67
Museum of Contemporary Art
(Chicago) 526
Museum of Contemporary Art
(MOCA) (Los Angeles) 7,112,
513, 520, 522, 524
Museum of Fine Arts (Boston)
Museum of Modern Art
(MoMA) (New York) 12, 24,
130,188,190,197, 228, 231, 232,
337, 362, 364, 396, 557, 593
Mutu, Wangechi 14, 273, 354-7
My Best Thing (Stark) 29
Nadelman, Elie 440
Nairobi 354, 355
Napa Valley 148
Naples 338, 343, 346
Nasher Sculpture Center
(Dallas) 151
National Council on Education
for the Ceramic Arts 535
National Portrait Gallery
(London) 64
Nauman, Bruce 21,101,130, 294,
327, 370, 454
Nebraska 460,499
Nelson, George 338
Neo-Baroque 16
Neo-Expressionism 15, 435
neon art 316, 324, 326, 494
Neshat, Shirin 6, 20, 21, 34-9
Nevada 450, 452, 453, 455
New Jersey 212, 214, 346, 360,
399, 420, 450, 482, 546
New Mexico 15,122,124,126,
New Museum (New York) 32,
353, 381
New Orleans 540
New School 12
New York
as art center 6, 7, n, 12,14,15,
20-21, 26-7, 32,186, 231,
246, 284, 300, 460, 467, 510,
513, 538-9
studios in 34-91,188-97,199,
201, 202, 204, 212-27, 228,
232-45, 254-71, 302-405,
408-12, 416-27, 432-47,
456, 475-7, 481-2, 484, 492,
540-65, 574-95
New York School 12,13,16, 306
New York State 82-6, 428-31,
New York University (NYU)
370, 426
Newman, Barnett 23, 24, 232, 244
Newton, Isaac 254
Niagara Falls 27
Nizhny Novgorod 546
Norman Rockwell Museum
(Stockbridge) 94
North Buxton, Michigan 179
North Egremont, Massachusetts
92, 246
Obama, Barack 6, 58, 59, 66,178,
179, 214, 302, 327, 374, 376, 550
Obama, Michelle 178,179
Oehlen, Albert 367, 477
Ohio 70, 294
Ohio State University 235
O'Keeffe, Georgia 21, 449, 460,
Okinawa 147
Old San Juan 272-3, 274-7
Ono, Yoko 300
Op art 396
Opie, Catherine 107
Oppenheim, Dennis 555
Oppenheim, Méret 495
Orchard Gallery (New York) 353
Oriol, Estevan see Mister
Cartoon & Estevan Oriol
Orozco, Gabriel 16, 20, 228-31,273
Oshiro, Kaz 20,146-7
Oslo 447
Otero, Angel 7, 273, 306-11
Oursler, Tony 16, 283, 284,
444-7, 541
Outterbridge, John 180
Pace Gallery (London) 174,176
Pace Gallery (New York) 176
Paik, Nam June 444
Pakistan 429
Palm Springs, California 424
Panza Collection 370
Paris 11,12,17, 20, 49, 235, 346,
358, 360, 435, 496-9, 525, 556
Paris School 16
Park, Kyong 34
Parks, Rosa 180
Parrish Art Museum (Water
Mill, New York) 234, 236-7
Parsons School of Design
(New York) 464
Pasadena, California 119,121, 510
Pascarella, Paul 6, 464-7
Peggy Guggenheim Foundation
(Venice) 370
Penn, Sean 591
Penn State University 216, 217
Pennsylvania 198-201, 228, 230,
246, 578
Pennsylvania Academy of the
Fine Arts (Philadelphia) 19
performance art 13, 575
Perov, Kira 156
Peru 482, 497
Pettibon, Raymond 16, 218-21
Peyster, John Watts de 567
Philadelphia 12
Phillips, Richard 246, 268-71, 434
photo-realism 16, 90
Picasso Museum (Barcelona) 426
Picasso, Pablo 6,130,164,166,
171, 228, 232, 244, 283, 291, 314,
364, 591
Pinchuk Art Centre (Kiev) 447
Piper, Adrian 16
Pittman, Lari 107
Pittsburgh 12,13
pluralism 12,13,15,17
Poe, Edgar Allan 279
Poland 565
Polke, Sigmar 426, 570
Pollock, Jackson 13,14, 20, 51, 55,
64, 66,197, 214, 319, 437, 510,
569, 570
Pomona College (Claremont)
288, 294, 462
Pop art 13,148, 268, 367
Portland, Oregon 212
Post-Structuralism 13
post-studio 14, 532
postmodernism 16, 346
Potts, Stephen W. 176
Poughkeepsie, New York 428-31
Poussin, Nicolas 306, 307
Prada Marfa (Elmgreen &
Dragset) 449, 489, 490-91
Prado (Madrid) 343
Pratt Institute (New York) 214
Preiss, Jeff 353
Presidio, Texas 480-85
Preus, John 536
Price, Ken 468, 470
Primiceri, Alba 342
Prince, Richard 7, 94, 202-11
Process art 13
Prouvé, Jean 338
Pryor, Richard 326
Puerto Rico 273, 274-7, 306
punk 447
Quanzhou (China) 264
Quaytman, Harvey 353
Quaytman, R. H. 350-53
Rafoss, Kaare 447
Randolph Street Gallery
(Chicago) 532
Raphael 241
Rauschenberg, Robert 12,17,
19-20, 44, 52, 61,199, 214, 294,
335, 351, 456, 569, 570
Ray, Charles 107
realism 196
Reich, Steve 67
Reinhardt, Ad 62
Renaissance 11, 73, 390, 434,
531, 549
Rensselaerville, New York 209
RETNA 7, 520-23
Rhode Island 370
Rhode Island School of Design
216, 217, 420, 429, 444, 447, 502
Richter, Gerhard 12, 351, 435
Riemenschneider, Tilman 438
Rilke, Rainer Maria 19, 305
Rimbaud, Arthur 88, 390
Rivera, Diego 323, 386
Rivera, Mario Orozco 228
Robert Miller Gallery
(New York) 462
Rochester, New York 216
Rockwell, Norman 20, 94, 95,
171, 570
Rococo 360
Rodin, Auguste 118, 460
Rollins, Sonny 567
Romanticism 254, 506
Rome 11,12,346, 427, 492, 525, 540
Romney, George 180
Romney, Mitt 62
Rondinone, Ugo 6, 8-9, 20, 32,
Roosevelt, Eleanor 529
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano 164
Roosevelt, Theodore 335
Rosamund Felsen Gallery 147
Roscoe, California 218
Rosenberg, Harold 13
Rosenquist, James 539
Rosso, Medardo 440
Rothenberg, Susan 21
Rothko, Mark 32, 46,147,180,
214, 570
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 498
Royal College of Art (London) 232
Rubell, Mera and Don 281
Rubell Family Collection
(Miami) 281
Rubens, Peter Paul 20
Rubin, Bill 593
Ruby, Sterling 96,130-35
Ruilova, Aida 220
Ruppersberg, Allen 107
Ruscha, Ed 24, 61,167, 284, 286,
360, 524, 539
Rushdie, Salman 300
Russia 238, 248, 546
Russian Constructivism 362
Ryan, Frank 183
Ryman, Robert 370, 456
Saban, Analia 20, 96,104,106-9,
Sachs, Tom 19, 260-63
Sadie Coles (London) 218
Sager, Carole Bayer 182-5
St John, Michael 426
Saint Phalle, Niki de 440
Salle, David 6,15, 82-7,183, 435
San Diego 6, 374
San Francisco 12, 335, 379, 38o,
381, 468, 510
San Pedro, California 171
Sander, August 161
Santa Fe, New Mexico 21,157,
459, 460-63, 467
Santa Monica, California 6,101,
104,108,109,137, 390
Sào Paulo 194
Sargent, John Singer 87
Saudi Arabia 70
Scarpina, Salvatore 456
Schimmel, Paul 130
Schjeldahl, Peter 110, 570
Schnabel, Julian 6,15, 435, 495,
510, 590-95
School of the Museum of Fine
Arts (Boston) 19
School of Visual Arts
(New York) 358
Schutz, Dana 6,16, 386-9
Seattle 12
Seattle Art Museum 64
Sellars, Peter 154
Sendak, Maurice 279
Serra, Richard 61, 64, 67, 481
Shapiro, Joel 19, 67
Shaw, Jim 16, 283, 284-7,
444, 445
Sheets, Millard 516
Shelton, Peter 7, 96, 294-9
Sherman, Cindy 94, 495
Shore, Stephen 24, 95, 515
Shotz, Alyson 19
Sidney Janis Gallery
(New York) 44
Signac, Paul 510
Signal Hill, California 152
Sikkema, Brent 416
Sillman, Amy 7,16, 416-19
Simmons, Laurie 15, 406-7,
408-11, 412, 415
Simon Lee Gallery (London) 287
Simon, Taryn 320-23
Simpson, Lorna 374-7
Simpson, 0. J, 335
Sinclair, John 460
Siqueiros, David Alfaro 228
Smith, David 260
Smith, Dick 232
Smith, Josh 198-201
Smith, Kiki 2, 4, 69, 330-33
Smith, Tony 333
Smithson, Robert 16, 24, 28, 231,
358, 450, 453
Snow, Dash 420, 427
Social Realism 386
Solomon R. Guggenheim
Museum (New York) 209,
283, 342
Sotheby's 335
South Side Community Art
Center (Chicago) 528-9
Soviet Union 248, 251, 253,
305, 321
Spielberg, Steven 95
Stable Gallery (New York) 44
Stanford University 379
Stanislavski, Jan 316
Stark, Frances 29
Stein, Gertrude 17, 314, 316
Steinbach, Haim 542
Stella, Frank 69
Stockbridge, Massachusetts 94
Storr, Robert 7,10-17, 231
Streep, Meryl 557
street art 49,112, 231
Stuttgart 486
Sugimoto, Hiroshi 7, 20, 21, 246,
254-9, 273
Sukowa, Barbara 552
Surrealism 12, 447, 582
Swartz, Aaron 321
Sweden 558
Switzerland 40, 520
Syria 70
Szarkowski, John 110
Taaffe, Philip 7, 346-9
Takemoto, Henry 462
Taos, New Mexico 122,124,
468-71, 472
Tapies, Antoni 456
Tate Gallery (London) 232
Tate Modern (London) 22, 24
Taylor, Paul 241
Tel Aviv 161
Tennessee 298
Texas 14, 23, 449, 474"5, 476,
Thailand 558
Thomas, Mickalene 15-16,
212-15, 217, 526
Thompson, Hunter 464
Thoreau, Henry David 279
Times Square (New York)
Tiravanija, Rirkrit 14, 20, 545,
Titian 591
Tivoli, New York 566-73
To Place (Horn) 24-6
Todoli, Vicente 24
Tokyo 254, 264, 402, 404, 405
Toledo, Ohio 312
Tomaselli, Fred 7,16, 390-93
Tomkins, Calvin 435
Topanga Canyon (California)
transcendentalism 279, 349
Turrell, James (Jim) 294, 370
Twombly, Cy 17, 32, 232, 420, 456
UCLA 107,108,109,110,142, 218,
286, 515
Ukraine 248, 447
University of Chicago 533, 535,
537, 546
U.S. Commission of Fine Arts
58, 59
Utah 455
Valentine, Texas 449, 489, 490-91
Vaughn, Sage 6,118-21
Velasquez, Diego 343, 570
Venice 370, 447, 537
Venice, California 96,101,126,
129,164-7,172, 299, 508
Venice Biennale 29, 78, 98, 404,
539, 558-9
Veracruz 228
Vermeer, Jan 130
Vermont 460, 462
Verne, Jules 25
Vernon, California 130
video art 13,15
Vieques (Puerto Rico) 277
Villareal, Leo 300, 370-73
Villareal, Yvonne Force 300, 372
Vinci, Leonardo da 19,196,
241, 264
Viola, Bill 6, 21, 96,152-9, 214
Virginia City, Nevada 455
Vogeler, Heinrich 305
Voltaire 498
Wales 354, 355
Walker, Kara 180, 545
Walt Disney Concert Hall
(Los Angeles) 283, 520
Warhol, Andy 6,13,14, 36, 44,
46, 47,183,184,199, 206, 209,
231, 294, 316, 323, 426, 578
Warner Bros. 524, 525
Warsaw 12
Washington Color School 321
Waters, John 280
Wayne, John 137
Weber, Marnie 286, 287
Wegman, William 108,109
Weiner, Lawrence 19, 20, 50-55,
104,108, 316, 558
Welling, Jim 107
Wells, H. G. 128
West, Franz 333, 426
West Virginia 298
White, Pae 516-19
Whiteread, Rachel 333
Whitman, Walt 14,16, 327
Whitney Biennial 110, 542
Whitney Museum of Art
(New York) 15, 382, 399, 400
Whitney Museum Independent
Study Program 402, 540
Wilde, Oscar 231
Williams, Tennessee 51
Winfrey, Oprah 178
Winogrand, Garry 110
Wintour, Anna 440
Wittgenstein, Ludwig 55, 492
Wolf, Sylvia 400
Wool, Christopher 199, 202, 476,
478, 542
Wyeth, Andrew 20
Yale University (New Haven)
214, 244, 271, 364, 370, 437,
438, 441, 481, 497, 569
You see I am here after all
(Leonard) 27
Young, Aaron 334~7
Young, Donald 532
Yuskavage, Lisa 19
Zelevansky, Lynn 231
Zen art 231
Zhang Huan 19
Zittel, Andrea 6, 7,16, 500-501,
Zuckerberg, Mark 382
Index 599