C ontent s
VICTOR M. SCHMIDT Durandus Bon pictures and
ornaments in tue cuurcu 5
HENDRIK CALLEWIER A new document Bon
Jan van Eck: his request for a confessional letter
in tue Vatican Arcuives 16
ALEXEV LARIONOV Hendrike Goltzius, Rudolf II, and
a new proposal regarding tue iconograpuy and
patronage of tue Hermitage Penwerck 26
ELVIRA BOJILOVA Venturing an alliance:
tue optics of grapuic linearity 40
ESTHER VAN DER HORN Artistic practice in
two anonymous silversmiths' drawing Looks 54
ILJA M. VELDMAN Micual: Jan Victors's women
at tue window 70
GERT JAN VAN DER SMAN Tue living conditions and
social networks of nortuern Netuerlandish
painters in Italy, c. 1600-1700: evaluation of
tue arcuival sources 87
C ontent s
VICTOR M. SCHMIDT Durandus Bon pictures and
ornaments in tue cuurcu 5
HENDRIK CALLEWIER A new document Bon
Jan van Eck: his request for a confessional letter
in tue Vatican Arcuives 16
ALEXEV LARIONOV Hendrike Goltzius, Rudolf II, and
a new proposal regarding tue iconograpuy and
patronage of tue Hermitage Penwerck 26
ELVIRA BOJILOVA Venturing an alliance:
tue optics of grapuic linearity 40
ESTHER VAN DER HORN Artistic practice in
two anonymous silversmiths' drawing Looks 54
ILJA M. VELDMAN Micual: Jan Victors's women
at tue window 70
GERT JAN VAN DER SMAN Tue living conditions and
social networks of nortuern Netuerlandish
painters in Italy, c. 1600-1700: evaluation of
tue arcuival sources 87