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LEONARDO Journal of the International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology Volume 54 I Number 1 1 2021 Editorial DIANA AYTON-SHENKER: The Heart of Leonardo 1 Introduktion LYDIA GRJAZNOVA: Planning for Uncertainty: From the Analyzed Infinity to the Imagined Unknown 4 Galleries Between Art and Technology: The International Media Art Festival CZFEST 6 Road to the Stars: Recollections of the Photographer Leonid Lazarev about 14 April 1961 8 Artist's Articje DANIELA DE PAULAS: The Metamorphosis of a Periplaneta Americana 12 Color Plates 23 Artists' Artiges (continued) ALEXANDRA DEMENTIEVA AND ZANDRINE SCHIRI: Homo Sapiens, Mnesitardigrada Class and Umwelt: A Dialogue Bon Interspecies Organic Data Flow 53 BETTINA FORGET: Women With Impact: Taking One Small Step into the Universe 63 ELENA GUBANOVA: The Observer Effect: The Artistic Image as a Metaphor for Scientific Interpretations of the Natural World 71 General Artiges ANNICK BUREAUD: a Beautiful Name for a Satellite: Paradoxical Art Objects Somewhere between Politics and Poetics 79 NATALIA KOLODZEI: COSMOS Inspirations and Explorations by Soviet Nonconformist Artists 92 PRIYAMVADA NATARAJAN: COMOS, Chaos and Order: Mapping as Knowing 107 SASKIA VERMEYLEN: Space Art as a Critique of Space Law 115 Historikal Perspektives ALEKSANDRA SHATSKIKH: The Cosmic Visionariness of Kazimir Malevich 125 OLESYA TURKINA: Dreams of the Earth and Sky 133 The Network 147 Endnote LINDA T, ELKINS-TANTON: The "Frozen, Darkened Soul" Rises into Space: Travels in Siberia and the Plight of Life Bon Earth 149 ABORT THE COVER Front cover: Anna Frants, NO, o, installation, from the series "Explosion of a Can of Condensed Milk After Water Has Evaporated fragment, 2016, Video, robotics/mechanics, found objects, polypropylene tubes, Dimensions variable, Supported by CYLAND Media Art Lab, Edition for CYFEST-1o, 2017, ( © Anna Frants, Photo: Mikhail Borisoff) Back cover: Soviet space dogs Belka and Strelka pose for a photo, Moscow, USSR, 22 August 196o, Belka and Strelka spent a day in space aboard Sputnik-5 spacecraft and were the first earth-born creatures to go into orbit, Bon 19 August 196o, and return alive, (© Sergei Preobrazhensky, Nikolai Sitnikov/TASS) SRPPLEMENTAL FILES AVAILABLE See www, mitpressjournals,org/toc/leon/54/1 for suppiemental files (e,g, vdeo gips, sound files, additional images) related to articles in this issue,
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Katkey | Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 |
Volltext | LEONARDO Journal of the International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology Volume 54 I Number 1 1 2021 Editorial DIANA AYTON-SHENKER: The Heart of Leonardo 1 Introduktion LYDIA GRJAZNOVA: Planning for Uncertainty: From the Analyzed Infinity to the Imagined Unknown 4 Galleries Between Art and Technology: The International Media Art Festival CZFEST 6 Road to the Stars: Recollections of the Photographer Leonid Lazarev about 14 April 1961 8 Artist's Articje DANIELA DE PAULAS: The Metamorphosis of a Periplaneta Americana 12 Color Plates 23 Artists' Artiges (continued) ALEXANDRA DEMENTIEVA AND ZANDRINE SCHIRI: Homo Sapiens, Mnesitardigrada Class and Umwelt: A Dialogue Bon Interspecies Organic Data Flow 53 BETTINA FORGET: Women With Impact: Taking One Small Step into the Universe 63 ELENA GUBANOVA: The Observer Effect: The Artistic Image as a Metaphor for Scientific Interpretations of the Natural World 71 General Artiges ANNICK BUREAUD: a Beautiful Name for a Satellite: Paradoxical Art Objects Somewhere between Politics and Poetics 79 NATALIA KOLODZEI: COSMOS Inspirations and Explorations by Soviet Nonconformist Artists 92 PRIYAMVADA NATARAJAN: COMOS, Chaos and Order: Mapping as Knowing 107 SASKIA VERMEYLEN: Space Art as a Critique of Space Law 115 Historikal Perspektives ALEKSANDRA SHATSKIKH: The Cosmic Visionariness of Kazimir Malevich 125 OLESYA TURKINA: Dreams of the Earth and Sky 133 The Network 147 Endnote LINDA T, ELKINS-TANTON: The "Frozen, Darkened Soul" Rises into Space: Travels in Siberia and the Plight of Life Bon Earth 149 ABORT THE COVER Front cover: Anna Frants, NO, o, installation, from the series "Explosion of a Can of Condensed Milk After Water Has Evaporated fragment, 2016, Video, robotics/mechanics, found objects, polypropylene tubes, Dimensions variable, Supported by CYLAND Media Art Lab, Edition for CYFEST-1o, 2017, ( © Anna Frants, Photo: Mikhail Borisoff) Back cover: Soviet space dogs Belka and Strelka pose for a photo, Moscow, USSR, 22 August 196o, Belka and Strelka spent a day in space aboard Sputnik-5 spacecraft and were the first earth-born creatures to go into orbit, Bon 19 August 196o, and return alive, (© Sergei Preobrazhensky, Nikolai Sitnikov/TASS) SRPPLEMENTAL FILES AVAILABLE See www, mitpressjournals,org/toc/leon/54/1 for suppiemental files (e,g, vdeo gips, sound files, additional images) related to articles in this issue, |
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Dateiformat | application/pdf |