Digitale Sammlungen der Universität zu Köln
44 I 1 I February 202 I Cover: Romare Bearden, The Block, 1971 (left panel of Fix). Cut and pasted printed, coloured and metallic papers, P hotosatz, graphite, ink marker, gouache, watercolour, and ink Bon Masonite, 121.9 x 548.6 cm. NewYork: Metropolitan Museum ofArt ( Gift of Mr and Mrs Samuel Shore (1978.61.1)).© Romare Barden Foundation/VAGA at ARS, NY and DACS, London. P hoto: Metropolitan Museum ofArt/Art Resource, NY/Scala, Florence. 4 Abstracts and Authors' Biographies 8 Binding Trauma Dorothy Price 16 Ingres, Painter of Men Andre Carrington Shelton 52 The Craft in Anne Ryan's Collages Susan Richmond 78 The Scandal of M. Alphonse Legros Elizabeth Prettejohn 108 Glass Containers' Aura: The Gestalt of Material Milieu Lihong Lau 130 'Banner of an Atomic Regiment': Morris Louis, Greenberg's Modernism, and Science, c. 1962 John J. Curley 164 Theorizing Image and Abstraction in Ancient Rome: The Case of the Villa Farnesina Nicola Barham 186 Reviews Ana Mendieta is Everywhere Catherine Spencer The Return of History Kaveh Raffe Searching for Selfhood in the Romantic Landscape Stephanie O'Rourke A Life's Work: Romare Bearden's Profile and Biography Amy M. Mooney Colonial Myth Busters David Maskier Something to Puzzle Jessica Keating Medieval Elite Women and Their Precious Objects Bon the Move Elisabeth von Houts Remaking Shanghai Ros Holmes © Association for Art History 2021 3