Figures in italic refer to illustrations
Adorno, Theodor W. 89, 146, 182, 194, 243,
245, 252-53, 277 n. 85, 296 n. 32
Aesthetic Theory 30-36, 203, 237-42, 253
Minima Momlia x-xi, 237
and Max Horkheimer, Dialectic of Enlightenment
i, 26-29, 143, 191, 235-37
and fashion 26-36
and mimesis 32, 35, 191, 235-42
and the ‘new’ 25-36
and style 26-29, 32
Advertising 48-50, 67-72, 90-94
Albers, Josef 48-49
Althusser, Louis 139, 274 n. 56
Antal, Friedrich 179
Aragon, Louis 37
Architecture 2-6
and distraction 54, 55-62
and National Socialism 120-30
see also historicism, Neues Bauen
Arnhold, Karl 265 n. 86
Attention see distraction
Aura 37-38, 54, 224, 234, 235
Ausdruck (Expression) 183-94, 198-210,
Axonometry 55-57
Baader, Franz von 245-50
Balazs, Bela 178-90, 199, 228
Bataille, Georges 236
Bauch, Kurt 243
Bauhaus 46, 67-68, 90, 92-94, 129 see also
under individual artists and architects
Bayer, Herbert 92
Becher, Johannes R. 268 n. 124
Behne, Adolf 42, 57-58, 60, 63
Behrens, Peter 8-9
Benjamin, Walter 32-33, 37-43, 46, 48 -55,
57-66, 73-90, 94-96, 99-101, 103, 112, 144,
146, 179, 191, 210-18, 236, 240-42, 247-5/.
277 n. 85
Arcades Project 196, 221-22
Moscow Diary 267 n. 109
One-Why Street 38-42, 48-54, 61, 62, 97,
Origin of the German Tragic Drama 39, 46,
62-66, 252
‘Theses on the Philosophy of History’ 100-1»
‘The Work of Art in the Age of its Technical
Reproducibility’ 37-38, 46, 54-55, 58-66,
73-76, 79-86, 88-90, 94-97, 99-ioi, 205,
219, 226-34
and Carl Linfert 62-66, 164-65
and contemplation 37, 54, 73, 76
and distraction 38, 55, 62, 65-66, 73-87
and Ernst Bloch 104, 134-36
and Hans Sedlmayr 163-66
and the mimetic faculty 195-206
Biermann, Aenne 79
Blind spot 32, 94-95, 135-36, 203, 253
Bloch, Ernst 42, 127, 129, 13t, 134-136, 252
Erbschaft dieser Zeit (Legacy of this time)
103-8, 111-14, 119-20, 122-26, 132-34, 136,
243, 262 n. 31
Bonatz, Paul 127,127
Borromini, Francesco 157-63
Brecht, Bertolt 81, 87, 96, 9$, 100, 193, 206,
252, 268 n. 126
Bronnen, Arnolt 97-9S
Bruegel, Pieter (the Elder) 166-77
Beekeepers 171
Netherlandish Proverbs 169, 170
Parable of the Blind 172-75, 03
Buhler, Charlotte 2S7 n. 196
Buhler, Kari 183-88, 191, 290 n. 255
Burckhardt, Jacob 255 n. 9
Bürger, Peter 259 n. 87
Buytendijk, E J. J. 205, 2S6 n. 164, 290 n. 255
Caillois, Roger 236-37
Canguilhem Georges 235
Capponi, Giuseppe 123
Class see fashion, labour, non-simultancity; professionalisation
Commodification J, 9-20, 50-51
Conremplarion sec distraction
Croce, Benedetto see Macchia
Culture industry see Adorno
Dance 137-42, 200
Descartes, René 159, 162, 176, 190, 218
Dexel, Walter 92
Dilthey, Wilhelm 7, 114, 137, 144, 45, 290 n.
Distraction see architecture; Benjamin, Walter;
Kracauer, Siegfried
Doesburg, Theo van 42
Durand, Joanny 21
Dvorak, Max no, 137, 144, 146, 193
Ehrenfels, Christian von 161
Einstein, Carl 285 n. 157
Eisenstaedt, Alfred 75
Eisenstein, Sergei 189-90
Empathy (Einfühlung). 5-7, 289 n. 226 see also
Wölfflin, Heinrich.
Engineers 96-97
Erbe see Heritage
expert (Fachmann;, Sachverständiger) 38-39, 42,
46, 54-55>86-101
Expression see Ausdruck
Fachmann see expert
Fashion 2-22, 24-36 see also Style
Film 73, 76, 178-87 see also physiognomy
Focillon, Henri 274 n. 56, 276 n. 84, 277 n. 88
Frankl, Paul 147
Gadamer, Hans-Georg 247, 279 n. 25
Gambling 221-24, 230, 267 n. 114
Gebrauchsgraphik 93-94
Gehlen, Arnold 206, 237-38
Generations, see Pinder, Wilhelm.
George, Stefan 192
Gestalt Psychology 153-67,174, 183-87, 202,
241, 250
Gidal, Georg 223
Giedion, Sigfried 42, 124
Giese, Fritz 68, 92-93
G—Material zur Gestaltung 260 n. 12
Goebbels, Joseph 124, 128, 172
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 102, 103, 115,
Göller, Adolf 19-20, 22
Gombrich, Ernst Hans 186, 254 n. 2
Gräff, Werner 42
Gropius, Walter 46, 120, 127, 128, 129, 130,
Grosz, George 97
Habermas, Jürgen 196, 215, 235, 288 n. 215
Habits see distraction
Haring, Hugo 121,129-30
Hartwig, Friedrich Wilhelm 70, 76
Hauser, Arnold 179
Heartfield, John 97, 233
Heidegger, Martin 109, 119, 149, 171, 176,190,
243-46, 289 n. 226
Heine, Heinrich 134
Heritage (Erbe) 104-5, 108, 119, 132
Heussi, Karl 145
Historical time
experience of 106-7, ni~H2, 115, 118
linearity of 112-13, 119-20
and interpretation 114-20
see also non-simultaneity
crisis of 145—51
in architecture 12-13, 16, 18-20
History see historical time
History of art 1
and crisis of historicism 145-51
and romantic anti-capitalism 7-9, 18, 20-21,
as an autonomous discipline 5-7
see also historical time, style
Hofmannsthal, Hugo von 166, 172, 177
Horkheimer, Max see Adorno, Theodor W.
Husserl, Edmund 153-54, *7^ 190, 208, 212
Huyssen, Andreas 237, 258 n. 71
iio 42, 260 n. 13, 276 n. 71
Iggers, Georg F. 145
Imbriani, Vittorio see macchia
Jameson, Fredric 237, 288 n. 215
Jünger, Ernst 294 n. 20
Kandinksy, Wassily 266 n. 88
Kant, Immanuel. 176, 197, 203, 213, 218, 226
see also neo-Kantianism
Kisch, Egon Erwin 39
Klages, Ludwig 112, 175, 191-93, 200, 201-02,
206-07, 214-16, 222-25, 234, 235, 240, 252,
282 n. 114
Klee, Paul 31
Koffka, Kurt 154-55, 287 n. 196
Köhler, Wolfgang 154, 161, 187
Korsch, Karl 100
Kracauer, Siegfried 87-89, 95, 103, 157> 179,
243, 277 n. 85, 284 n. 155
Die Angestellten 104, 270 n. 143
‘Cult of Distraction’ 73, 76-78
‘The Mass Ornament’ 137-45, 150
and the expert 87-89
Kramer, Ferdinand 133
Kretschmer, Ernst 158-62, 176, 186
Kropff, H. F. J. 269 n. 135
Krull, Germaine 77
Kubin, Alfred 31
Kubler, George 274 n. 56, 276 n. 84
Kulturkritik see romantic anti-capitalism
Kunstwissenschaftliche Forschungen 154
Kunstwollen see Riegl, Alois
as a means of social classification 95-100
see also professionalisation, psychotechnics
Lacis, Asja 97
Language see also linguistics
Lavater, Johann Christian 177, 180, 183
Lebensphilosophie 114, 119, 153
Le Corbusier 127
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm 164-65
Lersch, Philip 175-76, 185-86
Lethen, Helmut 251, 290 n. 255
Linfert, Carl
‘The Fundamentals of Architectural
Drawing’ 64-66, 164-65
and Hans Sedlmayr 164-65
Linguistics 183-85, 188-90
Lissitzky, El 42, 52-54, 56, 57> 59 •> 61, 65, 83, 83
and pangeometry 55-57
Löwenthal, Leo 250
Luckhardt, Hans, Wassily Luckhardt and Alfons
Anker 126
Lukacs, Georg 137, r43, 144, 178, 276 n. 69
Lützeler, Heinrich 243
Macchia 167-71, 173-74, 202, 250
Mallarmé, Stephane 49-50
Man Ray 42
Mannheim, Karl 113, 179
Marx, Karl 95, 105, 108
Mauss, Marcel 236
May, Ernst 120, 127
Mayakovsky, Vladimir 37, 51, 52-54
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice 289 n. 226
Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig 128
Moholy, Lucia 45
Moholy-Nagy, Laszlo 42, 45-47, 47» 49~50» 54>
66-72, 79, 90-93, 179
Painting, Photography, Film 45, 50, 54
Dynamik der Großstadt 46, 70, 74
Molzahn, Johannes 57-58,, 60, 60-61, 61, 63,
92, 269 n. 134
Müller-Lehning, Arthur 260 n. 13
Münsterberg, Hugo 266 n. 104
Musil, Robert 105
Muthesius, Hermann 9
National Socialist Party 106, 108, 109, 124,
128-30, 132, 168-69
Neo-Kantianism 46, 114, 118, 148-50, 152-53,
173, I9L 197, 232
Neues Bauen 120-130
New Typography (die neue Typographie} 46-61,
67-73» 84, 91-95
Nezval, Vitêzslav see Teige, Karel
Non-simultaneity see also Bloch, Ernst; historical
time; Pinder, Wilhelm
Pacht, Otto 131, 154, 296 n. 45
Pangeometry see Lissitzky, El
Panofsky, Erwin 263 n. 48, 131
on historical time 115-18
on Riegl 146-50
Passarge, Walter 146-47
Phenomenology 153-55
Photography see Benjamin, Walter
Physiognomy 183-94, 205-42
and film 179-83
and linguistics 194-205
see also Ausdruck; Benjamin, Walter; Klages,
Ludwig; Plessner, Helmuth and Sedlmayr,
Pinder, Wilhelm 108, 286 n. 164
and architecture 126-31
and national socialism 109, 128-30
on generations 109-112, 116, 131, 149
on non-simultaneity 109-13, 116-19
Plessner, Helmuth 205-18, 235-3S
Poe, Edgar Allan 32
and advertising 90-94
and engineering 96-99
and psychology 92-94
Psychologische Forschung 154
Psychotechnics 66-86, 92-94
Reactionary modernism 97-98, 124, 12S-30
Richter, Hans 42
Riedel, Hanns (Johannes) 68, So, 92-93
Riegl, Alois 7, 25, 62, no, 130, 137-144.
146-51, 164, 193, 194-95
Rimbaud, Arthur 30, 33
Rodchenko, Alexander 97, 99
Romantic anti-capitalism 1, 7-36, 126
Rosenberg, Alfred 124, 128
Ruttmann, Walter 68
Salvisberg, Otto Rudolf 121
Sander, August 9z, 96
Saussure, Ferdinand de 188-89
Schapiro, Meyer 243
Scharoun, Hans 120, 126, 127,127,128
Scheier, Max 171, 190, 193, 206, 236, 290 n.
Schleiermacher, Friedrich 7, 114
Schlick, Moritz 251
Schmarsow, August 156
Schmitt, Carl 217, 246, 252, 290 n. 254
Schmitthenner, Paul 120, 286 n. 164
Scholem, Gershom (Gerhard) 104, 205, 289 n.
233, 295 n. 22, 296 n. 32
Schultze-Naumburg, Paul 128
Schwitters, Kurt 52, 92, 269 n. 136
Sedlmayr, Hans 109, 131, 146, 151-52, 163-66,
178-79, 183, 186, 189-94, 199, 202, 217, 232,
‘Breugel’s Macchia'1 166-72
‘Pieter Bruegel: The Parable of the Blind*
‘Towards a Rigourous Study of Art’151-57
‘The True and the False Present’ 244-49
Verlust der Mitte 245-46
and national socialism 246-47, 282 n. 94
and physiognomy 158-63, 167-78
on Borromini 156-63
on Riegl 149-51, 164, I94~95
Semper, Gottfried 3,
Shock 51, 60-61, 79-80, 222, 227-30
Simmel, Georg 8-9, 138-40
on fashion 14-16, 18
on historical time 114-16, 118
Sombart, Werner 10-11, 14, 28
Spengler, Oswald 149
Sports 84, 86
Stam, Mart 276 n. 71
Stern, William 267 n. 123, 286 n. 164
Stifter, Adalbert 174
Stone, Sasha 40, 4z, 42-44, 44, 45, 48, 49, 52,
53, 54, 89-91, 89
Strehle, Hermann 186, 189
Strich, Fritz 134
and cultural history 4-7, 19, 23
and romantic anti-capitalism 7-9, 18-25,
as paradigm 1-7, 8-9, 27-29
critique of 27-28, 130
see also fashion
Suhrkamp, Peter 87, 268 n. 126
Tachistoscope 67, 69, 174
Taut, Bruno 120, 121,Z2Z, 122, 125, 127
Taut, Max 58
Taylorism. See psychotechnics, Tiller Girls
Teige, Karel 200, 201
Tessenow, Heinrich 122
Tiedemann, Rolf 195-96, 296 n. 32
Tiller Girls 68, 137-44
Tolnai, Karl (Charles deTolnay) 151-52
Traffic see psychotechnics, shock
Tretyakov, Sergei 86-88, 96, 268 n. 128
Tschichold, Jan (Iwan) 55, 84, 269 n. 136
Typography see New Typography
Tzara, Tristan 42
Umbehr, Otto see Umbo
Umbo (Otto Umbehr) 227, 231
Valery, Paul 61-62
Van de Velde, Henry 14-15, 14, zj, z6
Vidler, Anthony 260 n. 5
Weber, Max 143, 152-53
Weiss, Hermann 2-3, 24-25
Werner, Heinz 194, 201-05, 229, 23^, 27° n-
Wertheimer, Max 154-55, 187
White-collar workers {Angestellte} 97, 121
Windelband, Wilhelm 148
Wittgenstein, Ludwig 172, 177
Wittkower, Rudolf 151
Wölfflin, Heinrich 2-9, 18-25, 36, no, 124, 130,
r38-39, 142-44, 146, 160, 278 n. 6, 286 n.
Classic Art 5, 18-20
Principles of Art History 2-7, 20—24, 115,
147-48, 186
Prolegomena to a Psychology of Architecture 2-
-4, 6-7, 24-25
Renaissance and Baroque 4-7, 18-20
and clothing 2-4, 6-7, 18-19, 24-25
and empathy theory 3-4, 5-7
Worringer, Wilhelm 190, 200
Wundt, Wilhelm 77-78, 94, 95, 190, 204, 211,