Affaire de Maurizius, L', 65
Affron, Charles and Mirella, 27
After Death, 22-3
After Hours, 187,192,193
Age of Innocence, 187,194,194-5,196
'Ellen Olenska on the pier at Newport',
Air de Paris, L', 65
Akira Kurosawa's Dreams, 197
Alexandra, 8, 230-2, 233-4
All That Heaven Allows, 213-14
AMBC (American Mutoscope and
Biograph Company), 247-8
Artists Dilemma, The, 248,250,251
Artist's Dream, The, 248-50,249
Easy Chair, The, 248,253
Spirit of '76,254
Andrew, Dudley, 3
Anfam, David, 205
Antonioni, Michelangelo, 129,134,135,
Apartment, The, 205,216,217
Appia, Adolphe, 22
Aristotle, Poetics, 174,175,177
Arnheim, Rudolf, 16
artists and studios, depiction of in early
film, 245-53
see also Gertrud ; Michael
artists' photo-books, 6,129,130,141
Artist's Dilemma, The, 248,250, 251
images from, 251
Artist's Dream, The, 248-50
images from, 249
artists' photo-books, 129,141
Assassination of the Duc de Guise, 21
'At the Cinema' (postcard), 241
Auerbach, Erich, 174
auteur film-making, 7
see also New York Stories
avant-garde cinema, in 1920s, 24,25
Avatar, 5,27
Bakhtin, Mikhail, 22
Balâzs, Béla, 173-4
Baldessari, John, 141-2
Bandwagon, The, 27
Bardot, Brigitte, 65,69, 70, 72
Barnaby Rudge, 23,29
Barrandov Studio, Prague, 31
Barsacq, Leon, 23
Barthes, Roland, 116,123
Bauer, Yevgeny, 22-3
Bazin, André, 16,18,102, 239
Beatty, Warren, 15
Beckett, Samuel, 141
Bell, Julian, 161
Ben-Hur (1923), 29
Ben-Hur (1959), 29
Bendiner, Kenneth, 210
Benjamin, Walter, 173
Framing Film: Cinema and the Visual Arts
GoodFellas, 194
Goodman, Nelson, 31
Goodrich, Lloyd, 205
Gorky, Maxim, 252
Goya, 7
Disasters of War, 167
Grainge, Paul, 103
Grand Hotel (fotoromanzo magazine), 133,
Grant, Catherine, 119
graphic novels see comic books, adapting;
Watchmen (DC Comics series)
Griffith, D.W., 23
Grodal, Torben, 8, 206-7
Groensteen, Thierry, 45
Grusin, Richard, 18
Guattari, Félix, 234
Guazzoni, Enrico, 23
Gulpill, David, 98
Gunning, Tom, 87,257
Hair's Breadth Escape of Jack Shepard, The,
Hall, Walter L„ 23
Hamby, Louise, 103
Hamlet, 254
Hammershoi, Vilhelm, 160,161
'A "proto-cinematic" painting?', 162
haptic sensation, and narrative action,
Hatfield, Charles, 43
H-Blocks (Maze prison) see Hunger
Hegel, G.W.F., 174
Hellzapoppin', 27
Hepworth, Cecil, 23
Higgins, John, 39
Hiroshima, mon amour, 8,65,223,225-6,
History of Violence, A, 41,42
Hitchcock, Alfred, 18,211
Hollander, Anne, 160
Hollywood, 25,27
Hopper, Edward, 205-17
Automat (1927), 207, 208,209
Eleven A.M. (1926), 213
Excursion into Philosophy (1959), 214
Hotel Room (1931), 214
Hotel Window (1956), 213
Morning in a City (1944), 213
Night in the Park, A (1921), 216, 217
Nighthawks (1942), 210,211, 213
Summer in the City (1949), 214
Woman in the Sun, A (1961), 213
Houston, Beverle, 192
Hughes, Albert, 46
Hughes, Allen, 46
Hunchback of Notre-Dame, The, 29
Hunger, 7,167-82
'Battle of the liquids' sequence, 172,173
'Cleaning excrement from cell walls of
the Maze prison, 176
close-ups, use of, 172-3
historical events, 169-70
sensory description, and narrative
action, 170-4,176,177-82
Ichikawa, Jun, 208
iconic images, 4, 5, 77-87
'Here's Johnny!' (The Shining), 76
illusion, art of, 16-17
illustration traditions, 19
Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus, The, 27
Immortal One, The, 141
Immortel (ad vitam), 40
Impossible Journey, The, 20
Intolerance, 23, 29
Ivan the Terrible, T1
Iverson, Margaret, 214
Jameson, Frederic, 192
Johnson, Diane, 82-3
Jones, Inigo, 27
Jonson, Ben, 27
Julius Caesar, 254-7
Capitol scene, 255
Junge, Alfred, 26
Kant, Immanuel, 177
Kaurismäski, Aki, 205, 207
Kazan, Elia, 15,31
Khanzhonkov, 22
King John, 19
King of Comedy, The, 187,192
'Jerry Langford apprehends Rupert
Pupkins multiply imaged television
debut', 193
Klevan, Andrew, 215
Knayzhna Meri, 65
Korda, Alexander, 25-6
Korda, Vincent, 26
Köster and Biais Music Hall, New York,
Kranzfeld, Ivo, 209
Kubrick, Stanley, 77, 79, 82
see also Shining, The
Kundun, 187,194,195,196
Kurosawa, Akira, 197
Lacassin, Francis, 45
Lang, Fritz, 25
Last Days of Pompeii (1900), 19
Last Days of Pompeii (1912), 22
Last Year at Marienbad, 141
Lawrence of Arabia, 28-9,32
set design, 28
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, 46
Lean, David, 28, 29
Lefebvre, Martin, 215
Lefevre, Pascal, 5,39-40
Lenica, Jan, 60
Leonardo da Vinci, 245
Leone, Sergio, 27
'Dollars' trilogy, 29
Levi, Pavle, 129,140-1
Levin, Gail, 205,213
Lewis, Jerry, 192
Le Witt, Sol, 141
'Life Lessons', 7,187-92
close-ups, use of, 188-9
'Lionel Dobie paints to the accompaniment
of "Like a Rolling Stone'", 190
music-image relationship, 189
Life magazine, 131,132
Lights in the Dusk, 205, 207-8,210,211,
'Aila', 212
'Koistinen sits alone', 208
Lipinski, Eryk, 66
Lissitsky, El, 71
'living pictures' (tableaux vivants), 243-4
Loach, Ken, 170
Long Kesh (Maze prison) see Hunger
Loren, Sophia, 70
Lost in Translation, 213
Loving Lie, 129,134-5,140
Lowenstein, Adam, 119
Lumière brothers, 16,252
Mac Giolla Léith, Caoimhin, 170
Madame Bovary (Flaubert), 175,177
Madame Sans-Gêne, 70
poster, 69
magic lanterns, 18
Manet, Edouard, Plum Brandy (c. 1877),
Mannoni, Laurent, 17
Marks, Laura, 171
Marx, Karl, 180
Maze prison, Northern Ireland, see
McCaffrey, Larry, 82
McCloud, Scott, 45
McElwee, Ross, 107
McQueen, Steve, 7
see also Hunger, 167-82
McTeigue, James, 47
Mean Streets, 190
Meilleure Part, La, 65
Méliès, Georges, 16,20,245
Portrait Mystérieux, Le, 245-7,247
self-portrait, 246
Menzel, Adolph von, 7,167-8,177-80
Fur Coat on a Sofa (1859), 177-9, 178
Marks on a Urinal Wall (1900), 179,180
Menzies, William Cameron, 26
Mépris, Le, 72
Metropolis, 25
Metz, Walter, 79
Meyerhold, Vsevolod, 22
MGM, 25
Michael, 7,152-3,154-5,154,156,158,
Framing Film: Cinema and the Visual Arts
Sirk, Douglas, 213
Smith, Albert E., 252
Snow, Michael, 141,142
Snyder, Zack, 5, 39-40,42,45
Watchmen, 5,42,47,52
socialism, and visual culture, 62-3
Sokurov, Alexander, Alexandra, 230-2,
Some Mother's Son, 170
Sontag, Susan, 59-60,102
Soviet films, in Poland, 65
'spaghetti westerns', 27
Sperb, Jason, 79-80
Spirit of'76, 254
Splendour in the Grass, 31
Stam, Robert, 239
Star Wars, 106
Starski, Allan, 29, 31
stereoscopic film, 17-18
Story of the Scene (Clarke), 85
Studio Babelsburg, Berlin, 29
Sunset Boulevard, 27
Superman: The Movie, 41
Suslova, Polina, 187
Sylbert, Richard, 15, 31, 32
tableau framing style, 18,23,118,120,151,
tableaux vivants, 115,117,160,243-4
Tales of Hoffmann, 27
Taxi Driver, 191,192
Taylor, Lucien, 108
Ten Canoes, 6,95-110
goose-egg hunting (photograph), 104
monochrome elements, 102-3
movement and stasis (photographs), 100
use of still photographs, 96-103
visual anthropology, 105-9
war party (photograph), 104
Ten Commandments, The, 29
Thatcher, Margaret, 169,172,173,181
theatre conventions, in film, 17-18,19,19,
sets, 21
Théâtre Robert-Houdin, 20
Thief of Bagdad, 26
Things to Come, 26
Thomson, Donald, 6,96, 98,102,109,110
goose hunter in bark canoe
(photograph), 101
goose hunters, Arafura swamp
(photograph), 97
Tipo (fotoromanzo magazine), 138,139
Titterington, P.L., 79
Tolmer, Alvin, 131,138
Tomaszewski, Henryk, 59,60
Tony Takitani, 208, 214,215
Traviata, La, 22
Tree, Beerbohm, 19
Trip to the Moon, A, 20
in Ratcatcher, 118-25,125
in The Shining, 84, 86
Universal Studios, 194
Urban, Charles, 20
Vfor Vendetta, 47
Vampyr, 151
van Winkle, Anthony, 134
Vanishing Lady, The, 20
Velazquez, 7,167
Vermeer, 161
Vincent-Townend, Thomas, 118
Vision in Motion (Moholy-Nagy), 130
Vitagraph, Julius Caesar, 254-7
Capitol scene, 255
Vitascope, The, 240,240, 244
Wagner, Richard, 19
Walsh, Enda, 167
Waltz with Bashir, 8, 226-30,232-3,234
Warhol, Andy, 192
Warm, Hermann, 24
Warner, 25
Watchmen (DC Comics series), 5,39-52
'Doctor Manhattan contemplates his
past, present and future', 44
images from Tales of the Black Freighter,
"The newsvendor and child are
introduced', 48
Watchmen, 5,42,47, 52
Watchmen: The Ultimate Cut (DVD), 51
Watchmen: Tales of the Black Freighter, 49
Welles, Orson, 18
Wharton, Edith, 194
What Time Is It There?, 210,215
What's a Nice Girl Like You Doing in a
Place Like This?, 190
Whistler, James Abbott McNeill, 160
White Sheik, The, 134,135,140
Wilder, Billy, 205, 216
Williams, Mason, 142
Wilson, Emma, 117
Wind that Shakes the Barley, The, 170
Wollen, Peter, 210, 211
Wyler, William, 18
X-Men 2,46
Yacavone, Daniel, 31
Zamecznik, Wojciech, 72